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the Vol. 36 No. 21
JUNE 1, 2015
Defining diversity
Discussion includes ways to talk to each other about differences Sara Keddy, Managing editor Words are one thing; action is another. 14 Wing Greenwood Commander Colonel Iain Huddleston wants wing personnel to be very clear this base is a “safe, fair and welcoming workplace for every individual.” He hosted the annual Wing Commander’s Diversity Session May 15 at the Annapolis Mess, this year themed on the May 17 International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, but also took the opportunity to inform leadership and subordinates alike “leadership on this wing is here to deal with issues – all
issues – aggressively. “There is only one reason we exist in Greenwood: to have operational effect for Canada. Undermining that is not an option.” Huddleston touched on the May release of a report on the sexual environment and challenges of the Canadian Armed Forces, saying, while he doesn’t identify with a lot of what the report says it found, he is ready to take action if only one in 10 sexrelated incidences are actually reported. “If that’s true, we have a problem as equal to the rest of the country. I’m here to say, you need to come forward so we can solve the problem.
14 Wing Greenwood Commander Colonel Iain Huddleston, centre, and Major Paul Morck, 14 Wing Personnel Administration Officer, receive gifts from Kings County Warden Diana Brothers during the Wing Commander’s Diversity Session May 15. Several guests spoke about both discrimination and inclusion - and the best way for communities to talk about the issues. Leading Seaman E. Jorge, 14 Wing Imaging Our only reaction to every incidence of harassment – race, religion, gender – will be immediate.” The wing officially proclaimed its support of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, and the rainbow-coloured pride flag had front-andcentre honours as a series of
guest speakers addressed a full audience. Kings County Warden Diana Brothers thanked the wing for its open and helpful relationship with the county and communities, particularly on efforts in the past few years to address diversity, discrimination and equality issues in Kings County.
Inclusion makes a difference Cari Patterson, a consultant who has helped the county develop its action plan, not only spent some of her presentation reviewing provincial and national milestones along the road to equitable recognition, treatment and inclusion of lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender and questioning people; she also expressed her own thanks in seeing the pride flag present at 14 Wing Greenwood. “Congratulations,” she said. “LGBTQ – we come in all ages, colours, backgrounds, jobs, sizes…. You can find us everyday, whether you realize it or not, and seeing the pride Continued on page 3...
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Page 2
June 1, 2015
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Daniel Cameron from Ucluelet, British Columbia (left); Christopher Baron from Lethbridge and Logan Tourangeau, Fort Smith, Northwest Territories; review the complex interior of a light armoured vehicle.
Christopher Baron from Lethbridge, left; discusses Canadian Forces Aboriginal Entry Program training requirements with Aboriginal counsellor Rachele Prud’Homme, Ottawa, May 21. Corporal N. Clarkson, 14 Wing Imaging
Trying the training The Canadian Forces Aboriginal Employment Program (CFAEP) is a threeweek program for Aboriginal people considering a career in the Canadian Armed Forces. Participants learn about the long and proud history of Aboriginal people in Canada’s
military, and take part in exercises similar to basic training, such as morning inspections, daily physical fitness and sports, navigation with compass and maps, basic weapons training and military drill. A key component of the training experience is living in
field conditions, all of which takes place at Forward Operating Base-Training Area, CFB Aldershot. Civilian Aboriginal counsellors are on staff and CAF personnel conducting the training are members of the CAF Naval Operations School in Halifax.
Erica Pressling, Kingston, Ontario (foreground); Callum Cassidy-Matthews from Kemptville, Ontario (centre) and Jesse Lizotte from Lower Sackville ready their C7A2 weapons in preparation for introductory weapons training May 21.
Taylor Crane from Red Deer (foreground), and Corporal Nicholas Thorne, TEME, CFB Halifax; receive instruction on rappelling May 21.
the Managing Editor | Directrice de rédaction Sara Keddy • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5441
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[email protected] Graphic Designer | Graphiste Brian Graves • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5699
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The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit, condense or reject copy or advertising to suit the aims of a service newspaper as specified in the Interim Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy and/or by the Editorial Board. Opinions and advertisements appearing in The Aurora Newspaper are those of the individual contributor or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 14 Wing, Greenwood or the printers. Published each Monday by 14 Wing under the authority of Colonel I.S. Huddleston, CD, Wing Commander. Le comité de rédaction se réserve le droit de réviser, de condenser ou de rejeter tout article ou message publicitaire afin de satisfaire aux exigences relatives aux journaux militaires figurant dans la Politique temporaire des journaux des Forces canadiennes. Les opinions exprimées dans ce journal sont celles des collaborateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue des Forces armées canadiennes ou de la 14e Escadre. Publié chaque lundi par la 14e Escadre sous les auspices du Colonel I.S. Huddleston, CD, commandant de l’Escadre.
Useful links | Liens utiles Canadian Air Force website Site Web de l’Aviation royale canadienne www.airforce.forces.gc.ca Community Gateway Site Site du portail communautaire des Forces canadiennes www.cfcommunitygateway.com 14 Wing Greenwood Site Site de la 14e Escadre Greenwood www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/14w-14e Personnel Family Support Services Services de soutien au personnel et aux familles des Forces canadiennes www.cfmws.com National Defence and the Canadian Forces Défense nationale et Forces canadiennes www.forces.gc.ca Combat Camera | Caméra de combat www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca Recruiting | Recrutement www.forces.ca Military Family Resource Centre Centre des ressources pour les familles des militaires www.familyforce.ca VPI | VPI www.vpinternational.ca
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
June 1, 2015
Page 3
Same air war, but different
Visiting veteran compares military experiences in Greenwood, Germany Sara Keddy, Managing editor In 1942, as airmen were being trained here in Greenwood to fly over the territories being overrun by German soldiers, Henry Christians was in France. He was a young driver – trucks, cars and motorcycles: whatever was needed to keep the German Luftwaffe going. He was the enemy then but, May 22, he spent a morning with his British Air Force son-in-law, Peter Warden; and retired Canadian Armed Forces volunteer Bill Fraser, who hosted a tour of the Greenwood Military Aviation Museum for Christians. “I volunteered at 17,” Christians, now 92, said. He became an apprentice machinist April 1, 1941 in Hamburg, and joined the Luftwaffe May
1. “You had to sign up for 12 years as a professional soldier, and you’d get a civil service job after that. It was better than being forced to join.” Christians “never got close enough to an aircraft to get my hands on it,” but remembers the logistics of driving soldiers and supplies from place to place. “We were always hungry – we thought about food all the time,” he said. As the war drew to a close, Christians’ brother was killed in Russia. His brother was a blacksmith, so worked during the war shoeing military horses. “When the Russians broke through, everyone got a rifle. He had no real training as a soldier or in the military.” Christians himself ended his war years in Northern Ger-
Greenwood Military Aviation Museum volunteer Bill Fraser describes some of the modern aircraft being used by the Royal Canadian Air Force to visiting Luftwaffe veteran Henry Christians, and his son-in-law, retired Royal Air Force member Peter Warden. S.Keddy Fraser led Christians and many, near Denmark, in 1945. to return home to Hamburg: “All the troops were sort a very different looking city. Warden through Greenwood’s of gathered, and it was two In 1954, he came to Canada, military history, which beginweeks before the first English where he spent his working ning with the Second World troops arrived. We stayed career as a machinist. On this War flight training program with farmers in barns, then we visit to Greenwood, he was for Commonwealth airmen had to get our own shelter.” here from his home town of and continues through the Three months after the war, Vernon, British Columbia to Cold War maritime patrol Christians was released as a visit his daughter, and War- years, search and rescue and more modern flying work of young, ranked ober gefreiter den, in Lawrencetown.
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. Warden counts further on his family tree the military service of a grandfather (Royal Winnipeg Rifles and Royal Flying Corps), two uncles (one a rear gunner and later radar expert; the other an electrical and radio man with Middle East experience on Hurricanes and Spitfires) and a nephew, now in the artillery at Petawawa. This visit through Canadian flying history with Christians was a special event. “I would like to thank everyone involved in the recent museum visit - it was the highlight of his visit. There is brotherhood of the military that, once the dust has settled… (there are) no country, borders or political agenda… time and age brings us all together.”
“queer teen in a small town” as his father was posted to 14 Wing Greenwood in the 1970s. “I knew there was ‘no life like it’ here for me, but we’ve come a long way. At that time, the Canadian Forces was actively excluding queers. That ban has been removed and, contrary to what a lot of members had said then – that they wouldn’t live or work next to queer members, there was no mass exodus. And, the forces was better for queers, who could now live their lives. “In other places in the
world, forces like this have been used against people like me.” Hughes talked about using words and language – not to be hurtful and disrespectful, but to be aware and, at least “starting from the same page. “All words are is an attempt at labels. They are how we talk about people. There are nice words, and some not so nice. There are some that used to be used, some not anymore. Some are confusing and awkward – and that’s OK. It’s one of the ways you assume responsibility for stumbling
Support for one, all The Canadian Armed Forces has a set of policies and guidelines to support not only individuals, but commanding officers, units and military communities; through a member’s transition from one gender identity to another. Captain D.G. Soanes from 26 Canadian Forces Health Services outlined some of the directives and management strategies but, “as everyone knows, there is case-by-case and individual information we take into account. “Transitioning is a significant social and work adjust-
ment for the individual, the unit and the chain of command; it’s on-going until it is fully complete and we want to make sure it’s being dealt with appropriately for every person.” Canadian rights and freedoms set the policy the Canadian Armed Forces follows, but “it is a fine line, and reaching out can help,” Soanes said. “Commanding officers have at their fingertips subject matter experts – the chaplains, medical staff, mental health, community resources…. No one should ever feel alone through this process.”
Diversity... ...cover flag and knowing the work is being done here at 14 Wing is a good feeling. “Homophobia and transphobia – these are irrational fears which lead to isolation and rejection. The biggest thing that can happen to prevent that is strong parental and family and community love and acceptance.” Choose your words Tim Hughes, a volunteer with the Valley Youth Project, described a little of his own experience, arriving as a
over a word in an effort to be respectful. “Queer people have felt awkward over language for years.” Assigned sex, gender identification, gender presentation, sexual and romantic or emotional attraction are all areas where personal and cultural perceptions have an effect, and Hughes challenged the audience to stretch their imagination. “With understanding, you may become aware of people around you, and more accepting in your social and work lives.”
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Page 4
June 1, 2015
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Team efforts highlight honours, awards Sara Keddy, Managing editor Team work was the theme behind many of the achievements recognized at 14 Wing Greenwood’s May 12 honours and awards ceremony. It was a full house at the Annapolis Mess, as Wing Commander Colonel Iain Huddleston presided over a series of presentations recognizing the milestones and achievements of 14 Wing personnel. “I challenged the commanding officers to bring their ideas together about teams, and acknowledge their efforts,” he said. “We’re incredibly busy – you know that. That’s exemplified by the awards received today, and in our success right across the range. We all contribute; we are all part of the success of operations – in Iraq, and here at home.” Huddleston said the base is “settling into a pace,” dealing with the demands of an active international deployment – “but it’s not going to get any easier. I depend on your imaginations, dedication and knowledge. So does the commander. “Keep your pedal to the metal” through the upcoming summer’s change of commands and, “when or if something is forgotten or you see something that is changing and will change operations – speak up and keep us on the straight and narrow.” This ceremony marked the final opportunity Huddleston had to present honours and awards, as he, too, is posting from 14 Wing in July. “I’ve been incredibly proud to have been here, and incredibly impressed with them team – focussed on one goal.” General Service Medal – South-West Asia - Major Michael Hagen Special Service Medal Alert Bar – Warrant Officer Helene Trudel Special Service Medal
Expedition Bar – Sergeant Shawn Crowder NATO Baltic Air Policing Mission Medal – Master Corporal Todd Henneberry, Major Leslie Rediger Canadian Forces’ Decoration 2nd Clasp – Chief Warrant Officer Jerome Rossignol, Master Corporal Charles Daborn, Master Corporal Colin Drolet, Warrant Officer Bill Feeney, Master Corporal Oates, Master Corporal Ted Reid, Master Warrant Officer Clarence Reid, Captain Michael Reynolds, Warrant Officer Pierre Rodrigue, Major Dennis Sawatzky, Corporal Eric Sheppard, Master Warrant Officer Ian Wallace 5,000 flying hours – Major Bill Wyss Air Task Force - Iraq Commander’s Commendation – Corporal Sebastien Dussault, Corporal Jason Hume Wing Commander’s Commendation – 14 Air Maintenance Squadron Aircraft Life Support Equipment Section, 405 Squadron Employment Training Organization Section, 413 Squadron Aviation Life Support Equipment Section, 413 Squadron ASO 1 and ASO 2 Section, Mobile Support Equipment Special Purpose Vehicle and repair sections (wing snow and ice removal team members), Master Corporal David Bursey (noticed a structure fire and rendered assistance), Captain Andrea Dornan, Aviator Justin Drebot, Warrant Officer Denis Houde, Master Corporal Bradley Nisbet, Master Corporal Lynn Norris, Corporal Randal Taylor (was first on the scene of a motor vehicle accident and rendered assistance) Promotion to chief warrant officer – Master Warrant Officer Conrad Wilson 15 years’ service to the Government of Canada – Michael Banks Civilian Person of the Quarter – Stephen Kennie Service Person of the Quarter – Lieutenant Andrew MacNeil
14 Wing Commander Colonel Iain Huddleston (far left), with Chief Warrant Officer Mike Power (far right) award a 14 Wing Commander’s Commendation to the 14 Air Maintenance Squadron Aircraft Life Support Equipment Section. Accepting on behalf of 14 AMS ALSE are, from left, Master Corporal Tammy Ramsdale, Corporal Adam Tkaczuk, Corporall Jim Kelly, Corporal Paul Gendre, Corporal Jason Gilbert, Corporal Robert Mofford, Corporal Jaimee Penney, and Corporal Thomas Bertrand.
14 Wing Commander Colonel Iain Huddleston (far left) with Chief Warrant Officer Mike Power (far right) award a 14 Wing Commander’s Commendation to the 14 Wing Mobile Support Equipment Special Purpose Vehicle Section. Accepting on behalf of 14 MSE SPV, from left, are Master Corporal Jeremy Sheppard, Master Corporal Robert Vibert, Baxter Evans, Stephen Kennie and Sergeant Peter Winfield.
14 Wing Commander Colonel Iain Huddleston (far left) with Chief Warrant Officer Mike Power (far right) award a 14 Wing Commander’s Commendation to the 413 (Transport and Rescue) Squadron Aircraft Life Support Equipment Section. Accepting on behalf of 413 Squadron’s ALSE were, from left, Corporal Kevin Cowie, Corporal Megan MacNeil, Master Corporal Derek Crossman, and Corporal Tammy Raymond.
14 Wing Commander Colonel Iain Huddleston (far left) with Chief Warrant Officer Mike Power (far right) award a 14 Wing Commander’s Commendation to the 405 Squadron Employment Training Organization Section. Accepting on behalf of the section were, from left, Sergeant Robert Geub, Warrant Officer Cheryl Leblanc, Master Warrant Officer Clarence Reid and Sergeant Brian Jackson.
14 Wing Commander Colonel Iain Huddleston (far left) with Chief Warrant Officer Mike Power (far right) award a 14 Wing Commander’s Commendation to the 413 (Transport and Rescue) Squadron ASO1 and ASO2 Sections. Accepting on behalf of the sections were, from left, corporals Shane Taylor, Stephen Dunn and Jonathon Carrier.
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
June 1, 2015
Page 5
Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Richardson (left), Wing Logistic and Engineering Officer, with Chief Warrant Officer William Hinchey (right), present Scott Tynes with a 40 years’ service award.
Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Richardson (left), Wing Logistic and Engineering Officer, with Chief Warrant Officer William Hinchey (right), present Master Warrant Officer Brent Boutillier with a WLEO Commendation.
Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Richardson (left), Wing Logistic and Engineering Officer, with Chief Warrant Officer William Hinchey (right), present Leading Seaman Brent Ross with a WLEO Commendation.
Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Richardson (left), Wing Logistic and Engineering Officer, with Chief Warrant Officer William Hinchey (right), present Sergeant Peter Winfield with a WLEO Commendation.
Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Richardson (left), Wing Logistic and Engineering Officer, with Chief Warrant Officer William Hinchey (right), present Aviator Melanie Abrahams with a WLEO Commendation.
Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Richardson (left), Wing Logistic and Engineering Officer, with Chief Warrant Officer William Hinchey (right), present Aviator Amanda Hattie with the WLE Branch Service Member of the Quarter Award.
Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Richardson (left), Wing Logistic and Engineering Officer, with Chief Warrant Officer William Hinchey (right), present Debbie Hines the WLE Branch Civilian of the Quarter Award.
Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Richardson (left), Wing Logistic and Engineering Officer, with Chief Warrant Officer William Hinchey (right), present Warrant Officer Rick Cowley with a WLEO Commendation.
Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Richardson (left), Wing Logistic and Engineering Officer, with Chief Warrant Officer William Hinchey (right), present Warrant Officer Frank MacDonald with a WLEO Commendation. Corporal N. Clarkson, 14 Wing Imaging
Wing Logistics and Engineering branch marks honours, awards Captain Amanda Dornan The 14 Wing Greenwood Wing Logistics and Engineering branch gathered May 12 to conduct its honours and awards parade, with Commanding Officer LieutenantColonel Brian Richardson and Chief Warrant Officer Bill Hinchey. Richardson presented three promotions, including two commissionings, to the following members: Sergeant Costain was commissioned under the Commissioned from the Ranks program to lieu-
tenant, Officer Cadet Therien was commissioned under the Regular Officer Training Plan to second lieutenant and Corporal Delorme was promoted to master corporal. The Canadian Forces Decoration, awarded for 12 years of service with a good record of conduct, was presented to Sergeant Brake, Master Seaman Edwards, Corporal Royal, Corporal Vincent, Master Corporal Bruce, Master Corporal Granter, Master Corporal McElroy, Master Corporal Cook and Master Corporal Cleghorn. The Canadian Forces Decorations
1st Clasp, awarded for an additional 10 years of service with a good record of conduct, were presented to Sergeant Ewing, Warrant Officer MacDonald, Corporal Grandy and Sergeant Milligan. Captain Kim was presented his completion certificate for the Mobile Support Equipment Officer Qualification, an on-the-job training package for logistics officers with a transportation specialty. Scott Tynes, an Annapolis Mess chef, was presented with his 40-year service award for outstanding service to the Gov-
ernment of Canada. He began working at the Annapolis Café in 1995, where he mentors incoming cooks and passes on his exceptional culinary skills. The Civilian Employee of the Quarter, an award presented to those individuals who have contributed to the success of the branch as a whole, was presented to Debbie Hines for her outstanding level of support to the wing while working as Construction Engineering’s finance officer. The military counterpart to that award, the “Service Member of the Quarter,” was presented to Aviator Hattie for
her outstanding community and military involvement with the Greenwood Minor Hockey executive committee, Wing Auxiliary Safety Force, General Safety, entertainment committee and the 14 Wing women’s volleyball team; as well as her excellence in mentoring throughout her QL4 program Several Wing Logistics and Engineering Officer Commendations were given out to deserving members, including Leading Seaman Brent Ross, Aviator Melanie Abrahams, Master Warrant Officer Brent Boutilier, Warrant
Officer Rick Cowley, Sergeant Peter Winfield and Warrant Officer MacDonald for unique contributions which positively impacted operations within the branch. These promotions, decorations, awards and commendations are a small indicator of the excellence within the WLE branch, visible at all ranks and through all trades, as well as through our civilian and military counterparts. Congratulations to all on their achievements, and thank you for your continued exemplary service.
Page 6
June 1, 2015
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Environment week quiz 2015 | Submission date: End of day June 12 Instructions: 1. Answer these questions. 2. Drop off your entry at The Aurora Newspaper office, Wing Environment (Building 272 or via interoffice mail) or DCC (5 Hangar) 3. Only those with all correct answers will be entered in the draw for a prize. 4. An answer sheet will be posted to the WEnv website within a few days of the contest closing. Questions: 1. World Oceans Day is a time to remember the lifegiving role of oceans worldwide. On what day this year does World Oceans Day fall? A) 1 September 2015 B) 8 June 2015 C) 12 June 2015 D) 8 July 2015 2. According to Environment Canada - Species at Risk Act (SARA) Schedule 1, which of the following species is considered threatened in Nova Scotia and can be found and is actively monitored here at 14 Wing Greenwood? A) Blanding’s Turtle B) Wood Turtle C) Painted Turtle D) Leatherback Turtle 3. Which of the following products are considered Household Hazardous Waste? Circle all that apply. A) Batteries B) Leftover paints & stains C) Plastic bags D) Used motor oil 4. How many National Parks can be found in Nova Scotia? A) 3 B) 6 C) 5 D) 2 5. Can you identify this animal?
Every year World Environment Day is celebrated June 5. In what year was it established by the United Nations General Assembly? A) 1974 B) 1985 C) 1972 D) 1982 8. TRUE or FALSE: The name of the watercourse over which you drive to enter the Main Gate at 14 Wing Greenwood Property is the Annapolis River. TRUE FALSE 9. Riley and Casey are very hard working parents of two wonderful and very active children. To keep up with laundry the family operates a clothes dryer for 2 hours 5 days a week. If the dryer operates at 1000 watts per hour and the electricity rate is $0.14 cents per kilowatt-hour, how much does in cost to dry your clothes on the clothesline? A) $72.80/yr B) $7.28/yr. C) $300.00/yr D) No Charge - FREE 10. TRUE or FALSE: Bicycles are FREE to borrow from the 14 Wing Recreation Centre. TRUE FALSE 11. Helianthemum canadense is also known as ________ (select answer from below). It is native to the high arctic but is found right here at 14 Wing Greenwood. The plant is under annual monitoring by Acadia University due to its unusual southern presence. A) Rock Rose B) Poison Ivy C) Cloud Berry D) Elderberry 12. Frank bought a new car last month from the local Nissan dealer. He drove it back and forth to work every day, at 100 km a round trip, from his house to A) Marsh Chicken work and back and didn’t have to spend one cent on B) Sora gasoline. How was this possible? Pick the best answer. C) Masked Pigeon A) Frank’s new car is wind powered and is uses D) American Woodcock a sail like a sailboat to move around. B) Frank’s new car is a full electric vehicle and Valley Waste Resource Management is the valley’s only requires electricity to operate. local authority on all things waste related. Is the C) It is downhill both ways from Frank’s house following statement TRUE or FALSE: Each household to work and back so he just coasted to work. may put out a maximum of 8 bags per collection. As No need to start the engine. many of those bags can be recyclables but the limit for D) Impossible, all vehicles require gasoline or garbage remains at 4 bags. diesel to operate! TRUE FALSE
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13. How many Provincial Parks (camping, day use, etc.) are found in Nova Scotia? A) 89 B) 52 C) 116 D) 24 14. Whose responsibility is it to protect the environment? A) Wing Environment B) Wing Construction Engineering C) Search and Rescue (Squadron 413) D) Everyone 15. Did you know Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting provides the same light intensity and quality of lighting for much less energy. This past winter, the Wing undertook a relamping project in 10 Hangar that will save an average of 602,831 kWh/yr. Can you guess how much money that equates to over a 12 month period? A) $24,000.00 B) $49,000.00 C) $10,000.00 D) $37,000.00 Bonus Question: Who’s your Daddy… your Wing Environment Daddy that is? A) Mr. Steve Sauveur B) Mr. Neil Larder C) Mr. Rick Nippard D) Mr. Alan Ng Thanks very much for participating. The answers will be posted on the Wing Environment website after contest closing.
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the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
June 1, 2015
Page 7
Runnin’ down the road
Members from Camp Canada run in the Joint Task Force Iraq, Royal Canadian Forces’ fun run at Camp Canada May 25. Operation Impact, DND
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To book, call (902) 422-1391 & quote “Department of National Defence”. 24 School Rd. | 902-765-5611 www.familyforce.ca
Page 8
June 1, 2015
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Cast a Lake Pleasant line in kids’ fishing derby This is an invitation to all you youngsters (up to age 15) to come out June 13 to the Lake Pleasant Campground and join the Campers Club and 14 Wing Greenwood’s Junior Ranks for their 27th children’s fishing derby. Registration will begin bright and early, at 8 a.m. in the camp lodge. All registered participants and volunteers will then meet in the lodge to receive rules and in-
structions at 8:45 a.m., with the derby officially beginning at 9 a.m. and continuing until 11 a.m. Prizes for all, certificates and a hot dog BBQ lunch will commence at 11:30 a.m. Last year, approximately 60 children registered for derby fishing fun. “If it’s alive, wiggles like a fish, looks like The poker players: Murray (Charles Staples), Vinnie (John Vink), Speed (Paul Dill) and Roy (Crawford Van a fish, and can swim away Horne). after being measured, then it counts as a fish!”
Do you think you have a hard skull? Jill Jackson, Community Recreation Manager, 14 Wing Greenwood Kids are now digging out their bikes, inline skates, scooters and skateboards for the warm weather season. But why aren’t those helmets being dug out, too? At 14 Wing Greenwood recreation facilities, rules state users must wear helmets - but 50 per cent of users are not following this rule. As a parent or young person, you may think you are invincible or that injuries will not happen to you or your child. Unfortunately, that is not
the case. Thousands of in-line skaters and skateboarders are injured each year in falls and accidents. The National Paediatric Trauma Registry received data for one year on 631 children ages five to 19, hospitalized for injuries caused by falls while in-line skating or skateboarding. Injuries included 296 arm or wrist fractures, 127 leg and/ or ankle fractures, 72 skull fractures and concussions, 16 intracranial injuries and 15 abdomen injuries. On average, the injured children spent almost three days in the hospital; one-tenth of them were in intensive care. Please do not read this data
and think, “not my child, or me.” Injuries do - and will happen, but, luckily, many can be prevented. How? Very simply, by wearing a helmet, using your head and following proper rules of safety. Tips for preventing injuries • Learn to fall safely • Wear protective gear: helmets are mandatory! • Avoid skating on streets with traffic • Do not skate at night, since it is difficult to see and be seen • Check equipment frequently to make sure it is in good working condition The 14 Wing Greenwood
multi-use park at the community Centre on Church Street is intended for the safe use of patrons. All users of the park must wear helmets when at the facility. If your child or you are users of this facility, it would be in your best interest to follow this simple rule: “Respect the Facility, Respect the Rules and Respect those enforcing them”. We want everyone to have a safe, clean, enjoyable season. When at the park, pick up your garbage, respect the rules and wear your helmet. If you have any questions about the park or would like to volunteer, contact Community Recreation at 902-765-1494 local 5331.
Greenwood Players present ‘The Odd Couple’
It’s down to the wire, as the Greenwood Players prepare to present the timeless modern classic “The Odd Couple” June 2 to 6. This production remains true to the 1965 Neil Simon script, in which two best friends find themselves single again and thrown together by the situation. Add in their buddies from a long established poker night and two young divorcees, and we soon see some rifts in this “Odd Couple” relationship. The slovenly Oscar Madison, played by Simon Squire, and compulsively neat Felix Unger, played by Todd Detchevery, are portrayed excellently by these two seasoned Greenwood Players actors. Director Jeffery Pocock has commented their on stage interaction is “some of the best” he has ever seen. The audience joins poker playing buddies Murray, Speed, Vinnie and Roy as they witness Oscar and Felix’s relationship progress, along with the complicating presence of the enticing Pigeon sisters; to a final and soul searching conclusion. “The Odd Couple” will run from June 2 to June 6 with curtain time at 7:30 p.m. at the Morfee Centre, School Road, Greenwood. Tickets are $8 and are available at both Middleton and Kingston Pharmasaves, at the door or call 902-840-3853.
Walk your way to June fun Jill Jackson, Community Recreation Manager, 14 Wing Greenwood
Lacrosse league play
The Valley Thunder PeeWee team won its club Apple Cup lacrosse tournament, May 23 and 24 in Berwick and Kingston. The club hosted Digby, Kentville, Truro and Pictou, and the provincial Bantam girls’ team. Club Tykes players had some fun scrimmages with Digby and Acadia Players, and all received medals. The Novice team played three games, including two hard-fought losses against Dartmouth, the top Novice team in the Metro Minor Lacrosse League; and then a close an intersquad scrimmage with Digby and Acadia players. All Novices received participation medals. The Valley Thunder Bantam team lost 6-4 in the championship game to Acadia Laxman, and the Midgets’ final was an exhibition game against Cape Breton. Cape Breton was the final winner. Submitted
To kick off our celebration of “June is Recreation Month~ Recreation Matters”, 14 Wing Greenwood Community Recreation will host a walk at noon Friday, June 5. Everyone is welcome to join us at the Church Street community centre for a lunchtime three-kilometre walk. There will be prizes, a light snack and lots of fun. What a great way to kick off June is Recreation Month! For information on any of our programs or services, contact the community centre at 902-765-1494 locals 5341,5337 or 5331. We have lots planned for the month, so keep watching.
Boys Club Organized Playground Games • 6-7:30 p.m. • 902-765-8165
Environment Week
Volleyball Teens ages 13-17 • 4-5:30 p.m. • 902-765-8165 Active Chicks Outdoor Active Games! • 6-7:30 p.m. • 902-765-8165
JRM kick off 2.5k walk with prizes Community Centre • noon • 902-765-1494 local 5341
Youth Centre Teacher Gifts • 6-7:30 p.m. • $5 • 902-765-8165
Teen Basketball • 4-5:30 p.m.
Summer Camp! noon
Summer camp registration Open in person at main office • 902-765-1494 local 5341
Camp start
No Camp
Canada Day on the Wing Celebration Community Centre • 12-3 p.m. • 902-765-1494 local 5337
High Five Workshop PHCD • 9-4:30 p.m. • 902-765-1494 local 5337 Active Chicks Walk to Golf Course • 6-7:30 p.m. • 902-765-8165
Active Chicks Girl Power Free Activity Time! • 902-765-8165
Teens • 4-5:30 p.m. • 902-765-8165
Recreation Youth Worker and Facility Attendants Lindsay McCormack email
[email protected] phone 902-765-8165
Administration Terri Pelletier and Michelle Smith email
[email protected] email
[email protected] phone 902-765-1494 local 5341 fax 902-765-1255
Recreation Manager Jill Jackson email
[email protected] phone 902-765-1494 local 5331 Recreation Coordinator Kelly Aucoin email
[email protected] phone 902-765-1494 local 5337
The 14 Wing Greenwood Community Centre has a number of facilities available for community bookings, from business meetings to courses, tournaments, birthday parties and more. Rental space includes a conference room, two multi-purpose rooms, a gym floor and bowling alley (licensed for serving alcohol). Birthday parties are a popular booking: each year, dozens of children celebrate with their friends and family at the community centre. Most parties take place in the gym, where there is lots of room for activities and loads of equipment to sign out. To help make your party easier, the centre has tables and chairs on hand. The upper multi-purpose room is perfect for movie parties. Rental rates are $22 per hour, plus HST for Community Recreation Card holders and $32 per hour plus HST for others. Contact 902-765-1494 local 5341.
LPCC Open House • noon-4 p.m. Free BBQ • noon-2 p.m.
Lake Pleasant Fishing Derby
Run the Runway • 10 a.m. • 7 Hangar Free will donation to benefit Soldier On program • 902-765-1494 local 3699 Summer Camp Open House! • 2-4 p.m. Meet Summer Camp Staff • 902-765-1494 local 5337 Youth Centre Hawaiian Dance $3 • 6-8 p.m.
Need space?
Pull the Pumper CANEX parking lot. Food Bank Donation • 11 a.m.-2 p.m. • 902-765-1494 local 5070
“Recreation Matters” 14 Wing Club Appreciation/ Awards Event Community Centre • 5:30-7 p.m.
Summer Camp Registration Open On-line only • 902-765-1494 local 5341
June 1-7 • Environment Week • Bike/ walk to work contest • Win a BIKE! • 902-765-1494 local 5331
Boys Club Walk and ice cream $3 • 6-7:30 p.m. • 902-765-8165
Greenwood Triathlon and ZX 10km • 902-765-1494 local 3514
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS June 1, 2015 Page 9
Page 10
June 1, 2015
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
The new CAF golf exchange program Canadian Armed Forces’ golf course membership includes savings when golfing at one of the participating military golf courses. Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services is pleased to introduce the CAF Golf Exchange Program, a savings you can bring with you from coast to coast.
Members of the defence team who join or renew their membership at one of the CAF golf courses listed below will save when golfing at the other participating CAF golf courses. The CAF Golf Exchange Program (GEX) offers a minimum of a 25 per cent discount on the green fee for the applicable category of membership, for
members in good standing and in possession of a valid membership card. The participating golf courses are: Borden, ON: Comox, BC; Greenwood, NS; Halifax, NS; Kingston, ON; Oromocto, NB; Ottawa, ON; Petawawa, ON: Edmonton, AB; Shilo, MB: Valcartier, QC; Winnipeg, MB. Participating golf courses
may extend this savings to other services and activities at their club. Members must book tee time in accordance with the visiting golf course’s procedure. It is preferable the member’s home golf course contact visiting golf course to facilitate the booking. For information, please contact your local CAF golf course.
Le nouveau programme Golf extra À compter d’aujourd’hui, les membres des terrains de golf des FAC feront des économies aux terrains de golf participants des Forces armées canadiennes.. Les SBMFC sont heureux de présenter le programme Golf extra des FAC, qui vous
propose des économies d’un océan à l’autre. Les membres de l’Équipe de la défense qui renouvellent leur adhésion à l’un des terrains de golf des FAC énumérés ci-dessous ou qui s’y joignent réaliseront des économies lorsqu’ils se
présentent à d’autres terrains de golf participants des FAC. Le programme Golf extra des FAC (GEX) offre un rabais minimal de 25 % sur le droit de jeu aux membres en règle d’un terrain de golf des FAC qui possèdent une carte de membre valide.
Voici les terrains de golf participants : Borden, ON; Comox, BC; Greenwood, NS; Halifax, NS; Kingston, ON; Oromocto, NB; Ottawa, ON; Petawawa, ON; Edmonton, AB; Shilo, MB; Valcartier, QC; Winnipeg, MB. Les terrains de golf par-
ticipants peuvent également donner des rabais sur d’autres services et activités à leur club. Les membres doivent réserver leur départ suivant la procédure de réservation du terrain de golf où ils visiteront. Il est préférable que le terrain de
golf du membre communique avec le terrain de golf d’accueil pour faciliter la réservation. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec le terrain de golf des FAC le plus près de vous.
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
404 Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel David Proteau, right, and Major General (retired) Ian Patrick official open the Black Friday display at the Greenwood Military Aviation Museum, commemorating the loss of six aircraft and 12 men February 9, 1945. S.Keddy
404 Squadron wartime loss, history on display Sara Keddy, Managing editor
volunteers, who spent a year Squadron member when a building the display, on behalf person contacted the squadof “the herd,” all members: ron, looking for permission to Was Black Friday worth it? “past, present and future.” dive in the waters of Fordef“It’s never worth it when In 2007, Major (retired) jord. people die,” said Major Gen- Chris Larsen was a 404 “He was going out to find eral (retired) Ian Patrick, as he led the dedication of a meAssociaƟon francophone de la Vallée morial display of 404 Squad6 chemin Bedford, C.P 1778, Greenwood (N-É) B0P 1N0 Téléphone: (902)765-1078 Télécopieur: (902)765-1063 ron’s most disastrous Second ww.afva.ca World War experience now OFFRE D'EMPLOI featured at the Greenwood DIRECTION de l'AssoĐŝĂƟŽn francophone de la Vallée Military Aviation Museum. L'AssociaƟon francophone de la Vallée est un organisme à but non February 9, 1945, 11 Bristol lucraƟĨ qui travaille à la promoƟon de la langue française et de la culture Beaufighters left Scotland francophone dans la vallée d'Annapolis. Par l'organisaƟon d'aĐƟǀŝƚés et la en place de divers moyens, elle œ uvre au développement et to attack a German Navy mise l'épanouissement de la communauté francophone. ship in Fordefjord, Norway. DescripƟon des tâches : Aircraft from 404 Squadron ůĂďŽƌĞƌƵŶƉůĂŶĚ͛ĠǀĠŶĞŵĞŶƚƐ;ĂĐƟǀŝƚĠƐĐƵůƚƵƌĞůůĞƐĞƚĐŽŵŵƵŶĂƵƚĂŝƌĞƐͿ répondant aux besoins de la communauté francophone were part of the strike force, ^ΖĂƐƐƵƌĞƌĚĞůĂŐĞƐƟŽŶĚĞůΖŽƌŐĂŶŝƐŵĞ͕ĚƵ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞĂǀĂŶƚĞƚĂƉƌğƐůΖĠĐŽůĞ Le Trait-d'Union et de la garderie Le Tournesol supposed to have been in the initial surprise element but WůĂŶŝĮĞƌĞƚŐĠƌĞƌĚŝīĠƌĞŶƚƐƉƌŽũĞƚƐ ZĞƉƌĠƐĞŶƚĂƟŽŶĂƵƉƌğƐĚĞĚŝīĠƌĞŶƚƐŽƌŐĂŶŝƐŵĞƐƉƌŽǀŝŶĐŝĂƵdžĞƚƌĠŐŝŽŶĂƵdž ended up last to attack. Enemy WƌĠƉĂƌĞƌůĞƐĚĞŵĂŶĚĞƐĚĞĮŶĂŶĐĞŵĞŶƚĂƵƉƌğƐĚĞƐŝŶƐƟƚƵƚƐŐŽƵǀĞƌŶĞŵĞŶƚĂƵdž fighters were speeding closer dƌĂǀĂŝůůĞƌăĚŝǀĞƌƐĞƐƚąĐŚĞƐĐŽŶŶĞdžĞƐ;ƌĠĚĂĐƟŽŶĞƚƉƵďůŝĐĂƟŽŶĚƵ &ƌĂŶĐͲWĂƌůĞƌ͕ŵŝƐĞăũŽƵƌĚƵƐŝƚĞǁĞď͕ĞƚĐ͘Ϳ to the scene: in the end, six Compétences requises : Beaufighters crashed, with &ŽƌŵĂƟŽŶĞŶĂĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟŽŶĞƚͬŽƵƌĞƐƐŽƵƌĐĞƐŚƵŵĂŝŶĞƐĞƚͬŽƵ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶŽƵĞdžƉĠƌŝĞŶĐĞĠƋƵŝǀĂůĞŶƚĞ͘ 12 aircrew members lost. Just Connaissance du logiciel Simple Comptable Une maîtrise obligatoire du français à l’oral et à l’écrit one survived. La maîtrise de l'anglais est un atout Current 404 Squadron ŽŵƉĠƚĞŶĐĞƐĞŶŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟƋƵĞ;tŽƌĚ͕džĐĞů͕WƵďůŝƐŚĞƌ͕ĞƚĐ͘Ϳ Commanding Officer Lieu- Une connaissance de la communauté acadienne et francophone de la EŽƵǀĞůůĞͲĐŽƐƐĞĞƚĚƵĨŽŶĐƟŽŶŶĞŵĞŶƚĚ͛ƵŶŽƌŐĂŶŝƐŵĞăďƵƚŶŽŶůƵĐƌĂƟĨ tenant-Colonel David Proteau Type de contrat : temps plein, soit 35 heures par semaine thanked the museum and ŶƚƌĠĞĞŶĨŽŶĐƟŽŶ͗ϮϮũƵŝŶϮϬϭϱ its volunteers for the new Salaire : à discuter Lieu du travail :ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶĨƌĂŶĐŽƉŚŽŶĞĚĞůĂsĂůůĠĞ display. (6 chemin Bedford, Greenwood) “This is obviously a priviNotes importantes : lege to be here, commemo- ^ĞƵůƐůĞƐĐĂŶĚŝĚĂƚƐƐĠůĞĐƟŽŶŶĠƐƉŽƵƌƵŶĞĞŶƚƌĞǀƵĞƐĞƌŽŶƚĐŽŶƚĂĐƚĠƐ͘ rating such an achievement,” La langue de travail est le français. Seules les candidatures reçues en français seront considérées. he said. “It is a great honour Veuillez faire parvenir votre curriculum vitae au plus tard to see the most tragic day of le 11 juin 2015, 16h00 en personne ou par courriel à l'adresse suivante: 404 history remembered here
[email protected] in such a fashion.” He thanked particularly the
June 1, 2015 a lost Beaufighter, and knew it’s basically a war grave,” Larsen said. The diver did find an aircraft, and got further permission to bring up a tail wheel. After 404 Squadron saw photos, it was decided to lay an official memorial stone at the site the next year. “By your doing this” – the museum display – “it wraps up the story,” Larsen said. “There are very few veterans left, and this is a great story.” Patrick said that is exactly why the museum works so hard to capture the history of RCAF Greenwood, its people and squadrons. “There are bits, pieces, information – all history, and it disappears so quickly,” Patrick said. “We at the museum are particularly happy to do this. It attracts people, it tells a story and this is your history and mine.”
Page 11
Firefighters call for Pull the Pumper teams 14 Wing Greenwood Fire & Emergency Services firefighters are looking for challengers in the annual Pull the Pumper & Relay Event, to be held Thursday, June 25, at the CANEX parking area, Ward Road, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is a timed challenge, beginning with a pumper fire truck being pulled a distance of 40 feet by a sixmember team and then a relay race involving various modified firefighter tasks. Participants are asked to bring their own work gloves should they desire. Team registration will occur at 10:15 a.m. June 25, and the entry fee is 100 pounds of non-perishable food, collected by your organization between
now and the day of the event. As a donation bonus, each additional 25 pounds of food will allow your team to add extra members, to a maximum of 12. Each $15 in cash raised will decrease your event timings by one second – with no limit to seconds purchased. This event will assist the Upper Room Food Bank in Kingston, collecting donated non-perishable food items at a time when these items are in high demand - and very short supply. Water, food and refreshments will be available for competitors and spectators, for a charitable monetary donation. Contact Sergeant G.D. Townsend, 902-765-1494, local 5070; to find out more.
Wednesday, June 3 at 4 p.m. AVM Morfee Centre (School Road, Greenwood) Followed by a complimentary BBQ FREE Childcare during the brief meeting To register for childcare (3 months to 12 years) call 902-765-5611 Are you interested in the Board of Directors? Call 902-765-5611 –––––––––
Mercredi, le 3 juin à 16h Centre AVM Morfee (School Road, Greenwood) Suivi d’un BBQ gratuit Service de garde GRATUIT pendant la réunion Pour s’enregistrer pour le service de garde (3 mois à 12 ans) appelez le 902-765-5611 Êtes-vous intéressés par notre conseil d’administration? Appelez le 902-765-5611
24 School Rd. | 902-765-5611 www.familyforce.ca
Page 12
June 1, 2015
fy The Aurora publishes items of interest to the community submitted by not-for-profit organizations. Submissions are limited to approximately 25 words. Items may be submitted to our office, 83A School Road (Morfee Annex), 14 Wing Greenwood; by fax, 902-765-1717; or email auroraeditor@ ns.aliantzinc.ca. Dated announcements are published on a first-come, first-served basis, and on-going notices will be included as space allows. To guarantee your announcement, you may choose to place a paid advertisement. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 9:30 a.m., previous to publication unless otherwise notified.
Le commandant publie des avis d’intérêt public soumis par des organisations à but non lucratif. Ces avis doivent se limiter à environ 25 mots. Les avis peuvent être soumis à nos bureaux, au 83A, School Road, (annexe Morfee), 14e Escadre Greenwood, par fax au 902-7651717 ou par courriel à l’adresse auroraeditor@ ns.aliantzinc.ca. Les annonces avec date sont publiées selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi, et les avis continus seront inclus si l’espace le permet. Si vous voulez être certain que votre avis soit publié, vous voudrez peut-être acheter de la publicité. La date de tombée des soumissions est à 9 h 30 du matin le jeudi précédent la publication, à moins d’avis contraire.
metro crossword solution page 14
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Ball hockey Tuesdays, 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., drop in ball hockey at the Kingston Credit Union Centre. Ages 14 to adult. Cost $2/ person (goalies with gear are free). Helmets required. Email
[email protected]. Water survey Do you rely on a well for your water? The Ecology Action Centre is running a pilot program in the Annapolis Valley called Healthy Water, It’s Well Worth it. The project will include workshops about drinking water, a scan of private well ownership behaviours through an online survey, and water testing kits including financial incentives. Visit www. ecologyaction.ca/healthywater to fill out the survey (there’s a chance
to win prizes!) and learn about upcoming workshops. Photography class Thursdays, Millville Community Hall will host photography classes. Whatever your level, join Mike Tufts from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., $3 drop in fee. For information, contact Mike, otherside@eastlink. ca or 902-847-9226. At CentreStage Fantastic Mr. Fox, adapted by David Wood, is based on the much-loved book by Roald Dahl which follows the vain attempts of three farmers - Boggis, Bunce and Bean; one fat, one short, one lean - to get rid of the fox who regularly steals food from their farms. Outwitted at every turn, Fantastic Mr. Fox devises a plan that will ensure full stomachs for
not only his family, but all his friends. Showtime: 2 p.m. June 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21 in the Upper Performance Centre. Tickets $7 Call 902-678-8040 for reservations. Suitable for all ages. CentreStage Theatre: 61 River Street, Kentville. Greenwood Players June 2 to 6, The Greenwood Players stage the timeless modern classic “The Odd Couple.” When two best friends find themselves single again, their new situation strains their friendship as they attempt to live together. They soon find that they are very different people and quickly learn why their wives threw them out! “The Odd Couple” plays evenings at 7:30 p.m. at the Morfee Centre, School Road, Greenwood. Tickets
~ June 2015
Kingston Legion Br 98 ~
Office 902-765-4920 • Bar 902-765-4428 • Fax 902-765-2479 • E-Mail
[email protected] Sun
53. 39th state 54. Dessert topping 56. Eyelashes 58. Touchdown 59. 2nd largest Spanish river 60. Made poisonous 63. Favourite old shade trees 64. Table linen 65. A measured portion of medicine DOWN 1. Separated 2. 32-card game 3. Guides a vehicle 4. A brief run of luck 5. Baby bed 6. Manuscript gaps 7. Overdose 8. Yes in Spanish 9. Dog-____: shabby & worn 10. Mark with an asterisk 13. Potato state 14. Cereal giant 15. Lawn, sedge & cereal 20. Tin 21. -__, denotes past 22. Interpret written words
23. Jelly-like colloid 27. Speed of sound 29. Initials of “Jezebel” actress 30. Not wet 31. Supervises flying 32. In the year of Our Lord 33. Stood for election 34. A state of equilibrium 35. His magic lamp 36. Small sugar cube 37. Bachelor of Laws 38. Pa’s partner 40. Wyatt __, OK Corral 41. Device that makes 2 pieces compatible 42. NBC’s parent Co. 44. Japanese apricot 45. Concrete levelling guide 46. Adobe dweller 47. Warning devices 48. Having many branches 50. ___ Vesh, “Star Wars” 51. Doc 52. Carrier’s invention 54. German for Vienna 55. Contrary water movement 57. Roman 55 61. Out of print 62. Of I
metro crossword brought to you compliments of
954 Central Avenue Greenwood
BINGO 21 1:30 Happy Father’s Day
28 BINGO 1:30
BINGO 1:30
BINGO 1:30
30 BINGO 1:30
Legion Regular Golf
NO TGIF FOOD Legion Regular Golf
TGIF: Fish & Chips
TGIF: Turkey Burgers
Happy Father’s Day!
Breakfast Dance: Route 12 9pm-1am
Dance: Spare Parts 9pm-1am
20 Dance: Crackerjack 9pm-1am FATHER’S DAY FUN GOLF 27
Dance: Kicking Mule Band 9pm-1am
Kingston Legion (Branch #98)
613 Main St. KINGSTON 902-765-2103
Legion Calendar Sponsored by
Three easy ways to enter.
Kingston Legion (Branch #98)
4 TGIF: Scallops & Fries
BINGO 1:30
BINGO 1:30
ACROSS 1. Dried hemp leaves 5. Shuts 11. Golf shot 12. Emitting light 16. Maple genus 17. Integrated circuit 18. O’Reilly from “M.A.S.H.” 19. SNL’S Olympia Rest. dish 24. Liberal degree 25. Short task trip 26. Must have something 27. Prefix for wrong 28. Student furniture piece 29. Semitic fertility god 30. Back talk 31. Lost brightness 33. Reconnaissance (Brit. military) 34. A narrative song 38. Men who cannot lose face 39. Bastard wing 40. 55121 MN 43. Young sheep 44. Fashioned 45. Short fight 49. Large payroll service Co. 50. Fantasy video game 51. Blind spot or ___ lutea
BINGO 1:30
BINGO 1:30
26 Commercial St. MIDDLETON 902-825-4822
$8, available at Middleton and Kingston Pharmasaves, at the door or call 902-840-3853. Church program June 4, 7 p.m., join the audience at the New Beginnings Centre, Greenwood, for the video “Drink The New Beginning.” Admission is free. Coffee and donuts are served. Yard sale June 6, starting at 10 a.m., Kingston United Church hosts its annual yard sale. Rain or shine. Canteen, plant table and assorted items Sale June 6, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., rummage and bake sale in the Nictaux Christian Family Centre. Free clothing and footwear. Complimentary tea/ coffee/ juice and muffins. Yard sale June 6, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., rain or shine: 9th giant yard sale and BBQ at the Nictaux & District Fire Hall. Sponsored by the Nictaux FireEttes and firefighters. This is the second of four major fundraisers this year in support of the hall and our community. To book tables, contact Holly Stillwell, 902-7653927 or
[email protected]. Sale June 6, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., an indoor flea market (many tables of new and gently used items) will be held in the Windermere Community Hall (402 Windermere Road, just a few miles south of Berwick). Free admission. Book launch June 7, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Middleton author John MacEachern launches his second book, a murder mystery: “The Blood of Art.” Join him for an afternoon book signing and refreshments
find & win
1. Through our website: www.auroranewspaper.com 2. Fax: 902-765-1717 3. Drop into our office located on 83A School Road (Morfee Annex)
Entry deadline: Noon, June 4, 2015
Full name Phone number Complete the following questions from ads in this week’s issue and win a 14 inch 2-topping pizza from Mimie’s Pizza, Greenwood. Coupon valid for 30 days. 1. Whose ad has 11 telephone numbers on it? __________________________________________ 2. Which realtor is bilingual? ________________________________________________________ 3. Who’s offering a complimentary BBQ if you attend their meeting? _________________________ 4. Who offers driveway sealing and repair? ___________________________________________ 5. What business offers free grocery shopping? _________________________________________
Congratulations to last week’s winner: SHEILA PYNCH
Mimie’s PIZZA 683 Central Ave., Greenwood
902-765-6888 902-765-2232
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
at the Middleton Curling Club, 6 King Street. Music June 7, 7 p.m., the lively country/ gospel group SouthWind will sing in the Nictaux Christian Family Centre. Everyone welcome. Luncheon June 9, noon to 1 p.m. Come out and enjoy a turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, vegetables, dessert, coffee, tea and juice at the Kingston Lions Hall. Cost is $9 ($9.50 delivered in Kingston/ Greenwood) - deliveries must be ordered by 10:30 a.m.). Concert June 10, 7 p.m., the African Children’s Choir performs at the Kings Presbyterian Church, 5563 Prospect Rd., New Minas. Freewill offering. www.kingschurch.ca.
June 1, 2015
Meeting June 10, 7 p.m., is the regular monthly meeting of the Companion Animal Protection Society at the Municipal Building in Lawrencetown. All members and friends of the society are invited to attend. For info, contact 902-825-2277. ATV jamboree June 12 to 14, the Mid Valley ATV Club hosts its annual jamboree and poker rally at the Fox Mountain Camping Park, Aylesford. Camping available (for reservations: 902-847-3747 or www.foxmountaincampingpark. com). The poker run covers approximately 80 kilometres, with a $400 first prize, $300 second prize and $200 third prize. Cash BBQ at the third check point, sponsored by Kings County Search & Res-
sudoku solution page 14
cue. Also: meet & greet, fire pit socials, mud pit prize hunt, stage entertainment, pressure washer use, vendors on site, draw prizes & 50/ 50, canteen breakfasts and Sunday brunch run to Berwick (approximately 30 kilometres). Visit www.midvalleyatvclub.ca or contact Barry Mitchell, president, at 902-825-1382 or
[email protected]. Autism event June 13, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., the Annapolis Valley Chapter of Autism Nova Scotia holds its 6th Walk the Walk for Autism at the Kingston Arena. Bounce castle, carnival games, cotton candy, snow cones, prizes and more! For more info, call 902-2422019 or email annapolisvalley@ autismns.ca.
Healthy water well worth it Do you rely on a well for your water? This summer is a great opportunity to test your water because of the support offered through Ecology Action Centre’s Healthy Water: It’s Well Worth it project. The project offers workshops and guides for water testing, and water testing kits that include resources, testing forms, water collection bottles and grants for testing fees. We’ve made it easier than ever for you to test your water. Upcoming workshops include Thursday evening, June 4, in Burlington, Kings County; and Sunday, June
Purchase a fresh value meal deal and for a limited time receive Avengers, Age of Ultron Collector Cards
Middleton - 902-825-5525 • Greenwood - 902-765-2267
drink is to have it tested for bacteria and chemicals. Most of the health concerns associated with our drinking water can be removed through affordable and easy to maintain water treatment systems. If you are on a well or spring, it is your responsibility to test and treat your water. The Ecology Action Centre is working to support well owners in learning about drinking water testing to keep families and communities healthy and strong. For information and to register for planned workshops, visit www.ecologyaction.ca/ healthywater.
May 31 - June 6
solution page 14
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Collect all 6!
21, at the Harbourville United Church, 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Canadian government estimates bacteria-related contamination of drinking water causes 90 deaths and 90,000 cases of illness annually - the equivalent of 13 Walkerton tragedies; many researchers believe this number is likely much higher. Health problems related to water pollution in general are estimated to cost Canadians $300 million per year. As of January 2015, there were 1,838 active drinking water advisories in Canada - 37 in Nova Scotia. The only way to know if our water is safe to
patrick’s puzzle horoscopes
Fun By The Numbers Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! sudoku brought to you compliments of
Page 13
Sate Sa Satellite tell llit llit ite te ca c calls all lls ls ha h have ave en never e er ev er b been een ee n cl c clearer lea eare re er
Sm S Smallest ma ma allle lle lest st h ha handset ands an dset et jjust ust $4 us $499 499 9 Greenwood Mall
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Aries, you have plans to rest, but Libra, you may have a particular you might be surprised at how fast goal in mind for your relationship you become bored with nothing to that hasn’t come to fruition just yet. keep you busy. Relaxation may be It may take a little more work for you difficult for you to master. to get to that solid place. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Familiar memories resurface, Others may struggle to decipher Taurus. You may discover that your thoughts, Scorpio. Sometimes nothing much has changed and you you have to spell out what you need really need to buckle down to create or want to get others on board with new plans. your ideas. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 A plan you laid out hits a snag Sagittarius, work appeals to you this week, Gemini. Do not get this week and you find yourself discouraged, as your plans will spending some extra time at the only be delayed momentarily before office. Just be sure to make time things get back on track. for your family. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 A new perspective can sometimes Capricorn, this week you are change everything, Cancer. Even if captivated by the innocent things there are some bumps along the in life. Enjoy this relaxing time to way, your optimism will ultimately stop and smell the roses with your prevail. loved ones. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Leo, you will be on the receiving end It’s alright to be a homebody for a of more support and encouragement few days this week, Aquarius. Revel this week than you possibly know in some quiet time at home and what to do with. Express your enjoy this chance to breathe easy gratitude to loved ones. and recharge your batteries. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 It’s easy to see the possibilities Give your dreams time to develop ahead this week, Virgo. Take a in the weeks ahead, Pisces. If you practical approach when making rush things along, you may end up plans and you will soon begin to getting discouraged. achieve your goals. horoscopes brought to you compliments of
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June 1, 2015
Classified advertisements, 35 words or less, are $8 tax included. Additional words are 10 cents each, plus tax. Bold text $9, tax included. Classified advertising must be booked and prepaid by 10 a.m. Thursday previous to publication. Payment methods include VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, debit or cash. The Aurora is not responsible for products and/ or services advertised. To place a classified, contact 902-765-1494 local 5440, visit the office, 83A School Road, Morfee Annex, Greenwood; email
[email protected] or fax 902-765-1717. To place a boxed, display ad, contact 902-765-1494 local 5833; email
[email protected]. Les annonces classées, 35 mots ou moins, sont vendues au prix de 8 $, taxes incluses. Chaque mot additionnel coûte 10 sous, plus taxes. Texte en caractères gras 9 $, taxes incluses. Les annoncées classées doivent être réservées et payées à l’avance avant 10 h, le jeudi précédant la publication. Les modes de paiement acceptés incluent VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, débit ou comptant. L’Aurora n’est pas responsable des produits et/ou services annoncés. Pour faire publier une annonce classée, vous pouvez nous appeler au 902-765-1494 poste 5440, visiter notre bureau au 83A, School Road, annexe Morfee à Greenwood, nous envoyer un courriel à
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FOR RENT – 1 bedroom, upstairs apartment. 677 Central Avenue, Greenwood. $350 per month plus utilities. References required. No pets, non-smoker. Available June 1, 2015. Call Kathy 902-765-2938. (3620-2tp) FOR RENT – Very clean modern 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments. Middleton to Cambridge. Well managed properties. Seniors units available. References required. Call Ross at 902-840-0534. (3539-ufn) FOR RENT – Kingston Lincoln Shire Apartments. 2 Bedroom, 5 Appliances $800 per month, plus Utilities. Available, April 1st. Phone 902-7656669 (3608-ufnb) FOR RENT – Apartment for rent, 515 Pleasant St. Kingston. 1 bedroom, fridge, stove, heat & lights incl. No pets. Bedroom & Bath upstairs. $690 per month. 5 minute walk to Superstore. Phone 902-250-0181 or email:
[email protected] (3619-4tp) FOR RENT – Spacious 3 bedroom apartment located in downtown Middleton, large kitchen, extra large dining room, living room, porch & small deck, private entrance. Rent $625 monthly, plus
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
Chris Parker L.L.B Ronald D. Richter (B.A. Hon.), L.L.B. Southgate Court, Greenwood N.S.
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS utilities. Call 902-825-2338 (3619-4tp) increase on signing of lease. Call IN THE COMMUNITY now… (3608-ufn) FOR RENT – Second floor apartment, CHURCH SERVICE – “The Peoples 1476 Marshall Road, Kingston. Fridge WORRY FREE – Newly constructed liv25:40 Church” There will be a church and stove supplied. $425.00 per ing on one level. Mature adult living. service held every Sunday at the New month, utilities extra. Available June 1, Two bedrooms, 4 appliances, kitchen, Beginnings Center 1151 Bridge Street 2015. Please call Cindy, 902-765-4987 living room, bathroom, laundry hookGreenwood provided by Pastor Leon for further details. (3621-3tp) ups. 1000 square feet of living space Langille. Pre service music at 2:50 p.m. with in floor heating and garage. Pet Service 3:00 p.m. Doors will open at FOR RENT – Small one bedroom apartfriendly & smoke free. Nictaux road 2:30 p.m. All are welcome. (3533-ufn) ment. $650 per month, everything just minutes from Middleton on bus included. Fridge, stove, stat TV, route. Phone 902-765-0412. Call about CHURCH SERVICE – New Beginnings Wi-fi, heat and hydro. Small pets Worship Service, Greenwood at 10:45 Rental incentive! (3543-ufn) welcome. Non-smokers only, no a.m., Sunday. Pastor: Neil Armstrong. exceptions. Available August 1st call ROOM FOR RENT Ph: 902-765-8155. (3620-4tp) 902-765-0712. (3620-2tpb) FALES RIVER SUB – Looking for a SERVICES mature employed non-smoker to rent DUPLEX FOR RENT a large fully furnished room in Green- SERVICE – Bilingual handyman carpenter FOR RENT – Greenwood, top floor of 2 available, 25 years of experience with wood Area. Close to all amenities. bedroom duplex, freshly painted, fridge finish work, flooring, stairs, tile work IR Personnel welcomed. $130.00 & stove Inc, washer and dryer hook-up and more. Reasonable rates – flexible per week. Meals can be included available. Adult building, no pets, no hours. Call Mike at 902-242-2465 or with adjusted agreed upon rent. smoking. $850 monthly, utilities in902-840-0529. Greenwood/Kingston Phone 902-242-5182 or 242-2021. cluded. Call 902-765-4132 (3613-ufn) (3614-ufn) (3620-4tpb) SERVICE – Local lawn care, mowing and WORRY FREE LIVING FOR SALE trimming, Spring & fall clean-up, fertilWORRY FREE – Worry free living in Midizer & lime spreading, gutters & leaves. dleton. 2 bedroom unit with garage, FOR SALE – Honda Rebel 250cc motorCall Lenny 902-840-0222 (3618-12tp) cycle, 2008, 5 speed transmission. designed for wheelchair accessibility, Great condition, low mileage. Comes SERVICE – Annie’s Readings, palm 3 appliances supplied, ideal retirement with windshield and new engine and tarot. Gift certificates available. setting. Call now for viewing, Darlene guards. Also includes a Haynes SerFor more information or to book an 902-825-2606 or cell: 902-840-1780. vice Manual (new). Asking $3,500. appointment call 902-765-0712. Rent is $995.00 plus utilities, includes Call 902-765-8082. (3621-2tpb) (3620-2tpb) snow removal and lawn care. No rent SERVICE – ERNST LOCKSMITHING – Commercial and Residential, locks DAN’S FIREWOOD Steve Lake’s re-keyed, repaired and installed. Hardwood, $250 a cord Light Trucking Auto and home lockouts. Call Graham Softwood, $210 a cord at 902-765-6248. (3620-6tpb) Moving & Deliveries 16’ Cube Van
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the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
June 1, 2015
Page 15
Health radiothon set for June 11, 12 June 11 and 12, from 7 a.m. into the day, volunteers will be on hand to take donations by phone or in person at Valley Regional Hospital for the annual Health in Harmony Radiothon. The Radiothon, supporting the hospital’s current fundraising campaign, will raise funds for three anesthetic machines, worth $135,000,
for the Surgery Department at Valley Regional Hospital. Tune into the AVR morning show with Mike Surette, beginning at 7 am, and listen to stories, interviews and fundraising announcements from generous individuals, service clubs and businesses. There are many ways to be involved in the Radiothon: donate, volunteer, share your
story about your positive experience at Valley Regional Hospital, organize a workplace fundraising event and announce your success on AVR as part of the telethon. Join volunteers and hosts June 11 and 12 in the lobby of VRH. For more information or to support the Radiothon, call 902-678-5414.
Fifty-two paramedics with between 20 and 40 years of experience caring for Nova Scotians were recognized for their service May 26 by Health and Wellness Minister Leo Glavine. “We have always relied on our highly trained paramedics to provide expert care in emergencies,” said Glavine. “More and more, they’re also taking an expanded role in our com-
munities, working in teams to improve and expand the care available across the province.” Paramedics and others who have provided emergency health services to Nova Scotians for 20 years or more are eligible for the Paramedic Long Service Award. The list of recipients includes Jonathan Akin, 20 years, Kentville; John Johnston, 20 years, Bridgetown; Michael Lockett,
20 years, Lawrencetown; Brad Reid, 20 years, Middleton; Chipman Wiles, 20 years, Annapolis Royal. Paramedics now provide primary care in some communities, working alongside family physicians and nurses. In the Halifax area, paramedics work in nursing homes to provide care to residents through the Extended Care Paramedic program.
Paramedics honoured for service
Quilt comfort, colour
Spring colour was on display May 23 – inside the Windermere Community Hall, south of Berwick, as ladies of the community gathered dozens of quilted wonders for a beautiful display. The quilts – old and new – were an example of thousands of hours of handiwork, including that of mom and daughter co-organizers Phyllis Foster, right, and Bonnie O’Driscoll. S.Keddy
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Page 16
June 1, 2015
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Health funds
Kingston Lions representatives recently presented funds to local health service organizations, as a result of funds raised through the purchase of break open ticket sales at Lions’ weekly bingo this past year. At left, Kingston Lions President Ray LeBlanc presented $1,500 to Jeannie Saulnier, representing the Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Foundation. Right, Lion Dave Richardson, bingo chairman, presented $1,500 to Russell Delong of the Mid-Valley Palliative Submitted Care Foundation.
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