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Device Selection: Teacher Device: Lenovo ThinkPad S1 Yoga; Student Device: Acer C720PTouchsceen. Chromebook. . Early Ado
WAKEFIELD SCHOOL COMMITTEE Wakefield, Ma Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Minutes

Call to Order – Chairman Callanan called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.


Reading of Mission Statement – Mr. Callanan read the Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Wakefield Public Schools to educate and inspire every student to live a life of engaged learning, personal responsibility and positive contribution through: 1) safe and healthy learning environments; 2) diverse learning opportunities; 3) high quality teachers and staff; 4) community involvement and partnerships; and 5) 21st Century tools and skills.


Spotlight – The committee recognized Spelling Bee Champion Aiva Barnard, student at the Greenwood School. The Committee congratulated Aiva on his win.


Public Comment - None


Chairman’s Communications, Remarks, Reports, Recommendation a. Out of State Field Trip – Ruben Reinoso, Track Coach accompanied by Junior Jackson Gallagher requested the committee to act on an out of state field trip request for four WHS students who qualified for the 4 x 100 relay at the Nationals in North Carolina. Ms. Morgan so moved, seconded by Mr.Liakos and voted unanimously. b. School Committee Goals Update- Mr. Callanan reminded the committee to turn in their goals for the 2014-2015 school year. He would like to place them on the June 24th agenda. Mr. Callanan congratulated Dr. Smith on a wonderful WHS graduation.


Superintendent’s Remarks, Reports, Recommendations a. Wakefield Academy – Supt. Zrike advised the committee that the presentation is informational, and that it will be back on the table for the next meeting. He invited Mr. Fred Randall, Director of Wakefield Academy to the table to present his comprehensive report. Mr. Randall reported on his recommendations and vision for Wakefield Academy, which will strengthen its programming for students. He sees a program where students would have daily opportunities to make choices on several activities. He would like to see parents given greater options of selecting academic enrichment type activities. Would like to see the Academy sites structure time into blocks rather than one big chunk. He would like to see the district join NEEDS in order to strengthen the program. It would also provide for professional development, staff training, program/administration management systems. Mr. Randall reviewed Financial Projections, Job Categories and Descriptions. Also an outline of the Summer Programs flat rate of $35. Also to cap an amount ($65) a family would have to pay. Regarding fees recommending keeping the summer fees the same as last year. Also fall 2014-2015 academy rates remain the same as last year. A shift in registration fee will be reduced and recommending to keep fees the same as last year. Re. Doyle opening, many families enrolling would depend on services from the Academy. In response to that, we would like to hold a before and after school program at the Doyle. Same fee as the before school program, after school program will end at 5:30 p.m. We would like a two pick up option with different costs which may work better for families: 2:15 – 5:30 $14, and 4:15 pickup a $10 fee. Ms. Morgan moved, seconded by Mr. Markham that the School Committee accept the administrations




Present: Chairman Callanan, Vice-Chairman Morgan, Janine Cook, Anne Danehy, Evan Kenney, Greg Liakos, Tom Markham, Supt. Zrike, Business Admin. Pfifferling, Clerk Majeski


c. Executive Director of the Early Childhood Center – Dr. Zrike recommended creation of a new position – Executive Director – Early Childhood Center at the Doyle, as well as approval of the job description. It is


recommendation to set the rates for Wakefield Academy to be the same as they have been without any increase. Ms. Danehy asked about the enrollments and was advised that they are starting to grow. Voted Unan. Ms. Morgan moved, seconded by Mr. Markham that the School Committee accepts the recommendation of the administration to establish a rate fee program at the Doyle School that includes a split rate offering for two different pick up times, as outlined the Mr. Marshall’s presentation dated June 5, 2014. Ms. Danehy liked the split rate he is recommending. Voted Unan. Ms. Cook wanted to know how he came up with a $4000 fee per month. Dr. Zrike asked that the members and public contact him if they have specific questions. b. Technology Update – Mr. Weiner will touch upon BYOD at H.S., but his main topic will be the rollout at the Galvin Middle School. Jeff Weiner, Technology Director along with Mark Bedrosian, Galvin Middle School Principal presented the Technology Rollout Plan for the Galvin Middle School. . The Plan included the many stakeholder groups who looked at technology integration from various perspectives. . A Vision Statement has been established. . Device Selection: Teacher Device: Lenovo ThinkPad S1 Yoga; Student Device: Acer C720PTouchsceen Chromebook. . Early Adoptors: There will be a phased approach for device delivery which spans from May, 2014 thru January, 2015. . Professional Development will be teacher led and team based, in small groups. . Technical Support WPSIT will assist with data transfer; support website will be established, buildingbased support. The presentation is on the website. Mr. Kenney complimented Mr. Weiner on the comprehensiveness of the packet. Mr.Liakos asked about the GMS staff entering in the fall, with a new building, set of new expectations, curriculum and assessment which are a lot for teachers to be facing. He asked if there is a system in place for the teaching staff, and is transition thought through. Mr. Bedrosian reviewed what the staff has accomplished over the past year regarding transition, expectations, etc. Dr. Zrike noted that staff came forward to be early adoptors. Also the new schedule builds in more planning time for teachers. Teachers will be able to work collaboratively. Tech staff will be in classrooms to support teachers. Media specialist will also be in classrooms supporting teachers around technology. Staff got foundational training in the devices they will be using with students. Mr. Markham thanked them for their planning over the last six months. He also complimented them for their planning and backdrop for properly delivering the curriculum re. technology. Choices on devices were very strong. Professional Development cannot be understated and critical and will drive the successful of the program more than anything else. School Committee needs to support providing Chromes for all students at the high school. It puts an unfair burden on parents that cannot afford devices for their children. This is an educational component and need to find a way to support it. Ms. Morgan asked about the rental information for BYOD and Dr. Zrike responded that it would be provided at the June 24th meeting. He has been researching the subject, concerns about what the district can legally ask parents to provide. We are preparing for the number of students who may not be able to own a device. Mr. Callanan asked if GMS students will be able to provide their own device and Mr. Bedrosian responded that the instructional goal will be that the same devices be in the classroom. What will happen to the other schools if all tech staff is focused on the GMS. Mr. Weiner will keep an eye on it. Dr. Zrike spoke about the support for students and families. The shift for adults is significant. Important to walk parents thru the use of the devices. Will rely heavily on the Technology Council.

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important to have a full time administrative presence at the Center who has the experience and credentials to exclusively focus on the unique and varied needs of the early education students. Mrs. Perriello’s time will no longer be split between the Walton and Doyle. She will continue her leadership role at the Walton, while collaborating with administrative staff at the Doyle, regarding the Walton kindergarten classrooms. 1. Creation of Position Ms. Morgan moved, seconded by Mr. Markham that the School Committee creates the position Executive Director of the Early Childhood Center, as recommended by the administration. Ms. Cook expressed her concern that the administration is getting top heavy. The money recommended for the position could be put to better use at this time. Dr. Zrike noted that if the district is talking about expansion of kindergarten in the future, we need more research around that decision. We need someone with expertise as an early childhood leader. Of all investments we can make, this is a critical investment. Mr. Liakos had a concern about splitting the principal, but this recommendation solves that issue. Mr. Kenney agreed with the need for a full time director and feels comfortable that the administration will track the program and make adjustments as needed. Mr. Markham was supportive of the position, now that it is a full time director. The committee worked hard to get a full time principal at the Walton and the option will keep Ms. Perriello in that position, full time. Vote: In favor – Callanan, Danehy, Liakos, Morgan, Kenney and Markham. Opposed Ms. Cook. 2. Acceptance of Job Description Ms. Morgan moved, seconded by Mr. Markham that the School Committee approves the job description of the position of Executive Director of the Early Childhood Center. Voted Unan. e. PARCC vs. MCAS Recommendation – Dr. Zrike reviewed his recommendation; that being to administer the computer-based PARCC assessment during the 2014-2015 school year. He had an opportunity to get input from staff, parents and PTO presidents. Moving towards PARCC positions staff and students to be best prepared for the future. Also preparing for an inevitable shift to PARCC or PARCC-like assessment. Ms. Morgan moved, seconded by Mr. Liakos, that the School Committee accepts the Superintendent’s recommendation to select PARCC as Wakefield Public Schools State Assessment for the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Cook suggested that comments be limited to 2-3 minutes. Ms. Morgan asked about accommodations for SPED students? Dr. Zrike advised that alternative education students will still take the MCAS alternative; majority of SPED students would receive accommodations on PARCC. AP exams, recommending at HS level to pilot. The AP is only a high school issue. Will need more info on high school because it is an optional piece. They still have to take the 10th grade MCAS. Mr. Kenney asked Mr. Weiner how well is Wakefield equipped for PARCC and technology. There are a lot of issues in the pilot, etc. Mr. Weiner stated there will be improvement. The students had less of a problem than did adults. The main issue is to make sure that PARCC works well. Ms. Danehy supports the PARCC over MCAS because the district made the commitment. Mr. Markham supports the superintendent’s recommendation; it is the wave and we should be on the right side of it. A decision will give an indication to the DOE and staff will have the time to get ready for it. Mr. Liakos also supported the recommendation. The Common Core standards have been given to us. We do have a choice on how to implement it. It is a better test than MCAS. Dr. Zrike noted it is a hold harmless year; don’t want staff, parents, students to be stressed out. Their performance is not being measured. It continues to be a learning year. Everyone will get a chance next year. Mr. Callanan asked it any school has an advantage over another. Dr. Zrike noted no, he spoke to the principals and they felt that all should take the computer based testing. Mr. Kenney noted his reasons for opposing the motion re. PARCC. He pointed out that the Common Core was never adopted by the School Committee. Ed Reform was a huge public policy discussion, and took power away from districts. Ed Reform was a battle but the legislators had to vote on it, but a vote on Common Core was never taken. Hold harmless takes a lot of pressure off staff and students, but we should welcome raising the standards. There is a dark cloud regarding PARCC. It is untested and unproven. Mr.Liakos disagreed with Mr. Kenney’s statements; especially Ed Reform which brought Mass to the

Business Items a. Business Reports – Mr. Pfifferling reviewed his business reports b. Personnel Report – Mr. Pfifferling reviewed the Personnel Report. c. End-of-Year Financial Report d. Acceptance of Gifts – 1. Ms. Morgan moved, seconded by Mr. Liakos that the School Committee accepts with gratitude a $500 (in total value) from the Advocator Group of Wakefield for miscellaneous office supplies o be used by the Wakefield Public Schools. Voted Unan. 2. Ms. Morgan moved, seconded by Mr. Liakos that the School Committee accept with gratitude a $525 (in total value) donation from Missy Barrett, for miscellaneous office supplies to be used by Wakefield Public Schools. Voted Unan. 3. Members of the Wakefield Rock Foundation presented two checks to the School Dept. totaling $781. Ms. Morgan moved, seconded by Mr. Liakos that the School Committee accepts with gratitude $781 from the Wakefield Rocks Foundation for the Wakefield Public Schools. Voted Unan. e. End of Year Audit – Mr. Pfifferling advised Powers & Sullivan did the end of year audit and five areas were cited. Three have been corrected.


Consent Agenda a. Approval of May 27, 2014 Minutes - Ms. Morgan moved, seconded by Mr. Markham, that the School Committee approve the minutes of May 27, 2014 as presented. Voted Unan. b. Approval of Warrants 45 & 47 – Ms. Morgan moved, seconded by Mr. Markham, that the School Committee approves Payroll Warrants 45 & 47. Voted Unan.


Subcommittee/Liaison Reports a. Budget – Mr. Markham reported the Budget Subcommittee will be meeting next week. They will be meeting with Supt. Zrike and Mr. Marshall on Wakefield Academy and a recommendation will be presented at the June 24th meeting. b. Policy - Mr. Liakos reported they would like to review the Raising of Flag regulations. Also, Mr. Liakos placed on the table for two weeks the updated CORI Background Checks policy. He so moved, seconded by Mr. Callanan. Voted Unan. c. Communications – Ms. Danehy noted that Mr. Kenney will be on the Communications Subcommittee. They will be meeting next week.




pinnacle for educational achievement. It brought funding, standards, leadership and all are here with the new assessment as well. Mr. Markham noted MCAS was at the tail end of Ed Reform, it was not the driver. As learning changes, assessment methods will need to keep changing. Ms. Cook moved, to move the question: In favor – Cook, Kenney, Morgan, Callanan, Danehy. Opposed – Liakos, Markham. Motion Carried. Vote on Motion: In favor – Callanan, Morgan, Markham, Liakos, Cook and Danehy. Opposed – Kenney. So voted. e. Superintendent’s Remarks – Dr. Zrike reported the following: . Thank you to Jeff Weiner and Jonathan Berecz for streaming the Spelling Bee to elementary classrooms. Also thank you to Amanda Sullivan, Asst. Principal at the Dolbeare. . He reviewed the draft copy – Wakefield Instructional Strategy which he will facilitate at a workshop with the School Committee. He will talk about strategy and vision statement. The information was gathered during the entry phase, as well as Dr. Smith, Ms. Collura and Ms. Milligan sharing their institutional history. . He will be recommending two math curriculum programs which will pilot at K-8 level. . Galvin and Walton have been advised they have been selected to take the MEAP assessment. . Visual Arts Day on June 10 and 11 at the Americal Civic Center.

d. Labor Relations – Mr. Morgan reported that they will be meeting next week. 10. Future Dates & Agenda Items – The committee will hold a workshop on June 30 at 7 p.m. 11. School Committee Comments – The committee congratulated the class of 2014.



12. Adjournment – The Committee adjourned their meeting 9:30 on a motion by Ms. Morgan and seconded by Mr. Liakos. Voted Unan.