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Immaculate Heart of Mary for those who assisted at the Mass. September 13th: 11:45 ... Leaders are seminarians and young
St. Joseph Ridge Parish W2601 State Road 33 La Crosse, WI 54601 608-788-1646

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 18, 2017 Rev. Timothy Welles – Pastor & Member of the Mariological Society of America PHONE (608) 788-1646 WEB SITE: www.saintjosephridgeparish.com E-MAIL: [email protected] Father Tim E-Mail: [email protected]

WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday, 4:00 PM; Sunday, 8:30 AM Confessions are every Saturday from 3:30 to 3:50 PM or by appointment. The Rosary is recited before the Saturday-evening Mass around 3:30 PM. Sacraments: Please contact Father Tim at the number above for more information. Anyone who is ill and/or needs prayers is encouraged to call the rectory office at 608-7881646 to have your name added to our weekend intentions and/or our bulletin. Please also let Father Tim know if you would like communion brought to you. Televised Mass can be seen on La Crosse, Channel 19, at 9:30 a.m. Sunday. The Mass is also available any time of day, throughout the week, on the Diocesan web: www.diolc.org. Please remember to notify the parish if you have moved While Father Tim is gone, please do not hesitate to call Stacy at 608-769-8828 with any emergencies, especially if you need a priest, she will help you find one. Otherwise, please leave a message at the rectory office at 608-788-1646, messages will be checked regularly.

St. Joseph Ridge Parish ~ Weekday Masses MASS TIMES MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, June 17, 4:00 PM +Roxanne (Schmidt) Blakely Sunday, June 18, 8:30 AM Miller Family Intentions (This weekend we welcome Msgr Robert Hundt) NO DAILY MASS HERE - THE VILLA OFFERS MASS AT 9 AM DAILY Saturday, June 24, 4:00 PM Joseph & Clara Bina Sunday, June 25, 8:30 AM John Leis (Next weekend we welcome Father Bill Kulas)

St. Peters, Middle Ridge Sat. 8:00 PM & Sun. 10:00 AM No Daily Mass Adoration on Wed. from 7—9 PM

St. Mary, Coon Valley Sat. 4:00 PM & Sun. 9:15 AM Fri. 8:00 AM

FOUND: Black Diaper Bag, it is in the sanctuar y, only clue is it may belong to a J ennifer . Please ask ar ound.


Schedules can also be found on our website: saintjosephridgeparish.com

Saturday, June 24, 4:00 PM Servers: Marty Roesler & Jackson Roesler Ushers: Dave Brown & Ryan Brown Reader: Teresa Brown Communion Minister: Polly Hilby

Sunday, June 25, 8:30 AM Servers: Colin Dickman and Grace Dickman Ushers: Nick Clements & LaVerne Clements Reader: Dan Steiger Communion Minister: Jolene DeMaiffe

SERVERS! Training date for all servers is Tuesday, June 20 at 6:00 PM. All ser ver s must attend and please come if you want to learn how to serve. We will meet in the back of church. If for some reason you cannot attend, you must call the office at 608-788-1646 to let Stacy know as soon as possible. It is extremely important to have everyone in attendance. This is open to anyone who is interested, adults and students grade 3 and up. LAST WEEK’S STEWARDSHIP: Adult Envelopes, $1,460.00; Offer tory, $144.00. DIOCESAN ANNUAL APPEAL: If you ar e still making payment on your DAA, they must be to the Diocese by Wednesday, June 28th. Mail to: Office of Stewardship and Development, PO Box, La Crosse, WI 54602-4004 IN SYMPATHY - Please pray for the repose of the soul of parishioner Evelyn Mikshowsky. Her funeral was this weekend. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. UPDATE ON FR. TIM from Msgr. Kunz (Vicar General): “On Friday, June 9th, Bishop Callahan and I had a conference call with Father Tim and his care team. He is doing very well and his team was able to identify the issues that needed addressing. It was overall a very positive call. The down side for the parish is that Father Tim will be away for an extended period of time, perhaps three to four months. With this understanding, Bishop Callahan has appointed Fr. Alan Wierzba temporary Administrator of St. Joseph and St. Peter until such time as Father Tim returns. There will continue to be priests for weekends and there will be priests or deacons who will take care of the weddings that are scheduled. If you have questions, please continue to go through Stacy Burns or Melissa Schaub and they will contact Fr. Wierzba.”

FATHER TIM’s 11th ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION is Sat. the 24th. I know he would be excited to receive even more cards and letters. Father Tim Welles, St. John Vianney Center; 151 Woodbine Road; Downingtown, PA 19335-3057. BIRDS! Since Father Tim will now be gone for an extended per iod of time, the bir ds would love to be car ed for in someone ’s loving home. Please consider helping out. Just call the office, thanks, 608-788-1646. DIOCESE OF LA CROSSE - 15O YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Please take a look at the flyer in back of church. This 350 page, hard cover book, in full color, highlights all of the churches in the La Crosse Diocese as well as Diocesan history. Only $33.00, this book must be pre-ordered to guarantee you get one. Don’t worry about paying now, but if you are interested, please call the office by 6:00 PM on June 18th at 608-788-1646 or email [email protected]. We need to get an idea of how many people will want them. Don’t wait, this is a one time print opportunity, once printed and gone, they are gone! They will be available this Fall, so it can be a great Christmas Present. THANK YOU SYL LIEBL for r enovating the cr ucifix in the cemeter y, it is beautiful. Let him know when you see him that we really appreciate his willingness to share his talents with the parish. If you haven’t lately, take a few moments to walk around our cemetery and also thank Steve Mashak for the extra effort and attention he puts into it every week. Remember not to worry if you can’t make it to water your flowers, we have hired someone to take care of that. LITURGICAL MINISTERS NEEDED! Have you thought about being an altar ser ver , or r eader , or usher , or ser ving communion? The next minister schedule will begin August 5/6 and we need more help. If you would like to be trained on any of the above areas, please contact the parish office at 608-788-1646 and leave your name and number. Thank you. OUR BELOVED MUSIC DIRECTOR, MATT SALVO, will be moving to the Chicago at the end of August to pur sue mor e of his long term plans. He will be greatly missed but we wish him all the best. This leaves an opening for a pianist for Saturday and/ or Sunday Masses. Please let people know to call the office at 608-788-1646 if they are interested. FATHER’S DAY OUTING: Come on down to the Bohemian Valley Spor tmans Club on J une 18th and enjoy char coal chicken, refreshments, a trap shoot, music and a horse pull. Serving starts at 11 AM. HEALING THROUGH GRIEF GROUP will meet on Monday, J une 19, fr om 5:30 – 6:30 PM, in the Sally Olson Conference Room at the Mayo Clinic Building (800 West Avenue South). The topic will be “Spirituality and Grief.” Sessions include an educational topic and a time to share with others also experiencing grief. Free Confidential, one-on-one support is also available from a Franciscan Healthcare chaplain with specialized training in grief. Registration is not required, attend any or all sessions. For more information please call 608.785.0940 ext. 22218. ORDINATION: Aaron John Becker, Peter John Kieffer, Juan Pedro Roblez Baltazar. With gr atitude to God the Father , you are invited to participate in the ordination to the priesthood through the laying on of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by The Most Reverend William Patrick Callahan Bishop of La Crosse on Saturday, the twenty-fourth of June in the year of Our Lord two thousand and seventeen at 10:30 in the morning at Saint Joseph the Workman Cathedral 530 Main Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin. A reception will follow at La Crosse Center 300 Harborview Plaza, La Crosse, Wisconsin

CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION: Sacr ed Hear t Par ish in Cashton will have a mass at 10:00 AM on J uly 9 th celebrated with our Most Holy Reverend Bishop William Callahan. A dinner of meatballs, ham, mashed potatoes, salads and desserts will follow in the church hall from 11 AM-2 PM. Adults - $10, children 5-10 years - $5, age 4 & under free. Brian Brueggen will provide entertainment. EVENTS AT THE SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE: -ORGAN CONCERTS: Summer season on select Sunday afternoons at 3:00 p.m. on the magnificent 54 Rank Organ. Admission is free (a freewill offering will be accepted).The dates this year: July 16, August 13 -100th ANNIVERSARY of FATIMA on the 13th of J une - October July 13th: 11:45 a.m. - Praying of the Holy Rosary, 12:15 p.m. - Holy Mass - followed by Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for those who assisted at the Mass. August 13th-Sunday: 12:30 p.m. - Praying of the Holy Rosary, 1:00 p.m. - Holy Mass - followed by Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for those who assisted at the Mass. September 13th: 11:45 a.m. - Praying of the Holy Rosary, 12:15 p.m. - Holy Mass - followed by Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for those who assisted at the Mass. October 13th: 11:45 a.m. - Praying of the Holy Rosary, 12:15 p.m. - Holy Mass - followed by Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for those who assisted at the Mass. Candlelight Procession - Schedule (tentative) 6:15 PM Opening Prayer - Pilgrim Center Plaza, Candlelight Rosary Procession, 7:00 PM Holy Mass – Shrine Church, 8:00 PM Consecration Prayer, 8:15 PM Downhill for departure BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH in La Crosse will be hosting: TOTUS TUUS the week of J uly 16-21. Grade schoolers meet during the day; middle and high schoolers meet in the evenings. Leaders are seminarians and young men & women involved in ministry. Totus Tuus, meaning “Totally Yours”, is an enriching and exciting Catholic program based on church teaching. For further information and to register, call 608-782-2953, ext. 3 OR email: [email protected]. COME, FOLLOW DAYS for Gir ls ages 9-13 at Mater Redemptoris House of Formation - July 18-19, 2017 - Are you interested in learning more about prayer and religious life, not to mention hanging out with fun Sisters and playing games? - To register and for more information go to www.materredemptoris.org. - Registration closes on July 1st or when capacity is reached. NEW Class for LEADER OF PRAYER Begins July 14-15, 2017 Applications are now open. For mor e infor mation or to register visit www.diolc.org/ministries and click on “Leaders of Prayer,” or contact the Office for Ministries and Social Concerns – [email protected], or 608-791-0161. QUEEN OF THE AMERICA’S GUILD confer ence will be J uly 21 & 22 at the Shr ine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Ther e ar e flyers and brochures in the back of church, if you need more information please call the Guild office at 630-584-1822. ANNUAL DIOCESAN AUGUST CONFERENCE – “Basic Catholic Principles for Healing the Culture” Camille Pauley, the President and CEO (co-founder with Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J.) of Healing the Culture, will be the keynote speaker for our annual Conference held on August 11-12. Camille will unfold the four levels of happiness and basic Catholic principles that help us to experience the deepest happiness. These principles and insights will provide us with a steady compass for navigating the mainstream culture when we encounter bad ideas and values. The presentations will include engaging, interactive exercises. Every Catholic, especially those involved with handing on the Faith, needs these principles that give a solid underpinning to discussion about marriage, pre-marital sex, abortion, assisted suicide, and so many other issues. There are flyers and brochures in the back of church. SAVE THE DATE: MEN OF THE CROSS CONFERENCE – October 28. The 2017 Men of the Cr oss Confer ence will be held on October 28th at McDonell High School in Chippewa Falls. The keynote presenters include Fr. Richard Heilman, John Pridmore and Jessie Romero. Please share this information with your KCs and men’s groups. WHAT MAKES A DAD? God took the str ength of a mountain, the majesty of a tr ee, the war mth of a summer sun, the calm of the quiet sea, The generous soul of nature, The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, The power of the eagles flight, The joy of a morning in spring, The faith of a mustard seed, The patience of eternity, the depth of family need, Then God combined these qualities. When there was nothing more to add, He knew his masterpiece was complete, And so, He Called it......DAD Author: Unknown HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!


The family of Evelyn Mikshowsky Father Tim Anyone affected by storms and weather. All intentions in our parish book of prayer.

If you have a request to add, please call the office 608-788-1646.

AQUINAS HIGH SCHOOL UPCOMING REUNION WEEKENDS: Class of 1946 - 71st Class Reunion - Saturday, August 12th at Schmidty's at 12:00 p.m. Contact: Evelyn (Kerska) Hammas at (608) 788-4975 or Mary (Bezpaletz) Melde-Weiske (608) 788-1439 Class of 1950 67th Class Reunion - Saturday, September 16th at Schmidty's Restaurant 11:30 a.m. Social Hour, 1:30 p.m. Dinner with select menu Contact: John Alexander (608) 269-4531 or Don Gallagher (608) 788-3420 Class of 1952 65th Class Reunion - Saturday, Sept. 23rd at Cedar Creek Social hour begins at 1:30 p.m., dinner to follow @ 2:30 p.m. More information to follow in a class mailing. Contacts: Teresa Heberlein (715) 284-5367 or Joan Faas (608) 783-3397 Class of 1957, 60th Class Reunion - Friday, September 15th - New Eagles Club, 6th & Market Time and information to follow. Saturday, Sept. 16th Mass at St. Rose Covenant @ 4 p.m. Dinner to follow at the Waterfront Restaurant, 328 Front St S, La Crosse, WI 54601. Contact: Bev Breidel (608) 796-0901, [email protected] or James Schams (608) 784-3316 Class of 1960 75th Bir thday Par ty - Friday, September 8th, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Freight House in the Hiawatha Room Limited menu with a cash bar. Approximately $10/person Send an RSVP to Barb if you plan to attend. Contact: Barb Herlitzka (608) 788-3386 or Kay (Banasik) Johnson (608) 786-3383 Class of 1967 50th Reunion - Saturday, August 12th at 4 p.m. Cedar Creek Golf Club in Onalaska Contacts: Mick Colgan (608) 780 -1620 [email protected] or Anne Bjorkman Heasley (608) 783-5862 [email protected] Class of 1968 50th Class Reunion August 4-5-6, 2018 Save the date for a weekend of fun at your 50th reunion! Check out the class Aquinas Class of '68 Facebook page. Contact: Darlene (Massie) Otto at (608) 963-4470 or Mary (Bentz) Pretasky for more information. Class of 1977 40th Class Reunion J uly 15th, 2017, at Aquinas High School Theatr e Mass will star t at 4:00 p.m. and dinner is at 6:00 p.m. School tours to follow. Contact: Carol Steingraeder (608) 787-1191 [email protected] Mark Ritter (608) 7831378 Class of 1982 35th Class Reunion - Friday June 16- get together at Alpine Inn 7:00. Saturday June 17- Reunion at Tim Servais's Farm. Hayride, fun & games at 3:30, dinner at 6:00 and bonfire later. Contact Jim and Katie Bagniefski Jim Cell-608-780-5826, Katie Cell 608-780-7506 Email: [email protected]

MONTHLY GET-TOGETHERS: Class of 1947 & Other classes ar e welcome! Monthly Br eakfasts on the 2nd Monday of the month! The La Cr osse Family Restaurant, 2120 Rose St., at 8:00 a.m. Class of 1954 Monthly Br eakfasts 1st Satur day of the Month The Moose Lodge, 1932 War d Ave. at 9 a.m. Contact: Donna (Zellmer) Puent (608) 788-4137 Class of 1955 Quar ter ly Br eakfasts The La Cr osse Family Restaur ant, 2120 Rose St., 9 a.m. Meets the 2nd Wednesday in February, May, August (10th) and November (9th) Contact: Grace (Binner) Smith at [email protected] Class of 1957 Quar ter ly Br eakfasts Meets the 2nd Monday in Mar ch, Apr il, May, J une, J uly, August, September and October. King Street Kitchen (141 7th St. S.) at 9:00 a.m. Contact: Charlotte (Farrel) Baier (608) 781-7395 or James Schams (608) 784-3316 Class of 1961 Meets the 1st Fr iday of the month. Ar die's on Lang Dr ive at 11:30 a.m. Contact: Mar y Gokey, [email protected] (715) 423-8073 Class of 1964 Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. For location contact: Sue King, [email protected] or J oann Lafluer, 608-779-9359 Class of 1975 Meets the fir st day of each month. Schmidty's Restaur ant for lunch at 12:00 Contact: J ohn Dvor ak at (608) 526 -6090