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Let this be known to you, and listen to my. words. 15These people are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine oâ€
June 2014 The Coming of the Spirit | Acts 2 1When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. 2And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. 3Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. 4And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. 5Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem. 6At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. 7They were astounded, and in amazement they asked, “Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans? 8Then how does each of us hear them in his own native language? 9We are Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya near Cyrene, as well as travelers from Rome, 11both Jews and converts to Judaism, Cretans and Arabs, yet we hear them speaking in our own tongues of the mighty acts of God.” 12They were all astounded and bewildered, and said to one another, “What does this mean?” 13But others said, scoffing, “They have had too much new wine.” 14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice, and proclaimed to them, “You who are Jews, indeed all of you staying in Jerusalem. Let this be known to you, and listen to my words. 15These people are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o‟clock in the morning. 16No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: 17„It will come to pass in the last days,‟ God says, „that I will pour out a portion of my spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. 18Indeed, upon my servants and my handmaids I will pour out a portion of my spirit in those days, and they shall prophesy. 19And I will work wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below: blood, fire, and a cloud of smoke. 20The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and splendid day of the Lord, 21and it shall be that everyone shall be saved who calls on the name of the Lord.‟ 22You who are Israelites, hear these words. Jesus the Nazorean was a man commended to you by God with mighty deeds, wonders, and signs, which God worked through him in your midst, as you yourselves know. 23This man, delivered up by the set plan and foreknowledge of God, you killed, using lawless men to crucify him. 24But God raised him up, releasing him from the throes of death, because it was impossible for him to be held by it. 25For David says of him: „I saw the Lord ever before me, with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed. 26Therefore my heart has been glad and my tongue has exulted; my flesh, too, will dwell in hope, 27because you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld, nor will you suffer your holy one to see corruption. 28You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.‟ 29My brothers, one can confidently say to you about the patriarch David that he died and was buried, and his tomb is in our midst to this day. 30But since he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn an oath to him that he would set one of his descendants upon his throne, Continued on page 2 4 Appleton Street ■ Arlington, MA 02476 ■ church 781.646.0705 Fr. Kastanas emergency voicemail pager 781.673.2002 ■ fax 781.641.4700 ■ www.saintathanasius.org NEW office email address: [email protected]

Acts of the Apostles Chapter 2, continued from cover page: 31he foresaw and spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah, that neither was he abandoned to the netherworld nor did his flesh see corruption. 32God raised this Jesus; of this we are all witnesses. 33Exalted at the right hand of God, he received the promise of the holy Spirit from the Father and poured it forth, as you (both) see and hear. 34For David did not go up into heaven, but he himself said: „The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand 35until I make your enemies your footstool.”‟ 36Therefore let the whole house of Israel know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Messiah, this Jesus whom you crucified.” 37Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and they asked Peter and the other apostles, “What are we to do, my brothers?” 38Peter [said] to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the holy Spirit. 39For the promise is made to you and to your children and to all those far off, whomever the Lord our God will call.” 40He testified with many other arguments, and was exhorting them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” 41Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand persons were added that day. 42They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers. 43Awe came upon everyone, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. 44All who believed were together and had all things in common, 45they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one‟s need. 46Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple area and to breaking bread in their homes. They ate their meals with exultation and sincerity of heart, 47praising God and enjoying favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. Parish Council Update Dear Parishioners, As June rolls in, we begin final preparations for our Greek Festival on June 6, 7 & 8. As you know, the festival is our biggest event from every perspective. It’s the event with most people, the most work, the most food and the most fun!! Hundreds of our parishioners work in harmony to present the spirit, love and delicious flavors of the St. Athanasius community to our friends and neighbors. However, we need your help to make this a successful event. Please don’t hesitate to come to the festival to help out; don’t sit and wait for a phone call or special invitation. We need your help! Consider this message your personal invitation. Look at the festival calendar for our preparations schedule, call the office, or just come down and participate. Together we will make this the best festival ever!! Thank you. Also, in case the festival wasn’t keeping the Parish Council busy enough, May has introduced new opportunities for our parish to potentially refinancing its mortgage (currently at a rate of 6.31%). On Wednesday, May 14, nearly 60 parishioners participated in a General Assembly and authorized the Parish Council to proceed with their efforts to refinance. The Parish Council’s objectives are to refinance the current mortgage, to achieve an interest rate of 4.75% or lower, to reduce the risk of a higher interest rate in 6 years (when the current loan is due) and to create an opportunity to pay off our mortgage in 15-20 years. After a presentation of the effort and follow-on discussions, the General Assembly approved a motion for the Parish Council to proceed with refinancing with the following loan terms: a loan amount of $4MM (to pay off existing mortgage & swap termination fee), an interest rate of 4.75% or lower, a loan term of 15-20 years and a loan amortization period of 15-20 years. At this time, we have credible term sheets from 3 different banks and are in the process of negotiating with them to achieve this goal. We’ll keep you posted. Looking forward to seeing you at the festival!! Paul Tsitsopoulos Parish Council President

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presents its annual

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St. Athanasius The Great Greek Orthodox Church


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Festival ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• June 6,7 & 8 •

Friday & Saturday 11am-10pm Sunday 11am-8pm

LAMB and PIG on the SPIT HOMEMADE GREEK FOOD and PASTRIES LIVE GREEK MUSIC CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES & GAMES Bring your GREEK WINE & BEER Family & Friends and Share the Fun FAST FOOD LINES the Greek Way! CHURCH TOURS Free Admission GREEK CAFENIO (Coffee House) Rain or Shine AGORA under a Large Tent (MARKET PLACE) Celebrating our GREEK DANCING 5oth year!

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www.arlingtonfestival.com accepted

4 Appleton Street - Arlington, Mass

News and Announcements 2014 Metropolis Ministry Awards Recipient for Saint Athanasius- Nicholas Darris The Metropolis Ministry Award is bestowed annually upon an individual chosen from each parish community, in recognition of the time and talents they have contributed for the progress of the local Parish. It is with great pleasure to announce Nicholas Darris as this year’s worthy recipient! It was a honor to present the award to a pioneer and stalwart of Saint Athanasius the Great. The 28th Annual Metropolis of Boston Ministry Awards Dinner will be held on Sunday, June 8, 2014 at Lombardo's in Randolph, Massachusetts. Reception starts at 5:30pm, Dinner at 6:30. Please extend your warmest Congratulations to Nicholas Darris when you see him. Axios! - John Ioakimidis and Paul Skambas, Chairs for Ministry Award Selection 50th Anniversary Commemorative Album As we prepare to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our parish church, Saint Athanasius the Great, in 2014, a commemorative album is being created. Photos of families and various ministry activities will be featured, along with the history of our community. You can reserve your space in the album using the form in this bulletin or online at www.tinyurl.com/50album Please contact George Makredes, with any questions Thankfully and Gratefully, George Makredes, Album Committee Chairperson Email: [email protected] Phone: (781) 492-0138 YOUTH MINISTRY UPDATES Sunday Catechetical School As we approach the end of each academic year and the prospect of some well-deserved rest for teachers and student alike, I always reflect on the many blessings we’ve enjoyed during the year and the occasional challenges we had to face and overcome. Typically, each one of our families shares many enjoyable moments, but also faces situations that challenge us and require constant prayer, faith and perseverance to overcome. Sometimes, as a parent and teacher I enjoy the privilege and trust of families that share some of these stories with me. These stories then become my stories, and vice versa, and in prayer we all feel connected and supported. It is in this trust, love and common humanity that we all become a true community and Christ’s Church of Living Stones. At the end of every year we explore this exact theme with my 5th grade class. We call it the ‘Living Stones Project’ and it’s one of our beloved activities as the academic year approaches its end. In the process, we build a Church with pictures of the children in our class, their parents and siblings,

News and Announcements and people that teach, guide and work for us in the Church. For the next year, this project hangs in our classroom to remind the incoming students that they will also become the Living Stones that make Christ’s true Church. We share some pictures from this activity for your enjoyment!

Catechetical Sunday School Commencement Sunday was celebrated on May 18th, the last Sunday before the Memorial day holiday. We congratulate our tenth grade graduates and the children that were recognized for their exceptional Divine Liturgy and Catechetical School attendance. William, Kanella and Kiki you are an inspiration for all of us young and old!

We lovingly reflect on this stepping stone in the life of our students and we keep them and all of our high school and college graduates in our prayers. Life transitions such as graduations can be a cause of both excitement and anxiety to students and their families. As our young people go out into the world, to learn, perform community service, train and start discovering the world on their own, we want them to know that they are never alone in this journey. Their St. Athanasius Orthodox Church family prays for them and eagerly awaits to welcome them back, when they visit, participate, enrich and make us better in every opportunity.

News and Announcements Finally, please, join me in extending a heartfelt THANK YOU to the over twenty individuals that served our parish as teachers and assistants this past year. They represent one of the most faithful and dedicated group of people I have ever worked with. Our children are blessed to be guided in their Christian Orthodox journey by them. We pray that God keeps students, teachers, our beloved Fr. Nick and all you in His care through the summer months. Relax, recharge and enjoy! Little Halos During the month of May, we studied seeds, their flowers and their growth cycles. We also studied garden bugs and farm animals. In relation to this unit we visited Drumlin Farm and enjoyed the outdoors as we took a hay ride and observe how farm animals and insects live. We practiced reading and singing many nursery rhymes that involved farm animals and our theme of the great outdoors.

The children are practicing for their graduation that will take place on May 30th, and are very excited! Our Field Day, filled with outdoor games and fun, will be on Monday, June 2nd. Our Little Halos community held a tag sale of baby/child items; the fundraiser was a huge success. Thank you to all who supported us! Our St. Athanasius Little Halos Preschool provides a three-fold program of the, English/Greek Language, Hellenic culture, and Greek Orthodox Faith, within a developmental framework of playbased learning for children 2.9-5 years old. Little Halos is licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. New flexible schedule options are offered for 2014-15 school year: 8:30am- 3:00pm | 12noon-3:pm | 8:30am-12:00noon As this school year comes to a close and we look forward to a new one in September, there are a few more spots in our Little Halos program for the fall of 2014. For more information and to schedule a tour, please contact; Kaiti Galanopoulos, Director: [email protected] – 781-354-9232 Greek School Graduation for pre-K and Kindergarten was celebrated on Monday, May 19, and for grades 1-6 on Thursday, May 29 in the James Bouboulis auditorium. Congratulations to all the children, their families and our teachers.

News and Announcements The registration process is the same as last year, where you are encouraged to register early so that we can better plan for classes. Registration forms can be found in the church office. Thank you for your attention to this new system. In the 2014-2015 academic year classes will continue to meet once weekly Monday - Thursday afternoons: Kindergarten on Mondays 4:00-6:00pm, 1st and 4th grades on Tuesdays 4:00-6:30pm, 2nd and 5th grades on Wednesdays 4:00-6:30pm, and 3rd and 6th grades on Thursdays 4:006:30pm. If you need any further information about our school, program or any of our events, please contact Kaiti Galanopoulos, at 781-354-9232. JOY JOY kicked off the month of May with a Paint Night fundraiser – a wonderful time was had by all! Thank you to the wonderful group of women who came out to support the JOY ministry and to the ladies who made it all possible: Angie, Loula, Olga, Jane, and our painter Katerina- great job!

They wrapped up the month and their activities for this liturgical year with a pizza and ice cream party featuring face painting, dancing and more. It was a great way to end the year and all the kids had a blast! The advisors wish everyone a great summer and look forward to seeing you in September! GOYA Hello Saint Athanasius! The GOYA has done quite a lot in the past month! On May 3rd, GOYAns went to see Captain America, and then went to a bonfire at the Tsitsopoulos’s house. We had a great time! Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Tsitsopoulos for hosting! On May 4th, several GOYAns and parents walked (and completed!) the 20-mile Walk for Hunger, to raise awareness for people in Massachusetts who are not as fortunate as us. Each walker and GOYAn contributed money to support Project Bread’s efforts to help feed the hungry. On May 11th, several GOYAns pinned corsages onto the mothers of our church. The GOYA had made these corsages the previous morning. Several GOYAns helped the Philoptochos make koulourakia and spanikopita for the festival, which is June 6-8. A few of us will also be doing face painting for the JOY kids at their Ice Cream Party. We will also be volunteering at the festival, working the kids corner, as well as helping with dishes and food service. All Goyans should try to volunteer an hour or two at the Festival.

News and Announcements

Coming up, the GOYA will be holding a costume dance at the church hall on May 30th. We will also be holding an end of the year Beach Day on June 21st! Mark your calendars, family and friends are welcome. The GOYA would like to congratulate its graduating seniors of 2014: George Tsitsopoulos Stacie Paganis Peter Bowling

Peter Christakis Frances Christakis Jake Douvas

Greg Koutroukas Venetia Grimes

As this will be our last bulletin, on behalf of all the officers, we would like to thank the GOYA and St. Athanasius for the time they have given to making this such a fun and exciting year. Anyone interested should join up next year! Thank you for reading! -GOYA 2013-2014 ADULT MINISTRY UPDATES Philoptochos A small group of us visited some of our parishioners during Holy Week, we travelled to nursing homes and parishioners' own homes. The look of appreciation and smiles we received were simply amazing. High school and College graduates were acknowledged and presented with gifts on Graduation Sunday, May 18, 2014. There are so many benefits to be had being paid stewards of this church. We had more donations that were delivered to the Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos for the Veteran’s Housewarming Baskets. There is still an opportunity if you would like to donate towards this wonderful project. We will take collections this coming Fall, Winter, and Spring 2015. We are glad to complete another busy year for the Annual Grecian Festival 2014. I don’t know how, but it all gets done. What a way to end the year! The energy in us that takes over for 3 days is astounding. The amount of work that goes into this event truly gives you the warm and fuzzy

News and Announcements feeling of "doing it for the church"! We need more people to want to have that "warm and fuzzy feeling". We are blessed to be able to make donations to the Pine Street Inn 3 times a year, however, representation from St. Barbara's did serve a meal in May. What I enjoy most about being part of the Philoptochos is the donation of our time and seeing how we can make a difference to do simple things, not just only making monetary donations. Year-End Meeting : Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. James Bouboulis Auditorium | (Pot Luck Dinner - Bring a meal to share) We have met all of our obligations to National and the Metropolis to date, as well as contributed to our own St. Athanasius Greek Orthodox Church and its parishioners. Fifties Plus The Fifties Plus Ministry enjoyed their day trip on May 15 at Mystic Seaport, CT. Strolling through the 19th century seaport village and viewing the beautiful ships were the highlight of the day.

You are all invited to join us for the "End of the Year" Pot Luck Luncheon on Wednesday, June 11 at noon in the church auditorium. Come for an afternoon of fellowship. Please bring a main dish or dessert. See you then! Homeless and Needy Our Homeless and Needy ministry supports a number of people by sharing food certificates from local supermarkets. Please consider donating a gift certificate in order to help others… Pine Street Inn We continue our long tradition of preparing and serving a meal to the 100 women guests at the Pine Street Inn on a monthly basis. Whether you are looking to make this a monthly commitment or would like to make a onetime visit we encourage you to join us. Please call Randy Fassas 617-966-1452 for more information. If you are interested in getting involved please call the church office for more information, We would love to have you!! All bulletin submissions for the bulletin must be sent to [email protected] by the 15th of the preceding month. It is the responsibility of each ministry to submit their announcements; we encourage everyone to be represented each month!

Cash IN & Cash OUT Q1 2014 vs Q1 2013 Jan - Mar 2014 CASH IN Stewardship Candles Donations - Tray Donations - Memorial Donations - Miscellaneous (Inc) Donations - Principal Paydown Donations - Seasonal Greek School Income Little Halos Day School Income Miscellaneous Income Property - Acton St. House Property - AHNS School Property - Parking Space Rental Income Rental - Church Hall Special Activities (Net Income) 50th Anniversary Events Festival Golf Tournament Other Events Total Special Activities (Net) Fund Raising TOTAL CASH IN

Jan - Mar 2013

81,197 10,951 7,733 7,068 1,285 0 640 1,605 * 18,460 0 7,047 54,753 3,200 1,500 14,980 0 1,944 1,150 18,074 97 213,610

72,023 8,582 5,837 2,097 722 25 2,805 0 19,955 27,125 * 4,995 52,297 2,400 1,850 0 -3,770 7,500 3,662 7,392 1,250 209,355

$ Change 9,174 2,369 1,896 4,971 563 -25 -2,165 1,605 -1,495 -27,125 2,052 2,456 800 -350

* 2014 shows income from fall registrations * 2013 includes ~$26k Insur. reimb. for Sandy

14,980 3,770 -5,556 -2,512 10,682 -1,153 4,255

CASH OUT Archdiocese National Ministries Allocation Athletics Program Auto Loan & Expenses Building Maint & Repair Custodian & Cleaning Co. Elevator Maintenance Fire & Security Systems General Maintenance & Repair Heating & Cooling systems Kitchen & Refrigeration systems Landscaping & Snow Plowing Supplies Waste Removal Total Building Maint & Repair Community Center Expenses Candle Expenses Capital Improvements Charitable Donations(Exp) Church & Religious Supplies Insurance Administrative Expenses Mortgage - Interest payments Mortgage - Principal payments Office Supplies & Equipment Leases Payroll - Accounting Payroll - Cantor Salaries Payroll - Secretary Salaries Payroll - Greek School Teachers Payroll - Little Halos Teachers Payroll - Taxes & Expenses Priest - Health Insurance Priest - Pension Priest - Salary Professional Fees Telecommunications Utilities Electric Gas - Church Heat Gas - Church Kitchen Water&Sewer - Church Total Utilities Travel Visiting Clergy TOTAL CASH OUT

25,905 * 4,320 2,395

13,050 * 3,000 2,321

12,855 1,320 74

9,472 500 1,974 367 935 1,312 2,610 1,536 764 19,470 191 6,175 0 90 587 14,819 -2,322 57,650 19,068 8,588 200 1,750 8,485 14,186 19,277 3,358 8,957 1,800 28,559 1,052 1,160

6,186 500 2,441 27,398 * 773 330 2,439 1,154 758 41,979 544 4,116 7,844 516 460 10,624 2,244 58,822 17,895 9,170 638 1,500 7,100 15,602 12,294 3,922 8,657 1,500 24,479 0 1,139

3,286 0 -467 -27,031 162 982 171 382 6 -22,509 -353 2,059 -7,844 -426 127 4,195 -4,566 -1,172 1,173 -582 -438 250 1,385 -1,416 6,983 -564 300 300 4,080 1,052 21

3,629 16,201 * 236 633 20,699 0 2,550 268,969

3,465 13,086 119 409 17,079 500 2,670 269,665

164 3,115 117 224 3,620 -500 -120 -696

NET CASH FLOW (Cash IN - Cash OUT) Estimated CASH OUT for delinquent 2013 invoices EFFECTIVE Q1 2014 CASH FLOW

-55,359 26,600 -28,759






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* * * *


*2014 includes ~$15k for 2013 Balance *2013 includes ~$12k for 2012 Balance *2014 includes ~$1400 pmt for 2013

*2014 includes ~$1k in pmts for 2013

*2013 Incudes ~$26k in repairs due to Sandy *2014 includes ~$1k in pmts for 2013

*2014 includes ~$1,700 in pmts for 2013

*2014 includes ~$4k pmt for 2013 *2014 includes credits

*2014 includes 1 more payroll period in March *2014 includes 1 more payroll period in March *2014 includes 1 more payroll period in March *2014 includes 1 more payroll period in March

*2014 includes 1 more payroll period in March

*2014 includes ~$2,500 in pmts for 2013

St. Athanasius Stewardship Roll of Honor Contributions as of May 11, 2014

THANK YOU! Your continued Love and Support make our many ministries possible ΣΑΣ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΟΥΜΕ! Η αγάπη και η υποστήριξη σας στηρίζουν τις πολλές διακονίες της εκκλησίας μας

Mr. & Mrs. George Afouxenides Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Aggouras Elaine M. Alexis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Anamateros Mr. & Mrs. Harry Anamateros Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Anargirou Mr. Arthur Anastasopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Antonakas Mr. & Mrs. George Antonopoulos Nick & Sophia Aronis Athanasios & Angela Arvanitis Jonathan & Thea Athanas George & Lena Athanasiadis Pavlos & Danielle Athanasiadis Betty Athanasoulas Mr. & Mrs. George Baltatzidis Ms. Shant Baran Ms. Janet Barbas Elke Barber Jean Barlas John and Valerie Belitsos Mr. & Mrs. Michael Billiris Mr. & Mrs. Stefanos Bilis Mrs. Ekaterini Bouboulis Irene Bouboulis & Antonios Giakoumis Mihail S. Bouboulis Stefanos & Despina Bouboulis Mr. Georgios I. Bouboulis Dr.David & Tina Bowling Ms. Katina Caramanis Leo & Eleni Carayannopoulos Steven & Fatima Ceppi Mr. & Mrs. James Chalapatas Cassandra Chamallas Charles & Lynne Chamallas Mrs. Kiki Chrisafis Anastasios & Eleni Christophilos Mr. & Mrs. Elias Christopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Chrysanthopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chrysanthopoulos The Cokorogianis Family Alexander & Carolyn Colovos Mrs. Zoe Colt Ms. Georgia Contes Mr & Mrs C. Courduvelis Mr. & Mrs. Roger Daigel Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dalaklis Mr. & Mrs. Menelaos Dalaklis Stephen & Isabell Dalaklis Ms. Katherine Darris

Nicholas & Aphrodite Darris Mr. & Mrs. Gioseppe Deblasi Mr. & Mrs. George Delyani Mr. Spyos Demetropoulos Athanasios & Voula Demopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dennison Robert & Stephanie Devasto Mr. & Mrs. Robert&Thespena Devito Dimitrios & Potoula Dimopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Yannis Doganis Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Diane Downey Mr. & Mrs. George Drizos Stephen& Kim Edmonds Evaggelos Eleftheriou Mr. & Mrs. George Eliopoulos Kathryn G. Elios Mrs. Elizabeth Elios Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Falabella Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fassas Ms. Christine Fassas Andrew & Pelagia Fotopulos John & Joanne Francis Mrs. Holly Tingos Freiner Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Galanopoulos H. Galanopoulos & M. Dardati Kosta and Fotini Gavrielidis Mr. & Mrs. James Geanakos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gennis Apostolos &Erika Georgacopoulos Eleni Georgacopoulos Mr. Taso & Tamara Georgacopoulos Irene Georgakoudi Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas George Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Georgelis Mr. & Mrs. Steven Georgopoulos Mrs. Garyfallia Georgoulis Mathew & George Gheorghiou & Family Mrs. Evangeline Gianocostas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Giatrelis Mr. & Mrs. James Giosmas Mr. & Mrs. Harry Girdis Mr. & Mrs. James Gogos Mr. & Mrs. Margaritta Grimes Christopher & Kristin Harris Mr.& Mrs. Kostas Hassan & Family Mr. & Mrs. George Hatziconstani Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hatzikostanti Mrs. Maria Hatziliadis Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Hatziyannis Barbara & Leonard J. Henson

Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Hrysospathis Crystal Iakovou Mr. & Mrs. Iakovos V. Iakovou John & Althea Ioakimidis Stavros & Katina Ioakimidis The Ioakimidis Family John & Martha Jefferson Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Sophia Jepson Mr. & Mrs. Christos Kakambouras Mr. & Mrs. George Kaliontzis John & Irene Kalogeris James & Courtney Kaloyanidis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kanellias Corina Kapetanakis Mr.&Mrs. Constantine Kapetanakis Nicholas & Vivian Karafotias Elizabeth Karagianis Mrs. Katherine Karagianis Mr. & Mrs. Panos Karkantis Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Karpouzis Bill & Jessica Karras Mr. & Mrs. Nick Karras Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kasseris Fr. Nicholas and Pres. Litsa Kastanas Demetrios & Christina Katos Mr. & Mrs. Elias Katsos Steven & Shara Katsos Nicholas & Stella Kazantzas Alice Kefalas Mr. & Mrs. Stavros Kesaris Spiros Kesaris Stathis & Angela Kesaris Demetra Ketcios Mr. & Mrs. Christopher & Nicky Kokoras Vihren & Rositsa Kolev Mr. & Mrs. George Kolokithas Mr. Dimitrios Kolokithas Mr. & Mrs. George Kombouras Mr. & Mrs. Konstandina Kondilis Nick & Vicki Konstandakis Mr. & Mrs. Perikles Kontalipos Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios & Eleni Kosmidis Mr. & Mrs. Michail Kosmidis Alexandria Kostopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Costa Koudanis Ms Susan L. Koulouris Katherine Kriketos Mr. S. Nicholas Kriketos II Mr. & Mrs. Kosta & Maria Kritikos Mr. Anthony Kritikos

Evmorfilli Kyridis Mr. Peter Ladas Nicholas Lambrou R& G Laundry & family Mr James Leanos Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Leonardos N. Leonardos & R. Chandonnet Ellen Leotsakos Theodore & Nancy Leotsakos John & Eleni Lodato Mr. Dimitrios Loucagos Alexander & Loula Loukeris Mr. & Mrs. Leo & Niki Mourmoutis John Macaris Mr. & Mrs. Macleod James Macrokanis Mr. & Mrs. John Magoufis John G. Maidonis Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Makrakis Carolyn Finocchiaro Charles & Despina Makredes George & Leona Makredes Joanne Markredes Joseph and Maryanne Senna Mr. Gary Makredes Panagiotis & Kalliopi Mamounas Zannis & Angeliki Mamounas Mr. John Mandis Angeliki & Joseph Maniscalco Mr. & Mrs. Vasiliki Manousos Peter & Maria Maradianos Melanie I. Marken Demitrius & Pauline Mastorakos Emmanuel & Eleni Meimaris Nikolaos & Maria Meimaris Pavlos & Eleni Meimaris Vasilios & Sonia Meimaris Dennis & Elaine Melahouris Nicholas Melahouris Mark & Carolyn Miminos Lori & Mim Minichiello Efstratios & Youlie Mirogiannis Peter & Kathy Mirogiannis Margaret Mitropoulos Mr. William Mitropoulos Tessie Mitropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Charles Moisakis Peter & Megan Moisakis Anastasios Moshonisiou Dr.Ioannis & Angela Moutsatsos Mr. & Mrs. Cynthia A Mouzakis Fr Stelios& Presv Georgia Muksuris Thomas & Aglaia Nanopoulos Kalliope Nicholas Peter Orfanos Theofanis & Christine Orfanos James & Joanne Pagounes

George Panagiotis Mrs. Irene Paleologos William Pananos Thanos & Maria Pantazis George & Georgia Pantazopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Vassilios Pantazopoulo Nicholas Pantazopoulos Mr.Costa Papadimitris Mr. & Mrs. Lazaros Papadopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios & Christina Papageorgiou George & Anna Papalimberis Arthur Papas Mary Pappas Mr. & Mrs. John Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Alexandros Paragios George & Panagiota Paras Elias & Olga Patoucheas John & Aliki Patoucheas John & Maria Pavlidis Nicolaos & Evangelia Perhanidis Constantinos Philips Haralambos & Panagiota Phillos Joanne E. Piandes Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pietrolungo Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pithis Ms. Florence Pollock Mr. & Mrs. L. Dean Poulos Mrs. Eleanor Profis Spyridon Prois Mr. & Mrs. James Psiakis & Family Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Raftelis Constantine & Eileen Reissis Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Reissis Ms Valerie Relias Mr. Jorge E. Rodriguez Peter & Soula Rogaris Mr. & Mrs. James Sakorafos Eleni Schizas Ryals Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Scribner John Seremetis Anthony & Elaine Sgouros Mrs. Betty Shushan Paul & Maria Skambas Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Skourides Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Sofronas Mr. & Mrs. Steven Soillis Mr. Christos Soillis Andreas & Ioanna Spalaris Anthony & Despina Speros Iris Speros Mr. & Mrs. James Speros Theodore & Elaine Speros Mr.&Mrs. N. Splagounias Family Mrs. Angelina Stamas Marianthe Stamides

Mr. & Mrs. Stefanos Stamides Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stamos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stanitsas Evlambia Stathis Ms. Georgia Stathopoulos George & Rodanthi Stratakis Irini Stylianou Stratos&Spyridoula Taoultsides Mary Tashjian Ms Diane M. Tashjian Mr. & Mrs. Michael Terzakis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Theodore Mr. & Mrs. Paul Theodoulou Emmanuel & Argie Tiliakos Paul & Elaine Tilly Mr. & Mrs. Costa Tingos Perry A. & Vicky Tingos Mr. John W Toulopoulos Stefanos & Maria Tourkomanolis Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Trefon Ms. Anna Tsakarissianos Anastasia Tsakirgis Mr. & Mrs. George Tsakirgis Mr. & Mrs. Niko Tsangarakis Maria Tsaousidis Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios & Kyriaki Tsaousidis Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Tserkonis Vasilios & Argyro Tsiaras Mr. & Mrs. James Tsihlis Mr. & Mrs. Apostolos Tsitsopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Tsitsopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Theophilos Vallas Mr. & Mrs. John Vankuilenburg Maria & Steven Vasilakis-Walker Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Venizelos Steven & Kelly Vosnakis Mrs. Maria Vrotsos David & Christine Wilson Katherine Xenos Mr. & Mrs. Sokrat Xhuveli The Yanakopulos Family Mark & Jane Ypsilantis Mr. & Mrs. Evan Ypsilantis Nicholas & Kathleen Ypsilantis Demetra Zacharakis Dorothy Zevitas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Zevitas Mrs. Katherine Zevitas Ms. Alexa Zevitas Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Ziavras Menelaos & Elsa Zotos

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Synaxis of the Holy Apostles Orthros 8, Divine Liturgy 9-10 Greek Dancing for Adults 8pm

Sts. Peter and Paul Orthros 8am Divine Liturgy 9:15-10:30am Baptism Noon:Baby Lukas Makredes Wedding 3pm: Eleni Afouxenides and Costas Koudanis


23 Greek Dancing for Adults 8pm


17 Philoptochos General Assembly 7 pm


HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! Orthros 8am Divine Liturgy 9:15-10:30am Memorial: +Katherine Xenos +Dimittrakis Scholarship Award Baptism 1pm: Anastasios Alepakis Pine St. Inn 5pm 22 Orthros 8 Liturgy 9:15-10:30am Memorials:+Maria Metaxas Koufos; +Dimitra Valtaras Baptism of Twins 2pm: George and Gabrilla Paras Baptism Vasili/William Fiore




16 Greek Dancing for Adults 8pm

9 Greek Dancing for Adults 8pm


SUMMER HOURS BEGIN! PENTECOST: Orthros 8am Divine Liturgy 9:15-10:30am Special Service 10:30-11 GREEK FESTIVAL! 11am-8pm


2 Field Day Little Halos 8:30am Adult Rel. Ed. and Bible Study in Greek: 7:15 8:30pm Greek Dancing for Adults 8pm


1 Orthros 8:45 Liturgy 10-11:30 Memorials: +Mihail Bouboulis, +Ioannis Vasilopoulos, +Nikolaos Boretos, +Demetrios (James) Bouboulis Baptism 3pm: Evangelos J. Deblasi



11 50’s Plus Potluck Luncheon 12 noon

4 FESTIVAL PREP 9am Dolamathes 8:30 am


June 2014 Thursday


19 50th Anniversary Album Meeting 7 pm

12 Wedding Rehearsal 6pm

5 FESTIVAL PREP Tables & Chairs Set Up 5pm GREEK FESTIVAL! 11am-10pm


27 Wedding Rehearsal 6:30pm


13 Feast of St. Methodios Great Vespers at the Cathedral Chapel in Brookline 7pm






28 Baptism 2pm: Anastasios Belitsos Great Vespers 4:30pm

21 Baptism 11am: Mason Michael Frieas Baptism 1:30pm: Niko Kotsiopoulos Vespers 4:30pm Baptism 6 pm

14 Baptism 10:30 :Baby Panagiotis Thomopoulos Flag Day Celebration & Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon noon Wedding 4pm: TaoultsidesMcManus

7 PSYHOSABBATO-Saturday Of the Souls: Orthros 8am D. Lit. 910:30am Memorial: +Vasilios Hamizides+ GREEK FESTIVAL 11am-10pm Metropolis Grk. Sch. Celeb. @ Maliotis 3pm (Grk. Sch. Grads)

  


  

23  


15           

22        

29        


 





  

8        

Τρίτη   

Δεστέρα       

Κσριακή 1        



  

Τετάρτη      


  

 

Πέμπτη    

Ιούνιος 2014

27 


     

Παρασκεσή    

28     

21    

14      

Σάββατο 7        

THANK YOU TO OUR 50TH ANNIVERSARY ALBUM PARTICIPANTS TO DATE Join the Celebration ! Contact George Makredes at [email protected] or call the church office for more information on adding your family's name

Peter & Nicole Antonakas

Panagiotis Demeter

Hellenic Candle Mfg. Co.

Anton's Cleaners, Inc.

James & Kalisty Demopoulos

Barbara & Leonard Henson

Arlington Bakery

DeVito Funeral Homes

Steven & Anna Horiatis

George & Lena Athanasiadis

Dimitrios & Potoula Dimopoulos

John & Martha Jefferson

Betty Athanasoulas

Steven & Maria Douvas -

Christos & Elaine Kakambouras


Ekaterini Bouboulis Stefanos & Despina Bouboulis Ball Square Fine Wines David & Tina Bowling Brattle Square Florist, Inc. James & Christina


Charles & Lynne Chamallas Jean Cicalis

John Dugundji Dunkin Donuts Nicholas & Andrea Fabrizio Faggas Funeral Home Thomas & Phyliss Fassas Fifties Plus Club of St. Athanasiu Mr. & Mrs. Carl Fong

Charlie & Cathy Kalivas Michael & Mariapaula Kanellias Costa & Merope Kapetanakis Nicholas & Vivian Karafotias Katherine & Elizabeth Karagianis Athanasios & Stavroula Karasoulos Mr. & Mrs. Periklis Karipidis Karpouzis Commercial

Andrew & Pelagia Fotopulos

Refrigeration, Inc.


Frank's Steakhouse

Bill Karras

Zoe Colt

Gardens at Gethsemane

Nick & Maria Karras

Georgia Contes

Harry & Pauline Gennis

Fr. Nicholas & Presvytera Kastanas

In Memory of Christopher H.

Thomas & Aida Gennis

Demetrios & Christina Katos

Thomas G. Gennis

Evangelos & Athena Koutroukas

Steven & Annamaria

Kristen & David Kurtz-Pappas

In Memory of Anthony & Esther

Contos D'Agostino's Deli Menelaos & Tanya Dalaklis


Nicholas & Aphrodite Darris

Mathew Gheorghiou

George & Joanne Delyani

Evangeline Gianocostas

George P. Demeter

Daniel N. Giatrelis

Nicholas Lambrou James Leanos Ellen Leotsakos

Alex & Loula Loukeris

Arthur M. Papas

Ta Dilina

George & Leona Makredes

William + and Mary Pappas

Paul & Bessie Theodoulou

Joseph & Angeliki Maniscalco

Charlie Pappas

Elaine Tilly & Joanne Piandes

Dimitris & Anna Manolakis

Martha & Erik Pavlakis –

Mary Tingos

Emmanuel & Eleni Meimaris


Maria Tsaousidis


Andre Raisis

Theodore & Helen Metros

Andy & Debby Rempis

Metropoulos Family

Constantine Rockas

Konstantinos & Kyriaki Moisakis

Peter & Soula Rogaris

George & Popi Moustakas

Dimitra Sakorafos


Ioannis & Angela Moutsatsos

David & Mary-Anne Schubert

Larry & Voula Xanthopoulos

New England Coffee Company

S K Partners, Inc.

Homer & Georgia Ypsilantis

Kalliope & Kathryn Nicholas &

SK Management, Inc.

Stefanos & Magdalini Zaboglou

In Memory of Katy and Peter

Dorothea Zevitas

Elios Irene Paleologos


Sons & Daughters PanMacedonian

Angeliki Stamas

Assn George & Georgia Pantazopoulos George & Anna Papalimberis

Peter & Andrea Stanitsas St. Barbara's Philoptochos Damien & Mabel Stefanidis

Vassilios & Argyro Tsiaras James & Maria Tsihlis Villa House of Pizza Wagon Wheel Nursery and

Katharine Zevitas Nicholas & Jennie Zevitas Menelaos & Elizabeth Zotos

FATHER FORGETS By: W. Livingston Larned Listen, son: I am saying this as you lie asleep, one little paw crumpled under your cheek and the blond curls stickily wet on your damp forehead. I have stolen into your room alone. Just a few minutes ago, as I sat reading my paper in the library, a stifling wave of remorse swept over me. Guiltily I came to your bedside. There are the things I was thinking, son: I had been cross to you. I scolded you as you were dressing for school because you gave your face merely a dab with a towel. I took you to task for not cleaning your shoes. I called out angrily when you threw some of your things on the floor. At breakfast I found fault, too. You spilled things. You gulped down your food. You put your elbows on the table. You spread butter too thick on your bread. And as you started off to play and I made for my train, you turned and waved a hand and called, “Goodbye, Daddy!” and I frowned, and said in reply, “Hold your shoulders back!” Then it began all over again in the late afternoon. As I came up the road I spied you, down on your knees, playing marbles. There were holes in your stockings. I humiliated you before your boyfriends by marching you ahead of me to the house. Stockings were expensive-and if you had to buy them you would be more careful! Imagine that, son, from a father! Do you remember, later, when I was reading in the library, how you came in timidly, with a sort of hurt look in your eyes? When I glanced up over my paper, impatient at the interruption, you hesitated at the door. “What is it you want?” I snapped. You said nothing, but ran across in one tempestuous plunge, and threw your arms around my neck and kissed me, and your small arms tightened with an affection that God had set blooming in your heart and which even neglect could not wither. And then you were gone, pattering up the stairs. Well, son, it was shortly afterwards that my paper slipped from my hands and a terrible sickening fear came over me. What has habit been doing to me? The habit of finding fault, of reprimanding-this was my reward to you for being a boy. It was not that I did not love you; it was that I expected too much of youth. I was measuring you by the yardstick of my own years. And there was so much that was good and fine and true in your character. The little heart of you was as big as the dawn itself over the wide hills. This was shown by your spontaneous impulse to rush in and kiss me good night. Nothing else matters tonight, son. I have come to your bedside in the darkness, and I have knelt there, ashamed! It is feeble atonement; I know you would not understand these things if I told them to you during your waking hours. But tomorrow I will be a real daddy! I will chum with you, and suffer when you suffer, and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when impatient words come. I will keep saying as if it were a ritual: “He is nothing but a boy-a little boy!” I am afraid I have visualized you as a man. Yet as I see you now, son, crumpled and weary in your cot, I see that you are still a baby. Yesterday you were in your mother’s arms, your head on her shoulder. I have asked too much, too much.

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Ο Aπόστολος Παύλος Α. Α. Γθιαβίλα, Οη δώδεθα Απόζηνινη, εθδ. Σέξηηνο, Καηεξίλε, 1993, ζει. ζει. 145-161 Ο Παχινο γελλήζεθε ζηελ Σαξζφ ηεο Κηιηθίαο (Πξ. 22, 3) απφ Δβξαίνπο γνλείο ηεο θπιήο Βεληακίλ (Ρσκ. 11, 1. Φηιηππ. 3, 6). Ωο πξνο ηελ εμήγεζε ηνλ λφκνπ αλήθε ζηνπο Φαξηζαίνπο (Φηιηππ. 3, 6), ήηαλ ξσκαίνο πνιίηεο (Πξ. 16, 37-38), πνιίηεο ηεο μαθνπζηήο πφιεο Σαξζνχ (Πξ. 21, 39). Σν εβξατθφ ηνπ φλνκα ήηαλ ΢ανχι. Ο Ιεξψλπκνο αλαθέξεη φηη ν Παχινο, θαηά παξάδνζε, θαηαγφηαλ απφ ηα Γίζραια ηεο Παιαηζηίλεο. Σνχην πηζαλψο λα ζεκαίλεη φηη θάπνηνο πξνγνλφο ηνπ θαηαγφηαλ απφ ηα Γίζραια. ΢ηελ Σαξζφ, πνπ ήηαλ ηφηε θέληξν ειιεληθήο παηδείαο θαη ζησηθήο θηινζνθίαο, δηδάρηεθε ν Παχινο ηα ειιεληθά θαη γλψξηζε ηελ ειιεληθή ζθέςε. Γη' απηφ φηαλ κηιάεη ζηνπο Αζελαίνπο θέξλεη ζην λνπ ηνπο εθθξάζεηο γλσζηέο ζ' απηνχο, κέζα απφ ηηο νπνίεο ζέιεη λα πεξάζεη ην κήλπκα ηνπ θαη λα δψζεη έλα παξάδεηγκα γηα ηνλ ηξφπν δηνρέηεπζεο ηνπ ρξηζηηαληθνχ θεξχγκαηνο. Η εβξατθή ηνπ θαηαγσγή, ε ειιεληθή ηνπ παηδεία θαη ε ηδηφηεηα ηνπ σο ξσκαίνπ πνιίηε θαζηζηνχζαλ ηνλ Παχιν ίζσο ηνλ πην θαηάιιειν θήξπθα ησλ ρξηζηηαληθψλ ηδεψλ ζηνλ θφζκν ηεο επνρήο ηνπ. Ο θνζκνπνιηηηζκφο ηνπ φκσο δελ ηνλ εκπφδηζε λα γίλεη ηαθηηθφο επηζθέπηεο ηεο ηνπδατθήο ζπλαγσγήο ηεο Σαξζνχ θαη θαλαηηθφο ππνζηεξηθηήο ηνπ ηνπδατθνχ λφκνπ θαη ησλ νξακαηηζκψλ ησλ νκνθχισλ ηνπ: δηδάρηεθα κε αθξίβεηα ην λόκν ησλ παηέξσλ καο, αγσλίζηεθα κε δήιν γηα ην Θεό (Πξ. 22, 3) θαη ήκνπλ άκεκπηνο ζε ό,ηη αθνξά ηελ ηήξεζε ηνπ λόκνπ (Φηιηπ. 3, 6). ΢' απηφ ζπλέηεηλε πεξηζζφηεξν θαη ην γεγνλφο φηη λσξίο πήγε ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα γηα λα ζπνπδάζεη ην λφκν θνληά ζηνπο ξαββίλνπο. Οη εχπνξνη, φπσο θαίλεηαη, γνλείο ηνπ ζέιεζαλ φρη κφλν λα ηνλ κνξθψζνπλ πεξηζζφηεξν, αιιά θαη λα ηνλ απνκαθξχλνπλ ίζσο απφ επηδξάζεηο πνπ κπνξνχζαλ λα αζθήζνπλ επάλσ ηνπ ηα θηινζνθηθά ξεχκαηα πνπ δηαθηλνχληαλ ζηελ Σαξζφ θαη ην εηδσινιαηξηθφ θαη ειιεληζηηθφ πεξηβάιινλ θαζψο θαη ε δηάδνζε ησλ κπζηεξηαθψλ ζξεζθεηψλ. ΢ηα Ιεξνζφιπκα έκελε θαη ε αδειθή ηνπ Παχινπ, φπσο θαίλεηαη απφ ηηο Πξάμεηο, φπνπ γίλεηαη ιφγνο γηα ηνλ αλεςηφ ηνπ (Πξ. 23, 16). ΢ηελ πφιε απηή έγηλε καζεηήο ηνπ Γακαιηήι (Πξ. 22, 3), βπζίζηεθε ζηε κειέηε ηεο λνκηθήο ζενινγηθήο επηζηήκεο ηνπ ξαββηληζκνχ θαη θαπρφηαλ φηη απηφο ν Ινπδαίνο ηεο δηαζπνξάο πξφθνβε ζηνλ Ινπδατζκφ πην πνιχ απφ πνιινχο ζπλνκήιηθνπο ζπκπαηξηψηεο ηνπ, γηαηί είρε κεγαιχηεξν δήιν γηα ηηο πξνγνληθέο ηνπ παξαδφζεηο (Γαι. 1, 14). Ο Παχινο θαίλεηαη φηη έκεηλε δηά βίνπ άγακνο, γηαηί απηφ πνπ γξάθεη πξνο ηνπο Κνξηλζίνπο (1 Κνξ. 9, 5), κήπσο δελ έρσ δηθαίσκα λα έρσ καδί κνπ ζηα ηαμίδηα «αδειθή γπλαίθα», όπσο θάλνπλ θαη νη άιινη απόζηνινη θαη ηα αδέξθηα ηνλ Κπξίνπ θαη ν Κεθάο ; ζεκαίλεη κάιινλ ην δηθαίσκα λα ηνλ ζπλνδεχεη ζηηο ηεξαπνζηνιηθέο ηνπ πεξηνδείεο κηα γπλαίθα, ρξηζηηαλή αδεξθή, γηα λα ηνλ ππεξεηεί, ψζηε ν ίδηνο λα επηδίδεηαη αλελφριεηα ζην έξγν ηνπ. ʼ ιισζηε είρε, φπσο ν ίδηνο αλαθέξεη, αξξψζηηα αζεξάπεπηε πνπ θαη απηή ίζσο δελ ηνλ επέηξεπε λα δεκηνπξγήζεη νηθνγέλεηα: Γηα λα κελ πεξεθαλεύνκαη, ν Θεόο κνπ έδσζε κηα αξξώζηηα, έλα ππεξέηε ην ζαηαλά λα κε ηαιαηπσξεί. Γη' απηή ηελ αξξώζηηα ηξεηο θνξέο παξαθάιεζα ηνλ Κύξην λα ηε δηώμεη από πάλσ κνπ. Η απάληεζε ηνπ ήηαλ: «Σνπ αξθεί ε δσξεά κνπ, γηαηί ε δύλακε κνπ θαλεξώλεηαη ζηελ πιεξόηεηα ηεο κέζα ζ' απηή ηελ αδπλακία ζνπ» (2 Κνξ. 12, 7-9). Η γέλλεζε ηνπ ηνπνζεηείηαη κεηαμχ ηνπ 5 θαη 15 κ.Χ. ΢ηελ Ιεξνπζαιήκ πξέπεη λα ήξζε γχξσ ζην 30 θαη δελ είλαη βέβαην αλ γλψξηζε ην Χξηζηφ θαη' άλζξσπν (πξβι. 2 Κνξ. 5, 16). ΢ην ιηζνβνιηζκφ ηνπ ΢ηεθάλνπ ν λεαλίαο θαινχκελνο ΢αχιν ο ήηαλ παξψλ θαη φρη κφλν ζηα πφδηα ηνπ άθεζαλ νη ιηζνβνιήζαληεο ην ΢ηέθαλν Ινπδαίνη ηα ηκάηηα ηνπο αιιά θαη ν ίδηνο επηθξνηνχζε ηε ζαλάησζε ηνπ ΢ηεθάλνπ (Πξ. 7, 59-60). Ύζηεξα απφ ηελ εκπεηξία απηή ν Παχινο θαλαηίζηεθε αθφκε πεξηζζφηεξν ελαληίνλ ησλ Χξηζηηαλψλ, ξήκαδε ηελ Εθθιεζία, έκπαηλε κε ηε βία ζηα ζπίηηα, έζεξλε έμσ άληξεο θαη γπλαίθεο θαη ηνπο έξηρλε ζηε θπιαθή (Πξ. 8, 3). ΢ε κηα ηέηνηα ζηηγκή παξνμπζκνχ, ην 34, ηνλ θάιεζε ν Χξηζηφο θνληά ηνπ θαη απφ ερζξφ ηνπ (πξβι. Ρσκ. 5, 10) ηνλ έθακε εθείλε ηε ζηηγκή ζθεχνο εθινγήο (Πξ. 9, 15). Σν φξακα ηνπ Παχινπ ζην δξφκν πξνο ηε Γακαζθφ (Πξ. 9, 1-29. 22, 3-21. 26, 9-20· πξβι. Γαι. 1, 13-16. 1 Κνξ. 15, 8. Φηιηππ. 3, 12. Δθ. 3, 3), φπνπ πήγαηλε λα ζπιιάβεη ρξηζηηαλνχο, άλδξεο θαη γπλαίθεο, λα ηνπο θέξεη ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα (Πξ. 9, 1 εμ.), απνηειεί ζπγθινληζηηθφ γεγνλφο γηα ηνπο Ινπδαίνπο. Η Γακαζθφο ζεκάδεςε θαίξηα ηε δσή ηνπ Παχινπ θαη απφ ηε ζηηγκή εθείλε ηεο κεηαζηξνθήο ηνπ άξρηζε γηα ηελ Δθθιεζία ε ζεηηθή κέηξεζε. ΢ηε Γακαζθφ ν Παχινο βαθηίζηεθε θαη θαηερήζεθε απφ ηνλ Αλαλία (Πξ. 9, 17-19) θαη αλαρψξεζε ζηελ Αξαβία (Γαι. 1, 17), ίζσο γηα ιφγνπο αζθάιεηαο. Απφ ηελ Αξαβία (ην βαζίιεην ησλ Ναβαηαίσλ ζηα λφηηα ηεο Γακαζθνχ) γχξηζε θαη πάιη ζηε Γακαζθφ (Γαι. 1, 17), φπνπ γηα ηξία ρξφληα εξγάζηεθε ηεξαπνζηνιηθά, απφ ην 34 κέρξη ην 37. Δμαηηίαο ησλ επηβνπιψλ ησλ Ινπδαίσλ ελαληίνλ ηνπ αλαγθάζηεθε λα θχγεη απφ ηε Γακαζθφ (Πξ. 9, 23-25) θαη ζηε θπγή ηνπ απηή ζπληέιεζε θαη ν εζλάξρεο Αξέζαο, βαζηιηάο ησλ Ναβαηαίσλ, πνπ ήζειε λα ηνλ πηάζεη (2 Κνξ. 11, 32-33).

Σν 37 πήγε ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα γηα λα γλσξίζεη ηνλ Πέηξν θαη εθεί έκεηλε 15 εκέξεο. Σφηε γλψξηζε, απφ ηνπο άιινπο Απνζηφινπο, κφλν ηνλ αδειθφζεν Ιάθσβν (Γαι. 1, 18-19). Απφ ηηο Πξάμεηο ησλ Απνζηφισλ καζαίλνπκε φηη ν Βαξλάβαο έθακε γλσζηφ ηνλ Παχιν ζηνπο ρξηζηηαληθνχο θχθινπο ηεο Ιεξνπζαιήκ θαη ζηνπο άιινπο Απνζηφινπο, πνπ δελ ήζειαλ λα πηζηέςνπλ φηη ν Παχινο ήηαλ πηα καζεηήο ηνπ Χξηζηνχ. Καη ελψ ν Παχινο πξνζπαζνχζε λα ζπλδεζεί κε ηνπο καζεηέο ηνπ Χξηζηνχ, απηνί ηνλ θνβνχληαλ (Πξ. 9, 26). ΢ηηο ιίγεο εκέξεο ηεο παξακνλήο ηνπ ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα, ζπδεηνχζε ν Παχινο κε ηνπο ειιεληζηέο Ινπδαίνπο πνπ ήζειαλ λα ηνλ θνλεχζνπλ· γη' απηφ νη Χξηζηηαλνί ηνλ πήγαλ κέρξη ηελ Καηζαξεία θαη απφ εθεί ηνλ εμαπέζηεηιαλ ζηελ παηξίδα ηνπ Σαξζφ (Πξ. 9, 26-30). Γηα ηε δξάζε ηνπ Παχινπ ζηηο πεξηνρέο ηεο ΢πξίαο θαη Κηιηθίαο (Γαι. 1,21), ζηε δεθαεηία απφ ην 37 κέρξη ην 47, γηα ηελ νπνία άθνπγαλ νη άιιεο Δθθιεζίεο θαη δφμαδαλ ην Θεφ, πψο απηφο πνπ θάπνηε ηηο θαηαδίσθε θαη ηψξα θεξχηηεη ηελ πίζηε πνπ άιινηε πξνζπαζνχζε λα εμαθαλίζεη (Γαι. 1, 22-23), δελ γλσξίδνπκε ηίπνηα πεξηζζφηεξν. Αξγφηεξα ν Βαξλάβαο βξήθε ηνλ Παχιν ζηελ Σαξζφ θαη ηνλ έθεξε ζηελ Αληηφρεηα, φπνπ αθνζηψζεθαλ γηα έλα νιφθιεξν ρξφλν ζην θήξπγκα θπξίσο αλάκεζα ζηνπο Δζληθνχο (Πξ. 11, 25-26). Απφ ηελ Αληηφρεηα ν Παχινο θαη ν Βαξλάβαο πήγαλ ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα γηα λα κεηαθέξνπλ ηε βνήζεηα ησλ ρξηζηηαλψλ ηεο Αληηνρείαο πξνο ηνπο αδειθνχο ηεο Ιεξνπζαιήκ, πνπ ππφθεξαλ απφ ην ιηκφ ηελ επνρή ηνπ Κιαπδίνπ (Πξ. Π, 27-30). ΢ηελ επηζηξνθή ηνπο ζηελ Αληηφρεηα πήξαλ καδί ηνπο θαη ην Μάξθν (Πξ. 12, 25). Ίζσο ν Παχινο έθακε αθφκε έλα ηαμίδη ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα κε ην Βαξλάβα θαη ηνλ Σίην (Γαι. 2, 1 εμ.)Απφ ηελ Αληηφρεηα άξρηζε ην ηεξάζηην έξγν ηνπ Παχινπ κε ηελ πξψηε απνζηνιηθή πεξηνδεία (47-48), ζηελ νπνία ηνλ έζηεηιε καδί κε ην Βαξλάβα ε ρξηζηηαληθή θνηλφηεηα ηεο Αληηνρείαο (Πξ. 13, 2-3). Απφ ηελ Αληηφρεηα θαηέβεθαλ ζηε ΢ειεχθεηα, απέπιεπζαλ ζηελ Κχπξν θαη δίδαμαλ ζηε ΢αιακίλα, ζηηο εβξατθέο ζπλαγσγέο. Κνληά ηνπο ήηαλ θαη ν αλεςηφο ηνπ Βαξλάβα, ν Μάξθνο. Πέξαζαλ ην λεζί κέρξη ηελ Πάθν· εδψ πίζηεςε ν αλζχπαηνο ΢έξγηνο Παχινο θαη ηηκσξήζεθε ν κάγνο Διίκαο (Βαξηεζνχο ), Ινπδαίνο ςεπδνπξνθήηεο. Απφ ηελ Πάθν πήγαλ ζηελ Πέξγε ηεο Πακθπιίαο. Απφ εδψ ηνπο εγθαηέιεηςε ν Μάξθνο, πνπ γχξηζε ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα. Η Αληηφρεηα ηεο Πηζηδίαο ήηαλ ν επφκελνο ζηαζκφο ηνπ Παχινπ θαη ηνπ Βαξλάβα. ΢ηελ πφιε απηή θήξπμαλ φρη κφλν ζηε ζπλαγσγή αιιά θαη ζηνπο Δζληθνχο πνπ ήηαλ πξνζήιπηνη ζηνλ Ινπδατζκφ. Η παξνπζία ηνπο ζηελ Αληηφρεηα ήηαλ εληππσζηαθή, ψζηε νη Ινπδαίνη μεζήθσζαλ ελαληίνλ ηνπο ηνλ θφζκν θαη ηηο αξρέο ηεο πφιεο. Ο Παχινο θαη ν Βαξλάβαο αλαγθάζηεθαλ ηφηε λα εγθαηαιείςνπλ ηελ Αληηφρεηα θαη λα πάλε ζην Ιθφλην (Πξ. 13, 4-52). Καη εδψ φκσο ηνπο αθνινχζεζαλ πνιινί Ινπδαίνη θαη Δζληθνί αιιά θαη πάιη εθδηψρηεθαλ, νπφηε αλαγθάζηεθαλ λα θαηαθχγνπλ ζηηο πφιεηο ηεο Λπθανλίαο Λχζηξα θαη Γέξβε θαη ηα πεξίρσξα, θεξχηηνληεο ην ιφγν ηνπ Θενχ. ΢ηα Λχζηξα ν Παχινο ζεξάπεπζε θάπνην ρσιφ απφ γελλεζηκηνχ ηνπ. Οη Ινπδαίνη απφ ηελ Αληηφρεηα θαη ην Ιθφλην, αθνχ μεζήθσζαλ ην ιαφ ησλ Λχζηξσλ, ιηζνβφιεζαλ ηνλ Παχιν κέρξη ζαλάηνπ θαη ηνλ κεηέθεξαλ έμσ απφ ηελ πφιε. Σελ άιιε εκέξα ν Παχινο θαη ν Βαξλάβαο πήγαλ ζηε Γέξβε, φπνπ άγξεπζαλ αξθεηνχο. Απφ ηε Γέξβε επέζηξεςαλ ζηα Λχζηξα, ζην Ιθφλην θαη ηελ Αληηφρεηα γηα λα ζηεξίδνπλ ηνπο πηζηεχζαληεο θαη λα ρεηξνηνλήζνπλ γη απηνχο Πξεζβπηέξνπο ζε θάζε Δθθιεζία. Μέζσ ηεο Πηζηδίαο ήξζαλ ζηελ Πακθπιία, θήξπμαλ ζηελ Πέξγε θαη θαηέβεθαλ ζηελ Αηηάιεηα. Ύζηεξα απφ ηελ πεξηνδεία απηή, πνπ είρε ζηφρν ηηο κεγάιεο ηνπδατθέο θνηλφηεηεο ηεο Κχπξνπ θαη Αζίαο θαη ζε δεχηεξν ιφγν ηνπο Δζληθνχο, πξνο ηνπο νπνίνπο ζηξεθφηαλ ν Παχινο κέζσ ησλ Δζληθψλ πξνζήιπησλ, μαλαγχξηζαλ ζηελ Αληηφρεηα ηεο ΢πξίαο (Πξ. 14, 1-26). Η πεξηνδεία απηή, πνπ ήηαλ γεκάηε δησγκνχο θαη ηαιαηπσξίεο (2 Σηκ. 3, 11), πέηπρε γηαηί δεκηνπξγήζεθαλ πνιιέο ρξηζηηαληθέο θνηλφηεηεο θπξίσο αλάκεζα ζηνπο Δζληθνχο. ΢ηελ Αληηφρεηα ν Παχινο θαη ν Βαξλάβαο έκεηλαλ αξθεηφ θαηξφ κε ηνπο Χξηζηηαλνχο (Πξ. 14, 28). Σν 49 ν Παχινο έιαβε κέξνο ζηελ Απνζηνιηθή ΢χλνδν ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα. Απφ ηελ Αληηφρεηα μεθίλεζε θαη πάιη ν Παχινο γηα ηε δεχηεξε πεξηνδεία ηνπ (49-52) · απηή ηε θνξά φκσο είρε σο ζπλνδφ ην ΢ίια θαη φρη ην Βαξλάβα. Ο Βαξλάβαο δε δέρηεθε λα ιάβεη κέξνο ζηελ πεξηνδεία απηή, γηαηί ν Παχινο αξλήζεθε λα πάξνπλ καδί ηνπο ην Μάξθν, πνπ ηνπο άθεζε ζηε δηάξθεηα ηεο πξψηεο πεξηνδείαο θαη γχξηζε ζηελ Αληηφρεηα. Ύζηεξα απφ ην επεηζφδην απηφ ν Βαξλάβαο πήξε ην Μάξθν θαη πήγαλ ζηελ Κχπξν (Πξ. 15, 35-40). Ο Παχινο κε ην ΢ίια πέξαζαλ ηε ΢πξία θαη Κηιηθία, ζηεξίδνληεο ηηο Δθθιεζίεο ζηηο ρψξεο απηέο (Πξ. 15, 41) θαη έθηαζαλ ζηε Γέξβε θαη ζηα Λχζηξα. Απφ ηελ πφιε απηή παξέιαβαλ καδί ηνπο ηνλ Σηκφζεν, αθνχ ηνλ πεξηέηεκαλ γηα λα ηθαλνπνηήζνπλ έηζη ηνπο Ινπδαίνπο ησλ πεξηνρψλ εθείλσλ. ΢ηε ζπλέρεηα πέξαζαλ απφ ηε Φξπγία θαη ηε Γαιαηηθή ρψξα, ηε ρψξα δει. ησλ παιαηψλ Γαιαηψλ (Πξ. 16, 1-6). Δδψ ν Παχινο αζζέλεζε, αλαγθάζηεθε έηζη λα κείλεη θνληά ζηνπο Γαιάηεο θαη λα θεξχμεη ην ιφγν ηνπ Θενχ (Γαι. 4, 13-15). Με ηελ ππφδεημε ηνπ Αγίνπ Πλεχκαηνο, αθνχ ν Παχινο, ν ΢ίιαο θαη ν Σηκφζενο παξέθακςαλ ηε Μπζία θαη απέθπγαλ ηε Βηζπλία, θαηέβεθαλ ζηελ Σξσάδα. Δδψ πξνζηέζεθε ζηε ζπλνδεία ηνπο θαη ν Λνπθάο. Δλψ ν ζθνπφο ηνπ Παχινπ, ζηε δεχηεξε ηνπ απηή πεξηνδεία, ήηαλ λα επηζθεθζεί ηηο Δθθιεζίεο πνπ είρε ηδξχζεη πην κπξνζηά θαη λα ηδεί πψο έρνπλ, ηψξα, κε ηνλ εξρνκφ ηνπ ζηελ Σξσάδα, ε ησξηλή πεξηνδεία ηνπ ζα πάξεη άιιε κνξθή θαη νη δηαζηάζεηο ηεο ζα δηεπξπλζνχλ.

Ύζηεξα απφ έλα λπρηεξηλφ φξακα ήξζε ν Παχινο κε ηνπο ζπλεξγάηεο ηνπ κέζσ ΢ακνζξάθεο ζηε Νεάπνιε ηεο Μαθεδνλίαο θαη απφ ηε Νεάπνιε ζηνπο Φηιίππνπο. Σν πέξαζκα απφ ηελ Αζία ζηελ Δπξψπε ήηαλ έλα ζεκαληηθφ γεγνλφο ζηελ Δθθιεζία θαη ζηνλ θφζκν. ΢ηνπο Φηιίππνπο έκεηλαλ κεξηθέο εκέξεο θαη βάθηηζαλ ηε Λπδία θαη ηνπο δηθνχο ηεο. Η ζεξαπεία φκσο κηαο καληεπφκελεο δνχιεο, πνπ έθεξλε πνιιά θέξδε ζηνπο θπξίνπο ηεο, έγηλε αηηία λα ξαβδηζηνχλ θαη λα κπνπλ ζηε θπιαθή γηα αληηξσκατθέο δήζελ ελέξγεηεο. Οη θαηεγνξίεο, πνπ ηνπο πξνζάπηνληαη, φηαλ νδεγνχληαη βηαίσο ζηελ αγνξά γηα λα παξνπζηαζηνχλ ζηηο αξρέο, είλαη φηη ν Παχινο θαη νη ζπλεξγάηεο ηνπο είλαη Ινπδαίνη θαη πξνθαινχλ ηαξαρέο ζηελ πφιε, ζέινληαο λα εηζαγάγνπλ έζηκα πνπ δελ επηηξέπνληαλ λα ηα δερηνχλ ή λα ηα ηεξνχλ φζνη ήηαλ Ρσκαίνη. Έηζη νη Ρσκαίνη άξρνληεο ησλ Φηιίππσλ ππνθχπηνπλ ζην αληητνπδατθφ πλεχκα ησλ πνιηηψλ θαη ηηκσξνχλ ηνλ Παχιν θαη ηνπο ζπλεξγάηεο ηνπ σο Ινπδαίνπο, ρσξίο θαλ λα ππνςηάδνληαη φηη ην θήξπγκα ησλ Απνζηφισλ μεπέξαζε ηνπο Ινπδαίνπο θαη ην κσζατθφ λφκν θαη γη' απηφ απνηεινχζε πξφθιεζε θαη γηα ηνπο Ινπδαίνπο. Οη θπιαθηζκέλνη Απφζηνινη ειεπζεξψζεθαλ κε ζαπκαζηφ ηξφπν θαη απηφ έγηλε αηηία λα βαπηηζηνχλ Χξηζηηαλνί ν θχιαθαο ηνπο καδί κε φινπο ηνπο δηθνχο ηνπ (Πξ. 16, 7-40). Απφ ηνπο Φηιίππνπο, κέζσ ηεο Ακθίπνιεο θαη ηεο Απνιισλίαο, ν Παχινο κε ην ΢ίια θαη ηνλ Σηκφζεν ήξζαλ ζηε Θεζζαινλίθε, ξσκατθή απνηθία κε δηθαηψκαηα ειεχζεξεο πφιεο, πξσηεχνπζα ηεο κεγάιεο ζε έθηαζε ξσκατθήο επαξρίαο ηεο Μαθεδνλίαο, πφιε πινχζηα θαη ζεκείν αλαθνξάο γηα ην εκπφξην, ηηο ζπγθνηλσλίεο θαη ηελ πλεπκαηηθή θίλεζε. Ο Λνπθάο δελ ηνπο ζπλφδεςε σο ηε Θεζζαινλίθε· έκεηλε ζηνπο Φηιίππνπο. ΢ηε Θεζζαινλίθε ν Παχινο θήξπμε ζηε ζπλαγσγή ησλ Ινπδαίσλ επί ηξία ζπλερφκελα ΢άββαηα, ρσξίο απηφ λα ζεκαίλεη φηη δελ παξέκεηλε ζηελ πφιε απηή πεξηζζφηεξν ρξφλν απφ ηξεηο εβδνκάδεο. Ίζσο ηα ιφγηα ηνπ Παχινπ (1 Θεζζ. 1, 7-8 θαη Φηιηππ. 4, 16) πξνυπνζέηνπλ πεξηζζφηεξν ρξφλν δξάζεο ηνπ Παχινπ ζηε Θεζζαινλίθε. Η δξάζε απηή ηνπ Παχινπ πξνθαιεί ηνπο Ινπδαίνπο ηεο Θεζζαινλίθεο, πνπ δεκηνπξγνχλ αλαηαξαρή θαη θαηεγνξνχλ ηνπο Απνζηφινπο. Έηζη νη αξρέο ηεο πφιεο, νη πνιηηάξρεο, εηνηκάδνληαη λα επέκβνπλ, νπφηε ν Παχινο κε ηνπο ζπλνδνχο ηνπ αλαγθάδνληαη λα θχγνπλ λχρηα ζηε Βέξνηα. Η νιηγφρξνλε κα θαξπνθφξα παξακνλή ηνπ Παχινπ ζηε Θεζζαινλίθε ζπλνδεχηεθε απφ πφλνπο πξνζσπηθνχο θαη νη Θεζζαινληθείο, πνπ πίζηεςαλ ζην θήξπγκα ηνπ θαη απνηέιεζαλ ηελ πξψηε ρξηζηηαληθή θνηλφηεηα ηεο πφιεο απηήο, δνθίκαζαλ πνιιή ζιίςε θαη ζθιεξφ δησγκφ. ΢' απηέο ηηο ζθέςεηο καο νδεγνχλ ηα ιφγηα ηνπ ίδηνπ ηνπ Παχινπ: θάησ από ζθιεξό δησγκό απνδερηήθαηε ην θήξπγκα (1 Θεζζ. 1, 6), ν Θεόο καο έδσζε ζάξξνο, ώζηε λα ζαο θεξύμνπκε ην Επαγγέιην ηνλ κέζα από πνιιέο δπζθνιίεο (1 Θεζζ. 2, 2) εζείο, αδειθνί κηκεζήθαηε εθείλεο ηηο εθθιεζίεο ηνπ Θενύ πνπ βξίζθνληαη ζηελ Ινπδαία θαη πηζηεύνπλ ζηνλ Ιεζνύ Χξηζηό. Γηαηί θη εζείο πάζαηε ηα ίδηα από ηνπο ζπκπαηξηώηεο ζαο, όπσο θη εθείλνη από ηνπο Ινπδαίνπο (1 Θεζζ. 2, 14). ΢ηε Βέξνηα ηα απνηειέζκαηα ηνπ θεξχγκαηνο ηνπ ήηαλ επράξηζηα θαη νη Ινπδαίνη ηεο πφιεο απηήο, πην επγελείο απφ ηνπο Ινπδαίνπο ηεο Θεζζαινλίθεο, δέρηεθαλ ην θήξπγκα ηνπ πξφζπκα, φπσο θαη πνιιέο Διιελίδεο θαη Έιιελεο επίζεκνη. Οη ζθιεξνί φκσο Ινπδαίνη ηεο Θεζζαινλίθεο έθηαζαλ ζηε Βέξνηα θαη αλάγθαζαλ κεξηθνχο Χξηζηηαλνχο λα ζπλνδέςνπλ ηνλ Παχιν κέρξη ηε ζάιαζζα γηα λα θχγεη κ' απηνχο γηα ηελ Αζήλα (Πξ. 17, 1-14). ΢ηε Βέξνηα έκεηλαλ ν ΢ίιαο θαη ν Σηκφζενο. ΢ηελ Αζήλα δελ είρε ην θήξπγκα ηνπ Παχινπ κεγάιεο επηηπρίεο (Πξ. 17, 16-34), γη' απηφ ζθεθηφηαλ πψο λα πάεη ζηελ Κφξηλζν, κήπσο θαη εθεί έρεη ηελ ίδηα ηχρε (1 Κνξ. 2, 3). ΢ηνλ ' Αξεην Πάγν ν Παχινο «αλαθξίζεθε» απφ ηνπο Αζελαίνπο, ριεπάζηεθε θαη απνπέκθζεθε κε πξννπηηθή λα μαλααλαθξηζεί, αθνχ απφ ηελ πξψηε επαθή ηνπο κε ηνλ Παχιν νη Αζελαίνη δελ πνιπθαηάιαβαλ ηη ηνπο έιεγε θαη ζεψξεζαλ ηα ιφγηα ηνπ θαη ην θήξπγκα ηνπ ζπεξκνινγίεο (παξακχζηα). ΢ηελ Κφξηλζν έκεηλε ελάκηζε ρξφλν θνληά ζηνπο ζθελνπνηνχο Αθχια θαη Πξίζθηιια, πνπ είραλ έξζεη απφ ηελ Ιηαιία εμαηηίαο ηνπ Κιαπδίνπ, ν νπνίνο έδησμε φινπο ηνπο Ινπδαίνπο απφ ηε Ρψκε. Κάζε ΢άββαην ν Παχινο θήξπηηε ζηε ζπλαγσγή, δηαιεγφηαλ κε ηνπο Ινπδαίνπο θαη Έιιελεο πξνζήιπηνπο, θαη ηνπο έπεηζε. Έηζη ζηελ Κφξηλζν ην θήξπγκα ηνπ είρε ζεκαληηθή επηηπρία. Κνληά ηνπ ηψξα ήξζαλ απφ ηε Βέξνηα ν ΢ίιαο θαη ν Σηκφζενο, πνπ είραλ εηδνπνηεζεί απφ ηνλ Παχιν κε ηνπο Βεξνηψηεο ζπλνδνχο ηνπ Παχινπ, φηαλ απηνί άθεζαλ ηνλ Παχιν ζηελ Αζήλα θαη γχξηζαλ ζηελ παηξίδα ηνπ (Πξ. 17, 15. 1 Θεζζ. 3, 1-2. Πξ. 18, 5). Σα λέα απφ ηε Μαθεδνλία ήηαλ επράξηζηα (ε πίζηε ζηεξεσλφηαλ) θαη δπζάξεζηα (ε ζπκπεξηθνξά ησλ Ινπδαίσλ απέλαληη ζηνπο Χξηζηηαλνχο ήηαλ ζθιεξή). Ο Παχινο αιιάδεη πηα ζηελ Κφξηλζν ηαθηηθή, εγθαηαιείπεη ηε ζπλαγσγή θαη ζηξέθεηαη πξνο ηνπο Δζληθνχο. Ο αξρηζπλάγσγνο Κξίζπνο κε φινπο ηνπο δηθνχο ηνπ θαη πνιινί Κνξίλζηνη πίζηεςαλ ζην θήξπγκα ηνπ Παχινπ. Καη εδψ φκσο νη Ινπδαίνη δελ ηνλ άθεζαλ ήζπρν· ηνλ νδήγεζαλ ζηνλ αλζχπαην ηεο Αραίαο Γαιιίσλα, πνπ ήξζε ην 51, κε ηελ θαηεγνξία φηη πξνζπαζεί λα πείζεη ηνπο αλζξψπνπο λα ιαηξεχνπλ ην Θεφ κε ηξφπν πνπ είλαη αληίζεηνο ζην λφκν (Πξ. 18, 13). Η ζηάζε φκσο ηνπ Γαιιίσλα, λα κε δψζεη ζεκαζία ζηηο αηηηάζεηο ησλ Ινπδαίσλ, ήηαλ εληζρπηηθή γηα ην έξγν ηνπ Παχινπ. Δθείλνο φκσο πνπ ηειηθά πιήξσζε γηα φια απηά ήηαλ ν αξρηζπλάγσγνο ΢σζζέλεο, πνπ έθαγε αξθεηφ μχιν απφ ηνπο Ινπδαίνπο κπξνζηά ζην δηθαζηήξην: Ο Γαιιίσλ είπε ζηνπο ηνπδαίνπο: Αλ ήηαλ γηα θαλέλα αδίθεκα ή γηα έλα θαθνύξγεκα δόιην, ζα ήηαλ ινγηθό λα ζαο αθνύζσ, ηνπδαίνη. Εθόζνλ όκσο πξόθεηηαη γηα ζέκαηα δηδαζθαιίαο θαη νλνκάησλ θαη λόκνπ δηθνύ ζαο, ηαθηνπνηήζηε ηα κόλνη ζαο. Δηθαζηήο εγώ απηώλ ησλ δεηεκάησλ δε ζέισ λα είκαη. Καη ηνπο έδησμε από ην δηθαζηήξην. Τόηε όινη έπηαζαλ ην Σσζζέλε ηνλ αξρηζπλάγσγν θαη ηνλ ρηππνύζαλ κπξνζηά ζην δηθαζηήξην. Ο Γαιιίσλ όκσο δε λνηαδόηαλ θαζόινπ γη' απηά (Πξ.18, 14-17).

Ο Παχινο, αθνχ έκεηλε αξθεηέο αθφκε εκέξεο ζηελ Κφξηλζν, θαη αθνχ είρε γξάςεη ηηο δπν επηζηνιέο ηνπ πξνο ηνπο Θεζζαινληθείο (ην 50 θαη ην 51), έθπγε γηα ηελ Έθεζν, ζπλνδεπφκελνο απφ ηνλ Αθχια θαη ηελ Πξίζθηιια (Πξ. 18, 18). ΢ηελ Έθεζν ν Παχινο δηαιέρηεθε ζηε ζπλαγσγή κε ηνπο Ινπδαίνπο. Απφ ηελ Έθεζν θαηέβεθε ζηελ Καηζαξεία, πήγε, πηζαλψο, γηα ιίγν ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα θαη επέζηξεςε ζηε βάζε ησλ εμνξκήζεσλ ηνπ, ζηελ Αληηφρεηα (Πξ. 18, 1-23). Φαίλεηαη φηη επήιζε θάπνηα δηάζηαζε αλάκεζα ζηνλ Παχιν θαη ην ΢ίια θαη ίζσο έηζη εμεγείηαη γηαηί ν ΢ίιαο δε ζπλνδεχεη ηνλ Παχιν ζην έξγν ηνπ θαη εκθαλίδεηαη σο ζπλνδφο θαη γξακκαηέαο ηνπ Πέηξνπ (1 Πέηξνπ 5, 12). Ο Παχινο, πηζηφο ζηελ ππφζρεζε πνπ έδσζε ζηνπο Δθεζίνπο φηη ζα ηνπο μαλαδεί (Πξ. 18, 21) έθπγε απφ ηελ Αληηφρεηα θαη πέξαζε απφ ηε Γαιαηηθή ρψξα θαη ηε Φξπγία γηα λα ελδπλακψζεη ηνπο καζεηέο ηνπ Χξηζηνχ. Απηή είλαη ε ηξίηε ηεξαπνζηνιηθή ηνπ πνξεία (52-56). ΢ηελ Έθεζν εξγάδνληαλ κε δήιν δπν ηδηαίηεξα γλσζηνί ηνπ, ν Αθχιαο θαη ε Πξίζθηιια, θαη ην δεχγνο απηφ δηαθψηηζε ζσζηά ηνλ Ινπδαίν Απνιιψ, ιφγην απφ ηελ Αιεμάλδξεηα, πνπ ήηαλ δπλαηφο γλψζηεο ησλ Γξαθψλ θαη δίδαζθε ζηε ζπλαγσγή. Απφ ηελ Έθεζν ν Απνιιψο πήγε ζηελ Αραΐα, ζηαικέλνο απφ ηνπο Δθεζίνπο Χξηζηηαλνχο (Πξ. 18, 23-28). Όηαλ ν Απνιιψο ήηαλ ζηελ Κφξηλζν ηφηε ν Παχινο έθηαζε ζηελ Έθεζν, αθνχ πξψηα πέξαζε απφ ηα ελδφηεξα κέξε. ΢ηελ Έθεζν βάθηηζε ν Παχινο 12 καζεηέο πνπ είραλ βαθηηζηεί πξνεγνπκέλσο ζην βάθηηζκα ηνπ Ισάλλε. Δπί ηξεηο κήλεο ν Παχινο δίδαζθε ζηε ζπλαγσγή θαη χζηεξα, αθνχ ζπλάληεζε δπζθνιίεο, πεξηφξηζε ηε δηδαζθαιία ηνπ ζηνπο Χξηζηηαλνχο πνπ ηνλ αθνινπζνχζαλ θαη ζ' φζνπο έξρνληαλ ζηε ζρνιή θάπνηνπ Σπξάλλνπ. Απηφ θξάηεζε δπν νιφθιεξα ρξφληα θαη ζην δηάζηεκα απηφ άθνπζαλ ην ιφγν ηνπ Θενχ φινη φζνη θαηνηθνχζαλ ζηελ επαξρία ηεο Αζίαο, Ινπδαίνη θαη Έιιελεο. Ο Παχινο ζηελ Έθεζν αληηκεηψπηζε πξψελ νπαδνχο ηεο αίξεζεο ηνπ Ισάλλε ηνπ Πξνδξφκνπ, αβάπηηζηνπο καζεηέο πνπ αγλννχζαλ ην ʼ γην Πλεχκα, θαζψο θαη ηνπο εθηά εμνξθηζηέο, γηνπο ηνπ Ινπδαίνπ αξρηεξέα ΢θεπά, πνπ ζαπκαηνπξγνχζαλ ζην φλνκα ηνπ Ιεζνχ (Πξ. 19, 116). ΢ην δηάζηεκα ησλ ηξηψλ εηψλ πνπ έκεηλε ν Παχινο ζηελ Έθεζν, έγηλαλ πνιιά πνπ δελ αλαθέξνληαη ζηηο Πξάμεηο ησλ Απνζηφισλ. Σίπνηα δελ αλαθέξεηαη γηα ηηο ζρέζεηο ηνπ κε ηηο Δθθιεζίεο ηεο Γαιαηίαο. Έπεηηα δελ αλαθέξεηαη ην ελδηάκεζν ηαμίδη ηνπ ζηελ Κφξηλζν, φπνπ θαθνπνηήζεθε θαη αλαγθάζηεθε λα επηζηξέςεη ακέζσο ζηελ Έθεζν. Οχηε γίλεηαη ιφγνο γηα ηελ επίζθεςε ηνπ ζην Ιιιπξηθφ (Ρσκ. 15, 19). ΢ηηο επηζηνιέο ηνπ πξνο ηνπο Κνξηλζίνπο (1 Κνξ. 15, 32, 2 Κνξ. 1, 8-10) αλαθέξεη ν ίδηνο φηη πάιαηςε κε ηα ζεξία ζηελ Έθεζν θαη αληηκεηψπηζε βέβαην ζάλαην θαη ίζσο ηνλ έζσζε ε απηνζπζία ηνπ Αθχιια θαη ηεο Πξίζθηιιαο (Ρσκ. 16, 3-4). Ίζσο απηά λα ζεκαίλνπλ φηη θαηά ηα ηξία ρξφληα ηεο παξακνλήο ηνπ ζηελ Έθεζν πέξαζε έλα δηάζηεκα ζηε θπιαθή. Αλ απηφ είλαη γεγνλφο, ηφηε πνιχ πηζαλφ νη επηζηνιέο ηεο αηρκαισζίαο (Φηιηππηζίνπο, Κν - ινζζαείο, Φηιήκνλα ) λα γξάθηεθαλ απφ ηελ Έθεζν θαη φρη χζηεξα απφ πέληε πεξίπνπ ρξφληα απφ ηε Ρψκε, φπσο δέρεηαη ε παξάδνζε. ΢ηελ Έθεζν γξάθηεθε θαη ε επηζηνιή πξνο ηνπο Γαιάηεο. Απφ ηελ Έθεζν έγξαςε ν Παχινο επηζηνιή πξνο ηνπο Κνξηλζίνπο, γηα ηε ραιαξφηεηα ησλ εζψλ, πνπ δε ζψδεηαη (Ι Κνξ. 5, 9). Οη Κνξίλζηνη απάληεζαλ κε επηζηνιή (1 Κνξ. 7, 1. 16, 17) θαη έζεζαλ δηάθνξα πξνβιήκαηα. Δθηφο απφ απηά ν Παχινο πιεξνθνξήζεθε απφ ηελ Κνξίλζηα Χιφε (1 Κνξ. 1,11) γηα ηηο έξηδεο ζηελ Κφξηλζν. ΢' απηά απάληεζε ν Παχινο κε ηελ πξψηε επηζηνιή ηνπ πξνο ηνπο Κνξηλζίνπο. Με απηή αγγέιιεηαη κεηάβαζε ηνπ Σηκνζένπ ζηελ Κφξηλζν (1 Κνξ. 16, 10) θαζψο θαη δηθφ ηνπ ηαμίδη θνληά ηνπο γηα δεχηεξε θνξά. ΢ηελ Κφξηλζν ν Παχινο ππέζηε αηηκσηηθή πξνζβνιή απφ θάπνην κέινο ηεο Δθθιεζίαο. Ο Παχινο ήζειε λα πεξάζεη απφ ηε Μαθεδνλία θαη Αραΐα θαη λα κεηαβεί ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα θαη απφ εθεί λα κεηαβεί ζηελ άγλσζηε ηνπ αθφκε Ρψκε (Πξ. 19, 21). Με απηέο ηηο ζθέςεηο έζηεηιε ζηε Μαθεδνλία ηνπο ζπλεξγάηεο ηνπ Σηκφζεν θαη Έξαζην, απηφο φκσο θαζπζηέξεζε ιίγν ζηελ επαξρία ηεο Αζίαο (Πξ. 19, 22). Γη' απηφ ην ηαμίδη, πνπ ήηαλ ζχληνκν θαη πνπ ην έθακε πηζαλψο δηα ζαιάζζεο, ηίπνηα δελ καο αλαθέξνπλ νη Πξάμεηο ησλ Απνζηφισλ. Με ηελ επηζηξνθή ηνπ ζηελ Έθεζν, εμαηηίαο ηεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ηνπ θαηά ησλ εηδψισλ, ζπλάληεζε ηελ αληίδξαζε ηνπ ιανχ πνπ μεζήθσζε ν αξγπξνθφπνο Γεκήηξηνο θαη φζνη ήηαλ δεκέλνη ζπκθεξνληνινγηθά κε ηε ιαηξεία ηεο ζεάο ʼ ξηεκεο ζηελ πφιε απηή (Πξ. 19, 24). Ύζηεξα απφ απηά ν Παχινο απνραηξέηεζε ηνπο καζεηέο ηνπ θαη έθπγε γηα ηε Μαθεδνλία (Πξ. 20, 1). ΢ηελ Σξσάδα πεξίκελε κε αγσλία ηνλ Σίην, ζηνλ νπνίν πξνεγνπκέλσο είρε δψζεη νδεγίεο λα πεξάζεη απφ ηε Μαθεδνλία θαη λα ζπλαληεζνχλ ζηελ μαθνπζηή απηή πφιε. Δπεηδή ν Σίηνο άξγεζε λα έξζεη, μεθίλεζε ν Παχινο γεκάηνο αλεζπρία γηα ηε Μαθεδνλία. Απφ ηνλ Σίην, πνπ ηειηθά ηνλ ζπλάληεζε, έκαζε φηη ηα πεξηζζφηεξα κέιε ηεο Δθθιεζίαο ηεο Κνξίλζνπ ήηαλ κε ην κέξνο ηνπ. Δπίζεο έκαζε φηη ππήξρε πάιη αληίδξαζε απφ ηνπο Ινπδαΐδνληεο, πνπ καδεχηεθαλ ζηελ Κφξηλζν γηα λα εληζρχζνπλ ίζσο ηελ πξνυπάξρνπζα κεξίδα ηνπ Κεθά. Με απηά ηα λέα ηνπ Σίηνπ ν Παχινο έγξαςε δεχηεξε, απζηεξή επηζηνιή πξνο ηνπο Κνξηλζίνπο θαη ηελ έζηεηιε κε ηνλ Σίην θαη κε δπν άιινπο αδειθνχο (2 Κνξ. 8, 16 εμ.). Οη ηξεηο απηνί καζεηέο ζα ζπγθέληξσλαλ θαη ηε ινγία ηεο Κνξίλζνπ, πξηλ λα θηάζεη ν ίδηνο εθεί (2 Κνξ. 9, 1 εμ.). Σψξα είλαη ε ηξίηε θνξά πνπ ν Παχινο επηζθέπηεηαη ηελ Κφξηλζν, φπσο ν ίδηνο αλαθέξεη (2 Κνξ. 2, 1. 12, 14. 13, 1). ΢ηελ Κφξηλζν έκεηλε ηξεηο κήλεο. Σν ρεηκψλα ηνπ 56 έγξαςε ηελ επηζηνιή πξνο ηνπο Ρσκαίνπο, θηλδχλεςε απφ ηνπο Ινπδαίνπο θαη αληί λα πάεη θαηεπζείαλ ζηε ΢πξία έθξηλε ζθφπηκν λα πεξάζεη απφ ηε Μαθεδνλία.

΢ηελ αθνινπζία ηνπ Παχινπ ήηαλ ηψξα ν ΢ψπαηξνο απφ ηε Βέξνηα, ν Αξίζηαξρνο θαη ΢εθνχλδνο απφ ηε Θεζζαινλίθε, ν Γάηνο απφ ηε Γέξβε θαη ν Σπρηθφο θαη ν Σξφθηκνο απφ ηελ Αζία. Όινη απηνί έθπγαλ πην κπξνζηά θαη πεξίκελαλ ζηελ Σξσάδα ηνλ Παχιν κε ην Λνπθά λα έξζνπλ απφ ηνπο Φηιίππνπο. Απφ ηελ Σξσάδα, χζηεξα απφ παξακνλή επηά εκεξψλ, ν Παχινο πήγε κε ηα πφδηα ζηελ ʼ ζζν, ελψ νη ζπλνδνί ηνπ πήγαλ ζηελ ʼ ζζν κε πινίν γηα λα παξαιάβνπλ ηνλ Παχιν. Απφ ηελ ʼ ζζν φινη καδί πήγαλ ζηε Μπηηιήλε, πέξαζαλ απέλαληη απφ ηε Χίν, ζηακάηεζαλ ζηε ΢άκν, έκεηλαλ ζην αθξσηήξην Σξσγχιιην θαη έπεηηα πήγαλ ζηε Μίιεην (Πξ. 20, 13-15). Γε ζέιεζε ν Παχινο λα κεηαβεί ζηελ Έθεζν γηα λα κε ρξνλνηξηβήζεη ζηελ Αζία, αθνχ επεηγφηαλ λα βξίζθεηαη ηελ Πεληεθνζηή ηνπ 57 ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα (Πξ. 20, 1-16). ΢ηε Μίιεην κίιεζε ν Παχινο πξνο ηνπο πξεζβπηέξνπο θαη ν ιφγνο ηνπ απηφο πξέπεη λα είλαη ην θαζεκεξηλφ εληξχθεκα ησλ θιεξηθψλ καο (Πξ. 20, 17-35). Με πινίν έθπγαλ απφ ηε Μίιεην (Πξ. 20, 38), πέξαζαλ ηελ Κσ, ηε Ρφδν θαη έθηαζαλ ζηα Πάηαξα. Απφ εθεί πήξαλ άιιν πινίν θνξηεγφ, πνπ πήγαηλε γηα ηε Φνηλίθε, πξνζπέξαζαλ ηελ Κχπξν θαη θαηέβεθαλ ζηελ Σχξν, φπνπ έκεηλαλ επηά εκέξεο θνληά ζηνπο Χξηζηηαλνχο. Με πινίν απφ εθεί πήγαλ ζηελ Καηζαξεία θαη θαηέιπζαλ ζην ζπίηη ηνπ δηαθφλνπ Φηιίππνπ. Δδψ ν πξνθήηεο ʼ γαβνο είπε ζηνλ Παχιν φηη ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα ζα ηνλ ζπιιάβνπλ νη Ινπδαίνη θαη ζα ηνλ παξαδψζνπλ ζηνπο Ρσκαίνπο. Ο Παχινο φκσο παξά ηηο παξαθιήζεηο ησλ ζπλνδψλ ηνπ θαη ησλ Χξηζηηαλψλ ηεο Καηζαξείαο απνθάζηζε λα πάεη ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα θαη λα πάζεη γηα ην Χξηζηφ (Πξ. 21,1-14). ΢ηα Ιεξνζφιπκα, φπνπ μεζεθψζεθαλ νη Ινπδαίνη, ζψζεθε ν Παχινο απφ βέβαην ζάλαην απφ ην Ρσκαίν ρηιίαξρν Κιαχδην Λπζία, πνπ ηνλ έζηεηιε κε ζπλνδεία ζηελ έδξα ηνπ Ρσκαίνπ δηνηθεηή ηεο Καηζαξείαο Φήιηθα (Πξ. 21, 15-23, 33). Ο Φήιηθαο θξάηεζε ηνλ Παχιν ζηε θπιαθή δπν ρξφληα, απφ ην 57 κέρξη ην 59 (Πξ. 23, 34-24, 27). Οη Ινπδαίνη φκσο δήηεζαλ απφ ην δηάδνρν ηνπ Φήιηθα Πφξθην Φήζην λα ηνπο παξαδψζεη ηνλ Παχιν γηα λα ηνλ δηθάζνπλ ζηα Ιεξνζφιπκα. Σφηε ν Παχινο απαίηεζε λα δηθαζηεί, σο ξσκαίνο πνιίηεο πνπ ήηαλ, πξν ηνπ βήκαηνο ηνπ θαίζαξα (Πξ. 25, 1-26, 32). Σν ηαμίδη ηνπ Παχινπ γηα ηε Ρψκε, ζην νπνίν ηνλ ζπλφδεςαλ νη ζπλεξγάηεο ηνπ Λνπθάο θαη Αξίζηαξρνο, αξρίδεη απφ ηηο Πξάμεηο 27, 1 εμ. Η ΢ηδψλα θαη ηα Μχξα ηεο Λπθίαο ήηαλ νη δπν πξψηνη ζηαζκνί. ΢ηα Μχξα άιιαμαλ πινίν θαη κε ην λέν πξνζάξαμαλ ζηνπο Καινχο Ληκέλεο ηεο Κξήηεο. Ο επφκελνο ζηαζκφο ήηαλ ην λεζί Μειίηε. Ύζηεξα απφ ηξεηο κήλεο κε άιιν πινίν πήγαλ ζηηο ΢πξαθνχζεο, φπνπ έκεηλαλ ηξεηο εκέξεο. Σν Ρήγην θαη νη Πνηίνινη ήηαλ νη δπν άιινη ζχληνκνη ζηαζκνί. Ο ηειεπηαίνο ζηαζκφο ήηαλ ε Ρψκε. Οη Χξηζηηαλνί ηεο Ρψκεο, φηαλ έκαζαλ ηνλ εξρνκφ ηνπ Παχινπ, βγήθαλ κέρξη ηνλ Αππίνπ Φφξν θαη ηηο Σξεηο Σαβέξλεο γηα λα ηνλ πξνυπαληήζνπλ. ΢ηε Ρψκε επέηξεςαλ ηνλ Παχιν λα κείλεη ζε ηδησηηθφ θαηάιπκα καδί κε ην ζηξαηηψηε πνπ ηνλ θχιαγε. Ο Παύινο έκεηλε κηα νιόθιεξε δηεηία (59-61) ζε ηδηαίηεξε λνηθηαζκέλε θαηνηθία, όπνπ δερόηαλ όινπο όζνη ηνλ επηζθέπηνληαλ, θήξπηηε ηε βαζηιεία ηνπ Θενύ θαη δίδαζθε γηα ηνλ Κύξην Ιεζνύ Χξηζηό κε όιε ηελ παξξεζία θαη ρσξίο θαλέλα εκπόδην (Πξ. 28, 30-31). Με απηά ηα ιφγηα ηειεηψλεη ε δηήγεζε ησλ Πξάμεσλ ησλ Απνζηφισλ. Απφ ηελ παξακνλή απηή ηνπ Παχινπ ζηε Ρψκε πξνέξρεηαη ε επηζηνιή πξνο ηνπο Δθεζίνπο θαη ζχκθσλα κε ηελ παξάδνζε θαη νη άιιεο επηζηνιέο ηεο αηρκαισζίαο, φπσο ιέγνληαη. Φαίλεηαη φηη ν Παχινο, αθνχ δηθάζηεθε θαη απαιιάρηεθε, επηρείξεζε θαη ηέηαξηε πεξηνδεία (61-64;). Καηά ηνλ Κιήκεληα Ρψκεο (Πξνο Κνξηλζίνπο 5, 7), ν Παχινο ηαμίδεςε κέρξηο εζράησλ ηεο Δύζεσο, πνπ γηα κεξηθνχο λνείηαη ε Ιζπαλία, ελψ απφ ηηο πνηκαληηθέο επηζηνιέο (1 θαη 2 Σηκφζεν θαη Σίην) θαίλεηαη φηη ηαμίδεςε ζηελ Αλαηνιή (Μ. Αζία, Κξήηε, Μαθεδνλία, Ιιιπξηθφ) γηα λα θαηαιήμεη πάιη ζηε Ρψκε, πηζαλψο ηνλ Ινχιην ηνπ 64. Ο δησγκφο ηνπ Νέξσλα βξήθε ηνλ Παχιν ζηε Ρψκε θαη νη δηαβνιέο ησλ Ινπδαίσλ θαη Ινπδαηνρξηζηηαλψλ ηεο Ρψκεο ελαληίνλ ησλ Χξηζηηαλψλ, φηη ήηαλ δήζελ ππαίηηνη γηα ηελ ππξθατά ηεο Ρψκεο, είραλ ζηφρν λα ζηξέςνπλ ηε καλία ηνπ αληζφξξνπνπ απηνθξάηνξα ελαληίνλ ηνπο. Ο Πέηξνο θαη ν Παχινο δε γιίησζαλ ην ζάλαην. Έηζη πξέπεη λα δερηνχκε φηη ν Παχινο ζαλαηψζεθε ην θζηλφπσξν θαη κάιηζηα ηνλ Οθηψβξην ηνπ 64. Ο ίδηνο ν Παχινο θάλεη έλα ζχληνκν απνινγηζκφ ησλ δπζθνιηψλ πνπ ζπλάληεζε, κηιψληαο γηα ηνλ εαπηφ ηνπ ζηνπο Κνξηλζίνπο: Μόρζεζα πην πνιύ από απηνύο (ηνπο ςεπηναπνζηφινπο ), θπιαθίζηεθα πεξηζζόηεξεο θνξέο, κε ρηύπεζαλ κε αθάληαζηε αγξηόηεηα, θηλδύλεςα πνιιέο θνξέο λα ζαλαησζώ. Πέληε θνξέο καζηηγώζεθα από Ινπδαίνπο κε ηα ηξηάληα ελληά καζηηγώκαηα. Τξεηο θνξέο κε ηηκώξεζαλ κε ξαβδηζκνύο, κηα θνξά κε ιηζνβόιεζαλ, ηξεηο θνξέο λαπάγεζα, έλα κεξόλπρην έκεηλα λαπαγόο ζην πέιαγνο. Έθαλα πνιιέο θνπηαζηηθέο νδνηπνξίεο, δηάβεθα επηθίλδπλα πνηάκηα, θηλδύλεςα από ιεζηέο, θηλδύλεςα από ηνπο νκνγελείο κνπ Ινπδαίνπο, θηλδύλεςα από ηνπο εζληθνύο, πέξαζα θηλδύλνπο ζε πόιεηο, θηλδύλνπο ζε εξεκηέο, θηλδύλνπο ζηε ζάιαζζα, θηλδύλεςα από αλζξώπνπο πνπ ππνθξίλνληαλ ηνπο αδεξθνύο. Κόπηαζα θαη κόρζεζα πνιύ, μαγξύπλεζα πνιιέο θνξέο, πείλαζα, δίςαζα, πνιιέο θνξέο κνπ έιεηςε εληειώο ην θαγεηό, μεπάγηαζα θαη δελ είρα ξνύρα λα θνξέζσ. Εθηόο από ηα άιια είρα θαη ηελ θαζεκεξηλή πίεζε ησλ ερζξώλ κνπ θαη ηε θξνληίδα γηα όιεο ηηο εθθιεζίεο. Πνηαλνύ ε πίζηε αζζελεί θαη δελ αζζελώ θη εγώ; Πνηνο ππνθύπηεη ζηνλ πεηξαζκό θαη δελ ππνθέξσ θη εγώ; Αλ πξέπεη λα θαπρεζώ, ζα θαπρεζώ γηα ηα παζήκαηα κνπ. Ο Θεόο θαη Παηέξαο ηνπ Κπξίνπ Ιεζνύ Χξηζηνύ - αο είλαη επινγεκέλν ην όλνκα ηνπ ζηνπο αηώλεο - μέξεη όηη δε ιέσ ςέκαηα (2 Κνξ. 11, 23-31).

A Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common. Celebrate it every day. — unknown Millions of men have lived to fight, build palaces and boundaries, shape destinies and societies; but the compelling force of all times has been the force of originality and creation profoundly affecting the roots of human spirit. — Ansel Adams I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be. - Ken Venturi The one thing all famous authors, world class athletes, business tycoons, singers, actors, and celebrated achievers in any field have in common is that they all began their journeys when they were none of these things. — Mike Dooley Do you wish to be great? Then begin by being. Do you desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric? Think first about the foundations of humility. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation. — Augustine of Hippo An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. — Orlando A. Battista Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. — Tenzin Gyatso Perseverance is a great element of success; if you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate you are sure to wake up somebody. — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. — Margaret Thatcher I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. — Thomas Jefferson Blessed are those who give without reminding us and receive without forgetting - unknown Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant. - Robert Louis Stevenson May your walls know joy, may every room hold laughter, and every window open to great possibility. — Mary Anne Radmacher If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. - Will Rogers Joy and hope are never separate. I have never met a hopeful person who was depressed or a joyful person who had lost hope...It is important to become aware that at every moment of our life we have the opportunity to choose joy. It is in the choice that our true freedom lies, and that freedom is, in the final analysis, the freedom to love. — Henri Nouwen I have three precious things which I hold fast and prize. The first is gentleness; the second is frugality; the third is humility, which keeps me from putting myself before others. Be gentle and you can be bold; be frugal and you can be liberal; avoid putting yourself before others and you can become a leader among men. — Lao Tzu

Volume Twenty-Five, Number Ten, June 2014