Page 1 of 2. Fairfax High School. General Membership PTSA Meeting Minutes. June 10, 2014. In attendance. Lisa MacCammon,
Fairfax High School General Membership PTSA Meeting Minutes June 10, 2014
In attendance Lisa MacCammon, Laura Welke, DeEtta Barnes, Kim Thompson, Annette McCormick, Beth Dombrowsky, Helen Hendricks, Jessica Tucker and Dave Goldfarb Fairfax Hyundai President Sam Mansouri and Customer Relations Manager Chris Messier presented a $2,500 check for the Fairfax Battle of the High Schools from Fairfax Kia and Fairfax Hyundai. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by PTSA President Annette McCormick at 7:05
Budget · · · · ·
Beginning Balance of $6,689.97 Income $49.50 (Flower Power) May Expenses $1,357.93 Ending Balance $381.54 All Night Grad (ANG) Balance $2,7676.37 as of 10 June 14
Report of the Treasurer · ·
Outstanding PTSA checks must be cashed NLT 30 June in support of the audit report Kim Thompson made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. All approved.
Approval of Minutes Lisa MacCammon made a motion to approve the May Meeting Minutes. The May Meeting Minutes were read from the May 13, 2014, meeting and approved.
Report of the President · · · · · ·
Thank you to the fellow PTSA members for assisting with check handling Flower Power fundraiser might have been impacted by such a long winter Three nominees for volunteerism awards. At the time, the PTSA was only able to provide one award. Based on the recent Fairfax Battle of the High Schools we now have the opportunity to present two more possible awards. Laura Welke motioned to move $250 for two Volunteerism Awards. All approved. Laura Welke moves to use remaining funds from Fairfax Kia and Fairfax Hyundai for two additional Volunteerism Awards of $250 (total) per recipient (for four years). Cappie Awards Press- Sponsored by the Washington Post with reviews throughout the year. The Stage Crew Award was announced in the Keep In Touch.
New Business Amendment to bylaws needed to reduce meetings from 7 to 5 for next school year. · A meeting with Jennifer Glaser identified next year’s school events: Rebel Round Up, · ANG, Teacher Appreciation, etc. ·
FHS library Book donations for the last few years honored PTSA graduating parents. Special book selections are based on faculty/PTSA nominations with book plat inserts (selection request by library) for nominated parents. This year’s book donations honor the following PTSA parents: Laura Allsop, LisaMountjoy, Leigh Burke, Sheetal Lakhia, Lesley Daley and Riza Harild.
Fundraising Opportunity-Summer Concert Series: POC needed to oversee events. Band booster was previously asked and agreed to sell baked goods and water. Proposal to partner with booster and pass on PTSA information to all purchasers. July-Sept events available and sent to many FHS boosters.
Open floor for new officers next year. The Treasurer position is open and the Nominee Committee made a motion for Beth Dombrowsky as Treasurer. The Nominee Committee made a motion for Kim Thompson as Correspondence Secretary. The Parliamentarian (Robert’s Rules of Order) position is open. Lisa MacCammon makes a motion to elect Beth Dombrowsky as Treasurer and Kim Thomson as Correspondence Secretary.
Board · · ·
Marketing: reducing meetings and parent social proposals Youth Survey: student ambassadors Informal Final Meeting: off site
Principal’s Report · · · · · · · · · ·
Graduation is in seven days; congratulations to all graduating parents. Three cameras will be filming in the auditorium Prom went well; all students picked up within 40 minutes Senior Awards presented Cappie Awards received for five top ten finishes Regional Finals for softball Award ceremonies conducted Faculty appreciative of PTSA support No summer AP/Honors Boot Camp (August) will be offered this year. Instead a re-focus on targeting students in first time AP courses will be established. Survivor Camp will target 9th graders with building awareness, math, literacy, study and life skills. Late start meeting similar to boundary study with presentation based on sleep research and four models proposed. Survey addresses positive, negative and solution based but no option for nochange. Hybrid solution suggested 2-4 million lowest and 7 million highest late start transition plan. Athletic concern of school versus non-school sports with estimated start times of 8:30-9/ 7:50-8:15. Mindfulness/Wellness Summit addressed
Committee Reports • • • •
Hospitality: all done Volunteerism: 9th grade orientation on Thursday versus Friday. Membership: Teachers that ask for funds require PTA member verification first. Teacher check/grant (request forms) requires membership. General Membership: Guest speaker opportunities (at least one per year) proposal for “Celebrate Calm” workshops and opportunities to partner with other age based schools.
Next Meeting To Be Announced Motion to adjourn was made at 8:35 and was passed unanimously.
Meeting Minutes taken by Jessica Tucker for Shelly Bechert
Respectfully Submitted, Shelly Bechert Recording Secretary, FHS PTSA