The Cabinet Committee on. Economic Affairs will continue to clear FDI proposals above. Rs 5,000 crore. Q: Who of the fol
[email protected] June 2017 – Current Affairs Please Note: IAS 2018 next batch commences on October 1, 2017 Admissions from September 1, 2017 Last date September 25, 2017 Writing practice for IAS 2017 commences immediately after prelims results.
FIPB: Foreign Investment Promotion Board FIPB offers a single window clearance for applications on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India that are under the approval route. Note: The sectors under automatic route do not require any prior approval from FIPB and are subject to only sectoral laws.
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Aim to phase out the FIPB: To make India a more attractive FDI destination and increasing FDI inflows by providing greater ease of doing business and promoting the ‘Maximum Governance and Minimum Government’ principle. The work relating to processing of applications for FDI and approval of the Government thereon under the extant FDI Policy and Foreign Exchange Management Act, shall now be handled by the concerned Ministries/Departments in consultation with the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (or the DIPP, in the) Ministry of Commerce. In the latest budget speech (2017-18) the Finance Minister said that more than 90% of the total FDI inflows are now through the automatic route. The FIPB has successfully implemented efiling and online processing of FDI applications. India now reached a stage where FIPB can be phased out. The Finance Minister said that in cases of applications where there are security concerns, the home ministry's approval will be required. He added that proposals pending with the FIPB will be taken up by the concerned ministries.
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The minister said currently around 91-95% of FDI inflow happens through the automatic route, adding that there are only 11 sectors (including defence and retail) needing government approval. The FIPB was initially set up under the Prime Minister's Office following the economic liberalisation in the early 1990s. It shifted under the DIPP in 1996, and then in 2003 to the department of economic affairs in the finance ministry. In the new mechanism, a quarterly review of pending proposals by the economic affairs secretary and annual review by the finance minister are liekly. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs will continue to clear FDI proposals above Rs 5,000 crore Q: Who of the following is the head of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs? a. Finance Minister b. Commerce Minister c. Prime Minister d. Law Minister Answer: C
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What is Minimum Government and Maximum Governance? o A citizen friendly and accountable administration is the focus of the government. o A series of steps to achieve this goal have been initiated. These include simplification of procedures, identification and repeal of obsolete/archaic laws/rules, identification and shortening of various forms, leveraging technology to bring in transparency in public interface and a robust public grievance redress system. o Doing away with the practice of submitting Affidavits for small level executive jobs in the Government and allowing Self-Certification of certificates is one important step in this regard. o Leveraging the power of information technology brings with it the advantage of transparency and speed for the benefit of the citizens. o As a part of Digital India Plan, the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances has been made the nodal ministry for implementation of e-Office in Central Ministries/Departments. The Department is regularly monitoring implementation of the e-Office project. o Note: The Ministry of Panchayati Raj has moved into 100% e-Office platform.
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o The Government of India has also taken a number of initiatives for improving ‘Ease of Doing Business’. The emphasis has been on simplification and rationalization of the existing rules and introduction of information technology to make governance more efficient and effective. o One of the focus areas of Government is to reduce the decision making layers to the minimum while allowing for faster means of information sharing/dissemination.
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President: Article 52: There shall be a President of India Article 53: Executive powers of the Union Article 54: electoral College Article 55: Manner of election of the President Secret ballot Proportional Representation by means of a single transferable vote. First preference vote is a must 50 proposers and 50 seconders One candidate – 4 nominations Security deposit – Rs 15000/- per nomination Article 56: Term of office Article 57: Re election Article 58: Qualifications Article 59: Conditions. Article 60: Oath or affirmation by the President Article 61: Procedure for impeachment Article 62: Time of holding the election Notification: June 14, 2017 Last date: June 28, 2017 Scrutiny June 29, 2017 Withdrawal: July 1, 2017 Polling date: July 17, 2017 Time: 10:00 A to 5:00 PM Location of voting Counting: July 20, 2017
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Manner of Election of the President
The Constitution provides for the election of the President by the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote. The Constitution also provides for weighting of votes in the election of the President based on two fundamental principles. First, to secure as far as possible, uniformity in the scale of representation of different States of the Union, which emphasizes the similarity in the status of the States of the Union. And Secondly, to secure parity between the States as a whole and the Union in order to work up the idea of federal compact. Total Population of the State ------------------------------------------------------------------------Divided by 1000 Total number of elected members in the Legislative Assembly. Fractions exceeding one half being counted as one. The following illustrations explain the method of calculation: Example: AP: Total population 4, 35, 02, 708
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MLAs 294 Number of Votes (Each MLA) = 4, 35, 02, 708/294 = Quotient Quotient/1000 = 1, 47, 968.3945 / 1000 = 148 Number of votes for each MLA in AP- 148 Total number of votes from AP = 148 * 294
Example: Punjab: Total population 1, 35, 51, 060 MLAs 117 Total population/Number of elected MLAs Number of Votes (Each MLA) = 1, 35, 51, 060/117 = Quotient Quotient/1000 = 115821.0256 / 1000 = 116 Number of votes for each MLA in Punjab- 116 Total number of votes from Punjab = 116 * 117
Each elected member of either House of Parliament shall have such number of votes as may be obtained by dividing. Total number of votes assigned to the elected members of the State Assemblies
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Total number of elected members of both Houses of the Parliament (543+233) For the Presidential election, the population of a State is taken to be the population at the last preceding census. Here it is 1971 census Proportional Representation Article 55(3) of Indian Constitution requires that the President should be elected in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote. The underlying principle of proportional representation is to prevent the exclusion of minorities from the benefits of the State, and to give each minority group an effective share in the political life. Quota of Votes In the ordinary straight voting system a candidate who secures the highest number of votes is declared elected, while under the Proportional Representation system any member who secures the necessary quota of votes is declared elected. There are several ways of finding out the quota, but the most common method is to divide the total number of valid votes cast by the total number of seats in the constituency plus one and add one to the quotient. The formula may be represented as follows: Total number of valid votes cast Quota = ----------------------------------------------------------- +1 Total number of seats to be filled +1
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Distribution of Surplus Votes Elimination of the Bottom Candidate How Proportional Representation Works in the Election of the Indian President? The total number of valid votes is 15,000 and there are four candidates, A, B, C, D. Suppose, they have polled votes as follows: A ..... ..... ..... ..... 5,250 B ..... ..... ..... ..... 4,800 C ..... ..... ..... ..... 2,700 D ..... ..... ..... ..... 2,250
15,000 -------- +1 = 7501 1+1
D will be the first to be eliminated, and the second preferences recorded in the 2,250 ballot papers on which he has obtained the first preference will be transferred to the remaining candidates, namely A, B, and C. Supposing in these 2250 ballot papers the second preferences are recorded as follows:In favour of A ..... ..... 300 B ..... ..... 1050 C ..... ..... 900
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These will be transferred and added to the first preferences in favour of A, B and C as follows:A ..... 5,250 + 300 = 5,550 B ..... 4,800 + 1050 = 5,850 C ..... 2,700 + 900 = 3,600 Now in the second count, therefore, C having obtained the last number of votes is eliminated and 3,600 votes secured by him are once again transferred to A and B in the order of third preferences recorded thereon. Suppose the third preferences on the 3,600 ballot papers recorded in favour of A and B are 1700 and 1900 respectively the result of this second transfer would then be as under: A ..... 5,550 + 1,700 = 7,250 B ..... 5,850 + 1,900 = 7,750
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Justice C S Karnan: He retired on June 12, 2017 He is the first HC judge to retire while on the run. He is the first judge to facing arrest when a seven-judge bench of the Supreme Court passed an unprecedented arrest order against a constitutional court judge. He became a judge of the Madras high court in March 2009. Justice Karnan became the first high court judge to move the National Commission for SCs and STs, complaining of harassment by his fellow judges. He was the first to face the SC's wrath and earn an order directing him to undergo psychiatric analysis for mental stability. He is the first to be ordered arrested while holding the constitutional office of a high court judge. Q: High Court judges retire at the age of a. 58 years b. 60 years c. 62 years d. 65 years Answer: C
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NAG: The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) on June 13, 2017 successfully test-fired Antitank Guided Missile ATGM 'Nag' in a desert in Rajasthan. Note: ATGM - Anti-tank Guided Missile NAG works on the principle of ‘Fire and Forget’ principle.. What is fire and forget principle? Once the target is identified, the missile needs no further guidance during flight; it is fire-and-forget, and the missile operator is free to retreat Nag is equipped with the highly advanced Imaging Infrared Radar (IRR) seeker with integrated avionics, technology which is possessed by very few nations. This successful flight test has strengthened the country's defence capabilities. DRDO chairman - Dr S Christopher Q: Which of the following cities in India to be the first to get underwater metro? a. Mumbai b. Chennai c. Kolkata d. Vishakapatnam
Answer: C
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Man Booker International Prize: A Horse Walks Into a Bar’ by David Grossman (Israel) It was translated by Jessica Cohen (US) Published by Jonathan Cape This is hosted in the UK. It was first announce in 2004 and given in the year 2005 The first winner was Ismail Kadare Until 2015 the award was given every two years to a living author of any nationality for a body of work published in English or generally available in English translation It rewarded one author's "continued creativity, development and overall contribution to fiction on the world stage", Since 2016, the award has been given annually to a single book in English translation, with a £50,000 prize for the winning title The prize money is distributed to author and translator equally Note: Booker Prize for 2016 won by Paul Beatty for ‘The Sell Out’
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Justice P N Bhagwati: Prafullachandra Natwarlal Bhagwati He was the 17th CJI of India He introduced the concepts of Public Interest Litigation and Absolute liability (strict liability without any exception) in India
IRELAND: Leo Varadkar is the new Prime Ministe The son of an Indian immigrant has made Irish history by becoming the country’s youngest Prime Minister. He is also the first openly gay prime minister.
Merger of Banks: The government decided to merge few more banks 6 small banks are going to be merged into 4 large banks Bank of India, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda and Punjab National Bank Vijaya Bank, Syndicate Bank, Union Bank, Dena Bank, United Bank of India and UCO bank SBI: The associate banks are State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (SBBJ), State Bank of Mysore (SBM), State Bank of
[email protected]
Travancore (SBT), State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH) and State Bank of Patiala (SBP) were merged with SBI Bharatiya Mahila Bank also merged with SBI Please Note: As of today the total NPAs in India is 8 lakh crore. Out of this 6 lakh crore with public sector banks
Q: Which of the following is the only state in the country that has not passed SGST Act? (as of June 22, 2017) a. Andhra Pradesh b. Assam c. Gujarat d. Jammu and Kashmir
Answer: D
Note: Kerala and West Bengal issued ordinances on the same
[email protected]
Q: GST came into force on a. June 30, 2017 b. July 1, 2017 c. July 31, 2017 d. August 1, 2017
Answer: B
Q: Who of the following issues Ordinances at the state level? a. President b. Union Law Minister c. Chief Minister d. Governor Answer: D Note: Article 213
[email protected]
Q: ‘Ramnath Kovind’ the Presidential candidate of National Democratic Alliance (NDA) submitted the resignation as the Governor of a. Uttar Pradesh b. Jharkhand c. Chhattisgarh d. Bihar
Answer: D
Q: International yoga day was first celebrated on a. June 21, 2014 b. June 21, 2015 c. June 21, 2016 d. June 21, 2017
Answer: B
[email protected]
Q: June 21 is the a. longest day in Northern Hemisphere b. longest day in Southern Hemisphere c. equal in both the hemispheres d. shortest day in Northern Hemisphere Answer: A
Smallest Satellite: Kalamsat India once again broke a global space record by launching the world's lightest satellite weighing a mere 64 grams, called Kalamsat, designed and developed not by professional space scientists and engineers, but by 18year-old Tamil Nadu student Rifath Sharook and his team
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Cartosat -2: This is a remote sensing satellite with the resolution of 0.6 metres which can spot even smaller objects within a square of 0.6 m by 0.6 m. The previous satellite in the series, which had a resolution of 0.8 metres, took images that helped India carry out its precise strikes on seven terror camps across the Line of Control last year. This satellite has been launched by the ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, which will be on its 40th flight. The 29 international nano satellites and one Indian satellite. These customers are Austria, Belgium, Britain, Chile, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, and the US. Once this satellite becomes operational, it would be handed over to the defence forces, which have their own infrastructure, which includes ground stations, and trained manpower to access data. Defence surveillance will get a leg-up because it can be used in identifying terrorist camps and bunkers.
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Q: Which of the following is the first state in the country that inaugurated a petrol bunk which is first with all women released prisoners? a. Gujarat b. Tamil Nadu c. Assam d. Telengana
Answer: D
Q: Which of the following is the correct sequence by market capitalisation. 1. Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda, Punjab National Bank, State Bank of India 2. PNB, SBI, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda 3. SBI, Bank of Baroda, PNB, Canara Bank 4. SBI, PNB, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda Answer: 3
[email protected]
Note: Next merger will be Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank into Canara Bank Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank will be merged. Later it will be merged into Canara Bank --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Merger of Banks: The government decided to merge few more banks 6 small banks are going to be merged into 4 large banks Bank of India, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda and Punjab National Bank Vijaya Bank, Syndicate Bank, Union Bank, Dena Bank, United Bank of India and UCO bank SBI: The associate banks are State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (SBBJ), State Bank of Mysore (SBM), State Bank of Travancore (SBT), State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH) and State Bank of Patiala (SBP) were merged with SBI Bharatiya Mahila Bank also merged with SBI
Minister Disqualified: The Election Commission has ordered the disqualification of Madhya Pradesh minister Narottam Mishra for having filed wrong account of his poll expenditure during the 2008 assembly election in the state. As laid down under Section 7(b) of the Representative of the People Act, 1951, Mishra stands debarred from being
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member of either Houses of the state legislature and also from contesting polls for three years from the date of issue of the disqualification order. He can no longer be in the Cabinet in view of election commission ordering his disqualification and will have to skip the 2018 assembly poll in Madhya Pradesh.
Note: Mishra was water and Irrigation Minister He was elected from Datia constituency
GSAT 17: India's latest communication satellite GSAT-17 was successfully launched on June 29, 2017 It was launched by a heavy duty rocket of Arianespace from the spaceport of Kourou in French Guiana. Configured around I-3K extended bus, GSAT-17 with a lift-off mass of about 3,477 kg carries payloads in Normal C- band, Extended C-band and S-band to provide various communication services. It also carries equipment for meteorological data relay and satellite based search and rescue services being provided by earlier INSAT satellites.
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Q: Which of the following is the new denomination that RBI is planning to print? a. b. c. d.
Rs 150/Rs 200/Rs 500/Rs 1000/-
Answer: B
Note: RBI Governor – Urijt Patel
P C Mahalanobis Prof. Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee attended the 125th birth anniversary celebrations of Professor P.C. Mahalanobis in Kolkata on June 29, 2017.
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Professor P.C. Mahalanobis, the pioneer of applied statistics and the architect of economic planning in our country. Prof. Mahalanobis was a visionary of extraordinary dimension. when many elderly members of the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj were reluctant to admit Rabindranath Tagore as a member of the Samaj, Prasanta Chandra waged a logical war to support Rabindranath’s membership. He wrote a compelling set of arguments that culminated in the printing of a booklet and distributed it among members of the Samaj. Soon thereafter, Rabindranath was admitted as a member of the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. The Indian Statistical Institute started by Prof. Mahalanobis imparts high quality education.
Statistics Day: In recognition of the notable contributions made by Late Professor Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis in the fields of statistics, statistical system and economic planning, Government of India in 2007, designated 29thJune the birth anniversary of Prof. Mahalanobis. as the “Statistics Day” in the category of Special Days to be celebrated every year at the National level.
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‘Administrative Statistics’ is this year’s theme for the Statistics Day. Administrative Statistical system needs to be further strengthened as it is both cost and time effective, reduces the dependence on censuses and sample surveys