On the call of the roll the following Commission Members reported present: Roger. Conrad, Christine Golden, Mark Lewis a
MINUTES CITY OF OJAI ARTS COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 25, 2015 Acting Chair Christine Golden called the special meeting of the Arts Commission to order on Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 6:35 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Ojai City Hall, 401 S. Ventura St., Ojai, California. 1. ROLL CALL On the call of the roll the following Commission Members reported present: Roger Conrad, Christine Golden, Mark Lewis and Heather Stobo. Absent: Michael Addison, Linda Harmon, Bobbi Balderman. (Commissioners Addison and Balderman arrived at 6:45 pm) Also present: Staff Liaison Steve McClary and City Council Liaison Randy Haney 2.
May 21, 2015 regular meeting
Deputy City Manager Steve McClary said Commission Harmon asked that the minutes be changed. Page 2, fourth paragraph, change sentence to read: Vice Chair Harmon asked what will happen to the existing playground equipment and will it be refurbished to another park. Commission Conrad asked to change Item iii to Commissioner Conrad presented history on the Ojai Playhouse. The Public Arts Committee is exploring the possibility of a mural on the side of the building. MOTION: It was moved by Commissioner Lewis, seconded by Commissioner Conrad to approve the minutes as amended. The motion passed unanimously. 8. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT City Council Member Randy Haney asked if he could speak at this time. He said he is impressed by the Commission and looked forward in getting to know each member. He also said he was impressed by Chair Addison's presentation at the budget hearing meeting.
Arts Commission Minutes
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June 25, 2015
A. Arts Grants Committee Commissioner Conrad reported the revised guidelines are finished. Commissioner Stobo asked if the applications would be interactive and if the Commissioners would receive electronic copies. Commissioner Conrad said the application is interactive online. He would still require seven hard copies to be submitted. He wanted the Commissioners to have hard copies to review when discussing the applications at meetings. B.
Public Art Committee Libbey Playground Renovation Public Art Component
Commissioner Conrad said the Committee is recommending "Limited competition" to select the public art component for Libbey Playground renovation project. Limited competition is where a small number of artists will be invited to submit proposals. Committee to Approve Public Art (CAPA) will still review the artwork and make a recommendation to the Arts Commission for final review and approval/disapproval. He said the Committee has picked three artists to contact. RTK Tiles, Susan Stinsmuehlen-Amend and Brian Berman. The Committee would like support from the Commission to move forward in contacting artists for submittals. Chair Addison would like the Committee to involve the museum and to contact Doug Lafner to see if he is interested in submitting. Public Works Director/City Engineer Greg Grant reviewed the time line of the project. He said a decision on the art work component will need to be made by the end of July. ii.
Receive staff update on projects subject to Public Art requirements
Topa Topa Winery Commissioner Golden said CAPA is asking to schedule a meeting on June 30 at 4:00 p.m. to review the art submittals for this project and then a special Arts Commission meeting will need to be scheduled as soon as possible for the Commission to review/approve/disapprove CAPA's recommendation. Feral Street project Staff said it has been decided the public art component applies. Weil Tennis Academy project Commissioner Golden asked what will the art component requirement will be for this project. Staff said they will follow up.
Arts Commission Minutes
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June 25, 2015
Receive report on other committee activities Deputy City Manager Steve Manager reported the repair on the sound arch has been completed. Commissioner Golden reminded staff to make a site visit to the Doug Lockner project. Commissioner Golden said she and staff have not been able to find any policy regarding the responsibility of who is to provide signage for art work. Chair Addison said the Commission can discuss whether they want to write a policy at a future meeting. C.
Public Relations Committee
Commissioner Lewis said the committee is working on press releases and working with mentees. D.
Art Acquisitions Committee Consider purchase of artworks from Impresa/Artist Susan Stinsmuehlen-Amend for City's Collection.
Commissioner Lewis said the committee visited Susan Stinsmuehlen-Amend's studio and found three art pieces they are recommending for purchase. Cut Glass Garden, Excess #6, 2015 - $2200; Cactus Orchids/Chihuly Glass, 2014 - $2200; and Brillant Cut, Touch of the Hand, 2013 - $2200; Retail value $6600, Invoice at 50% of retail $3300, Tax - $247.50. For a total of $3547.50. The committee noted this is over budget by $47.50. MOTION: It was moved by Commissioner Golden, seconded by Commissioner Balderman to transfer $47.50 from Public Art budget to Art Acquisitions budget. On roll call the motion passed unanimously. MOTION: It was moved by Commission Golden, seconded by Commissioner Lewis to purchase the lmpresa artworks by Susan Stinsmuehlen-Amend (Cut Glass Garden, Excess #6, 2015, Cactus Orchids/Chihuly Glass, 2014, and Brillant Cut, Touch of the Hand, 2013) for the City's Collection for a price to not exceed $3547.50. On roll call the motion passed unanimously. E.
Awards Committee — No report.
Arts Commission Minutes
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June 25, 2015
ARTSOJai Education Committee
Commissioner Balderman reported the committee is working on defining what the next steps should be in writing a book on art. She said the committee is determining who the players should be and members of the committee will then start talking to the players. The committee is also working on a budget for the project. She said Art21 is still on hold since the theater is still under construction. G.
Artist Mentor Program Commitee
Commissioner Stobo asked when checks will be cut to the artists. Staff said checks were cut to the students out of last year's budget and checks cut to the artists come out of this year's budget. He said checks will be cut before June 30. Chair Addison said the Film Society is interested in contributing $1250 towards having one mentor in film/television each year. The Film Society Board has to vote on this. He will keep the Commission updated. Commissioner Balderman said the committee is talking about making the criteria clearer so artists/mentors will understand why they were not selected. H.
City Gallery Committee
Commissioner Stobo presented a brochure by Anca Colbert, "Arts About Town". She said once the Committee sees what their budget is they are going to recommend moving forward in working with Anca. The committee felt the brochure would be a good marketing tool. I.
Arts Commission Budget
Deputy City Manager Steve McClary reviewed the 2014/2015 budget expenditures and 2015/2016 draft budget. He indicated the City Council will be discussing the 2015/2016 budget on June 30, 2015. He said he still needs to order the lights for the city gallery, which he will order by June 30, 2015. Commissioner Stobo suggested if there are funds left could MOTION: It was moved by Commissioner Stobo, seconded by Chair Addison to use the unspent amount in the Public Art Fund to help fund the cost to include the Art Commission information in brochures created by Anca Colbert. On roll call the motion passed unanimously.
Arts Commission Minutes
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June 25, 2015
Deputy City Manager Steve McClary said he will work on ordering the gallery lights, getting the checks cut for the mentors and purchasing the art work. Commissioner Golden handed out guidelines for private development projects and asked the Commission to review. 7.
Commissioner Balderman announced her first art show will be held at the Coffee Roasting Company in July. She will let the Commission know the date and time. Commissioner Golden said she attended two of the grant events. The "Moon Valley Symphony" and "Rockin at Old School". She was pleased the Commission was able to offer grants to these artists. She thought it would nice to have "The Moon Valley Symphony" at Ojai Day. She asked for the Commission's permission to invite Barbara Hirsch, Susan Stinsmuehlen-Amend and Mimi Moore to talk about their work and vision on the public art ordinance. Chair Addison directed staff to place this on a future agenda for early fall. 8. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT Council Member Randy Haney gave his report earlier in the meeting. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted:
2-c Rhonda K. Basore, City Clerk
Reviewed and approved by:
/1NtA,cee Steve McClary, Deputy Cit II nager