Jun 5, 2013 ... Division of Accelerated and Enriched Instruction. 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.. CESC ...
Participants commented positively on the more detailed notes. ... o Summer
training for magnet schools will focus on mathematics. AEI will begin.
NOTES AEI Feedback Council June 5, 2013 Division of Accelerated and Enriched Instruction 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. CESC, Room 177 ATTENDEES Mary Bliss, Principal, Farmland ES; Michelle Gluck, MCCPTA; Amanda Graver, MCCPTA; Allison Leaver, GTA; Faye Liu, AAS; Marjorie Lope, AEI; Anne Taylor, DEIP; and, Monique Felder, AEI MEETING ROLES Note-taker—Anne Taylor Time Keeper—Amanda Graver Recorder—Monique Felder MEETING OUTCOMES By the end of the meeting, AEI Feedback Council members will have: Reviewed and approved March 2013 meeting notes Heard updates regarding March’s Action Items and AEI’s work Reviewed and given feedback on 2012 Master Plan Update on the Gifted and Talented Program Identified next steps, reviewed action items, completed survey for FY 14 meetings and evaluated the meeting MEETING NOTES: Monique welcomed all Council members. Monique led the Council in a review of the Council’s Ground Rules, Agenda and Outcomes. Next, the Council reviewed and approved the notes from March 2013. Participants commented positively on the more detailed notes. Additionally, Monique noted that per the Council’s request fa copy of the meeting’s PowerPoint was provided to the Council. Margie provided the following updates: o MCPS is moving forward with a Middle Years Programme at Roberto Clemente and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle Schools. AEI will hold trainings for teachers this summer and continued professional development throughout the school year. o Summer training for magnet schools will focus on mathematics. AEI will begin supporting Algebra teachers in middle schools and continue through high school mathematics courses. o AEI will offer the following summer professional development trainings: IB training: primary years, middle years, diploma programme
RD40: Extending and Enriching Reading/Language Arts Instruction Training for GT/LD teachers Trainings in implementing William and Marry, Jacob’s Ladder, and Junior Great Books o IB teachers will also attend trainings with teachers from neighboring districts. Monique provided the following additional updates: o The Office of Curriculum and Instructional Programs (OCIP) is restructuring, but AEI and the Division of Consortia Choice and Application Program Services (DCCAPS) will remain within the Department of Enriched and Innovative Programs (DEIP). o Bradley Watts, currently an instructional specialist in AEI, will become a mathematics instructional specialist. He will be replaced by Dadre Blake. Ms. Blake, who has taught highly able students, brings a lot of expertise in math and science. AEI is excited that Ms. Blake is joining their team! o AEI is also in the process of filling a vacant position to replace Mary Cay Ricci. o Students received invitations for the Center Program for the Highly Gifted (CPHG) and attended open house meetings held at each Center to learn more about the program. o AEI is in the process of revising the CPHG curriculum to improve alignment to the CCSS. o In response to a question from a participant, Monique said she will share data about students invited to and attending the CPHG at a future Council meeting. Following up on an action items from the last meeting, Monique shared the following: o Definitions of giftedness from the National Association for Gifted Children as well as different states. Participants reviewed the definitions and shared the following reactions: There is no universal agreed-upon definition of giftedness. Giftedness can encompass strengths in a wide variety of areas including the arts. States identify students for gifted and talented services in different ways. o Participants asked for a list of schools implementing the William and Mary program. Monique said implementation of William and Mary is required in all schools in Grades 3-5. All students have access to some of William and Mary’s instructional models via Curriculum 2.0; however, students requiring much more should have access to the “full implementation model” of William and Mary, which begins in the third quarter and includes all aspects (i.e., access to all 24 lessons, the research component, etc.) of the William and Mary program. A participant asked how schools identify students for full implementation of William and Mary. Monique explained that the Grade 2 SIPPI process helps to identify that need as articulate Grade 2 students to Grade 3. School staff consider multiple measures (i.e., reading levels, writing skills, cognitive assessments, etc.) to determine students’ academic needs.
o A participant asked if there is a set of guidelines for using Junior Great Books in Kindergarten. Monique said schools are expected to facilitate at least 2 Junior Great Books stories per quarter K-5. A participant expressed concern about the inconsistency of implementation of William and Mary and Junior Great Books in schools. Monique said that AEI shares this concern. In FY14 AEI will work more closely with and provide more support to schools in an effort to reduce variance. The Council continued their review and discussion of the 2012 Master Plan update on the gifted and talented program. The Council also revisited the new COMAR document and shared the following observations of both documents: o There are minimal standards for what all schools should be doing. o Students are identified starting in pre-Kindergarten. o Identification and measurement of meeting needs is required. o Focuses on programming for gifted and talented students. o Calls for specialized training for teachers who work with gifted and talented students. o Uses multiple measures to identify aptitude and achievement. o Does not dictate details for broad expectations. Districts have some latitude. o Is a catalyst for improved services. o Supports the social and emotional growth of GT students and their needs that are different from other students. Participants’ reactions and questions included: o Concern that MCPS is not trying to formally identify students who are advanced learners prior to Grade 2. o Programs and services have to be provided more equitably in the county. Right now, services are being provided unevenly depending on where you live. The principal also drives support for programs. o How can we make sure teachers will do full implementation of William and Mary and Junior Great Books and have the skills to effectively differentiate instruction for GT learners? o The expectations are realistic; we just have to plan and manage it. o Pullouts work better. Sometimes GT students should be taken out of traditional classes and taught separately. o Provide more differentiation training for teachers. o The only way to get anything is to team up with other parents and push for programming and services. o Provide more training for teachers on using the Instruction Center for enrichment and acceleration. o Need to do a better job organizing classes. Each class should have only 3 levels to make differentiation easier/more manageable. o Some schools say advanced English in middle school when they’re not truly advanced. o How will the standards-based report card help meet the needs of students when only proficient?
Due to the meeting running over its allotted timeframe, the Council did not evaluate the meeting or complete a survey regarding next year’s meeting options. Monique said these items would be addressed via email over the summer.
Action Items What Solicit June 5 meeting evaluation (i.e., plusses & upgrades) feedback electronically Survey AEI Feedback Council members regarding: Continued participation on the Council for FY14 Meeting date and time preferences for FY 14 Provide disaggregated data on the number of students who applied, were invited and are currently enrolled in the CPHG. Next Meeting: TBD th
Who Monique
By When Summer
FY 14 meeting