June 8, 2011 - Montmorency County

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Jun 8, 2011 ... Dessoye, Hal Jonas, Judy Jonas, David Garett, Heidi Cadwallader, Julianne Milewski,. Ken Werner, Patty Ramus, Garry Ferguson, John Zollars ...

Daryl Peterson, Albert LaFleche, Margaret D’Agostino, Brock Baggett


Barry Danks


Larry Pascador, Jack ?, Jacky McKerchie, Marvin McLaren, Stacy Carroll, Bob Vick, Paul J. Wolne, Connie Danks, Gina Husted, Stewart Norwood, Gloria Norwood, Trudy Dessoye, Hal Jonas, Judy Jonas, David Garett, Heidi Cadwallader, Julianne Milewski, Ken Werner, Patty Ramus, Garry Ferguson, John Zollars, Rosemary Nuhfer, Pauline Hancock, Carol Young, Joy Plateooet, Robin Smiley, Pat Crawford, Terrie Case

PLEDGE AGENDA ADDITIONS/DELETIONS: Additions: Resignation of MCCOA Board Members Deletions: None Motion by LaFleche, seconded by Peterson approving the agenda along with the addition. Yeas: 4 Nays: 0 Motion carried. MINUTES: Motion by D’Agostino, seconded by LaFleche approving the regular minutes from May 25, 2011. Yeas: 4 Nays: 0 Motion carried. CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS: Motion by LaFleche, seconded by D’Agostino approving payment of Claims and Accounts bills. Yeas: 4 (Roll call: D’Agostino, LaFleche, Baggett, Peterson) Nays: 0 Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT: Paul Wolne, Library; Rosemary Nuhfer, Paul Wingate, Jon D’Agostino, Connie Danks, Pauline Hancock, John Zollars, Pat Crawford, Dr. D. Manier, K. Huff all on Elk Country Animal Shelter. CHAIRMANS COMMENTS: Chairman Danks ill, keep in thoughts and prayers. TREASURER REPORT: Treasurer Teets present. Budget Worksheet through 6/7/11 passed out. Updated report on 2009 tax sale. Child Care submitted an amended budget. Some budget adjustments need to be done. Motion by Peterson, seconded by LaFleche to transfer $50,000.00 into County Contribution Child Care; add $5600.00 to Delinquent Tax; transfer in $81,000.00 to Other Revenue-Operating Transfers in; Take $3000.00 from Contingency and $8900.00 out of Capitol Equipment-Vehicles & Equipment (see attached sheets f/budget numbers). Yeas: 4 (Roll call: LaFleche, Baggett, Peterson, D’Agostino) Nays: 0 Motion carried. SHERIFF: Sheriff Edwards present. Discussed and passed out list of Sheriff’s statutory duties. Comments by Undersheriff Coxsworth and introduction of Thomas Royal, instructor and policeman. Mr. Royal gave a presentation on Animal Control and enforcement of licensing as a way to generate revenues to help with county cost of stray animals. FINANCE: Finance committee still plans on meeting twice a month even though we only have one board meeting per month starting in June.


OLD BUSINESS: Animal Shelter Proposal: Motion by Peterson, seconded by Baggett to pay the Elk Country Animal Shelter the remaining balance of $1695.00 that is in the budget. Discussion. Yeas: 4 (Roll call: Baggett, Peterson, D’Agostino, LaFleche) Nays: 0 Motion carried. Proposal for the animal shelter at $900.00 per quarter or bidding out discussed. Motion by Baggett, seconded by Peterson to contract with the Elk County Animal Shelter for 9 months at $300.00 per month (money to be moved from 101-101-718.00). Discussion. Plus a separate $12.00 per day for court ordered animals (unlimited). Yeas: 4 (Roll call: Peterson, D’Agostino, LaFleche, Baggett) Nays: 0 Motion carried. Front Door: Discussion. Will hold off on locking front door, SCAO to do a walk through and give suggestions on security issues. There are concerns/problems with various offices located on that side of the building and the doors being locked during business hours. 10:20 A.M. Break 10:33 A.M. Back in session. NEW BUSINESS: Jury Board Appointment: Motion by Peterson, seconded by D’Agostino approving re-appointment of Naomi Deo to the Jury Board (term to exp. 4/30/17). Yeas: 4 Nays: 0 Motion carried. MCCOA: Comments by citizens Judy Jonas and Trudy Dissoye. Motion by LaFleche, seconded by Peterson to appoint Ron Lounsbery to the MCCOA Board. Discussion. Yeas: 2 (LaFleche, Peterson) Nays: 2 (D’Agostino, Baggett) Motion failed. Motion by LaFleche, seconded by D’Agostino appointing Bill Houston to the MCCOA Board (a temporary appointment to make a quorum). Discussion. Yeas: 4 (Roll call: LaFleche, Baggett, Peterson, D’Agostino) Nays: 0 Motion carried. BCBS Inmate Medical Contract: No cost unless used. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Baggett authorizing BCBS Inmate Contract. Yeas: 4 (Roll call: Baggett, Peterson, D’Agostino, LaFleche) Nays: 0 Motion carried. N.E. Michigan Community Mental Health Agreement w/MCSD: Motion by LaFleche, seconded by Baggett authorizing Sheriff Edwards to sign the agreement with N.E. Michigan Community Mental Health Authority. Yeas: 4 (Roll call: Peterson, D’Agostino, LaFleche, Baggett) Nays: 0 Motion carried. Resignation of Commissioner Danks: Letter read from Commissioner Danks resigning effective immediately. Motion by Peterson, seconded by LaFleche accepting resignation of Barry Danks. Yeas: 2 (LaFleche, Peterson) Nays: 2 (D’Agostino, Baggett) Motion failed. COMMITTEE REPORTS: D’Agostino: Library, 911, Landfill Peterson: Finance, Claims & Accounts Motion by Peterson, seconded by Baggett accepting resignations of Jacky McKerchie, Bob Pace and Jim Lecrux from the MCCOA board. Yeas: 4 Nays: 0 Motion carried. Danks: absent Baggett: Finance, Claims & Accounts LaFleche: NEMSCA, MCCOA


PUBLIC COMMENT: Comments on failed motion accepting Danks resignation and MCCOA. 11:20 A.M. Meeting adjourned subject to call of the Vice-Chair.

_____________________________________ Brock Baggett, Vice Chair


_____________________________________ Cheryl A. Neilsen, County Clerk