1. JUNE EVENTS 2016. Registration. Please register online here by 25th May: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/efiatlantic-june-.
International Scientific Seminar Sustainable Intensification of Planted Forests: How Far Can We Go?
Photo: Fotolia P666
Monday 13th June 2016 L’auditorium de la Cité de l’Océan. Biarritz, France
Simultaneous interpretation
Please register online here by 25th May: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/efiatlantic-juneevents-2016-tickets-23802190994?aff=affiliate1
Fees: 50€
JUNE EVENTS 2016 Programme 9:3010:00
Coffee and welcome: Marc Palahí (EFI), Christian Pinaudeau (IEFC) and Jean-Michel Carnus (IUFRO).
Session 1: Global context: expansion vs intensification 10:0011:00
Planted forest production. Tim Payn, SCION, New Zealand. The Role of planted forests in the global economy. Daowei Zhang, Auburn University, USA.
Session 2: Management options for intensifying planted forest production A European perspective. Bill Mason, FR, UK. 11:00- A North American perspective. Thomas Fox, Virginia Tech, USA. 13:00 An African perspective. Josephine Yameogo, CNRST, Burkina Faso. Genetic potential for intensification in planted forests. Heidi Dungey, SCION, New Zealand. 13:00-14:00 Lunch
Session 3: Intensification opportunities and threats i. Risks and intensification in planted forests 14:0017:30
Sustainability issues related to forest soils. Gregory Van der Heijden, INRA. Effects of tree species diversity on resistance to biotic disturbances in planted forests. Hervé Jactel, INRA, France. Risks and intensification in planted forests: Abiotic risks. Barry Gardiner, EFIATLANTIC, France. 15:30-16:00 Refreshment break
ii. Opportunities for intensification in planted forests Climate change and intensification. Peter Freer-Smith, FR, UK. Intensification in the context of bio-economy and circular economy – status and foresight. Jean François Dhôte, INRA, France. Socio-economic role of planted forests: a Chinese perspective. Wu Shuirong, CAF, China.
Closing ceremony with regional representatives: 17:3018:30
Stéphane Vieban (Plantons pour Avenir), Beatrice Gendreau (Regional Council of Aquitaine (ALPC)), Peli Manterola Arteta (Basque Government) and Nathalie Barbe (French Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-Food and Forest)
Dinner at Le Café de la Grande Plage, 1 avenue Édouard VII, 64200 Biarritz