junior leaders guide series 5 - World's Christian Endeavor Union

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The Leader's Guide is prepared for you and ... The Lion Handbook to the Bible – Lion ... for permission to use Scripture quotes from the Good News Bible:.

LEADER’S GUIDE The Leader’s Guide is prepared for you and your helpers, to supplement the Junior Topic Book. It is important that each CE child or family has their own Topic Book so they can prepare when taking part, and make use of the daily readings. The Junior Topic Book may be likened to the front door of JCE, where the participants stand in anticipation of what the speaker has prepared for them from the extra resources provided in the Leaders Guide. The topic notes and activity pages are suitable to photocopy for use by the child or adult preparing a talk, when extra copies are required.

RESOURCE BOOKS Christian Endeavour Books for leaders, to assist your preparation are available from the State CE Offices:‘The Way to Go’ – Helpful hints for Christian Endeavour Leaders . ‘JCE Teams’ – Effective CE Committee Ideas Both edited by Joyce Spicer, National CE President 2001-2004 The Lion Handbook to the Bible – Lion Publishing, Oxford England Good News Bible RSV Bible About Copyright -The hymns or choruses marked with (c) cannot be reprinted or photocopied. The other “hand-made” songs may be copied in any way.

Contents Contents Introduction to Series 5 & Pledges Sample Program Syllabus Theme Song for Unit

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

UNIT 1 JUNIOR BEES Unit 1 Introduction Topic I Be Reverent (Consecration) Topic 2 Be Reliable Topic 3 Be a Worker Topic 4 Be Generous Worksheets

Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Pages 10 & 11

UNIT 2 WHAT IS THE CHURCH? Unit 2 Introduction Topic 1 The Church Begins (Consecration) Topic 2 The Church Grows Topic 3 The Church Works Topic 4 The Church Goes Worksheets

Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 & 18

UNIT 3 WITH JESUS UNIT 3 Introduction Topic 1 With Jesus in Temptation (Consecration) Topic 2 With Jesus in Trouble Topic 3 With Jesus in Paradise (Easter Topic) Topic 4 With Jesus where He is Worksheets

Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24

UNIT 4 HOW CAN I HELP? UNIT 4 Introduction Topic 1 My Family? (Consecration) Topic 2 My Friends? Topic 3 My Neighbours? Topic 4 People I Don’t Really Like? Worksheets

Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Pages 30 – 32

UNIT 5 LIGHT FOR A DARK WORLD UNIT 5 Introduction Topic 1 Casting Out Fear (Consecration) Topic 2 Fighting Disease Topic 3 Feeding the Hungry Topic 4 Spreading Good News Worksheets

Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Pages 38 & 39

UNIT 6 BIBLE ARITHMETIC Unit 6 Introduction

Page 40

Topic 1 One plus Seven plus Seven plus Seven (Consecration) Page 41 Topic 2 Twenty Divided by One Hundred Page 42 Topic 3 Five plus Two, Divided by Five Thousand Page 43 Topic 4 Thirty-nine and Twenty-seven Page 44 Worksheet Page 45 & 46

UNIT 7 TALKING TO GOD Topic 1 What is Prayer? (Consecration) Topic 2 People who Prayed Topic 3 The Prayer that Jesus Taught Us Topic 4 Prayer and Me Worksheets

Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 – 54

UNIT 8 ANONYMOUS PEOPLE Unit 8 Introduction Topic 1 A Government official (Consecration) Topic 2 A Pharisee and a Publican Topic 3 The Tenth Man Topic 4 Guess My Name Worksheets

Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Pages 60 & 61

UNIT 9 AROUND AND ABOUT Unit 9 Introduction Topic 1 Away on Holidays (Consecration) Topic 2 In the Garden Topic 3 Adventures at Sea Topic 4 Exploring Caves Worksheet

Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 66 Pages 67 & 68

UNIT 10 WONDERFUL WORDS Unti 10 Introduction Topic I The Wonderful Laws (Consecration) Topic 2 A Wonderful Song Topic 3 Wonderful Happiness Topic 4 Wonderful Love Worksheet

Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Pages 74 & 75

Grateful acknowledgement is made to the Bible Society in Australia for permission to use Scripture quotes from the Good News Bible: Old Testament; @ American Bible Society 1976 New Testament: @ American Bible Society 1966, 1971, 1976 Topic Writers: G. Bayley R. Leitch P. Spurr L. Ridderhof C. Chambers F. Oates A. Brookes M. Jenkins B. Scott Edited by J. Spicer Material revised by G & J Spicer, Australia 2007 Artistic work and layout reformatted by C & J Dumas, Australia 2007 1

Series 5 Introduction & Pledges LEADER’S PREPARATION Prior to each term, sit down with the Junior Topic Book and Junior Leaders Guide, notebook and pen and make notes of preparations you need to make for each unit, especially noting pictures or visual aids to search for. Generally the CE program is run within

the school term dates. Take note of public holidays if this will affect the attendance of the children You may get help from the sample syllabus on the next page. Remember, CE children will work well in a structured program.

JUNIOR DIPLOMA COURSE Details of J.D.C. work is written up in the Junior Topic Book Series 5. JDC Booklets and Files are done annually and will be a great help to your CE group’s efficiency. Get the material early from your C. E. office and start the Juniors working early in the year. Use short quizzes each meeting from the content in the section

titled “Finding out about CE” to reinforce the Principles of Christian Endeavour. Encourage the older children to keep a copy of each meeting they have led, talk or quiz they have given and other relevant material to build up the 12 year old JDC File.

J.C.E. COMMITEES Conduct Committees according to guidelines in ‘JCE TEAMS’ and this will teach the important aspects of CE Committees, to demonstarte the functions of the Church.

C.E. MIZPAH BENEDICTION (Closing Prayer) May the Lord watch between me and thee (substitute ‘you and me’ if preferred), when we are absent one from another, Amen Genesis 31:49

Junior Member’s Pledge Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for strength, I promise Him that I will strive to do whatever He wants me to do; that I will pray and read the Bible every day; and so far as I know how, I will try to lead a Christian life. I will be present at every meeting of the Group when I can, and will take some part in every meeting when asked to do so.

Preliminary Pledge I promise to be present at every meeting of the CE Group, if I can, and to be quiet and reverent during the meeting.















MAR 15

MAR 16 (SAT.)

MAR 22

MAR 29


APR 12

















































FEB 22



FEB 15





























Series 5 Introduction


Series 5 Theme Song A Book For Me Words – G. Bayley Music – D. Archer 1.

(All sing)

(Chorus) (Hold up Bible).

Wherever I may go Great stacks of books I see; So many kinds to pick and choose What is the book for me? The Bible! The Bible! The Bible is the Book for me.


Ist Child 2nd Child 3rd Child 4th Child

I like Adventure yarns! And I like Poetry! I always choose a book that’s true! My choice is History!


Ist Child

Some grown-up people like A good Bi-og-ra-phy. There’s nothing like a fine Romance! But I like Mystery!

2nd Child 3rd Child 4.

(All sing)

There’s one amazing Book Holds all of this and more, The greatest tales of all the world Are in it’s treasure store.





CHORUS a tempo


















Unit 1 Junior Bees UNIT 1 JUNIOR BEES GENERAL INTRODUCTION AIM The aim of this unit is to arouse in the CE children a desire to practice these four ‘Bees’ in their lives, wherever they may be. Bee Reverent, Bee Reliable, Bee a Worker, and Bee Generous are important attitudes to learn for, irreverence, unreliability, laziness, greed and selfishness are so prevalent in our society today. This unit also strives to set a standard for the conduct of meetings and practice of home Bible reading, and the system of Committee work

LEADER’S NOTES Endeavour Day Programme and Consecration Meeting The first Christian Endeavour Society started on the 2nd February 1881. The first meeting for the year is intended to celebrate this event. The first meeting of every month is also a Consecration Meeting when members are taught about the CE pledge cards, and can renew their promises to God as they repeat their pledges.

Start Topic 1 and celebrate Endeavour Day. Make the first meeting for the year a special event to which you invite guests to the whole program that is written in the Topic Book. The puzzles are based on the Good News Bible and Revised Standard Versions of the Bible

LEADERS COMPETITION (Ref Topic Book item 4)

PREPARATION Print the two prayers in Topic 1 on cardboard bees to use right through the unit. Make a little yellow bag such as the bee carries on its body to collect pollen, to use when taking up the offering this month. Photocopy the Activity pages for this Unit. Choose a child to print the Bible Readings and topic title for each meeting on a cut out copy of a bee to display the Bible reading for the meeting. (Refer Topic Book p6) The children can learn to look up the reading before the meeting starts and mark the place, possibly earning marks for doing so. The bees could be fixed to a large flower chart afterwards and kept all year as a reminder of the Christian attitudes. In Topic 1 the bee picture can also be used to write out the individual program items with the titles e.g. ‘Scout Bee’ Invite parents to join in celebrating Endeavour Day by attending the first meeting of the year. Arrange a guest speaker for the first meeting. Organize a birthday cake and refreshments to celebrate Endeavour Day at the end of the first meeting. Remind the children of the age of CE. Study the topic ideas in the Topic Book as well as this one, in advance. There are activities mentioned after Topic Four which can be used any time.

RESOURCES Craft items, magazine pictures of bees, honey and honeycomb; Egg cartons, cellophane and pipe cleaners, yellow and black felt pens; Combs, greaseproof or tissue paper for Humming Band. Whiteboard, Chalkboard, or large sheet of cardboard or butcher’s paper for Topic Talk.


Unit 1 Junior Bees UNIT 1 JUNIOR BEES TOPIC 1 BEE REVERENT CONSECRATION MEETING Endeavour Day (2nd February) BIBLE READINGS Psalm 96 for the Talk Psalm 145 for the Crossword Puzzle SONGS We worship you, Almighty God Holy, Holy, Holy. (hymn) Use these song tunes for the Humming Bee Band (or another tune the children know better.)

Outline for TOPIC TALK (Use a whiteboard, large sheet of cardboard, chalkboard or butcher’s paper) Today we will think about a very important Junior Bee. Print - Bee Reverent Print - This Means….. Write down children’s ideas. e.g. Treat with respect. Look up to. Hold in awe or amazement. Say -This is how we should feel about God. Print - Why? (should we feel this way about God?) Print their answers. e.g. He is great, good, worthy, awesome, loving.

Print - Where? (should we be reverent?) e.g. In Church, In CE meeting, In prayer time, in our homes, everywhere Emphasise that we should be reverent everywhere. Print - How? (to be reverent?) Be careful how we use God’s name, and also the name of Jesus, do not make or listen to jokes about Him, be quiet in CE or church, especially at prayer time, thank and praise Him for His kindness. This is only a simple presentation but using the chart and encouraging discussion should make it sink in.

ANSWERS TO ACTIVITY In Psalm 96 the verses that tell how the natural world praises God are 11-13. The following adjectives describe God in verses 1-10: saving (v.2); glorious (v.3); marvelous (v.3); great and praiseworthy

(v.4); honourable and majestic, strong and beautiful (v.6); royal and just (v.10). NB. Younger children in your CE may not turn the descriptive words into adjectives, but that does not matter.

CROSSWORD ANSWERS Psalm 145 based on RSV and Good News Bible translations.



1. Praise DOWN: 3. Majesty 4. Compassion 6. Faithful 8. Saves

2. Ever 3. Merciful 5. Near 7. Hears

Unit 1 Junior Bees UNIT 1 JUNIOR BEES TOPIC 2 BEE RELIABLE BIBLE READING Luke 12:35-40 (meeting) DAILY READING Luke 12:35 - 46 (home) Matthew 25: 1-30 Suggest children read a few verses from these NT passages each day.

INTRODUCTION ACTIVITY Get the children to do a reliability rating Use the suggested 10 questions. Have “bee-hive” scoring chart and pencil for each child. Allow 2 points for each “yes” and 1 for “sometimes”, and “0’ for never. Stress the need to be honest.

There is no need to share the results, they are private. Make sure children understand what the RELIABILITY RATING heading at the top of page means. After you ask each question, allow sufficient time for the children to think and write down their point score.

SAMPLE QUESTIONS I. When asked to lead a C.E. meeting, do I always contact those taking part to see if they are well prepared? 2. Do I do my best when asked to write a paper for CE? 3. Do I always remember what I promised to do in the CE pledge? 4. Do I give myself enough time to do things I have promised to do in the CE pledge? 5. Can my C.E. convener in my Committee rely on me to do the job assigned to me? 6. Is my school homework always done on time? 7. Do I give enough time to practice (piano or whatever my parents are paying for me to learn?)

8. Can Mum or Dad rely on me to do my house or yard jobs without grumbling? 9. Am I punctual at C.E., School, or wherever? 10. Do I persevere with things I start? When all the questions have been answered, tell children to add up their points. Ask. ”Are you satisfied with your results?” The Bible tells us of many people who were reliable. Jesus is our very best example of reliability. He faithfully finished the work He came to earth to do. He will help us to be faithful and reliable too.

Colossians 4: 7 – 17 Christian Talk Read Colossians 4:7-17 to the children. At first this may sound very uninteresting, with lots of difficult names to pronounce that the children may never have heard before, but explain that Paul is writing about real people and what they did, and could be relied upon to do. Tychicus and Onesimus could be relied on to visit the Christians at Colosse, and to tell the news of Paul. Remember, Onesimus was the run away slave in the book of Philemon. In that story we learn that through Paul, Onesimus had become a Christian and he returned to his master and also to the Colossae church. Aristarchus, Mark and Justus were reliable in helping Paul, and all working with him for the Kingdom of God.

Epaphras could be relied on to pray and work hard. Luke was the beloved doctor. Nympha was hospitable and opened her home for the church to meet. Only two of Paul’s friends were unreliable - Demas (see 2 Timothy 4: 10) went off to Thesselonica and deserted Paul and Archippus evidently started things for the Lord but was inclined to give up. Try making up a similar letter about your own C.E. looking for the good and reliable things the children do.

ANSWER TO MAZE And whatever you do, in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father by Him. Colossians 3: 17. (This is the theme verse for the Whatsoever Committee – see the JCE Teams book)


Unit 1 Junior Bees UNIT 1 JUNIOR BEES TOPIC 3 BEE A WORKER BIBLE READING Matthew 11: 28-30 See the Junior Topic Book for Bible ‘pop-up’ readings. COMMITTEES This is an excellent topic to introduce CE Committees and get the children working in small groups. Planning for this aspect of the CE program will need to be made for this week’s meeting. See ideas in the Topic Book and ‘JCE TEAMS’.


TALK Give a short talk about bees, using pictures, honey and honey comb and polishing wax as illustrations, if obtainable. Who likes honey? Where does it come from? Honey is a very good food, which is made from the nectar that bees get from flowers. It sweetens and preserves, and has medicinal qualities as well. Beeswax from the honeycomb is useful for polish and other purposes. Grain, nuts, fruit, flowers and vegetables must all be fertilized. The bees do this by transferring pollen from flower to flower as they land on one after another, looking for nectar. On each leg they have a brush for gathering the pollen and on the hind pair they have baskets for carrying the nectar. There are different kinds of bees. The queen lays the eggs and is the mother for the whole swarm. The nurse bees care for and raise the queen from a baby, feeding her on special food. The worker bees

collect the nectar to make the honey and do most of the other work about the place. The drones are the fathers and seem rather lazy. We really could not survive without bees! Lessons we may learn from them: (Show the analogy of Christian teamwork) Bees are well organized. Each has a special job to do and does it well. When the worker bee finds nectar it SHARES the good news with other bees. They work TOGETHER to build the honeycomb and stock it with nectar. (emphasise this point using 1 Corinthians 3:8.9) They use their sting to defend the hive from intruders. They must do their year’s work while the flowers are out. (John 9:4)

Unit 1 Junior Bees UNIT 1 JUNIOR BEES TOPIC 4 BEE GENEROUS BIBLE READING AND MEMORY VERSE John 3:16. Home readings John 6:5-14 Luke 3:10-11 Luke 6:37-38 Matthew 22:34-40 This meeting could be shared with visitors from another CE group or be held in the home of someone who appreciates a visit from Junior Christian Endeavourers.

TOPIC TALK Make this an object lesson. You will need: ■ a purse or wallet with money ■ a clock or watch to represent time ■ a few things like knitting etc, to represent talents ■ a red, gold or silver cardboard heart ■ a red, gold or silver cardboard cross; gift wrapping paper ■ Wrap up each category like a gift and number it.

TALK To be generous is to be giving. These five gifts show us how to be generous. (Let a child unwrap each parcel and you speak briefly on each). I. Purse – regular giving to God should be mentioned. Comment on 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. Use introduction in Topic Book. 2. Clock – time for others, time for God in prayer etc.

3. Talent – everyone has some. Some are obvious. Try to unearth any hidden ones in your group. Make a list for future reference. 4. Heart – our giving should be with love, so should our thoughts and speech. 5. Cross – God is the greatest Giver. Learn John 3: 16.

PREPARATION Dress up clothes to dramatize the story in John 6:5-14; Egg cartons, cellophane and pipe cleaners if you wish to make the egg carton bee for a fun activity.

STORY There is a story of how Richard Wurmbrand, an evangelical Christian minister, author, and educator who spent a total of fourteen years imprisoned in Romania because he so fearlessly preached in the Communist world, taught his son to share as in Luke 3: 10-11. Once when Richard was able to afford to buy a new suit his son said to him, “Are

you going to give it away, Dad? You have another suit.” “Which suit should I give?” said Richard. “Give the one you want to wear in Heaven” said the boy. So what could Richard do but give away his new suit, and wait a bit longer till God let him get another one? 9

Unit 1 Worksheets Unit 1 Junior Bees Here are two answer sheets for the Reliability Rating questions. Mark yourself ½, 1, 1½ or 2 for your rating to each questions. 1











Am I a Reliable Bee?


Here are two answer sheets for the Reliability Rating questions. Mark yourself ½, 1, 1½ or 2 for your rating to each questions. 1











Am I a Reliable Bee?

20 10

Unit 1 Worksheets


Unit 2 What is the Church? UNIT 2 WHAT IS THE CHURCH? GENERAL INTRODUCTION AIM To teach about the beginning, members and purpose of the Church. PREPARATION FOR UNIT For Topic One “The Church Begins”, ■ Some carpenter’s tools as an introduction, ■ Large sheet of cardboard and a cardboard strip, ■ One large card square, and a number of small squares for “bricks”, ■ Felt pens, glue. ■ For an extra activity collect clean milk cartons for “bricks” to build a church. For Topic Four “The Church Goes”, ■ Invite a missionary speaker, or have missionary news and pictures, or perhaps dressup clothes for a “pretend “ missionary.


Unit 2 What is the Church? UNIT 2 WHAT IS THE CHURCH? TOPIC 1 THE CHURCH BEGINS CONSECRATION MEETING BIBLE READING Acts 2:1-6 DAILY READINGS Also to be included in the Talk 1 Peter 2:6 Matthew 16:18 Ephesians 2:19-20 1 Peter 2: 4, 5 PREPARATION FOR TALK Make sure that five children have the Bible texts ready to read out at the right places in your talk, as this greatly helps the speed and concentration of attention. Prepare bookmarks, as suggested in Activity pages OR have pictures of tools and write verse on each one. Have your large sheet of cardboard or paper ready on the wall and a helper standing by with glue pot and brush. Have a pile of little cardboard squares and felt pens ready. Have one larger cardboard square and one strip (see diagram). Additional or alternative activity – Give each child a clean milk carton, covered in paper. Child does artistic decoration and includes his name. Use aquadhere glue to attach bricks together on cardboard base and build a church. Make 1 brick with JESUS as the cornerstone. INTRODUCTION TO TOPIC TALK Show saw, hammer, nails, screwdrivers, tape-measure, level, plane and anything else you can collect. As you show these tools say: I thought we might need these today, so that we can build a church. But since none of us are really builders, perhaps we had better do it on paper.

PRESENTATION 1. What is the first thing we need for any building? (Children should answer - A PLAN.) For that we need an ARCHITECT. Who is the architect for the church? (Children should answer - GOD) Better put his name up near the building. The church is His idea - He planned it. Will number 1 please read I Peter 2:6? For the Scripture says, I chose a valuable stone, which I am placing as the corner stone in Zion (GNB). (This verse which Peter quotes is from Isaiah 28:16.) So God had a long-standing plan to build a church of His own design, and Jesus Christ is the most important part of it. 2 After an architect and plan, what do we need? A BUILDER. In this case an owner builder. Will number 2 please read Matthew 16:18? And so I tell you, Peter, you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH. Who is the owner-builder of the Church? (Children should answer - JESUS) Put His name up under the architect’s. Jesus Christ is the owner builder, but He uses us as His workmen - and workwomen. So let’s start to build. 3 What comes first in a building? A FOUNDATION. Number 3 read Ephesians 2:19.20. Then emphasize “You, too, are built upon the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets”. These are the people who first believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. The foundation they laid was that of belief in Jesus as God’s Son and our Saviour. Ask the child with Matthew 16 to read verse 16, which is Peter’s great confession.

HELPER: Glue a long strip at bottom of sheet with Peter’s words printed on it. 4 When the New Testament was written, every building had to have a cornerstone to bear the weight and line up the building. Number 4 reads the second part of 1 Peter 2:6-7. “The stone which the builders rejected as worthless turned out to be the most important of all.” The chief priests and rulers rejected and killed Jesus, but God raised Him to life. He is not only the owner-builder of the Church, but the most important person in it. Let us remember that. HELPER: Glue on a large cornerstone with JESUS on it. 5. What do we need now? BRICKS!! Junior 5 reads 1 Peter 2:4-5, especially this sentence: “Come as living stones, and let your selves be used in building the spiritual temple.” HELPER: Now give each child a cardboard square representing a stone. Everyone is to write his or her name on a “stone”. Then bring them out one by one to the helper, who sticks them up. Sing a chorus while this goes on. When all are stuck on the chart, point out that the building is far from complete -there are still many more “living stones” to be built on. It is our task to help to find them. 6. How do we find more living stones? By witnessing, show love, bring friends to CE, pray for missionaries who are teaching others about Jesus.

Architect: God Owner – Builder: Jesus


Foundation 13

Unit 2 What is the Church? UNIT 2 WHAT IS THE CHURCH? TOPIC 2 THE CHURCH GROWS BIBLE READING Acts 2:37-42. DAILY READINGS Acts 3 and 4 Read 10 verses each day to complete the two chapters ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 3,000; daily; 5,000.

TOPIC TALK Obviously the chief reason for the phenomenal growth in the first Century church was the fact that people talked about Jesus. We want our CE children to talk about Him too. True Story There was a boy living in the U.S. in the 1970s. His family was at a Christian Workers’ Conference which was being held in a large accommodation block in California. That night there was to be a rather large party for the social set. Not long after the guests started arriving, the boy came rushing into his parents’ room. “Dad”, he said, “I must have my Bible. There are people down there and they are going to hell. Goodbye.”

The father followed the lad and hid where he could hear without being seen. As each guest entered the building, the boy would say, “Excuse me, sir or madam, if you died tonight, would you go to heaven or hell?” It was most effective. Some were so challenged that they turned round and went home. I wonder how many souls were added to the church that night. I know this story is true, for the boy’s own father told it. In closing your talk, discuss ways in which we can witness for Christ. But if we speak without the leading and power of the Holy Spirit, we can do more harm than good.

SONGS I’m not ashamed to own my Lord Alexander’s Hymns Number 3 No 387 I have decided to follow Jesus Source unknown Speak just a Word Alexander’s Hymns Number 3 No 154

Refer to the play based on Acts 4: 13 – 22 in the topic book. Choose three good readers to be the actors. You could dress them in period costume Help for The Acrostic Activity: Acts 2:37- 47 This is based on the Good News Bible. C. .. called (by God) v .39 H. .. heard v.37 U. .. upset v.37 (not actual word used). R. .. repented v.38 (not actual word.) C. .. continued v.44 . H. .. humble v.46 G. .. glad v. 46 R. .. rejoiced v.47 (praising God) E. .. enjoying v.47 W. .. wonders v.43


Unit 2 What is the Church? UNIT 2 WHAT IS THE CHURCH? TOPIC 3 THE CHURCH WORKS BIBLE READINGS Acts 2: 44-45 Acts 3: 1-9. Acts 4: 32-37 AIM To show children that our reason for working in the church is our love for God and not our fear of Him.

TOPIC TALK Today offers a golden opportunity to explain the difference between working because we love God, and working because we fear the consequences if we don’t. Tell the story of two women - one, involved in several committees -a very good person and a hard worker. She didn’t ever go to church, though she said she believed in God. When asked, she admitted she had never asked God to forgive her, but she knew He would because she worked so hard, helping so many people. After all, she was a basically good person! The other woman had been sick most of her life, could not do a lot, but spent

a lot of time praying for the church, for missionaries and anybody she knew who needed prayer. She loved God, trusted Jesus as her Saviour and knew that when she died she would go to Heaven. Discuss these two people with the children, as well as those in the story in the Junior Topic Book. It will be interesting to discover how they feel. In closing look up and read Galatians 2:16 and Ephesians 2:8-9. While we know that faith without works is dead (James 2: 17, 20, 26), it is important to question the motive behind the works -is it love or fear? That verse can be reversed because works, without faith, are dead also.

ANSWERS TO QUIZ SONGS I will serve thee because I loveThee Brother let me be your servant Scripture in Song Vol. 2 No.51 Servant of all Scripture in Song Vol. 2 No.235 A new commandment Silver and Gold have I none

Acts 2:44 - 45 and Acts 4:32 - 37. The first Christians showed that they loved the Lord Jesus and each other by: I. close fellowship 2 sharing all their possessions 3. meeting daily in the temple 4. eating together in their homes 5. gladness; humility; generosity 6. praising God 7. agreeing and loving each other 8. witnessing with power


Unit 2 What is the Church? UNIT 2 WHAT IS THE CHURCH? TOPIC 4 THE CHURCH GOES AIM To teach the importance of missions and to encourage children to develop an interest in a missionary family. BIBLE READING Matthew 28: 16-20 MEMORY VERSE Matthew 28: 19-20 ‘Go then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age.’ GNB ANSWERS Old Testament missionaries were Noah, Hezekiah and Jonah. New Testament missionaries were Stephen, Philip, Barnabas and Saul (Paul). SONGS Choose favourite songs from the unit that the children enjoy singing.


TOPIC TALK The Missionary Committee should be prominently featured today. After they have presented their Missionary news, talk a little about what a missionary is. If you cannot actually get a missionary speaker, why not dress up as a missionary and let the children ask questions. Talk about the hardships missionaries’ experience. There was a woman who served on the field for twenty years, and the thing she longed for most was letters. Now would be a good time to gauge interest in writing to missionaries. Why not offer to find out through your Denominational Mission Board, those missionaries with children. The CE children could correspond with one of them and a lifelong friendship might

develop. Also they will have fresh news to deliver to your meetings from time to time Perhaps you could find some photographs of missionaries and the country they are serving in. God wants us to pray for them, for they have a difficult job to do. However the thought has already been expressed that “going” does not necessarily mean going to another country, State or even town. It means going out into our neighbourhood and witnessing. Do we always have to speak? No. A helpful task is a form of witnessing. Allow time to suggest other ways. Some children may even have stories to share of situations where they have been able to witness. Make sure they understand what “witnessing” means.

Unit 2 What is the Church? Worksheets TOPIC 4 THE CHURCH GOES

1 Peter 2:1 – 6 Up to Zion

Matthew 16:18

Ephesians 2:19 – 20

1 Peter 2:6 – 7

1 Peter 2:4 – 5






Cut out the above bookmarks and give to the childen whom you have chosen to read during your talk. The lettering is to stick on the chart as illustrated in the Junior Leader’s Guide.

GOD JESUS Continued next page... 17

Unit 2 What is the Church? Worksheets

You (Jesus) are Messiah, the Son of the living God Matt 16:16 The Cornerstone Extra Note: The illustration of a church formed by


folded hands in the Junior Topic Book can be used as a finger play:

This is a Church...

This is the steeple...

Open the door and here are all the people...


Unit 3 With Jesus UNIT 3 WITH JESUS GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO UNIT AIM: To show that Jesus can be with us in every part of life, making it Life with a capital L .


SONGS The theme song could be ‘The Lord’s My Shepherd’, Alexander’s Hymns Number 3 No. 352 Extra hymns and choruses have been suggested in Topic book, which especially fit in.


MEMORY VERSE Hebrews 4: 15-16. Teach all through the month with the aid of simple flash cards. RESOURCES I. Smooth stones, indelible pens, clear varnish (optional), brushes. 2. Large drawing of a cross, ruled chart. 3. Bread price tags, red card, craft glue, ‘glitter.’ 4. Flash cards for memory verse. 5. Pictures required for Topic 4 (see notes)


PRAYER FOR UNIT Thank You, Lord Jesus, for dying on the cross for us. We are so glad that You are alive now and You live in our hearts. It is so good to know that You are with us every moment of the day and night in all our experiences. Amen.










Satan picked a time just after Jesus had a wonderful experience with God. He often tempts us when we least expect it.



Satan is the enemy who wants to get control of our lives and spoil them.



He tempted Jesus through His physical needs and through doubt. He does the same to us. Then Satan tempted Jesus to act like Superman in our comics, and dive to earth, so that people would believe in Him straight away. Satan tempts us to show off and take silly risks, too. Lastly , Satan showed his hand -”Worship me and I’ll give you the world.” He may tempt us also to try to succeed by selfishness and dishonesty.



Satan’s purpose was to defeat Jesus’ work as Saviour by making Him a sinner like us. But God’ purpose was to make Jesus strong and perfect through testing. God ALLOWS Satan to tempt us, but He will not allow him to make the test more than we can bear. See I Corinthians 10: 13.



Angels came to help Jesus, after the test. Sometimes human friends tempt us to do wrong. A true friend will not do that. But Jesus can actually help us to overcome Satan. Lastly, notice how Jesus fought Satan. He knew God’s Word off by heart. That is why we should read and learn it.

AIM To show that Jesus knows how to help us to overcome Satan, because He was tempted but did not sin. Jesus COULD have sinned, but was able NOT to.

Discuss the points raised in the Topic Book, and check their answers to the questions. Tell the story, using this acrostic.

BIBLE READINGS Matthew 4:1-11 Hebrews 4: 15-16 MEMORY VERSE Hebrews 4: 15 (Use flash cards to teach) “Our High Priest is not one who cannot feel sympathy for our weaknesses. On the contrary, we have a High Priest who was tempted in every way that we are, but did not sin.” GNB SONGS Theme song The Lord’s my Shepherd Alexander’s Hymns Number 3 No.352 Yield not to Temptation Youth Favourites


Unit 3 With Jesus UNIT 3 WITH JESUS


AIM To teach that we can rely on the Lord Jesus. Also to give a simple Bible study exercise. BIBLE READING Matthew 11:28 - 30 DAILY READINGS Matthew 8: 1-4 Matthew 8:14-16 Matthew 8: 23-27 Matthew 9: 18-26 Matthew 14: 22-33 MEMORY VERSE First sentence of Hebrews 4:16 “Let us have confidence, then, and approach God’s throne, where there is grace.” GNB Also, revise v.15 SONGS What a friend we have is Jesus Alexander’s Hymns Number 3 No 195 Theme song The Lord’s my Shepherd

TOPIC TALK SUGGESTIONS: Try acting the reading in Matthew 11:28-30. Discuss some heavy loads that people have and print each on cardboard to hang around the children’s necks. Let them carry their loads to a cross (representing Jesus), then lay them down and sit to ‘learn of Him’.

Before having the little play in the Topic Book, explain what a ‘yoke’ is. Perhaps tell one of the stories, if time. A favourite one is the account of Jesus saving Peter from the sea. Have the study chart ruled up and fill in the answers as the example below.


Who was in trouble?

What was wrong

What did he/she do?

What did Jesus do?


Matthew 8:15–16

Peter’s Mother-inlaw



Touched her hand

She got up and helped

Matthew 8: 1–4

A man

Skin Disease

Knelt before Jesus and asked to be made clean

Touched him & spoke

Man was healed

Matthew 8: 23–27

Jesus and the Disciples

Matthew 9:18, 19, 23 – 26

Jewish official

Matthew 14:22 – 32


In a boat Disciples Jesus Disciples when a woke Jesus ordered the were fierce storm up wind to stop amazed struck He knelt before He went to His Jesus and his house Everyone daughter asked Him and raised spread the had died to place his the girl to good news hands on life. her They saw Peter lost Walked to In a boat in Jesus faith but the boat the rough (ghost) Jesus and called rescued seas walking on Peter him the water



To show the amazing grace of God. BIBLE READING

Luke 23:32-46. DAILY READINGS

Read through Luke 23: 13-56 and John 20: 1.18. MEMORY VERSE

Second sentence of Hebrews 4:16 “There we will receive mercy and find grace to help us just when we need it” GNB SONG NOTES

If you have the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’, explain what we are singing about, ‘Grace’ means ‘undeserved favour’. The writer of the hymn, John Newton, was an evil slave trader who truly repented. ACTIVITY

Bread price tag cross as described in the Junior Topic Book This can be an Easter Topic so Easter gifts for parents could be an added activity e.g. a card; an egg basket made from the cut off base of a milk carton, decorated with shiny paper.


TOPIC NOTES PARADISE To describe it is beyond our powers. St. Paul says it all in I Corinthians 2:9 THE BIBLE STORY Both bandits had the opportunity to enter Paradise that day. Tell the story and give the warning. MISSION STORY There is a classic old story of another bandit. I think it happened in China while missionaries were still there. A Packman (Bible seller) unloaded his mule one evening and lit a fire for his tea. Up swept a bandit on horseback, ready to rob and

perhaps kill him. Enraged that the packman only carried books, he was about to burn the Bibles. “Stop”, said the Packman, “Let me read you a story out of this book first”. So he read the story of the Good Samaritan, and the Bandit thought that that was too good to burn. This happened with each of the Bibles. When the story of the Bandit on the cross was read the bandit took the Bible and rode away. Years later he wrote to the Packman to say that he had believed in Jesus and was now on his way to Paradise, too.

Unit 3 With Jesus UNIT 3 WITH JESUS TOPIC FOUR WITH JESUS WHERE HE IS AIM To tell of the Christian’s ‘glorious hope’ for eternity. BIBLE READING John 17:20-24. HOME READINGS John 17 Read a few verses each day MEMORY VERSE Revise the memory verses for the month Hebrews 4:15,16 SONGS The Glory Song Youth Favourites No.60 I’ve got a home in Gloryland! Youth Favourites No.100 PREPARATION Collect or draw pictures to suit the headings in the Topic Talk Use the illustrations in the Activity pages. Have a torch to shine through the cut out figure, to represent the glory shining from Jesus in Heaven. Answers to daily readings missing words: John 17:1-5 Eternal life (v2) John 17: 6-12 Safe (v12) John 17: 13-19 Joy in our Hearts (v13) and sends us into the World (v18) John 17: 20-23 One (v21) Glory (v22) John 17: 24-26 Glory (v24) Love (v26)

TOPIC TALK This is not an easy topic and requires careful and prayerful preparation. It ties the memory text of Hebrews 4: 15-16 to the prayer of our great High Priest, showing how He really loves us. You will need some pictures to help you today; some of the flash cards for the text could be used. 1. Picture of High Priest. Ever since Aaron, Moses’ brother, there had been many High Priests. At the best, they were only men and had died. Some were quite bad men, like Caiaphas, who ordered that Jesus be killed. We no longer need a High Priest, for Jesus is our perfect High Priest. He Himself took the punishment for our sins, He died and rose to life, and He lives for ever to watch over and help us. He knows and understands all about us, what it is like to be a human being. 2. Show pictures of aspects of our lives. 3. Show picture of someone praying. We need no longer be afraid of God. Jesus says we may pray to Him as a loving Father. 4. Show picture of Jesus praying Sometimes we do not know how to pray, but Jesus prays for us when we are too sick or troubled to pray for ourselves. Now think about the prayer in John 17. It was the night before Jesus was crucified. The disciples had never heard anyone pray like this. 5. Show picture of someone being welcomed home. Jesus told His Father He had finished His work and soon would be coming home to the glory He had had before.

6. Show picture of eleven disciples. (Judas had gone.) Jesus prayed for them, they had to stay in the world to do an enormous task. He asked God to keep them safe, to make them full of joy and love, so that the world could see His glory through them. There is an imaginary story of the angel Gabriel asking Jesus, when He had returned to Heaven – “Who is going to carry on Your work and tell the world that You died to save it?” “My disciples,” said Jesus. “But what if they fail?” said Gabriel. Jesus smiled. “I have no other plans” He said. 7. Show picture of C.E. children. Lastly, Jesus prayed for you and me. Read verse 20. He prayed that we would love one another 8. Show picture of light shining. He prayed that His glory would shine through us. (You could shine a torch through a paper figure.) 9. Show picture again of the ‘welcome home’ He prayed that all who believe in Him will come to His home and live with Him and see His glory. What a glorious hope! Finish with the chorus ‘I love you with the love of the Lord.’ (Scripture in Song, Vol. I) and ‘0 that will be Glory for me’ (Youth Favourites and Alexander’s Hymns Number 3 Chorus of No.3)


Trace this figure on to black card. Then cut out the figure. Paste thin paper over the hole behind the card. Shine a torch through.

Two illustrations for Unit 3 Topic 4 ‘With Jesus where he is’. Points 5, 8 and 9


Book 5 Unit 3


Unit 4 How can I help? UNIT FOUR HOW CAN I HELP?





GENERAL INTRODUCTION The four topics of this Unit are interrelated and there must be a great deal of overlapping of ideas in the practical application to our present-day life. It is a Unit based on PEOPLE - their relationships. Lead the children to see that praying for others is the most important thing we can do. We cannot approach another person satisfactorily, except through the Holy Spirit, friction often results if we do. Because you know your CE members, you will be able to make this Unit worthwhile in their experience. The idea of helping is not restricted to hands, though they are ultimately the tool we use most; we use also eyes, ears, tongue, feet and, of course, our minds control the lot, so what we THINK is vitally important; our attitudes to people make a big difference and are what most often need to change. People will come for help from those who are interested enough to show concern for others. SUGGESTED DESIGN FOR POSTER PREPARATION Get cardboard for the poster and the ABC chart. Prepare 4 posters to be done in group activities, as illustrated in each topic. Use Activity pages (photocopied) and magazine pictures to emphasize principles of practical helping to demonstrate God’s love. Get a box with lid for the Suggestion box and slips of card for the suggestions for Topics 2 and 3. Get (bed) sheets and bells for the mime in Topic 3. Find a missionary item about people with leprosy for Topic 4.


Unit 4 How can I help? UNIT 4 HOW CAN I HELP TOPIC ONE HOW CAN I HELP MY FAMILY? CONSECRATION MEETING BIBLE READING The OT book of Ruth. Ruth 4:13 -17. MEMORY VERSE Ruth 1:16 “Wherever You go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.” Teach it by actions -walking together, sitting down together, putting arms around each other, kneeling together. The ABC of Helpfulness chart -in case you need help in thinking of suitable words, here are some. Put two or three words down and give each child an opportunity to have a word on the list each meeting. A B C D E F

agreeable busy considerate do your duty enthusiastic faithful

TOPIC TALK How did Ruth help her family? Tell the story, bringing out her LOYALTY and DEVOTION to Naomi (Ruth I: 16, 17). Boaz praised her for her obvious loyalty to her family (3:10.) She also had a good relationship with Naomi, her husband and her other in-Iaws (1:8.) Relate Ruth’s loyalty to her family with our loyalty to ours. Draw on your childrens’ experiences and lead them to contribute ideas by the suggestion box. Have a few

cards ready yourself in the box and let the children read them. Give them a few minutes to write their own suggestions and. read them. Clear the box at the end of the meeting and tell them to bring suggestion for next week’s topic, and make a feature of putting in their suggestions when the next meeting starts. Do this for each meeting of this Unit. Helping our family is just as important as helping other people, but often it is more difficult and less rewarding, so we help everyone except them!

Print these suggestions as DO’S and DON’TS, on each side of the poster. Don’t come home late Do come home on time Don’t blame everyone else Do alpologise when necessary

Don’t tell tales Do be loyal to your family Don’t let anyone bully your little brother or sister Do stick up for them at school and at play Do the washing-up Don’t say “It’s not my turn” Allow the children to suggest these and other ideas.



Loving Smiling

Doing Jobs 26


Unit 4 How can I help? UNIT 4 HOW CAN I HELP TOPIC TWO HOW CAN I HELP MY FRIENDS? BIBLE READINGS Job chapters 1 and 2 Job 6:14-21 Job 8:1-6 Job11:1-6 Job 42:7 Mark 2:1-12 MEMORY VERSE Mark 2:4 They made a hole in the roof right above the place where Jesus was ACTIVITY Poster making: Find pictures and clip art to represent ideas taken from the Suggestion Box ideas.

TOPIC TALK The Job readings tell the story of Job’s misfortunes, his miserable friends, and God’s anger with them. All they could do was make Job’s trouble heavier by telling him his suffering was his own fault. On the contrary, the four friends in Mark

2: 1-12 showed initiative, persistence and faith in helping their friend, who was paralyzed. They had compassion for him and a determination to see that he met Jesus face to face. They also displayed loyalty, as Ruth did in last week’s topic.

A FEW THOUGHTS FOR THE SUGGESTION BOX I can help my friends by: I. Ringing them up, writing or visiting. 2. Listening to them, not doing all the talking. 3. Sharing things and ideas. 4. Setting a good example in speech and conduct.

5. Being truthful and honest. 6. Being loyal. 7. Praying for them. 8. Showing that Jesus is real to me.


Generous Joining in games Happy Kind Interested Lending

(Copy sample Poster layout)



Sharing good news

Smiling & Friendly Helping

Listening 27

Unit 4 How can I help? UNIT 4 HOW CAN I HELP

TOPIC TALK The four people with leprosy in this story, when Elisha was a prophet to the King of Israel, gave an excellent example of loving their neighbours as themselves, so link this story with the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:2537) and thus to the CE children’s own experiences of helping neighbours. These four people, in the reading from 2 Kings 7 demonstrated initiative in their

TOPIC THREE HOW CAN I HELP MY NEIGHBOURS? BIBLE READINGS 2 Kings 7: 1-10, read the whole chapter for background information. Luke 10: 25-37 Matthew 8: 1-3 ACTIVITY Continue poster making ideas. Include pictures of houses in a street, and some of the ideas from the Suggestion Box. (Copy sample poster layout)

MIMING THE BIBLE STORIES In olden days, and still today in many lands, people with leprosy are out-casts. They covered themselves and lived away from the towns. They often rang a bell and called ‘Unclean, Unclean’. No one would touch them, which makes the story of Jesus and the leper in Matthew 8: 1-3, all the more wonderful. Food was taken to them if they

thinking and action, courage to approach the unknown, consideration, loyalty to share their fortune with their nation, honesty, unselfishness, and urgency to ‘seize the moment’. The Good Samaritan also acted unselfishly, was willing to give what he had to a more needy person, and showed great compassion.

were lucky, and they would beg, but no one dared come near. Now Christian missionaries care for people diagnosed with leprosy and they can be cured and helped in their disfigurement. The miming of these things should not be difficult.

SUGGESTION BOX IDEAS FOR HELPING NEIGHBOURS I. Be pleasant and friendly. 2. Keep eyes open for burglars and prowlers.(Neighbourhood Watch) 3. Return balls from your yard, and be polite if you need to collect a lost ball from the neighbour’s yard. 4. Share flowers and garden produce sometimes. 5. Don’t be noisy, especially if they are sick. 6. Don’t be a sticky beak. 7. Ask about their health. 9. Respect their property. 10. Treat them as you would like them to treat you.

11. Pray for them to learn about God’s love for them. 12. Invite them to special events at your church. MORE ABC HELPS M Minding our manners N Being nice to them O Obliging P Praying Q Quiet R Reasonable S Sincere T Tidy


Respect their privacy Pray

Be friendly No noise or loud music


Invite to CE Church

Share vegies & fruit

Unit 4 How can I help? UNIT 4 HOW CAN I HELP TOPIC FOUR HOW CAN I HELP PEOPLE I DON’T LIKE? BIBLE READING Matthew 5:38 - 48. MEMORY VERSE Matthew 5:44 But now I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. SONGS A little talk with Jesus Salvation Songs Book 1 Don’t forget to pray Salvation Songs Book 2 Fix your eyes upon Him Salvation Songs Book 4 Thank You (verse 2) Australian Hymn Book No. 114 ACTIVITY Complete another poster and display all four on the CE room wall. Prayer is the main emphasis in this topic, so use the praying hands picture, to remind children that God is the One who can help us to love everyone, even the unlovely.

TOPIC TALK We can add ‘People who don’t like me’ to this heading. There is a difference to liking and loving. We are commanded to love ALL, but we can endeavour to LIKE all, too, with some effort.

Reasons for not liking someone? 1. Usually because we share no common interest. or 2. We are jealous. or 3. We feel they don’t like us, and we feel uncomfortable. or 4. They are really nasty people. The children may be able to add further reasons.

WAYS TO OVERCOME THE PROBLEM 1. If we really do not like someone, and we really want to obey what Jesus says about loving and helping them, just tell Jesus about it and ask His help to genuinely love them. Then we could find that we even get to LIKE them as well. 2. Jesus says we must go to them, not wait for them to come to us. 3. We must forgive them if they have hurt us. If we do not, God cannot forgive us. The Lord’s Prayer makes this very clear. 4. Look for the best in people. Remember, we want them to look for the best in us. , 5. Remember to smile and not look sour. Smiles begin in our eyes. 6. Say kind words about them and to them.

7. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for them. This will change us too. Remember, God loves the nasty people just as much as He loves us. We may be just as nasty in their eyes. God understands exactly what makes people nasty. If we knew all about them we might understand, too. MORE ABC HELPS U Being Useful V Visiting them W Welcoming them X Doing Xtra things Y Being Yourself Z Zealous


(Copy sample poster layout)




These are for the chart. The other hamds and feet can be traced from nature. Add a large

Cut out


Book 5 Unit 4 How can I help?








Unit 4 How Can I Help? BOOK 5


These captions are for the chart described in Topic Book and Junior Leader’s Guide




Unit 5 Light for a dark world UNIT FIVE LIGHT FOR A DARK WORLD


GENERAL INTRODUCTION Topic I. These next four topics deal in some way specifically with Missions. Please help the CE children where possible when preparing these topics. It’s an opportunity for you to give them individual training too. They may respond by wanting to be a missionary -some may even want to go straight away! However, please clearly express through each topic that until they’re old enough for Bible training and have finished their schooling, they can’t go off to a far-away country. Emphasize that every skill they can learn, be it cooking, carpentry, gardening, nursing etc, God can use. Encourage and tell them that they are still missionaries by telling their friends and family about the Lord Jesus, or by asking them to Sunday school, J.C.E. or church.

Open Doors with Brother Andrew; Pioneers of Australia (also in USA and NZ)

Topic 2. The Leprosy Mission; Interserve Australia(Inc)

Topic 3. World Vision

Topic 4. Wycliffe Bible Translators. To gather any information from the above missions, contact their representatives. The phone number listed in the White Pages Business Directory should put you in touch with the Mission Rep. in your State or country. If possible, get someone from that mission to give a talk, or send you up to date information. Videos and DVD’s may be available.

You may like to do something practical for that mission, and advice can be given. Most often a donation of money is the best help, and you can use different ideas to excite the children for raising money. It is also possible to get the names of missionaries’ children and send letters or small presents to them.

Yes, God can use you...

MEMORY VERSE Make a chart or have display of different sorts of lights, include the Bible. Print the words of Psalm 27: 1(a) on it. “The Lord is my light and my salvation;”


Unit 5 Light for a dark world UNIT 5 LIGHT FOR A DARK WORLD TOPIC ONE CASTING OUT FEAR. CONSECRATION MEETING BIBLE READING 1 John 4: verses 7, and 11-19. MEMORY VERSE Psalm 27:1a The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? DAILY READINGS Isaiah 50:10 Proverbs 3:5 Psalm 118:8 Ecclesiastes 12:13 Luke 1:50 Isaiah 41:10 and 43:5 Psalm 34:4. ACTIVITY 1. Use poster cut-outs from Activity pages and have children assemble a chart during the four topics in this Unit. 2. Make a book, using the cutouts, reduced in size on the photocopier. The cover could be made by superimposing a circle of yellow cellophane paper over a cut out card board frame to high-light the title “Light for a dark world” Use one page per topic. Get copies of mission material for them to glue onto the appropriate pages. Have a page for a prayer to be written. Pray for the missionaries. Pray for the people hearing about Jesus Pray for the Government authorities to allow people to serve Jesus. Take the book home at the end of the Unit.


TOPIC TALK Explain the difference between ‘fear’ as in being frightened, and ‘fear of the Lord’ which means ‘reverence’, ‘awe’ etc. Make an effort to contact the representative of the mission suggested or find a suitable story in your own missionary contacts, about the difference Christ makes to avoid people living in fear. Open Doors Mission has its main work amongst persecuted Christians in dozens of countries. It helps people to believe in Jesus Christ, and then to overcome fear from persecution by authorities who don’t allow religious freedom. Pioneers of Australia (Inc) (also USA, NZ and other countries) is a relatively new mission which was formed in 1998 from an amalgamation of the Asia Pacific Christian Mission and the South Seas Christian Mission. They continue to do ministry amongst Muslim people. As this is the Consecration meeting for this month, explain the pledge.

Without Jesus

With Jesus

JUNIOR CE PLEDGE: Just before sharing this together, emphasize the opening phrase, which gives the secret of casting out fear. Jesus has said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that no one can come to God the Father except through Him. He is the only way to get rid of fear of what the future holds, what we will do or be, in this life and in eternity. We can trust Him for strength. Other religions keep their people in fear. This is what an Arab said about his life before he believed in Jesus. He described his life as a desert devoid of plants and life, he was lost, sick, blind, and dumb and paralyzed. He was thirsty and only had salt water to drink. He was afraid and no one could help. He was deaf and could not hear the message of life. But, when Jesus came into his life, by hearing the Word of the true God, the desert turned into a garden of life.

Unit 5 Light for a dark world UNIT 5 LIGHT FOR A DARK WORLD TOPIC TWO FIGHTING DISEASE BIBLE READING Luke 5:12-15 DAILY READINGS John 3:19 Luke 7:1-10 Luke 7:11-17 Luke 17:11-19 SONGS I met Jesus at the Crossroads I’m so happy and here’s the reason why Once I was blind but now I can see CSSM No.143 RESOURCES See introduction page, and contact The Leprosy Mission and Interserve Reps in your State.

TOPIC TALK Today we are looking at two mission societies who deal with illness of the body and illness of the spirit. These Missions are Interserve Australia (Inc) and The Leprosy Mission. Interserve was formed out of the original Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship which began in 1852 from England to look after women and children in India, with medical and educational help. From 1952 their work expanded to include all kinds of ministries, and entered new countries. The Leprosy Mission was formed in 1874 to witness for Christ to those affected by leprosy. This is a mildly contagious disease of the skin and nerves, and in 1941 they discovered that leprosy can be cured by using ‘sulfone’ drugs. Today, Multi-drug Therapy is used for 6 – 12 months. People are non-contagious after their first dose of medicine. The Leprosy Mission also educates Doctors, nurses and physiotherapists about Leprosy.

The exciting thing is the first dose of medication taken by a patient removes the contagious effect of the disease, so in modern times there is no need for these people to be considered “unclean” as they were known in Biblical times and even until recent times. The name “leper” should never be used. This adds a stigma, and modern treatment has changed the fear of leprosy. However infected people in poor countries still need to be found, and taught that treatment is available. We can help by giving money to buy the drugs for the mission hospitals to dispense. Find out as much as you can about mission medical ministries (Christian Blind Mission International is another one).

ABOUT THE ACTIVITIES suggested in Topic Book, check with The Leprosy Mission to see if they still need bandages. If so enquire what materials are needed to make them. Check with either mission about scrap books and jigsaw puzzles. Children of missionaries would appreciate these. Have a project for collecting 5 cent coins (or any money) for missions, in a special money box. They will be happy to send booklets about their work, or even come to your CE meeting. Your church mission display board may also have literature from the mission with pictures you can use.


Unit 5 Light for a dark world UNIT 5 LIGHT FOR A DARK WORLD TOPIC THREE FEEDING THE HUNGRY BIBLE READING Colossians 1:9-17 HOME READINGS Luke 6:21-30 Matthew 25:31-46

THE PLAY The play in the Topic book is deliberately included so that you can give a talk after it and pass on information about World Vision, which has a wide variety of high quality printed and audio- visual resources WORLD VISION videos and DVD’s about the many areas of relief aide and help in re-establishing countries devastated by natural disasters and wars are available on request Posters are also available, and World Vision’s State Co-coordinators are available to speak to all age groups. A web-site is listed in the phone book. World Vision began in 1950 from the work of an American, Dr. Bob Pierce. He helped orphans and displaced persons in the Korean War. World Vision opened in Australia in I966 and is now the largest non-government agency in Australia. They work in over 80 countries and are non-denominational and Christian. They work with other missions, too, They seek to provide for the social, physical, mental and spiritual welfare of thousands of hungry and displaced people. They also give help to a country to enable

needy people to serve and become selfreliant. Prepare ‘Flash cards’ with pictures demonstrating the work being achieved in different countries in the hunger program, sponsor program, Immunization program, Harvest pack program and the environment program. There are possibly many more, such as providing wells in countries with poor water supply. Don’t forget in your talk to bring out the spiritual aspect of feeding on God’s Word. Use example of a luscious feast which is only there to look at, and no help to hungry person! There are people who treat God’s Word like that, never read it, or perhaps only on Sundays. John 6: 35 says “I am the bread of life,” Jesus told them, “He who comes to me will never be hungry; he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” This is a good topic to hold in conjunction with World Vision’s annual 40 hour Famine or 12 hour Famine fighters. Details of what to do regarding sponsorship, and program activities are available each year.

ANSWERS TO CROSSWORD ACROSS... I milk, 2 Corn, 3 Disciples, 4 Meat, 5 Water, 6 Fills, 7 Happiness DOWN… 2 Christ, 8 Word, 9 Love, 10 Nil, 11 Satisfies, 12 Grow


Unit 5 Light for a dark world UNIT 5 LIGHT FOR A DARK WORLD TOPIC FOUR SPREADING THE GOOD NEWS BIBLE READING Romans 16: 25-27 LEADERS HOME READING Psalm 78:1-8, Acts 2: 1-11, Romans 15:4 DAILY READINGS John 3: 16 Romans 10:14-15 Romans 16: 25-27 Psalm 78:2-4 Matthew 28: 19-20 Matthew 9: 37-38 RESOURCE MATERIAL Lions Handbook to the Bible p. 69 – 80 Wycliffe Bible Translators literature “You can change the world” by Jill Johnstone (the young version of Operation World)

BACKGROUND STUDIES CE leaders will easily realize the importance of people hearing the Gospel in their own language and thought forms. Since the days of William Carey, translators have received encouragement, but a colossal task remains. As language

changes constantly fresh translations are required to keep pace, Every CE leader is also constantly involved in the task of translation -translating the Good News of God’s love into the language and thought forms of today’s children.

OUTLINE OF TALK Define ‘translation’ - ‘Translation means turning one language into another.’ It is not enough to own a Bible if one cannot read it in one’s own language. Tell how Wycliffe Bible Translators started. About 70 years ago, Cameron Townsend went to Guatemala (Central America) with a trunk full of Bibles. Hardly anyone would buy them. One day an Indian said, “That book’s no good to me, it’s written in Spanish. I don’t talk Spanish. If your God is so good why hasn’t He learned our language?” Mr. Townsend decided to write the Bible in this man’s language. He lived there for 15 years, listening to them speak and finding a way of writing down what the sound of the word was like. Some people have sounds that we don’t have, some don’t have written

languages, and so cannot read, either. At last Mr. Townsend had written down the language of that tribe, and it was printed into the New Testament. Then he found that there were over 3,000 languages in the world and that some part of the Bible had been translated into only about 1,000. “Two thousand languages to go!” he said. So he started a school to teach people how to learn a new language, write it down and teach people to read it. He realized those helpers would have to go into all sorts of wild places, so he also started a ‘Survival Camp’ to teach them how to look after themselves. That is how Wycliffe Bible Translators started. Now we know that there are really over 5,000 languages in the world, so the task is even bigger.

ANSWERS TO “HOW MANY” QUIZ! (Statistics from WBT in 2006) World population 6.5 billion people 6912 spoken languages 2377 have all or some portion of the Bible 2529 languages still need Bible translation to begin (representing 272 million people). (2113 language programs are currently in progress)

PUZZLE ANSWERS (some of these countries have the scriptures already) WYCLIFFE BIBLE TRANSLATORS Western Samoa | Yemen | Columbia | Libya | Iraq | France | Finland | Estonia Bulgaria | Iran | Barbados | Lebanon | Egypt Transvaal | Russia | Aboriginal | Namibia | South Africa | Lesotho (Sth Africa) | Albania Timor | Oman | Republic of Guinea | Switzerland












Poster Cut-outs for UNIT 5 Colour, cut out and stick on card 38

Worksheets For Unit 5 Topic 2 ustration) ‘Fighting Disease’ (Illustration)


S N For Unit 5 Topic 3 ‘Feeding the Hungry’ Enlargement of crossword. Photocopy for each child. Clues in topic book. 8


2 2 12

1 M

W 10


11 3 D



G 4 M

5 W 6


7 H 39


So much

GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO UNIT THE AIM of this unit, and the theme throughout, is OBEDIENCE to God -Trusting Him, and He will supply our every need. Hopefully, throughout this unit, the children will be aware of how fortunate they are to have plenty, and also becoming aware of the third world countries, where needs are great. Teach that it is up to us, as God’s children, to do what we can to help others in need. PREPARATION Topic 1 Commence assembling items and materials needed to make trumpets, swords and the Ark of the Covenant for the drama. Arrange a special time with some children to help you make the items. For example, come half an hour before the meeting. Topic 4 Give every member “The Story of Mary Jones”, which may be available in comic form from your Bible House or Christian Bookshop. Since the approach to the theme is a mathematical one, you could introduce the topics by talking about the subject they probably hate ”SUMS”. This Bible arithmetic is not a bit like school! You will see how to draw a lesson from the “+”, division and “=” signs as we proceed. Make large cardboard signs to display and use in each topic. SONG Make “Trust and Obey” the theme chorus for the month.


So little

Unit 6 Bible Arithmetic UNIT SIX BIBLE ARITHMETIC TOPIC ONE 1+7+7+7=A VICTORY CONSECRATION MEETING BIBLE READINGS Joshua 6:1-27 Acts 5:25-29 Hebrews 11:29-30 Deuteronomy 11:1,13,14. SONGS Trust and Obey Theme song for the month CSSM No.202 Victory Ahead CSSM No.409 Joshua fought the battle of Jericho (Source Unknown)

TOPIC TALK In this set of numbers the importance of the “1” is that we have 1 God to worship and obey. When Joshua succeeded Moses as leader of the Israelites, God repeatedly promised to be with him - (Joshua 1:69) Emphasize Joshua’s unquestioning obedience when God directed him to have 7 Priests with trumpets leading a march for 7 days, and to repeat the march 7 times on the 7th day. Perhaps a short discussion about some occasions when we really need to trust and obey, as Joshua did, could be helpful. As this is a Consecration meeting, the first part of the Pledge could be stressed. Have a big plus sign and turn it into a Cross by lengthening the upright stroke. Because Jesus is our Saviour, and greater even than Joshua, we too can win victories over the sins in our lives.

Explain that the story to be acted out in the drama is a true story of a man obeying God and knowing he was being helped by God. Drama from Joshua Chapter 6 Prepare the items needed for the play in an activity time, or bring them ready if time during your meeting is insufficient. • The model Ark as suggested in the Topic Book can be a shoe box covered with gold paper and the cherubims on top could be modeled from aluminum foil. • Trumpets made by forming a cone with light card or stiff paper. • Soldiers swords cut from light card • Copy of script for speakers in the play • Bible for the quote by ‘The Lord’ • The Bookmarks for activity may need to be already cut out.

JOSHUA TRUSTS AND OBEYS A drama for CE children to learn how 1+7+7+7=A Victory Build ‘Jericho’ with chairs set out in a square. Narrator – This story from the Bible is in Joshua Chapter 6. Joshua had been chosen by God to take over from Moses as the leader of the Israelite nation. God – the No 1- had promised Joshua He would never abandon him, and told him to be determined and confident. (Ch 1:1-9) The story tells us how Joshua entered Jericho, their first move into the Promised Land. The Lord – (Adult Leader) Read Joshua 6: 2-5 from the Good News Bible Joshua – Hey, you priests take the Covenant Box and 7 of you go in front of the Ark. Take your trumpets and blow them. March around Jericho once, only. One trumpet blower – Joshua told us to go first. Everyone with trumpets, blow them. But don’t say a word, or shout. Joshua – Start marching, left, right, left, right. Narrator – At the end of the march everyone went back to their base camp. (Next day) Joshua – Come on priests, soldiers and trumpet blowers, we will march again today

and every day for 6 days. Everyone – (March around the ‘walls’) Joshua – Today is day 7. The Lord has commanded we march around the city 7 times. On the 7th time don’t blow your trumpets, but shout “The Lord has given you the city”. When you do this the walls will collapse. Kill everyone excepting the lady Rahab, and don’t take any gold or other valuables. Everyone – (March around once, and on the second time shout) Everyone – “The Lord has given you the city” One soldier – I will protect you Rahab, because you helped our spies. The Lord – You have had success, Joshua, because you have obeyed me. My people, the Israelites will occupy this land. Joshua – I will build an altar to burn sacrifices to the Lord! He has won the battle! Victory! Victory! 1+7+7+7=VICTORY!!


Unit 6 Bible Arithmetic UNIT SIX BIBLE ARITHMETIC TOPIC TWO 20 divided by 100 = I DINNER BIBLE READING 2 Kings 4:42-44. DAILY READINGS 2 Kings 4:8-41 John 6:30-35 Psalm 23. RESOURCES Half-loaf of bread, foil PREPARATION Have the mathematical division sign ready ACTIVITY Take the middle out of the half-loaf of bread, line the crust with foil, and use it as your collection bowl, perhaps as a special offering, or today’s offering could be sent to your Church’s Social Welfare Dept. Ask the children to suggest ways to use the middle of the loaf, as we, who have plenty, mustn’t waste. (Save it for cooking or for feeding birds). Use a big division sign, to remind that the world’s resources should be shared properly, and put it against the loaf of bread.


TOPIC TALK Lead up to this story and the Bible reading by telling the story of Elisha bringing the child back to life. The children will appreciate this as the first instance of “The Kiss of Life” used today in life-saving, and they will understand what a good and kind man Elisha was. Refresh their minds about the daily readings which give several instances of Elisha’s God-given powers. You could talk about the famine at the time, comparable to the droughts we experience.

Enlarge on the miracles when Elisha treated some food to remove poison, and later fed 100 men at the prophets Bible School. Bread is always referred to in the Bible as being essential and staple food and Jesus refers to himself as the Bread of Life John 6:35. Many in the world need bread and food, for they are poor and starving, but also many need to find the Bread of Life, and receive salvation.

Unit 6 Bible Arithmetic UNIT SIX BIBLE ARITHMETIC TOPIC THREE 5 + 2 divided by 5,000 = MORE THAN ENOUGH. BIBLE READING John 6:1-13 DAILY READINGS Matthew 14:13-21 Mark 6: 30-44 Luke (: 10-17 John 10: 22-25 Luke 24: 28-31, 35

TOPIC TALK This is the well-known story of the feeding of the 5,000. It must have impressed the disciples very much, for it is told in each Gospel. Again, the disciples did not show implicit obedience, it seemed incredulous that all could be fed with one small lunch. Even 5,000 ants would not get a meal from it. But it is interesting to note that the disciples were instrumental in setting up this scene for Jesus to give His blessing and committal of the meal that brought about the miracle. They, Philip and Andrew had discussed the logistics of feeding such a large crowd, especially when Andrew saw a small boy with a lunch he was willing to share.

Andrew was confident in Jesus, and He blessed them all “out of their socks” Jesus often gives us more than enough, when we seek his provision for certain projects or necessities. The small boy gave all he had. The life and love that we offer to Jesus may seem very ordinary and small, but see what He can do with it, especially when we give our all! Did you know that the first organised C. E. meeting was led by a boy of 11 before Junior C.E. was thought of? Talk also about the saying of “Grace” before meals.

PREPARATION Cut-out fish, thin paper, basket, scissors, sticky tape Display the ‘+’ and ‘=’ signs in the CE room ACTIVITY Give each child a cut-out fish as they arrive numbered to correspond with the program items. For your talk, fold thin paper in zigzag layers and cut out a chain of fish and bread rolls. You may need to join a few chains together. Put them in a basket to appear as just 2 fish and 5 rolls. Dispense them to the children at the right time so that the supply seems unending.


Unit 6 Bible Arithmetic UNIT 6 BIBLE ARITHMETIC TOPIC FOUR 39 + 27 = 1 BOOK (For Bible Society Week) BIBLE READING Psalm 119, (selected passages) DAILY READING Luke 24:44-48 John 20:30-31 Matthew 28: 18-20 SONGS I am so glad CSSM No.66 The best Book to read CSSM No.176 Hide God’s Word in your heart CSSM No. 320 Tell me the stories of Jesus Source unknown PREPARATION OF ROOM Lots of pictures of people reading the Bible, particularly families, would help to emphasize the importance of THIS BOOK. Remind the children of the promise they have made if they have signed the Pledge, to read it daily. Pictures would be available from Scripture Union. Get the attractive illustrated booklets “The Story of Mary Jones” from Bible Society.


TOPIC TALK This true story is about a very poor little Welsh girl, named Mary Jones, who worked for many years to learn to read, and also to earn enough money to buy herself her own Bible. Her epic long walk from her small village in country Wales, to the city to procure her longed for Bible is very moving. She could not find one Bible to buy!! Because of her, the Bible Society came into being.

Bring out the plus sign again. Explain about the 39 + 27 and tell them that the Bible gives us lots of plusses if we follow its teaching. Jesus, who is the Hero of the Bible, makes our lives really worth living. Did you know that the first International Rally with Bible Societies was held in 1892 in New York?

SPECIAL BIBLE SOCIETY PROGRAM This topic is an ideal one to lead into having a special program, perhaps the following week, when you could invite Bible Society Speaker, to promote the Annual ‘Bibles for Children’ Project. Each year the Bible Society chooses a country to promote for collecting money to provide Bibles for children. Leader’s packs and Children’s project books are available on request at your city Bible Society Office. Some cities have a children’s missioner who will

attend your CE meeting and show a video on the country being supported. To include Parents and Prayer Partners, make this a special program with an international meal or refreshments; decorate the room with flags and coloured streamers, and cut-outs to represent the country being supported. Inform your visitors that donations towards the Bible Society Children’s Project will be collected, and given to that Organization.

Worksheets Unit Six Bible Arithmetic Topic One 1 + 7 + 7 + 7= A Victory How to make an angel from aluminium foil. It is easier than you think – get a piece of foil and fold in half for extra firmness, cut as in diagram then mould into shape. You’ll need to fasten it down as it is top-heavy. Head


About 30cm


Front View

Side View

Fasten Here

30cm Make a quiz using mathematical shapes, each one representing a letter. This one below is simply some of the names of people in this unit. Answers are upside down at the bottom. E KEY













Puzzle 1





Answer: Elisha, Joshua, Jesus, Bible, Mary Jones 45

Worksheets Unit Six Bible Arithmetic Topic One 5 x 2 = 5000 = more than enough

Copy fish and loaf onto paper folded fan-wise. Outline details, then write programme items on back, to use in your meeting. Cut so that chains of fish and loaves are made to multiply when demonstrating the feeding of the 5000. 46

Unit 7 Talking to God UNIT 7 TALKING TO GOD TOPIC 1 WHAT IS PRAYER? CONSCECRATION MEETING READINGS Psalm 34: 1-10 for meeting. DAILY READINGS Matthew 26:36.42 Jonah 2:1.10 James 5: 13 -18 1 Samuel I: 9 - 28 Acts 16:25-34 PREPARATION Make another chart for your talk, in a similar fashion to the Bible chart. If you can, read Prayers for Young People by William Barclay. SONGS What a friend we have in Jesus Alexander’s Hymns Number 3 No.195 God is so Good Turn your eyes upon Jesus Elim No.98 Father God in Heaven to the tune of Cum bai ya (words in Topic Book No.5)

TOPIC TALK Prayer Is Not. .. 1. .. talking ‘big’. See Matthew 6:7-8. Briefly tell story of the Pharisee and publican (Luke 18:10.14). Stress that God would rather hear simple prayers that we mean than beautiful long ones that we do not mean. 2. ...always kneeling. No need to wait for special time or place, but pray as need arises and just as we would talk to a friend. 3. ...magic. James 4:3. God is not like Father Christmas or a magician. Some prayers are all “gimme” this and “gimme” that. A rude way to treat God! 4. ...a waste of time. Matthew 6:8. If God already knows what we need, why pray? Ah, because prayer is much more than asking. Prayer is. .. 1. ...loving conversation. Mark 14:36. Jesus used a special word when talking to God -”Abba”. This was the name Jewish children called their dad. It means “Daddy”. Paul says we, too, may use that name when we pray. (Romans 8: 15) 2 ..invocation -which means “Please come in “. (Revelation 3:20) Jesus is so courteous He will not butt into our lives so He waits for an invitation. Invocation also means knocking on God’s door, to treat Him with courtesy and respect. (Matthew 7:7) 3… confession. John 1:9 4… thanksgiving. It is good manners and does us good to say ‘Thank you.’ 5… intercession. praying for the needs of others 6… petition. praying for ourselves.

ACTIVITY FOR OLDER CHILDREN Write prayers of Invocation Confession Thanksgiving Intercession Petition ACTIVITY FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN Make a Prayer telephone using ideas from the activity page PREPARATION FOR NEXT MEETING Refer children to assignment in Junior Topic Book Unit 7, Topic 2.


Unit 7 Talking to God UNIT 7 TALKING TO GOD TOPIC 2 PEOPLE WHO PRAYED BIBLE READING Matthew 14:23 and Luke 18:10 -14 MEMORY VERSE Matthew 21:22. “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” AIM To show that all the faithful people throughout the Bible communicated with God by prayer. They spoke to Him in all types of situations for all sorts of reasons. However, there is a right way to approach God when we pray. SONGS Thank you for giving me the morning What a friend we have in Jesus Alexander’s Hymns Number 3 No. 195 EXTRA RESOURCE Contact Child Evangelism Fellowship who have leaflets about Prayer for children. CE offices may have morning and evening Prayer Cards.


NOTES FOR TOPIC TALK Tie the talk in with the activity grid in the Junior Topic Book.

Genesis 18:23-33 ABRAHAM prayed that the Lord would spare the city even if there were only 10 righteous people there. (There were not.) His prayer was brave, respectful and persistent, and it was for others. It teaches us to keep on praying. Genesis 32:9-12 JACOB prayed for forgiveness and deliverance from his brother whom he had cheated. He knew he didn’t deserve it but he believed God’s promise. So our prayers are based on God’s goodness and not our own. Judges 6:36-40 GIDEON prayed for a sign to be sure God would use him to deliver Israel. Jesus told us we were not to ask for signs and wonders (Matthew 12:39), but maybe Gideon was not very used to praying, and God kindly gave him proof. So we learn that God understands us. 1 Samuel 1:9-11 HANNAH prayed for a son. She made a promise and she kept it. This teaches us to be sincere. 2 Samuel 7:18-22 KING DAVID was just saying “Thank you” to God for all His greatness and kindness. That is the best prayer of all. 1 Kings 18:36-39 ELIJAH prayed for God to show to the people that He is the only God, so that they would repent. We should pray for our nation too. 2 Kings 20:1-5 KING HEZEKIAH prayed for healing, but he thought God should heal him because he (Hezekiah) had led a good life. God did heal him, but Hezekiah became proud and boastful, so let us learn a lesson from that.

Jonah 2:1-10 JONAH prayed to be saved from the fish. He gave thanks and promised to obey God. See verse 10. He kept his promise. Acts 9:10-19 ANANIAS’s prayer was more of an argument with the Lord when he was commanded to go and help Saul. But Ananias knew the Lord so well that he immediately obeyed. Acts 10: 1-8 CORNELIUS wanted to know God. God knew he was in earnest and sent Peter to tell him the way. So God hears those who earnestly seek Him. It is most unlikely that your children will get through all these references unless you have lots of time and very keen children. So go as far as you can, or make two topics of it. It is important to make clear that praying is an unrestricted action. We can pray anywhere, any time, but we must be careful of our motive. One very important rule is that we pray “in the Name of Jesus”. This means that we ask for things that we believe will have His approval. See John 15:7 and 16. People who have complete faith in God find it easy to talk to Him. Share any personal experiences of prayer that you have had.

Unit 7 Taliking to God UNIT 7 TALKING TO GOD TOPIC 3 THE PRAYER JESUS TAUGHT US READINGS Luke 11: 1 - 4 Matthew 6:5 -15 AIM To make sure the CE children understand what the Lord’s Prayer says and point out the way it is structured. ACTIVITY Have a piece of light card for each child. Work in pairs to draw an outline of each others hands, placed together like a butterfly. Cut out, fold along thumbs, and write the Lord’s Prayer on the palms.

TOPIC TALK Encourage the children to fill in their own words in the topic book after discussion about the meanings. Be ready to help. Here are some meanings suggested by a group of young Sunday School scholars: Our Father Hallowed Kingdom Will Daily Bread -

Forgive Trespasses Temptation Deliver Evil Power Glory Amen -

Our closest relative - head of our family. Holy, special. Your world, Your place. Purpose, wish, desire. . Daily needs, which are God’s word, food, clothing, love, work, kindness, reason for living, truth. Make us new in Your love. Sins, wrongs,….those who Trespass against… - wrongs done to us. Making bad things look good. Carry us away from. Bad things, wickedness. Strength, energy. Praise. So be it. My heart wishes it so.

NOTES ON THE PRAYER First we acknowledge God as our Father -the closest relationship. If children think “mother” is closer, God is also compared to a mother (Isaiah 66: 13). Also think of Psalm 27: 10. We acknowledge God’s holiness and His promise that He will return to rule. We acknowledge that He has a purpose for everything on earth and that He provides for all our needs. In forgiving us He renews us in love and this is the way we should treat everyone. We trust Him to guide us and protect us from all things that are bad. We acknowledge that all things in heaven and on earth are His to command and bring honour to Him as long as time exists. Amen – So be it, my heart wishes it so.


Unit 7 Talking to God UNIT 7 TALKING TO GOD TOPIC 4 PRAYER AND ME READING James 5: 13.16 DAILY READINGS Psalm 55:16-19 Acts 12:1-19 Luke 18:9-14 James 1:5 Mark 10:46-52 SONGS Whisper a prayer in the morning Whisper a prayer at noon Whisper a prayer in the evening To keep your heart in tune. Elim 456 ACTIVITY Staple some coloured notepaper together with eight pages to form a “Prayer Book”. Suggest the children make front page “My Prayer Book” Name each page the days of the week. Enter names the children could pray for – one or two each day: Eg. parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, special friends, minister, CE leader. This could also include an area for what’s prayed about, and what answers come.

TOPIC TALK Refer back to the Topic I chart with the ingredients of prayer. People soon find that prayer has its problems. The first is in making time. There are prayers that are like the tooting of a car horn or ringing a bicycle bell, just a signal to tell God we are passing by. Some are like yells for help, and some are like conversations as we go about our work or play. The really satisfying prayers are when we sit down and really have a good visit with God. All these types of prayers have their place. If we see something interesting or beautiful it is great to say to God how much we enjoy it. Sometimes God does not seem to answer and we may think he has not heard. God has four ways of answering. (See if children can think of them.)

YES. NO. WAIT. IF. No: God only says NO if it is something bad for us, or if He has something better coming later. Even our parents say “No” to too many lollies, don’t they, or to things that are dangerous. There was once a little girl who hated the colour of her eyes. So she prayed that her brown eyes would become blue. When she awoke and looked in the mirror she was very cross and said God had not answered her. “Oh, yes, He did,” said her mother. “He said ‘No’. Isn’t ‘No’ an answer?” Later, many years later, the little girl became a missionary in China. She was proud to have brown eyes then, because she liked to look and dress like her Chinese friends.

Wait: Some of our prayers take a long time to answer. Su Ling was an orphan in a home in Hong Kong. She prayed that at Christmas God would enable her to give a gift to all of her 288 friends in the orphanage.


The missionaries were sad. They did not believe it would happen. Each day Su asked, “Has my box come yet?” At last, just as even Su was wondering if the answer was ‘No’, a box arrived. It did not look big enough to hold 288 gifts. But in the box were 288 ornamental combs. After that, when prayers seemed to be a long time being answered, they remembered Su Ling’s box.

If: God sometimes says “I will help you, IF you do your part.” For instance, God won’t help us to pass an exam if we are too lazy to study and do our homework. There was a lady who lost a ring. She looked everywhere and asked God to show her where to look next. When she went to the police station someone had handed in her ring, but she never would have found it if she had not done her part. One more thing. We can block God from hearing our prayers if we persist in disobeying Him. Remember the Pharisee and the Publican? We must ask for forgiveness and cleansing. (I John 1:8-9)

Yes: God often says YES to prayers when we can’t see a practical outcome. There was a lady who had five children who had very little food left in her cupboard and no money in her purse until the next pay day. All she had in her freezer was icecream. She knelt and prayed to God to help her to know how to feed her children that night. Before she stopped praying the telephone started ringing. It was a friend who said “I’ve just had an idea that we should have tea together tonight. I have plenty of meat and vegetables to share.” The lady was so thankful, she said “God has answered my prayers so quickly! I will bring the icecream.” That was a real life YES prayer! (The lady was the editor of this book.)

Worksheets Unit 7 Topic 1 Join this page with the next to make the suggested visual aid. ‘What is Prayer’

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Worksheets Unit 7 Topic 1 continued Fill in the other headings during your talk.

PRAYER IS • ––––––––––––––––––––––––––



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Worksheets Unit 7 Topic 1 What is Prayer? Paste on cardboard. Cut out. Attach A A with length of yarn.

















Prayer is talking and listening to God

Unit 7 Topic 4 Prayer and Me Cut out and paste on a piece of coloured cardboard. Use to help you list things for prayer. Hang up in your room.

Lord teach a little child to pray Sorry

Thank You



Worksheets Unit 7 Topic 4 Prayer and Me Flash cards to illustrate your talk. Cut out and mount.




Four kinds of answers




Who does the flowers?

ANONYMOUS PEOPLE GENERAL INTRODUCTION The Bible characters to be studied in this Unit came from vastly different stations in life: one was a government official, one a tax collector, one a person with leprosy and yet another a slave. Whether it was by virtue of their occupation or unfortunate disease, most of these people were generally despised by society. Yet each one was lifted up by Christ because of them demonstrating faith in Jesus the Messiah. Anonymous they may have been, yet the story of their obedience to Christ was carefully recorded. These four stories show firstly the love and compassion of Christ towards all people in every kind of need. Secondly, it is worth reminding the CE children that they don’t need to be important or clever or famous to be called ‘sons of God’, all they need is faith in Him. REFERENCE MATERIAL The Lion Handbook to the Bible and the New IVF Bible Commentary. RESOURCES Topic 1 Cardboard, pictures and glue for sign and poster, (of flowers, broom, hymn book, money bag, church bulletin, lawn mower, etc.) Topic 3 Leprosy mission pictures and articles. Cardboard and coloured paper for chart, felt pens and glue. Topic 4 Paper, ribbon and dowel sticks for scrolls.

Who sets the communion table?

Who cleans the Church?

Who counts the offerings?

Who shows us to our seats?


WEEKLY ‘THANK YOU LORD’ PRAYER CHART For Food For gardens & lawns

For gardens and lawns

For music

For School

For healing the people with... For picnics

For your forgiveness

Paste pictures on each day for 1 week to say ‘Thank You Lord’



CONSECRATION MEETING BIBLE READING John 4:46-51 MEMORY VERSE John 6:37 for whole Unit. “Everyone whom my Father gives me will come to me. I will never turn away anyone who comes to me.” DAILY READING John 4:43-54 Matthew 8:5-13 Acts 8:26-40 Luke 14: 1-6 Luke 8:40-56 ROLL CALL VERSE John 5:24a. “ I am telling you the truth; whoever hears my words and believes in him who sent me has eternal life.” SONGS Jesus, Name above all names Scripture in Song Vol. 1 Turn your eyes upon Jesus CSSM Book 1 No. 202 Trust and Obey CSSM Book No. 267 ACTIVITY Photocopy the Activity page for this topic for each child. Give the names of the actual people currently doing the church tasks suggested. Allow time to colour pictures. Have some “Thank you” cards prepared for the names you have suggested. Give each child one to complete with pictures and words of thanks. Organize children to hand out the cards at the next church service you attend, to the ‘anonymous’ workers.


TOPIC TALK What do the children understand by ANONYMOUS? It puts in our minds a picture of someone nameless and unidentified, just one of a crowd, quite a contrast to the well-known heroes of our Bible. Yet the Bible stresses the importance, to GOD, of un-noticed, ordinary people. The Government official who came to Christ begging for help is unnamed and unknown, but he

was known to Jesus. Jesus reaction to his cry was HE NOTICED HIM HE LISTENED TO HIM HE CARED enough to challenge his faith HE REWARDED his obedience by answering his cry for help HE HEALED his son.

QUIZ (based on the people in the daily readings) I. At what time did Jesus heal the Government officer’s son? (I pm) 2. How did Jesus heal the soldier’s servant? (by speaking from a distance.) 3. What could not the Ethiopian gentleman understand? (the Scripture passage from Isaiah quoted in Acts 8) 4. What was wrong with the man whom Jesus healed on the Sabbath day? (swollen legs and arms.) 5. Why did the sick woman touch Jesus’ coat? (she was too shy to ask for healing.) 6. How old was the little girl whom Jesus raised to life? (12 years.) The aim of this Consecration meeting is to challenge the children as they consider their response to this story. Point out that Jesus loves them enough to take the same care with them, too. Lead children in a discussion about the ‘anonymous’ people who do the routine chores around their church. In the eyes of the Lord these are just as important as the more noticeable ones.

Children, too, have a place and an area of service. The POSTER in the activity pages will help to identify tasks being done by certain people in the church. Children attending CE may not belong to the church or know the people mentioned. Explain the roles being performed for the overall running of the church.

Unit 8 Anonymous People UNIT 8 ANONYMOUS PEOPLE TOPIC TWO A PHARISEE AND A PUBLICAN BIBLE READING Luke 18:9 -14 DAILY BIBLE READINGS Matthew 6:1-14 Mark 11:20-25 Matthew 23:1-12 1 Peter 5:5-9 Acts 3:1-10. MEMORY VERSE FOR THE UNIT John 6:37 SONGS Cleanse me CSSM Book 1 No.18 Turn your eyes upon Jesus CSSM Book 1 No. 267 Into my heart CSSM Book 1 No. 322

TOPIC TALK This parable told by Jesus points to a CONTRAST. Firstly, in the status of the two men who went to the temple to pray. Matthew 23:1-14 gives us some insight into the lives of the prominent Pharisees, their strict adherence to every letter of the Law, and Christ’s condemnation of their hypocrisy. Tax collectors, on the other hand, were not well respected by the community. Their employment by the hated Roman oppressors and their common practice of pocketing ‘extra’ taxes, explain this. Secondly, we see a contrast in the attitudes of these two men to their prayers. Both prayed in the temple, but only the humble prayer of the tax collector, who saw himself as a sinner, was answered by God. The boastful prayer of the self-righteous Pharisee, who was more concerned with what others thought of him, was not heard.

‘The Pharisee stood apart by himself and prayed. ...’ (v.11) Jesus said (v 14) “I tell you, the tax collector, and not the Pharisee was in the right with God when he went home.” What are the implications of this parable for children? Help them to see, particularly through play-acting, the attitude Jesus asks of them when they approach Him in prayer. ANSWER to scrambled verse; ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’ 1John 1:9 (R.S.V.) Check the answers to the daily reading questions in Topic Book.


Unit 8 Anonymous People UNIT 8 ANONYMOUS PEOPLE TOPIC THREE THE TENTH MAN BIBLE READING Luke 17:11-19 DAILY BIBLE READINGS Mark 6: 30-34 Daniel 6: 1-28 Colossians 3: 12-17. MEMORY VERSE FOR THE UNIT John 6:37 SONGS Follow, Follow CSSM Book 1 No. 30 Christ is the Answer Elim 614 Thankyou for giving me the morning ACTIVITY Photocopy Topic 3 activity page for each child. Have magazine or clipart pictures children can glue on each day at home. They may find their own pictures. Suggest there will be a prize for completed sheets returned to the next CE meeting. Ask the children if this activity has helped them in praying each day?


TOPIC NOTES Luke 17:11-19 The ten people with leprosy in this story are not only anonymous, they represent the very dregs of society, forced to live on the fringes of communities because of a social attitude towards their affliction. The story of their healing illustrates the limitless love of Christ for all men. He was most often found in the company of undistinguished people and, in particular, people in need. Consider how Jesus commented on the fact that although all the ten lepers obeyed His instructions and were thus cleansed of their disease, only one man thought to thank Him, and he was a foreigner. Jesus praised this man. Daniel 6: 1-28 This story of Daniel is quite well known by most children with church or Sunday school experience. However it may be

unknown by some, so relate the situation of Daniel being captured by a pagan country, but how he continued to pray to Jehovah God, and God saved him from the lions. His witness had a powerful impact on King Darius, who decreed everyone should worship Daniel’s living ‘God. Colossian 3: 12-17 This passage of scripture is a reminder to us all of our place in God’s kingdom, what he has done for us, what we should do to honour him, and especially we are to give thanks in everything v 17 Discuss the things for which we all can thank God, and use ideas in chain prayer.

Unit 8 Anonymous People UNIT 8 ANONYMOUS PEOPLE TOPIC FOUR GUESS MY NAME! BIBLE READING Paul’s Letter to Philemon MEMORY VERSE FOR THE UNIT John 6:37 “Everyone whom my Father gives me will come to me. I will never turn away anyone who comes to me.” (Jesus said)

TOPIC TALK The person in the Bible reading is not anonymous if the children read through the letter. The name ‘Onesimus’ means ‘Profitable’. This would make Philemon satisfied he had a good slave, until he ran away! Explain the position of slaves In Biblical society. Slavery was not solely a characteristic of the Roman Empire, but a fact of life in most ancient civilizations and thus taken for granted at the time of the early church. Later, Christians grew to see themselves as ‘brothers’. The story of the slave Onesimus parallels the changes that happen in a person’s life when he commits his life to the Lord.

If Jesus could love and forgive a runaway slave, (and probable thief), He could welcome back any person who turns to Him. Keep this in mind when preparing discussion and prayers times, and discuss ways of serving our new Master. Enlarge on the true story in the Topic Book about Mr Arthur Stace, who was anonymous for a long time, but recognized after he died, by the fireworks display at the Sydney Millennium celebrations. Use this Topic to revise the people you have taught about and especially to go over the things we can thank God for.

SONGS If any one would come, come after me, that’s Luke 9:23 Practise being Godly, Colin Buchanan No.7 See Topic Book


Worksheets Unit 8 Anonymous People Topic 1 The Government Official


Who sets the communion table?

Who cleans the Church?

Who counts the offerings?

Who shows us to our seats?


Worksheets Unit 8 Anonymous People Topic 3 The Tenth Man


For gardens & lawns

For music

For School

For helping sick people

For picnics

For your forgiveness

Paste pictures on each day for 1 week to say ‘Thank You Lord’ 61

Unit 9 Around and About UNIT 9 AROUND AND ABOUT GENERAL INTRODUCTION The aim of this unit is to bring variety and a sense of adventure, to use imagination to teach more about the Christian life. Give the CE children time to share their own experiences in each topic. It is a good opportunity to plan and conduct a C.E. picnic and/or visit to a hospital or shut-in person. It also provides opportunities for Committee co-operation. RESOURCES Topic I Little cards and holiday pictures to decorate them in making prayer reminders. Large travel pictures. Travel bag and cut-outs. Leafy twigs to make model shelters with ‘Plasticene’ to support them. Topic 2 Gift box for fruit, cellophane, ribbon, card, pictures of flowers. Vegetable and garden pest pictures for your talk. Topic 3 Decorations depicting the sea. Butcher’s paper, masking tape, paints and brushes for frieze. Topic 4 Pictures of caves. Dark tarpaulin or curtain to make a cave. lllustrated book about Aladdin or other treasure cave story. Treasure chest containing surprises and Bible gem texts. This could be prepared by one of the Committees. It is a good way of teaching the Bible.


Unit 9 Around and About UNIT 9 AROUND AND ABOUT TOPIC 1 AWAY ON HOLIDAYS CONSECRATION MEETING BIBLE READING Mark 6:30-34 SONGS Favourites from previous topics Little by little everyday Practise being Godly, Colin Buchanan No.7 PREPARATION Encourage the meeting leader to prepare the program on suitcase items as suggested. Remind him or her that one item should be a Bible. Also encourage the children responsible for making the prayer cards to do it prior to the meeting. GAME Commence meeting with the game “Hidden Items”. Set a tray with 10 or so holiday items, covered with a cloth. Uncover for 30 seconds for children to memorize items, and then allow 1 minute to write down the ones they can remember.

TOPIC TALK Choose from the readings the ones you want to present. Genesis 2: 1 – 4 Show a calendar marked clearly in weeks. Leviticus 23: 1 – 3 God knew we would need one “different” day each week. For the sake of our full health (body, mind and spirit) we should use it in the way He intended. Exodus 23: 10 –12 How kind God is - He ordered a holiday for the land, animals and poor people too ! Leviticus 23:39 – 43 Camping out. In the modern English Bible this is called the Festival of Shelters. Older people know it as the Feast of the Tabernacles. It was one of the three great pilgrim festivals of the Jewish year and celebrated the gathering of the harvest.

They were to live in leaf shelters to remind them of their journey through the wilderness. It was a time of great rejoicing and fellowship. If they could not go out into the country to camp they built their shelters on the flat roof of their homes. Mark 6:7 – 13 Speak about the walking tour and what happened. Mark 6:30-44 If your children wrote the suggested plays have them copied In time to present in the meeting. Otherwise, write some yourself if that is one of your talents. John 6:1 – 14 Emphasize the concern Jesus had for the people, even though He was supposed to be having a rest. He gave thanks for the food; He had great power, but He used the little boy’s offering; He did not waste anything or leave a mess on the picnic spot.

ONE OTHER POINT Maybe this should be emphasized at a different place in the program - perhaps at the Bible Reading and the Prayer: Christian

people, when they go on holidays, never forget their Bible or their prayer times.

TWO ILLUSTRATIONS When people traveled by ship rather than plane, and the journey took six weeks from England to Australia, they would have ‘Cabin luggage’ and ‘Not wanted on the voyage’ luggage, which would be stowed in the hold. In which luggage would the Bible be packed? It is important to pray for safe travel on our roads. A testimony in one of our C.E. news papers told this story:-

The writer of it was asked to pray for a family traveling in Queensland. He did this faithfully. Later his friend told him how he had been traveling at about 90kph when the car started to slow down and would not accelerate, no matter how he tried. Around the next bend he came upon a road blockage caused by an accident, which would certainly have collected him but for God’s answer to his friend’s prayer.


Unit 9 Around and About UNIT 9 AROUND AND ABOUT TOPIC 2 IN THE GARDEN BIBLE READING John 15: 1-4 DAILY READINGS Genesis 2:8-9 Genesis 3 Mark 14:32-42 Revelation 22:1-5. SONGS You shall go out with Joy Scripture in Song No 2 No.192 He gave me beauty for ashes Everybody ought to know Elim No.719 PREPARATION Bring your own little vegetable selection to C.E. with big labels on them. ACTIVITY Photocopy garden pages from the activity sheets. Have the children colour the vegetables and the garden pests. Cut out and glue on to cards titled “God’s Garden” and “Satan’s Pests”. Add the rain of prayer and praise to the garden.


TOPIC TALK We should grow these good things in our lives: PEAS: Perseverance, patience, peacefulness, prayerfulness etc. LETTUCES: Lettuce (let us) be generous, loyal, loving etc. TURNIPS: Turnip (turn up) early, smiling, enthusiastically etc. The gardens of our lives need watering with prayer and Bible reading. They also need digging, weeding, fertilizing and pruning. The Gardener (see John 15:1-4) has to hurt us sometimes to do this. Satan also has a great array of garden pests to chew and spoil our lives:

Greedy Grubs, Sneaky Snails, Sleepy Slugs, Willful Weeds, Arguing Aphids, Mean Mildew, Critical Caterpillars, and so on. We have to be very careful not to let these things in. (See Luke 22:46.) It would be fun to have large drawings of these creatures or examples from the garden or gardening magazines.

ANSWERS TO QUIZ 1 Eden, 2 and 3 Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, 4 Adam and Eve, 5 Doubted and disobeyed God, 6 Gethsemane, 7 Jesus, 8 Tree of Life, 9 Healing of Nations, 10 Twelve times a year.

Unit 9 Around and About UNIT 9 AROUND AND ABOUT TOPIC 3 ADVENTURES AT SEA PREPARATION Paper, felt pens, scissors, paper clip, stick, cord and magnet. ACTIVITY Fishing game Make some colourful shapes of sea things such as starfish, boat, lighthouse, fish, octopus etc. Put a number on the back. Attach a paper clip to each one. Make a fishing rod with a stick, cord and magnet. Have the group in two teams, take turns to “catch a fish”, and total the number of points each team “catches”.

TOPIC NOTES The Bible and classical hymns abound in images of the sea. This topic lends itself to vivid imagination. Nets and toy sailing boats could be used to decorate the room, as well as shells, fishing rods, pictures of shipwrecks, storms and lighthouse. Study the suggestions in Topic Book and prepare your brief comments after each 2 minute talk, instead of a longer talk on the topic. There is a good selection of Christian principles embraced in each talk, but make these suitable for children. 1. Enjoying the Sea. Emphasize the reading from Genesis 1:1-2; 9-10; 20-23. God created the earth and sea. Children are taught in some schools that the theory of evolution denies God as Creator and tries to prove that the universe just “happened”. The Bible tells us differently. 2. After the Fishing talk lead discussion on how we may be fishers of men. Fishing requires patience and the use of the right bait. Christians must also be patient, attractive, and courageous in telling others of Jesus the Saviour. (Reading from Mark 1:16-20) 3. Pirates. Modern name is “hijackers”. These are not brave and romantic as in the old stories, but wicked and cruel. Satan

is like a pirate - he tries to rob us of all that is good, and wreck our lives. There is a terrible punishment prepared for him and his followers. (Matthew 25:41) Let us be sure we are not tricked into joining his band. 4. Storms and shipwreck. Explain that life is like a voyage across a dangerous sea. Storms are the troubles that hit us. Hidden rocks, sandbanks etc are the sins we often commit. Just as sailors need charts to avoid these, so God has provided us with the Bible which tells of sins to avoid, such as lying, stealing, disobedience, jealousy hatred. Jesus knows the way and will be our Guide or Pilot. 5. The Crow’s Nest. This is an elevated shelter high on a mast for a lookout for land, other ships, fish, rocks, etc. This was a dangerous climb on the old sailing ships. Children will know the familiar cry of “Land Ahoy” or “Ship Ahoy!’ The Lookout Committee in your CE should be the ‘Crows Nest’. 6. The Lighthouse. Try to find the old hymn mentioned in the Junior Book. The first line is “Brightly beams our Father’s mercy from His lighthouse evermore”.


Unit 9 Around and About UNIT 9 AROUND AND ABOUT TOPIC 4 EXPLORING CAVES AIM To teach some helpful Bible truths from the practical analogies of caves. READINGS I Samuel 24. I Kings 18:1.16. Psalm 19:7-11 MEMORY VERSE I Corinthians 2:9 However as the scripture says, “What no one ever saw or heard, what no one ever thought could happen, is the very thing God prepared for those who love Him” RESOURCES Pictures of Jenolan Caves or other caves at Rockhampton, Chillagoe, Margaret River, Nullarbor Plain etc. SONGS Anywhere with Jesus Alexander’s Hymns Number 3 No.100


TOPIC NOTES The meeting place could have room for a dark tarpaulin or cloth to he suspended or propped up to represent a cave. Conduct a meeting in it if torches or electric lamps are available

(but not candles, please!) Try to find children’s illustrated books of Aladdin and Ali Baba’s treasure caves. Please check that the ‘mystery parcel” has been prepared correctly.

TOPIC TALK NOTES It depends where you live as to how much you will have to explain about caves. Some are just holes in the ground, formed by rock falls or cracks. Some are in the sea cliffs, gouged out by the waves, and how wild and forbidding they can be! Some are formed by rivers and creeks and gently dripping water. These are the most mysterious and beautiful, as each drop of water leaves a speck of limestone behind to gradually build the most fantastic shapes, stalactites hanging down from the cave roof, with the stalagmite on the floor beneath, sometimes joining In a column; coloured drapes like shawls of rock; twisting little squiggles called “mysteries”. In the lights which the guide switches on they look like fairyland. No human being can make

anything like it. Yet some people have been heard to ask who had stuck on all the shapes. As the meeting progresses just guide the discussion. When you get to the last point show pictures of Aladdin’s treasure and show that the Bible is a treasure store. Have a good knowledge of the story of David’s adventure in the cave from the Samuel reading – 1 Sam 24:122 explain the point that David was obedient to the Lord’s instructions and that he wanted to be at peace with his best friend’s father, King Saul. A good climax for the meeting would be to discover a treasure truck filled with ‘gems’ -sweets wrapped in bright paper, with a precious Bible verse attached.

Worksheets SATAN’S PESTS









Worksheets GOD’S GARDEN

















Unit 10 Wonderful words UNIT 10 WONDERFUL WORDS GENERAL INTRODUCTION This series is a wonderful opportunity to get children to learn some Bible passages and to know where they are found. You could encourage them by giving a reward for learning. Let them choose Ten Commandments Exodus 20:2-17 The Beatitudes - Matthew 5:3-11 The Shepherd Psalm -Psalm 23 All are to learn John 3: 16 Present this challenge at the first meeting of this unit. Later ask your minister to allow the children to recite their ‘wonderful words’ in the morning service and to sing whatever you choose as your theme song for the unit. RESOURCES Topic 1 Material for making Ten Commandments activity. Map showing location Mt Sinai Topic 2 Material to make Iambs and harp. Strong cardboard or a strong V shaped stick,rubber bands. Topic 3 FIash cards of objects to illustrate the Beatitudes. Topic 4 Gifts for rewards and larger gift box. Cross, cardboard for hearts, felt pens.


Unit 10 Wonderful words UNIT 10 WONDERFUL WORDS TOPIC 1 TEN WONDERFUL LAWS CONSECRATION MEETING BIBLE READING Exodus 20: 1-17 DAILY READINGS Exodus 19: 16-25 Exodus 20: 1-20 John 15:10-17 Deuteronomy 4: 1-8 SONGS Theme song ‘A book for me’ Page ? in Topic Book A new commandment Scripture in Song Volume 1


TOPIC TALK Go over the points raised in the discussion in the Topic Book. Try to bring the scene at Mount Sinai to life. Show it on the map. Emphasize that the laws of our land are based on these Commandments, or at least on some of them. Pick out which. There are some that many people conveniently forget, even If they do not steal or kill. Which are they? People may break these laws and not be punished by the laws of our land, but it is God we must obey first. Take each Commandment separately, discussing its meaning. If any nation really obeyed these laws it would be great.

Comment on Deuteronomy 4 and John 15 passages. You will have an opportunity in Topic Four to point out that keeping these laws does not get us to Heaven, because we cannot keep them perfectly. Eternal life is a free gift from God when we believe that Jesus died for US, rose again and lives today as our Saviour . If possible, prepare a chart of the Ten Commandments. Or, if they are available get printed small cards or bookmarks from Christian bookshops.

Unit 10 Wonderful words UNIT 10 WONDERFUL WORDS TOPIC 2 A WONDERFUL SONG BIBLE READING Psalm 23 DAILY READINGS I Samuel 17: 34-37 John 10: 1-6 John 10: 11-16 Luke I5: 1-7 ACTIVITY To make the harp, copy the drawing in the Topic Book on to strong cardboard, or use a strong V shaped stick. The strings could be rubber bands. (The Bible dictionaries do not say exactly what they used to make the strings in David’s time – maybe it was vines from the bush.)

TOPIC TALK In Israel, to be a shepherd was an honorable calling. Modern children have no Idea of the individual care a shepherd gave his sheep. Explain each verse of Psalm 23 In the context of what a good earthly shepherd did, searching for good pasture, and quiet water, but avoiding poisonous weeds and snakes and predators. From the readings In John and Luke we learn that the Eastern shepherd knew each sheep, stayed with them at night, guarded the door, searched for the lost ones. David the Shepherd learned to know and trust God as he looked after his sheep. Because he was often alone, he had plenty of time to think and I am sure as he looked at the sky at night he thought about God, talked to Him and asked for help. I am sure he was frightened at times, (especially of

that lion and bear.) It was easy for David to think of God as a shepherd, and people as His sheep. God certainly protected David and led him into a wonderful life. The Lord Jesus is our Shepherd and will do the same for us. He hears all we say, sees all we do, and knows all we think. Other beautiful passages, if you feel led to share them, are Isaiah 40:11 and 53:6-9. Use Hebrews 13:20-21 as a benediction. “God has raised from death our Lord Jesus, who is the Great Shepherd of the sheep as the result of His sacrificial death, by which the eternal covenant is sealed. May the God of peace provide you with every good thing you need….”


Unit 10 Wonderful words UNIT 10 WONDERFUL WORDS TOPIC 3 WONDERFUL HAPPINESS READING Matthew 5:3 -11 The Beatitudes. SONGS Peace is flowing like a river Source unknown Joy,Joy,Joy Elim 273 Running Over Elim 8 Joy is the flag flown high Scripture in Song No 2, No.218 ACTIVITY Colour and cut out the Beatitude flashcards for an activity for this topic. Glue them on a long strip of card with room for the 8 headings to be printed under each picture. Encourage the children to learn the Beatitudes.


A Good News Bible translation was used for this study. The Daily readings were chosen to illustrate each type. Use flash cards or objects to get your point across. Explain as simply as possible the eight happy types that Jesus taught in this passage. Tell the children we don’t find happiness by looking to make ourselves happy, but by trying to make someone else happy. This is surely being obedient to God. 1. Spiritually poor Luke 18: 9.14. The tax collector knew he was a poor sinner. and asked God’s forgiveness. 2. A mourner Luke 7:11-15. To mourn is to be very sad. Either because of trouble or one’s own sin. This story is about a widow’s dead son. 3. A humble person Luke 1:46-5. A humble person does not feel superior to others and is not too proud to do small

jobs. Mary the mother of Jesus was humble. 4. Hungry and thirsty for God Luke 10:38-41. (Mary of Bethany) People who really want and try to do what is right and long to know God. 5. Merciful Luke 15: 11-24 (the Father). Kind and forgiving people. 6. Pure in heart: 1 Samuel 3: 1-10. People who concentrate on good things in words, deeds, books, TV etc. 7. Peacemakers: Genesis 26: 19-21. People who try to keep harmony and prevent fights. 8. Persecuted: Acts 12:1-11. Some Christians are tortured, imprisoned or killed for their faith. Even in our country some people will ridicule and ill-treat those who stand up for Jesus.

Unit 10 Wonderful Words UNIT 10 WONDERFUL WORDS TOPIC 4 WONDERFUL LOVE BIBLE READINGS John 3:14-17 John 15:10-15 PREPARATION As you prepare this meeting, pray about each child. John 3: 16 has been called ‘the Gospel in a nutshell’. The verse has been written on a tiny roll of paper fitted into a walnut shell! Perhaps you or one of the children could try to do that. Today, be sure to have the rewards for those who have learned one set of the Wonderful Words, at least, and put them in the gift box the meeting leader was asked to bring. (So put them in before the box is wrapped.)

TOPIC TALK Go back to the Ten Wonderful Laws. Anyone who could perfectly obey all those laws would be fit for Heaven. But try as we may, we break some of them. Only Jesus kept them all. So God thought of this wonderful plan to make us fit for Heaven even though we are sinners. John 3: 16 contain the Wonderful Words that tell us about it. God loves us more than anyone else does. He loves the people we love more than we do. Emphasize John 3:16 by getting the children to put their own name into “the world” and “everyone”. Tell the story of the boy and his boat, filling it out from this outline. The boy

made a beautiful boat, but it was swept out to sea when the string broke. He found it later in a shop but the price was very high. He saved and sacrificed until he could buy it back. This is an example of what God did to get His beloved world back. It cost the death of His Son on a cross. But first of all God gave us His Son as a baby, celebrated each Christmas time. As we conclude a year of CE, have a wrapped gift for each child, with the heart attached to the outside.

ACTIVITY Children cut out hearts and print on them “God loves me”. They could also make some to give away to their family and friends with the words “God loves you and so do I” printed on them. Decorate with glitter, or a ribbon bow.


Worksheets Unit 10 Topic 2 A Wonderful Song

The lamb would be better if glued onto card before cutting out.

Photocopy for Juniors’ vactivity as suggested.

Children may print part of Psalms 23 on harp strings


Worksheets Unit 10 Topic 3 Wonderful Happiness These flash cards are for points 1 – 8 in your talk.The heart may also be used as a pattern for Junior activity in Topic 4.


Worksheets Unit 10 Topic 3 Wonderful Happiness The heart may also be used as a pattern for Junior activity in Topic 4.