Juniper Networks. Junos Pulse 2.0R4 for Apple iOS. iOS build # 10515. Client/Serve r Compatibility Table. Client: Pulse
Juniper Networks Junos Pulse 2.0R4 for Apple iOS iOS build # 10515 Client/Serve r Compatibility Table Client:
Pulse 2.0R2
Pulse 2.0R3
Pulse 2.0R4
Server: SA 7.0R5
SA 7.1R1
SA 7.0R6
SA 7.1R2
1194 North Mathilda Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA
Copyright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc.
Junos Pulse 2.0R4 for Apple iOS This is an incre mental release notes describing the changes made from Pulse Mobile 2.0R1 release to Pulse Mobile 2.0R4. The Pulse Mobile 2.0R1 release notes still apply except for the changes mentioned in this docume nt. Please refer to Pulse Mobile 2.0R1 release notes for the complete version.
VPN-on-demand Please ensure that your VPN-on-demand configuration contains an "exception" for your SA hostname. For example, suppose that the SA hostname is "", and you want to automatically establish the VPN whenever requests are made for hosts in the "" domain. The VPN-on-demand configuration should contain the following rules: domain name establish VPN? ================================================= Never establish Always establish
Known Issues/Limitations not Fixed for this release, 2.0R4 The following list enumerates known issues not fixed in this release. these issues may exist in previous releases as well:
Some of
1. VPN-on-demand config profile does not show up in the pulse application. The workaround for the profile to be visible is to configure a profile manually in the pulse application and then the VPN-on-demand profile will show up. (604155) 2. When iPad is logged in through Safari, and iPad is left idle until tunnel times out, the VPN button does not show up. (609684) 3. Under the Active Users page, an iPad user’s type shows up as iPhone.
4. Sometimes certificate authentication may fail even though you have a valid certificate and all your configurations are correct. The error message is "Missing certificate. Check that your certificate is valid and up-to-date and try again". This could be because the plugin failed to load the certificate from the system keychain. Restarting the iOS device may fix the problem.
Known Issues/Limitations Fixed for this release, 2.0R4 The following list enumerates known issues fixed in this release: 1. pulse-mobile-vpn - Terminating VPN connection using iOS settings application does not terminate IVE session. (583501)
Copyright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc.
2. pulse-mobile-vpn - "junospulse://" URL does not work properly when used with SMSESSION cookie (used for Siteminder Authentication). (599774) 3. pulse-other - DSID is stored on iOS device's filesystem. (588527)
Known Issues/Limitations Fixed for this release, 2.0R3 The following list enumerates known issues fixed in this release: 1. pulse-mobile-vpn - Junos Pulse for iOS does not work with RSA AA (Adaptive Authentication). (590248) 2. pulse-mobile-vpn - When iPhone is set to use Italian, Pulse launch causes a crash. (591538)
Known Issues/Limitations not Fixed for this release, 2.0R2 The following list enumerates known issues not fixed in this release. these issues may exist in previous releases as well:
Some of
1. When the device sleeps and the session timer runs out, the session is disconnected, but Pulse shows the session timer counting backwards, with a minus in front of the time counter. (539) 2. Pulse does not recognize the IVE configs with and without the "https://" prefix as the same URL (597) 3. Launching Pulse from browser fails to connect after new Pulse installation that has not been enabled. User is asked to accept EULA and enable Pulse, but does not add config. The workaround is to re-launch Pulse from browser, then user is asked to save the config and it connects automatically. (585) 4. Switching to another app while Pulse is sending credentials to server causes timeout (604) 5. If Pulse is not installed, trying to launch Pulse from Safari results in error message "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid" (579013) 6. When a new configuration profile is installed on the phone there is no default connection. (618) 7. After a new installation, creating a new configuration using the connect button doesn't select configuration automatically. (613) 8. Multiple SMS commands sent from Pulse Mobile Security Suite Gateway management console are not all guaranteed to execute if they are delivered out of order. Only one device management command should be issued to each device at a time because of the embedded timestamps and command authentication routines. (644) 9. Sign-out from native browser when Pulse client is connected may get "Cannot open page" error. (586403)
Copyright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc.
Known Issues/Limitations Fixed for this release, 2.0R2 The following list enumerates known issues fixed in this release: 1. After logging in, username is blank at the bottom of the Home screen. (205) 2. When Junos Pulse is first launched, the "Loading..." page appears and disappears several times. (246) 3. When Junos Pulse is launched for the first time after installation, a white screen appears before the "Enable Pulse" screen. (248) 4. Creating a new connection using either "Http://" or "Https://" does not work properly. (273) 5. Junos Pulse should show an error message when the VPN session fails to connect. (361) 6. Need to correct behavior of Pulse application upon activation after suspend. (383) 7. Junos Pulse is not displaying session counter when enabled on the server. (405) 8. Junos Pulse does not correctly recognize when the server is not reachable. (406) 9. When NC is not enabled for the role, and the VPN fails to connect, Junos Pulse should show an appropriate error message. (407) 10. Need more validations while creating a new configuration. (408) 11. Browsing of another IVE/IC through the VPN tunnel disconnects the tunnel. (449) 12. Connection sometimes goes into "No Session, VPN on" state while connecting or disconnecting. (461) 13. User should not be warned about invalid certificates when the VPN is already connected. (466) 14. Sometimes the intranet tab is missing after connecting the VPN. (469) 15. Users are unable to access bookmarks when proxy is used. (470) 16. Connection hangs at "Loading..." page in one scenario. (502) 17. Clicking on 227.7201 and other agreements in the Eula pages makes a phone call. (504) 18. Longer role names in the role selection screen do not fit the page correctly. (505) 19. ACE server authentication hangs at "Loading..." page during "New PIN" or "Next PIN" mode. (520) 20. Junos Pulse screen hangs at "Loading..." page, while launching Pulse from SA home page. (532)
Copyright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc.
21. Junos Pulse screen hangs at "Loading..." page, while selecting different configuration. (540) 22. Using the "junospulse://" URL causes Pulse to crash. (541) 23. Connect button in the Add screen does not take user back to the Connect screen. (559) 24. Configuration screen loses back button when adding a configuration for the first time. (564) 25. With VPN tunnel running, going to stand-by and then resuming causes Junos Pulse to crash. (586) 26. Using the "junospulse://" URL with the "stop" option does not disconnect the VPN session. (627) 27. On an iPad, Pulse shows two session counters after resuming from sleep. (631) 28. On an iPad, sometimes the second connection attempt fails. (632) 29. Browser launch of VPN fails with "Connection Error." (636) 30. On an iPad, after accessing bookmarks, going to stand-by and then resuming causes Junos Pulse to crash. (654) 31. pulse-mobile-vpn - Junos Pulse is getting an error message "Missing certificate..." with client certificate-based realm restrictions. (575522) 32. pulse-other – Junos Pulse is not allowing access to all resources with MTU values lower than 1500. (568707)
Copyright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc.