Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lemlit USAKTI 12, 2003. 25. ARKADE .....
International Seminar on “ Multicultural Education: Revitalizing. Nationalism and
ISSN : 0853-7720
Perubahan Bentuk Arsitektur, Sebuah Penerapan Konsep D'Arcy Thompson di Bidang Arsitektur : Agus Budi Purnomo. Metoda IDEA (Information Decision Enterprise Analysis) : Dadan Umar Daihcmi. Upaya Penguasaan IPTEK dalam PJP II : Loekito Reksosoemitro. Konservasi Ruang Publik Bersejarah : Soedadi dan Bambang Susetyarto. Kependudukan dan Lingkungan, Suatu Issue
: M. Djuhari Wirakartakusumah dan M. U. Ira Setiati.
Seri Perdana Januari, 1996
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ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to describe a technique which can be used as a tool in architechtural design. Based on the concept of figural transformation of D'Arcy Thompson, the technique employs a mathematical terms tailored to transform a shape of a given architectural object into a new form. The new form can be rnnsidered as a product of a design proces. The paper comprises of two main parts. The mathematical background that are necessary to understand the basic concept of the proposed design tool are explained in the first part of this paper. In the second part, as an example, the proposed design tool were used to produce a plan of T-45 house from a given plan of T-70 house. From the example it can be concluded that the proposed design tool is effective enough to accomodate the objective and subjective consideration of most architectural practice.
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METODA - IDEA (Information Decision Enterprise Analysis) Dadan Umar Daihani
RINGKASAN Dalam makalah ini penulis akan membahas suatu metoda yang diberi nama IDEA (Information Decision Enterprise Analysis). Metoda ini dibangun. berdasarkan Konsep Integrasi Transfungsional yang memandang organisasi sebagai suatu sistem. Konsep ini bertitik berat pada cara berfikir bahwa organisasi pada hakekatnya merupakan kumpulan aktifitas yang saling kait mengkait. Hubungan antar aktifitas dijalin melalui jaringan: informasi, keputusan dan sumber daya. Konsep dasar penting lainnya yang melandasi metoda IDEA adalah konsep struktur organik yang memandang hubungan antar aktifitas tidak hanya dijalin melalui hubungan vertikal (hirarkis) saja, tetapi juga hubungan horisontal. Jadi dalam strukur organik, hubungan antar dua aktifitas tidak hanya berpola pada hubungan antara majikan-bawahan yang biasanya direpresentasikan melalui struktur vertikal, akan tetapi dapat pula berbentuk hubungan mitra, biasanya direpresentasikan melalui struktur komunal.
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KONSERVASI RUANG PUBLIK BERSEJARAH Soedadi Bambang Susetyarto ABSTRACT The conservation of historical publik place actually is a development management process of public places such as traditional environment (=kampong), public p1aza, town square, public park node of crossingroads, public yard, cemetery, etc., for the purpose of the preservation of meanings, cultural values, and architecture. In this case, those aeraings and value refer to spirit of the public place, or the local spirit that exist within the society. Jakarta has many of historical public places, which could be conserved. However, firstly it must be define what is meant by conservation. Then, it must be identified what the pmblem is and how to solve it theoritically. By doing so, we investigated 45 public places that may get potential conservation values. Aa the final result, we concluded there are three classifications of the conservation, i.e.1). Class ,A, which means that a public place may not be allowed to be changed at all. Within this class both the basic form and the function may not be changed; 2). C1ass B, which means that the form of a public place to a certain degree may be allowed to be changed. However, its function must be kept, 3). Class C, which means that the form or function of a public place is allowed to be changed. However the spirit of the place must be maintained This research also recommended a typical organisational structure of conservation development in Jakarta.
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ISSN: 0853-7720
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Pemantuan Pengembangan Wilayah Lewat Pembentukan Heat Island di Jakarta dan Sekitarnya pada Tahun 1994-1998 Wahjudi Wisaksono*) dan Teresia Irene, ST**) Abstrak∗ Analysis of daily surface temperatures measured by groundstations as well as by satelite (lansat TM) show the formation of heat island that indicate temperature difference between areas of intensive human activities and the surounding areas of lesser human activities.This principle was applied to study the development of Jakarta. The results of the study show an extension of the heat island in southern, eastern and western directions, coinciding with developments in the same directions during the years 1994 - 1998. Type of landcover and human activities influenced this rise in temperature. The extension of the heat island was not influenced by concentration of particle in the atmosfere.
*) Guru Besar Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, FALTL **) Sarjana Teknik Lingkungan, FALTL
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The Geology of Basilam Gas Field in North-Sumatra, Indonesia Erwin Iskandar*) Abstract Sejak satu dekade, gas dan minyak bumi telah memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi serta merupakan sumber utama pendapatan negara. Gas dan minyak bumi juga merupakan sumber utama energi nasional. Provinsi Sumatra Utara, khususnya Medan merupakan wilayah yang tumbuh cepat karena permintaan gas yang meningkat terus. Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang ladang gas Basilam di Sumatra Utara, 45 km sebelah Barat Daya kota Medan dan 15 km dari transmisi pipa gas Pangkalan Brandan-Medan
*) Dosen FTM Usakti
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Jejak Kaki Ekologi dan Pengembangan Permukiman di Jakarta Agus Budi Purnomo
Abstract The ability of Jakarta to provide for the livelihood of its inhabitants is being questioned in this paper. From the calculation of its Ecological-footprint it could be concluded that Jakarta has no ability to provide for its inhabitants. Furthermore Jakarta has encroached its hinterland, thus even more diminishes its ability to provide for its inhabitants. Jakarta has become a parasite city.
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Studi Struktur Lansekap Pegunungan (Studi Kasus : Gunung Halimun) Titien Suryanti R*)
Abstract Landscapes of Halimun Mountain in West Java Indonesia are quite specific. There are terraced rice paddies, tea plantation, and vegetable field around few farmhouses.The backgrounds of this landscape are fuel coppice woodland and natural forest. It comprises of many artificial and natural elements. Halimun Mountain has been declared a National Park. The Halimun National Park established in 1992 is the most important protected area. In this study, we extracted some important landscape elements. We clarified structural classes in the landscape and calculated the weights of its elements. By using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process).
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ISSN: 0853-7720
Tipe(Metode) Perencanaan Kolektif, "Self Planning' dan "SelfOrganization' dalam Pengadaan "Fasilitas Publik" pada Pemukiman Tak Terencana di Perkampungan Kota Jakarta Dedes Gandarum Bantaran Sungai di Jakarta, Potensinya sebagai Warisan Budaya dan Daya Tarik Wisata Agus Budi Purnomo Beberapa Kesalahan Struktur Dan Konstruksi Pada Bangunan Yang Dibangun Sebelum Dan Sesudah Gempa, 2000 Di Pandeglang Daryanto, EnnySadiyarso, Ruchyat, Wara Haryono, Agus Budi Purnomo Pelestarian Bangunan Tua di Jakarta yang Dibangun dengan Memperhatikan Iklim Tropis Lembab (Kasus: Asrama Wanita Kristen Indonesia di Cikini, Jakarta) Hary Susilo. Trikariastoto, Hendra, Arief Inovasi:Analisa Tampak Dengan Menggunakan Teknik "Clustering” Agus Budi Pumomo Resensi Buku: Ideologi dan Utopia Prasetya Utama
Nomor 11. Volume 1, Juli, 2002
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PERENCANAAN KOLEKTIF, "SELFPLANNING" DAN "SELF-ORGANIZATION" DALAM PENGADAAN "FASILITAS PUBLIK" PADA PERMUKIMAN TAK TERENCANA DI PERKAMPUNGAN KOTA JAKARTA Dedes N Gandarum Abstract The information of unplanned settlement structures, including the structures of system of its public facilities, could be determined by interaction within the collective planning, self-planning and self-organization. Settlement evolve based on a sort of organizationscheme, which leads or direct their interaction. Based on such organization-scheme, the settlement is developed through "self-planning" individually, while the whole structure is developed through interaction of individual processes in a series of adaptation and development processes. Through the description and interpretative (rationalistic) approach a model of organization scheme of public-facilities structure or system in urban Kampung of Jakarta could be developed (cristalized).
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BANTARAN SUNGAI DI JAKARTA, POTENSINYA SEBAGAI WARISAN BUDAYA DAN DAYA TARIK WISATA Agus Budi Purnom Abstract Jakarta as the capital city of The Republic of Indonesia is the tributary of 13 rivers. Since its establishment in the 17th century Jakarta had functioned as a harbor. Until the 19th century the rivers in Jakarta were functioned as a transportation mode to bring the product from the interior to the harbor. However at present, the rivers only function as drainage systems. The rivers were considered as a backyard where most buildings let out its effluent. In order to give the river back its former function as front-yard of the city, this study we tried to look at the physical and social history of the riverfront of the river systems in Jakarta. As an urban heritage then we look at the potential of the riverfront as tourist attractions. Therefore we could give an economical reason for the maintenance of the riverfront in Jakarta as the front-yard of the city.
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In this paper we decribed the result of surveys done after the erathquake truck Pandeglang, Banten in 2000. From the surveys it could be understood the structural, characteristic of most building in the region and it's inability to stand against eariquake. The surveys also tooked at the structural characteristics of rebuild buildings of the eartquake and pant of the structural mistakes that exist in the building. Finally in the paper we propose several structural characteristics that are need to make a more earthquake resistant building.
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PELESTARIAN BANGUNGAN TUA DI JAKARTA YANG DIBANGUN DENGAN MEMPERHATIKAN IKLIM TROPIS LEMBAB (Kasus: Asrama Wanita Kristen Indonesia di Cikini, Jakarta) Hary Susilo. Trikariastoto, Hendra, Arief
Abstract This research focused on the issues on how an old building built in actually designed in accord with the characteristics of tropic climate. studied is the Indonesian Christian Women Dormitory at Cikini lakarta. frequency of the appearance of tropical architectural elements . It can hypo thesis stated above is confirmed.
Dutch Era was The case being By studying the be said that the
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ISSN: 0853-7720
Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Trisakti
Arkade sebagai Pemersatu Kawasan Sebuah Ide dari kota-kota di daerah bersalju Jepang Agus Budi Purnomo Asuransi Tanggungjawab (Liability Insurance) di Bidang Angkutan Siti Nurbaiti Ketidakadilan dalam Pemidanaan Kasus Narkoba Diyah Irawati “Missing-link” dan “Ecological Fallacy” dalam Perencanaan dan Perancangan Kota di Indonesia Agus Budi Purnomo Peranan Modernisasi Terhadap Perubahan Cara Hidup Masyarakat Kota Hananto Inovasi: Modul Pengkonversian Pendapat Awam dan Ahli dengan Menggunakan Analisa Faktor Agus Budi Purnomo Review Buku: Nasionalisme yang Selalu Gamang Terhadap Perubahan Prasetya Utama Nomor 12, volume 2, Juni 2003
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Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lemlit USAKTI 12, 2003
ARKADE SEBAGAI PEMERSATU KAWASAN Sebuah ide dari kota-kota di daerah bersalju Jepang Agus Budi Purnomo∗) Abstract This paper the author describes the role of arcades that exist in towns and cities of the snowy region in Japan. Those arcades not only function as a protected pedestrian in winter where snow covered the town, it also functions as an urban elements that visually unifies the various building forms that marks most Japanese towns and cities. This paper concluded that such arcades could also be used with similar functions in most Indonesian towns and cities.
Keywords: arcades, visual function.
Dosen Jurusan Arsitektur FTSP USAKTI
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Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lemlit USAKTI 12, 2003
ASURANSI TANGGUNG JAWAB (LIABILITY INSURANCE) DIBIDANG ANGKUTAN Siti Nurbaiti∗ Abstract Liability insurance in field of transportation is one kind of new insurance in Indonesian, which is grow as the development in field of transportation. In Transportation Law, The carrier must be able to transfer of risk for liability to the Insurance Company, as consequences from the carrier of liability to passengers or shipper, based on contract of transportation, but in the implementation, not all the carriers want to liability insurance, because they consider that the condition of financial transportation company are not enough yet for do that. Keywords: Liability, insurance
Staf Pengajar pada Fakultas Hukum USAKTI, Jakarta.
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Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lemlit USAKTI 12, 2003
KETIDAKADILAN DALAM PEMIDANAAN KASUS NARKOBA Diyah Irawati*) Abstract Disparity of sentence is a implementation of sentencing by judge upon the same offence or upon offences of comparable seriousness, cause juridic reason or extra-juridic. The judges often give the disparity of sentence in drugs cases. So, that is make people justice hurt, because the drugs is the organized crime, without discriminate age, ras, sex, and social status with the dispereate impact and many suffer million lost. Included weaken the defense and culture of country and difficult to eliminated. Although the judges have the many hard reason, if they give the minimum sentence to user and dealer of the drugs, but the people need justice with the fair criminal justice system Keywords: Justice, drug-cases
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This paper describes the missinglink that exist among the formal nomenclature of urban design in Indonesia. The missinglink has cause many ecological-fallacy and as a result has prevent the development of good and just city in Indonesia. Keywords: Missing-link, ecological-fallacy, urban-planning, urbandesign.
Sekretaris Lemlit USAKTI
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Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lemlit USAKTI 12, 2003
PERANAN MODERNISASI TERHADAP PERUBAHAN CARA HIDUP MASYARAKAT KOTA Hananto∗) Abstract Community that has experienced bymodernization process means that having value changing in tendency to be better, efficient, and effective value and more productive than the previous values system. Of course, we agree with what has been argument by Norton (1966) that is modernization is bear understanding about efficiency, enhancing interaction between human and space, and more plurality social relationship. More ever, the terms have relationship with urban and process that effect on urban development as we know, has relationship with more efficient productio and supplies for goods and services, and various interaction between human and space. Keywords; Urban, Space.
Dosen Seni Rupa, FSRD USAKTI
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Issx: ()853-77320
Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Trisakti Isu Ketidak-Adilan dan Konflik Sektor Permukiman Di Indonesia Dalam Kerangka Paradigma "Sustainable Human Development" Dedes Nur Gandarum KEngawa" Sebuah Elemen Desain Bangunan Di Jepang Agus Budi Purnomo Feng Shui Pada Interior Rumah Tinggal Hananto Pilotis Sebagai Elemen Desain Sebuah Analisa Terhadap Karya Karya Le Corbusier Agus Budi Purnomo Menuju Model Pengelolaan Keluarga Rentan Dalam Pengungsian Nugroho Abikusno Penggabungan Informasi Grafis Dengan Peta Agus Budi Purnomo Konflik Nilai Timur dan Barat Prasetya Utama
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Human settlement and housing sector in Indonesia can not be separated from human settlement and housing development policy as a part of broader development policy, with economic growth as the development paradigm. The objectives of economic growth have made human settlement and housing sector development as one of sectors in economic development. Problems in human settlement and housing sector caused by that policy stimulate development paradigm change from economic growth to sustainable human development and good governance. In this context, new ideas and concepts of human settlement and housing policy and strategy are very important. Critical analysis of strategic issues in human settlement and housing sectors, which could be the basis of those new ideas and concepts development and formulation, have to be made. Issues of unbalance development between urban and rural area and unbalance land use planning are parts of unfair and conflict issues in human settlement and housing sector, which need close intention. Those issues are crystallised from phenomenon in human settlement and housing sector with sustainable human settlement and good governance paradigm as the point of view. Keywords: unbalance developtment, conflict, human settlement.
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“ENGAWA” Sebuah Elemen Desain Bangunan di Jepang Agus Budi Purnomo*) Abstract
In this paper we discuss the “engawa” as an architectural element in Japanese traditional architecture. The engawa functions not only as a climatic element, but also functions as a cultural element. Finally we conclude that the engawa mediate man from his environment. Keywords: “Engawa”, climatic and cultural functions.
*) Sekretaris Lembaga Penelitian USAKTI
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FENG SHUI PADA INTERIOR RUMAH TINGGAL Hananto Abstract. Feng Shui is arts that object placement, from building orientation to interior device, to affect Chi or vital energy in a place. Feng Shui helps human to use natural forces from earth and equating Yin and Yang in order to achieve better health and vitality. Usually, good Feng Shui is achieved by combination of logics and better preference on spatial conception, furniture position and the best structure usage. Good living will support the good health, and usually give successfull life and welfare. Key Words : Feng Shui, Seni Arsitektur, Ruang
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PILOTIS SEBAGAI ELEMEN DESAIN Sebuah Analisa terhadap karya-karya Le Corbusier Agus Budi Purnomo
Pilotis can be considered as a significant architectural component in most Le Corbusier’s designs. In this paper the author discussed the characteristics of pilotis in Le Cobusier designs. From the discussion it is known there are four types of pilotis in Le Corbusier’s design. Some are used to form public spaces and functions as sunbreaker. Therefore, the pilotis on Le Corbusier design also function as a climatic component. The author stated that Indonesian Architects should study Le Corbusier’s architecture. KeyWord: Pilotis.
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In the reformation era, Indonesia has begun its political reformation process into a modern civil society. However, this has caused social disruption as well as many natural disasters. This article presents a model for doing rapid assessment directed to vulnerable families especially small children and older persons. This assessment will be useful for local policy makers and programmers to design program that fulfill the health, nutrition and psychosocial needs of these internally displaced persons at their temporary place of displacement as well as future place of resettlement. Keywords: Internally Displaced Persons, rapid assessment, vulnerable families.
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ISSN: 0853-77320
Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Trisakti TINJAUAN TERHADAP KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH DALAM PELAKSANAAN KEBEBASAN BERAGAMA Diyah Irawati
Ariani Dwi Astuti
Nomor 14, volume 2, Desember 2003
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TINJAUAN TERHADAP KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH DALAM PELAKSANAAN KEBEBASAN BERAGAMA Diyah Irawati ∗) Abstract The maintenance of religious harmony can be considered as a part of privat problem. The State have to be the mediator for religious freedom. The state have to guarantee plurailty in religious freedom. In Indonesia, the Draft of Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act does not concern about the philosophy, sociology, and yuric aspects, because from the Draft emerges controversial risk interm of political and criminal policy, thus will be cause disharmony among the peoples.
Dosen Tetap dan Anggota Pusat Studi Hukum Pidana Fakultas Hukum USAKTI
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MENTAL HEALTH IN THE ELDERLY Nugroho Abikusno∗) Abstract Tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat menjamin ketika usianya bertambah tua tidak akan menderita penyakit Alzheimer, gangguan nervous dan selanjutnya gangguan dalam hidup di hari tuanya. Kajian-kajian di bidang ini menunjukkan banyak orang lanjut usia menderita gangguan mental daripada orang-orang muda. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah mengkaji tentang (1) epidemiology gangguan mental pada orang-orang lanjut usia, (2) usia sistem cerebrovascular pada orang lanjut usia dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan depresi, (3) perbedaan gender dalam depresi, dan (4) pengobatan dan terapi termasuk penggunaan obat-obatan pada orang lanjut usia.
Center for Community Health & Population Studies Faculty of Medicine
Trisakti University, Jakarta
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STATUS KESEHATAN GIGI MULUT LANSIA DI KODYA JAKARTA BARAT DAN SELATAN Janti Sudiono, J Widijanto Sudhana, Hartono Ruslijanto, Anton Margo, Lies Zubardiah, Lusiana K Burhan∗) Abstract In Indonesia, geriatric research has not been done properly, especially in the field of oral and dental health. This analytic observational epidemiological study with cross sectional design was done to know about the oral and dental health status of elderly in West and South of Jakarta. The multistage random sampling was applied in this study. Oral and dental health status was examined based on the condition of oral hygiene (OHI-S index), dental caries (DMF-T index), periodontal diseases (GI index), oral mucosa lesions, masticatory function (based on anamnesa, teeth mobility, maxillary edentulous area, and occlusal contact). The total data collected for oral mucosa status, dental caries (DMF-T index), periodontal disesases (GI), masticatory function, and dental hygiene (OHI-S) were 201, 185, 185, 185, and 169 respectively. Most of respondents have caries, periodontal and masticatory problems. Key words : elderly, oral and dental health.
Dosen –dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Trisakti
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ISOLASI DAN IDENTIFIKASI BAKTERI DARI CIRCULATING BED REACTOR (CBR) ANAEROB TAHAP ASIDOGENESA YANG MENGOLAH AIR BUANGAN INDUSTRI MINYAK KELAPA SAWIT SERTA PENGAMATAN PERTUMBUHANNYA SEBAGAI MIKROORGANISMA DOMINAN Ariani Dwi Astuti∗) Abstract With proper analysis and environment control, almost all wastewater containing biodegradable constituents can be treated biologically. The knowledge of microorganism characteristics and influence factors of microorganism growth would help to design an effective and efficient bioreactor. That’s why is needed to do the research of microorganisms isolation and identification from Anaerobic Circulating Bed Reactor (CBR) in Acidogenesis phase that treated palm oil industry’s wastewater. Dominant microorganisms rolled in degradation of palm oil industry’s wastewater from Anaerobic Circulating Bed Reactor (CBR) in Acidogenesis phase are Clostridium butyricum, Clostridium Clostridiiforme, Bacteriodes ovatus. Temperature influence on growth of dominant microorganism in glucose liquid and palm oil industry’s wastewater. From the research could be known that temperature 37 °C is optimum temperature for anaerobe microorganism growth. This result in line with Sixt and Sham, 1987 and Speece, 1996 who mentioned that optimum temperature for anaerobic process is 37 °C. Key word : Circulating Bed Reactor, anaerobic process, palm oil industry’s wastewater.
Dosen Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, FALTL USAKTI
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ISSN: 0853-77320
Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Trisakti Pengukuran Beban Kerja Tenaga Medis dengan Metode Work Sampling untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas di Rumah Sakit X Dian Mardi Safitri, Tiena Gustina Amran, Yus Hernawan, Chairunnisa Utami Aspek Hukum Perlindungan Bangunan Bersejarah dan Purbakala di Jakarta Listyowati Sumanto dan Siti Nurbaiti
Uji Kinerja Reaktor Gabungan dengan Media Cincin Keramik dalam Mengolah Limbah Laundry dengan Variasi Waktu Tinggal
Ariani Dwi Astuti, Widyatmoko, Maureen
Kajian Kualitas Perairan Sungai Ciliwung Diana Hendrawan, Melati Ferianita Fachrul
Inovasi : Pemanfaatan ArcView GIS dalam Penelitian
Agus Budi Purnomo
Review Buku: Pemilu dalam Transisi Demokrasi
Prasetya Utama
Nomor 15, volume 3, Maret 2004
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Pengukuran Beban Kerja Tenaga Medis dengan Metode Work Sampling untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas Di Rumah Sakit X Dian Mardi Safitri, Tiena Gustina Amran, Yus Hernawan, Chairunnisa Utami∗) Abstract The change in status of hospital X into Government Company (PERJAN) enables it to be more competitive in the health care industry. It is important for hospital X management to determine performance indicators of patient care, education and research, for management control and strategic planning to become a more competitive hospital. Medical personnel was 1,968 consisting of 625 medical staff, 1,109 residents and 234 specialists. Problems faced by hospital X are medical staff workload. The study was a survey using sampling technique (n=75). The parameters measured were description of activities according to work category and time allocation, proportion of time consumed for each activity, pattern of work related to work hour, category of energy, social demographic characteristics, and work load. The results of the study were productivity (52.31%), patient care activity (22.53%), education (26.27%) and research (3.50%). While non-productive activity was 47.69%. Keywords: Hospital, productivity, work sampling, PERJAN.
Jurusan Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Trisakti
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Aspek Hukum Perlindungan Bangunan Bersejarah dan Purbakala di DKI Jakarta Listyowati Sumanto dan Siti Nurbaiti∗)
Abstract Historical and archaeological building must be protected from extinction because those buildings constitute a country’s national heritage. For this purpose, RI government has enacted Law number 5-year 1992 on preservation of national culture. The question, which arises, is whether this law has been fully implemented? The study is a descriptive analysis using primary and secondary data source. The results of the study showed that Law number 5 years 1992 has been regulated from aspects of authority and ownership, protection and maintenance, exploitation and control. However, its implementation is still not effective, due to violations of the law by the regional government or owners of the buildings. Keywords: archaeological building, Law number 5 years 1992.
) Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Trisakti
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Kinerja Reaktor Gabungan dengan Media Cincin Keramik dalam Mengolah Limbah Laundry Dengan Variasi Waktu Tinggal Ariani Dwi Astuti, Maureen ∗) Abstract Small industry in Indonesia are numerous, among those are the laundry industry. A large industrial estate is located in south Sukabumi, Jakarta. This sub district has 34 laundries with capacity of 1,000-5,000 pieces of cloths for each laundry. Water demand average per day for this industry are 90 m3. An alternative for wastewater treatment is biofilter process using ceramics media. Biofilter process used in this research is combination processes of anerobe and aerobe. Optimum removal efficiency without coagulants occurs in 72 hours detention time with effluent concentration of COD, TSS and color are below Effluent Standards according to the standard of KEP-51/MENLH/10/1995 and Kep Gub KDKI Jakarta No. 582 year 1995, classification B. While optimum removal efficiency with Alum – Soda coagulants (9:1) occurs at 400 mg/L, with COD effluent concentration, TSS, and color below standard quality. Identification result shows that dominant microorganisms rolled in degradation of organic matter and color from biofilter using ceramics media are Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aueruginosa, and Staphylococcus albus. Key word : biofilter, anoxic, anaerobe and aerobe processes, coagulation
Dosen Teknik Lingkungan FALTL USAKTI
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Kajian Kualitas Perairan Sungai Ciliwung Diana Hendrawan, Melati Ferianita Fachrul∗) Abstract The pollution level in Ciliwung River is predicted to increase annually, due to increased human activities. While regional government (PEMDA) regulations restricting settlement areas near river vicinity has not been properly enforced. Water quality is measured by Water Quality Index (WQI) using several parameters related to water quality. The range of WQI is 55.17 – 57.75 (medium/average) in 1996, 50.12 – 56.38 (medium/average) in 1997, 40.81 – 52.18 (fair - medium/average) in 1999, 48.12 – 51.08 (fair medium/average) in 2000, 50.46 – 59.44 (medium/average) in 2001. At present WQI of Ciliwung river is categorized as fair – medium. Key words: Water Pollution, Water Quality Index
Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan – FALTL Universitas Trisakti *) Disampaikan pada “Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti 2003”13 Agustus 2003, Kampus A Universitas Trisakti
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ISSN: 0853-77320
Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Trisakti Masjid Tajug di Pesisir Pantai Utara Jawa Tengah : Repetisi Atau Interpretasi ? Mohammad Ischak Penilaian Ekonomi Kerusakan Lingkungan Dampak Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Kabupaten Sintang Kalimantan Barat 1 Lukman Yunus2, Bunasor Sanim3, F.Gunarwan Suratmo3, Dudung Darusman3, Harry Santoso3 The Relevant Need for an Effective Multicultural Education at Indonesian Higher Education to Revitalize Nationalism Maftuchah Yusuf Peran Ilmuwan Indonesia dalam Menumbuhkan Ilmu dan Pengetahuan yang Bersumber dari Tanah Air Dadan Umar Daihani Inovasi : Metode “Delphi”Sebagai Alat untuk Mencapai Konsesus Agus Budi Purnomo Review Buku: Gerakan Massa Prasetya Utama Nomor 16, volume 3, Desember 2004
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Observation was done on community mosques in northern coastal areas of Java. This form of mosque is known as Tajug. Most of these mosques do not use dome roof. Tajug form is the first form of mosques in Java and special prototype of this mosque is the glorious mosque of Demak. The question raised is whether this type of mosque form is entirely influenced by local culture. This article will address the relation between Islamic values and its mosque building elements as well as the culture and history of the Javanese community. The observation has been conducted in community mosques of northern coastal area of central Java namely Pekalongan, Batang, Tegal and Brebes districts.
Keywords : community mosque, tajug, repetition, interpretation
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Penilaian Ekonomi Kerusakan Lingkungan Dampak Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Kabupaten Sintang Kalimantan Barat 1 Lukman Yunus2, Bunasor Sanim3, F.Gunarwan Suratmo3, Dudung Darusman3, Harry Santoso3 Abstract⋅ This research aims to analyze: the impacts of land and forest fires, compares the econo-mical valuation method of the forest fire impacts, total economic value of plantation and forest losses (tangible and intangible), the economical losses of haze and its political impacts, the correlation between natural factors and human activity (socio-economic) which affects forest fires, economic losses in terms of forest area and land function, and a model of land and forest fires. Sample of land and forest fire are 42 ha and 250 people were interviewed. The economic valuation of the fire impact used : market price, productivity, replacement costs, income losses, health costs, transfer benefit and contingent valuation method, canonical correlation and regression analysis, and system analysis.
The total economic loss (12.923,82 ha) was Rp. 54,30 billion, consist of: forest resources (82,69%) and plantation (1,59%), the cost of fire control amounted (0,19%), and haze impact (15,53%). Simulation model will decrease the averages of land and forest fires in every year, and the optimistic scenario model is the fire using decreased 20% and increasing 20% of rainfall, and effort of fire mitigation is the best model for controlling land and forest fires.
1 ) Makalah disertasi disampaikan pada Seminar Pascasarjana
2 ) Mahasiswa PPS-IPB Program Studi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan 3 ) Komisi Pembimbing, berturut-turut sebagai Ketua dan Anggota
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The Relevant Need For An Effective Multicultural Education At Indonesian Higher Education To Revitalize Nationalism*) (A Working Paper) Maftuchah Yusuf**) Abstrak⋅ Setelah Presiden Soeharto lengser akibat krisis moneter Indonesia menjadi kaotis. Akibat krisis multidimensional ini situasi politik, ekonomi dan sosial memburuk. Kemiskinan meningkat, pelanggaran hukum, kekerasan, kehancuran sumber alam, merosotnya moral bangsa mengakibatkan kebingungan dan patah semangat pada masyarakat Indonesia. Setelah Pemilu 1999 suasana tidak berubah. Masa kepresidenan Presiden Habibie, diikuti oleh Abdulrahman Wahid dan Megawati Soekarnoputri (1997 – 2004) belum ada yang mampu membawa perbaikan kehidupan Bangsa. Keadaan ini memerlukan perbaikan cepat dan menyeluruh. Pemilu 2004 diadakan, agar memantapkan transformasi kehidupan demokrasi di Indonesia. Dengan biaya yang tinggi, wakil-wakil rakyat dipilih melalui Pemilu yang aman dan damai, dilengkapi dengan Pemilihan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden secara langsung. Untuk
This paper was written as a small contribution to the success of t he International Seminar on “ Multicultural Education: Revitalizing Nationalism and the Role of Higher Education Amid the Age of Globalization “
**) Professor
of Education
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memperbaiki keadaan di Indonesia pemerintah yang demokratis harus segera dilaksanakan. Sesuai dengan anjuran Rowena G. Layador persyaratan Transformasi Pemerintahan yang otoriter ke Pemerintahan Demokratis ialah: (1) Pemilihan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden langsung. (2) Partisipasi politik rakyat ditingkatkan. (3) Mewujudkan masyarakat Madani yang kuat. (4)Perubahan peranan militer. Dengan Pimpinan Nasional yang kuat dan melalui sistem Pendidikan Multikultural yang mantap Bangsa Indonesia diharapkan bisa memperbaiki keadaan, demi terwujudnya “Bhineka Tinggal Ika.
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Peran Ilmuwan Indonesia dalam Menumbuhkan Ilmu dan Pengetahuan yang Bersumber dari Tanah Air1) (Homegrown Science) Dadan Umar Daihani 2) Abstract Technology achievement is the most important factor in order to improve the competitive advantage of the nation. In the broad sense, technology can be defined as the way we do thing is all means, tools, techniques, and procedures used to accomplish some desired human purpose. The scientist often forgets that our environment teach a lot of things that can be codified as a formal technology. A lot of tacit knowledge and indigenous technology are buried because we never documented or coded those technologies. This paper will show that Indonesia has a lot of valuable and usable indigenous technologies. The challenge is “do the Indonesian scientists realize about it?” Key word: Indigenous Technology, Formal Technology, Tacit Knowledge, Coded Knowledge, Indonesia
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Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Trisakti
Potensi Tembaga Sebagai Kerajinan Dekoratif Pelengkap Interior di Desa Tumang - Cipogo, Boyolali
Cama Juli Ria
Arbitrase Sebagai Forum Penyelesaian Sengketa Kegiatan Pasar Modal di Indonesia)
Dampak Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Erosi dan Hidrology di DAS Besai-Lampung Barat
Jamartin Sihite
Kemiripan Antara Gambar-Gambar Frank Lloyd Wright dengan "Hyakkei"
Agus Budi Purnomo
Morfologi Arsitektur Sumba
Moh. Ali Topan
Inovasi : Data Keruangan dan Sistim Informasi Geografis
Agus Budi Purnomo
Review Buku: The Problem of Style Prasetya Utama
Nomor 17, volurne 3, Juli 2005
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Potensi Tembaga Sebagai Kerajinan Dekoratif Pelengkap Interior di Desa Tumang - Cipogo, Boyolali Cama Juli Ria Abstract The Public has known and been familiar with house hardware made of copper, such as dandang (a large metal vessel for steaming rice), tempayan (large water jar), kencheng (friying pan), etc. Copper has special characteristics, such as easy to be formed and bended, has a good strained strength, can be carved, and easy to be mixed with other metals. It could also be produced with various colours. Thus, copper could be used and formed as arts or crafts, which would have functional and decorative value. For example : cooper could be made into a flower pot / vase, umbrella stands, wall lamps, hanging lamps, wall decorations, and souvenirs. Copper crafts, which have special and unique characteristics of a certain region, are as one of various assets from natural culture wealth and Indonesian people have to substain and develop these crafts, so they could be more familiar and the community would be more interested in these crafts. Tumang village in Cipogo, Boyolali - Central Java, is one of villages where most of its people (80% ) work as copper craftman, whereas their skills came from tlreir fore fathers. There is a small number of people work as traditional copper craftman and a larger number of people who begin work as decorative copper craftman. Key Words : Copper, craft, decorative value, Tumang Village
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Arbitrase Sebagai Forum Penyelesaian Sengketa Kegiatan Pasar Modal di Indonesia Bachtiar
Abstract Arbitration in Indonesia has been written in the Laws No. 30 Year 1999 on Arbitration (UU No. 30 / 1999) as a substitution of the laws ort arbitration made by the colonial Dutch Government. Arbitration is an alternative from formal justice made by the country and it has been known for a long time. It is simply defined as a way of civil dispute resolution outside the court that is based on the arbitration agreement made by several parties who are involved in the dispute. From this definition, there are three important elements (1) Arbitration as a process of adjudication, (2) Privacy, and (3) Problem solving by arbitration based on agreement. The dispute that might occur in the capital market has a unique character which demands knowledge and skills in the field of capital market. To make arbitration as the first options for solving a dispute in the capital market, it will be very important if all parties holding a cooperation include an article on arbitration in the contract or the agreement letter. Keywords : Arbitrase, sengketa, pasar modal, kontrak, BAPMI, BAPEPAM.
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Dampak Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Erosi dan Hidrology di DAS Besai-Lampung Barat Jamartin Sihite Abstract Many conflicts over the use of land resources involve competing interest group with various different reasons. These different interests cause conflict in upstream and down stream management in watershed. In upstream, population pressure on land causes landuse changes. Changes from forest to coffee plantation cause increase in soil erosion, run-off and fluctuation in stream dis-charge. In 1975 when 42, 6% of watershed area are forested, soil erosion was low (12,08 ton/ha/year), stream discharge had not fluctuated. In 1997 when forest area decreased to only 8,4% and coffee plantation become 71,2 % of watershed area, erosion was 49,93 ton/ha/year and stream discharge, greatly fluctuated. Researeh showed the irnpact of land-use changes could be rnanaged by using soil urrd water conservation. This practice decreased soil erosion rnore than 80%. Key words : Landuse change, erosion, run-off and discharge
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Kemiripan antara Gambar-Gambar Frank Lloyd Wright dengan "Hyakkei" Agus Budi Purnomo
Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the most leading architect of Modern Architecture. In this paper various architectural drawings done by Wright are considered to be similar to Hyakkei, a traditional Japanese drawings. The similarities can be seen on how both Wright's drawings and Hyakkei composed the fore, mid and background of the drawings. Keywords: Hyakkei, fore, mid, background.
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Morfologi Arsitektur Sumba Moh. Ali Topan
Abstract Structure, form, orientation and other elements of settlement are part of the architecture morphology. This paper discussed the traditional architecture of Sumba dealing with culture and religion of society. The result of the discussion indicated that the traditional arcitecture of Sumba constituted an inseparable part of culture and the society’s way of life. Key word: Architecture traditional Sumba, marapan, parona/parainga, nasar uma.
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ISSN: 0853-77320
Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Trisakti Fear of Crime Indices of Jakarta Agus Budi Purnomo Valuasi Ekonomi Dampak Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan di DAS Besai-Lampung Barat Jamartin Sihite Perubahan Guna Lahan di DAS Ciliwung terhadap Kualitas Air Diana Hendrawan, Melati Ferianita-Fachrul, Anita Sitawati, Afiat Anugrahadi Distribusi Daerah Resapan DKI Jakarta Melalui Pendekatan Infiltrasi dan Iklim Erwin Iskandar Manajemen dan Konstruksi Fasilitas Pengolahan dan Pengelolaan Limbah B3 PT. Ppli Hilarion Widyatmoko Inovasi : Penggunaan Prosedur Correlate SPSS untuk Menurunkan Matriks Hubungan Ruang Agus Budi Purnomo Review Buku: Mengendalikan Sang Naga Prasetya Utama Nomor 18, volume 4, Agustus 2006
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Fear of Crime Indices of Jakarta Agus Budi Purnomo*) Abstract Fear of Crime can be considered as an urban phenomenon. In this paper the author describe a research on the concept of Fear of Crime (FOC) in Jakarta, Indonesia. In 2004 a Telephone Survey were conducted to thousand respondents in Jakarta. Questions were asked to the stratified randomly sampled respondents. By using several variables which includes prior victimization, indirect experience, gender, age, occupation and context, FOC indices where constructed. As a result two type of FOC indices where extracted. The first factor is the Direct FOC Index that account for the direct influence of crime to FOC. The second factor is the Indirect FOC Index. This factor describes a type of FOC that is influenced by indirect experience to crime. Keywords: Fear of Crime Index, Direct FOC, Indirect FOC.
[email protected]
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Valuasi Ekonomi Dampak Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan di Das Besai-Lampung Barat Jamartin Sihite*) Abstract In Besai watershed increasing population causes the degradation of watershed de-gradation. Many conflicts over the use of land resources involve competing interest group for very different reasons. These different interest from each stakes holder causes conflict in upstream and down stream management in watershed. In upstream, population pressure in land causes land-use changes. Using unsustainable farming system. Farming can inflict off-site cost on low-land economies through the processes of erosion and sediment-tation and changes the hydrological patterns and water quality. The costs are not internalized and affect downstream landowners and other water users. The off site costs and benefits are not reflected in farmer decision, but they are an integral part of the economic impacts of land-use changesits effect are potentially far reaching, not only for the agriculture sector and in terms of market failure. Key words : landuse change,
FALTL USAKTI, Jakarta, Indonesia.
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Perubahan Guna Lahan di Das Ciliwung Terhadap Kualitas Air Diana Hendrawan, Melati Ferianita-Fachrul, Anita Sitawati, Afiat Anugrahadi∗) Abstract Ciliwung river as water body has many functions. The changes of allotment in water catchment area will directly or indirectly change the water quality, and also decreased its benefits as well. For 30 years (1970-200), the width of the wetland area and water body decreased to 55% (5,774 Ha). Water Quality Index (WQI) of Ciliwung river was decreased to 33,38% during 12 years. Generally, the decreasing of WQI shows that the Ciliwung river water quality decreased cause by landuse alteration. Keywords: landuse, water quality
[email protected],
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Distribusi Daerah Resapan DKI Jakarta Melalui Pendekatan Inflitrasi dan Iklim Erwin Iskandar*) Abstract Jakarta province has experienced rapid development in various sectors. This growth has caused various new problems, among others, limited absorptive areas due to increase of closed areas. This article based on research rainfall intensity distribution and filtration capacity distribution adjusted to climate condition and geology, within closed areas in Jakarta. Optimal area use should be reconsidered, so that government policy in sustainable development does not conflict with environment capacity. The compares locations with high infil-tration distribution value and climate distribution with location high rainfall, by using adjusted Landsat imaging using band 4, 5 and 7 and indicates Area Distribution and Absorptive Potential of Jakarta Province. As result, it can be concluded that soil condition in Jakarta province is capable of water absorption with long duration of rainfall but with low intensity. South Jakarta is an area that is capable of containing rainfall with intensity and area land use is based on capacity and support system of its immediate environment. Keywords: rainfall intensity; climate, geology and soil condition.
Pusat Studi Lingkungan Lemlit USAKTI
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Manajemen dan Konstruksi Fasilitas Pengolahan dan Pengelolaan Limbah B3 PT. PPLI Hilarion Widyatmoko*)
Abstract Most of hazardous waste in Indonesia are processed by PT. PPLI. The facility PT. PPLI consist of on site landfill, solidification plant, physical/chemical and biological treatment plant. The concept of this integrated waste management center is the proces-ses of resources recovery and treatment prior to disposal. The investigation of the monitoring system, technology of stabilization process, construction of landfill and management shows that PT. PPLI is in need of improve-ment. The subtitution of hazardous waste for fuel does not always go well. Some organic materrials are unrecoverable and must be stabilized, afterward transported for disposal in secure landfill. The analysis of five employees indicated personel exposure how ever the employers have been protected by suits, face shields, hard hats, and breathing respirators The high concentration of TDS, NH3 and COD in Secondary Leachate Collection System indicate a possible failure of the Primary Leachate Liner System, which need correctif action as soon as posible to prevent the groundwater contamination. Keyword: Landfill, contamination.
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ISSN: 0853-77320
Jurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Trisakti Penataan Ruang dan Proses Dialektik Sebuah Kritik kepada Undang-Undang Nomor 24/1992 Agus Budi Purnomo Politik Hukum dalam Menetapkan Undang-Undang No. 39 Tahun 1999 Tentang Hak Asasi Manusia Endyk Muhammad Asror The Hidden Dimension in Indonesian Cultural Landscape: in Retrospect and Its Prospect with Focus on Java Jusna M. Amin Penerapan Competency-Based dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia Dewi Wahyu H Analisis Statistika Peubah Ganda Julia Damayanti Inovasi : Loncatan Kreatif menurut Teori Katastrof Agus Budi Purnomo Review Buku: Meminjam Tehnik Sastra Mengungkap Fakta Prasetya Utama Nomor 19, volume 4, Desember 2006
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Penataan Ruang dan Proses Dialektik Sebuah Kritik kepada Undang-Undang Nomor 24/1992 Agus Budi Purnomo∗) Abstract Spatial Planning in Indonesia is regulated by law No. 24, 1992. The Law regulates spatial and temporal planning in a linear process. Therefore the Law is unable to COPE with dynamics and narrations that exist in the real world. In order to eliminate that disabilities that exist within the Law no 24, 1992, in this paper the author propose a dialectics process in spatial planning. The dialectics approach is not hierarchical linier, unlike law no. 24/1992, it could solve the problem of coordination in spatial planning. Furthermore the approach has the ability to handle the existing complexity, contradiction and dynamics that had became the characteristics of spatial Planning in Indonesia. Kata kunci: penataan ruang, proses dialektik, koordinasi.
[email protected]
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Politik Hukum dalam Menetapkan Undang-Undang No. 39 Tahun 1999 Tentang Hak Asasi Manusia Endyk Muhammad Asror∗) Abstract Law enforcement connects to law assurance and the demand for Human Right should always be maintained.. Although The National Committee of Human Right (Komnas HAM) is independent, it cannot be separated from the existing political context. Since Komnas HAM can not work independently, the goverment issued law No.39 in 1999 concerning Human Right. With this law, the performance of Komnas HAM is not only political, but also has the function to supervise and take care the equilibirium of human right issues in Indonesia. Hopefully, all parties such as executives, politicians and society will always support Komnas HAM. Keywords:Politik Hukum, UU No 39/1999, Penegakan HAM
nomor Hp: 08161491101
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The Hidden Dimension in Javanese Cultural Landscape: in Retrospect and Its Prospect With Focus on Java Jusna M. Amin1 Abstract This paper talks about the landscape heritage in Indonesia – with focus on its cultural identity in the landscape, and emphasis on the island of Java. There are more than 300 ethnic groups in Indonesia; each one has its own unique tradition and culture. This discourse on the Javanese attitudes and philosophies relating to nature and landscape is based on results of investigation through the shadow puppet ritual, archaeological artifacts and old chronicles. It is argued here, that based on historical facts, the Asian cultures or the oriental arts in landscape design has long before the 14th Century created beautiful gardens out of awareness that humankind is part of universal nature. In the Western countries, the occidental arts reached this awareness only after the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th Century. The problem now is that awareness of the importance of those heritage landscapes sometime seemed a lost concept. In this postmodern era, landscape architects in the Eastern region of the world should not be swept up in the dilemma of the globalization of capital and investment and the fight back of local culture. By looking closely at the landscape and settlement patterns of our heritage places we could have a substantial and 1
Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, the Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Paper presented at the Opening of the 2nd National Conference of ISOLA, on 24 February 2006, at the Taj West End, Bangalore, India.
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strong platform of experience, knowledge and professional expertise on which we built or deciding not to build. The hidden dimension in our cultural landscape rest in all way of life – mostly in appreciation of nature, loving and enjoying… It should remind us of our professional attitude toward nature, that is,’ stewardship’. These are implanted in our collective memories (heritage) as treasures that can nurture and give prosperity for the future of our profession and provide answers to the globalization challenges.
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Penerapan Competency-Based dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia di Pt. “A.X.I” Dewi Wahyu Handayani*) Abstract Human Resource is one of the significant assets for a company. Today, organization is facing a rapid growth and turbulance condition. Within such context, management must create employee who have value. This paper described the idea and implementation of Competency-Based in order to achieve PT. “A.X.I” (persero) objectives. Keywords: Competency, The Iceberg Model, Types of Competency, Matrix of Competency
[email protected]
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Statistika Peubah Ganda Julia Damayanti*) Abstract Multivariate analysis is used to analyze a group of data where more than one measurement exists in each individual. With this analysis, it is possible to explore and extract information from a group of multivariate data --where interdependence among measurements normally exists – without enforcing a boundary condition. Multivariate analysis enables pattern detection of a random sample of data and the possibility of drawing correlation between individuals. More information can be extracted using this method compared to individual comparison and observation of each object, enabling appropriate conclusion to be drawn. Since multiple measurements in one object exist in every aspects of life, multivariate analysis is an appropriate technique to apply. Multivariate analysis was first introduced in the 1930s, but its application was still limited due to the complex computation. With the development of computer technology in the last thirty years, multivariate analysis has now become an easier tool to use in statistics. The techniques in multivariate analysis emphasize the importance of geometric presentation and is not associated with a specific stochastic model and thus neglecting the question whether a result will be observable at the end. One technique that has been widely used is to reduce the dimension of data and represent the data graphically in a two-dimensional space. Keywords: Statistika Peubah Ganda
[email protected]/hp.08159101959
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ISSN : Q853-TI20
Kandungan Logam Berat Dan Unsur Polutan Lainnya Pada Air Bersih di Kawasan DKI Jakarta
Envin Iskandar, Anni Sopannata, Kusnadi
Studi Toleransi Tanaman Penednh Jalan dan Kemampuan Mengurangi Polusi Udara H.M. Yahya Fakuara, Endes N. Dahlan, Ida A.S. Danur, H. Pringgodigdo, Sigit P.H., Yahya A. Husin, Ekarelawan
Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Urbanisasi di Indonesia
Anna S.N. Da'sril, Tatik Mariyanti
Survei Fasilitas Mandi Cuci Kakus (MCK) di Wilayah DKI Jakarta
Agus Saladin, Mohamad Ali Topan
Kecenderungan Penyebaran Pedagang Kaki Lima di DKI jakarta
Agus Budi Purnomo, Enny S. Sardiyarso
Nomor 2 juli , 1996
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Anni Sopannata Kusnadi Abstract The purpose of this research is to investigate the concentration of certain polution of heavy metal such as Cadmium(Cd), Chromium(Cr), Lead(Pb), and several other metal such as Arsenicum(As), Iron(Fe), Phosphate(P04-), Mangan(Mn), Nitrate(N02-), Cyanide(Cn-) and other polutants in the groundwater at Jakarta. As a result, it can be seen that the concentration of those polutants are mostly ten times above the standard established by The Indonesian Department of Health. From the maps of polution drawn by the team it is known that Northern and Western part of Jakarta are the most poluted area in Jakarta.
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STUDI TOLERANSI KEMAMPUAN TANAMAN PENEDUH JALAN DALAM MENGURANGI POLUSI UDARA H.M. Yahya Fakuara Endes N. Dahlan Ida A.S. Dannr H. Pringgodigdo Sigit P.H. Yahya A. Husin Ekarelawan
ABSTRACT Due to the intensity of motor vehicle usage, air polution in urban area has became a major problem. Vegetation such as trees are known to have the ability to excerbate air polution. Therefore in this study we intent to investigate the sensivity of certain tree species to air polution. As a result, it is known that certain tree such as F. decipiens and P. dulce are less sensitive to air polution, while others such as M. champaca is more sensitive. With that knowledge the appropriate species can be proposed to be applied as air polution control in urban area.
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ABSTRACT At present urbanization has become an urban, problem. The rate of urbanization in the city of the world is rapid indeed. In developing countries like Indonesia the rate of urbanization is relatively larger than in more developed countries. This study investigates the factors which cause urbanization in lndonesia. As a result it is known that several factors such as the rate of investment is linked to urbanization. This result then can be used as a base to rethink about the present investment policy.
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SURVEI FASILITAS MANDI CUCI KAKUS(MCK) DI WILAYAH DKI JAKARTA Agus Saladin Mohammad Ali Topan ABSTRACT Public utilities and services is one of the basic urban problem, especially in slum area and squatter. The author surveys public toilets and relevant facilities in DKI Jakarta. It is concluded that the main pmvider of public toilets in Jakarta is the city government. From the survey it is aLso known that the inhabitant of Jakarta appreciates the existence of public toilets. In the face of increasing population, the possibility of privately managed public toilets may help the government in fullfilling the needs of its people.
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ABS'TRACT The purposes of this study are to look at the trend of street-hawker density and its relation to the trend of the density of physical development in Jakarta, Indonesia. As a conclusion it can be said that the trend of street-hawker density from 1987 to 1991 in Jakarta is oriented to Sovth-North axis and correlates with the density of the present physical development of the city.
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Opening Remarks By The State Minister Of Housing Akbar Tanjung Social and Economic Issues in Urban Communities: Planning and Development of Satellite Town (New Towns) in Southeast Asia Soefjan Tsauri Education a~d Planni~g in The Face of Power Agus Budi Purnomo Dadan Umar Daihani Nyayu Fatimah Urban Governance of Singapore;:A Planning Model, for Other Southeast Asian Cities Charles Goldblum Problems and Prospects of Indd~esian New Towns Development Djoko Sujarto Urban Developm~irit'Strategy for Developing Countries Hindro T. Soemarjan Social and Economic Issues in Urban Communities: Planning and Development of Satellite Town in Southeast Asia Invan Abdullah The Arts in Jakarta Urban Development Yulianti Parani Toward Sustainable Cities Urban Community and Environment in The Third World Peter J. M. Nas and Margriet Veenma The Self-contained Urban Communities Based on the Ecological Balance in the Region Shuji Funo Urban Problems of Bangkok and Development of New Towns Suwattana Thadaniti Social and Development of New Towns in South-East Asia Trevor Hogan Planning and Development of New (Satellite) Towns: Commentary on New Towns in Singapore Victor R. Savage -
Nomor 3 juli, 1997
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EDUCATION AND PLANNING IN THE FACE OF POWER By Agus Budi Purnomo Dadan Umar Daihani Nyayu Fatimah
Abstract Paper ini membahas tentang berbagai proses yang membentuk sebuah kota. Mulai pada dasawarsa 80`an, kekuatan politik mulai menjadi penentu bentuk kota. Dalam paper ini dibahas berbagai cara dalam mendidik calon perencana kota agar mampu bertindak di hadapan kekuatan politik yang makin dominan itu.
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URBAN GOVERNANCE OF SINGAPORE: A Planing Model for Other Southeast Asian Cities? by
Charles Goldblum
Abstract Tulisan ini membahas berbagai strategi pembangunan kota-baru di singapura. Mulai dari cara memberi insentif kepada inovasi, pemisahan dan penyatuan kembali, berbagai aspek budaya, hingga rekayasa sosial vang telah dilakukan memberikan Singapura kota-baru yang dapat dicontoh oleh negara lain seperti Indonesia.
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by Djoko Sujarto Abstract Kota baru di Indonesia pada dasarnya ditujukan untuk mengarahkan pertumbuhan penduduk keluar dari kota-kota besar. Hanya dalam prakteknya ternyata pembangunan kota-kota baru tersebut justru melepaskan penduduk asal dari dasar-dasar ekonominya dengan tanpa mampu memberi dasar ekonomi baru kepada penduduk baru. Hal ini telah menimbulkan banyak masalah dengan tanpa menyelesaikan masalah yang ada di kota-kota besar. Urbanisasi penduduk yang tanahnya digunakan untuk membangun kota baru justru meningkat. Komuter dari kota baru ke kota induk justru memperparah kemacetan di jalan-jalan utama.
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URBAN DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES by Hindro T. Soemarjan Abstract Kota-Kota di Indonesia sudah terlalu besar sehingga banyak masalah sosial timbul. Dimasa lalu kebujaksanaan perkotaan telah memperbesar laju urbanisasi. Oleh sebab itu, perlu adanya penyebaran pertumbuhan. Pembangunan kota-kota baru adalah salah satu usaha utntuk memperkecil beban kota Iama yang sudah terlalu besar dan padat. Undang-Undang Tata Ruang dan Undang-Undang Perumahan dan Permukiman menghubungkan pembangunan kota baru dengan kota baru lainnya.
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THE ARTS IN JAKARTA URBAN DEVELOPMENT by Yulianti Parani Abstract Tulisan ini membahas sejarah pcrkembangan "Urban-arts" di Jakarta. Ternyata perkembangan "Urban-arts" tersebut dari masa-kemasa banyak dipengaruhi oleh berbagai pihak dan konsep. Salah satu konsep yang dibahas dalam paper ini ialah "post-mo" dalam "Urban-arts" di Jakarta.
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TOWARD SUSTAINABLE CITIES URBAN COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE THIRD WORLD by Peter J.M. Nas and Margriet Veenma Abstract Dalam tulisan ini di bahas tentang hubungan antara kota dengan lingkungannya. Ada beberapa faktor yang menjadi perhatian. Pertama kota adalah sebuah mesin produksi. Kedua, kota dan lingkungannya mempunyai daya dukung yang terbatas. Ketiga, bila kota sebagai mesin produksi digerakkan dengan tanpa memperhatikan daya dukung lingkungan maka kota akan memberi dampak negatif terhadap penghuninya. Untuk mengatasi hal itu daerah hijau kota perlu di kelola dan dipertahankan sehingga dampak negatif pertumbuhan kota dapat dibatasi.
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CONTAINED THE SELF-URBAN COMMUNITIES Based on the Ecological Balance in the region by
Shuji Funo
Abstract Dalam paper ini Funo membahas sejarah kebijaksanaan dan teknologi perencanaan kota di jepang serta pengaruhnya kepada pembangunan “New-towns" setelah perang dunia ke dua. Funo juga membahas hasil pengamatannya terhadap kampung-kampung di Surabaya sebagai model bagi "New-towns" yang akan dibangun di Indonesia.
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Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the urban problems of Bangkok as a mega-city in Southeast Asia. The focus of the discussion will be on the causes of problems and attempt of the Government to build New Towns as one alternative of the solutions. It is hoped that this paper will provide some useful viewpoints for planners to formulate the appropriate way to combat future urban problem, issues and challenges.
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SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ISSUES IN URBAN COMMUNITIES: Planning and Development of New Towns in South-East Asia by TREVOR HOGAN Abstract Paper ini membahas tentang hubungan antara konteks budaya, politik dan teoritis yang membentuk kota-kota di Australia. Terutama konteks perkembangan konsep perkotaan seperti "Garden City" Ebenezer Howard, dan antipati yang timbul terhadap konsep tersebut di masa sekarang.
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Abstract Pa per ini membahas tenta ng sejarah, la ta r-belakang terbentuknya "New-towns" di Sina gapura. Lebih lanjut la gi paper ini membahas berbagai ka rakteristik vang harus dimiliki oleh sebua h "N ew-towns" di Singapura.
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ISS~t : 08~3-7720
Teaching Unit of Trisakti University
RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION ENVIROMMENT: EMPHASIS ON INDUSTRIAL RELEVANCE By, Bahrom Sanugi, Aalan Ab. Rahman and Abdul Hakim Mohamed, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
EVALUATION OF THE SHORT COURSE PROGRAM IN THE MEDICAL FACULTY, TRISAKTI UNIVERSITY, ACADEMIC YEAR 1996-1997, By Nugroho Abikusno and Rina Kurniasri, Depts, Community Medicine ar.d .Medical Nutrition and Dept. Medical Education Development, Trisakti University.
FAMILY REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH TO EMPOWER WOMEN FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, By Nugroho Abikusno, MD., M.Sc., Dr. PH, Center for Community Health and Population Studies, Trisakti Research Institute, Trisakti University
DR. Ir. Dadan Umar Daihani, Ketua Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Trisakti
SISTIM MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI DI INDONESIA, Oleh Ruth Simatupang Dripatmanto, MH., Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Institusi-Lembaga Penelitian, Universitas Trisakti.
PENGEMBANGAN PROSES BELAJAR MENGAJAR DI JURUSAN TEKNIK INFORMATIKA, UNIVERSITAS TRISAKTI, Oleh Djasli Djamarus, Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik Industri, Universitas Trisakti
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Maftuchah Yusuf and Sutanto Sewoyo Abstract Telah terjadi kesen jangan antara pendidikan bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah dengan di perguruan tinggi yang menjadi perhatian dari para pengambil keputusan di bidang pendidikan. Membiarkan kesenjangan tersebut akan menghasilkan para sarjana yang tidak memiliki kemampuan berbahasa In ggris yan g cukup untuk menguasai iptek dan bidang-bidang lain yang terkait dengan pembangunan nasional. Hal tersebut disebabkan anggapan para pengambil keputusan bahwa penguasaan bahasa Inggris lu lusan sekolah menengah telah memadai setelah diterima di perguruan tinggi. Di perguruan tinggi mata kuliah bahasa Inggris diberikan seban yak 2 kredit. Tujuan mata kuliah tersebut kurang velas, bermuatan banyak seh ingga membingungkan dan menurunkan motivasi para pengajar. Hambatan lain adalah kurang adan ya koordin asi perencanaan materi di sekolah menengah dan di perguruan tinggi. Cara-cara terbaik dan jalan pintas harus diformulasikan untuk menyempurnakan pengajaran mata ku liah bahasa Inggris di perguruan tinggi.
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RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT: EMPHASIS ON INDUSTRIAL RELEVANCE *) by: Bahron Sanugi, Azlan Ab. Rahman and Abdu1 Hakim Mohamed **) Abstract
Pendidikan pascasarjana adalah sumber SDM yang mendukung penelitian dan perguruan tinggi. Keberhasilan program riset individual merupakan kriteria penting untuk menilai kualitas penelitian institusional. Misi universitas yang fungsi utama adalah di bidang pendidikan, penelitian dasar dan pengabdian masyarakat telah diperluas mengikut-sertakan transfer teknologi dan penerapan hasil penelitian oleh industri, sehingga penelitian pascasarjana dirancang sesuai kebutuhan industri. Tulisan ini menekan kebutuhan untuk memasukkan faktor yang mendukung kemitraan universitas-industri.
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Abstract Program pascasarjana dibuka di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) pada tahun 1982. Fakultas pascasarjana dibentuk pada tahun 1993. Fungsi fakultas tersebut adalah untuk meningkatkan dan fasilitasi pelaksanaan dan kualitas program tersebut. Pengembangan dari program pascasarjana harus memperhatikan beberapa aspek yakni (1) sumber daya manusia yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan iptek, (2) pengembangan program yang berorientasi pada industri, dan (3) pengembangan industri kecil yang sedang digalakkan pula oleh pemerintah. Dengan demikian diperlukan suatu sikap proaktif, pergeseran paradigma dan komitmen dari masyarakat di bidang pendidikan iptek. Tulisan ini menggambarkan pengalaman UTM dalam melaksanakan, menerapkan dan menjaga kualitas dari sistem pendidikan pascasarjana sesuai dengan cita-cita nasional.
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EVALUATION OF THE SHORT COURSE PROGRAM IN THE MEDICAL FACULTY, TRISAKTI UNIVERSITY, ACADEMIC YEAR 1996-1997 by Nugroho Abikusno *) and Rina Kurniasri**) Abstract Penelitian institusional adalah penelitian yang ditujukan pada peningkatan kinerja institusi yakni manusia, materi dan proses untuk mencapai sasaran akhir standar pendidikan tinggi yang unggul. Inisiatif yang bersifat inovatif sangat diperlukan supaya institusi pendidikan tersebut dapat bersaing di era globalisasi mendatang. Dalam kaitan ini, Fakultas Kedokteran USAKTI telah menyelenggarakan program semester pendek (PSP) dengan tujuan memberikan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa dengan nilai C ke bawah untuk meningkatkan Indeks Prestasi (IP). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengadakan evaluasi terhadap hasil output program semester pendek tersebut yang dibandingkan dengan ujian semester genap tahun akademik 1996-1997 (USG) dan hasil ujian perbaikan (UP) yang mengikutinya. Analisis dilakukan dengan menilai output dari 26 mata kuliah yang mengikuti program semester pendek tersebut. Hasil itu dianalisa menggunakan teknik tabel 2 x 2 dan tes chi. Secara keseluruhan, terjadi peningkatan sebesar 30% peserta yang mengikuti UP dibandingkan USG sebelumnya (p < .00001). Terjadi peningkatan sebesar 37% peserta PSP dibandingkan USG sebelumnya (p 11 g%), at 2 subdistricts of Cilandak in 1996-1997. A closed-questionnaire with 34 variables was used in the survey. Nominal analysis was done by the ?+² test. The results showed that non-anemic mothers had more husbands with higher income compared to anemic mothers (p < .001). Non-anemic mothers had more ante natal visits (4 visits) than anemic mothers (< 4 visits; p < .0001). Nonanemic mothers ate a larger portion of food (> 3 x per day) compared to anemic mothers (p < .0001). Non-anemic mothers consumed iron pills regularly (1 per day) while anemic mothers consumed iron pills irregularly (p . < .0001). Non-anemic mothers knew how to store iron pills correctly compared to anemic mothers who stored it incorrectly (p < .0001). In our study the factors that influenced iron deficiency anemia were (1) husband income, (2) frequency of ante natal visits, (3) daily food portion during pregnancy, and (4) regularity of iron pill consumption and appropriate storing of iron pills. We recommend that an effective strategy in safe motherhood health promotion should be directed to (1) increasing level of family income, (2) health cadres should focus on routine pregnancy examination, an adequate, well-balanced diet and (3) regular consumption and proper storage of iron tablets by the pregnaan mother. Keywords: Women; Income; Pregnancy; Nutrition; Iron Supplementation; Indonesia.
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PARIWISATA SENI DAN BUDAYA DI DKI JAKARTA Oleh: Sufwandi Mangkudilaga Abstract
In the globalization era, Tourism will definitely provide substantial funding for development in Indonesia. Among the various sectors in "Tourism, Arts and Culture are the main reasons why foreign and domestic tourist visit Jakarta. In this paper the author has attempted to present an overview of the `I'ourism industry in Indonesia, Tourism in Jakarta, Jakarta's History and Culture, Cultural tourist attractions, exhibitions and festivals, and lastly recommendations for tourism development. "I'his paper will also benefit shadents in the field of Tourism for the future planning and development of individual research projects.
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Abstrak Masalah penelitian merupakan suatu dilema pada sebuah perguruan tinggi, khususnya perguruan tinggi swasta di Indonesia. Penelitian merupakan suatu kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan bagi sebuah perguruan tinggi sebagai suatu pusat pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi sekaligus sebagai suatu masyarakat ilmiah. Namun dilain pihak masalah dana maupun sarana dan prasarana yang ada tidaklah memadai. Akibat dari minimnya penelitian yang ada maka dapat dipastikan pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi kualitas pendidikan tinggi di indonesia. P;idahal di dalam menyongsong Era Globalisasi kita justru membutuhkan kualitas dari pendidikan yang semakin tinggi sehingga para lulusan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia mampu untuk berkornpetisi dengan para sarjana lainnya dari manca negara. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk memaparkan masalah penelitian sekaligus upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas maupun kuantitas dari pendidikan di perguruan tinggi melalui penelitian.
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HEALTH RESEARCH POTENTIAL AT TRISAKTI UNIVERSITY Dr. Nugroho Abikusno, M.D., M.Sc., DrPH Abstrak Tulisan ini berisi laporan status Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Kep endudukan PKMK), Lembaga P enelitian Universitas "Trisakti, Jakarta. Misi pusat ini adalah memberikan informasi dan bantuan administrasi penelitian kepada p eneliti kesehatan dan kep endudukan yang memerlukan pelayanan dan kep akaran pusat itu. P KMK mempunyai pemusatan kajian pada (l) Pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat termasuk kesehatan gigi, (2) kesehatan kerja dan lingkungan, dan (3) studi kep endudukan terutama pekerja wanita sosial ekonomi rendah, migran, dan lanjut usia. P engembangan program p enelitian memerlukan konsistensi dari manajemen 3 aspek penting yang menunjang efektivitas program penelitian yakni (1) pelaku atau mereka yang berkepentingan, (2) berbagai faktor yang berkaitan dengan riset dan (3) lingkungan rudaya penelitian. Tulisan ini telah membahas mengenai potensi penelitian di kalangan peneliti kesehatan dan kependudukan, strategi penelitian secara umum di masa dep an, dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk program aksi masa depan yakni (1) reformasi misi penelitian sesuai kebutuhan para peneliti di lapangan, (2) re-orientasi sistem operasional p enelitian yang menunjang kualitas dan produktivitas p enelitian, dan (3) penyebarluasan informasi p enelitian melalui suatu sistem IEK yang terintegrasi dan ~emanfaatan fasilitas di Website USAKTI.
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At the end of a semester, students in a university await for their lecturers to announce each subject attended. All the student final grades including the grade point average (GI'A) of the last semester are summarized known as KHS. Almost at the same period, after knowing the last semester outcome, the student has to register himself for the next semester by filling out a form known as KRS (form of study plan). This process is repeated twice a year. The number of students usually increase from year to year causing the delay of study results and registration process that require numerous man hours to accomplish. Since several years ago, the university management has attempted to transform the manual process into a computerized process. Based on current information technology, this report suggests that the university implement an "on line registration system". This study demonstrated that the on line system provided some advantages for students and university management.
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PENILAIAN KINERJA SUMBERDAYA MANUSIA DI PERGURUAN TINGGI Agus Budi Purnomo Abstract The evaluation of the performance of human resource in a University is discussed in this article. At present in Indonesian university, the evaluation are based on larger aspect such as religious obedience. In terms of the goal of a university in educating young people, such criteria can be considered as far fetched. In this article we propose a system of evaluation which are ntore relevant to the core competence of the university.
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ISSN: 0853-7720
Analisa Keruangan Kerusuhan Mei 1998 di DKI Jakarta Agus Budi Purnomo Visualisasi Sistem Distribusi Air Bersih Oleh PDAM dan Penyebaran Penduduk Daerah Pulogadung dan Sekitarnya dari Tahun 1992 s/d 1996, Suatu Contoh Aplikasi "GIS" E. Iskandar, dan S. Chandrahayat Pemanfaatan Aplikasi GIS dan Model Hidrologi Dalam Perencanaan Land-Use, Jamartin Sihite. A Study on The Building Pattern and Its Change Along The Main ~Road By GIS Hidenori Tamagawa and Chang Hee Kwon Penggunaan "Multidimensionalscalling Dalam memetakan Matriks Hubungan Ruang Agus Budi Purnomo
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ANALISA KERUSUHAN MEI 1998 DI DKI JAKARTA Agus Budi Purnomo Abstract In the wake of "reformasi" io Indonesia, in May 1998 there was a huge riot in Jakarta. Many lives and possessions were lost. This article has attempted to explain the issues that might have triggered the riots. Based on evidence and annlysis, the study concluded that the riot was related to the economic crisis and social segregation and was triggered by a planned propocation. By underpinning those aspects, it is hoped that such a huge and uncontroable riot could be prevented in the future.
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Abstract Geographic Informatic>n System (GIS) can be used to analyse and manage data that is needed for landuse planning. Its ability to retrieve data is very useful in anticipating the possibilities of environmental changes. GIS can also be used as a tool for environmental modeling. The Use of GIS in hydrology modeling is useful to anticipate flood due to landuse changes. Satellite data also has the ability to assist in environmental monitoring. Pendahuluan penyaringan kesesuaian tipe penggunaan lahan yang lain. Teknologi sistem informasi geografis merupakan salah satu teknologi alternatif yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk menunjang proses perencanaan, khususnya dari segi pengumpulan dan penyediaan data potensi sumber dava alam dan air pada suatu lokasi tertentu serta n~engolah dan menVajikan data/informasi terseL~ut untuk berbagai kebutuhan analisis perencanaan dan penyusunan program. Adanya kegiatan penerapan SIG untuk menunjang pengembangan penentuan pola tata guna lahan merupakan salah satu alternatif metode penyusunan rencana dimana hasilnya diharapkan dapat menjadi arahan bagi shidi lanjutan seperti Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG/GIS), penginderaan jauh dan beberapa alat analisis yang dapat saling berkaitan meningkatkan kemampuan mengoleksi dan mensimulasi atau memanipulasi data dalam skala besar yang dibutuhkan dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya termasuk pengelolaan aliran permukaan yang berleUih yang dapat menimbulkan banjir. Pada areal yang kecil relatif lebih mudah untuk mengukur dan mentpelajari perilaku sistem hidrologi yang ada tetapi pada areal yang besar, kesulitan banyak dijmnpai dan berimplikasi pada biaya. Penggunaan model dalam perencanaan pengelolaan banjir merupakan salah satu alat analisis. Kombinasi dengan pemetaan dan data " Dosen Pada fA1.TL IJSAKTI lurnal Penelitian dan Karya Ilrniah [,emlit Usakti 6, 1999
Agus Budi Purnomo'~
bar 2 memperlihatkan contoh sehuah MI IIZ. `;ehuah hangunan umumnVa terciiri atas ruang-ruanT; vanl7 salin~ berhubungan. Olc-~h sebab itu snlah sW u tugas penting arsitek ial~jh unlul: membuat denah banT;unan denl;an ruang-ruang vang saliy; ber(~uT,un~;an sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan Tun~si tertentu dari tiap ruang tcr_ sebut (Broadbent, 7975). Membuat cienah, hioasanya dimulai dengan membuat diagram hubungan ru~n«. I~iagram tersebut n,emperlihatkan hubungan antar ruang dalam set,uoh denah (~nvder, 7983). I)asar baT;i diat;ram huhungan ruanl; ialah Matrila Iluhunl;an Ruang (MI fIZ), vaitu srjrnis txbel ~'anl; tc•rdiri alas set~ualt Lolom borisi ruan~-ruanf; 1'~ns; ~,cd pacja banT;unan itu, ~in scl salins~~,silanT; antar ruanT; berisi keeratan otau tingkat hubungan antar ruang ruang (T'almer, 7987). Gambar 7 ti ~n Gam I