Just a cupcake.pdf - Google Drive

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These growing bodies and minds are not meant to have this much junk! Make their special day even better by having fun, n
We want to celebrate wellness! Sometimes we think it’s

Just a Cupcake...

Think about this: An elementary-age child should have no more than about:  3-4 teaspoons (12 grams) of added sugar daily

Did you know? o The average cupcake contains 6-16 teaspoons of sugar (24-64 grams)! o That is 2-4 days’ worth of added sugar!

It ADDS UP... If a class has 20 birthday cupcakes (or similar treats) in a year, this can average to 220 tsp of sugar …And hours of lost instructional time. …And unfair financial pressure to families.

These growing bodies and minds are not meant to have this much junk!  Make their special day even better by having fun, not food!  A game, dance party, extra recess, announcing birthdays over the intercom, giving out nonfood prizes like pencils, suggesting that parents donate a book to the school is just as special as any cupcake.

Healthy Schools Recommendation:  Align with the Jeffco District Wellness Policy by working with your PTA and leadership to develop and implement a School Wellness Policy.  Your School Wellness Policy can include language around non-food birthdays, non-food rewards, healthy celebrations and fundraisers.