23 Feb 2011 ... 2010 oleh Direktorat Akademik. Direktorat Jenderal Pandidikan Tinggi. Migrasi
dari sistem lama ke yang baru. Kode program studi lama.
Kajian Migrasi Kode Program Studi ke Sistem Kode Baru Berbasis Disiplin Akademik Kajian ini dilaksanakan pada tahun 2010 oleh Direktorat Akademik Direktorat Jenderal Pandidikan Tinggi
Migrasi dari sistem lama ke yang baru
Kode program studi lama
Kode jenjang KKNI + Jenis Pendidikan + Kode disiplin akademik
Kode program studi baru
DEFINISI • Disiplin akademik adalah cabang dari suatu ilmu pengetahuan (science) atau pengetahuan (knowledge) yang pengetahuan (science) atau pengetahuan (knowledge) yang dipelajari atau diriset oleh komunitas perguruan tinggi, diakui produknya oleh kolegium keilmuan, masyarakat ilmiah melalui penerbitan hasil risetnya di jurnal saintifik, dan masyarakat umum karena kemanfaatannya. • Program studi menyelenggarakan program pendidikan tinggi y g yang mempunyai satu atau gabungan lebih dari satu disiplin p y g g p akademik. • Program studi sering diselenggarakan berbasis kepentingan stakeholders yang dikombinasi dengan pengembangan keilmuan, yang irisan atau himpunannya sering subyektif (arbitrary) dan tidak jelas (ambiguous).[5]
Kode Disiplin Akademik Pengkodean Disiplin Akademik adalah usaha untuk menelusuri taksonomi disiplin ilmu sesuai dengan menelusuri taksonomi disiplin ilmu sesuai dengan epistimology‐nya kemudian menandai setiap pencabangan tersebut dengan simbol‐simbol angka dan huruf atau perpaduan antar keduanya sehingga diperoleh kode tertentu yang sesuai dengan setiap disiplin ilmu yang teridentifikasi. Paradigma : perbaikan berkelanjutan karena pengembangan Paradigma : perbaikan berkelanjutan karena pengembangan keilmuan terus berlanjut dan tidak dapat memuaskan semua pihak
Kode Disiplin Akademik
Upaya ini dilakukan dengan merujuk ke berbagai publikasi terkait (lihat referensi), mengadopsi dan mengolah berbagai rujukan yang ada, memilih dan mengasimilasi yang terbaik untuk kondisi pengembangan pendidikan di Indonesia. Kode disiplin akademik ini merupakan hasil kajian yang khas untuk sistem pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia dengan rujukan pada berbagai sistem lain yang berkembang di dunia
Penataan Kode Disiplin Akademik Penataan Kode Disiplin Akademik adalah usaha untuk menata berbagai disiplin akademik yang tumbuh dan berkembang di Indonesia, dituangkan d d k dalam d l SK Dirjen DIKTI no 163 tahun h 2007 Kendala implementasi SK Dirjen DIKTI no 163 tahun 2007 : 1. Penataan dilakukan berbasis pendekatan bottom up, hal ini dipersepsikan bahwa Ditjen DIKTI tidak memiliki referensi sendiri dalam p penataan p program studi. g 2. Penataan didasarkan pada pembidangan ilmu yang tidak dilandasi oleh epistimology (saat ini dikenal 10, 11, 13 pembagian bidang ilmu yang tidak dapat dijelaskan asal usulnya namun lebih pada “kebiasaan” saja)
Penataan Kode Disiplin Akademik Kendala implementasi: 3. Akibat butir 1 dan 2, linearitas program S1, S2, S3 ataupun keserumpunan bidang kajian pada satu disiplin akademik tertentu kadang kala menjadi tidak jelas (contoh S3 Ilmu ekonomi yang didalamnya mengandung ilmu manajemen dan akuntansi). 4. Pengelompokan program studi lebih pada fakultas atau unit penyelenggara sehingga banyak menimbulkan konflik dalam praktek di lapangan karena pembentukan fakultas dan program studi umumnya mengandung unsur historik kelembagaan (contoh desain produk. Geografi, dst.) 5. Deskripsi SK lebih dipersepsi sebagai penataan yang rigid dan tidak akomodatif terhadap perkembangan ilmu saat ini.
Penataan Kode Disiplin Akademik Kendala implementasi: 6. Berbagai program studi yang serupa, sejenis, dan sesungguhnya sama keilmuannya diberikan kode yang sesungguhnya sama keilmuannya diberikan kode yang berbeda sehingga: – – –
menyulitkan pemetaan pengembangan keilmuan di Indonesia, membingungkan bagi pemberi kerja karena sedemikian banyaknya nama program, dan menyulitkan lulusan dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan
7 Lampiran 7. Lampiran kode program studi tidak mampu memperlihatkan kode program studi tidak mampu memperlihatkan posisi pengembangan keilmuan khas Indonesia khususnya ilmu‐ilmu di bidang seni, sejarah, bahasa, sastra yang sangat khas Indonesia dibandingkan dengan disiplin akademik yang berkembang di luar negeri .
Penataan Kode Disiplin Akademik Kendala implementasi: 8. Penamaan program studi tidak ada padanan nama disiplin akademik yang dipahami oleh komunitas di luar Indonesia. Hal ini menyulitkan dalam: – proses penyetaraan atau pengakuan program studi antara yang diselenggarakan di Indonesia dan di luar negeri, – mobilitasi mahasiswa dalam program pertukaran mahasiswa , – penyelenggaraan program gelar bersama atau gelar ganda, dst.
Pendekatan baru dalam Penataan Kode Disiplin Akademik 1. Dikembangkan berbasis Epistomologi 2. Mengakomodasi fleksibilitas pengembangan ilmu yang sudah berkembang di luar negeri namun belum ada di Indonesia pada semua jalur dan jenjang, termasuk di dalamnya pengembangan keilmuan multi dan transdisiplin pada tingkat S2 dan S3 3. Mengakomodasi pengembangan ilmu atau pencabangannya yang berbasis keaslian dan keunikan Indonesia dan tidak ada di luar negeri. 4. Basis pengembangan kode adalah disiplin akademik yang berkembang di masyarakat ilmiah internasional dan yang berkembang secara khusus di Indonesia
Kemanfaatan dari Pendekatan baru dalam Penataan Kode Disiplin Akademik 1. Menata kembali nama dan kode berbagai program studi yyang ada di Indonesia berbasis epistomologinya – g p g y implikasi: p nama‐nama program studi yang berbeda namun memiliki substansi keilmuan yang sama akan diberikan kode yang sama. 2. Menyelaraskan nama‐nama program yang diselenggarakan di Indonesia dengan program – program di luar negeri yang sama sehingga dapat diakui oleh dunia internasional. Hal ini sangat penting untuk pengakuan ijasah dari Indonesia oleh pihak luar dan sebaliknya. – implikasi: nama‐nama program studi yang berbeda namun memiliki substansi keilmuan yang sama akan diberikan nama dalam Bahasa Inggris yang sama.
Kemanfaatan dari Pendekatan baru dalam Penataan Kode Disiplin Akademik 3 Sebagai 3. Sebagai dasar pengembangan dasar pengembangan – Peta program studi perwilayah – Peta pengembangan keilmuan yang sudah dilakukan oleh program studi khususnya S2 dan S3. – Peta Kepakaran dosen (vokasi, profesi, akademik S3) y g yang akan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai dasar perencanaan p g p oleh DIKTI terkait dengan bidang ilmu dan perencanaan SDM.
Kemanfaatan dari Pendekatan baru dalam Penataan Kode Disiplin Akademik 4. Internasionalisasi (memperkenalkan pada dunia) nama‐nama program studi yang berbasis keunikan Indonesia contoh: program studi yang berbasis keunikan Indonesia, contoh: – – – – – – – – – – –
Seni keris (Art of Keris) Seni Pertunjukan Karawitan (Performing art of Karawitan) Seni Pertunjukan Padalangan (Performing art of Padalangan) Studi tentang Islam (Islamic studies ‐ Ushuluddin ,Tafsir Hadits , Syariah, Tarbiyah, dll.) Sastra Daerah Sunda (Sundanese linguistics) Bahasa Daerah Batak ( Batak Languages) Budaya Jawa (Javanese Cultures) Agroekoteknologi dan Agroekologi Ilmu Kedokteran Tropis (Tropical Medicine) Konservasi Biodiversitas Tropika (Conservation tropical biology) Arsitektur Tropis (Tropical Architecture)
PENGKODEAN PROGRAM STUDI BERBASIS EPISTOMOLGI DISIPLIN AKADEMIK Tentukan Jenjang Program Studi sesuai dengan Jenjang KKNI / IQF (Kode Level 1 s.d. 9)
Tentukan Jenis Pendidikan ( Kode Akademik ‐ 1; Vokasi – 2; Profesi – 3)
Tentukan kode disiplin akademik
Gabungkan kode KKNI, Kode Jenis Pendidikan, Kode Disiplin Akademik
Studi pustaka, Studi komparasi (Eropa, Jerman, UK, Perancis, Jepang, Thailand, Hongkong, Australia) , g g, ) 97 Perguruan tinggi dengan SPMI dinilai baik dan atau yang memiliki kerja sama internasional ‐ sekitar 1000 deskriptor
B. Uji Kelayakan ( posisi deskriptor program studi) pada berbagai komponen ( lihat slide presentasi selanjutnya) C. Uji kelayakan oleh Dirjen DIKTI ( per 31 Desember 2009) D Presentasi IQF pada forum D. Presentasi IQF pada forum‐forum forum internasional oleh Wakil internasional oleh Wakil Menteri Pendidikan Nasional E. Sosialisasi KKNI ke berbagai pihak (PT, Kementrian, Asosiasi Profesi, dll.)
Organ yang diundang untuk uji kelayakan: • Kologium keilmuan • Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia. • Forum program studi • Forum Dekan • BAN SM, BAN PT, BAN PNFI • BSNP • Forum Direktur Politeknik • Forum Rektor • Ketua dan Wakil Aptisi • SMK unggulan • Lembaga kursus dan Pelatihan
• BSNP • Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi • Lembaga Sertifikasi Kompetensi • Asosiasi profesi • Asosiasi industri • KADIN • Tujuh belas Kementrian dan lembaga non kementrian di luar DIKNAS
7 S1
5 4 3 Sekolah Menengah Umum
2 1
Sekolah MeneNgah Kejuruan
EPISTOMOLOGI Catatan: Nama‐nama disiplin akademik berikut adalah nama yang digunakan oleh komunitas internasional (referensi 5). g atas 5 bagian g besar yyaitu: Bidangg ilmu di bagi I Humanities/Humaniora – saat manusia belajar tentang diri sendiri II Social sciences/Sains Sosial – saat manusia belajar interakasi antar sesamanya
III Natural sciences/ Sains Alam – saat manusia belajar fenomena alam IV Mathematics and Computing Sciences/Matematika dan Sains Komputer – saat manusia mengkuantisasi gejala sosial dan alam V Professions and Applied Sciences /Profesi dan Sains Terapan – saat manusia menggunakan kombinasi dua atau lebih keilmuan di atas untuk memecahkan problem yang dihadapinya
THE HUMANITIES are academic disciplines which study the human condition, using methods that are primarily analytic, critical, or speculative, as distinguished from the mainly empirical approaches of the natural and social sciences. THE HUMANITIES: Those branches of knowledge such as THE HUMANITIES: Those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature, and art, that are concerned with human thought and culture; the liberal arts. I Humanities 1.1 Arts 1 2 History 1.2 1.3 Languages and linguistics 1.4 Literature 1.5 Philosophy 1.6 Religion
SOCIAL SCIENCES • The branch of science that studies society and the relationships of individual within a society • A branch of science that studies the society and human behavior in it, including anthropology, communication studies, criminology, economics, l geography, history, political science, psychology, social studies, and sociology
2.1 Anthropology 2.2 Archaeology 2.3 Area studies 2.4
Cultural studies and ethnic C lt l t di d th i studies
2.5 Economics 2.6 Gender and sexuality studies 2 7 Geography 2.7 2.8 Political science 2.9 Psychology 2.10 Sociology
NATURAL SCIENCE: • refers to a naturalistic approach to the study of the universe, which is understood as obeying rules or laws of natural origin. • involved in the study of the physical world and its phenomena • the branch of science that studies all phenomena except those dependent on the action of man's conceptual consciousness (Andrew Layman) III Natural sciences Chemistry 3.1 Earth sciences 3.2 Life sciences 3.3 Physics 3.4 Space sciences 3.5
• MATHEMATICS is a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement or the study of quantity, structure, space, and change • COMPUTER SCIENCE or computing science is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and theoretical foundations of information and computation, and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems; the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures IV Mathematics and Computing Sciences 4.1 Computer sciences 4.2 Logic 4.3 Mathematics 4.4 Statistics 4.5 Systems science
• APPLIED SCIENCE ‐ the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems. • Boone (2001): PROFESSIONS are based on scientific and philosophical facts acquired through scholarly endeavor philosophical facts acquired through scholarly endeavor (1). Individuals who enter a profession do so for reasons that distinguish them from other work or vocations. They understand that their work renders a unique public service with a scientific or philosophical basis and/or body of knowledge that requires an extended period of academic and hands‐on preparation. Professions are also based on specialized skills necessary for the professional to perform the public service.
The Australian Council of Professions (2004) defines ‘a profession’ as follows: • A PROFESSION is a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards and uphold themselves to, and are accepted by, the public as possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely recognized body of learning derived from research, education and training at a high level, and who are prepared to exercise this knowledge and these skills in the interest of others. • It is inherent in the definition of a profession that a code of ethics govern the activities of each profession[al]. Such codes require behavior and practice beyond the personal moral obligations of an individual. They define and demand high standards of behavior in respect to the services provided to the public and in dealing with professional colleagues. Further, these codes are enforced by the profession and are acknowledged and accepted by the community.
5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09
01 02 03 04 05 06
V Professions and Applied sciences Agriculture 5.10 Human physical performance and recreation* Architecture and design 5.11 Journalism, mass media and communication Business 5.12 Law Divinity 5.13 Library and museum studies Education 5.14 Military sciences Engineering 5.15 Public affairs Environmental studies 5.16 Social work and Forestry and Forestry Family and consumer 5.17 Tourism science Health sciences 5.18 Transportation 5.19 Management
Aerospace engineering Architectural engineering Bioengineering Chemical engineering Civil engineering Computer engineering
07 Electrical engineering 08 Telecommunications engineering 09 Electronics engineering 10 Engineering physics 11 12 13 14
Environmental engineering g g Financial engineering Industrial engineering Materials engineering
14 Materials engineering 15 Mechanical engineering 16 Mining engineering 01 Coal 02 Drilling 03 Geophysical engineering 04 Manufactured Mineral Products 05 Metalliferous Mining 06 Mineral engineering 07 Petroleum engineering 08 Reservoir engineering 17 Nuclear engineering g g 18 Ocean engineering 19 Planetary engineering / Geoengineering 20 Systems engineering 21 Textile engineering
Kode Jenjang KKNI / IQF untuk S2 ‐ 8 Kode Jenis Pendidikan Akademik ‐ 1 Kode disiplin akademik – Geophysical Engineering : 5‐06‐16‐03 Kode Program Studi : 8‐1‐5‐06‐16‐03; ditulis 815061603
LAMPIRAN • Berbagai disiplin akademik yang tumbuh dan berkembang di perbagai belahan dunia dengan memanfaatkan referensi no 5 perbagai belahan dunia dengan memanfaatkan referensi no 5 (lampiran 1) • Kode Program studi yang sedang berjalan di Indonesia merujuk pada kode disiplin akademik yang tumbuh dan berkembang di perbagai belahan dunia dengan memanfaatkan referensi no 5 (lampiran 2) memanfaatkan referensi no 5 (lampiran 2)
REFERENSI 1. BECHER, TONY. 1987. "The Disciplinary Shaping of the Profession." In The Academic Profession: National, Disciplinary, and Institutional Settings, ed. Burton R. Clark. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2. BECHER, TONY. 1989. Academic Tribes and Territories: Intellectual Enquiry and the Cultures of the Disciplines. Bury St. Edmunds, Eng.: Society for Research into Higher Education, Open University Press. 3. BIGLAN, ANTHONY. 1973. "The Characteristics of Subject Matter in Different Academic Areas " Journal of Applied Psychology in Different Academic Areas. Journal of Applied Psychology 58:195–203. 4. BIGLAN, ANTHONY. 1973. "Relationships between Subject Matter Characteristics and the Structure and Output of University Departments." Journal of Applied Psychology 57 (3):204–213.
REFERENSI 5. LIST OF ACADEMIC DISCIPLINES, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_academic_disciplines: An academic discipline, or field of study, is a branch of knowledge that is taught and researched at the college or university level. Disciplines are defined (in part), and recognized by the academic journals in which research is published, and the learned societies and academic departments or faculties to which their practitioners belong. Fi ld f d Fields of study usually have several sub‐disciplines or ll h l b di i li branches, and the distinguishing lines between these are often both arbitrary and ambiguous.[1]
REFERENSI 6. ANDREW ABBOTT, Chaos of Disciplines University Of Chicago Press 2001 ISBN 0‐226‐00101‐6 Press 2001 ISBN 0 226 00101 6 7. ALEXANDRA OLESON & JOHN VOSS (eds) The Organization of Knowledge in Modern America, 1860‐1920 Johns Hopkins University Press 1979 ISBN 0‐8018‐2108‐8 8. CLASSIFICATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMS (CIP 2000): Developed by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics to provide a National Center for Education Statistics to provide a taxonomic scheme that will support the accurate tracking, assessment, and reporting of fields of study and program completions activity.
REFERENSI 9. COMPLETE JACS (Joint Academic Classification of Subjects) from Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in the United from Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in the United Kingdom 10. AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND STANDARD RESEARCH CLASSIFICATION (ANZSRC 2008) (web‐page) Chapter 3 and Appendix 1: Fields of research classification. 11. CHARLES F. ELTON, Validation Of The Biglan Model. John C. Smart and www.jstor.org/stable/40195496 Smart and. www jstor org/stable/40195496 12. RW ROSKENS, Implications Of Biglan Model Research For The Process Of Faculty, 1983, www.jstor.org/stable/40195538
REFERENSI 13. Global Consultation on draft ISCED 2011 classification ‐ Updated: 2010‐09‐23 Updated: 2010 09 23 2:36 pm 2:36 pm 14. The UDC Philosophy revision project; Claudio Gnoli, Mathematics Library, University of Pavia; Fulvio Mazzocchi, Institute for Atmospheric Pollution, National Research Council, Rome; Aida Slavic, UDC Consortium; http://arizona.openrepository.com/arizona/bitstream/10150 //110817/1/UDC / / _30_CGnoli_FMazzocchi_ASlavic.pdf p 15. International Standard Classification of Education ISCED 1997 dan draft ISCED tahun 2010 16. www.ntis.gov.au, Classifications on the National Training Information Service (NTIS)
Implications of Biglan Model research for the Process of Faculty Advancement (Ronald W. Roskens) http://www.jstor.org/pss/40195538 The Biglan model is a three dimensional classification scheme wherein 35 academic subject areas are categorized into one of eight categories: soft‐nonlife‐pure
soft nonlife applied soft‐nonlife‐applied
soft life applied soft‐life‐applied
BECHER, TONY. 1987 • A number of related processes are at work here, as Metzger (1987) shows. Subject parturition means that new fields develop from older ones and gradually gain independence. These may develop from one discipline or a number. • Subject dispersion also occurs, so that disciplinary areas grow, or are S bj t di i l th t di i li ‘grown’, to cover more ground. • Meanwhile programs affiliation (the integration into university education of subjects such as law) and subject dignification (increase of status and therefore acceptability within the academy) together mean that the notion of what is a ‘suitable’ subject for HE widens and new types of academic department and degree courses are created. • As well as growth there is also decline. Physics and chemistry in their pure As well as growth there is also decline Physics and chemistry in their pure forms have found it difficult to recruit students in recent years, partly as a result of changes to school syllabuses and weaknesses in the school system (Clark 1997; Henkel 2000). The response to such pressures in many universities has been the development of new domain‐based degrees such as environmental sciences and sports sciences, which require less specialist knowledge and have greater market attraction.
• Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is a set of three classifications developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics to measure and analyse of research and development (R&D) undertaken in Australia and New Zealand. It replaced the Australian in Australia and New Zealand It replaced the Australian Standard Research Classification (ASRC) on 31 March 2008. The ANZSRC is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia license.[1] • TOA ‐ R&D activity is categorised according to the type of research effort, derived from the three types of research defined in the Frascati Manual [[5]] defined in the Frascati Manual. 1. pure basic research 2. strategic basic research 3. applied research 4. experimental development
• The Joint Academic Classification of Subjects (JACS) system is used by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and the used by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) in the United Kingdom to classify academic subjects, especially for undergraduate degrees. • A JACS code for a single subject consists of a letter and three numbers. The letter represents the broad subject q p classification and subsequent numbers represent further details, similar to the Dewey Decimal System.
Subject Group
Medicine and Dentistry
Subjects allied to Medicine
Biological Sciences Biological Sciences
Veterinary Sciences, Agriculture and related subjects ????
Major subgroups A100 Pre‐clinical Medicine, A200 Pre‐clinical Dentistry, A300 Clinical Medicine, A400 Clinical Dentistry B100 Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, B200 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy, B300 Complementary Medicine, B400 Nutrition, B500 Ophthalmics, B600 Aural and Oral Sciences, B700 Nursing, B800 Medical Technology C100 Biology, C200 Botany, C300 Zoology, C400 Genetics, C500 Genetics C500 Microbiology, C600 Microbiology C600 Sports Science, C800 Psychology D100 Pre‐clinical Veterinary Medicine, D400 Agriculture, D500 Forestry, D600 Food and Beverage Studies ????
F100 Chemistry, F200 Materials Science, F300 Physics, F400 Forensics and Archaeology, F600 Geology, F700 Ocean Physical Sciences Sciences, F800 Physical and Terrestrial Geographical and Environmental Sciences, F840 Physical Geography Physical Geography G100 Mathematics, G300 Statistics, G400 Mathematical and Computer Computer Science, G600 Software Sciences Engineering H200 Civil, H300 Mechanical, H400 Aerospace, H500 Naval Architecture, H700 Engineering Production and Manufacturing, H800 Chemical J200 Metallurgy, J300 Ceramics and Glasses, Technologies J400 Polymers and Textiles, J500 Materials Technology Architecture, Building and K100 Architecture, K200 Building, K400 Planning Planning
L100 Economics, L200 Politics, L300 Sociology, L400 Social Policy, L500 Social Social studies Work, L600 Anthropology, L700 Human and Social Geography M100 Law by geographical area, M200 Law Law by topic by topic N100 Business Studies, N200 Management, Business and Administrative N300 Finance, N400 Accounting, N500 studies Marketing Mass Communications and P300 Media Studies, P500 Journalism Documentation Linguistics, Classics and Q100 Linguistics, Q500 Celtic Studies related subjects R100 French Studies, R200 German Studies, European Languages, R300 Italian Studies, R400 Hispanic Studies, Literature and related R600 Scandinavian Studies, R700 Russian subjects Studies
Eastern, Asiatic, African, American and Australasian Languages, Literature and related subjects
Historical and Philosophical studies
Creative Arts and Design
Education Ed ti Not used Not used
T100 Chinese Studies, T500 African Studies V100 History by period, V200 y yp , History by y y area, V350 History of Art, V400 Archaeology, V500 Philosophy, V600 Theology and Religious Studies W100 Fine Art, W200 Design, W300 Music, W400 Drama, W500 Dance, W600 Cinematics and Photography, W700 Crafts, W800 Creative Writing X100 Training Teachers T i i T h Not used Not used
THE CONCEPT OF THE ‘EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME’ IN ISCED • 17. The basic unit of classification in ISCED remains the educational programs, defined on the basis of their y q educational content as an array or sequence of educational activities which are organized to accomplish a pre‐determined objective or a specified set of educational tasks • 20. It should be noted that not all courses are parts of programs of regular education. For instance: continuing education and trainings • 21. It must be recognized, though, that ISCED has natural 21 It must be recognized though that ISCED has natural limitations for the direct classification and assessment of competences and qualifications of the participants in educational activities.
THE CONCEPT OF THE ‘EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME’ IN ISCED • This is because there is no close and universal relationship between the programs a participant is enrolled in and actual educational achievement. Furthermore, for a program‐based , p g taxonomy it is very difficult to capture educational activities that are not organized in the form of educational programs of regular education. • 22. There is another serious limitation with a program‐based taxonomy of the levels of education. Although it is reasonable to assume that educational activities will result in an increase of skills and competences for an individual so that the pathway of an individual through the education system can be understood as an ordered increase in the educational attainment, the underlying educational programs can often be ordered only to a limited extent:
THE CONCEPT OF THE ‘EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME’ IN ISCED • individuals can arrange their educational pathways in many ways. To respond to this, education systems provide multiple branching paths alternative program sequences and ‘second branching paths, alternative program sequences, and second chance’ provisions. There is also an increase in ‘horizontal’ movements through education systems in which a participant can broaden his or her education with only a partial increase in the ‘level’ of education. It thus becomes increasingly difficult to attribute the program itself to a particular level of y p g y education. A taxonomy which is program‐based necessarily loses partly the information on the pathway of the participants through the education system. A hierarchy of educational programs can thus reflect the reality of education systems only to a limited extent.
THE CONCEPT OF THE ‘EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME’ IN ISCED Program orientation classified into three categories: 1. General education: which is mainly designed to lead participants to a deeper understanding of a subject or group participants to a deeper understanding of a subject or group of subjects, especially, but not necessarily, with a view to preparing participants for further (additional) education at the same or a higher level. Successful completion of these programs may or may not provide the participants with a labour‐market relevant qualification at this level. p y 2. Pre‐vocational or pre‐technical education: which is mainly designed to introduce participants to the world of work and to prepare them for entry into vocational or technical education programmes. Successful completion of such programmes does not yet lead to a labour‐market relevant vocational or technical qualification.
THE CONCEPT OF THE ‘EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME’ IN ISCED Programme orientation classified into three categories:
3. Vocational or technical education: which is mainly designed to lead participants to acquire the practical skills, know‐how and understanding necessary for employment in a particular occupation or trade or class of occupations or trades. Successful completion of such programmes lead to a labour‐ market relevant vocational qualification recognized by the competent authorities in the country in which it is obtained (e.g. Ministry of Education, employers’ associations, etc.).
International Standard Classification of Education I S C E D 1997 ‐ UNESCO General Programmes 01 Basic programmes 08 Literacy and numeracy 08 Literacy and numeracy 09 Personal development Education 14 Teacher training and education science Humanities and Arts 21 Arts 22 Humanities 22 Humanities Social sciences, business and law 31 Social and behavioural science 32 Journalism and information 34 Business and administration 38 Law
International Standard Classification of Education I S C E D 1997 ‐ UNESCO Science 42 Life sciences 44 Physical sciences 46 Mathematics and statistics 48 Computing Engineering, manufacturing and construction 52 Engineering and engineering trades 54 Manufacturing and processing g p g 58 Architecture and building Agriculture 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery 64 Veterinary
International Standard Classification of Education I S C E D 1997 ‐ UNESCO
Health and welfare H lth d lf 72 Health 76 Social services Services 81 Personal services 84 Transport services 85 E i 85 Environmental protection t l t ti 86 Security services Not known or unspecified
Penghargaan tidak diberikan atas apa yang kita terima, penghargaan diberikan atas apa yang kita berikan (Calvin Coolidge) Mari berikan yang terbaik bagi sistem pendidikan di Indonesia
Masukan dapat dikirimkan kepada: Direktorat Pembelajaran dan kemahasiswaan Direktorat Pembelajaran dan kemahasiswaan Kasubdit Penyelarasan Dharnita Chandra (
[email protected]) dengan Subyek: Nomen Klatur program Studi