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Kalman Filter Based Classifier Fusion for Affective State Recognition. Michael Glodek1, Stephan Reuter2, Martin Schels1, Klaus Dietmayer2, and Friedhelm ...
Kalman Filter Based Classifier Fusion for Affective State Recognition Michael Glodek1 , Stephan Reuter2 , Martin Schels1 , Klaus Dietmayer2 , and Friedhelm Schwenker1 1

Institute of Neural Information Processing, University of Ulm, 89075 Ulm, Germany {michael.glodek,martin.schels,friedhelm.schwenker}@uni-ulm.de 2 Institute of Measurement, Control and Microtechnology, University of Ulm, 89075 Ulm, Germany {stephan.reuter,klaus.dietmayer}@uni-ulm.de

Abstract. The combination of classifier decisions is a common approach to improve classification performance [1–3]. However, non-stationary fusion of decisions is still a research topic which draws only marginal attention, although more and more classifier systems are deployed in real-time applications. Within this work, we study Kalman filters [4] as a combiner for temporally ordered classifier decisions. The Kalman filter is a linear dynamical system based on a Markov model. It is capable of combining a variable number of measurements (decisions), and can also deal with sensor failures in a unified framework. The Kalman filter is analyzed in the setting of multi-modal emotion recognition using data from the audio/visual emotional challenge 2011 [5, 6]. It is shown that the Kalman filter is well-suited for real-time non-stationary classifier fusion. Combining the available sequential uni- and multi-modal decisions does not only result in a consistent continuous stream of decisions, but also leads to significant improvements compared to the input decision performance.



Typically, fusion approaches aim at combining classifier decisions in a timeinvariant manner using classical combiners, as specified by Kuncheva [2], i.e. average, maximum, product etc. or fuzzy integrals, decision templates, DempsterShafer combination [7, 2, 3]. Most of these methods require fuzzy or probabilistic classifier outputs. Furthermore, adaptive fusion approaches such as the associative linear memory, pseudo-inverse, naive Bayes decision fusion have been examined [8]. However, these stationary, time-independent approaches are insufficient when dealing with a stream of classifier outputs obtained by observing an ongoing event in real-time. Intuitively, the temporally linked inputs to the fusion architecture are faced by extending standard combiners, which results in methods such as moving average, or computing the product of all inputs within one window. Jeon and Landgrebe [9] propose two fusion approaches for multitemporal classifiers, namely the likelihood decision fusion rule and the weighted majority decision fusion rule. Both approaches make use of temporal data to Z.-H. Zhou, F. Roli, and J. Kittler (Eds.): MCS 2013, LNCS 7872, pp. 85–94, 2013. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 


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find a global decision. Although the method is proposed for fusing temporally structured data, no Markov assumption is made. Glodek et al. [10] addresses the combination of temporally structured data using Markov fusion networks (MFN), which are related to the Markov Random Field in image processing to repair distorted images. The MFN estimates the most likely sequence of classifier outcomes by enforcing them (1) to be close to the given available classifier outcomes and (2) to maintain a similarity over time. Because of the later property, the MFN can handle missing classifier outcomes in a native way (e.g. due to silence in the audio channel). Kalman Filters [4], which are broadly used in the area of object tracking, are well-suited for the task of classifier fusion, since they are based on a Markov chain. The goal is to reduce the noise of measurements by taking multiple measurements and the latest estimate into account. Within this work, we will adopt the Kalman Filter to use classifier outcomes as input measurements. Missing classifier outcomes (e.g. because of a missing signal) are addressed by increasing the uncertainty of the estimate using the observation noise of the model. Recently, the recognition of human affective states became an important field of research [11–14]. Many configurations of features and classifiers using different modalities have been studied [15–18]. However, the interplay of different modalities, which is an inherent part of the recognition task, has been examined only marginally. The audio/visual emotion challenge (AVEC) is designed to investigate spatio-temporal combination of multiple classifiers [6, 5]. Within this work, we use the challenge data to study the Kalman filter for classifier fusion. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the proposed Kalman filter for classifier fusion. The method is then evaluated in Section 3 using the AVEC 2011 data set. Section 4 summarizes the results of the new approach and draws a conclusion on the achieved outcome.


Classifier Fusion Using Kalman Filter

The Kalman Filter [4] is a popular algorithm in the field of navigation and object tracking [19, 20]. A prominent feature is that all measurements are assumed to be uncertain. Furthermore, the model also handles missing measurements by an additional increase of the uncertainty. Classifier fusion is realized by taking classifier outcomes (ranging in the interval of [0, 1]) as measurements. Classifier outcomes may be unavailable in case a sensor fails or does not perceive any signal. The estimation is decomposed into two steps, namely the prediction and the update step. While the prediction step calculates an estimated scalar x t at the time of the next measurement, the update step (also known as correction step) combines this estimate with the latest measurements zmt where t ∈ {1, . . . , T } denotes the time steps and m ∈ {1, . . . , M } the index of the classifier. The prediction step’s mean estimate x t is obtained based on the previous estimate xt−1 and a so-called control u. Both quantities are weighted linearly by f and b: x t = f · xt−1 + b · u

with f, b ≥ 0.


Kalman Filter Based Classifier Fusion for Affective State Recognition


The control u can be used to bias the prediction to a certain value (e.g. the least informative classifier combination 0.5 in case of a two-class problem and with predictions ranging between [0, 1]). However, we decided to omit the last term. As a result, our model presumes that the mean of the current estimate is identical to the previous one. Due to the restriction of the state space in this application to the values [0, 1], the usage of popular process models like dead reckoning, which propagates the state using the last state and its first derivation with respect to the time, may not be used. Consequently, a non-linear version of the dead reckoning model would be necessary to keep the state restrictions. The covariance of the prediction is given by pt and obtained by combining the a posteriori covariance with an additional covariance qm which models the process noise: pt = f · pt · f + qm .


The successive update step is performed for every classifier m and requires three intermediate results, namely the residuum y, the innovation variance s and the Kalman gain k: t y = zmt − h · x s = h · pt · h + rm

(3) (4)

k = pt · h · s−1


where h is the observation model which maps the predicted quantity to the new estimate and rt,m is the observation noise. These outcomes are then used to update the new estimate and its variance: t + k · y xt = x


pt = pt − k · s · k


Missing classifier outcomes (decisions) are replaced by a measurement prior z˜mt equals to 0.5 and a corresponding observation noise r˜m which is set relatively high compared to the actual observation noise. We extended the over-all classifier system by base classifiers which are additionally allowed to make use of a reject option [21]. That means, classifiers are also allowed to reject a sample and to return no class assignment. Because of the temporal structure the missing classifier outcomes can be reconstructed based on adjacent decisions. The proposed architecture is shown in Figure 2: Each of the M classifiers provide a classifier outcome and additionally a corresponding confidence value for each time step t. The confidence value is used to reject decisions with low confidence. The remaining decisions are processed by the Kalman filter which derives a combined estimate based on the current and past decisions.


Empirical Evaluation

The proposed combination method can be applied to any kind of multi-modal classifier fusion which is sequentially structured and where a Markov assumption


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Fig. 1. Multiple classifier system using classifiers with reject option and the Kalman filter to combine the decisions. The M classifiers decisions and confidences are collected for ever time step t and temporally combined using the Kalman filter, resulting in an integrated decision and confidence for every time step.

is plausible. This section focuses on an exemplary data set for classification which has already proven to be very difficult, namely the audio/visual emotion challenge (AVEC) 2011 for human affective state recognition [6, 5]. 3.1

The Data Set

The AVEC data set was introduced in 2011 in form of a challenge for the recognition of emotional user states [5, 6]. The recordings show a subject communicating with a virtual agent which endeavors to induce an affective state in the test person. Four categories have been labeled by two up to eight annotators using a continuous scale: Arousal, Expectancy, Power and Valance. Binary labels are obtained by averaging the annotations per category and recording. The final label are then found by thresholding this averaged value against the average over all recordings per category. As a result, the occurrences of each class label is balanced. Since the challenge is continued in 2012 the ground-truth labels of the test data are still not available. Therefore, the available data of the training and development set has been re-arranged to obtain a new development/test and a nested training/validation data set. The number of cross-validation folds is limited to 4 × 4 (number of development and trainings set, respectively) to realize subject independent tests (a person to be tested does not occur in the corresponding trainings set). 3.2

Base Classifiers

Based on the recordings, individual classifiers for audio and video are created using the partitioned cross-validation. The audio classification is performed on word-level using three bags of features:

Kalman Filter Based Classifier Fusion for Affective State Recognition


– Fundamental frequency, the energy and linear predictive coding (LPC) – Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) – Relative spectral transform - perceptual linear prediction (RASTA-PLP) [22]. To obtain a fixed-length feature vector from an arbitrary long sequence of features, a transformation according to Bicego et al. [23] based on HMM is implemented. The classification is conducted using five bags of random forests [24]. The final output is obtained by averaging and the standard deviation is used to calculate the confidence measure. The classification of the video channel is based on features extracted by the computer expression recognition toolbox (CERT) [25], which is designed to recognize facial properties (such as action units or basic emotions). The output of the modules “Basic Emotions 4.4.3”, “FACS 4.4”, “Unilaterals” and “Smile Detector” are concatenated to form a 36-dimensional feature vector per frame. Classification and the confidence value is realized analogously to the audio classification using five naive Bayes classifiers with bagging [26]. It is worth noting that the detection of the subject’s face failed in about 8% of the frames. The missing detections directly result in missing classifier outcomes. The confidence measures are obtained in the same manner by using the standard deviation of the ensemble. Parameters of all base classifiers are optimized using the training and validation set. The results of the base classifiers are then derived from the test set. In order to optimize the parameters of the fusion algorithm, the training and validation sets partitions are used, i.e the features are replaced by the results of the base classifiers decisions. 3.3

Experimental Results

The performance of the the audio and video classifier without fusion are given in Table 1. Frames without a classifier decision, e.e. due to the subject is not speaking or the face is not recognized, are ignored in this evaluation. The Table shows ·R where P is the precision the accuracies and the F1 -measures (i.e. F1 = 2 PP+R and R the recall) for the four classes and their negations. Compared to other results of non-acted emotion recognition, e.g. studies based on the Cohn-Kanade data set [27], the achieved accuracies and the F1 -measures are remarkable low. However, compared to the challenge best performing submissions the results are already outstanding1 (The best result of the class arousal achieved an accuracy rate of around 61%). Table 2 and Table 3 show the performance of the four categories using only uni-modal temporal fusion. Results based on the audio channel are shown in the upper part of Table 2, while the utilized parameters are listed in the lower part. The term reject refers to the proportion of discarded decisions, whereas qaudio and r correspond to the process noise and the observation noise, respectively. The measurement prior z˜mt is set to 0.5 and the corresponding observation noise r˜m is set a magnitude higher than the assigned 1

Compare http://sspnet.eu/avec2011/ (02/21/2013).


M. Glodek et al.

Table 1. Audio and video classifier performances before fusion. Performance is evaluated frame-wise and only in case classifier outputs are given. Accuracies in percent with standard deviation. The F1 -measure for the class and the corresponding negation F1 is additionally provided. Audio ↑Acc. ↑F1 ↑F1





61.8±3.6 65.8±3.8 56.7±3.4

59.0±6.3 16.4±7.1 72.6±5.2

57.5±9.4 69.6±9.3 24.7±6.6

57.5±7.9 70.1±6.8 24.9±8.4

Video ↑Acc. ↑F1 ↑F1





57.0±4.2 60.8±5.1 51.3±9.3

54.8±4.0 49.6±9.4 56.6±10.7

55.7±2.9 57.5±11.3 48.8±12.3

59.9±7.4 67.1±11.5 43.5±7.1

Table 2. Frame-wise audio performance using Kalman filter for classifier fusion. Accuracies in percent with standard deviation and F1 -measure for the class and the corresponding negation F1 . Lower part of table lists the parameter assignments. Audio ↑Acc. ↑F1 ↑F1





74.3±6.6 77.4±6.5 69.4±8.2

57.5±6.2 12.5±6.2 71.8±5.3

56.5±11.2 69.1±10.2 22.7±8.9

59.7±11.0 72.9±8.5 16.2±14.1

Reject qaudio r

10% 10−7 0.1

90% 10−7 0.1

90% 10−5 0.1

50% 10−4 0.75

r. As a result, the estimate slowly converge to the prior in case of continuously missing measurements. Parameters have been optimized for each label independently using the aforementioned cross-validation sets. Compared to the results without temporal fusion, only Arousal and Valance are improved at first glance. However, the most important difference of the evaluation compared to Table 1 is that now a decision for every frame is available. Arousal is recognized most reliably using the audio channels which is not only confirmed by the high accuracy but, furthermore, due to the fact that the optimal portion of rejected labels is very low. In contrast, the category Power seems to be less present in the audio channel. With the exception of the category Arousal, the unbalancedness of the F1 -measures has clearly increased. The process noise determined on the training and validation set, are in general of a very low quantity, while the observation noise ranges from 0.1 to 0.75. Table 3 shows the results for the video channel. Here, all categories are able to improve their recognition performance, compared to Table 1. However, the category Arousal is recognized better using the combined estimate based on the audio channel shown in Table 2. In general, the F1 -measures have increased as well as to the accuracies and are more balanced. Both, the process noise and the observation are chosen very similar to the ones in the audio channel, which might be related to the same range of decisions values (i.e. in the interval [0, 1]).

Kalman Filter Based Classifier Fusion for Affective State Recognition


Table 3. Frame-wise video performance using Kalman filter for fusion. Accuracies in percent with standard deviation and F1 -measure for the class and the corresponding negation F1 . Lower part of table lists the parameter assignments. Video ↑Acc. ↑F1 ↑F1





64.5±2.9 67.9±4.2 57.3±12.7

59.1±4.7 56.7±11.1 56.4±17.5

58.9±5.0 60.6±13.8 48.2±17.1

65.4±9.8 73.3±11.4 44.2±8.5

Reject qvideo r

50% 10−7 0.1

90% 7.5−6 0.1

0% 5−5 0.1

90% 10−4 0.75

Table 4. Frame-wise audio and video performance using Kalman filter for fusion. Accuracies in percent with standard deviation and F1 -measure for the class and the corresponding negation F1 . Lower part of table lists the parameter assignments. Audio-visual ↑Acc. ↑F1 ↑F1 A. rej. V. rej. qaudio qvideo r





68.5±5.7 72.6±4.2 59.7±15.1

62.5±4.9 42.2±15.7 71.1±5.8

61.8±6.6 69.1±7.6 43.5±18.0

64.2±9.3 72.6±10.9 43.7±3.0

0% 50% 10−6 10−5 0.75

0% 50% 5−6 10−5 0.1

0% 0% 10−7 10−5 0.1

90% 10% 5−5 10−4 0.75

The performance of the combined audio and video channel is shown in Table 4. The multi-modal combination improves the accuracies of Expectancy and Power, whereas the category Arousal performed better using only the audio channel, and the category Valance performed better using only the video channel. The low performance of Arousal can be related to the unbalanced occurrences of outputs in video and audio channel. Decisions in the audio channel are not always available, whereas the frame-wise outputs of the video channel are almost constantly available. Therefore, the video classifier outputs are the main influence if no audio signal is present and the audio channel is practically overruled. In case of the category Valance the decrease in performance can be traced back to the weak F1 -measure of the audio channel. However, although the combination of the audio and video not always achieves the best performance, it outperforms uni-modal approach. Furthermore, the uni-modal classification of emotions is far from being solved, since features from the data are in general weak and even the labels are very uncertain [18]. Multi-modal approaches are sound as using the audio channel alone leads to a high degree of uncertainty in case the subject does not make any utterances, whereas the face of the participant will not always be in the field of view. The classifier system gets more robust and the likelihood of a sensor failure is reduced, the more modalities are available.


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0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1500












Fig. 2. Multi-modal fusion of Arousal using the Kalman filter. The orange dots and the blue squared-shaped markers correspond to the video and audio decisions. Markers in pale color have been rejected and do not contribute to the fusion. The thick black curve corresponds to the fusion result, while the area around the curve corresponds to the variance determined by the Kalman filter (scaled by 10 for illustration purposes). The light gray curve displays the ground-truth. The parameters used are qaudio = 10−6 , qvideo = 10−5 and r = 0.75.

Although it appears to be tantalizing to interpret the parameter chosen by the optimization process, a direct interpretation is difficult. For instance, the audio classifier is only able to provide outputs in case a signal is present, such that the classifier outputs of the video channel are much more frequent then the classifier outputs of the audio channel. As a result the rejection rate and the process noise for audio and video cannot be compared with each other. Furthermore, the ratio between these modalities is additionally modified by assessing the quality in terms of rejecting unreliable outputs.



The presented work proposes the application of Kalman filters for classifier fusion. The Kalman filter is a widely used and well-understood model for tracking moving objects and navigation [4, 20]. The model combines multiple measurements and can handle the absence of measurements by increasing the uncertainty of the predicted state. Within this work, we replaced the uncertain measurements that are usually processed by the Kalman filter by multi-modal classifier outputs. As a result, missing classifier outputs (e.g. caused by a missing signal, for instance of the audio channel, or by a rejected sample due to low confidence) can be handled in a unified framework. In order to evaluate the performance of the combiner, the audio/visual emotional challenge (AVEC) 2011 data set [5, 6] has been utilized. The fusion of classifier outputs is studied uni- and multi-modally, and has clearly improved the recognition of all four categories. In addition, the filtering resulted in a reconstruction of missing classification outputs such that a class assignment is

Kalman Filter Based Classifier Fusion for Affective State Recognition


possible for all frames. Although the Kalman Filter applied can be regarded as the simplest time-series model possible (e.g. no control matrix, and assuming an identity matrix for the dynamics), the results for this data set are outstanding. Future work will integrate the confidence, that was used here only for the rejection of samples, directly into the Kalman Filter and perform additional experiments on other data sets. Furthermore, a detailed comparison with multiple state-of-the-art approaches (e.g. MFN [10], block-averaging) is currently in preparation. Acknowledgments. This paper is based on work done within the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre SFB/TRR 62 Companion-Technology for Cognitive Technical Systems funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

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