Kalman filter with outliers and missing observations - Springer Link

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Abstract. The discrete Kalman filter which enables the treatment of incomplete data and outliers is described. The incomplete or missing observations are ...
Sociedad de Estad(stica e I n v e s t i g a c i S n Operativa T e s t (1997) Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 379-395

Kalman filter with outliers and missing observations T. Cipra Department of Statistics, Charles University of Prague Sokolovska 83; 186 O0 Prague 8, Czech Republic R. R o m e r a Departamento de Estadlstica y Econometrla Universidad Carlos 111 de Madrid Madrid 126, 28903 Getafe, Spain.

Abstract The discrete Kalman filter which enables the treatment of incomplete data and outliers is described. The incomplete or missing observations are included in such a way as to transform the Kalman filter to the case when observations have changing dimensions. In order to treat outliers, the Kalman filter is made robust using the M-estimation principle. Some special cases are considered including a convergence result for recursive parameter estimation in an AR(1) process with innovation outliers and missing observations. K e y W o r d s : Kalman filter, outliers, missing observations, time series analysis. A M S s u b j e c t classification: 93E20, 62F35



K a lman filter and s t a t e space model formulation t o g e t h e r provide a very powerful tool for the recursive t r e a t m e n t of dynamic systems (see Anderson and Mo o r e (1979)). Many s t a n d a r d statistical examples arise from estimation, interpolation and prediction procedures for autoregressive time series (see, e.g., Akaike (1978), G a r dner , Harvey and Phillips (1980), and Jones (1980)). Nu mer o u s real d a t a examples show t h a t there are suitable modifications of the Kalman filter which allow the t r e a t m e n t of incomplete d a t a and d a t a with outliers. In the case of incomplete d a t a for example one may observe only some c om ponent s of vector d a t a at any given time, or only an aggregate form of the com pone nt s is observable, or some observations may be completely missing. W he n outliers appear in the observed d a t a it would be desirable to work with a robust version of t h e K al m an filter Research partially supported by CICYT grant number TIC93-0702-C02-02. Received: November 1993; Accepted: September 1996


T. Cipra and R. Romera

which is insensitive to such outliers. Early approaches to robust Kalman filtering were considered by Kleiner, Martin and Thomson (1979), Masreliez (1975), Masreliez and Martin (1977), Morris (1976) and Servi and Ho (1981). Robustness based on M-Estimation methodology (see Huber (1964, 1981)) was then developed, and a Bayesian approach to the problem is discussed in West (1981), West, Harrison and Migon (1985), Guttman and Pefia (1985) and Meinhold and Singpurwalla (1989). The above mentioned Kalman filter modifications can be used to derive recursive formulae for estimating, smoothing and predicting time series with incomplete (or missing) and contaminated observations as in Kohn and Ansley (1985 , 1986), Jong (1989) and Cipra (1992). See also Cipra, Rubio and Trujillo (1991) and Cipra, Trujillo and Rubio (1995). For applications in time series analysis, we shall consider the discrete form of the Kalman filter in the dynamic linear model given by xt


Ftxt-1 + wt



Htxt-4- vt

(1.1) (1.2)

(non-linear generalizations are also possible, see, e.g., Cipra and Rubio (1991)), where E ( w , ) = o, E ( v , ) = o, E ( w s ,


E(v v ) =

E(w v ) = 0

(1.3) and certain initial conditions are satisfied. The state equation (1.1) describes the behavior of an n-dimensional state vector xt with time while the observation equation (1.2) describes how the state is related to an mdimensional observation vector Yr. The matrices Ft(n • n), H t ( m • n), Qt(n • n) and R t ( m x m) are assumed known at time t. From a practical point of view, it is important that the Kalman filter provides recursive formulae for construction of the linear minimum variance estimator }~ of the state xt and for its error covariance matrix P[ = E[xt s 1 - - X~)r at time t using all past information {Yo, Y l , . . . , Yt}

Here, s t-l:

+HP + P t - I H ' tt t tt - l Ht' + R t ) - ' ( Y t

^t xt





p~-I _ p~-l g t ( H t P : - I Ht + R t ) - l g t p ~ - l .


t I H t ~t-l~

(1.4) (1.5)

and P~-~ are predictive values constructed for time t at time ~-'=

Ft ~tt- ]


Kalman filter with outliers


pt-1 = F t p t - l Ft + Qt


Section 2 of the paper deals with the Kalman filter for incomplete data. The main contribution of the paper appears in Section 3 where the problem of incomplete (or missing) observations and outliers in the context of the Kalman filter is studied. Some special cases are described in Section 4 including a convergence result for recursive parameter estimation in an AR(1) process with outliers and missing observations.




The following examples of incomplete d a t a seem to occur frequently in practice: (i) Only those components ofyt of order i l ( t ) , . . . ,imt (1 _< il(t) _< . . . _
0; (iv) E'2 ~ < ec, pO > 0 a.s., and "2~ pO, st are independent;

(V) oo


S t / S ( t ) = oc,



where S t = {1 0

if Yt-1, Yt are observed and S(t) = E i =t 1 & otherwise


Then, x~ ~ 9~ a.s.


T. Cipra and R. Romera



Proof. See Section 5. R e m a r k 4.2. Assumption (v) of Theorem 4.1 ensures for the scheme of missing observations. It is satisfied, situation when {Yt} can be divided into segments of w h e r e e a c h segment contains at least one observable obviously follows t h a t oo

an admissible form for example, in the the same length k, value Yt. Then, it





= i=1

The case of recursive parameter estimation in autoregressive processes with additive outliers is studied in Cipra, Rubio and Canal (1993). R e m a r k 4.3. Theorem 4.1 can be proved for other types of limited psifunctions ~ besides CH in (4.18). It is sufficient to replace assumption (iii) by (iii') the distribution of ~t is such that, for an arbitrary b r 0 and u > 0



qY(u(b + x))dF,(x) > 0


(see (5.10) and (5.11)in the proof of L e m m a 5.1). R e m a r k 4.4. In practice, a will be replaced by an estimate st-1 of this parameter in (4.18) and (4.19) (e.g., an estimate of the type (4.14)). Moreover, Theorem 4.1 holds if we assume, in addition to (i)-(v), the following: (vi)

st --+ a a . s .

(vii) ( (see also Example 4.1). E x a m p l e 4.1. The AR(1) process yt = 0.byt-i + Et has been generated for the heavy-tailed distribution ~t ~ 0.95N(0, l) + 0 . 0 5 R ( - 1 5 , 15), where R(a, b) denotes the uniform distribution on the interval (a, b). T h e robust recursive estimates ~ and Ptt obtained from (4.18) and (4.19) with a = 1, x~0 = 0, P~0 -- l, c = 1.645 and given in Table 1 seem satisfactory. Moreover,

Kalman filter with outliers


if we replace a by its estimate st-1 as given by (4.14) with v = 0.05 and with So estimated from the initial segment of 20 observations Yt by using classical method for an AR(1) process then, the results are very similar to those given in Table 1. with a = 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

-0.2778 0.3963 0.4813 0.5519 0.5690 0.4619 0.4666 0.4480 0.4417 0.4644

with a estimated b y s t _ l

0.2182 0.0741 0.0425 0.0234 0.0172 0.0090 0.0088 0.0078 0.0062 0.0024

-0.3106 0.2871 0.3918 0.4908 0.5165 0.4227 0.4292 0.4151 0.4135 0.4501

0.1405 0.0490 0.0307 0.0191 0.0155 0.0110 0.0107 0.0097 0.0084 0.0055

T a b l e 1: Recursive estimation in the simulated AR(1) model yt -- 0 . b y t - l + et with innovation outliers.



of Theorem


L e m m a 5.1. Let .To C .T1 C ... C F be a sequence of a-algebras in a probability space (l~,.T, P). Let zt, fit, ~t and yt (t = O, 1 , . . . ) be nonnegative .T-measurable random variables such that

E(zt/.Tt-1) ~_ (1 + ft_l)Zt_l

-~- ~ t - - 1






1, 2 , . . .



a.s., t=O




Then, the sequence zt converges a.s. and oo

,, < t=O



T. Cipra and R. Romera []

Proof. See Robbins and Siegmund (1971).

L e m m a 5.2. In the AR(1) process (~. 15), let ~ denote an estimate of the parameter ~ given by means of the recursive formula ^



[Xt_ 1 + at-lYt-l~H(Ut-l(Yt


-- Y t - l X t _ l ) )

if Yt-1, Yt are observed otherwise (5.4)

with an initial (random) value ~o. Here, at-1 and Ut-1 (t ---- 1, 2 . . . ) a r e .Tt_l-measurable random variables for 5Ft_1 = cr{x~,et-a,r } fulfilling O0





(~)"~ = 00, 0 < a121 ~ at-1 ~ a l ~ 1 a.8., Z.. ,~t%_1 = ~ , y ~ r ot(at=l) t----1 t=l O< k t0, }S(0P, - a2/%21 < 5

tZt--1 +

StS(t)--l(a2 / a 2 ) y t _ l O3H(Ut_l(Yt -- y t - - l ~ : t - - 1 ) )

,to - 1

f o r t > to, I S ( t ) P t -- au /cr2vl >_ 5

Then, by L e m m a 5.2 with

all_)1 _-- S(t)-1(0.2/0.2



k = ( 2 a ) -1

a12)1 = S(t)-I (dr2/0.2 + ,)if-l, and



we obtain ~t -4 5


Finally, we can write

>_ P ( n t > t o [ [ S ( t ) P t - a2/a~[ < 5]) > 1 Since ~ > 0 is arbitrary we must have ~ -+ ~v a.s.

Acknowledgements We thank the Associate Editor and referees for their careful reading of the manuscript and valuable comments.

T. Cipra and R. Romera


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Kalman filter with outliers


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