NASICON is an acronym of Sodium (Na) Super Ionic Conductor which is derived ... safe, high stability against chemical reaction and excellent ionic conductivity.
Mohammed Isah Kimpa (Member), Mohd Zul Hilmi Bin Mayzan (Member) and
Mohd Arif Bin Agam (Team leader)
Department of Science, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Pagoh Education Hub, 84600 Pagoh, Johor, Malaysia.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION NASICON is an acronym of Sodium (Na) Super Ionic Conductor which is derived from a family of NaZr2P3O12 by partial replacement of P by Si with Na excess to balance the negatively charged framework. This material I commercially viable for lithium ion rechargeable battery industry due to their interesting features; such as safe, high stability against chemical reaction and excellent ionic conductivity. This reasearch is aimed to synthesize lithium titanium aluminium phosphate (LTAP) and lithium tantalum aluminium phosphate (LTaAP) solid electrolytes via solid state reaction method at various sintering temperatures. Work is focused on the determination of optimum sintering parameters to ensure high ionic conductivity, bulk density measurements to find optimum sintering data while XRD to identify the structural properties of NASICON materials. It is hypothesized that sinterability will enhance ionic conductivity. The conductivity measurement is undertaken using impedance spectroscopy and the experimental as well as fitted result are clearly shown in Fig. 1(c). LTaAP sample have ionic conductivity of 9.8 x -6 10 S/cm at room temperature and the value is one order of magnitude higher compared to the result obtained by Thangadurai et al., 1999.
NOVELTY & INVENTIVENESS Succesful fabrication of solid electrolyte. Introduction of new element into NASICON composition to form LTaAP NASICON solid electrolyte. 5+ Improvement of ionic conductivity by substituting new pentavalent (Ta ) cation with trivalent cation. -6 LTaAP sample had better conductivity of 9.8 x 10 S/cm compared to result obtained by Thangadurai et al., 1999 by one order of magnitude.
BENEFIT TO MALAYSIAN SOCIETY Overcome recent challenges of safety and stability of liquid electrolytes. Reduce the conductivity temperature to ambient conditions for lithium ion battery devices. Improvement of the conductivity of solid electrolyte that will meet its application in commercial quantity. Revenue for Malaysia’s government and employment opportunity.
Fig. 1: Results (a) Bulk density (b) XRD and (c) Impedance spectroscopy of LTAP and LTaAP compositions.
of LTAP NASICON ceramics for ionic conductivity of solid electrolytes. A paper presented at ICSSEMS 2016 conference and accepted for publication. Sodium superionic conductor (NASICON)- review on synthesis and characterization of the material. A review paper presented at YRWEES 2017 symposium and accepted for publication. Sol-gel synthesis and electrical characterization of LTAP solid electrolytes. A paper presented at SCIEMATHIC 2017 conference and accepted for publication. Physical characterization and electrical conductivity of LTAP-0.2 and LTaAP-0.1 NASICON material. A paper presented at ICE 2017 conference and accepted for publication.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to UTHM-ORICC for their generous financial support through the GIPs vote number U301 and IGPS U412.