Mar 6, 2008 ... PT Cruiser, complaining of an idle problem. He stated that the engine almost
stalls while sitting at a stoplight in Drive with the a/c turned on. I took ... the a/c
system charge and it looked good. .... Check a wiring diagram to verify.
Trouble Shooter Computer control of idle speed has virtually eliminated complaints of engines that are idling ‘too fast’ or ‘too slow.’ So it’s even more rare when idle speed drops low enough to cause a stall. Pressure-Packed Situation
Karl Seyfert
Photo: Karl Seyfert
[email protected]
A customer recently brought us his 2004 Chrysler PT Cruiser, complaining of an idle problem. He stated that the engine almost stalls while sitting at a stoplight in Drive with the a/c turned on. I took the car for a ride and didn’t have any trouble duplicating the symptom. The a/c performance seemed normal, but the engine would almost stall when the compressor cycled off and on. I checked the a/c system charge and it looked good. The car had over 50,000 miles on it, so a throttle body cleaning and a new idle air control valve seemed warranted. The stalling problem continued. I also performed a full tuneup and had the PCM reprogrammed with the latest software. Still no change. I’m now wondering if I’m dealing with a PCM problem. Any suggestions? Bill Lentz Fort Myers, FL
It’s not very easy to see much of it, but there’s a two-speed fan assembly behind the radiator in this tight PT Cruiser engine compartment. Failure of the low speed can cause a/c performance and driveability problems.
These days, most customers take a stable idle speed pretty much for granted. Modern engines successfully start up and keep running from dead cold in arctic air temperatures, with an idle speed that’s not much more than a few hundred rpm above the fully warm idle speed. And at the other end of the spectrum, the same engine maintains a stable idle speed while handling the power demands of the a/c compressor and alternator, even when the ambient temperature is over 100°F. When idle speed drops too low to compensate for these added demands, customers usually notice. The first place we’d normally look for answers is the idle speed control system. You did the right thing by checking the throttle body and idle air control valve. Many idle control problems have been solved simply by giving everything in that area a thorough cleaning. In this case, I believe you need to look at the a/c system. The PT Cruiser has a two-speed cooling fan system. The computer decides which speed to use, based on engine temperature and a/c operation. The connection to engine temperature is easy enough to understand. The hotter the engine gets, the more cooling fan speed the control unit supplies. As the engine cools back down, the computer backs off on the fan speed. The a/c system is tied to the cooling fan, based on compressor operation. The fan should come on at the lower speed when the compressor clutch kicks in, and turn off when the compressor clutch disengages. If the cooling fan didn’t come on at any speed, your customer would have been complaining about overheating at stoplights, rather than a stalling problem. I believe the fan’s low speed is no longer working. With the a/c turned on, the lack of air circulation over the condenser at stoplights causes the system’s high-side pressure to rise to a higherthan-normal level. This puts an additional load on the a/c compressor, which in turn causes the engine to work harder. The extra continued on page 8
March 2008
Trouble Shooter load on the PT Cruiser’s little 4-cylinder engine causes its idle speed to drop to a lower-than-normal level. If the condition continues long enough, the engine might even stall. Surging and hesitation at lower road speeds could also be a problem. If you asked your customer, he might also tell you that the a/c performance was affected at the same time. You can verify the a/c high-side pressure at idle with a set of pressure gauges. Cooling fan operation can be controlled by a scan tool actuator test. Try actuating both fan speeds this way. If only the high fan speed works, you can verify that the low-speed motor windings have failed by checking for power and ground at the fan connector while the scan tool is commanding low-speed operation. You can also provide power and ground with jumper wires if you’d prefer to activate the motor manually. Ground is in the center of the three-terminal connector, with the high-speed and
low-speed power feeds on either side of it. Check a wiring diagram to verify the terminal positions. If the low-speed and high-speed cooling fan windings check good but they’re not receiving power and ground from the computer, begin checking upstream. Corrosion at the cooling fan relay terminals in the relay box is a good place to start. Once again, try activating the cooling fan circuit with the scan tool actuator test. If the “fan on” command is arriving from the computer but doesn’t make it to the cooling fan, you probably have some corroded fan relay terminals to clean up or replace.
Tough Problem? Write to Trouble Shooter, MOTOR Magazine, 50 Charles Lindbergh Blvd., Suite 100, Uniondale, NY 11553. Or you can fax to 216-651-3016, or e-mail
[email protected]. Please include your work number.
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Circle #7
March 2008
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