I have amazing memories with the guys and every one is ant say which one is the
best one☺ ttp://gunsnroses.com.pl/). 1 give the interview to the ur impressions.
Katarina Benzova for NighTrain Station (http://gunsnroses.com.pl/) http://gunsnroses.com.pl/)
NighTrain Station /@Kate: What convinced you to give the interview to the NTS? Katarina Benzova: You asked me for it☺ it [@Nata]
NighTrain Station /@Zqyx: Could you describe your impressions concerning Poland, the flag, the fans. When are the photos from Poland going to be shared on the official GNR website? Katarina Benzova: Show in Poland was great. Amazing fans, great vibe and a lot of fun☺.. You guys rocked☺ rocked
NighTrain Station /@MissRose: Your photos are in majority black&white, is there any particular reason for that? Katarina Benzova: Its because I want to keep the vibe of Rock N’ Roll. I love B&W, grainy pictures and that’s what really fits this band and its character.
NighTrain Station: Do you stay in touch with the band members after the tour? Which h one are you closest to? Katarina Benzova: Yes we r staying in touch. They are all close to me.They are like my second family.
NighTrain Station /@Canis_Luna: Canis_Luna: Why did you choose GNR? Katarina Benzova: I didn’t. GN’R chose me☺ me
NighTrain Station /@Bricked Bricked What’s your best memory so far, when it comes to working with GNR? Katarina Benzova: I have amazing memories with the guys and every one is special so I cant say which one is the best one☺ one
Katarina Benzova for NighTrain Station (http://gunsnroses.com.pl/) http://gunsnroses.com.pl/)
NighTrain Station /@JackW: Do you think it’s hard for someone from middle Europe to achieve succes outside his native country? Katarina Benzova: I don’t think so. Its as hard as for everyone else no matter from where u are.I believe that if you really want something ,believe in yourself, get out of your comfort rt zone and do something for it, there is a big chance you will succeed in what you going for. If not …it wasn’t your right path and there is something better waiting for you☺ you
NighTrain Station /@Kat: Is there any particular word in polish language, that a slovakian could find funny? Katarina Benzova: A lot of them☺ them But yeah probably still get a good laugh when they tell me that they are “sukat” their mom or something☺ something
NighTrain Station /@Mafioso: Could you list your photo equipment? Katarina Benzova: I use se Canon 5D markII for concerts and few Canon L series lenses.
NighTrain Station /@MissRose: „I’ve discovered that while the camera can’t express the soul, the photographer certainly can“can“ do you agree with these words and do you consider yourself as a „soul photographer“? Katarina Benzova: I do agree with that. That’s why there is a difference between photographers otherwise everyone with camera would become one. Im trying to capture what is inside every person I shoot, their feelings, their personality,, moods…simply who they really are not just the body shell. I love a quote from Annie Leibovitz that says: “ A thing that you see in my pictures is that I was not afraid to fall in love with these people.” Its so true. You cant see a person you shoot just as an object but you have to feel them.
Katarina Benzova for NighTrain Station (http://gunsnroses.com.pl/) http://gunsnroses.com.pl/) NighTrain Station /@Krelke: Are there any photographers whose works you keep track of? Katarina Benzova: I like work of a lot of photographers. Many to name now☺ now
NighTrain Station /@MissRose: What’s your way of working - do you have an idea from the very start and try to pursue it, or do you rather put more emphasis on spontaneity? Katarina Benzova: I work spontaneously. spontaneously
NighTrain Station /@Wagon: Which member of GNR is the most photogenic one? Katarina Benzova: All of them are different people and different personalities so they are all photogenic in a different way.
NighTrain Station /@Aga0305: What are your other interests, aside from photography? What do you do in your spare time? Katarina Benzova: I do a lot in my spare time. Im a swim instructor, open water diver, I used to DJ , danced ballet for 12 years, paint….I just like to be really active and always learn something new☺ new
NighTrain Station /@Krelke: What did you take into consideration while choosing g the equipment you use? What are the objectives you use? Do you have a favourite one? Katarina Benzova: It has to be great for the conditions I work in. Camera has to have a hight ISO, great low light performance, top AF, …and lenses have to be fast. For concert photography, the constant aperture is a tremendous boon. I use Canon 24-70mm 70mm f/2.8 L and 70-200mm 70 200mm f/2.8 L lenses for concerts now and sometimes Fisheye.
NighTrain Station /@Krelke: Did somebody teach you how to take pictures or did you just practice ce on your own? Katarina Benzova: I learned by myself by practicing. I think it’s the best way as you find your own style and learn about your camera. And if you need help just google it☺ 3
Katarina Benzova for NighTrain Station (http://gunsnroses.com.pl/) http://gunsnroses.com.pl/)
NighTrain Station /@Krelke: Is it frequent that you beat up the crew cre with roses? Katarina Benzova: Did you see me doing that? Oops…Then it was a good day☺ day
NighTrain Station: Thank You for interview.