cases and during emergency response, such as rain or fire. As a part of winter assistance ( 400 lit. of kersone/family/
Kawergosk Camp Profile: Inter-Sector/Agency Interventions 1/2 December 2015 Geographic Snapshot and Contextual Background GPS coordinates : 36.3460809 43.8112815 Region and State : Khabat, Erbil. KR - Iraq Ibrahim Khalil Peshkabour
NINEWA Kawergosk
Refugee Camp
Border Crossing
UNHCR/O. Zhdanov
2,899 2,454
Age and Gender Breakdown
Female 10km
Camp Registered Population: 10,309 persons
946 521
Pattern in Population Change: The camp receives new arrivals from Kobane since October 2014 Areas of Origin: Majority are Kurdish from Qamishli in Syria
582 130
00-04 Years
05-11 Years
12-17 Years
18-59 Years
60+ Years
Inter-Sector/Agency Interventions Sectors
) ( % K 28
Indicators # of Syrian refugees registered in 2015
% of refugees with updated registration records including iris scan enrolment
Child Marriage campaign was finalized in Erbil governorate. Key community leaders, women, girls, health workers, Police Officer, teachers, Lawyers and NGO Partners have participate effectively to make successful. UNHCR managed to include additional refugees into WFP voucher distribution list,based on protection concerns. UNHCR and Partners conducted FGDs on smuggling to Europe. Key messages to raise awareness on risks associated with smuggling were developed. # of individuals who receive food assistance in voucher
In July, food voucher value was $19/person. In August and September, according to the targeting system, 29% of families are non-eligible for food assistance, 1% (severely and moderately food insecure) received food voucher value $19/month/person and 70% (marginally food insecure) received voucher value $10/month/person. # & (%) of children enrolled in school
1,744 (84%)
Supervisor taught full time as substitute teacher at the formal school for Basic Education. The head teachers in formal school asked partners to provide substitute teachers since they had a shortage of teaching staff. Delivery of educational and learning materials to all students and 25 kerosene lamps for the school. # & (%) of children registered are enrolled in school
1-4 consultations/ person/ year
Health services continue to be provided by IMC and DoH with support from UN partners. MSF-F and UPP supported provision MHPSS services. IMC has handed over the PHC/Out Patient Department (OPD) to DoH by end of December. DoH-Erbil will run the PHC (OPD services) with financial support from UNHCR in 2016. By now, all the PHC is handed over to DoH and its supported by other UN agencies. Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) campaign has been conducted.
Kawergosk Camp Profile 2/2
Camp opened: 15.08.2013
Layout and services provided
Size of camp area : 419.000m² Planned capacity (approximately): 8,750 persons
Prepared by UNHCR Technical Unit - Erbil
Inter-Sector/Agency Interventions Sectors
Indicators Accumulative # of HHs receiving emergency shelter
Indicators Accumulative # of HHs receiving upgraded shelter
Value 486
The camp is crowded as number of refugee families is more than the planned capacity. With no new camp or extension of existing camp planned, some of the refugee families will continue to live in emergency shelter. As planned, the construction of 285 improved shelter units (Shelter, WASH, water network and electricity works) has been completed. Relocation of families will be in 2016 after the completion of construction of roads and open channel. # of HHs receiving core relief items for new arrivals and replenishment old items
# of households receiving winter support (200 lit. kerosene for heating and CRI)
Core Relief Items (CRIs) were distributed to newly arrived refugees, newly married, scabies infected, protection cases and during emergency response, such as rain or fire. As a part of winter assistance ( 400 lit. of kersone/family/ season), families living in the camp received 240 lit. of kerosene and kerosene jerry cans. The remaining 160 lit. will be distributed in January and February 2016 and 975 families, based on their needs, received plastic sheets. Liters of water/person/day: 20 (min. standard)
Persons per latrine: