5 Mar 2013 ... Marketing theoretical concepts in the international context. .... David Cravens,
Nigel Piercy (2012) Strategic Marketing,10th edn: McGraw. Hill.
CULC Module Specification International Marketing Strategy
1. MODULE SUMMARY Aims and Summary This module is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge of Marketing theoretical concepts in the international context. Students will consider the application of a range of theory and concepts critically and analytically to deepen their understanding. Students will also receive training in the skills and techniques that will enable them to apply theory in the global workplace. Students will consider the evolutionary stages of Marketing within an organisation and within a project and identify the resource implications of marketing activity. In determining resource implications and the development of a marketing plan, the internal and external business environment must be considered to ensure the plan is sustainable. The module will illustrate current practice and point out the challenges in achieving sustainability in an everchanging international business environment. The module will also enable students to develop an awareness of the marketing practices and approaches used by a variety of organisations and critically evaluate the approaches adopted using an agreed set of performance indicators. The module will also consider the role of marketing in the value chain: the relationship built up with customers and intermediaries and the marketing team. The ability of this wider team to communicate effectively will affect the ability of the business to market its product or service successfully.
Module Size and credits Module size
CATS points
ECTS credits
LON312BUS v2.doc Last Updated: 3/5/2013 Author: R Sumner
USA credit hours
Availability on/off campus
London Campus only
Total student study hours
150 (40 hours’ contact time and up to 110 hours’ private study)
Number of weeks
School responsible
London Campus
Composition of module mark (including weighting of components) 100% Coursework as follows: Pitch This assessment is the culmination of all your work in this module. You are required to draw up a Marketing Analysis for a chosen company (which will be given by the module leader). You are required to present your answer in a report format. In order to present a well-constructed report you must carry out a thorough evaluation of the marketing activities and that of their competitors, as well as investigating the latest trends and developments within its particular sector. The report should be presented to your company’s senior marketing team, using the standard “Report” format and presented to your tutor for assessment through the usual channels. A report consisting of 2000 words will be required to support your answer
Pass requirements Module Mark must be at least 40%
Special Features None
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2. TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT Intended Module Learning Outcomes On completion of this module the student should be able to: 1. Understand the principles of marketing within the constantly changing international environment 2. Demonstrate knowledge of marketing concepts and approaches in practice 3. Analyse a range of examples demonstrating innovative marketing approaches used by various types of international organisations 4. Analyse advantages and limitations of the main marketing theoretical concepts and be able to apply them to scenarios in current marketing cases 5. Demonstrate awareness of organisations’ performance in the context of marketing 6. Compare best practices and marketing failures 7. Present marketing theories and practices in a coherent manner by demonstrating quality and clarity of expression, use of appropriate terminology and secondary data to illustrate or support arguments 8. Use ICT skills to produce material in an agreed format
Indicative Content • • • • • • • •
Evolution of theoretical concepts in marketing The role of integrated marketing in international companies The importance of studying international customer behaviour and decision making processes Gaining competitive advantage through effective market segmentation Market entry strategies Corporate image, brand equity and branding decisions The impact of ethical and environmental issues on the organisations’ marketing mix and process Challenges which marketers face in implementing international marketing plans and initiatives
Teaching and Learning Teaching, learning and assessment at CULC offers students the ability to develop their knowledge, skills and competences through a curriculum that is purposely designed to provide both an exceptional learning experience and also engage them with the four areas of curriculum excellence to which CULC is committed; • •
Career-building, 21st-century-learning driven,
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• •
Technology-enabled, And internationally-orientated.
All modules will be available to students on-campus, supported by a learning management system which directs their programme of study. All teaching, learning and assessment materials will be available to both staff and students via the system in a consistent and user-friendly manner. Students will engage primarily via a number of learning blocks in each module: Knowledge & Understanding; this block is concerned with the sharing of academic theory and concepts to ensure students have mastered a critical appreciation of current and relevant research in the subject area. Application; this block brings the knowledge and understanding ‘to life’ by relating it to current practice. It takes a critical view of the theory and concepts as they are employed in the workplace in order to encourage students to evaluate their significance and merit. Analysis & Problem Solving; this block requires students to develop and demonstrate their essential analytical skills in order to respond to employer related problems by making a set of clearly evaluated recommendations. Assessment is explicitly related to both the module and programme learning outcomes detailed above. Method of Assessment (normally assessed as follows) The intended learning outcomes will be assessed as follows: 100% Pitch Please note that no coursework will be marked until an identical electronic copy has been submitted to the module web for a plagiarism check. Reassessment: Completion of a comparable piece of work/resubmission on the failed coursework components.
Date of last amendment
3. MODULE RESOURCES Required Reading LON312BUS v2.doc Last Updated: 3/5/2013 Author: R Sumner
Doole, I. and Lowe, R. (2012) International Marketing Strategy. 6th edn. London: Cengage Learning
Recommended Reading David Cravens, Nigel Piercy (2012) Strategic Marketing,10th edn: McGraw Hill Brassington, F. & Pettitt, S., (2006) Principles of Marketing. 5th edn. London: Financial Times Press Fill, C. (2009) Marketing Communications: Interactivity, Communities and Content. 5th edn. London: Financial Times Press Kotler, P., Armstrong, J. S., (2010) Principles of Marketing. 5th European edn. Pearson Higher Education Pickton, D. and Broderick, A., (2005) Integrated Marketing Communications. 2nd edn. London: Financial Times Press Recommended Reading: Magazines/websites www.campaignlive.co.uk - Campaign, the leading weekly UK magazine for the advertising and commercial media industry. www.cim.co.uk/home.aspx - The Chartered Institute of Marketing presents news, analysis, case studies, links and other valuable resources for marketers. www.managementtoday.co.uk - Management Today reputed to have ' one of the most diverse, senior and well-informed readerships of any business title... ' www.themarketer.co.uk - The Marketer, published by the Chartered Institute of Marketing, with how-to articles, marketer interviews, case studies and more.
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www.marketingweek.co.uk/ - MarketingWeek - news and analysis of developments around the U.K. and Europe. www.marketingscience.info/ - From the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science at the University of South Australia, articles about marketing research. www.statistics.gov.uk - Consumer and business market statistics the UK. www.bbc.co.uk – Consumer and business market statistics the UK
Required Equipment Students must have access to the Internet
4. MODULE ORGANISATION Module leader Name
Telephone number
Length and month of examination None
Expected teaching timetable slots Note that some tutorials/seminars may be provided at times other than those shown below. Timetable information should be verified with the London Campus Occurrence
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Start Time
End time
Subject Quality and Approval information Board of Study
Subject Assessment Board
Shortened title
Date of approval by BoS
LON312BUS v2.doc Last Updated: 3/5/2013 Author: R Sumner