Kegemaran - DB Publishing

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Kegemaran. KOSA KATA. Pottery - keramik. The art - kesenian. The art - seni. The badminton - badminton. The basketball - bola basket. The cards - kartu-kartu.
Kegemaran KOSA KATA


Pottery - keramik The art - kesenian The art - seni The badminton - badminton The basketball - bola basket The cards - kartu-kartu The fishing - memancing The gymnasium - gedung olahraga The gymnastics - olahraga senam The jigsaw - teka-teki The literature - kesusastraan The novel - novel The pastime/hobby - hobi The pastime/hobby - kegemaran The relaxation - persantaian The skiing - olahraga ski The soccer - sepak bola The sport - olahraga The swimming - renang The table tennis - pimpong The table tennis - tenis meja The tennis - tenis The theatre - teater The trip - perjalanan The walk/stroll - berjalan-jalan The water skiing - olahraga ski air The weekend - akhir pekan The yoga - yoga

Finally, the weekend! - Akhirnya, akhir pekan juga! I go to the gym every morning. - Saya pergi ke gedung olahraga setiap pagi. I love sport - Saya senang olah raga My hobbies are - Hobi-hobi saya adalah …. What an interesting hobby - Hobi yang menarik What an interesting pastime - Kegemaran yang menarik


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SC EN AR Intervie IO w y our family a Ask the nd m to d e scribe t friends about he their ho becam e ir hobby and bb h interes ow they ies. ted in i first t. WRITING TASK Write a letter to the local skydiving club requesting information about becoming a member. © 2004 Indonesian Themesters 1. 2. D. Barnett. All rights reserved. ISBN 1-920844-13-9

KATA KERJA There is/there are - ada To be - berada To create - menciptakan To do - mengerjakan To go - pergi To have - mempunyai To hire - menyewa To make - membuat To play - bermain To practise - berlatih To read - membaca To relax - bersantai To see - melihat To travel - bepergian To travel - berjalan