kementerian pemuda dan olahraga - Indonesia Open X-Sport ...

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Nomor. : 0523/D.||.2Nnt2017. 17 Juli 2017. To: All the X-treme Sports Comunity. Subject: The 9th lndonesia Open X-sports
KEMENTERIANPEMUDA DAN OLAHRAGA JALANGERBANGPEMUDANO. 3 SENAYANJAKARTA10270 (62-21\5738155,573831 5703987, 8, 5738312,5703966, TELEPON/FAKSIMILE 57385292,57381 53, 5731106 5738152,5704004, Website :


: 0523/D.||.2Nnt2017

17 Juli 201 7

To: All the X-tremeSportsComunity

Subject:The 9thlndonesiaOpenX-sportsChampionship (IOXC) Hisexelency In reference to our sport development program, Deputy Minister for Sport Culturalization,The Ministryof Youth and SportAffairsof The Republicof Indonesiawill hostedthe gthIndonesiaOpenX-sportsChampionship (IOXC)2017.This yearwill be held in Manado,NortSulawesi,lndonesia on 6-8 October2017. We kindlyinviteall the X{reme SportCommunityto participatein the eventfor categories: 1. BMX Flatlandn BMX Streetpark 2. AggresiveInlineskate 3. Skateboard 4. Bboysn Bgirlsbattle 5. SoccerFreestyle 6. BasketFreestyle Thankyou for yourkindattentionand assistance. See you on the IndonesiaOpenX-sports C h a m p i o n sh(IOX i p C )2 0 1 7i n Ma n ado,Nor tSulawesi, Indonesia. pleasevisit us at Forfurtherinformation& registration


Management of Recreational Sports


N tP.19680720 1997031 001 Cc: DeputyMinistryfor SportCulturalization