Key Comprehension Skills Question Methodologies Exceptions 1 ...

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are Singaporean'? X states. One would expect Singlish, being a Singaporean construct that sets us apart from other natio

Question Use your own words Paraphrase as far as possible












Key Comprehension Skills Methodologies

Exceptions Paraphrase every keyword (important not to use any root or associated words) Proper noun Paraphrase every key term (words that contribute to the important meaning of a Word without other substitutes sentence) if it is better to alter the original sentence structure Word being theme of passage Use your own words and inferential ideas to answer (as an inferential question, answer will not be found in the

Does not say passage anyway) ‘UYOWAFAP’ Infer author’s perception/ outlook/ mindset/ opinion/ stance/ position/ feelings (POMOSPF) from words author uses to describe the issue or topic at hand Use specific adjectives to identify author’s attitude (doubt: cynical, skeptical, criticism: critical, disapproving) While we One would expect the doctor to be able to help the patient Signal rhetorical Explain the irony in with their psychological problems contradiction to express ‘After all, the doctor expect X, incongruity bet. what is is himself in the But the reality is that he himself is in need of help/ he faces But reality, Y expected and what actually is same boat.’ similar problems as the patients One would expect Singlish, being a Singaporean construct Self-contradictory with two What is ironic or X states that sets us apart from other nationalities, to be embraced embedded statements both contradictory about by Singaporeans true on their own but when the headline, ‘No combined in a full statement Singlish please, we However, this language that is so much a part of our heritage However, Y seem contradictory are Singaporean’? is denied recognition Oxymoron Deafening silence Rhetorical figure in We cannot help but feel One would expect that being silent does not entail any disturbed by the deafening Expectation of which two occurrences of loud noise. ‘Silence’ is opposite of the idea of situation contradictory terms silence in the community, as ‘deafening noise’ evident in the complete lack of are combined in a However, author is saying that such silence is becoming too protests against such an act of Contradiction short phrase (e.g. overwhelming to him and community because of the blatant deafening silence) injustice lies absence of actions taken to speak out against unfairness