Prior to planning meetings, people & families need education & support to ... W: P: 1800 434 0
KEY MESSAGES ! The voice of people with intellectual disability 60%+ of NDIS participants have intellectual disability. The NDIA needs robust input from PWID & their supporters. The NDIA Intellectual Disability Reference Group is a welcome initiative.
Choice & control does not just happen for people with ID! All processes for PWID need to take account of their needs for extra time, support & accessible information. Prior to planning meetings, people & families need education & support to develop their confidence, goals and aspirations. This work is best done by skilled & connected community organisations. NDIA planners need continued skills development in working with PWID. People need emotional support & capacity building so that they can navigate NDIS and community systems.
Responding to diversity The ILC needs specific resources for outreach and engagement with people living isolated lives on society’s fringe, & ad hoc support for people who only need disability support with some problems or crises. The NDIS needs strong strategies to reach out to diverse communities & adapt practices to meet their needs - Indigenous people & people from culturally & linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Children and young people Families need a softer & easier entry into the NDIS than is currently available. Families need greater clarity about what early intervention offers & how it works. NDIS supports for children need to promote social connectedness & the development of positive relationships.
Housing Much more investment is needed in accessible & affordable housing. Goals & aspirations, rather than levels of support needs, should determine choice of housing & any co-residents.
Independent advocacy A range of advocacy is needed by PWID both in their dealings with the NDIS & in protecting their rights more generally. PWID & their families need & want their own peak systemic advocacy groups.
KEY MESSAGES ! Meeting complex behavioural needs Complex behavioural needs require skilled and flexible disability support including accommodation support, behaviour support, speech pathology & strong collaboration with mental health services. To date, these supports have generally been provided by state/territory disability agencies. In NSW, the government is committed to ceasing to be a disability support provider. This will require an extremely robust process to ensure that skilled accommodation & professional support is available in the non-government sector. The government should monitor whether an adequate system can be created &, if not, review its decision to cease being a service provider.
Ensuring good health care PWID experience well documented stark health inequalities. Disability services need robust systems to promote healthy lifestyles & support people to access quality healthcare. Health agencies need to improve physical & mental health care health services. The NDIA needs strong collaborative relationships with health services. Government disability agencies, in particular ADHC NSW, fund vital health services for PWID. These services must be maintained in NDIS implementation.
Support out of the criminal justice system The experience in the Hunter trial site shows that, with support from a trusted ally, offenders with ID can access the NDIS with very positive results. The Community Justice Program of NSW Disability Services has provided a high level of specialised support to over 300 PWID with major histories of offending. There are many issues to be addressed if the NDIS is to meet the needs of this population.
Quality and safeguarding PWID represent 60% of NDIS participants & tend to be very vulnerable to rights infringements. The NDIS needs to start with a very strong quality & safeguarding framework.
Other burning issues Employment – PWID need best practice support to obtain open employment. National Disability Strategy - Much more concerted action is needed to ensure all parties meet their NDS responsibilities. Real community connection – This requires support workers & informal supporters having skills & substantial time to support people into community activities, relationships & groups.
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