"Technology Directions in Enterprise Communications". Ravi Sethi ... Princeton University (1973) and a bachelor of technology degree from the Indian Institute.
In this talk, we introduce the broadband network environment in Taiwan, and ... is Dean and Chair professor of College of Computer Science, National Chiao.
Semiconductor Research: A Corner Stone for Building a Knowledge Based ... He also had a Research Chair at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).
Computers, communication, and sensing technologies are converging to change the ... from Cairo University, Egypt; M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from.
Intelligent Control and Estimation in Power Electronics and Drives. ... and Variable Frequency Drives (John Wiley/IEEE Press, 1997), Modern Power Electronics.
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION ... 1. Introduction. Health management in electronics high reliability ...... represents the area under the PDF curve that is equal to the.
of Leadfree Packaging under Shock and Vibration. Pradeep Lall, Deepti Iyengar, Sandeep Shantaram, Prashant Gupta,. Dhananjay Panchagade, Jeff Suhling.
of Leadfree Packaging under Shock and Vibration. Pradeep Lall, Deepti Iyengar, Sandeep Shantaram, Prashant Gupta,. Dhananjay Panchagade, Jeff Suhling.
The 7th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2012). Context-aware Personal Learning Environment. Mafawez T.
Page 1. Keynote: Context to the People. What will it take to make activity recognition systems suitable for consumer applications? Paul Lukowicz. Research ...
2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, Lugano (19-23 March 2012)
Keynote: Context to the People What will it take to make activity recognition systems suitable for consumer applications? Paul Lukowicz Research Group for Embedded Intelligence German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany Paul.Lukowicz [at] dfki.de ABSTRACT
With the advance of sensor enabled smart phones simple context awareness has become a mainstream feature. Commercial apps routinely use location knowledge for the delivery of customized information or fostering social interaction. There are also scores of apps that analyse modes of locomotion for purposes such as calories calorie expenditure assessment or exercise support. On the other hand, more detailed recognition of human activities and complex situations has so far had very little impact on reallife applications.
Paul Lukowicz is a scientific director at DFKI (German research center for artificial Intelligence) Kaiserslautern leading the Embedded Intelligence group and a professor of computer science at the university of Passau in Germany. He has a MSc in Computer Science, an MSc. in Physics and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. His research interests include ubiquitous sensing, context awareness, wearable computing, pervasive healthcare, and self-organized systems
That talk will look at factors that prevent wide spread use of complex activity recognition and discuss research that works to mitigate those factors. Topics will include working with dynamic, opportunistic sensor configurations, collaborative recognition and new sensing modalities.