Kicker Overview - KEK

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The difficult points of kicker magnets. ◇ High Repetition rate (for power supply). • Switching device ? ◇ Fast rise/fall time. • Ringing and reflection must be small.
Kicker Overview

T.Mimashi KEK

Requirements ‹

Injection beam • 2820 bunches, 337nsec spacing


Deflection angle • Injection 0.5mrad • Extraction 4 µrad (Vertical) or 30µrad (Horizontal)


Recombination factor > 20? • => Bunch space less than 20nsec ? • => Total Length of DR 17km


Pulse to pulse reproducibility (extraction) • Less Than ±0.07%

The difficult points of kicker magnets ‹

High Repetition rate (for power supply) • Switching device ?


Fast rise/fall time • Ringing and reflection must be small • Fast rise/slow fall => “kicker gap scheme” needs pre-damping ring if positron generated by luminosity generating electron beam


Injection kicker • Larger input beam size(need large kick)


Extraction kicker • Extremely good pulse-to-pulse reproducibility ‹

To avoid beam jitter at the collision point (The fast intra-train feedback at TESLA can NOT compensate)

• preserve transverse emittance

Candidates of Kicker System for TESLA Damping Ring 1: Conventional Kicker System Ferrite Kicker , Strip Line Kicker,etc 2:RF deflectors A Fourier Series Kicker, CTF3-like, (Club Cavity) 3:New ideas Beam-beam kicker, A high intensity laser pulse kicker

Conventional Kicker System ‹

Kicker magnet (G.Dugan, Jurgen Rummler et al) • • •


Ferrite kicker with resistive coating on ceramic tube Ferrite kicker with strips(DESY DRIS,PETRA,HERA Type) Strip Line Kicker (Budker INP, DESY,FNAL)

Pulsers (Switching device etc) (From J. Frisch talk) • • •

Requirements -> 5kV, 50A Peak Power : 250kW Average power in 1msec : 2.5kW ‹ Long Term: 25W ‹

• •

Switching speed : nsec rise and fall time Settling < 7x10-4

Magnetic field B Length L Voltage on input V Half-aperture a Kicker strength S

Grishanov et al, TESLA note 96-11

Minimum pulse rise/fall time T

V=2000 v -> 8-10kV? L=0.5 m -> 3m (for 20nsec) a=25 mm -> 20mm ? S=2.67 G-m -> 80G-m ? T=3.33 ns Need 18 kickers -> 1 kicker ?

Candidates (From J. Frisch talk and comments from A.Krasnykh) ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹

Snap/Step Diode - Power dissipation probably limits Avalanche Transistors MOSFETs Shock Lines (Ferromagnetic) • 95kV 380psec (Used for SLAC kicker)


Shock Lines (Others) • Ferroelectric 20kV 400psec • Diode loaded line 6V < 0.7psec • Vacuum Magnetic line


Hard Tube Switches -> Eimac Y-690 6kV, 30A, 1.5ns ‹ Driven by avalanche transustors (Not appropriate for high repetition rate) ‹

R&D activities ‹

Strip Line kicker (LEPP,FNAL,UIUC,DESY) • Install simple strip line kicker in the A0 photoinjector beam line (16 MeV electrons) to study timing/stability property (Information from G.Gollis’s talk in SLAC)


Strip Line kicker (KEK/DESY?) • Install simple strip line in the KEK ATF • Borrow pulser from DESY (F.Obier) ?



RF Deflectors ‹

Crab cavity and kicker (Richard Helms, Cornel Univ.)


CTF3-like Inj/ext schemes (D.Alesini et al, Frascati)


Fourier Series Kicker ( George Gollin Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Crab Cavity and kicker magnet (Richard Helms, Cornel Univ.)

We can reduce the DR size without changing the kicker specs 17km -> 4-5km

Lines are recombined approximately 200m later

Crab Cavity in KEKB (Hosoyama et al KEK)

(Crab cavity will be installed in the KEKB Ring in Dec 2005 )

CTF3-like Inj/Ext Schemes (D.Alesini et al, Frascati)



CTF3-Like Injection

(D.Alesini et al, Frascati)

CTF3-Like Extraction

Some limit (D.Alesini et al, Frascati) ∆φ∗> 0.6mrad for Φ=12mrad

Increase ∆φ∗/φ •

2 frequencies

Use the combination of 2 or more frequencies

3 frequencies

Fourier Series Kicker

Kicker would be a series of N “rf cavities” oscillating at harmonics of the linac bunch frequency 1/(337 nsec)=2.97MHz Kick could be transverse or (longitudinal + Bend) George Gollin University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Adjust each Amplitude

dpt/dt=0 at every-spaced Major zeroes in pt

George Gollin University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

a “Fourier series kicker” George Gollin University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign kicker rf cavities

injection/extraction deflecting magnet

injection/extraction deflecting magnet

pT injection path

extraction path

RF deflectors are always “ON” (fast filling/draining is NOT an issue) Fourier series kicker is located in a bypass section (more about this on the next slide…) While damping, beam follows the dog bone-shaped path (solid line). During injection/extraction, deflectors route beam through bypass (straight) section. Bunches are kicked onto/off orbit by kicker.

Even though net Pt is zero there can be a small displacement. To compensate the displacement, civities in phase must be installed Symmetry: +3MHz,+6MHz ….. ,+6MHz,+3MHz

George Gollin University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

A novel scheme for a super fast kicker 1

Beam-Beam kicker(V.D.Shiltsev DESY) Use a high pulse current, low energy beam ‹


• No cancellation devices and Tiny ring impedance ‹

Disadvantage • The injection BBK scheme need extremely high charge source


Issues • Stability requirements ‹

Beam charge, Distance between two beams

• The effect of resistive vacuum chamber wake field is Negligible

Beam-beam kicker




(V.D.Shiltsev DESY)




Horizontal 50Gsm


Head On



Charge Source: • RF photo-injector Max Pbbk=16 [Gsm] • Q=300nC,σr =10mm



Charge Source: • RF photo-injector(300nC) ->ferroelectric cathode gun(500-100nC)


Max Pbbk=2.2 [Gsm] • Q=300nC,σz =10cm
