Jan 28, 2012 ... use of different technologies like PPT, NET, BLOG,. WIKIPEDIA .... students was
conducted by Bata India Ltd., Snapdeal.com, Aon Hewitt and.
To live in the right way is a very difficult art, and unless one begins to learn it when quite young and to make an effort, one never knows it very well
he universe yields its secrets to the inquiring mind and active soul having insatiable quest for truth and mysteries of nature. An ever evolving and continuously changing curriculum to this date is the most powerful means of educating youth amidst rapid technological developments, interplay of social, economic, demographic and political forces, emerging national and international imperatives and ever flowing social changes and consequent educational transformation. In planning the curriculum in KIIT a mention is always made of the perennial wisdom contained in the advice of the divine Mother – “to live in the right way is a very difficult art, and unless one begins to learn it when quite young and to make an effort, one never knows it very well”. Self study, self learning and self progress leading to self development are basic to the teaching-learning process, It is with this realization that in KIIT a learning environment is so created that students remain in close contact with nature, grow with love and regard for the eco-system and protection of environment, pursue games and sports, creative hobbies like music, dance, drama, painting and fine arts - all integrated within the curriculum and in day to day activities. In order to effectively meet the unknown challenges of the new century the faculty and students at KIIT are taking recourse to newer strategies to give a new meaning and new orientation to
professional education by shifting the emphasis from a more routine type of learning to creative thinking and problem solving. Students are made aware of the fact that the impending times, characterized by innovations and improvisations would require people who are flexible in their approach, trainable in new areas, and are ready to use their minds differently to solve the hitherto unknown problems. The rapid and multidimensional socio-economic changes, wide ranging economic reforms and large scale industrialization have necessitated for the need to ensure economic relevance of professional education. Computerization and modernization have created demand for multi-skilled individuals suitable for variety of areas. The students coming out of the Engineering, IT & Management and Education courses are going to face the challenge of changing occupational roles in their future working life. Our endeavour therefore, is to provide a spectrum of skills, ability in students to be adaptive and flexible. KIIT is of firm belief that in order to effectively face the fluid situation the professional education system has to renounce its aloofness from the world of work and defiantly come out of its shell to face the challenge of growing needs of the industry, business and the service sector. With this in view the Training and Placement Cell of KIIT keeps a close liaison with the concerned industries, business and other service organizations. It has been a Herculean task for the Souvenir Committee to include all the multifarious events and activities being conducted in the KIIT Group of Colleges in an annual Souvenir. This Souvenir along with the Newsletters brought out quarterly will tell the total story of justifying our efforts to make KIIT a destination where education meets professionalism. However, the contents presented do intend to showcase in brief the eternal march towards our goal of excellence by integrating knowledge with faith, ability with character and skill with work ethics. Prof. (Dr.) M. Sen Gupta Chief Editor & Chairman, Souvenir Publication Committee
Education Importance of morality and ethics propagated on KIIT campus The prevalent morality, in both individual life and social life, is mostly based on fear – fear of the police, fear of public ridicule, fear of God’s punishment, fear of Karma, and so on. Vivekananda has given a new theory of ethics and new principle of morality based on the intrinsic purity and oneness of the Atman. We should be pure because purity is our real nature, our true divine Self or Atman. Similarly, we should love and serve our neighbours because we are all one in the Supreme Spirit known as Paramatman or Brahman. Such divine thoughts form the intrinsic framework around which KIIT World spins the canvas of morality and ethics in education and carves a niche for itself by setting visible examples. KIIT is not the archetypal and fossilized facade of a
commercial educational hub but a sacrosanct abode of learning which nurtures the mind, body and soul of the students and staff. As the adage goes “The most difficult journey is the journey inwards into one’s own mind and soul” and without accomplishing this journey no one can actually claim to be successful in the right manner. The centrifugal and centripetal, churning forces of life throw a person
outward and inward and in order to surpass such forces and be at peace, one needs a strong conditioning of soul which carries us forward with a sense of detachment, yet stimulates us towards vibrancy and success. Keeping in view these foundational concepts of life, KIIT unleashes an aura which transcends into the minds of its students and ushers them towards the journey of life in a more wholesome and productive manner. Despite innovative efforts made by most of the educational organizations, the task of striking this chord is the most difficult part. The need of the hour is therefore, to understand that without a sound value system a person cannot go very far and the best laid plan ought to go wrong. KIIT World was set up primarily with the sacred notion of providing wholesome education and is managed and run by an established philanthropic trust-Vidyapati Sanasthan set up in 1969 by Shri B. R Kamrah and Smt Satya Kamrah. Ispite of various obstacles encountered en route, educational institutes run by the Society including KIIT World have grown as educational temples.
Dynamism of KIIT Ethos: Vision & Mission
As an intrinsic part of the dynamic ethos of KIIT it considers its students as valuable assets towards the enrichment of the institute. The mission of KIIT world is to create a world class educational institute catering to all round development of the students in both tangible and intangible manner. The philosophy enshrined is to bridge the generation gap by creating an environment of amicable vibes and purity. This is required in the present scenario because the youth of today needs a direction and has immense potential in making a breakthrough in any pursuit in order to march towards excellence. Further enhancement of KIIT potential is the main visionary principle behind crossing endless horizons. KIIT credentials are based on the firm belief that quality and
transparency and common goal of achieving excellence. For dreams to be realized one must be the translator of dreams, a demonstrator of passion for pursuing the dream i.e. to be successful one must be willing to learn and not be afraid of change. As students are the soul of a college, they should embrace a mindset of “humble confidence” and a belief in one’s abilities. KIIT vision encompasses the idea of creating value based
professionals who are geared up to face the challenges of life in a multi faceted manner. This is a paradigm shift from the run of the mill education shops which operate on short term gains. Honesty is the necessary ingredient in creating the knowledge pool and industry – academia synergy. The vision and mission of KIIT is in tandem with the paradigm of excellence and sublime spiritual existence which go hand in glove.
value based education is the need of the time and we as the torch bearers have to take upon ourselves the onus of imparting the same. KIIT is committed to value-oriented and quality education for Our Vision the students aimed at developing them ‘'We aim to be one of the foremost and premier institutes of quality education, as complete human beings, well learning, research and development, which provides world class and innovative educated and, trained and opportunities to students to become successful entrepreneurs and leaders.'' accomplished individuals. All this ca n b e a c h ieved w it h in a framework of discipline,
Our highest value is placed on our students and their educational goals. Interwoven in that value, is our recognition that the faculty and staff of the College are its source of strength, stability and driving force.
Manifestation in the form of practical tasks The KIIT campus can be compared with an oasis in a desert. The campus reverberates with an aura which soothes and pacifies the soul. One immediately beholds the greenery and the nature in its full grandeur. Flowers, fruits, creepers and a variety of flora and fauna with green lawns and playfields present an ideal setting for spiritual and educational upliftment. The spiritual and ethical disposition of the Chairman Shri B. R Kamrah is manifested in the installation of magnificent busts of great luminaries like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose: The springing Tiger, Father of the nation: Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda: A resonant voice and a brilliant intellect, Acharya Vinobha Bhave: The initiator of the Bhoodan Movement and Didi Nirmala Deshpande: Padma Vibushan. Tribute and homage is paid to these visionaries on their birth and death anniversaries which incorporate a connect between the present generation and age old values and
ethics. Such an ethically congenial atmosphere sets an example for the students to emulate and absorb in their path of life, a value system that enables them to keep themselves grounded in prosperity and adversity. There is a culture of organizing “Havans” and “Yagyas” for the greater good of mankind. Every year in the month of November on Kartik Poornima, the institute remembers Smt Satya Kamrah wherein rich tributes are paid to her after a Poornahuti of 3-day long yagya. The focus of such spiritually stimulating exercises is to clean the campus atmosphere of all pollutants and strengthening the spirit of PANTH NIRPEKSHATA. Inspirational quotes and sayings jot the campus streets and one cannot but imbibe their essence in daily life. These serve as eye openers, guiding lights and reprimands according to one’s state of mind. One can in no way ignore their undercurrents.
The cultural and traditional inclination of KIIT is predominantly visible in its affiliation and association with SPIC MACAY, under whose aegis numerous cultural bonanzas are organized on the campus. These serve as reaffirmation of the rich heritage and culture of our country in the minds of students and staff. The novelty and dynamism of our lineage remains fresh as a result of this. The oneness of mind and soul can only be achieved in a fit body and to nurture this, the campus also boasts of a Meditation Hall”(Chinta Mukti Kendra) with the marble statue of Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati. It provides an ideal setting for havens and meditation including Yoga. Such an aspect of heightened spiritual endeavours sets KIIT apart. From time to time numerous lectures and symposiums are organized to impart value education on the campus. Focus is on customizing the traditional Gandhian values in the current perspective of teacher-student relationship. To achieve this, the role of a teacher has to be reiterated. These form an integral part of the curriculum along with hard core subjects. However nowhere is the essence of metaphysics undermined. This sublime intermingling of facts and factual realms of human existence is akin to a jewel in the glittering crown of KIIT.
“Be free to speak plainly all the year long. I’m happy with the truth of my own sweet song.” (Translation: On the Wings of Hummingbirds by Rabindranath Tagore)
Year 2011 marked the 150th birthday celebrations of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. KIIT organized and coordinated several commemorative tributes to the literary icon of India. This included marvelous showcasing of the multi-facetted discussion on Tagore and his literary and art works. It encompassed his specialized art forms which are today seen as his ‘avtaars’ in the genre of arts and aesthetics. Prof M. Sen Gupta, Principal KIIT College of Education took this great initiative and is always forthcoming in the arena of imparting value education. He substantiates this due to his immense knowledge of a vast area of different domains. Making an objective assessment of Swami Vivekananda’s contributions to world culture, the eminent British historian A L Basham stated that “in centuries to come, he will be remembered as one of the main moulders of the modern world…” Vivekananda’s concept of ‘potential divinity of the soul’ gives a new, ennobling concept of man. The present age is the age of humanism which holds that man should be the chief concern and centre of all activities and thinking. Through science and technology man has attained great prosperity and power. Modern methods of communication and travel have converted human society into a ‘global village’. But the degradation of man has also been going on apace, as witnessed by the enormous increase in broken homes, immorality, violence, crime, etc. In modern society, Vivekananda’s concept of potential divinity of the soul prevents this degradation, divinizes human relationships, and makes life meaningful and worth living. KIIT in its supreme endeavour of imparting these high ideals on the campus is gearing up for the 150th birthday Celebrations of the stalwart this year. Apart from this, in order to instill zeal and patriotism in the young minds, KIIT celebrates Independence Day and Republic Day with fervour on its campus. Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Chandrashekhar Azaad are some other highly respected freedom fighters whose ideals are propagated.
Book Released
Samay ki Ret Par by Shri B.R. Kamrah
n the auspicious occasion of founder’s day, a book titled – SAMAY KI RET PAR written by Shri B. R. Kamrah ji, the founder of Vidyapati Sansthan of which KIIT group of Colleges is a constituent, was released. The book is biographical in nature, motivational in its approach and realistic in its presentation. Through the medium of questions from Dr. Harsh Vardhan, the son and answers from Shri B.R. Kamrah ji, the father written in a dialogue style, it portrays the grim struggle for survival after the partition. It vividly describes the conviction and faith in oneself by following the philosophy of bhakti and karmyog. Later message from the Founder and Chairman Shri Kamrah ji to the students, faculty and the invited guests was read by Dr. M. Sen Gupta, Principal who also introduced the book to the audience.
Excellence Awards I
n recognition of excellent individual contribution to the Institute, the management declares Excellence Awards every year that acts as a morale booster to the recipients and also inspires the young functionaries to give their best.
Mr. Sharvan Kumar
The winners of this year ’s Excellence Awards were selected. And Excellence Awards, 2011 were declared. Cash awards and Certificates were handed over to the awardees on Founder’s Day. The list of distinguished awardees in different categories is as follows:
Ms. Jyotsana
Category 1. Teaching Faculty •
Mr. Sharvan Kumar, Sr. Lecturer CSE & Ms. Jyotsna Sharma, Sr. Lecturer Applied Sciences (College of Engineering)
Ms. Shipra Arora •
Ms. Shipra Arora, A.P. (College of IT & Management)
Ms. Rekha Sharma, Lecturer (College of Education)
Ms. Rekha Sharma
Category II. Technical Staff
Mr. Sudesh Kumar
Mr. Sudesh Kumar
Mr. V D Mishra
Category III. Administrative Staff •
Mr. V. D. Mishra
Category IV. Supporting Staff
Mr. Rampat
Mr. Rampat
Mr. Venkatesh
Mr. Venkatesh
CSI - KIIT Industry - Academia Meet
meeting of Computer Society of India (CSI) along with representatives from Industry and faculty of KIIT was held in KIIT Campus on 9th April, 2011. Dr. S. S. Agrawal, Director General, KIIT World, in his inaugural address stressed the need for creating a fullfledged chapter of CSI in Gurgaon to conduct various activities in this region. He felt that the Gurgaon Chapter of CSI should be located in KIIT Campus, being strategically located in Gurgaon. The Suggestion was later accepted by all the members and proposed that a managing committee be formed and Mr. Vivek Varshney be chairman of Gurgaon Chapter of CSI. During the deliberations Mr. Vivek Varshney shared his vision to synergize the expertise/experiences of industry, academia and the users of ICT in the region. Mr. Sachin Gupta, Director-IT Microsoft, brought to focus how the teaching and learning behaviours are different in India and United States and how we can achieve excellence in this
area. Mr. Anang Mohapatra, AVP, Tech-Mahindra, complemented the idea of improving the practical knowledge by suggesting frequent interactions of students with industry to understand the need of IT industry. Industry perspective was highlighted by Mr. Satish Sati, GM-Telecom, TCS . In his opinion the students need to have more of the practical knowledge than just high scores. He also suggested that students should be motivated to write technical papers and CSI can support their effort by awarding the best paper and publishing it in the CSI magazine or uploading it on the CSI website Mr. S. N. Zindal, Fellow CSI & Advisor, BITS- Pilani, emphasized the importance of summer training of students in industry as it lays down an initial platform for them. The meeting ended with a resolve to improve quality of education and make it relevant to industry needs and establish a “CSI Gurgaon Chapter” at KIIT.
M S R F l a n
it o on rch a m ea ic n r siu s us e Int po f Re d M m s o an 2) y S ier h 01 t ec -2 n o pe SM r F S R on (F Honourable Minister Shri. Mangat Ram Singhal with Chairman
KIIT College of Engineering organized an international symposium on “Frontiers of
Research on Speech and Music” in collaboration with ITC-SRA, Kolkata and CMMR, Spain on January 18 and 19, 2012 followed by a workshop on “Computational Modeling for Music Information Research on January 20, 2012. The theme for the symposium was “Multilingual and Multimedia Technologies for Smart Communication including Cognition of Music, Speech and Language”. The main objective of this symposium was to address the main issues of theoretical, generic and applied areas of speech, music and allied signal processing with a view to encouraging interdisciplinary collaborative research among industry and academia and to promote collaborative research activities among researchers of different countries. As said by Prof. S. S. Agrawal, Director General, KIIT in his welcome speech “the symposium provided a platform to the researchers and academicians to participate in and contribute papers to the international symposium for the dissemination and exchange of latest information on the theme. He emphasized that in a country like India where there is tradition and huge variety of languages and dialects spoken and also a wide variety of music in various forms containing enormous amount of knowledge and wisdom, we must probe deeper into the two potential areas to harness and use them. Eminent scientists and researchers from Spain, Turkey, Japan, Ukraine, Australia and India participated in the symposium
Prof. Keikeichi of Tokyo University, Japan delivering invited talk.
Sh. Ravi Mathur, ED, ITC-SRA and Prof. A K Datta, Advisor, ITC-SRA provided the historical perspective of the symposium and discussed the research work being done at ITC - SRA particularly in the area of music followed by a video presentation of the tradition of Guru Shishya parampara of teaching music. Inaugurating the symposium Prof. (Dr.) S. V. Raghavan, Scientific Secretary, Office of PSA said that FRSM is a great event in which researchers from different parts of the globe have assembled to share their research findings in the field of speech and music which are natural to human being. He also expressed his views on the teaching, learning and understanding of various educational, technical and engineering processes. He added that speech and music are essential areas of research and development which are beneficial for medical treatment, language processing and technology development. In this context he mentioned the recommendations of National Knowledge Commission 2009 that should be followed and stressed the need for creating a world class environment for creation of knowledge and promoting applications of knowledge for sustained and inclusive growth. During the grand inaugural function, KIIT felicitated two world renowned and distinguished scientists in the area of Speech and Music namely Dr. Hiroya Fujisaki of Tokyo University, Japan and Prof. Xavier Serra from University of Pompeu-Fabra, Spain. Addressing the galaxy of researchers, scientists, research scholars and invited guests the Chief Guest Sh. Mangat Ram Singhal, Ex.Minister, Labour, Law & Welfare, Government of.Delhi said that the symposium provides a platform to the researchers and academicians to participate in and contribute papers to the international symposium for the dissemination and exchange of latest information in the important areas of speech and music which were initiated by our great rishi like Panini. A conference Souvenir was released by the Chief Guest on this occasion.
Prof. Ravi Mathur
Prof. S. V. Raghavan Prof. P.S. Grover Presenting a memento to Inaugurating FRSM-2012 Prof. H. Fujisaki of Tokyo University, Japan
Prof. Hideki Kashioka
Prof. P. K. Saxena
Guest-of-Honour: Dr. P. K. Saxena, Director SAG, DRDO also addressed the symposium. He said that FRSM is being organized by ITCSRA in collaboration with different educational institutions every year and DRDO has been actively participating in most of these events. He expressed thanks to Dr. S. S. Agrawal for delivering of FRSM information materials and inviting him for this great scientific symposium. Adding some points to Dr. Agrawal’s speech he said that speech is a very complex phenomenon. Here the brain is the controller which controls the input, generates the input, even controls the system (the articulators) and decides the speed with which these thoughts are converted into language. This is why some people speak slowly and some fast. Prof. P. S. Grover, Vice Chairman KIIT in his welcome address said that the advent of digitization, digital music data and media has been expanding exponentially. Musical Information Systems, Intelligent MIS, are being designed and used extensively. This involves data gathering, ontology design, audio description, system integration and so on. Design of Musical Information and Retrieval Systems and Intelligent Search mechanisms have thrown many challenges before the research community. The session came to an end with the blessings from Shri B. R. Kamrah, Chairman Vidyapati Sansthan and KIIT Group of Colleges and vote of thanks by Prof. V. K. Syal, Principal.
Section of Audience
12 -20 M RS fF o ion rat u ug Ina
Technical sessions that followed included invited talks, thematic paper presentations by researchers, expert comments and general discussions on each presentation. Key Note Address given by Dr. Hiroya Fujisaki, University of Tokyo, Japan was very much appreciated as it was based on his own research experiences. Prof. Kashioka, Prof. Hirose Keikechi from Japan, Prof. Boris Bozkarl from Turkey, Dr. Mykhalo from Ukraine and many distinguished experts from Indian Institutions, Universities and R&D labs. also delivered lectures on state of the art technologies and their own researches during the deliberations. Keeping in view the large number of research papers (about 70 in number) received, parallel sessions were organized. All the papers and proceedings of the symposium have been published separately. The satellite workshop on “Computational modeling for music information research” on January 20, 2012 was conducted by Prof. Xavier Serra of Music Technology, University of Pompeu-Fabra, Spain. Many distinguished performing musicians and musical scientists from India & abroad very actively participated in this workshop. Valedictory Programme of FRSM began with the presentation on KIIT by Prof. (Dr.) M. Sen Gupta. This was followed by a Panel Discussion moderated by Dr.S.S. Agrawal. The Panelists included Prof. A.K. Datta, Dr. Hiroya Fujisaki, Dr. Keikichi Hirose, Dr. Preeti Rao, Dr. Samudravijaya, Dr. Anupam Shukla and Dr. S.R. Savithri. Dr. S. S. Agrawal suggested that FRSM should be registered as independent scientific research society/organization like IETE, CSI and ASI. Prof. Xavier Serra and Dr. John Serra of University of pompera – fabra, Spain participating in the discussion
Research, Development and Foreign Collaborations KIIT as a composite institution has been working systematically to develop a research culture especially in an inter-disciplinary perspective. Time to time KIIT invites researchers from India and abroad and also researchers from KIIT visit other countries in its endeavour to create knowledge for further improvement. KIIT also promotes various Research and Development initiatives. For example presently, KIIT College of Engineering is working on the ‘Nokia Speech’ project. Master of Education students of KIIT College of Education participate regularly in the seminars held in the college related to the progress of their dissertation work. Seminars, conferences and symposiums are organized by the KIIT World. Recently, the International Symposium on FRSM
(Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music) 2012 and National Seminar on Nanotechnology were organized by the KIIT College of Engineering. Besides, KIIT also encourages the students and the faculty members to participate in the conferences and workshops. The faculty of KIIT World has participated and presented papers at the national and International forums. Large number of faculty members are pursuing their doctoral researches. Faculty members are also engaged in the publication of the books and research papers/articles in various journals. Besides, KIIT also publishes its own Research and Development journal namely ‘KIIT Journal of Research & Education’ annually which receives contributions from the researchers across the nation.
Release of KIIT Darpan
Release of KIIT Calendar 2012
R&D in Speech and Language Processing in KIIT KIIT College of Engineering conducts world class research in
Speech and Language Processing. It has established a research group that is actively working in several areas of natural language and speech processing related to Indian spoken languages under the guidance of Dr. S.S. Agrawal, Director General KIIT and an eminent Scientist. Presently, KIIT is conducting advanced research in the following areas: • Development of Indian spoken languages databases
• Development of pronunciation lexicon and experimental study of phonetics and phonemics for Punjabi language. • Language Modelling The research team is in the process of developing trigram language modeling for the purpose of language identification using language specific features.
Sponsored projects
• Automatic speaker verification and identification using mobile communication data
Projects have been sponsored by MNC like Nokia, China and Government authorities of India like Department of Research and Defence Organization (DRDO) and Department of Ministry (DIT), New Delhi.
• Automatic recognition of isolated words
Foreign Collaboration
• Recognition of emotions by Human and Machine
Our Research & Development Lab has collaboration with following foreign agencies like:
• Emotional Speech Database
Fundamental studies
• NICT, Japan • Acoustic correlation of emotions • LDC Pennsylvania, U.S.A • Spectrum verification of vowel segments for Indian English, American and Chinese.
• UFMG, Brazil
• Comparison of prosodic features.
• Nokia Research Centre, China
A Kathak performance by
Rani Khanam
Spic Macay Activities at
Spic Macay has more than 300 chapters both in India and abroad and it organises more than 2500 programmes every year in schools and colleges. KIIT is associated with Spic Macay. Spic Macay is the society for promotion of Indian classical music and culture amongst youth which was founded in the year 1977.It is a voluntary and participatory student movement which aims to enrich the education process by exposing students to the rich cultural traditions of India. Spic Macay has more than 300 chapters both in India and abroad and it organises more than 2500 programmes every year in schools and colleges. We are happy to get associated with such an organisation. KIIT launched its spic macay chapter with the dance performance by distinguished
dancer Malavika Sarukkai. Malavika Sarukkai is one of the leading lights of Bharatnatyam in India. In recognition of her contribution to Bharatnatyam, Malavika has received several national level awards. This followed many other distinguished performances at times coinciding with Seminars, Symposiums, Festivals and Functions. A brief description of these is given below:
(15th April 2011) A kathak performance by Rani Khanam, the foremost Kathak exponents of India was the next attraction. With her immense talent, a total belief in herself and the courage to follow her intuition, she is a highly respected Kathak dancer and choreographer performing choreography based Islamic verses to highlight Hindu art forms fused with Islamic of the Mughal period in India..
This year under its aegis tourament was held on 18,19,22 Oct 2011 in KIIT world where almost 400 students from different colleges participated with full zeal and enthusiasm to show and explore their hidden talents and skills .The event was inaugurated by the Director General Dr S.S. Agrawal. The theme of the tournament was “Positive Work Behaviours: Moving Up the Corporate Ladder". The events included the following: The Word War: (a debate event) I. Quotient (an aptitude test) Entrevista (an interview by the professionals) Discussion de group (a group discussion) Presentazione ( a PPT event ) Mastering the moves... (Chess event)
KIIT College of IT & Management
Lan Gaming (NFS-Most Wanted & Counter Strike) Online Quiz (Tech & Non-Tech) The chief guest Shri B.R. Kamrahji distributed the prizes to the talented students on 22 Oct 2011in the closing ceremony.
Induction cum Interaction Programme for Students The ‘Induction cum Interaction Programme’ was organized by the College of IT & Management on 12th Aug, 2011 for fresh batch of BBA and BCA Students. The programme commenced with the lighting of lamp by the Chairman Sh. B.R. Kamrah Ji, Other dignitaries including Dr. Harsh Vardhan, CEO, Mrs. Neelima V. Kamrah, Registrar, Dr. S. S. Agrawal, Director General and Directors Dr. V. K. Syal, Dr. M. Sen Gupta, Dr. R.K. Jain were present on the occasion. The interaction programme familiarized the new students about KIIT – its vision and mission, general rules and traditions, its faculty and inspired them to become value based professionals by utilizing the rich academic resources offered by the KIIT group of colleges. The parents, students, the faculty and the management had friendly interactions over a cup of tea.
Freshers’ Party Party of BBA & MBA ‘The freshers’ party, one of the most memorable evenings for their fresh peers, was jointly organized by BBA III BBA V & MBA III semester students.
resher’s party of BBA & MBA students was held on 16 & 17 Sep. 2011 under the guidance of teacher coordinators namely Mrs. Priyanka Thakur, Mrs Anu Gaba & Mrs Sapna Rohia. The excitement and buoyancy in the spirit was palpable as the students ambled into the college auditorium to join in the celebrations organized to welcome the freshers. ‘The freshers’ party, one of the most memorable evenings for their fresh peers, was jointly organized by BBA III BBA V & MBA III semester students. The programme began with the student anchors Keshav and Komal welcoming their juniors. Witty remarks and exciting games followed. The “Mr. and Ms. Fresher” hunt marked the beginning of the fun-filled evening. With the crowd cheering the participants in every round, the search for the most talented juniors became even more delightful. After wading through the introduction, talent and Question answer rounds, the participants now waited for the judges to announce the results. The two fresh faces found to have scored above all the others were Manish and Priyanka from BBA and Rachna and Inderpreet from MBA. Singing and dancing to the beats of pulsating music continued for quite some time. This was followed by Dinner.
KIIT College of Education IQAC Related Quality Initiatives Consequent upon the establishment of IQAC a number of measures have been initiated for quality improvement in the College of Education. One such initiative is the Conduct of Curriculum Enrichment Programmes for Student Teachers on every fourth Saturday. Interactive sessions, Presentations and talks are arranged involving expertise from both within KIIT and outside. Some such activities are as follows:
Initiatives for Better Teaching KIIT College of Education took an initiative of
organizing a series of enrichment programmes for upto-date training and enriching the budding teachers. These are conducted on 4th Saturday of each month. The enrichment programmes held so far include: 1. Special Orientation Programme on “Teaching Methodology in the Contemporary Context”. 2. Enrichment Programme on better Teaching. 3. Curriculum Enrichment Programme on “CCE”. 4. A Programme on “21st Century Learning Skills”.
Extension Lecture on Research An Extension Lecture was delivered by Prof. G.N.P Srivastava (Retd. From NCERT, RIE Bhopal) on “Research Presentation”. The lecture gave timely help to M.Ed students of KIIT College of Education in preparing their Dissertations. Every aspect of the Research Report from the selection of the topic to the summary of the entire Report was discussed in the lecture. Students found the Lecture highly beneficial in completing their Thesis work. (4th April 2011)
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) formed in KIIT An Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has been duly constituted in KIIT College of Education as per UGC and University guidelines. The first meeting of the IQAC was held on 20 July 2011.It commenced with the introduction of all the committee members that also included the external expert, Dr. (Prof.) S.K.Yadav, Head, Department of Teacher Education and Extension, N.C.E.R.T. The Chairman of the committee, Prof . M. Sen Gupta discussed the goals and proposed plans of IQAC while the report on the regular features of the college was presented by the member secretary. The highlights of the proposed future plan are: • Formulation of Educational Research Associates (ERA) Forum for promoting research culture. • Establishing a Demonstration School attached to the College of Education. • Surfing and contributing Quality Research activities on Internet. • Revamping the activities of Language Lab. • Organizing Seminars to disseminate research findings. • Initiate E-learning and Developing Studio for Micro Teaching.
Students’ Induction cum Interaction Programme A lively interaction programme for students of B.Ed., M.Ed. and B.El.Ed. was organized in which newly admitted students and their parents were introduced to the faculty and the management and vice-versa. Vision, mission, discipline, rules and overview of each course along with their requirements were briefly discussed. Professional ethics and Internship of students in local schools were other areas of focus.
Special Orientation Programme on “Teaching Methodology in the Contemporary Context” KIIT College of Education organized a Special Orientation
language to make learning a vicarious experience. He involved students in various activities to give them practical Programme on “Teaching Methodology in the Contemporary experience to enable the would be teachers to make an Context” as an initiative for better learning and Training of effective use of it in their teaching. Pupil- Teachers. The motive of organizing this programme on 22-Oct-2011 was to empower the faculty as well as pupil? Ms. Neelima V Kamrah, Registrar KIIT World familiarized teachers beyond the traditional methods of teaching and to Pupil-Teachers with the technical art of portfolio making develop a diversified approach thereby developing non-linear and its effective use in teaching profession. She also thinking among the budding teachers. The programme emphasized the use of portfolio to make cumulative record included interactive sessions on: of students’ performance. ? “Graphical Representation of the Data” by Prof. M.Sen Gupta, Principal KIIT College of Education.In his The programme concluded with expert comments from Prof. presentation he focused on the compilation of the data in L. C. Singh, Advisor. various graphical forms to make the information effective and precise. ? Dr. Subhash Arora, CEO Indira Educational Consultancy Services discussed about the “Teaching Strategies and Teaching Aids”. He demonstrated the usage of AMP box in classroom practices to make the students attentive. He gave some useful tips to make the teaching learning process effective. ? Mr. Yuvraj, an expert in theatre and dramatics focused on “Use of Theatre in Education”. He illustrated the various features of drama like sound, facial expressions and body
Enrichment Programme for Better Teaching ‘Enrichment Programme for better Teaching’ was organized on 26Nov-2011. This specially designed programme acquainted the pupilteachers with the art of teaching in systematic way so that they can innovatively use their various skills with the assistance of creative teaching aids. After Opening remarks from Ms. Neelima V Kamrah, Registrar KIIT World, Shri B.R Kamrah, Chairman KIIT World gave his views about human values. He emphasized on the importance of punctuality and values in life by quoting his own life experiences. Shri G.R Luthra, renowned Karamyogi threw light on ‘Adhunik shiksha Jagat mein Adhyatma’. He discussed about various assans and pranayams. According to him adhyatma plays vital role in the development of intellectual aspect of an individual. Mrs. Neera Chopra, educational consultant took an interactive session on “What makes a Good Lesson” and “Effective Use of Teaching Aids”. In her presentation a very innovative aspect of teaching learning process was discussed. She focused on the personality aspects of a good teacher to make his/her classroom more interactive and open. Prof. S.S Agrawal, Director General KIIT World shared his experiences about the research as way for looking towards the future. He discussed about various fields of researches and motivated all the faculty members and pupil-teachers to contribute in the field of research .He emphasized that practitioner can improve his/her teaching through action research.
Curriculum Enrichment Programme on “CCE” A Curriculum Enrichment Programme on “CCE” was organized on 24-Dec-2011.The main focus of the programme was on persona of teachers and Innovations including CCE. Pupilteachers of KIIT College of Education were apprised of the concept and process of continuous and comprehensive evaluation as implemented by schools affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education.
Mrs. Suman Nath, Principal Tagore International School, East of Kailash, Delhi focused on “Persona of Teacher” and gave an interactive presentation on overall personality of educators which is an intangible aspect of teaching learning process. She described the behaviour, attire of the educators and decorum which is to be maintained in the classroom for better teaching learning experience.
Prof. M.Sen Gupta, Principal KIIT College of Education gave opening remarks. Prof.R.K.Jain, Principal KIIT College of IT & Management discussed about the “Management of Education”. The objective was to emphasise the prepreparation for teaching by the educators. According to him managing the teaching material, strategies to be used, learning experiences to be provided and various techniques utilized is imperative before entering the class.
Dr. Sangeeta Bhatia, Principal KIIT World School, Delhi familiarized Pupil-Teachers with the CCE without which pupil teachers are handicapped to enter into the contemporary school system .She presented her view through video clip. She mentioned the multiple tools to be used in assessment of the learner. Pupil-Teachers got hands on experience of the various proformae related to comprehensive assessment of students.At the end Ms. Neelima Kamrah, Registrar KIIT World gave closing remarks.
Enrichment Programme on “21st Century Learning Skills” Enrichment Programme on “21st Century Learning Skills” was organized by KIIT College of Education on 28- Jan 2012.The main focus was to familiarize the pupil teachers with 21st Century learning skills. The programme included interactive sessions on: ?
“Challenges of change in General Education” by Prof. M.Sen Gupta, Principal KIIT College of Education. In his presentation he discussed about the four pillars of Education. He also expressed his views on Paradigm Shifts in Teaching and Learning. He motivated the pupil-teachers to get ready for the needs of 21st century learner.
Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra, associated with S .Chand Publication gave his views on 21st Century learning skills.He focused his talk on how to make classroom environment more open and interactive by making use of different technologies like PPT, NET, BLOG, WIKIPEDIA, YOUTUBE and Social networking sites .
Pupil-Teachers enjoyed all the enrichment programmes and learned newer skills from these presentations.
Orientation Programme for in-Service Teachers A KIIT Initiative KIIT College of Education took the initiative of organizing a one day Orientation Programme on Innovative Teaching Methods for In-Service Teachers drawn from twelve schools of Gurgaon and Bhondsi on 30th August 2011.in which various aspects of teaching learning process were discussed. Keynote address on Methodology of Teaching was given by Prof. M Sen Gupta, Principal KIIT College of Education. Dr. Mathur, Former Director, NIEPA presented the ‘Challenges in Education’ which was followed by an interactive session by Ms. Neelima V. kamrah on ‘Significance of Teaching Methods in School Teaching’.Various strategies and methods based on child centred learning were discussed by Ms. Rekha Sharma & Ms. Garima.The session was followed by hands on experience on computers by Ms. Anjana Behal & Ms. Komal Sharma. The teachers expressed great satisfaction at the end of the programme and requested KIIT to conduct similar programmes in future as well for them.
nc an
Celebration of
Children’ s day
On the occasion of Birth anniversary of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru (14 Nov.) students of KIIT College of Education celebrated children’s day in the form of a thematic assembly and talks on life and work of Shri Nehru.
Mehndi Competition
In KIIT College of Education
On 14 Oct 2011 KIIT College of Education Organized Mehndi Competition in which students and faculty participated enthusiastically. The main motive of organizing this competition was to help unfold their inner creativity. Judges for the competition were Shri. B.R Kamrah ji, Chairman and Dr. S.S Agrawal, D.G.
Visit to Regional Level
Science Exhibition
Faculty and Students of KIIT College of Education visited Regional Level Science Exhibition organized by KIIT World School, Delhi on 23-August 2011. 2011 being celebrated as International Year of Chemistry the same was the theme for the Exhibition. Around 80 schools participated in Model displays, and demonstration of various activities and Skits based on Science. It gave an opportunity to Pupil Teachers to attend the Regional Level Science Exhibition and simultaneously gather information related to various working models which they can use during teaching as teaching aids.
Annual Congregation
(Milan) on Kartik Poornima
Poornahuti of three day long Yajna is performed annually leading to environmental purification and a spiritual awakening. Members of KIIT fraternity and invited guests congregate in Meditation Hall specially developed for spiritual development and yogabhyas. Floral tributes are also paid to Vinobaji and Late Shrimati Satya Kamrah on this occassion followed by community lunch.
Exhilarating Camps - great bonding experience
Confluence 2011 The KIIT Group of Colleges arranged a grand get together party for the KIIT fraternity consisting of the members of the Management Committee, Governing Body members, the faculty, other prominent personalities in professional education connected with KIIT. All were cordially invited along with their families to rejuvenate themselves away from the mundane routine. The families get together- an annual feature of the KIIT group of colleges was held this year in Hotel Mapple – Emerald, New Delhi on Saturday, 1st October 2011. Poetry recitation by a well known Hindi poet and community games created excellent ambience for cordial interpersonal relationships. The party ended with a sumptuous lunch satisfying everybody’s palate.
KIIT College of Education organized a one day educational trip to 26th Suraj Kund craft mela on 11th Feb. 2012. The theme State of this year for the Mela was Assam and it’s culture. Pupilteachers enjoyed the first hand experiences of Indian craft displayed by the handicraft associations of different States. Culture of the theme State was revealed through dance performances, which pupils-teachers enjoyed thoroughly. Students enjoyed mouth-watering native dishes served by States. The faculty and pupil-teachers visited shops put up by different States with their craft displays. Students were fascinated by the craft work of different States like Assam, Manipur and Kerala. Overall it was a good experience for pupil-teachers. They experienced the culture and heritage of India presented through different forms. Exotic display and innovative set up attracted the pupil-teachers and faculty. They enjoyed the leisure extracted from their busy schedule.
Educational trip to
and training Services 2012
KIIT Placements
he Training & placement Office at KIIT keeps close liaison with Industries, business and recruiting agencies in the service sector. We also look upon for trainings particularly in the organizations where our alumni have reached at good management positions. We are hopeful of further improving our placement opportunities, activities and avenues in the near future while working in association with our powerful Alumni. KIIT Group of Colleges is committed to provide all possible assistance to its graduates in their effort to find employment. This commitment is demonstrated by the existence of a full time Training & Placement Officer (TPO) at KIIT. The Training & Placement service operates year round to facilitate contacts between companies and graduates. Staff in the Placement Cell is available to respond to students’ questions and concerns of all kinds. The aim is to ensure that students have the information and skills necessary for an effective job search. Various placement activities were in action in the past. A number of campus drives were arranged for the students like a major campus drive for our students was conducted by Bata India Ltd., Snapdeal.com, Aon Hewitt and S.Chand Group (leading publishing Group). Apart from these, various campus placements were conducted by some of the well established companies in the market. Just to name a few from a long list of companies, these included Edelweiss Consulting, WNS Global Services (P) Ltd., Ramada Group, Royal Bank of Scotland, Offer Bean. The recruiting partner of the campus is First Naukri, a leading name in the consultancies which provide jobs to freshers. Besides the placement activities the TPO initiated interactive sessions for the students with various industries by organizing Guest Lecture Series, inviting various high level executives from the Corporate Houses. To mention a few lectures in this context a Guest Lecture on NET and Scrum Methodologies for Software development by Mr. Rajat Bhalla from Visnol Softwares and on Capital Markets for our management students by Megaminds were organised. Various Workshops and Presentations were also conducted for the students, like workshops on NET by Kimly Labs on Java by Everonn, on Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Crezone Technologies, and on Project Making by Mr. Ajay Arora (M.D.) Infinity Information Services Pvt. Ltd., Presentations by Capslock and Enbake. Webinars were also arranged for the students. A major webinar was conducted by Mr. Vivek C. Aggarwal from IBM. These were few initiatives out of the many taken by the TPO to empower the students. Every effort is being made to create opportunities for our students to get placements. We are meticulously working towards reaching maximum placement level in the years to come.
Our Alumni are proud employees of following organizations IBM GPS Bank of America Metlife India Ins. Co. Ferrous Durostructire Pvt. Ltd. M -Solutions Yes Bank Pasco Automobile, Gurgaon Vipul Limited Cipla Ltd BMR advisors Pvt. Ltd Lumax Industries Ltd. IIM Deoband,Saharanpur (U.P) Jaipur Golden Hospital, Rohini Uniworld City Truelogic Tech.Pvt.Ltd SPML Infra Ltd. G.D. Goenka Education City S D Girls College, Hansi Placewell Consoltance Mindsoft India Pvt. Ltd. Hanu Software Solutions Triumphant Inst. Of Manag. Education Sunmax Auto Engineering Pvt. Ltd Jai Bharat Maruti,Pace City 2 Sec-36, Gurgaon B.S.Anangpuria inst.of Tech. & Manag. IL&FS Engineering And Construction Co. Pepsico Panipat Ragnik Exports Pvt. Ltd. HCL Technologies Computer Autom. Co. Ltd. Infosys Services Ltd. Infosys Technologies India.Ltd Gupta Promoters pvt. Ltd. NIIT Technology Ltd. GGN DSIIDC HUL Dorset Kaba Finipedia Business Services
HT Media Ltd. Gerson Lehrman Group Roi Consulting Devyani International Ltd. Purpli Touch Advertising LLC, Brand Union, Dubai Impact Associates Consulting Co. Rolex Hosiery HCL Tech. Ltd. Mimaki Kanphor India Pvt. Ltd. Kaff Appliances (India) Pvt.Ltd. nSys Design Systems Pvt. Ltd. Karl Storz Endoscopy India Pvt. Ltd. Irshad Husain Constructions Pvt. Ltd. HCL Tech.Ltd. MVN College, Palwal Towards Vision Tech.Pvt.Ltd SAP Labs India Pvt.Ltd AON Hewitt Fis Globel Business Solution Neuro Fuzzy IBM Global Process Services IBM Cognizant Tech Sol. SBI IBM HCL Tech.Ltd. Wipro Technology Nvish Solutions Espise RDM India Pvt. Ltd Xchanging Technology Pvt.Ltd.Gurgaon Accenture NIIT Ltd. IBM India Pvt. Ltd. Onc 97 Communication Ltd. Reach 1to1 Tech. Pvt. Ltd. HCL Technologies Humanitics Dimension Software Pvt.
Ltd. C.R. Software Tech Mahindra Pvt. Ltd. HCL Tech. Ltd. Fast Track Solution Unitech Trade Center Munjal Showa Ltd.(Hero Group) GMR Airport Developers LTD Munjal Showa Ltd.(Hero Group) KIIT College of Engineering
Minda Industries Ltd. Printing Business Ericsson Global India Ltd. Navayuga Infotech Cioud Way Softech Pvt. Ltd. Noida Ambit Switchgear Private Limited Mimaki Kanphor India Pvt. Ltd. Embeded Sys Arichient Swura Engineers and Consultants Go India Auto Parts CTDI Manser Desein Indure Pvt. Ltd. Unity Infraprojects Ltd. Unity Infraprojects Ltd. Bling Telecom Private Ltd. Ericsson India Pvt.Ltd Libra Solutions Spice Mobility Ltd. Vaanix Industriese Pvt. Ltd Pl Engineering E. Flag Technologies Services India Pvt. Ltd. AON Hewitt Saksham Selected Products Co. Pvt. Ltd MERI-CET HCL Technologies
HCL Tech. Ltd. Humanitics Dimension Software Pvt. Unity Infraprojects Ltd. Ltd. Wipro BPO Unity Infraprojects Ltd. C.R. Software Arich Infotech Pvt. Ltd.(training Org.) Bling Telecom Private Ltd. Tech Mahindra Pvt. Ltd. Origination Ericsson India Pvt.Ltd HCL Tech. Ltd. Toluna India Pvt.Ltd Libra Solutions Fast Track Solution Orange Bussiness Services Spice Mobility Ltd. Unitech Trade Center IIT, Delhi Vaanix Industriese Pvt. Ltd Munjal Showa Ltd.(Hero Group) United Health Group Information Pl Engineering Services Pvt.Ltd. GMR Airport Developers LTD E. Flag Technologies Services India Pvt. Adarsh Public School Ltd. Munjal Showa Ltd.(Hero Group) KIIT College of Engineering
AON Hewitt
Saipent Corporation, GGN
Minda Industries Ltd.
AON Hewitt
Printing Business
Selected Products Co. Pvt. Ltd
Ericsson Global India Ltd.
United Health Group Information Services Pvt.Ltd.
Navayuga Infotech
HCL Technologies
Cioud Way Softech Pvt. Ltd. Noida
HCL Infosystems Ltd.
Ambit Switchgear Private Limited
Info Systems
Mimaki Kanphor India Pvt. Ltd.
Accenture Pvt.Ltd.
Embeded Sys
Wipro Technologies
Aastha Alumina Pvt. Ltd
Swura Engineers and Consultants
Aricent Group
Go India Auto Parts
Shivalik Bimetals Control Ltd.
CTDI Manser
Accenture Pvt.Ltd.
Desein Indure Pvt. Ltd.
nSys Design Systems Pvt. Ltd.
TCS I Yogi HCL Technologies Infosys Technologies Avaya Pvt. Ltd. SOL Logics, Noida Vidyatech Solutions Pvt. Ltd HCL Technologies Orange Bussiness Services Educomp Solutions Ltd. WESEE (Min.Of Defence) N.Delhi
IBM Global United Health Group Information Fis Global Services Pvt.Ltd. M/s Santaw Hero Honda Wipro Infotech Infosys Technologies Ethics Institute of management & BWS Technology IBM India Pvt. Ltd. Sports Era G Infinity Task Staff Selection Comission Axis Bank IBM Daksh Napino Auto & Elec. Ltd. IIPM Aon Hewitt IBM India Pvt. Ltd. Asmara International Sunil Kumar Jain F.C.A. Lentix Solutions Spectra Tale Ventures Compnet India HCL Tech. Ltd. Mandi Fresh Agro Pvt. Ltd. Wipro Technologies Indian Navy Mandi Fresh Agro Pvt. Ltd. IBM Make My Trip (India) Pvt. Ltd. Sardar Patel College of Education EBW Sopra India Pvt. Ltd. KIIT College of Education Edelweiss Broking Limited Pure Testing SBI Infosys Technologies Ltd. Lccway Hertz Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Faridabad Modal school HCL Tech. Ltd. Future Supply Chain Solutions Ltd. Pataudi College of Edu. R-zone Investment Grailtest Technologies Orbit Institute Science DHL Express (I) Pvt. Ltd. Manufacturing (bathroom Faucets) I.P. University Shri Siddhi Vinayak Real Estate Capital IQ, Gurgaon G.G.S.S.Farrukhnagar Consultant Syntel Bhatnagar International School, Vasant MCPS Kapeshera Delhi IIT Delhi Kunj Lord Krishna college of Education Genius Consultants Ltd. (TCS)
Pareksha Labs
Bajaj Allianz Pvt. Ltd
Indian Child School
Starex international School
People Strong HR Services pvt.Ltd
Asian Public School
Comfrer Electricals
and training Services 2012
KIIT Placements
Vivekanand School
Damco Solution Pvt. Ltd. Faridabad
Asian Public School
Universal School of Foreign Languages
Our Lady of Fatima Convent Jr.
N.B.G.S.M.College, Sohna
School, Gurgaon N.B.G.S.M.College, Sohna Shiv Public Sr. Sec. School Trident Techno India Pvt. Ltd. BBMS, Sector Nucleus Software Sysnopsys Omaxe Ltd. Adobe Leewayhertz Technology N.D. Microsystem Pvt. Ltd NIC, Delhi Radius Synergiee Pvt.Ltd. HCL Technology Dell Services, Noida Arctern Consulting WMS Software Pvt. Ltd. EBIX India Metlife India KIMIT, Gurgaon Valley View Residency Govt. College Jhajjar Govt. Civil Hospital Velocis System Pvt. Ltd AMDOCS Policy Bazzar.com E Solution India Pvt. Ltd Own Business
C&C Constructions Govt. College Tavru
Tech Mahindra Ltd.
Iap Infotech Pvt Ltd.
Web Link Pvt. Ltd
sualicum Technologies Pvt. Ltd
H.V.P.N.L, Panchkula
S.J.K. College
Chondhary Devi Lal University,Sirsa
Fastbooking India Pvt. Ltd.
Aon Hewitt
ICICI Bank Ltd.
Pratibimb Inter School Competition 150th Birthday of
GURUDEV RABINDRANATH TAGORE Celebrated The College of Education organized an Inter-School Competition for the schools of Gurgaon and Bhondsi named as Pratibimb- 3. The event took place on July 29, 2011 at KIIT Campus as a part of Gurudeb Rabindranath Tagore’s 150th Birth Anniversary Celebrations. Rich tributes were paid to the Nobel Laureate on this occasion through Rabindra Sangeet and by the conduct of following competitions - all on the theme of ‘The Life and Works of Rabindranath Tagore” These Competitions provided a platform to showcase the literary and communication skills among the students of different age groups. These were: •
Essay Competition
Poem- recitation Competition
Quiz Competition
Banner Competition
The response from the schools was overwhelming this year. The success of the event can be gauged from the fact that around 150 students from 15 different nearby schools participated in above competitions. Students and teachers showed great enthusiasm and zeal to put up their best. Dr. Indrani Bhaduri, Associate Professor, NCERT, New Delhi was the Chief Guest in the Valedictory Function of the event. She encouraged the selected students and schools by giving certificates and trophies and also motivated all other students to participate in such competitions with greater preparation. Dr. Bhaduri also appreciated the efforts made by KIIT College of Education for providing platform to the upcoming budding stars. Over-all winner for the event was Sh. S.N Sidheshwar Sr. Sec. School, Gurgaon to whom Chairman’s Rolling Trophy was awarded. The participating students in different competitions were given participation Certificates.
Lokeh foosdkuUn ns'k iqdkjrk gS vius flag dks ftlus cny fn;k Hkkjr dh igpku dks ftlus fons'kh ljteha esa Qgjk;k Hkkjr dh laLÑfr dk ijpe ftlus dgk lcdks t+:jr gS vius vkidks igpkuus dhA mudh dFkuh vkSj djuh ,d Fkh gj ,d dks ,d lksp dh t:jr gS lksp dks fopkj djus dh t:jr gS lksp dks fo'okl djus dh t:jr gS lksp dks thus ij fopkj djus dh t:jr gS lksp vkSj vki esa QdZ ugha jgsxk ,slk mudk fo'okl FkkA mUgksaus f'k{kk&txr~ dks u;k :i fn;k ?kj&?kj rd f'k{kk igq¡pkus dk vy[k txk;k L=kh&f'k{kk dh t:jr ls voxr fd;k f'k{kk tks ekuo dks ekuo cuk;s mldk mn~cks/ku fd;kA mudk t+hou lans'k tkxks] mBks vkSj :dks er] tc rd viuh eafty u ik yks ,sls Fks gekjs Lokeh foosdkuUn!
uhfyek o)Zu
Lokeh foosdkuUn ds liuksa dk Hkkjr eSaus muds dk;ks± dk cgqr xgu vè;;u fd;k gS vkSj ,slk djus ds ckn eglwl fd;k fd ns'k ds izfr esjk izse dbZ gtkj xq.kk c jgs Hkkjr dks mckjus ds fy, muds fopkj gekjs ekxZn'kZu ds fy, gekjs lkeus gSA ;fn ge Lokeh foosdkuUn dh jpukvksa dk vè;;u djsaxs rks gesa gj leL;k dk lek/ku fey tk,xkA mUgksaus thou vkSj lekt ds izR;sd igyw ij vius fopkjksa dh Nki NksM+h gSA vkb,! ge muds thou&n'kZu dk fuEufyf[kr fcUnqvksa ds ekè;e ls laf{kIr vè;;u djrs gSaA
Lokeh foosdkuUn% ,d ifjp; Lokeh foosdkuUn dk tUe 12 tuojh 1863 bZú esa dydÙkk esa gqvk FkkA muds firk dk uke fo'oukFk nÙk vkSj ekrk dk uke Hkqous'ojh nsoh FkkA muds cpiu dk uke ujsUnzukFk FkkA oSjkxh thou esa dne j[kus ds i'pkr~ mudk uke ujsUnzukFk ls Lokeh foosdkuUn gks x;kA ujsUnz ,d cgqr gh papy ,oa 'kjkjrh ckyd Fks] os ih vkè;kfRedrk vkSj izse dk lans'k fn;kA mUgksaus dgk& ^^ftl izdkj fofHkUu ufn;ksa ds tylzksr Hkh fofHkUu gksrs gSa] ij os lHkh lkxj esa tkdj ,d gks tkrh gSa] mlh izdkj gs bZ'oj! fofHkUu /eks± ij py jgs O;fDr ns[kus esa fdrus Hkh vyx yxs] ij igq¡prs vkidh 'kj.k esa gh gSaA** Lokeh th dk fe'ku jk"Vªh; vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; nksuksa gh Lrjksa ij FkkA ekuork dk izseh gksus ds ukrs mUgksasus osnksa ds vfLrRo ij vkè;kfRed uhao j[kdj ekuork dks 'kkfUr o vkilh HkkbZ&pkjs dk lans'k fn;kA mPpre~ dksfV ds jgL;lk/d lar gksus ds dkj.k foosdkuUn th dks okLrfodrk dk iz;Ru ,oa var%Kku ewyd vuqHko FkkA muds
fouez cuks] Lkkglh cuks] ‘kfDr’kkyh cuks!!! fopkj Kku ds vlhfer HkaMkj ls cgrs Fks vkSj 'kCnksa dk dkO; 'kSyh esa izLrqfrdj.k vkRek dks Nw tkrk FkkA lu~ 1897 esa if'peh ns'kksa ds pkj lky ds nkSjs ds ckn Lokeh foosdkuUn Hkkjr ykSV vk,A mUgksaus Hkkjrh;ksa esa vkè;kfRed fodkl dk lans'k iSQykuk 'kq: dj fn;kA mUgksaus eglwl fd;k fd lekt lsok dsoy ,d laxfBr fe'ku ds v/hu la;qDr iz;Ruksa ls gh laHko gSA lu~ 1897 esa mUgksaus bl y{; dks izkIr djus ds fy, fl¼kUr fu/kZfjr djrs gq, Jh jkeÑ".k fe'ku dk vkjaHk fd;kA mUgksaus vius fe'ku ds rgr ,d vkSj vfr egRoiw.kZ dk;Z fd;kA mUgksaus jkeÑ".k fe'ku ,d vf}rh; laxBu dh LFkkiuk dh ftlesa laU;klh vkSj vke yksx feydj O;kogkfjd osnkUr vkSj fofHkUu izdkj dh lekt lsok djrs tSls fd vLirkykssa] Ldwyksa] dkWystksa] Nk=kkoklksa] xzkeh.k fodkl dsUnzksa vkfn dk lapkyu fd;k tkrk FkkA blds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa o vU; ns'kksa ls Hkwpky] pØokr~ vkSj vU; dqnjrh vkiQrksa ls ihfM+r yksxksa dks Hkh jkgr igq¡pkbZ tkrh FkhA bl izdkj Lokeh th us Hkkjr esa vius eB ds f'k";ksa vkSj vke yksxksa dks izsfjr djus vkSj mudk ekxZn'kZu djus esa thou O;rhr fd;kA
Lokeh foosdkuUn dk f'k{kk n'kZu &
fn'kk vkSj jk"Vªh; lk/uksa ij vk/kfjr gksA
Lokeh foosdkUun dk f'k{kk n'kZu osnkUr o mifu"knksa ij vk/kfjr gSA mudk fo'okl gS fd f'k{kk vkRefo'okl dh izfØ;k gSA mUgksaus bl ckr ij cy fn;k gS& ^^ge ,slh f'k{kk pkgrs gSa] ftlls pfj=k dk fuekZ.k gks] ekufld 'kfDr esa o`f¼ gks] cqf¼ dk foLrkj gks vkSj O;fDr vius iSjksa ij [kM+k gks ldsA ,d ckj mUgksaus dgk Fkk& ^^Kku euq"; ds var£ufgr gSA dksbZ Hkh Kku ckgj ls ugha vkrkA lHkh dqN gekjs Hkhrj gSA tc ge dgrs gSa fd ,d O;fDr ^tkurk* gS rks euksoSKkfud Hkk"kk esa bls ;g dguk pkfg, fd og O;fDr D;k ^[kkstrk* vFkok D;k ^vuko`r* djrk gSA ,d O;fDr tks lh[krk gS] og okLro esa viuh vkRek ls inkZ gVkdj ^[kkstrk* gS ml vkRek ls tks vikj Kku dh [kku gSA ge dgrs gSa U;wVu us xq#Rokdk"kZ.k [kkstkA D;k og fdlh dksus esa cSBk mldh izrh{kk dj jgk Fkk\ ugha] ;g mlds eu ds Hkhrj Fkk] le; vkus ij mlus bls ckgj fudky fy;kA fo'o esa vk;k gj izdkj dk Kku eu ls gh izkIr gksrk gSA czãk.M dk vuUr iqLrdky; vkids vius eu esa gh gSA ckgj dh nqfu;k dsoy ;g lq>ko vkSj volj nsrh gS tks vkidks vius eu ds vè;;u ds fy, rS;kj djrk gS] ysfdu vè;;u ds fy, fopkj ges'kk ls vkids eu esa gksrs gSaA lsc dk fxjuk] tSlh ,d NksVh lh ?kVuk us U;wVu dks lq>ko fn;k vkSj mlus vius eu dk vè;;u fd;kA mlus eu ds lHkh fiNys fopkjksa dks O;ofLFkr fd;k vkSj muesa ls ,d u;k fopkj mRiUu fd;k ftls ge xq#Rokd"kZ.k dk fl¼kUr dgrs gSaA ;g u rks
ukjh f'k{kk& Lokeh foosdkuUn th ds fy, efgykvksa dh /kj.kk ,d 'kfDr ,oa nSoh; FkhA os dgk djrs Fks& ^^ek¡ 'kfDr dk izFke izdVhdj.k gS** vkSj mldk LFkku firk ls Js"B gSA ek¡ dk fopkj eu esa vkrs gh 'kfDr] bZ'ojh; vkSj loZK dk fopkj Lo;a vk tkrk gS] fcYdqy mlh rjg ftl izdkj ,d NksVk cPpk ;g fo'okl j[krk gS fd mldh ek¡ dqN Hkh dj ldrh gS vkSj og lcls vf/d 'kfDr'kkyh gSA nSoh; 'kfDr gekjs chp Nqih gqbZ dqaMfyuh gSA fcuk mls txk, ge dHkh Hkh vius vkidks ugha ik ldrsA Lokeh foosdkuUn ukjh f'k{kk ds izcy leFkZd FksA mudk fo'okl Fkk fd lcls igys ukjh tkfr dk mRFkku gksuk pkfg,A blds i'pkr~ gh Hkkjr dk okLrfod dY;k.k gks ldrk gSA ukjh f'k{kk ij cy nsrs gq, mUgksaus dgk Fkk ^^igys viuh ukfj;ksa dks f'kf{kr djks] fiQj os vkidks crk;sxh fd muds fy, fdu lq/kjksa dh vko';drk gSA** muds dFkukuqlkj] tgk¡ ukfj;ksa dk eku gksrk gS] ogk¡ nsork izlUu jgrs gSa vkSj tgk¡ ukfj;ksa dk eku ugha gksrk gS ogk¡ lHkh dk;Z vkSj iz;kl O;FkZ pys tkrs gSa mUgksaus vkxs dgk gS ^ml ifjokj ;k ns'k ds mRFkku dh dksbZ vk'kk ugha tgk¡ ukfj;ksa dk lRdkj ugha gksrk] tgk¡ os nq%[kh jgrh gSaA blh dkj.k mudk mRFkku lcls igys gksuk pkfg,A mUgksaus Hkkjrh; ukfj;ksa ds lkeus lhrk dk vkn'kZ j[kk gSA og ukfj;ksa dks ,slh f'k{kk nsuk pkgrs Fks tks mUgsa vfgY;kckbZ rFkk ehjkckbZ ds leku fuMj] fuLokFkhZ rFkk ohj cuk;sA og ukfj;ksa dks ,slh f'k{kk iznku djuk pkgrs Fks ftlls muds pfj=k dk fuekZ.k gks mudh ekufld 'kfDr dk fodkl gks vkSj os vius iSjksa ij [kM+h gks ldsaA mudk fo'okl Fkk fd vU; ckrksa ds vfrfjDr ukfj;ksa esa jkuh >k¡lh dk 'kkS;Z Hkh mRiUu gksuk pkfg,A ukfj;ksa dks bfrgkl] iqjk.k] x`g&foKku] yfyrdykvksa rFkk vkn'kZ pfj=k laca/h fl¼kUrksa dh f'k{kk nsuh pkfg,A ;s fo"k; vk/qfud foKku dh lgk;rk ls fl[kk, tkus pkfg,A os pkgrs Fks fd yM+fd;ksa dks uSfrd o vkè;kfRed thou dh f'k{kk feysA*
Ñf"k {ks=k esa Lokeh foosdkuUn ds fopkj& fdlh lsc esa Fkk vkSj u gh fdlh /jrh ds dksus esa] ;g Fkk rks dsoy eu esa] lHkh izdkj dk Kku pkgs og vkè;kfRed gks ;k ykSfdd] ;g euq";&eu esa gh gksrk gSA dbZ ckj bUgsa [kkstk ugha tkrk vkSj ;g vksV esa jgrk gS vkSj tc vkoj.k dks ge /hjs ls gVkrs gSa rks ge dgrs gSa ^ge lh[k jgs gSaA* Lokeh foosdkuUn dk dguk Fkk gesa jk"Vª dh vkè;kfRed vkSj ykSfdd f'k{kk ij idM+ cuk;s j[kuh gS gesa thou&fuekZ.k] O;fDr&fuekZ.k vkSj pfj=k&fuekZ.k ds fopkjksa dks vkRelkr~ djuk pkfg,A vxj vkius ikap fopkjksa dks vkRelkr~ dj fy;k vkSj mls vius thou o pfj=k esa Hkj fy;k rks vkidh f'k{kk ml O;fDr dh f'k{kk ls dgha vf/d gksxh ftlus lkjh ykbczzsjh jV nh gSA vxj f'k{kk dsoy lwpuk dk HkaMkj gh gksrk rks fo'o dh lkjh ykbczsfj;ka egku lar vkSj lkjs Kkudks"k egku Íf"k gksrsA bu lcdk iw.kZ lkj ;gh gS fd gesa vius ns'k dh f'k{kk dks pkgs og vkè;kfRed gks vFkok ykSfdd] vius gkFkksa esa j[kuk pkfg, vkSj tgk¡ rd O;kogkfjd gks] ;g jk"Vªh;
Lokeh foosdkuUn dk fopkj Fkk fd Hkkjrh; Ñf"k dk Lo:i f'k{kk ls cnyk tk ldrk gSA mudk dguk Fkk fd Hkkjr dh vk£Fkdrk dk Ñf"k ij fuHkZj gksuk Hkkjrh;ksa ds fy, dksbZ 'keZ dh ckr ugha gksuh pkfg,A Hkkjr esa cgqr de yksx bl ckjs esa xaHkhjrk ls lksprs gSaA ;g ifj.kke gS gekjh f'k{kk iz.kkyh dk] ijarq Lokeh th dk ekuuk gS fd Hkkjr dh vFkZO;oLFkk esa lq/kj ykus d fy, Ñf"k dk mfpr fodkl t:jh gSA muds fopkjksa ls ;g lkiQ gks tkrk gS fd os Ñf"k f'k{kk vkSj fdlkuksa ds izf'k{k.k gsrq mfpr izca/ksa ds i{k esa FksA
vkS|ksfxdhdj.k ds lanHkZ esa Lokeh foosdkuUn ds fopkj& vkS|ksfxdhdj.k fdlh Hkh ns'k ds lewps fodkl ds fy, t:jh gksrk gSA Lokeh foosdkuUn 'kkld oxZ dh fopkj/kjk ls HkyhHkkafr ifjfpr FksA
fy, izksRlkfgr fd;k gSA Lokeh foosdkuUn us viuk leLr thou vè;kiu vkSj ;qodksa dks lkekftd lsok dh egÙkk crkus vkSj pfj=k fuekZ.k ds vkjafHkd iz;klksa vkSj usr`Ro fo'ks"krkvksa dks le£ir fd;k gSA Lokeh th dh xjhcksa ds izfr lsokHkkouk us dkiQh ;qodksa esa Tokyk mRiUu dh ftuesa cukjl ds ;qod Hkh 'kkfey FksA bu ;qodksa us var eas JhjkeÑ".k] foosdkuUn fe'ku gkse vkWiQ l£ol dh LFkkiuk dh] tks orZeku esa Hkh vfLrRo esa gSA jkeÑ".k fe'ku dk vkjaHk o"kZ 1897 esa gqvk vkSj rc ls ;g fujarj leLr Hkkjr ds ;qodksa dks izksRlkfgr dj jgk gSA Lokeh foosdkuUn vius thou dky esa ;qodksa ds fy, ,d izsj.kklzksr Fks vkSj orZeku esa Hkh muds fopkj ;qodksa dks izsj.kk iznku dj jgs gSaA laiw.kZ fodkl ds fy, ;qodksa dh fopkj.kh; iz.kkyh esa lq/kj dh vko';drk gSA blh ckr dk fopkj j[krs gq, Lokeh foosdkuUn dk dguk Fkk ^^ge ogh curs gSa] tks gekjs fopkj gesa cukrs gSaA blfy, ges'kk vius fopkjksa dk è;ku j[ksaA** 'kCnksa dk LFkku xkS.k gSA fopkj gh thoar gSa] os gh nwj rd tkrs gSaA tc ,d fopkj eu esa mRiUu gksrk gS rks ;g okLrfod :i esa 'kjhfjd o ekufld voLFkk esa :ikarfjr gks tkrk gSA dSls fo'o dk leLr Kku eu dh 'kfDr;ksa dh ,dkxzrk ls izkIr gksrk gSA fo'o gesa viuk jgL; nsus dks rS;kj gSA ;fn ge ;g tku tk;sa fd gesa ml njokts dks dSls [kV[kVkuk gS vkSj dSls vko';d izgkj djuk gS\ izgkj dh 'kfDr vkSj cy ,dkxzrk ls vkrk gSA ekuoh; eu dh 'kfDr;ksa dh dksbZ lhek ugha gSA ge ftruh ,dkxzrk fn[kkrs gSa] mruh gh 'kfDr lap; dj ysrs gSaA ;gh ,d jgL; gSA ,d ew[kZ Hkh vius dk;Z dks iw.kZ dj ldrk gS] vxj og fny ls dk;Z djrk gSA ysfdu cqf¼eku og gS rks izR;sd dk;Z dks eu ds vuq:i s ;kn vk jgh gS] ftlesa dgk x;k gS fd Hkxoku dh HkfDr euq"; rHkh dj ldrk gS] tc mldk eu ,dkxz gks vkSj og ,dkxzfpr gks ,dkxz eu gh lekt dk jgL; gS vkSj vxj vki nzfofM+;u] vk;Zu vkSj czkã.k ;k ukWu&czkã.k tSlh egRoghu vkSj rqPN phtksa ij
yM+rs&>xM+rs jgs rks vki ml mQtkZ vkSj 'kfDr ds lap; ls nwj gksrs tkrs gks tks Hkfo"; dk Hkkjr cukus tk jgh gSA ,d ckr xk¡B ck¡/ ysa fd Hkkjr dk Hkfo"; vki ij fuHkZj gSA** jgL; ;gh gS fd bPNk'kfDr ds lkeatL; lHkh dk lap; dj mls iQksdl esa yk;k tk,A Lokeh foosdkuUn dk dguk Fkk ^^gekjs jk"Vªh; fgrksa ds fy, gesa viuh vkè;kfRed 'kfDr;ksa dks ryk'kuk gksxkA tSlk fd ge igys fd;k djrs FksA vkSj tSlk fd gesa vkus okys le; esa djuk gksxkA Hkkjr esas jk"Vªh; bdkbZ dks viuh lHkh fc[kjh vkè;kfRed 'kfDr;ksa dks ,d=k djuk gksxkA Hkkjrh; jk"Vª mu yksxksa dh bdkbZ gksuk pkfg, ftudk fny ,d gh vkè;kfRed /qu ij ctrk gksA** jk"Vªh; ,dhdj.k dh fn'kk ij os b'kkjk djrs gq, dgrs gSa ^^ge tkurs gSa fd gekjs /eZ esa ,sls loZekU; vk/kj gS tks mudh dqN lhekvksa ds Hkhrj /eZ eas 'kkunkj fHkUurk,a] lkspus dh vlhfer Lora=krk vkSj viuk Lo;a dk thou thus dk vk/kj rS;kj dj ldrs gSaA ge lHkh tkurs gSa de ls de os tks lksprs gSa fd gesa vius /eZ ds mu thounsg loZekU; fu;eksa dks ckgj ykuk gksxk vkSj ns'k ds izR;sd iq#"k] efgyk o cPpksa dks ;g fu;e le>us] tkuus o vius thou esa mrkjus gksaxsA ;g dsoy igyk dne gSA vxj vki ns'kksa dks vkè;kfRed :i ls lq/kjuk pkgrs gksa rks u rks ;g lq/kj >xM+ksa ls gksxk vkSj u gh yksxksa dks ;g crkdj fd tks os dj jgs gSa] og xyr gSA lq/kjus dk dsoy ,d gh kSrs dk izLrko j[krk gw¡A** ;g dgdj og nhuw vkSj mldh yM+dh dks viuh fo'kky gosyh ds izkax.k esa ys x;kA gosyh ds lkeus dh iwjh tehu ij xksy&xksy lisQn vkSj dkys iRFkjksa dh pknj lh fcNh gqbZ FkhA lkgwdkj us mUgha esa ls rsth ls nks iRFkj mBk, vkSj ,d FkSyh esa Mkys vkSj og FkSyh yM+dh dks Fkek nhA mlus le>kSrs dh 'krZ bl izdkj j[kh& yM+dh dks FkSyh esa gkFk Mkydj ,d iRFkj fudkyuk gSA ;fn og dkyk iRFkj fudkyrh gS rks nhuw dks dkjkokl esa Mky fn;k tk;sxk vkSj yM+dh dks lkgwdkj ls 'kknh djuh iM+sxhA ijarq ;fn og lisQn iRFkj fudkyrh gS rks nhuw dks NksM+ fn;k tk;sxk vkSj yM+dh Hkh 'krZ ls eqDr gks tk;sxhA 'krZ lqudj yM+dh dh dkVks rks [kwu ugha tSlh gkyr gks xbZ izks ¼MkW½ eathr lsu xqIr
D;ksafd mlus igys gh ns[k fy;k Fkk fd lkgwdkj us tks nks iRFkj FkSyh esa Mkys Fks os nksuksa gh dkys FksA ijarq loZ'kfDreku lkgwdkj ds lkeus mldh cksyus dh fgEer gh dgk¡ FkhA vc mlds lkeus fodV leL;k eq¡g ck;s [kM+h FkhA tc FkSyh esa nksuksa gh dkys iRFkj gSa rks lisQn fdl izdkj fudkysa tks bl le; cpus dk ,d ek=k mik; FkkA ,d iy ds fy, mldk ekFkk Budk vkSj mlus lkgwdkj dks laHkyus dk oDr u nsrs gq, rsth ls FkSyh esa gkFk Mkyk vkSj ,d iRFkj ckgj fudkykA ijarq tc rd ;g fn[kkbZ nsrk fd og dkyk gS ;k lisQn og iRFkj mlds gkFk ls fiQlydj tehu ij iM+s gq, lisQn dkys iRFkjksa dh pknj esa ?kqyfey pqdk FkkA ijarq lkgwdkj dk iz'u rks ogha dk ogha Fkk fd mlus dkSu lk iRFkj fudkyk& lisQn ;k dkyk\ bl ckr dks fl¼ djus dk u rks yM+dh ds ikl dksbZ mik; Fkk vkSj u gh lkgwdkj ds iklA vr% lkgwdkj }kjk ;g iwNs tkus ij fd mlus dkSu ls jax dk iRFkj fudkyk] mlus cM+h 'kkyhurk ls dgk& ^^D;ksa u ;g ns[k fy;k tk, fd FkSyh esa dkSu ls jax dk iRFkj cpk gSA** vFkkZr~ ;fn og dkyk iRFkj gqvk rks lisQn iRFkj fudkyk x;k vkSj ;fn lisQn iRFkj cpk jgk rks dkyk iRFkj fudkyk x;kA exj lkgwdkj dSls dgrk fd mlus csbZekuh ls FkSyh esa nksuksa dkys iRFkj gh Mkys Fks] vr% mldh fLFkfr f[kfl;kuh fcYyh dh rjg gks xbZ vkSj yM+dh us vius firk vkSj Lo;a nksuksa dh tku cpk yhA
Youth as Electors Now since Haryana is observing 2012 as the “YOUTH YEAR” the thought of empowering them gains more importance and the responsibility to do that lies with the society. The least a society can do in this direction is to allow them a say in the society and into the system. Minimum requirement to avail this liberty is that one should be a registered voter and should possess a voter identity card. A recent survey on the subject points that only 1/4th of youth in the age group of 18-21 years have voter ID Cards and that is a matter of concern for the society and the Election Commission as well. Another 3/4th are not registered and there is a big gap between Electors Population Ratio (EPR) of Youth voters in the State. The age groups of 18-21 years are supposed to belong to student community and are mostly studying in higher educational institutions. These institutions can impress upon the students to register themselves with the
concerned electoral authority. “KIIT” has come forward in addressing the concern of election commission and in reducing the EPR Gap. It has distributed hundreds of registration forms (Form-6) to students and sent the completed forms to Distt. Election Officer. The process would continue till all the students are registered. KIIT has also decided to make this registration mandatory for its future students and has inserted ‘Form-6’ in its admission brochure. R.S.Sharma Administrative Officer KIIT Group of Colleges
The Boon of Detachment There is a story a b o u t a princess who had a small eye problem that she felt was really bad. Being the king's daughter, she was rather spoiled and kept crying all the time. When the doctors wanted to apply medicine, she would invariably refuse any medical treatment and kept touching the sore spot on her eye. In this way it became worse and worse, until finally the king proclaimed a large reward for whoever could cure his daughter. After some time, a man arrived who claimed to be a famous physician, but actually was not even a doctor. He declared that he could definitely cure the princess and was admitted to her chamber. After he had examined her, he exclaimed, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" "What is it?" the princess inquired. The doctor said, "There is nothing much wrong with your eye, but there is something else that is really serious." The princess was alarmed and asked, "What on earth is so serious?" He hesitated and said, "It is really bad. I shouldn't tell you about it." No matter how much she insisted, he refused to tell her, saying that he could not speak without the king's permission. When the king arrived, the doctor was still reluctant to reveal his findings. Finally the king commanded, "Tell us what is wrong. Whatever it is, you have to tell us!" At last the doctor said, "Well,
the eye will get better within a few days that is no problem. The big problem is that the princess will grow a tail, which will become at least nine fathoms long. It may start growing very soon. If she can detect the first moment it appears, I might be able to prevent it from growing." At this news everyone was deeply concerned. And the princess, what did she do? She stayed in bed, day and night, directing all her attention to detecting when the tail might appear. Thus, after a few days, her eye got well. This shows how we usually react. We focus on our little problem and it becomes the center around which everything else revolves. So far, we have done this repeatedly, life after life. We think, "My wishes, my interests, my likes and dislikes come first!" As long as we function on this basis, we will remain unchanged. Driven by impulses of desire and rejection, we will travel the roads of samsara without finding a way out. As long as attachment and aversion are our sources of living and drive us onward, we cannot rest. From: Daring Steps toward Fearlessness: The Three Vehicles of Buddhism, by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche Manmeet Bali Nag Faculty KCM
Professional Ethics Teaching profession, like any other profession, has its own code of professional ethics that all teachers should follow. It is only then the dignity and integrity of the profession can be ensured. Increased awareness of the ethical principles related to obligations of teachers towards students, parents, colleagues and community is essential to ensure ‘professionalism’ among teachers. Today we find blatant violation of these in many parts of the country that is bringing bad name to the profession. A teacher, therefore, must internalize his/her professional responsibilities in the performance of the duties. We as teachers have to recognize that every student has a fundamental right to education and that too of good quality. And that education has to be directed to the all round development of the personality. It should be done in a morally unobjectionable manner and that is possible only when we remember some key words in this context namely inculcating democratic values, respecting social justice, equal respect to all religions, composite culture of India, imbibing self discipline and creation of a knowledge society. . While dealing with students following cardinal principles should be kept in view: 1. Treat all students with love and affection. 2. Be impartial to all students. 3. Respect the basic human dignity of the student. 4. Adapt teaching to the individual needs of the students. 5. Refrain from subjecting any student under your care to fear, trauma, anxiety, physical punishment and mental and emotional harassment. 6. Establish cordial relations with parents/guardians, A teacher also has some obligations towards his/her own profession and towards colleagues. These may be described as follows: 1. Strive for professional development throughout your career. 2. Treat other members of the profession with respect. 3. Create a culture of mutual communication with colleagues and stakeholders. 4. Refrain from making any unsubstantiated allegation against a colleague. 5. Do not make any derogatory remarks about colleagues, at least in the presence of students, parents or other officials. 6. Reveal confidential information only when you are authorized to do so. A teacher will automatically be loved by the students and respected by the society if he/she keeps these basic principles in mind. Mrs. Shaon Sen Gupta
Date Tree Versus Banyan Tree
It is happening since last four decades that 95% young skilled and educated people usually try to make their career by building like a date tree; in the heights - on higher status, they increase their educational qualifications, certifications to add in their experience, expertise but most important they use approaches and false formalities to win heart of their bosses and clients. They want it to be high paying as well as some additional benefits. A long lasting struggle begins after 2-3 years of professional life (after study) and continues for whole of life to save the date tree career from opposite situations like bad employee - employer relations - the storms and the financial crises - the cyclone. Then some additional important crises add to the standard date tree career - marriage and then babies. This is also not hidden from anyone that No Money | No Honey, they run for chasing money and earnings since date tree gives him/her an average standard life not as he/she has been wishing while student life. Mental tension increases as the responsibilities of a person in the job overloads because particular organization wants full potential from your professional efforts and in exchange of this also pay a good monthly salary. It was the date tree career we have talked about so far. Now we will discuss about Banyan Tree Career: A career which is being built by only 3% of the people. They develop multiple skills and multi processing work style or we can say that they have many branches. A well educated person has his roots in the depth of the ground. The person keeps multiple knowledge and ability in his/her intellect but uses some of those only for particular task/assignment/job. Today even our educational system has become job oriented. In fact it should involve skill enhancement and development to grow up and go on nourishing it by adding more and more abilities. No doubt many people know all requirements to build a smart career. These may include good clothing, improved communication skills (may be any language but English is necessary for corporate communication), body appearance and its language, clear voice without hesitation, positive and quick learning attitude, pace with changing demands of career and development of additional skills set like IT/Computers skills, communal harmony and good public dealing and speaking skill, behaviour and manners, pleasing personality, appreciating feeling of others, helping hand, good living standard, sharing of knowledge, ability to transform own knowledge as per demand of market. It also involves using selected skills for ever changing needs of market, working with modern trends and using advanced technology. The best way probably is “never think about and run behind jobs, build yourself, up date and upgrade your abilities to build your career since Future belongs to those who prepare for it today…
A Magic Potion for Corruption
Karmpal Singh Department of CSE/IT, KIIT College of Engineering, Gurgaon.
“As we are, so we do. As we do, so it is done to us. We are the builders of our fortunes.”
Isn’t it astonishing to see that we Indians continue to be as naïve as we were a century ago? Earlier we were complaining against the invaders and now it is our own government. But the point is not only of the treasure, but more of our constitutional rights that just end up in the pages of our constitution and never reach the common man. And this is all due to the devil of “CORRUPTION” So, I with a soul to fight against it strongly believe that “JAN LOKPAL BILL” is the panacea, the country needs to heel all its ailments. It is a strong law which can withstand to root out corruption from the holy soil of our Mother India. Framed by the social crusaders and the honest patriots of nation, the law aims to effectively deter corruption, redress grievances of citizens and protect the whistleblowers. Then why this bill couldn’t be passed yet? Probably because it needs a different attitude of the Indian citizens. “Unfortunately, it seems people become super optimists that they do this in a single day, and immediately become super pessimists that they can’t do this in one life.” Moumita Kulavi & Pulkit Verma ECE 6TH Sem
Violent tendencies in Students
Reason and Remedies
he World Health Organization (WHO) defines violence speaking skills. The stigma of being unemployed as an act that can result in loss of resources, life and haunts them day and night, and they turn violent or use materials either by threat or use of power or force. malpractices like gambling for feeding their belly. The students or youths are the future of a country. They are In our country, the problems of students are not properly full of energy, ideas and enthusiasm. But now-a-days all the addressed or on some occasions not addressed at all. Certainly the students are full of new ideas and ideologies and energy is deviated and wasted in the form of violence. A number of reasons contribute for such violent streaks are free from any social, political and economical evils like among the students. These include faulty educational dowry system, caste system and un-touchability. system, student’s frustration due to unemployment, But due to ugly politics getting injected into our institutions, indifference towards students, problems, continuous the youths are forced to participate in strikes and injection of politics in the educational institutions, demonstrations on issues that do not directly affect them. The agitation of students in Tamil Nadu over ‘Official ideological vacuum, environmental crisis, etc. At School and College level, the students are usually angry Language Bill’ is one such case. over hefty tuition fees, partial behaviour of teachers towards We the students are attracted towards western culture and some particular students, improper administration, ill- traditions and like to copy them or imbibe them in our day to equipped laboratories and library, sub-standard or poor day life. The non-availability of such apparels and fashion standard of hostel facilities, etc. All these factors get engulfed clothes in our Indian market further adds to the resentment in the minds of the youths and then result in an outburst in and anger. One can see loss of traditional sentiments at the form of physical violence like destroying and breaking of colleges or homes. Students think of their teachers as ‘sellers’ who impart education to them only because they are paid to resources and facilities. Moreover, the educational institutions focus more on do so. They have developed a mentality that ‘Every teacher theoretical knowledge and study rather than the practicals. has a price’, and they mistreat their ‘Gurus’ and teachers. This results in formation of mindset among students that all These violent tendencies in students are a human problem they have been acquiring in their colleges would go waste or and should be addressed to as soon as possible. There are a would not be of any use once they graduate. They can number of remedies to this stigma or a cancerous disease. be seen moving from The first and foremost step should be the change in education pillar to post in search system and administration in the educational bodies and of job, which they institutes. The grading and marking system should be made hardly get or get only if transparent to one and all. t h e y h a v e s o m e In addition to above, the use of forces and police should be sources or ‘Jacks’. discarded on occasions of strikes and unrest among The institutes have youths. As this results in adding fuel to the fire. The b e c o m e ‘ b a b o o ’ students are lathi charged, or tear gas is used producing industries against them as if they are some criminals. without any focus They should be allowed and motivated to on life enhancing enter into politics. If one is capable enough to vote for the right then or public he/she must also be knowledgable about what is good for him and the country as a whole.
Deepak Singh CSE VIII Sem.
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