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do all we can to protect it. ... conservation and carbon economy, employing Aboriginal and ... Most Kimberley families w
The Greens WA The Greens (WA) are the party of integrity. Our aims are clear, we mean what we say and we tell you the truth. The Greens (WA) are independent of big business — we receive no funds from multinational companies, nor from any organization or group that could compromise our principles or influence our position. We rely on donations from our members and supporters. The Greens (WA) stand for the wellbeing of people. In conflicts between governments, largescale developers and local people, we stand by the local people. We are for small business owners before large companies, family farms before agribusiness. We believe that small businesses, small enterprises, small farms, locally owned and run, bring more prosperity and satisfaction to many more people than imposed mega-projects can ever do. Local ownership makes for a healthy, active and diverse community.

We are against autocratic leaders, centralised decision-making, disempowerment of people. We resist all efforts to undermine democracy; we believe that local people should make local decisions. We are for strengthening local government to look after the interests of all sections of the community. We are for Aboriginal people and their rights to land and to live where they want to. We hear and endorse their wishes to retain their culture and languages, and believe governments should support their aspirations. [email protected] facebook: Kimberley-Greens

Authorised by Robin Chapple, 5 Adcock St, Derby

We believe in making life worth living, through investment in good housing, education, training, healthy living, nature and the arts. We recognise that human beings, like other species, can only thrive on a healthy planet. We know that our world is under stress and we will do all we can to protect it.

The Economy The Kimberley is one of the least spoilt, most naturally abundant areas on the planet. It has a rich, living cultural history. Its land and nature are precious, and must be protected. The Greens (WA) believe that these natural riches can and should be the foundation of the region’s economic prosperity. We consider the Kimberley to be the perfect place to set up the world’s largest conservation and carbon economy, employing Aboriginal and other local people. There are many ways to make a decent living and the Greens (WA) support local businesses, especially those that are friendly to people and nature.

We oppose: Dams on wild rivers Broadscale land clearing and agribusiness GM crops Large-scale industrial developments such as LNG plants on our coast The Greens (WA) will seek Government action to: Invest in Natural Resource Management programs and renewable energy Invest in Aboriginal Ranger programs and fire management Pay pastoralists who look after nature and wildlife on their properties Support small local businesses Support local Aboriginal families to set up ventures in eco-tourism, heritage protection, production of bush food and medicine and the like Increase local horticulture and market gardening Support tourism based on arts, culture and heritage, and the natural environment Strengthen the powers of the Environment Protection Authority

The Greens (WA) want: Government commitment to protect our region’s natural assets A conservation and carbon economy Greater support for small business Serious investment in renewable energy throughout the region Small-scale farming and horticulture projects to supply local needs More jointly managed conservation and marine parks and Aboriginal Protected Areas (IPAs) Mining and resource development controlled so as to protect people and the natural environment

Land Management and Conservation Land Management and Conservation are aspects of the economy, especially in the Kimberley. Strong programs, employing Aboriginal and other local people, are already making progress. The Greens (WA) want to see more of them, employing more people, contributing to the prosperity of our region as well as to a healthy environment.

Education and Training Good education is a right for all people. Most Kimberley families want their children to receive a good education and complete high school in their home town or community. Many Kimberley people would like to undertake higher education within their region. All young people need occupation that interests and excites them. The Greens (WA) want: Quality education at all levels provided in the region Great improvements in Aboriginal education and attainment Schools and colleges for the permanent Kimberley population Training and education for the conservation and carbon economy Training in horticulture and gardening on communities The Greens (WA) will seek Government action to: Encourage the best teachers to work and stay in the region Continue to fund programs that achieve good results Fund research into the best methods of Aboriginal education Support schools in communities Fund programmes for young people who don’t get on at school Provide adult education and training in towns and communities Provide training in land and fire management. Fund training in horticulture and gardening

Health Kimberley people need a range of health services. The health of the Aboriginal population can and must be improved. Many health problems and untimely deaths are preventable. We believe in life enhancement before suicide prevention, alcohol reduction before rehabilitation. The Greens (WA) want: Effective health education and promotion in all schools and Aboriginal communities Housing design for healthy living Alcohol accords in all Kimberley towns Equity in health services across the region and state Full provision of mental health services within the region The Greens (WA) will seek Government action to: Fund proven effective health promotion in towns and communities Provide community housing designed for local conditions Reduce levels of alcohol consumption/problem drinking Improve and extend health services in remote areas Provide more health and mental health workers to towns and communities

The Arts The Greens (WA) believe that the arts are an essential aspect of the good life. They feed the imagination and the spirit. Besides enlivening and entertaining us, they can provide fulfilment and income for artists and contribute to the economic and social wellbeing of a community. Kimberley arts include music, performance, dance, the visual arts, writing, design and photography. The Greens (WA) want: To help existing communities to remain viable Towns and communities to be exciting and stimulating places to live in The Greens (WA) will seek Government action to: Develop the arts in Kimberley towns and communities Enhance pride and sense of place Make our communities better, brighter, happier places Fund community arts programmes Provide funds to employ visiting artists/trainers