Apr 23, 2018 - The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a new, Europe-wide law that replaces the Data Protection
the echo march/april 2018
FEATURING Detectorism Insights#1 Stories from participatory social lab CoLab Dudley
volunteers week 2018 A volunteer is for life … not just Volunteers Week!
kindness in action We meet Mr Bedi, community fundraiser and friend of Dudley CVS
us Fundraisingnews hion Show IN THIS ISSUE GDPR peer support session......................... 2 CoLab Dudley Detectorism Insights.......... 3 Making an impact........................................ 4 Top Church Training..................................... 5 Dudley MCP update.................................... 5 Navigating Parkinson’s event..................... 6 Staying Safe Online training..................... 6 Dementia-friendly cinema in Coseley....... 6 Fabulous Fundraising Fashion show.......... 7 Kindness in action - Mr Bedi’s story.......... 8 Camphill Village Trust win Tender.............. 9 A volunteer is for life .................................... 10 Dignity Action Day 2018............................. 11 Write Here Write Now................................. 12
GDPR peer support session The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a new, Europe-wide law that replaces the Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK. It is part of the wider package of reform to the data protection landscape that includes the Data Protection Bill. The GDPR sets out requirements for how organisations will need to handle personal data from 25 May 2018. Dudley CVS is running a discussion group to help us all to get to grips on GDPR. We’ll share the most useful sources of information and guidance and help you to chat through and problem-solve any issues you may have. There are three sessions to choose from and anyone from the not-for-profit sector is welcome to attend and contribute. Whether you’re new to GDPR and need to catch up or whether you’d like to offer your knowledge to help others, you’ll be very welcome.
i Please note that this is NOT a training session and
Dudley CVS staff are not in a position to offer advice on data protection and the GDPR. This session is a chance to share how you’re preparing for GDPR and to get some feedback and support from your peers. The session dates to choose from are: Thursday 12 April - 5.30pm-7.30pm Tuesday 24 April - 10am-12noon Wednesday 2 May - 10am-1pm Please book your place to give us some indication of how many people to expect. Book at https://gdprpeersupport.eventbrite.co.uk
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news The everyday activism of ‘doing together not just being together’ Stories and lessons from participatory social lab CoLab Dudley Colab Dudley has recently launched Detectorism Insights #1 which pulls together in one place the practice-based learning from a year of experimenting with sharing, doing and making together in Dudley. Detectorism Insights#1 is so much more than a dry old report or a research paper. It is a set of stories, provocations, and a cultural portrait of the ways of thinking and doing differently as a community we have been experimenting with over the last year or so. The report explores the role of place, creativity, social connections and re-animating latent skills and resources. If you haven’t visited Colab Dudley yet, you can find them at a heart-lifting coffee house on a tired part of the high street, hosted by local social entrepreneurs, Stu & Loraine of gather Dudley CIC. In gather, through CoLab Dudley, convening strangers are coming together, building networks, confidence & wellbeing, and sharing resources & talents. From Trade School, to Dudley SOUP, to Incredible Edible Dudley, to
Crafternoon, to Repair Cafe, to Do Fest & Share Fest Dudley, local people are illustrating why together, as equals, we are more resilient, healthier and happier! The CoLab Dudley team advocates ‘working out loud’, sharing online and through conversations as we learn. The team warmly welcome ideas and reflections from fellow travellers and new friends as they continue to experiment with this new way of working.
You can download the free pdf of Detectorism Insight #1 at https://bit.ly/2uvbUKV or get in touch with Lorna Prescott to arrange a time to pop in to gather for a coffee and a chat about it all
[email protected]
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news Dudley CVS’s Children and Young People in Communities team is making an impact in Dudley borough! Dudley CVS recently introduced the newly formed children and young people in communities’ team to support with focusing on voice of the child and establishing and supporting open access youth work across the borough. The team is now in its sixth month together and already making a huge impact. We recap on the many highlights and achievements over the last six months… What an honour! In January this year children and young people in communities’ team was recognised and presented with an award at Dudley’s Centre for Professional Practice Recognition Awards 2018 to celebrate the teams work with children and young people in the community. The event took place at Himley Hall celebrating the achievement of staff and those that go the extra mile. Read more about the award https://dudleycypfnetwork.net/2018/02/05/ what-an-honour/ The Dudley Parent Carer Forum has been getting out and about to meet new parent carers and share the great work they have been involved in. The Forum is an independent group of parent carers of children and young people (0-25) with disabilities and additional needs, that is facilitated and supported by the team at Dudley CVS. Members work together to ensure that the voices of parent carers are heard. The team has been supporting termly carers’ coffee morning slots run by parent carers at Pens Meadow & Old Park Special School, and has also been invited to join The Sutton School’s parents’ forum. The aim is to ensure that everyone in Dudley borough knows about the forum and all parent carers know that information, support and an opportunity to have their say is available. The team now sends an e-bulletin and updates to over 103 professionals, including those within Dudley CCG, the local authority, schools, colleges and voluntary sector organisations. For more information about the Dudley
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Parent Carer Forum or to get in touch visit https://dudleyparentcarerforum.com/ Young people take up the challenge! The Takeover Challenge puts children and young people into decision-making positions and encourages organisations to hear their views. It’s about building an infrastructure for all young people to have opportunities to participate, share their views and influence decisions that affect their lives regardless of their backgrounds, experiences or abilities. Partners from Dudley MBC, Dudley CCG, West Midlands Police, West Midlands Fire Service, political figures, Members of Parliament, schools, colleges and Lunch on the Run all provided a variety of opportunities for young people to get involved and takeover. Over 50 young people between the age of 13 and 19 from a third of secondary schools across the borough, three colleges and a university student participated. Young people with different backgrounds and abilities took part, including young people involved in Dudley Care Council, Dudley Youth Council, Care Leavers Forum, Young Health Champions and Police Week Students. Looked-after children, young people with disabilities and additional needs and mental health illnesses participated fully. “We have been getting involved in lots of exciting projects and working with some incredible people. We are so proud of the work we do and that it plays a part in improving the lives of the children, young people and their families.” Donna Roberts, Children and Communities Officer, Dudley CVS
i Read the full story on the Dudley CVS blog
In Kind Direct
news Top Church Training (TCT) funded by Children in Need
Dudley Multispecialty Community Provider (MCP) update
Top Church Training (TCT) provide a 1-2-1 practical support and mentoring service to vulnerable people who are homeless/at risk of becoming homeless or suffering from some other disadvantages. In early 2017 Karen Fielder, Manager of TCT asked for Dudley CVS’s support in making a funding application to BBC Children in Need for a Main Grant. Karen was aware of a gap in services for young boys and girls throughout the Dudley borough, particularly around how they developed relationships and their ability to integrate with peers and others in society. She wanted to take forward work with these young people and, having discovered from them that they would like to have their own groups, she set up a Young Boys and a Young Girls group. The funding application was to take forward work with these groups over 3 years providing the young people with a range of skills including being able to work in the TCT fully functioning café where they would gain essential and valuable employment skills as well as being able to mix with others improving their social skills also. BBC Children in Need agreed that the project was deserving of support and last October agreed to a grant of £85,890 so TCT can run this essential, rewarding and important project for the next 3 years. We’ll hear Karen’s story and how the project is progressing in the next edition of the Echo.
Following the launch of the procurement process for Dudley’s Multispecialty Community Provider (MCP) in June 2017, Dudley CCG announced in the autumn 2017 the bidder that had made it through to the next stage. During autumn 2017, Dudley CCG in partnership with Dudley Council, entered into a dialogue process with a consortium involving four local NHS Trusts and local GPs. The four trusts are – Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust and Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. The new Multispecialty Community Provider (MCP) will bring together services in an integrated manner and will: • hold a contract of up to 15 years’ duration; • manage a single, whole-population budget; • transform the access to and delivery of community health and care services with Primary Care at the centre, and • meet a defined set of outcome and performance measures. The final submission for the bidders is 23rd April 2018 with a view that the MCP contract will be awarded in Autumn 2018. Initially, the MCP was going to be established on 1st April 2018, however, the procurement process is taking longer than first anticipated. This is due to Dudley being the first MCP integrated care organisation in the country and NHS England will need to go through an assurance process which will take a few months. Therefore, the MCP contract will commence on 1st April 2019. It is likely that the MCP will be a new NHS Foundation Trust that is created from the separation of an existing Foundation Trust to create two Foundation Trusts. A series of events took place including a Healthcare Forum and a People’s Network hosted by Healthwatch Dudley to enable people to find out more and share their views.
i If you would like more information about funding please contact Martin Jones, Funding Officer
[email protected]
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news Staying Safe Online training Are you involved in youth based activities? Perhaps you volunteer with a local youth project. You may be involved in your local students union or place of worship? You might help out at your local scouts, guides or cadets. Or you may have an interest in a career working with young people? Dudley Young Health Champions have arranged a FREE training session for young people on Staying Safe Online: E-Safety which will be delivered by DBMC Community Safety Team. The event will take place on Wednesday 11th April 5-7pm at Switch Youth Hub, 1 Castle Street, Dudley, DY1 1AY. This workshop will provide you with all the basic things you need to keep yourself and your peers safe online. This workshop has been organised jointly by Dudley Young Health Champion’s Project and DMBC Community Safety Team. Drinks and food will be available on arrival. i For any young person who would like to book a place visit Eventbrite: https://bit.ly/2uuD1Wh or if you would like more information please contact Faye Hall
[email protected]
Navigating Parkinson’s Parkinsons UK is hosting a 1-day self-management, information and support event on the 5 June 2018 for people with Parkinson’s, family, friends and carers to help you navigate life with the condition. Navigating Parkinson’s is a new self-management, information and support day which will aim to: • arm you with information and knowledge about Parkinson’s • inspire you with self-management approaches • equip you with ways to support your wellbeing • help you feel more connected to others affected by the condition The event is designed for people who have recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, as well as family, friends and carers, and people who are new to this kind of support. It is hosted by Parkinson’s UK local staff and volunteers, who are experts on Parkinson’s and have in-depth knowledge about local services. The day is free to attend and lunch and refreshments are provided, but you’ll need to book your place in advance. i To register your interest in attending the free 1-day event you can visit: https://bit.ly/2IaB4jI or for more information about this event call 020 7963 3924 or email
[email protected]
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A dementia-friendly cinema is coming to Coseley! East Coseley Big Local is holding a dementiafriendly cinema screening on the 17th April at Darkhouse Baptist Church, Coseley, 2pm - 4pm. East Coseley Big Local is passionate to support people living with dementia, their families and carers, to continue to participate in entertainment. The dementia-friendly cinema will enable people who often feel a little isolated in the community to enjoy an everyday experience in an accessible, friendly, supportive and fun environment where participation is encouraged! Come along on the 17th April for a screening, snacks and refreshments. The cinema is free and open to the community but the screenings will be enhanced to suit the needs of people living with dementia. i If you know or care for someone living with dementia in the Coseley area and you would like to find out more or book places contact Neil on: 07472 627497 or email:
[email protected] East Coseley Big Local is an exciting opportunity for residents to make a massive and lasting positive difference to their community. It brings together all the local talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make the area an even better place to live. Big Local is funded by the Big Lottery Fund and managed by Local Trust. There are 150 Big Local areas in England which have been allocated £1million each. East Coseley was selected as a Big Local area by the Big Lottery Fund in 2011. i Find out more at www.eastcoseleybiglocal.net
news Fabulous Fundraising Fashion Show for Operation Santa 2018 Do you love fashion and shopping? Have you got a great eye for a bargain? Want a fabulous night out for a great cause?
Fabulous Fundraising Fashion Show
Why not come along to a fabulous fundraising fashion show on the 10th May 7pm - 9pm to raise valuable funds to support Operation Santa. All money raised will treat 160 children and young people, who would not normally get the opportunity, to enjoy a night out at the Panto. Operation Santa is a local campaign which is run by Dudley CVS. Every year donations of new toys, gifts, food etc. are collected and distributed to local voluntary, community and faith groups who support children, young people and families in crisis within Dudley borough. Many of the recipients would otherwise get nothing for Christmas. For £5 per ticket, you will enjoy a free welcome drink and then an enjoyable evening, surrounded by clothes and accessories. There will be pre-loved designer and branded clothing and accessories [shoes, handbags, jewellery etc], alongside new items. There will be four themed catwalks including holidays, casual, special events such as weddings and party/evening wear.
Join us for a Fabulous Fundraising Fashion Show on Thursday 10th May, 7pm - 10pm at Brierley Hill Civic, Bank Street, DY5 3DH
Book tickets now for £5: https://ticketsource.co.uk/date/467920 or call Eileen Fielding on 01384 573381 for more information.
You can read more about operation santa on the blog at: www.operationsanta.wordpress.com and also download wishlists for gifts and essentials in advance of this year’s appeal.
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news Kindness in action Last month, we visited Wellington Road Community Centre to meet Gurcharan Bedi, friend of Dudley CVS and community fundraiser. Mr Bedi, as he is affectionately known to all those who know him, has been fundraising for over 25 years to support good causes, charities, and people with disabilities. More recently in the last 10 years, Mr Bedi has raised funds in memory of wife, Surjeet Bedi, who he sadly lost to breast cancer in 2008. It was after the passing of his wife that Mr Bedi felt he wanted to give something back to the nurses that supported them during their time at the hospital. “The hospital did everything they could to look after my wife and I wanted to give something back to the nurses for everything they did for us.” Every year Mr Bedi devotes his time to raise money by selling raffle tickets and he has raised over £35,000 single-handedly over the last 25 years to support good causes, selecting different charities or causes to support each year. Mr Bedi has raised money for charities including MacMillan, Action Heart, White House Cancer Support, Mary Stevens Hospice and Georgina Ward. Mr Bedi grew up in East Punjab region of India, “I left India and came to Dudley in 1963. In my first job, I earned £5 a week, which was good money at the time. In 1965 I worked at Round Oak Steelworks until it closed in 1982. When our kids had all grown up we decided to open up a corner shop in Brierley Hill.” Reminiscing about the value of kindness and community, Mr Bedi talked about the 1950’s and 60’s, when many people from India arrived in London, with very little money and no job to go to. The first thing to do was find a job and others in a similar situation in the community. Many people settled in the Midlands where the work was. “We would always say to people, ‘you can stay with us and find a job’. Many husbands and wives lived apart for many years, some waited up to 15 years before they saw their families. We all helped each other.” There was a lot of work in foundries and over time, 4 or 5 generations could be found in one company. People helping each other through difficult times lead to established communities. Surjeet, Mr Bedi’s wife, was also very well known in the community, “many years ago, my wife stopped a robbery in our shop and was presented with a bravery award. In those days, a robbery was a lot rarer than it is these days! “When we started to raise money for the hospital, a lot of people in the community helped me, relatives, friends, police, the fire brigade, small and large businesses, the council, Dudley CVS, everybody helped and bought
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raffle tickets, even a local taxi driver helped to raise money. Every little bit has helped.” Mr Bedi’s 4 sons and 2 grandchildren, all help with selling raffles tickets. Additionally, with his own money, Mr Bedi supports many people in India. “I support a lot of families in India that are unable to afford dowry or can’t afford to get married.” Mr Bedi goes to India every year, this year he will sponsor a child for education. Rather than giving money, he will pay for tuition fees so they can hopefully have a better life, the money will pay for tuition and books. What are Mr Bedi’s plans this year? Well, he will continue to raise money to hopefully make somebody’s life better. Mr Bedi reminds us of the value of kindness, communities working together, and simply seeing a familiar and friendly face.
news Camphill Village Trust win Tender to deliver Shared Lives across Dudley Borough National charity, Camphill Village Trust (CVT), have recently received the news that their newly developed Shared Lives scheme based at the Berith & Camphill Community in Stourbridge, has been awarded the contract to deliver a shared lives service on behalf of Dudley MBC for the next five years. It is envisaged that the new Shared Lives scheme will take over the current service as of April 1st and work with the existing staff team and carers, who have already been supporting vulnerable people through LiveIn, Short-Breaks and Day Support Arrangements for many years across the Borough. Shared Lives is sometimes described as a bit like foster care for adults, but it is so much more than that, as the individual person is encouraged to make choices and take greater control of their life, so as to maximise independence. Huw John, CEO of Camphill Village Trust, was understandably delighted, “ this is a big step forward for us and shows further evidence of the organisation’s progressive approach in responding to a changing adult social care sector. It’s well deserved after all the hard our staff team have put into developing a quality service from scratch in such a short space of time. I’m really excited about the future of our Shared Lives service, and the potential to build positive connections between our present CVT communities and with the wider community in which they are situated.” Kate Morgan, the Registered Manager, said, “this is a really exciting challenge for CVT and we appreciate being given the opportunity to work with Dudley Council to deliver a truly dynamic service. After speaking with Commissioners, we know they have very ambitious expansion plans for the new scheme and with our previous experience, we are confident that we can offer innovative approaches to people where Shared Lives may not have been an option for community living before. We recognise there will be a lot of work to do in the coming months during the handover, so it is vitally important that we listen to all stakeholders involved and enable them to have a say regarding our development. This we hope will create a ‘real buy in’, where everyone can take ownership for the new scheme going forward.” Over the past 12 months, the CVT Shared Lives staff have worked extremely hard in raising the profile of the new scheme across Dudley, developing
networks with fellow Third Sector organisations, recruiting and training 6 new households, as well as putting together an Independent Panel of local social care professionals and lay people, who approve the status of all Shared Lives carers. By winning the contract, CVT Shared Lives have now been provided with a platform to quickly establish themselves as a recognised scheme within the Black Country and West Midlands region, rather than grow organically around their existing Stourbridge community as originally planned. Dean Barnshaw, the Head of Service for CVT Shared Lives, added, “winning the Tender is testament to the total commitment and belief everyone has demonstrated in ‘making this service happen’. The local commissioners have shown real vision in pulling this contract together, which is how adult social care will look and feel in the future. Wherever we have been in Dudley, our intentions have been positively received and we already feel part of the fabric that knits the local communities together. We are extremely proud to be given this opportunity and we very much look forward to working in partnership with everyone across the Borough.” i If anyone is interested in applying to the scheme to become a carer or if they just want to find out more about Shared Lives, then they can email us at: https://cvt.org.uk/sharedlives or call us on 01384 597264.
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news A volunteer is for life … not just Volunteers Week! What better way to introduce an article about celebrating and recognising volunteers than to talk about the fabulous main and highly commended awardees from #dva17? These wonderful volunteers were nominated and recognised for their outstanding commitment, and desire to make a real difference in local communities. Dudley CVS recently had two wonderful celebrations when the Mayor and Mayoress, Cllr Dave Tyler and Barbara, welcomed these exceptional volunteers to the Mayor’s Parlour and Council Chamber. These lucky guests enjoyed a special behind the scenes tour and enjoyed tea with the Mayor and Mayoress.
Volunteers Week takes place from the 1st to the 7th June and is an annual celebration of volunteers and volunteering. It’s a great opportunity to do something special for your volunteers to say thank you and maybe recruit some new volunteers too! Why not get thinking about how you are going to celebrate your Volunteers? There are lots of tools you can use to retain your volunteers once you’ve found them and one of the best is by showing appreciation and simply saying thank you. It’s also important to consider who should be saying thank you, for example, the person who supervises the volunteer, the volunteer co-ordinator holding an informal event to recognise the contribution of a group of volunteers, or for a more formal event what about the Chair or Chief Executive saying thank you? If you plan to organise an event to recognise and celebrate your volunteers you may have a number of things to consider: - How many volunteers you have - Availability - when you need to hold the event to ensure as many can attend as possible - Is it an informal gathering or a more formal occasion? - Where will you be holding it? Think about geographical location, parking, access for those who may be less mobile and how big a venue you may need.
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news - Who to invite - if you need someone key to attend such as your Chair, Chief Executive, the Mayor or a local MP, you may need to work the event around their availability. - Event programme - a rough plan of who’s doing what and when is always reassuring and if it’s a more formal event, you may wish to have a printed programme for guests. - Budget - If you are a small organisation and don’t have a budget for volunteer recognition and celebration, this may restrict your plans a little. You can do a great event on a shoestring if you can find a free venue, free certificates from your local Volunteer Centre, and ask people for contributions towards refreshments/buffet etc. There are also lots of ways you can tell the world, or at least the local area, how much you value your volunteers, and most of them are free: - Newsletters - have you got an organisational newsletter? This is a great place to tell other staff, volunteers and clients, just how wonderful your volunteers are. - Website/Blog/Twitter/Facebook/other social media a popular way to share what you think of your volunteers is via your website or social media streams. - Local media - newspapers, radio and TV - are a great way to show your pride in your volunteer[s]. Don’t forget to tell them why your volunteer[s] deserve recognition and hopefully, this will also help raise the profile of your project or organisation. - Awards - the Dudley Volunteer Awards is an annual event held alongside Dudley CVS’s Annual General Meeting. Local volunteers [both individuals and groups] can be nominated, winners are chosen by a panel made up of the Mayor, local decision makers, voluntary sector reps and Chairman. Nominations for Dudley Volunteer Awards open in June each year and everyone nominated for the awards is invited along to the Dudley Volunteer Awards celebration in October. You can nominate now on this year’s Awards blog https://dva2018.wordpress.com/ by visiting the Nominate page. - Queens Award - if you want to nominate a group of volunteers, why not consider this award? It’s a prestigious award and equivalent to an MBE for voluntary groups and charities. You can find out more by visiting the Queens Award website or by contacting Eileen at Dudley CVS Volunteer Centre on
[email protected]
i Read the full story on the Dudley CVS blog:
Dignity Action Day 2018 On Dignity Action Day this February, over 50 people visited Queens Cross Network for an event hosted by Dudley Centre for Inclusive Living (Dudley CIL) and Disability in Action, for a preview of the draft Dignity Charter for Dudley borough. Last year, Dudley CIL, Dudley Voices for Choice and Disability in Action, with the support of Dudley Council and Healthwatch Dudley, launched a campaign to find out what dignity in care means to local people. The draft charter is based on the top 10 definitions of the word “Dignity” as gathered from local people around the Dudley borough. The 10 principles of the charter include making sure people are included when making decisions and treating people fairly. The Dignity Charter will be launched later this year. Volunteers from the group will be visiting all of the townships that make up the borough to ask people to sign up to the charter. After the public have been invited to join and support the campaign, organisations that provide services or represent service providers will be invited to sign up to the charter on Dignity Action Day 2019. “Although dignity has been seen as mainly a part of health and social care, we believe that it is important in all aspects of life.” Ken McClymont, Dudley CIL A short film ‘Doing Dignity in Dudley’, featuring interviews with local people, has also been produced and will be released soon on the Dudley CIL website https://dudleycil.uk
i If you would like the charter to come to you, please email
[email protected] the echo | 11
And finally Do you want to inspire others to support and share your work? Do you want to find out how your organisation can grow using Twitter, Facebook or blogging sites? Do you need more time to reflect and write? Join us on the 17th April for a free monthly workshop developed to help voluntary organisations, charities and active citizens tell engaging stories for blogs, newsletters, press releases. Would you like to know how to use blogs, video clips, photo sharing sites, Facebook, Twitter or other free web tools to help your group? Perhaps you already use those tools but you’d like some inspiration for creating engaging content and stories that will inspire others. We can help! You don’t need any previous knowledge to take part, and there won’t be any lectures. We’ll talk to you one-to-one, listen to what you need and explain things clearly. i The next event will take place on the 17th April 5pm - 6:30pm at Gather Dudley.
Would you like to hear more about news and events from Dudley CVS? Why not subscribe to our e-bulletin: www.interests.me/org/dudleycvs. If you would like to share your good news stories, successful collaborations or upcoming activities, we would love to hear from you, please contact our Communications Officer at
[email protected]
This echo was brought to you by... Dudley CVS TEAM MEMBERS: Helena Norman, Communications Officer Becky Pickin, Small Groups Development Officer Eileen Fielding, Volunteer Centre Development Manager Lorna Prescott, Senior Development Officer Donna Roberts, Children’s and Communities Officer Martin Jones, Funding Officer
Dudley CVS Office: 7 Albion Street, Brierley Hill, DY5 3EE T: 01384 573381 W: www.dudleycvs.org.uk @DudleyCVS
DY1 : Stafford Street, Dudley, DY1 1RT To hire the venue, call Dale on 01384 573381 @dy1venue
BRIERLEY HILL CIVIC haLL: Bank Street, Brierley Hill, DY5 3DH To hire the venue, call James on 07801 710807 @bhillcivic Dudley CVS is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee Place of registration: England Company number: 1998105 Charity number: 517766
facebook.com/bhillcivic w: bhillcivic.co.uk
Contact Telephone: 01384 573381 Email:
[email protected]