King Saud University

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Course Name: Introduction to Computer and Programming. Course Hrs: ... Peter Norton, “Introduction to Computers”, ISBN: 0072978902, 6/e, Year- 2006. 2.
King Saud University College of Arts and Science Department of Computer Science Wadi Al-Dawasir

Study and Evaluation Scheme First Semester 1430/ 1431 H Course Code: 101 Course Name: Introduction to Computer and Programming Course Hrs: Lecture :- 3 Practical:- 2 Course Credit Hrs: 5 Course Teacher: Mr. Osama Khashan. Course Objectives: This course introduces basic components of computer hardware software and basic element of programming with its practices it also introduce the latest technologies and emerging software platforms such as Windows XP , LINUX. Lecture Plan:



Topic Cover


Introduction to Computer Systems

Computer Generations, computer definitions, computer for individual users and computer classification, capabilities.

3, 4

Computer Processing

Data representation, binary system, Bit, Byte, ASCII Code.


Computing Discipline

Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Technology and Systems.

King Saud University College of Arts and Science Department of Computer Science Wadi Al-Dawasir 6

Data Processing

Flow of Control, Batch and Interactive Processing

7, 8, 9

System Software

Operating System basic, purpose type, PC operating system, DOS, Windows, Linux, Windows.


Software Packages

MS Word, MS Excel, Netscape/ Internet Explorer, Email, Telnet FTP, Text Processor, Web page design.


Generation of Programming Languages

Different type of programming language and their scope in programming


Algorithm and Flow Chart

Meaning and need, divide and conquer strategy, Data type, Algorithm design and practice.

References: 1. Peter Norton, “Introduction to Computers”, ISBN: 0072978902, 6/e, Year- 2006. 2. M.H. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, “ C++ How to Program” Prentice Hall, 5/e , Year-2005.

Evaluation: Exam



Test-1 Test-2 Research/Assessments Lab. Exam Final Exam

After 5 Week After 10 Week End of Semester End of Semester End of Semester

1 Hr. 1 Hr. 1 Hr 2 Hrs

Allotted Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks 20 Marks 50 Marks


100 Marks

Course Pass

60 Marks