Kingdom Ministry 1968 .pdf - Strictly Genteel - Theocratic Resources

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meeting. Deliver "Kingdom Ministry." Read Branch letter together. Enthusi- Ones try it in friends and astically discuss it and another point or two from one of your ...

K)R UNIT& SATES OP AMERICA **Al#c, In oJd the nations the good news has to be pmached tlrst."-Mark


3 y this time we hope you have

eived your new Yearbook and calendar. We here a t Bethel have started to read it a t the breakfast table, and we are certainly enjoying i t ! Have you heard that in Nicaragua one brother gathers h h neighbors together-up to twenty-four of them-for the text diwussion each morning? And in Liberia same brothers meet daily a t 4: 30 a.m., b e fore going to work, to discuss the text and . read experiences. Then when they return home later in the day they sbare with their fami2s what they learned, T h w m l , do appreciate the Yearboo&. What interesting and encourag_ ~ l greports there are in our Yeurbook for 196$! Have you read how the cruel persecution of our brothers in the United Arab Republic heIped an interested person to aeeept the truth? and about the opposed husband in Belgium who was so impressed by the kindness of the ,brothers in trying to return even a &st button a t a circuit assembly that he began to study the truth? These are just a few of the fine experiences in your new Yearbook. And what about the calendar? Isn't that an impressive picture? I t will surely keep us alert to the faut that "in all the nations the good news has to be preached first." And we believe that you will be glad to have that large calendar pad for making note of forthcoming theocratic events and responsibilities, sueti a s school as&gnments, back-chll appointments, circuit servant visits and assembly dat~. Didn't we all have a llne time with the Evolution book during Nvvember? We know from your letters and reports that you placed ge numbers of them, and it cernly kbpt us busy here filling m u r orders. It was a joy to serve you, and it made us happy to see .the response to this fine publication. ,Now 1968 is upon us, It is time for the watchtower campaign, and we:-&re- sure -that you will enjoy . .


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"THE WATCHTOWER" H a s Oood News for the People!


THE WAToHTOwaR! &lore Increase of Lawlessness" with pracand more people are reading it be- tical suggestions on how individuals cause it is ' givifig them the Scrip- can protect themselves now and also tural infomation they want and information concerning Jehovah's need. Last Year 127,531,779 copies guarantee of a permanent remedy were printed for distribution world for these conditions. This issue, tor In the United States gether with the January issues of 63,248 new Watchtower subscrip- The Watchtower and their/articles tions were obtained during the year. on ,'where canyou ~ i security?,$ ~ d At least 5,050,000 copies of the Jan- and "security That Even &foney uary 1 issue of The Watchtower Cannot will make a good are being 'printed in 74 languages. combination for oEering double subAnd what is in The Watchtowert scriptions, and they go well with Good news for the People 1 The an- the new sermon on security. swers to their many questions about J - , ~the~ campaign ~ ~ ~ we will be world conditions and the Scriptural subscripttons to all remedy to their personal problems, meet from house to house. T ~ B together with other Scriptural ina part Of Our forwtion they need. How glad we activity- beBut? we others! would like to see our close friends, to hrtve it to share ZBeginning this month, we will relatives and neighbors learn the be subscriptiohs for The TVatohfowar, with three booklets, truth' make to offer why them subserip for $1. As you contact people from it a point in January? While dlmusabg house to house, you may find it ef-' your daily activitim with them, fective to consider briefly with them You may In some some of the local that cases to come Itright to the point and families and indiriduals in their t41 them: ,This month we are offerneighb~rhood face, or the itIck'Ms- ing ~h~ Wabc&tmer and Awake! fng tension over world dondftions. to everybod9 in town, and 1 would Then you can them to their problems like very much to have you receive the= is a and there are answers to their them too. Why not accept the subquestions. They are in the Bible, &criptions for a year and see what and The Watchtower will help them ~ ~ e ~ ~ to find them. wish to give them a gift of the subMany of you have been a practice of double sub- scriptions. It is UP to you to decidescriptions and you have had good s If the fs may findin 'Onsuccess. You will be glad to know Severe* On some days and that the January 8 issue of Awake! fined to the will feature a consMeration of +T'he ~~~~a~~


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distributing the fine material that has been prepared to help others to see the truth and get out of Babylon the Great while there is yet time. May Jehovah continue to bless all of you a s you push on in his work despite physical weaknesses, g i ~ i n gevidence of your sgiritual strength. Pour fellow servants, BBooKLna BUNCH Omm




by writing letters. After telling what you and the family have been doing in the witness work and at meetings, you may wish to p r w n t matters as suggested above. Whether you make the offer by letter or in Person, we suggest that you make the subscriptions available to all those whom you would like to have a s close friends-people in your (Continzled on page 7, coZ. 1 )

"Made powerful spiritually, though weak physiedty." -=-,*.)



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Theme: Preaching and Enduring vith Everlasting Life in View. Song 33. 5 min: Introduction, text, comments. 20 min: "Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot." Using the same method t h a t i s employed in conducting the "Watchtower" study cover pages 208 through he' one assigned t h e part 211 V l . should prepare study questions for each paragraph. Bring the scriptures into the discussion. Have paragraphs read. In conclusion encourage all to study page 211 f 2 through page 215 T 1 I for consideration next week. 22 min: " 'The Watchtower' H a s Good News for the People!" Questions and answers. Concentrate on paragraphs 1-6. paragraphs 7-10 can be covered ve& quickly. Briefly demonstrate offer of subscriptions to friends, neighbors o r relatives. Call on sister to read a paragraph or two of a letter she would write to a friend or a relative regarding subscriptions. Also, call on audience for other suggestions for offering subscriptions to friends or relatives. (For helpful points t h a t may be taken into consfderation, see also "The Watchtower, August 1, 1965, pages 456-460.) 3 min: Accounts report. 10 min: Concluding comments. Include appropriate Theocratic News tems and announcements. Song 25. rHlRD




Theme: Enduring in Jehovah's Ser,ice. Song 24. 5 min: Introduction, text, comments. 0 min: "Your Word I s a Lamp to My Foot." Cover page 211 112 through page 215 11. Use the same, method ,as w a s employed on the previous service meeting. Perhaps the same brother can handle it. Encourage the congregation to study carefully the rest of the chapter for consideration next week. 17 min: Talk on 1968 yeartext, based on material in introductory portlon of "1968 Yearbook." Suggest thar publishers spend a few minutes discussing this material with their Bible students. Encourage energetic ministry in offering "Watchtower" subscrip-

scriptions t o friends neighbors and relatives a s well a s others. Encourage steady house-to-house work. Report on new subscriptions turned in up to this date. Song 119. FOURTH



he me: Helping ourselves and O t h e ~ sto Stay Strong in the Truth. -Sonz - ..- -9. 15 min: rntroduction, text, comments. Discuss how many a r e a t meetings and how many more might attend meet-

our respect for civil authority a n d heaven's way of ruling benefits us. Encourage all to finish reading book, if they have not. yet done so, add to attend congregation book study a s w e study i t a second time. 5 min: Preparing Others to Become Praisers of God. (Demonstration of magazine presentation.) How did you make out with t h a t simplified sermon demonstration a t study? (Get a few Your homefrom audience.) comments Here is our

~ g b ~~ ~~ b ~~ ~E& f,9'1$t" ne6k%Eitrate: ~ , t q ~ ~t close of study, publisher explains t h a t we have variety

by telling those who are not there what happened at meetings so !hey do not out on the good resented. (Gal. 6:lO) Also invite and Relp others to g e t to meetings where this would be helpful Phone calls letters and personal visits show klndli interest in our brothers ( 5 min.) D e m publ/sher calllng a t home of another who missed meeting. Deliver "Kingdom Ministry." Read Branch letter together. Enthusiastically discuss i t and another point or two from one of your preceding meetings. Encourage publisher to read "Yearbook" experience? regularly with other members of fam~ly. 20 min. Word Is a Lamp to My F&t ., page 215 ,2 through page 219. ~ a A d l e a s outlined in second meeting in January. 15 min: "Presenting the Good News. Did You Find Them All?" Relate practical suggestions in article. Also, present experiences, local experiences pr those from "1968 Yearbook." showlng good. results Of th0rough.l~covering territory. Encourage .this during the "Watchtower" campaign. 10 min: Concluding comments. Draw attention to theme f o r month. Doesn't it make you thankful to Jehovah t h a t he has provided f o r u s so richly in a spiritual way? Though many of us may not have the measure of health and strength we may wish how blessed we have been to be &ade powerful spiritually and to be able to have good news to sh re with others! How much we have ?earned with tGe aid of Jehovah'?, organization and "The Watchtower and now we have something good i o share with others Report also on subscriptions to 'date Encourage all to bring "Life Everlast: ing" book with them next week. S -n-- n ~74 .-.






Theme: Content to Be God's Servants Bull Time. Song 59. 10 min: Introduction text comments and talk o?, month's (heme. See "Watchtower, February 1, 1968. 20 min: "The 'Life Everlasting' Book -What a Blessing!" See "Kingdom Ministry" insert. Use variety in presentation, with some audience participation. (10 rnin.) Draw attention to a point or two under the headings "Some H?ye Asked" and "Discussed a t Bethel. Ask audience about illustrations: also other points, if you wish. On page 326, why i s Ham illustrated with darker skin? On page 251 what is the small box with a slit in t6e top? Who is the apostle next to t h e box? On page 135 why i s there a n empty place a t the' table? (10. rnin.) Discuss t h e value to us and interested ones of the material In the chapters on 'God's N e u t r ~ l nongregation.' 'Blood,' 'Marriage' a

of forms of service, thus reaching Persons of different kinds with, Kingdom message. One that Is

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article ~ n ; , , ~ friends and

~ i g h q e c ~ ~ ~ p " e s ~t Ke~ ,~ ~" t ~ 15 min: Many Possibilities. (1 min.) Chairman gives

number of subscriptions thus f a r obtained and encourages all to obtain additional, ;;ncentrating during February on who have shown a n interest in e truth. Let's watch two publishers who plans to dotalk are min.)making Two publishers gether a s they make lists of those whom they know t h a t have shown a n interest i n t h e truth. First they list the eople with whom they a r e conductrng studies. Reference is made to demonstration above and t h a t Bible students might offer subscriptions t o their friends and relatives. People who ,X-egularly obtain magazines a r e ment~oned,and one publisher writes down names of three families on magazine route. One recalls a n interested woman who has repeatedly declined offer f o r a Bible study b u t always seems to t a k e new literilture when i t is presented. Another recalls a family who used t o study with Witnesses, b u t now h a s discontinued the study etc. Both publishers ex ress delight a t having made a list oPsubscri tion P ~ O S P ~ C ~ S .They express confltence that, because these people have alfeady shown interest in t h e truth it i s likely t h a t some of them wili be glad to obtain subscriptions. (2 min.) Summarize ~ o i n t sabove. 1 Then comment on our desire to h e l ~ t h o s e who have become inactive oiused to come to Kingdom Hall or share in fleld service. They might be built up greatly in a spiritual way by receiving "The Watchtower" regularly and reading it. W h a t can we

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(4 rnin.) Bible study servant and a book study servant discuss w h a t can be said when offering subscriptions to inactive ones and others who used to come to meetings or share in fleld service. (4 k i n . ) Encourage all in congregation to feel free to make friendly calls on those we know in these circumstances. Offer subscriptions. Additionally, be prepared t o study the Bible with them if they a r e agreeable. W e want to help them regain spirituality if possible. Discuss, too, article "Do You Renew?" Thouah we do not. include renewals on our service report i t is important to give them attention: 10 min: Concluding comments. Als? read a r " "iscuss Question Box wi audienc 78. - - -


THt L..L E v c l \ ~ - d I C u u k-.-~-i i.aiu* -What a B/,eSSin9! -x.









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Does it seem as if we've had the Life Everlasting book for about a year and a half now? Yes, host of us have had copies since the summer of 1966. How time flies! You haven't just left the book unopened, though. One way we know that to be true is that some brothers have written us, asking questions about points in the book. Maybe .ypu9ve wondered about the same things. would you like to know the answers? Well, &let's consider a few of your questions, and F a t the same time &are with you some of the comments made by brothers here at Bethel when we discussed new and interesting points in the book. Borne Have Asked

Did you notice on page 90 the comment that if Joseph paid the five shekels to redeem the babe Jesus, then he became the legal father of Jesus? Did it mean that Jehovah no longer was Jesus' true father? No, not at all. Remember, a t Jesus' baptism Jehovah said: "You are my Son." (Luke 3:22) So the Almighty remained Jesus' father. Yet, we thought you'd be interested in a statement made in The JewisTt Encyclopedia. It observed: "Every Israelite is obliged to redeem his first-born son thirty days after the latter's birth. The mother is exempt from this obligation." (Vol. 5, page 396) (Num. 18:15, 16) Consequently, if the Law was carried out in Jqus' case, and probably it was even though the Bible does not mention it, Joseph had to pay the five shekels, not Mary. When he paid it, he assumed legal responsibility for the child that his wife had borne. While. Jehovah continued as Jesus' true father, Joseph became Jesus' earthly foster father. Do you look up all the text cited but not quoted as you study each par graph? Many brothers do, and they are blessed for it. But some wondered why, in the midst of a discussion of women's privileges in the congre-


gation, 1Corinthians 7:1 was cited on page 253. That verse says: "Now concerning the things about which you wrote, it is well for a man not to touch a woman." It was cited to support a mnment in the opening sentence in that paragraph, which reads: "At the c~ngregationmeeting here referred to according to the letter Paul by the Corinthian menting on what Paul wrote the Corinthians, the book dmwed that he was replying to a letter from them, as established by 1Corinthians 7: 1. If You were puzzled about that, You ~ r o b ably wonder now how you could have missed the connection. We've all had similar experiences. This does, though, emphasize the importance of reading carefully what is said and looking up the texts involved. As another illustration of this : Some asked if Paul wa. first made an apostle twelve years after hi conversion. The statement in the book that they had in mind reads: "Saul of Tarsus, twelve years after conversion called P a d , definitely did become a true apostle of Jesus." (Page 166) What happened twelve years after Saul's conversion? He was "called Paul." Acts 13:9 is cited in the paragraph to substantiate this. As mentioned in the preceding paragraph in the book, Saul was converted about 35 C.E. But in commenting on something occurring about 47 C.E., twelve years after his conversion, the Bible first uses the name Paul for this apostle. In discussingi the seed of "the woman" mentioned in Genesis 3:15, the book pointed h4 out on page 59: "About 4,057 years after Jehovah God foretold [in 4026 B.C.E.] his raising up the seed of the woman as a libera- br tor, this question [of identity] had all been worked out and decided." But to what event 9

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y of tht d Jesus? We don't know. Saul, or. Paul, $' %IS, of God's woman had ueeu settled, anu L U ~ without question an apostle. (Gal.1:l) Wh2mystery about it resolved.-Matt. 16:15-17. other men, such as Barnabas, were als Were you impressed with the fine illustra- termed apostles, Paul was one of the twelv tions? We were, and we heard many fine faithful ones who were selected by Jesus himcomments on them. 'One sister was particu- -self, not by lot. (Acts 14: 14; 26: 12-18; John larly interested in the picture on page 229. 17:12) Revelation 21: 14 mentions "twelve Remember, it shows a man taking his bride apostles of the Lamb," but it does not give home, while others flock around to share the U s their names. Paul evidefitly was included, happiness of the wedding, some holding aloft especially in view of his selection by Jesus lamps. What wedding is it? It is an artist's and the way he was used to build up the conconception of the marriage discussed in Jesus' gregation of God. This does not mean that parable in Matthew 25:l-10, mentioned in Matthias was not one of the twelve apostles paragraph 19. Of course, the reason for a t Pentecost, 33 C.E. 1 .v : Ham's being illustrated with darker skin, on \ p& ,: page 326, has already been presented in Disc ea at Bethel "Questions from Readers"; it was because Di, ,.he material the Life Everl&ipu, his name means "swarthy" or "brown." book lead to some rewarding discussions in' Do You recall the drawing beginning a t your congregation and your family? It &d of page 380 and running in our family here a t Bethel. May we share diagonally UP to the top of Page 381? It a few of the comments with you? shows five different men looking heavenward, One statement in the book that and then two groups doing the same. Did you many is: "The 'great tribulation' identify ~ b ~~1 , ~~ ~b ~ hM ~, ~ hid, ~ ~ ~~ ~,discussions , of Revelation 7:14 refers to the final trib~ the apos;tles and the modern-day Christian lation lapon this human System of things." witnesses of Jehovah? ~ o every t person drawn in the book's various illustrations has (Page 356) Did you note the word "humann? a definite identity; but on page 251 there is Was there an adjustment in thinking on th&3, a portrayal of Jesus reclining a t a meal with matter? Yes. And we saw that the were le twelve apostles, while a woman wipes reasons behind it. First, it was brought out in our discussions Jesus' feet with her hair., Next tb one of the how reasonable and in accord with the fa&S twelve there is a small box with a slit in the is the position that this "great tribulation" . top. Which apostle is that? It is, of course, has reference to an earthly tribulation on ' Judas Iscariot, who ''had the money boxu or the nations. Jesus mentioned this "great took care of the money for'the apostles, tribulation" in connection with the sign bf' (John 12:l-7) Similarly, the drawing of Je;us instituting the Lord's evening meal shows his ~econdPresence. (Matt. 24:21, 22) w e n he was enthroned in the autumn of 1914 (Page 135) lne empty place a t the table. Whose spot is that? Yes, it is where Judas World War I was in progress, a war exceedini was during the Passover meal. A comparison anything in previous history and b r i n ~ ~ 2f Matthew 26 :20-25 with John 13:Oi 3n with it disease, famine and sorrow. ~pparentm shows that he left before Jesus institute ly Satan caused it to begin just before the Kingdom's establishment to hide that fac 1ew celebration. Though many have asked about the matter, to distract people. The evidences foretold by Jesus as =king there's not much more to add to what was said on pages 163-167 concerning the apostles up the "sign" of his presence could be seen Matthias and Paul. As pointed out in the on earth. So the "great tribulation" did nat book, Matthias was definitely selected as an have reference to something occurring .SF 3postle to replace Judas Iscariot by the lots visibly in heaven. In fact, even God's peaple mst in the group of about 120. What about did not fully appreciate- that the wa~if6 Matthias when Saul was chosen directly by heaven began in 1914. resulting in S ~ ~ )f t h e living God," thc







,ouster, until ten years afterward. However, tUally redeemed the Israelites gut of-Egypt, dl people alive then co&d easily recogriize taking them to himself as a special nation. World War I as bringing great tribulation on (Ex. 6: 6,7; Deut. 7:6-11; 1Chron. 17: 21,22) mgnkind. At Mt. Sinai they entered a formal, legal conOf course, in our discussions the question tract to be a nation dedicated to God. (Ex. came up, 'If the great tribulation is so closely 19:4-8; Josh. 24:16, 17) Did you think o" connected with World War I, would World . some of those points when reflecting on thc War I1 be considered a resumption of the reason why the Jews could be considered a tribulation?' No, that war was different. Dur- dedicated nation? With this as a basis, i ing World War I God's people expected it was easy to see why Jesus' baptism was no to lead directly into Armageddon, but Jeho- a symbol of a recent dedication to God, bu rah prevented such a climax a t that time. We of a presentation of himself to do Jehovah's will a t the due time.-Heb. 10:7. - didn't succumb to such an expectation during World War 11. Rather, in 1942 we learned Our discussions, though, also helped us to that the war would'end and that the beastly realize how this affected the other Jews. As peace organization would be re-established. long as the Law was valid, they were dediAnd that's just what occurred. But when the cated to God. What about after it came to ar . tribulation is resumed, it will definitely lead end in 33 C.E.? As foretold a t Daniel 9 ~ 2 7 , - into Armageddon. Jehovah continued to deal with them as a faSome noted, though, that the same sen- vored and unique people until 36 C.E. eve1 ience in the book identified it as a "final" though the legal contract was not in effect. tribulation. Does that not mean that "tribu- For three and a half years he gave them exWon9' is restricted to Armageddon? No, clusive opportunity to be the spiritual see( Daniel 12:l shows that this "time of distress" of Abraham. The baptism of any dedicated is associated with Jesus' standing up as king Jew during that period would be in symbol in 1914. The tribulation that began in that of a presentation to do.God's will. But after year was interrupted or "cut short." Soon it 36 C.E. the hatural Jews were put on an equal will start again when the political element footing with the uncircumcised Gentiles and fmns on Babylon the Great and destroys would have to make a personh dedication, her. The events thus initiated will reach a and be baptized in symbol of it, if they Aimax of tribulation on the nations a t their wanted to be acceptable to God.-Rom. 1' 5, ' Armageddon destruction. So, as a whole it 32. ' will be the "final" tribulation on this wicked Did you then begin thinking about Jonn-s system of things. In its last part it will be baptism? So did we. Up until Pentecost 33 a "tribulation such as has not occurred since C.E., si-nful Jews desiring to do God's will ,the world's beginning nor will occur could be baptized by John the Baptist or by %gain."-Matt. 24 :21. Jesus' disciples in symbol of repentance. Another matter that we discussed with (Luke 3 :3; John 3: 22-26; 4: 2) After Jesus' -great interest was water baptism and its sig- resurrection he told his disciples to do bap. Liificance. What first got us thinking about tizing in his name. So once the Christian conthis was the comment on page 90 to the effect gregation was established on Pentecost 33 ; that even as a babe Jesus was dedicated to C.E., baptism in the manner of John's bap.God, being part of a dedicated nation. How tism was no longer valid. Anyone baptized did you react to that comment? in "the baptism of John" after that would Thinking back, we.could see how Jehovah -have to be rebaptized, as were some in Epheh3alt in a special way with the natwal seed sus. (Acts 19:3-5) (See also "Questions from 9 Abraham. Isaac and Jacob were treated Readers" in The Watchtower of ~ a 1,1959.) y Iii3% distinct way because they were in the -- line'of the natural seed to which God had Did This Impress You? + c"gi~en the Promised Land. (Gen. 17:7, 8; 22: While the book literally teems with in era on Bible texts




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'&at &,re a b h s i a g $0 consider, what about the overall picme some of the chapters developed? Did you stand*back, as it were, and reflect on broad outlooks that the book should have helped us to cultivate, on how certain chapters will be priceless in aiding persons with whom we study and how we are now better prepared to face the future? Take, for example, the chapters stressing ,- the scriptural position of neutrality in regard to the military and political affairs of the nations. Some years ago we had considerable material in The Watchtower about relative subjection to worldly "superior authorities," ' but what a blessing to Cover this subject again! And how fine was the presentation in the book, with many quotations from reputable historians. Now each time we study these chapters we will make even more firm determination to act in accord with Cod's

Similarly, ones with whom we stud vill learn that a d has requirements as to marriage \and div~rce-Through the chapter on marriage they will see that they cannot "think" they me legally married, any question about the legality of a or marriage must be settled before be ministers of God. Where we feel that this - might be a problem, we can plan to study that,-J! chapter before inviting them to join us in:kA ,. r the service. &d when speaking about important 0" all impressions We got, We can hardly s&+-'hCI the matter of developing proper respect for*'2@ 4 authority. Recall that two spheres of ity were highlighted, worldly governmenta~,~2'authority andithe arrangement of theocratic +?!; authority through which God directs his",-% people. ' -.&.-& -.! we know how respect for civil a u t h o r i t y ~ ~ ~ has helped Jehovah's witnesses to avoid in-?:> volvement, even out of curiosity, in the :s ave You noted that the brothers in n~ore violence and looting taking place during more places have been tested in regard periods of civil unrest and rioting. Our con-., is issue? With God's help, they have duct has often gained us the respect of theb'i5h been resolute when attempts were made to authorities. m e book may &O help newe r% -have all persons actively support the ruling ones to learn to follow the Scriptural - $2 ,4 Party. It took faith and thorough knowledge But, additionally, didn't it help us to see the of the Christian position. Yet, later when need of having respect for heaven's way of -revolutions occurred p d the opposition Party direding us? m e principles used today in. ?3' ! c.3 came to Power, the neutral position that our shepherding the congregations through apbrothers had taken protected them. They pointed servants will be used in 'the n m were not shot or imprisoned, as were many order. (Ps. 45~16)Instead of looking at theI people,who had been active in politics. Since human imperfections of the appointed sernationalism is increasing, how apnreciative v a t s , we can concentrate on the fact that we can be for the blessing of the e Ever- they me "gifts in men" selected' by holy, khsting book at this ~rit.i~al time! spirit. (Eph. 4: 8, 11) No mat+r how long. -" In the past when studying with interested' we have been seving God, we can be mate+ d e s , what did you do to instruct them as to ful to him for reminding us of this heal*? God's law on blood? It wasn't covered in any outlook! of the study books, was it? Isn't it grand, We have been happy to be able to write and. tlibugh, to have a balanced and persuasive share these thoughts with you. Probably fn treatment of the topic in one of the books studying the book personally and congrega, . that each person will study, or at least read, tionally you have found other points that %' +4 before baptism? We can thus help to equip you thoroughly enjoyed. And most likely as. $$ -Bible students to face situations that might you continue to use and study the booli: ,=. F- arise suddenly, requiring a quick decision. will,keep on being a rich source of know led^ And if we meet someone in the field minisby for you. We join with you in thanking JehQ- = ,who sincerely wants td know our position on vah for providing such an abundant bles&%s~ -5' "Pi-' .-7fi .this matter, there it is in the book. *L->- -the Life Everlasting book!





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tmth, -1e on mwanemu+m; . DOYOU, Rene~x: people who used to study but who 1 r%i&you know that o w o%m .& are not now studying, or publishers Brooklyn is sending tcj subsci&eB who have become weak or inactive. a combined total of over 1,385,00C 8 In March we can offer subscrip- copies of The' Watchtolow md tiom to those with whom we do A w a ~ e !each time they are printed! business, OUF employers as well as And that is here in the Unitea employees, the garageman and States alone. Isn't it wonderful to ot ers. Then there is the beautician, know that, in addition to the 316,000 ne ghbors you talk with a t the publishers here in the United States, laundromat, or the doctor, the gro- so many others are regularly re cer, salesmen, etc. ceiving the magazines and have op 9 We will, of course, want to keep portunity to learn the truth thro a good record of those who obtain them. literature from us or who show in- *Of course, when these subscrip terest in our preaching work. Then tions expire, the question arises as during April, if not before, let's to how many subscribers will renem make an effort to contact as many and continue to receive the maga. of these as possible and ober sub- zines. I t may surprise you to learn scriptions to all of them. That can that during the 1967 service year include those who obtain single is- there were only about 320,000 subsues of The Watchtower and Awake! scriptions renewed. Sometimes, we or other literature, teachers and have learned, even our brothen principals who obtained the special have forgotten to renew their sub issue of Awake! or the Evolution scriptions. Wouldn't it be a fine book. Include also those who speak thing if more subscribers would reother languages. new and continue to get the valn 10 We know that The Watchtower able information presented in Tht can be helpful to all these people Watchtower and Awake!? just as it has been to us. I t has the To help publishers and interest. Scriptural information they need. ed ones alike, the Society is using s Yes, we have good news for the new renewal notice that can be sen people and we look forward to a to some extent even b e f m t h ~ busy and happy time sharing it with wrapper is taken off. In the future them during the 1988 Watchtower the Society will be sending just campaign. two notices : One marked "EXP~R.

( colltaa) the

present neigbborhOod, .or' pos$ibly in the neighborhood whe& fotl used to live, to wormates and past or p m t school friends. You feel free to ,talk to them and they feel free to talk to you. They may readily accept a subscription because they know you. But after they begin to PeCeive and read the magazines they d s o may begin to learn the truth, and that would make you very Itap~y, wouldn't it? It would unquestionably make them happy too. &fatt. 22: 89. 6And what about your own chil'.'@ren? Do they have personal sub' pcriptions of their own? Many parents have found it is good-for their , children to have their own subscrip tionpi for The Watchtower. It comes . through the mail with their name - on it and it gives them a closer contact with Jehovah's organization. I t .* may help some to pay better atten.tion .at the Kingdom Hall, a s they I trg to imitate older folks by using ' theb magazines and listening to what is said. ' 'Then ie Februgry let's concen- I r a t e particularly on those whom . .wh know have shown interest in the truth-people on whom we make . $ack-calls and N t h whom we conduct Bible studies, as well as any --%a whom they may have discussed


1 Did You Find Them All?

IREVbnnllb R B I ,.

but keep on t r ~ @ gto make PerSon-


30 brahers a m s h d Ep$ time of Memorial were released November 15. +Zambian assemblies attende 257 although public could not me ~ n v n e to .,tend; 34,871 publishers reporlillg i


a r e not a t home than a t other times. DO you keep a n accurate record of every home where the occupants were not in? How much effort do you put forth to find the occupants of each house SO a s to give them a ~~~~d~~ witness?

le at home when working the tory one time, likely these

~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ : ' n ~ ; n ~ g ~ ~Boliviafor branch P-percent moved increase. into new ai turb The "Lamp" book suggests: office and home. The beautiful, moder "Some publishers* after trying sever- building of three stories houses fH 81 times without finding anyone a t branch largeshippip; home, write a letter in which they department, Kingdom Hall seating 15' give a witness to the householder; persons, and living quarters for 1 4 mi! or they may arrange for a bublish- sionaries; Kingdom Ministry Scbc f r who is 'Onfined to home* due to students worked hard helping prepar illness or age, to write such letters." 'he new building for These a r e practical suggestions, aren't they? Can we individually be +Total ~ u b h h e r sreached the new pea in Our to of 15,047 in the Netherlands, with ove codtact all the occupants of each 900 in the pionec home in our territory? No doubt service; branch reports On a

m:yog;;zne rwults been by brothers and sisters who

persevere in calling back on those not a t home on first,.second or third calls in a territory. As a n example, page 283, you everything we can to search out the in the 1967 will read a n account about a sister who made twenty

77,000 magazines over same month lac

+A publisher ~n St. Louis, Missour in monfh placed 25 Offering them to friends Ond re'atives




*'Also, in all

h e nations the good nmwr has to be proached flrst."'-Maik

CDem CPubkshe~ We're movinz! It's iust across the ~ afrom i f17 A n& Street to our. new tep-story b ilding. We're glad too. During January we moved the entire shipping department and most of the book bindery to the new building. We have four large buildings 'now, each on its Own city block; and all the buildings are connected by bridges. However, before we got the moving job done, Brother Knorr asked us to work nights because we were way behind in filling literature orders. The arrangement was made so that nearly everyone in the Bethel family, including brothers and sisters working in the home and offlces, could work a t the factory, along wtth the regular wo~kers there, from 7 t o 9: 30 p.m. four nights each week and Saturday afternoons for two weeks. Of course, we had to make arrangements for others in the New Pork congregations to care for our Bible studies, but we were able to have our Monday night Bethel Watchtower study and ministry school, and get to the c o n e e gation meetings on Sunday. We surely were busy, but we all had a good time. Well, f)ecember proved to be an Outstanding month- IVewere complete 1,134,653 bound books, a peak in production. Nothing. like that was ever before accomplished in our factory in one month's work. Of course, we. had some new machinery with which to work, as well as extra hours in which to do it. Even so, we did not cateh up with the orders for the Evolution book, though we have made more than 1,600,000copies Since June. During December, besides printing all the magazines, we were able to finish tbe 1968 Yearbook in English and Spanish. We also got out another Supply of Quatifled to Be Ministers. We finished prihting twelve editions of the Paradise book in foreign languages. We completed the !Impossible to Lie' book in French. and Spanish and "Yozcr WiJZ Be Done on Earth" in Twt






Getting- Them to Listen

1 Have you .found that on many calls it is difficult to give Your entire Scriptural presentation, and that much time is Spent trying to get a conversation started? If SO, perhaps a greater effort to get the householder to converse and tell YOU how he feels about various matters will help. The benefits are obvious. By Our asking appropriate questions and being good listeners We can find out how he feels about the subject we are discussing. We Can also determine if he has a Bible, whether he reads it, and if he accepts it authoritative. We might also learn whether he belongs to some church group. His response to our questions will enable us to adapt Our presentation to fit his circumstances, and he will be more inclined to listen to something that interests him, won't he? 2 In our introductory remarks this month while we are using the Sermon. on "Finding Security" we might say: "Hello; I'm glad to find you a t home. I'm making a bdef visit to direct aaention to what the Bible says about security and the real hope for mankind. All of us think about the, lack of security in We printed the complete New World Translatiolt in Italian and we hope to get it into the bindery in January. We also printed some of the pocket-sized English New World Translation. So, as you can see, our presses have really been busy. stating it dBerently, this means that more than 900 tons, O r 36 train carloads of 25 tons each, of paper came into the factory and went through the presses to make publications during December. ~ 1 of1 this makes us very happy. ~ u we t had still another exciting time a t Bethel. Following the Watchtower study on Monday evening, December 25, Brother Hnorr gave out the foreign assignments to the Gilead students now going through school. So they know where


. the wo,rldld, don't we? &d we woui$ like to see improved conditions.. I n this way we let the person know our visit will be a brief one, what the subject is and that the Bible win be used. ~ 1 8 0 our , kindly manner encourages him to talk. 8 we realize, too, that many peaare inclined to be influenced by what their neighbors think or say. 1f we discern this to be the case , in the territory we are we could say :, ~ morMng ~ ~ ; I'm d glad youpre a t home this mornin@;. already had some very interesting conversations with your neighbors about something that af- , fects all of usyecurity. possibly you have given some thought to the unsettled conditions in the world. [dlow for response] DO you believe sod has the power t~ change things if he wants to?" Again, we encourage the person to say some thing so we can find out his views, and mentioning our conversations with his neighbors may cause him to want to listen too. 4 ~ n o t h e rintroduction we could try is this: "It's good to find you a t home. As a minister I've been brief(Continued on page 4, col. 1 ) they are going now and are looking forward to graduation and going to their assignments. Bethel certainly is a busy place and we like it that way. We hope that all of you are just as busy out there. You must be, or we would not be a s busy as we are here. We are grateful that you keep us so busy printing publications for Your needs and ours, a s we share in the field service with you. May Jehovah's blessing be with you during the Watchtower campaign, and may it be Your good pleasure to help many more flee from Babylon the Great .and find refuge in Jehovah's 0rgaIUZatlOrt Your contented fellow servants of Jehovah, B ~ o o g ~ nBBABCH n O ~ D E

Content to be God's servants .full time.


You Can Hetp

Talks That Are Well Worth Hearing I - Again -

you read the ~atohtgzcer l D o y'6n r e a b e Ibat during the er a t the next circuit assembly and =port on "shbclrlsg R e m o m Perpast two years you have heard make any adjustments that appear -tion fn Malawiv? It is i n the , public talks on more than eighty to be'advantageous, and a t the same Febmarg 1 &sue, and is b&g foL- . different subjects, eacli one jam- time they can be sure that enough lowed by the article ' ~ a h w f t &ti8 packed with fine Scriptural mate1-1- brothers will have the eight new Christian Atrociti-A Shame OD al? What a rich. spir1tua.l feast it talks available for use in the cir- africa," in the mbmarp 8 Awake! has been! But, just as it H true ,it. When you read them your urgent that you like to savor fine dishes of 7 Some small congregations may question wW. be, Whit ccan I do to physical food on more, than one not have been able to arrange for help? occasion, so7 too, many of You have speakers to deliver all eighty of the 2 you what has hapwritten to the Society saying F a t talks during the past two years. and we urge you to do it You hope there will-be oppOrtuFtY But we believe that the publishers as egtensively pomible* order ex- to hear these Public t a m agala would be very grateful if they could tra copies of as both rnawines and we % ~ e that e it would be a fine hear what is in those talks. So, durthem freely.m k e them Lvailt ~ n for g all of us. ing the two years* if you can- able to newspaper editors too. Do 8So we recommend that, start- not always afrange for a speaker, it right away. ~h~ more widely, ing this spring, all the congrega- then why not a t least get together the atrocities are p u b l i c l ~ , the , uons go back. to the beginning of as a congregation and read the -ter the flood of mafl will be, the series of eighty public talks and outline and. look up the scriptures making protest to the schedule them a second time. And together? You have several copies in M ~ ~ ~B~Msure . to write a let-, as you do it, work for variety. of the outlines available in the con- ter yourself. ~t may be that *hen 3 In most localities there is more gregation, so 'you can get them pmident ~~~d~ that he ' than one brother that gives a par- all out and have a fine discussion has brought worldwide indfgnation ticular talk. So, why not arrange among yourselves. I t will be stimu- .against his government, he will re- for a different speaker in your con- lating and upbuilding, and in this consider his course. gregatton this time? way YOU wilk not be deprived of r additionally there eomething 'If you are a public speake~,this provision that_ Jehovah has else that we Ean do, isn't the*? inject freshness into your presen- made for the blessing of his people- ~t the primegeof each one of tatioa Knowing the local situation, us to remember these persemWd YOU arelin position to work in some &nouncements brothers of ours in prayer.-~cts he that fit your partic- +The A ril 15 Watchtower. q d the 12 :5 ; R o ~ .15: 30, 31. dlar audience and that will help April 22 lwake! will be s ecial issues. them to appreciate t@ material It will be a big month &r ma azine D E C E M ~ ESUYICE ~ lEPOIT ' ' iore fully. (Jive caeful cornidera- gtri",S,";Egize,"T,"T t"$$Tf tion to this. Well-thought-out and appropriate illustrations help to make any talk live. Additionally, make good use of appropriate vigual aids. Personal preparation for delivpry is also vital. A good outline is not enough. Yeu shOuia be fined wfth your subject, have a clear grasp of each point and be enthusiastic about it. Is that the way you feel every time You get UP to give a public talk? If so, both you and your audience are richly rewarded. . 6gthe talks that we enjoyed during the past two years were those delivered by circuit and district servants. They, too, are well worth hearing again. For your benefit the Society is reprinting a @oup of eight of these outlines and will be sending them to each congre' ga€ion early in March. You' may arb use them* perhaps fitting , range one lnto your schedule every month or so. f3 Now that nearlytwo years have passed since the start of the present series of talks, it may be a - good Oime to the list "This Good News of pf available speakers. No doubt are some new speakers that are well qualine& On the other . hand, some previously assigned may Wve moved away, so others will be d w e d to hand16 their subjects. .~ug@s t +&st ~e congregation K , d i s m this ~ maWr togeth-




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