Kingsbridge Town Council PLANNING COMMITTEE The next meeting ...

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Sep 5, 2017 - (SHDC) with objections to planning application 2574/16/OPA at Dennings,. Wallingford Road, Kingsbridge, TQ
Kingsbridge Town Council PLANNING COMMITTEE The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, Quay House at 6.00 p.m. on Tuesday 15 August 2017. You are summoned to attend. AGENDA 17/31

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence. Public Open Forum Ten minutes is set aside to enable Kingsbridge electors to present planning applications, make representations on planning applications, or ask questions on other planning matters.


DECLARATION OF INTERESTS To invite Members to declare any pecuniary interests or non-pecuniary interests.


PLANNING DECISIONS, CORRESPONDENCE & REPORTS Paper 1 To receive the decisions made by the planning authority; and to consider correspondence and reports.


TREE WORK APPLICATIONS, DECISIONS & CORRESPONDENCE Paper 2 To consider applications received from the planning authority, advice from the Tree Wardens and to make recommendations on behalf of Council; and to receive the decisions made by the planning authority and to consider correspondence.


PLANNING APPLICATIONS Paper 3 To consider applications received from the planning authority and to make recommendations on behalf of Council.


ANY FURTHER CURRENT PLANNING MATTERS To give Members the opportunity to debate other issues of immediate planning concern. To include: • Proposed Quayside development – next steps?


DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING Tuesday 5 September 2017 at 6.00 p.m.

Martin Johnson Town Clerk 9 August 2017 Distribution: Town Mayor, Deputy Town Mayor, Cllr David Baisie, Cllr Dena Bex, Cllr Martina Edmonds, Cllr Robin Griffin, Cllr Mike Jennings, Cllr Graham Price, District Cllr Rufus Gilbert (for information), District Cllr Keith Wingate (for information), Town Clerk, Facebook, website noticeboards and Planning Committee file.

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DECISIONS 33.1 Case Officer: Decision: Decision date: Site: Proposal: KTC:

1757/17/ADV Sarah Carroll Conditional Approval 26 July 2017 Regal Island, Church Street, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1DD Advertisement consent for 3no. wall mounted LCD digital displays Recommended Approval subject to illumination levels being within accepted levels

33.2 Case Officer: Decision: Decision date: Site: Proposal:

2223/17/COM Clare Stewart Planning Permission Required. 28 July 2017 Widegates, 56 Embankment Road, Kingsbridge TQ7 1LA Notification under electronic communications for proposed installation of 1 no. wooden telegraph pole approx. 6.32m in height and associated overhead wires to replace 5.4m pole Not Consulted



From a local resident: a copy of a letter sent to South Hams District Council (SHDC) with objections to planning application 2574/16/OPA at Dennings, Wallingford Road, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1NF (KTC Recommended Refusal due to insufficient detail).


SHDC’s submission of the Plymouth & South West Devon Joint Local Plan to the Planning Inspectorate for examination on 31 July 2017.


From SHDC a listing of outstanding enforcement cases dated 8 August 2017 (this information is confidential and is not for dissemination to the public or outside bodies).

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34.1 Application No: Proposal:

Tree Preservation Order: Grant of Conditional Consent 1448/17/TPO T18: Oak – Crown lift to approx. 8 metres from ground level to stop overhanging neighbouring property; T21: Oak – Crown lift to approx. 10 metres from ground level to allow more light; T25: Oak – Crown lift to approx. 8 metres from ground level to stop branches overhanging neighbouring property and allow more light to conservatory; T22 Sycamore – Fell due to deformities and canker. 58 Northville Park, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1AR Recommend Approval

Location: KTC:

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The following planning applications have been received from SHDC for consideration: 35.1 Proposal: Location: Applicant: Case Officer:

1991/17/LBC Listed Building Consent for repair works to façade and coverings of building 42 Fore Street, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1NY St Lukes Hospice Michelle Bennett

35.2 Proposal:

2425/17/LBC Listed Building Consent for repairs and reinstatement of deteriorated ground floor joists and floorboards including addition of new damp proof courses, other works include clearing existing rainwater goods, minor crack repairs to rear elevation and check and overhaul flashings to party walls to ensure the building is watertight 9 Fore Street, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1PG Mr M Hall Michelle Bennett

Location: Applicant: Case Officer: 35.3 Proposal: Location: Applicant: Case Officer: 35.4 Proposal:

2361/17/HHO Householder application for new cladding to existing property and rear extension to utility room 7 Highfield Drive, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1JW Mr S Tibbles Sarah Carroll

Location: Applicant: Case Officer:

2430/17/FUL Householder application for new accommodation for use as part ancillary, part holiday let 7 Highfield Drive, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1JW Mr S Tibbles Michelle Bennett

35.5 Proposal: Location: Applicant: Case Officer:

2515/17/HHO Householder application for ground floor extension to existing dwelling The Laurels, 6 Derby Road, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1JJ Mr & Mrs George Sarah Carroll

35.6 Proposal: Location: Applicant: Case officer:

1381/17/FUL Re-advertisement (revised plans) application for proposed bungalow or rear Top Acre, 12 Higher Warren Road, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1LG Mr & Mrs M Heath Rachel Head