Kirchoff's Laws and Capacitors

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Kirchoff's Laws and Capacitors. Vo ! q. C ! iR = 0. " i t( ) +. q t( ). RC. = Vo. R. " dq dt. +. 1. RC. #. $%. &. '( q = io. " q t( ) = qmax 1! e!t / RC. (. ) and. " i t( ) = dq dt. =.
Charging characteristics of initially uncharged capacitor.

q ! iR = 0 C q ( t ) Vo " i( t) + = RC R dq # 1 & " +% q = io $ RC (' dt

One time constant is defined as ! = RC . Putting that value into our charging relationship yields:


Kirchoff’s Laws and Capacitors

( (

q ( t=! ) = q max 1 " e " t /RC



Vo !


" q ( t ) = q max 1 ! e ! t /RC


= q max 1 " e " RC/RC



1& # = q max % 1 " 1 ( $ e ' throw at t=0


= .63q max

q max

Evidently, the charge on the capacitor is equal to 63% of its total possible charge after charging for a period equal to one time constant, or a time equal to “RC.”


dq q = max e ! t /RC dt RC " i ( t ) = io e ! t /RC " i( t) =

There is a slight subtlety in the relationship between the charge flow (i=dq/dt) and the amount of charge (q) on the capacitor’s plate at a given instance. I’m not making a big deal about this as the bottom line is good and you have enough to worry about without the added burden of an overly intricate derivation.

.63q max


This is depicted on the graph to the right.


( =RC)



The charging relationship is graphed below:

After two time constants:

( (1 " e

q ( t=! ) = q max 1 " e " t /RC q(t)

= q max




1& # = q max % 1 " 2 ( $ e '

q max


= .87q max


q ( t ) = q max 1 ! e

! t /RC


q max Evidently, the charge on a capacitor will be equal to 87% of its total possible charge after charging for a period equal to two time constants.


This is depicted on the graph to the right.

.87q max

t = 2!


( =2RC)



It should be noted that a capacitor’s DISCHARGING relationship is a mirror image of the charging relationship. That is, after one time constant, the discharging capacitor will have dumped 63% of its charge, After two time constants worth of time, it will have dumped 87% of its charge. Those relationships are shown in the discharging graph shown to the right.



.37q max

q ( t ) = q max e ! t /RC

dumped 63% of q max , 37% left dumped 87% of q max , 13% left


( =RC)

t = 2!


( =2RC) 5.

Something similar happens with the i(t) current versus time graph for both a charging and discharging capacitor circuit. The analysis there yields: io

i ( t ) = io e ! t /RC = io e ! RC/RC " 1% = io $ 1 ' #e &

i ( t ) = io e ! t /RC


= .37io Evidently, the current in a charging and discharging circuit will diminish to 37% of its maximum (the maximum occurring right at the start of the charging or discharging process) over a time equal to “RC”--one time constant.



( =RC)

This is depicted on the graph. 6.