13 May 2012 ... The Beatles - Your Mother Should Know - Magical Mystery Tour ... The Beatles –
Lovely Rita - Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band.
The Beatles - Your Mother Should Know - Magical Mystery Tour
Recorded 22nd August 1967 at Chappell Recording Studios London (1st of two) Abbey Road was booked on this day so they went to another George Martin used studio owned by the Chappell Publishing Co. also in London. Musicians: Paul McCartney – lead vocal, backing vocal, piano, bass guitar; John Lennon – backing vocal, organ; George Harrison – backing vocal, tabla; Ringo Starr – drums, tambourine
The Beatles – Anna (Go To Him) (Arthur Alexander) Please Please Me Alexander’s original recording was released as a single in Sept. of 1962 on Dot Records. Did not crack the Top 40. Beatles played it live in `62 and `63. Lead vocal John US – Vee-Jay LP Introducing the Beatles US – The Early Beatles
The Beatles – Lovely Rita - Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band Recorded Feb. 23 1967 Paul heard that in America, parking – meter woman where called “meter aids” and thus….the tune. Lead vocal Paul McCartney 1.00
The Beatles - Martha My Dear - The Beatles Recorded Oct. 4th,1968 Trident Lennon bass. About Paul's sheepdog. Paul 1.00
The Beatles - Sexy Sadie - The Beatles
Recorded July 19th 1968 Written about the Maharishi Yogi when John was leaving India with quote “a bad taste in his mouth”. Lennon 1.00
The Beatles – Dizzy Miss Lizzy
(Larry Williams)
Recorded May 10th 1965 First appearing on the US LP Beatles VI in June of 1965 two months BEFORE HELP! was released. Lead vocal John US - Capitol LP Beatles VI
The Beatles – Eleanor Rigby – Revolver Recorded April 1966 Written by Paul though John Lennon claimed in two different interviews (Hit Parader in`71 and again in Playboy in 1980) that he wrote 70 percent of the lyrics! Paul sez: “I saw somewhere that John said he helped on “Eleanor Rigby “. Yeah about half a line”. Well…! Musicians: Paul McCartney – lead vocal; John Lennon – harmony vocal; George Harrison – harmony vocal; Tony Gilbert, Sidney Sax, John Sharpe and Jurgen Hess – violins; Stephen Shingles and John Underwood – violas; Derek Simpson and Norman Jones – cellos
The Beatles - Michelle – Rubber Soul
Recorded Nov. 3rd, 1965 Written mainly by Paul with a bit of HELP form John in the middle eight section. Musicians: Paul McCartney – lead vocal, lead guitar, bass guitar, acoustic guitar (?), drums(?); John Lennon – backing vocal(?), acoustic guitar(?); George Harrison – backing vocal(?), acoustic guitar(?); Ringo Starr – drums(?) It was briefly considered as a single, but John vetoed it. But it still managed to win the Ivor Novello award for being the ‘Most Performed Work Of The Year’, beating Yesterday into second place. But they couldn’t be bothered to go to the awards ceremony, so Ross MacManus ended up singing it instead (Elvis Costello’s dad!). Lead vocal Paul McCartney .7 / Lennon .3
The Beatles – Polythene Pam/She Came In Through… - Abbey Road Recorded July 25th w/ “She Came in Through The Bathroom Window “. The only Beatles song inspired by a woman in New Jersey who dressed in polythene (but not jack boots or kilts) Written in India, demoed for the White LP. Musicians:
John Lennon – lead vocal, lead guitar, acoustic guitar; Paul McCartney – harmony vocal, piano, lead guitar, bass guitar, lead guitar; George Harrison – backing vocal, rhythm guitar; Ringo Starr – drums, tambourine, maracas The Yeah-Yeah-Yeah line at the end of the verses are straight lifts from She Loves You (the second time they quoted from the song in recent records – the other one being All You Need Is Love). Lead Vocal John Lennon 1.00
WINGS – Helen Wheels – Band On The Run
(US Only against Paul's wishes !) Helen Wheels was the name Paul gave to his Land Rover, and the song tells the story of a trip from Paul's Scottish farm down to London.
The Beatles – The Ballad Of John & Yoko – Single `69 The Beatles – Carol/Clarabelle – Live @ The BBC The Beatles - Maggie Mae - Let It Be
Recorded 4th January 1969 Location: Apple Studios Engineer: Glyn Johns Musicians: John Lennon – lead vocal, acoustic guitar; Paul McCartney – harmony vocal, acoustic guitar; George Harrison – bass guitar; Ringo Starr – drums
The Beatles - Dear Prudence - The Beatles sessions TK 3
Recorded Aug. 28th 1968 at Trident Written in India about Mia Farrow’s sister who locked herself in her hut while on retreat in India. Paul on drums. Mal tambourine. Jackie Lomax and Paul‘s cousin John sang backing vocals. Lennon 1.00
The Beatles - Penny Lane - Magical Mystery Tour
Recorded Dec. 29th 1966 Released as a single in the UK Feb.`67 and DID NOT REACH #1. It was held off by Engelbert Humperdick’s “Release Me”. Penny Lane is a bus roundabout in
Liverpool Contains at least TWO slightly slang obscenities (finger pie & keeps his fire engine clean) Musicians: Paul McCartney – lead vocal, pianos, bass guitar, harmonium, tambourine; John Lennon – backing vocal, pianos, guitar, congas; George Harrison – backing vocal, guitar; Ringo Starr – drums, hand bell; George Martin – piano; Ray Swinfield, P. Goody, Manny Winters and Dennis Walton – flutes, piccolos; David Mason, Leon Calvert, Freddy Clayton, Bert Courtley and Duncan Campbell – trumpets, flugelhorn; Dick Morgan and Mike Winfield – oboes, cor anglais; Frank Clarke – doublebass
The Beatles - Lady Madonna – b/w The Inner Light
Recorded at Abbey Road Studios during sessions on 3 February and 6 February 1968 before the Beatles left for India. This single was the last release by the band on Parlophone in the UK, where it reached #1, and Capitol Records in the U.S., where it reached #4. All subsequent releases, starting with "Hey Jude" in August of 1968, were released on their own label Apple Records, under EMI distribution, until the late 1970s, when Capitol and Parlophone re-released old material.
The Beatles – Julia - The Beatles
Recorded Oct. 13th 1968 Written both about John’s mother and Yoko (ocean child) The ONLY solo Lennon Beatle song. Musicians: John Lennon – double-tracked lead vocal, double-tracked acoustic guitar
Plastic Ono Band - Mother – Plastic Ono Band Started in England and finished in LA during his infamous Primal Scream Therapy from Dr. Arthur Janov in the summer of 1970
John Lennon’s Mother - Julia The Beatles – Let It Be – Let It Be…Naked Written after a dream about his Mother speaking to Paul for the first time in quite a while…she passed away when he was 14.
Mary McCartney George – Deep Blue – Flip Bangla Desh `71 Louise Harrison
George Harrison, his sister & their mother Louise Ringo – Have I Told You Lately (That I Love You – Sentimental Journey
Arranged by Elmer Bernstein. Originally recorded in 1946 by Foy Willing and the Riders of the Purple Sage. /Elsie Starkey Inspired by the Mom’s of Lennon & McCartney, Harrison & Starkey
Ringo & Mother (Elsie)
A/Beatle Mom’s: Louise Harrison Mary McCartney Julia Lennon Elsie Starkey
Paul – Only Mamma Knows – Memory Almost Full Paul – That’s All Right Mama – Live @ The BBC
The Rutles – Goose Step Mama- The Rutles The Beatles - Mother Nature's Son - The Beatles Recorded Aug. 9th 1968 Paul said he wrote it at his Dad’s house in Liverpool. John said Paul wrote it in India. Musicians: Paul McCartney – double-tracked lead vocal, acoustic guitar, drums, timpani; Unknown musicians – trumpets, trombones Paul based this on a lecture given by the Maharishi, about man’s relationship to nature. John did one as well, and called it Child Of Nature (which ended up as ‘Jealous Guy’ on his Imagine LP). It’s pretty much a Paul McCartney solo song, and was recorded at the height of the ‘troubles’. Ken Scott recalled: Everything was going really well, and the John and Ringo walked in – and, for the half-hour they were there, you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife. Two days later Ringo quit the band. Lead Vocal John
Paul McCartney – Momma’s Little Girl March 1972 – Red Rose Speedway sessions The Beatles – Piggies (Harrison) - The Beatles
Recorded Sept. 19th 1968 A song George finished after he had rediscovered it in his parents home…He started it in 1966…and actually used his Mom Louise for a few lyric’s > in particular “what they need is a damn good whacking” Musicians: George Harrison – lead vocal, acoustic guitar; Paul McCartney – bass guitar; John Lennon – tape-loops; Ringo Starr – tambourine; Chris Thomas – harpsichord; Henry Datyner, Eric Bowie, Norman Lederman and Ronald Thomas – violins; John Underwood and Keith Cummings – violas; Eldon Fox and Reginald Kilbey – cellos
Paul – Maybe I’m Amazed – McCartney
John – Oh Yoko -Imagine The Beatles – If I Fell –AHDN
A song John called the precursor to “In My Life”…it has the same chord progression said John D and B minor and E minor… Flip of And I Love Her in the US Musicians: John Lennon – joint lead vocal, acoustic rhythm guitar; Paul McCartney – joint lead vocal, bass guitar; George Harrison – lead guitar; Ringo Starr – drums This was supposedly about one of John’s numerous affairs – but because there’s no love interest in A Hard Day’s Night he ends up singing it to Ringo instead! It marked a further step in John’s lyrical progression by harping-back to an earlier song – I Want To Hold Your Hand. You can hear him singing: Love is more/Than just holding holds. It was my first attempt at a proper ballad, he said. It was the precursor to In My Life. It has the same chord sequences: D and B minor and E minor, those kind of things. Lead vocal John and Paul Lennon 1.00 US - Capitol LP Something New/ United Artists LP A Hard Day’s Night
The Beatles - Don't Let Me Down – Single/Past Masters Recorded Jan. 28th 1969 Apple Studio’s Recorded Jan. 27th (LP) and single Jan. 28th 1969 Released as a single in UK April 11, 1969 And in the USA May 5th 1969. The Beatles 1st STEREO single in the USA
flip of “Get Back”…John’s 3rd B-side in a row Written for Yoko Ono. Musicians: John Lennon – double-tracked lead vocal, lead guitar; Paul McCartney – harmony vocal, bass guitar; George Harrison – rhythm guitar; Ringo Starr – drums; Billy Preston – electric piano
George – Beautiful Girl – 33 1/3 The Beatles- She Loves You (Lennon / McCartney) – single July 1st 1963 / Beatles Second Album The fourth official EMI release. By the 3rd September this had sold half a million copies, and by 27th November it became the first Beatles record to sell One Million copies in Britain alone. It also achieved the rare feat of two separate spells at number 1. The most significant change is the printing of the composer names ... this release establishes "Lennon-McCartney" as the format of their composer credit for the rest of their Beatle career. Musicians: John Lennon – joint lead vocal, rhythm guitar; Paul McCartney – joint lead vocal, bass guitar; George Harrison – harmony vocal, lead guitar; Ringo Starr – drums
The Beatles - She's A Woman – EP Million Sellers/ Beatles `65 /Past Masters /No UK album Recorded: 8 October 1964 flip of I Feel Fine
Capitol 5327 (US) November 23, 1964 Parlophone R 5200 (UK) November 27, 1964
Musicians: Paul McCartney – lead vocal, bass guitar, piano; John Lennon – rhythm guitar; George Harrison – lead guitar; Ringo Starr – drums, chocalho
Ringo – She’s About A Mover – Old Wave The Beatles – She Said She Said – Revolver
Recorded June 21st 1966 Written after a record 32 cups of extremely strong tea while in LA during a break in their 1965 tour…John was hanging out w/ The Byrds and a whole bunch of girls at a party and actor Peter Fonda kept whispering in John’s ear “I know what it’s like to be dead“…. thus the lyric Musicians: John Lennon – lead vocal, acoustic guitar; Paul McCartney – backing vocal; George Harrison – backing vocal, lead guitar, bass guitar; Ringo Starr – drums
The Wilburys – She’s My Baby – Vol .III The Beatles - I Saw Her Standing There Please Please Me 11th February 1963 along with 12 of the 14 tunes recorded that day. ** 1st Song on the first LP…and the 1st credited to (McCartney/Lennon) ** Musicians:
Paul McCartney – lead vocal, bass guitar, handclaps; John Lennon – backing vocal, rhythm guitar, handclaps; George Harrison – lead guitar, handclaps; Ringo Starr – drums, handclaps
The Beatles – And I Love Her – AHDN
Written mainly by Paul with the middle eight by John it was released as a single in the US getting to #12. Recorded Feb. 1964 at Abbey Road Musicians: Paul McCartney – lead vocal, acoustic guitar; John Lennon – acoustic guitar; George Harrison – acoustic guitar solo; Ringo Starr – bongos, claves This was their first all-acoustic song (although you can hear an early, electric version on Anthology 1). It was the first ballad that I impressed myself with, admitted Paul. It’s got nice chords in it, ‘Bright are the stars that shine, dark is the sky…’ I like the imagery of the stars and the sky. It’s a love song really – the ‘And’ in the title is an important thing, ‘And I Love Her’, it came right out of left field, you were right up to speed the minute you heard it. It came in the second verse and didn’t repeat. You would often go to town on the title, but this was almost an aside, ‘Oh… and I love you.’ Lead vocal Paul McCartney .65 / Lennon .35 US - Capitol LP Something New/ United Artists LP A Hard Day’s Night
The Beatles – To Know Here Is To Love Her – Decca sessions The Beatles – Her Majesty - Abbey Road Recorded: 2nd July 1969Location: Abbey Road 2 Producer: George Martin Engineer: Phil McDonald Musicians: Paul McCartney – lead vocal, acoustic guitar
The Beatles - Thank You Girl - (McCartney-Lennon) – Past Masters / Beatles Second Album / flip of From Me To You / Recorded 5 and 13-Mar-63
Parlophone, Vee-Jay, Oldies 45, and Capitol Star Line single Parlophone EP The Beatles’ Hits
Vee-Jay LP The Beatles & Frank Ifield on Stage Capitol LP The Beatles’ Second Album Musicians: John Lennon – joint lead vocal, acoustic rhythm guitar, harmonica; Paul McCartney – joint lead vocal, bass guitar; George Harrison – lead guitar; Ringo Starr – drums
The Beatles – Another Girl - HELP! Feb. 15th 1965 Musicians:
Paul McCartney – double-tracked lead vocal, bass guitar, lead guitar (solo at the end); John Lennon – backing vocal, acoustic guitar; George Harrison – backing vocal, lead guitar; Ringo Starr – drums Done in one take, with eleven edits. George over-dubbed the guitar the next day. In the Help! movie Help! Paul plays it standing in the sea. He also has hold of a brandnew instrument – a woman. He goes through all the motions (plucking and strumming) till she sings sweet melody. Featuring Paul on lead guitar & lead vocals. McCartney 1.00 US - Capitol LP HELP!
The Beatles – You’re Going To Lose That Girl - HELP! Recorded Feb. 19th 1965. Often called You’re Gonna Lose That Girl Found on both the UK and US versions of HELP! Musicians:
John Lennon – double-tracked lead vocal, acoustic guitar; Paul McCartney – backing vocal, bass guitar, piano; George Harrison – backing vocal, lead guitar; Ringo Starr – drums, bongos
This was completed on the 10th February. They tried to over-dub something else on the 30th March but they decided to keep the original version. Lead vocal John Lennon 1.00 US - Capitol LP HELP!
The Beatles – Girl - Rubber Soul
Recorded Nov. 11th 1965 Written about a dream girl that didn’t really exist and containing a somewhat suggestive background vocal by Paul & George. John says, “It’s one of my best” Musicians: John Lennon – lead vocal, acoustic guitar; Paul McCartney – backing vocal, bass guitar; George Harrison – acoustic guitar; Ringo Starr – drums
The Rutles – With A Girl Like You – The Rutles WINGS – Girls School – Single The Beatles – Hello Little Girl – Decca George – Poor Little Girl – SDTK The Beatles – I Got A Woman – BBC Peter & Gordon – Woman – Single `64 John – Woman – Double Fantasy The Beatles - Your Mother Should Know - Magical Mystery Tour
Recorded 22nd August 1967 at Chappell Recording Studios London (1st of two) Abbey Road was booked on this day so they went to another George Martin used studio owned by the Chappell Publishing Co. also in London. Musicians: Paul McCartney – lead vocal, backing vocal, piano, bass guitar; John Lennon – backing vocal, organ; George Harrison – backing vocal, tabla; Ringo Starr – drums, tambourine