Knee Extensor Muscle Strength and Vertical Jumping ...
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lar velocities of 60 and 180 deg/sec by a Cybex [I dynamometer. Maximal squat {SJ} and counter-movement jumps (CMJJ were performed or: force platform.
E. Gantiraga, E. Katartzi, G. Komsis, C. Papadopoulos ... isometric push-off force test, and vertical jumping test on a Kistler force ... Isometric tests involve the application of a force against some form of immovable measuring device during a maxi
Feb 2, 2016 - Anterior cruciate ligament tear or repair ... Medial collateral ligament tear or .... Latent MTrP in the distal 1/3 lateral knee flexors (biceps femoris).
Binet Intelligence Scale (Terman & Merrill, 1960; Thornfie, Hagen, & Sat- tler, 1985). The subjects of both groups came from the same types of background.
among competitive level road cyclists as well as examine the effect of muscle strength, .... sprint cycling performance test and isoNinetic strength tests variables.
May 6, 2009 - Conclusion: the novel aspect of our study is the determination of objective ...... D: Quadriceps weakness and its relationship to tibiofemoral.
Aug 26, 2011 - importance in developing intervention strategies and refining theoretical models, but they call for further ... Limitations in physical function are associated with par- .... computer using custom-written software (Labview 8.5 Na-.
Objectives: To compare isokinetic strength of leg muscles and foot center of ... Key Words: Elderly; Knee; Muscle fibers, type II; Posture;. Rehabilitation; Tai Chi.
Jun 19, 2007 - effects of TCC on balance and knee extensor muscle strength ..... exercise trial on balance, strength, and falls in older women: a randomized.
tween knee muscle strength and gait performance for the pa- retic but not for the .... Gait Performance. We assessed gait performance by 6 tests: the Timed Up &.
Knee Extensor Muscle Strength and Vertical Jumping ...
Jakobi Street, 51014 Tartu, Estonia. ... jump (i.e., jumping down from a height), and performing a maximal vertical jump .... sistent with earlier findings (1, 21, 23).