difference on the students' reading skill taught by using K-W-L strategy and taught without by ..... Grabe, William and Fredricka L. Stoller. 2002 . Teaching and ...
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018
Indah Kusumaningrum, M. Wahyu W.
The Use Of K-W-L (Know-Want-Learn) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Skill in Descriptive Text for the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Pecangaan Jepara in Academic Year of 2017/2018
Indah Kusumaningrum, M. Wahyu Widiyanto
Universitas PGRI Semarang
Abstract The objectives of the research are: (1) to find out the students’ reading skill taught by using K-W-L strategy, (2).to find out the students’ reading skill taught without by using K-W-L strategy, (3) to find out the significant difference on the students’ reading skill taught by using K-W-L strategy and taught without by using K-W-L strategy. This type of the research was quantitative research. The research design applied by the researcher was quasi experimental. The population of this research was all of eighth grade students in SMP N 1 Pecangaan Jepara in the academic year 2017/2018. The samples of this study were class VIIIAconsists 32 students and VIIIB consists 32 students. The instrument used to collect the data was a test that contents 30 multiple choice test. All of students are given pre-test and post-test for each group. The result of this research shows that (1) the students’ reading skill taught by using K-W-L strategy in criteria as good. It shown by the mean of post-test was 86.22, (2) the students’ reading skill taught without by using K-W-L strategy in criteria as adequate. It shown by the mean of post-test was 75.91, and (3) thus, the difference between the students’ reading skill taught with and without using K-W-L strategy was significant. It can be seen in the result t-test score was 8.73 with t-table significance 5% it was 1.67.The result of the t-test was higher than t-table. So, there is a significant difference between improving students’ reading skill taught with and taught without by using K-W-L strategy. It means that the students taught by using K-W-L strategy were better than the students taught without by using K-W-L strategy. From the research above, the researcher suggests that to improve the students’ reading skill by using K-W-L strategy, the students have to read a lot of reading texts, and try to comprehend the text. For the teacher, it would be better if the teacher can apply the strategies of teaching reading, especially for reading skill as a facilitator, motivator, and administrator. Keywords: Reading Skill, K-W-L Strategy, Descriptive Text. 86
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018
Indah Kusumaningrum, M. Wahyu W.
read. After reading, the reader should
Introduction Language
communication used by people to deliver
important information stated in the text
information, express their ideas, feelings,
whether specific information or general
and etc. There are many different languages
information. In the other words, the students
in the world, which is used by different
required reading skill to accomplish their
countries. Every country has characteristic
language to show their own countries. As we
“Reading is something many of us take for
know that English is one of International
granted.” It means that when people read as
languages to communicate with people
much as possible, they are get knowledge to
between the various countries or groups of
delivered by the others. In addition, reading
people in the world. English has function as
can opens up new words, it can make us rich
a means to communicate in the daily
communication, to get knowledge, to make
developing skill. It means that when people
information and to enjoy language lesson in
reading by practicing, they are encourage
English culture. In Indonesia, English
their skills.”
to a
Johnson constantly
In mastering reading skill, students
educational world. So it puts English in
usually have some difficulties. One of them
curriculum of their education at program.
are students’ reading skill is still low. For
There are four language skills that
example, the students do not understand the
should be mastered by language learner.
meaning or purpose of the text. They also do
They are listening, speaking, reading, and
not uderstand what they read and could not
writing. These skills are relating each
answer the question based on the text.
other’s and cannot be separated. Reading is
Therefore, the teacher must have the best
one of important skills to get message,
strategy to facing this problem especially
understand the meaning of the text delivered
when teaching reading. One kind of the
by writer. The process of reading is guessing
strategy that can be used is K-W-L. It is a
and understanding the ideas and receiving
method done by Know, Want, Learn.
the message from the reading text being 87
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018
Indah Kusumaningrum, M. Wahyu W.
K-W-L strategy enables students to explore
1. To what extent is the students’ reading
what they know, what they want to know,
skill taught by using K-W-L strategy?
and what they learn about a topic. By this
2. To what extent is the students’ reading
strategy, students activate their own personal
skill taught without by using K-W-L
background knowledge, predict about the
information they expect to find in the
3. Is there any significant difference of the
reading material, and take notes related to
students’ reading skill taught by using
the information gained. Each of these tasks
K-W-L strategy and taught without by
supports their skill as they prepare to read,
using K-W-L strategy?
as they read, and after they read. The design of this research was an experimental research. The purpose of this research was to know whether or not there was a significant effect of using K-W-L (Know-Want-Learn) strategy in teaching reading. Therefore, this technique could be a solution to improve students’ achievement in reading skill. The reseacher choose SMP N 1 Pecangaan Jepara because this school is one of favourite school in Jepara. It gets numerous achievements in many competitions such as sports, arts, and etc. It also has complete facilities to support the teaching and learning process. Beside that, the researcher feels sure that the research will be succeeded because
discipline. Based on the background of the research, the researcher formulates the statements of the problem as follows:
Review of Related Theories General Concept of Reading Reading is one of important skills to get message, understand the meaning of the text. According to Grabe and Stoller (2002:9), reading can be defined as the ability to draw meaning from the printed page
appropriately. Reading is also an interaction between the reader and the writer. The text provides information that the author wants the reader to understand in certain ways. The reader also brings
a wide range of
background knowledge to reading, and the reader actively constructs the meaning of the text by comprehending what the writer intends and interpreting it in terms of the background knowledge activated by the reader (Grabe 2010:15). According to 88
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018
Indah Kusumaningrum, M. Wahyu W.
Johnson (2008:3) “Reading is the practice of
Reading for general comprehension, when
using text to create meaning.” Reading is a
accomplished by a skilled fluent reader,
constantly developing skill. Like any skill,
requires very rapid and automatic processing
we get better at reading by practicing. And
of words, strong skills in forming meaning
conversely, if we do not practice, we will
representation of main ides, and efficient
not get better and our skills may deteriorate.
coordination of many processes under very
limited constrains.
reseacher could concluded that reading is
The Principles of Reading
process receiving to get message and
Reading is one of the four language
understand the meaning from the text
components that should be mastered by
delivered by the writer.
students. It could be defined as the ability to
The Purpose of Reading
examined words and absorb the information
According to Grabe and Stoller
(2002:19) “Reading is always purposeful not
understanding a written linguistic message
only in the sense that readers read in the
and to examine and grasp the meaning of
different way based on the reading purposes,
written or printed characters, words or
but also in the sense that any motivation to
sentences. Reading is complex process to
read a given text is triggered by some
interpret the information from reading text
individual purpose or task, whether imposed
appropriately. Reading has many principles
and there is a process involving word
The purpose of reading (Grabe and Stoller:
recognition, comprehension, fluency, and
2002:13) 1. Reading to search for simple information and reading to skim 2. Reading to learnt from the text 3. Reading to integrate information, write and criticize text. 4. Reading for general comprehension
motivation. According to Harmer (2007:101), reading has many principles, they are: 1. Encourage students to read as often and as much as possible. The more students read the better they learn to think in English. Everything we do should
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018
Indah Kusumaningrum, M. Wahyu W.
encourage them to read extensively as
during and after reading, and useful
study exploitation.
2. Students need to be engaged with what
Good teachers exploit reading texts
they are reading. When students are
to the full. Any reading text is full of
reading extensively, they should be
sentences, words, ideas, descriptions, etc. It
involved in joyful reading that is the
doesn’t make sense, in class, just to get
teacher try to help them get much
students to read and then drop it and move
pleasure in reading.
on to something else. Good teachers
3. Encourage students to respond to the
integrate reading text into interesting lesson
content of a text (and explore their
sequences, using the topic for discussion and
feelings about it), not just concentrate on
further tasks, using the language for study
its construction). It is important for
and then activation and using a range of
student to study reading texts in class in
activities to bring the text to life.
order to find out such things as the way
Based on the principles above, the
they use language, the numbers of
students must learnt to read in order to be
able to read to learn. It must be regarded as
meaning, the message of the text, is just
an act of communication. There is a
as important as this.
communicator, message, and recipient of the
4. Prediction is a major factor in reading.
message. Teacher should exploit reading
When we read texts in our own
text in order to made students more
language, we frequently have a good
interested in reading. Students’ interested in
idea of the content before we actually
reading automatically to increase their
start reading. In class teacher should
language achievement.
give students ‘hints’ so that they also have a chance to predict what is coming. 5. Match the task to the topic when using
The Importance of Reading The importance of reading in website
intensive reading texts. We need to
choose good reading tasks, the right kind
consist of three importance of reading, there
of question, appropriate activities before,
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018
Indah Kusumaningrum, M. Wahyu W.
1). Reading is fundamental to function in
really listen. Lack of listening skills can
today's society. There are many adults
result in major misunderstandings which
who cannot read well enough to
can lead to job loss, marriage breakup,
and other disasters - small and great.
medicine bottle. That is a scary thought -
Reading helps children [and adults]
especially for their children. Filling out
applications becomes impossible without
help. Reading road or warning signs is
General Concept of K-W-L Strategy
difficult. Even following a map becomes
K-W-L Strategy
a chore. Day-to-day activities that many people take for granted become a source of frustration, anger and fear. 2). Reading is a vital skill in finding a good job. Many well-paying jobs require reading as a part of job performance. There are reports and memos which must be read and responded to. Poor reading skills increases the amount of time it takes to absorb and react in the workplace. A person is limited in what they can accomplish without good reading and comprehension skills. 3). Reading is important because it develops the mind. The mind is a muscle. It needs exercise.
KWL is one of the most widely recognized
instructional strategies developed by Donna Ogle in 1986. K-W-L is an instructional reading technique to aid the teaching of reading. It uses graphic organizer namely KWL chart to help the students record their thinking process before, during, and after reading. KWL represents a three-stage instructional process for understanding texts: what students know, what they want to know, and what they have learned (Grabe 2010:231). According (Fengjuan 2010:79) The
K-W-L strategy works as an instructional
word is one way the mind grows in its
reading strategy. As a reading strategy, it
ability. Teaching young children to read
helps new teachers engage students from the
helps them develop their language skills.
beginning of a reading lesson by activating
It also helps them learn to listen.
prior knowledge. K-W-L also helps teachers
Everybody wants to talk, but few can
keep students interested as they think about 91
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Indah Kusumaningrum, M. Wahyu W.
what they want to know and what they have
3) It also encourages students to become
learned. Nunan (2005:89) states that KWL is
used for learners to organize informations
before and after they read a passage. Based
from definition above, K-W-L can be
4) To elicit students' prior knowledge of the
concluded as a technique which has well-
topic of the text, set reading goals (for
organized steps to be followed by the
what they want to know), and monitor
students. The technique combines the use of
their comprehension of the topic after
reading strategies in the effort to improve
reading the text.
reading ability.
The Advantage and Disadvantage of
The Purpose of Using K-W-L Strategy
Using K-W-L Strategy
According to Jannah (2015) there are the
The Advantages of Using K-W-L Strategy
purpose of using K-W-L Strategy:
According to Ibrahim (2012) in Ummul
1) Ogle
Khaira (2015) there are some advantages
strategy/model in order for the teacher
using KWL strategy, there are:
and the students to graphically organize
1. It is appropriate for all education levels
information based on what students know about a topic, what they want to know about a topic, and what was learned after reading about the topic (KW-L).
2. It can be used for all skills but is most suitable for reading skills. 3. It helps students to monitor their comprehension and knowledge.
2) The KWL strategy is designed for teachers
from beginners up to advanced.
4. It encourages students to do critical thinking.
students' knowledge when they read
5. It makes teacher and students become
expository material, but can also be used
more interactive in the teaching and
for narrative material that comes under
learning process.
the heading of genres such as myths, poems, haikus, etc.
6. It sets out a purpose for reading. This means that readers have some ideas about the text before reading the whole 92
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018
text and focus to find the important
associations in the K column of their
points whilst reading.
charts. This is done until students run out
The Disadvantages of Using K-W-L Strategy According to Ibrahim (2012) in Ummul Khaira (2015) there are some advantages using KWL strategy, there are: 1.
It is difficult for students with no prior knowledge.
Indah Kusumaningrum, M. Wahyu W.
It takes time to complete.
3. It is not effective for reading fiction materials. 4. It is not appropriate for readers who are not active thinkers. 5. Students will give up and get bored easily. Step of K-W-L Strategy According to Ogle (1986) in Riswanto et.al (2014) there are some steps that should be considered in using K-W-L strategy:
of ideas. Engage students in a discussion about what they wrote in the K column. d. Ask students what they want to learn about the topic. The teacher and students record these questions in the W column of their charts. This is done until students run out of ideas for questions. If the students respond with statements, turn
recording them in the W column. e. Have students read the text and fill out the L column of their charts. Students should look for the answer to the questions in their W column while they are reading. Students can fill out their L column either during and after reading. f. Discuss the information that students recorded in the L column. g. Encourage students to research any
a. Choose a text.
questions in the W column that were not
b. Create a KWL chart. The teacher should
answered by the text.
create a chart on the blackboard or on an overhead transparency. In addition, the students should have their own chart on which to record information. c. Ask students to brainstorm word, terms, or phrases they associate with a topic. The teacher and students record these
There are some previous studies that were the study related to this study as follows: First, the study was conducted by Wahyuni Duwi in 2014 entitle: Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability in Recount Text by Using Kwl (Know, 93
Volume 9, No. 1, February 2018
Indah Kusumaningrum, M. Wahyu W.
Want, And Learned) of the Eight Grade at
Technique at the Eleventh Grade of Sma
SMP N 1 Durenan Trenggalek in the
Negeri 1 Sanden In The Academic Year of
Academic Year 2013/2014. The result of the
2012/2013. The results of the two cycles
study showed that the students’ mean score
show that the use of Know-Want-Learn
of reading comprehension test in the
technique is effective to improve the
preliminary study (pre-test) was 60. Then
students’ reading comprehension. It is
supported by the qualitative data which
comprehension test in cycle 1 was 69 and in
show that (1) Know-Want-Learn technique
cycle 2 was 80. In addition, in the
can help the teacher to scaffold the students’
preliminary study, there were 32% of the
comprehension of the text by focusing on
students who passed the test and 68% of the
the steps before, during, and after reading;
students who failed in the test. Then, in
(2) Know-Want-Learn technique can help
cycle 1, there were 59% of the students who
the students to preview the text, assess what
passed the test and 41% of the students who
they have learned after reading, and attrack
failed in the test. As a result, the criteria of
their interest in reading; (3) The kind of
success had not been achieved yet because
the students who passed the test were less
vocabulary, using skimming and scanning,
than 75% of criteria of success so that cycle
2 was needed to be conducted. In cycle 2,
meaning can help the students to read the
the criteria success which was 75% could be
achieved by the students because there were
supported by the quantitative data. The
85% of the students who passed the test, and
there were only 15% of the students who
comprehension scores improves from 70.5
failed in the test. It means that the action
in the pre-test to 82.5 in the post-test.
According to the t statistic, the difference is
researcher stopped the research in this cycle.
efficiently. of
finding students’
significant at p