Knowledge sharing in knowledge-intensive ...

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University of Florence. Florence. Italy. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8199-2923 ..... Womack, J.P, Jones, D.T. and Roos, D. (1990), The Machine that Changed the ...
Knowledge sharing in knowledge-intensive manufacturing firms. An empirical study of its enablers Authors Details: Vincenzo Cavaliere Associate Professor of Business Organization and Human Resource Management Department of Economics and Management University of Florence Florence Italy ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8199-2923

Sara Lombardi Ph.D. Student in Management Department of Business and Management LUISS Guido Carli Rome Italy ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0462-7658

Luca Giustiniano Associate Professor of Business Organization Department of Business and Management LUISS Guido Carli Rome Italy & Visiting Professor Nova SBE - Nova School of Business and Economics Lisbon Portugal & Research Affiliate ICOA - Interdisciplinary Center for Organizational Architecture Aarhus University Aarhus Denmark ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3044-6535

Structured Abstract: Purpose Following previous studies, knowledge-sharing (KS) processes consist of knowledge donating (KD) and knowledge collecting (KC). Within this framework, the paper investigates the relationship between KS processes and KS enablers to understand the effect of organizational, individual and technological factors. Design/methodology/approach The study is based on a web survey. Data were collected from a sample of 759 knowledge workers selected from 23 knowledgeintensive manufacturing companies exposed to international markets and located in Tuscany (Italy). The analysis is based on multivariate regression models considering KD and KC as dependent variables. Findings The results show that individual, organizational and technological factors matter to KS. Specifically, the paper reports that individual-level enablers and supportive leadership have a positive effect on both sub-processes of knowledge sharing. Further, the organic management system has a strong and positive impact on knowledge donating, while the efficacy of ICT solutions is positively related to knowledge collecting.

Knowledge sharing in knowledge-intensive manufacturing firms Research limitations/implications Although based on a geographically bounded perimeter, the analysis allows some generalizations. In fact, the paper proposes a set of enablers that empirically link micro- and macro-organizational mechanisms to KS. Practical implications The evidence described can help to improve the organizational management of KS and, consequently, support managers dealing with organizational design aimed at successful KS. Originality/value The paper presents original results by combining individual, organizational and technological variables in the explanation of KS. It could be a basis for further studies. Keywords: Knowledge sharing, individual enablers, supportive leadership, organizational structure, organic management systems, self-efficacy.

Article Classification: Research paper

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