kol yisrael - Temple Beth Israel

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Apr 19, 2014 - loaf of white bread; but chametz is also in biscuits, whiskey ... Ruth Erlichman • Julie Frey • Lilly


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SHABBAT 18-19 APRIL 2014 / 19 NISAN 5774

The President, Robert Hershan, on behalf of the Board and staff of Temple Beth Israel welcomes you to our community.


FRIEDLANDER BET MIDRASH 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Board members: Rob Sward, Dorothy Graff and Rhys Roberts Shammash: Rhonda Nirens Music: Cantor Michel Laloum with Ruach Community Choir and Joe Stupel


Exodus: 34:1-9 (p.658) Numbers 28:19-25 (p.1211) Ezekiel 37:1-37:14 (p.1660)

SHABBAT MORNING FRIEDLANDER BET MIDRASH 10am Shabbat Shacharit Board members: Dorothy Graff, Ron Aarons, Rhys Roberts, Roger Mendelson and Joanne Loewy Irons Shammashim: Rosemary Michael and Chris and Graeme Smith Music: Cantor Michel Laloum with Ruach Community Choir and Joe Stupel Torah readers: Cantor Michel Laloum, Josh Nezon and Sarah Edelstein Kiddush: Kindly sponsored by the Jakobovits and Rossdale families

Sacred Music - A Celebration SAVE THE DATE - SUNDAY 15 JUNE, 2.30pm

Partners include The Camerata Orchestra conducted by Doug Heywood OAM, Council of Christians and Jews, Jewish Christian Muslim Association, St Pauls Anglican Church Choir, Salvation Army Choir and Camberwell Chorale.

DRASH ON CHOL HAMOED PESACH by Rabbi Gersh Lazarow, Temple Beth Israel

Passover is not a one day holiday that comes, is celebrated and then goes away until the next year. Even though it lasts a full week, not a day, it is a holiday that contains a spiritual message for us to take with us throughout the entire year.

Jew must consider himself as if he personally came cleaners, in his book, The Jewish Way, Yitz Greenberg explains that we all of can benefit from out from Egypt.” searching out for the chametz in our lives. He Considering ourselves as if we personally explains that chametz is a symbol of the things we were redeemed from slavery to serve our allow to stagnate in our lives.. Chametz signifies God is essentially the rationale behind this Passover is the first festival that the Jews commandment of remembering our exodus from the staleness and deadening of routine; and getting rid of it, he suggests, can be a symbol of our desire celebrated as a people. It is the festival that Egypt. This remembrance includes several essential for freshness and growth. connects us with the birth of the Jews as a free, parts from our Passover preparations which can be independent nation and a distinguished and internalised daily to teach us a valuable life lesson. Most of us think of freedom as a lack of obstacles dynamic people. It is not merely the celebration in our way. Doing what we want would seem to Some of the observances of Passover we can extract of our release from bondage – from slavery, but define freedom. But it appears that the Rabbis and apply to enrich our daily life. also the celebration of our becoming a holy nation take a different perspective.They teach that while The first step in our Passover observance is to rid dedicated to God. Passover celebrates the freedom from external ourselves of our chametz. chametz is the Hebrew oppressors, it also marks a freedom from the kind Passover is so important that the Torah makes it word for leavened bread, bread which has been of self-centered arrogance typified by Pharaoh our duty to remember it each and every day. As it and symbolised by leavened bread. Freedom is an states in the Torah, (Deuteronomy 16:3): “You shall allowed to rise. We are all familiar with the fluffy loaf of white bread; but chametz is also in biscuits, inward movement, urging the self out of its narrow remember the day of your departure from Egypt all the days of your life.” This is the very reason that whiskey, noodles, beer and a myriad of other food concerns (mitzra’im) and onto the great plains of sand toward a new Promised Land. the third paragraph of the Shema which mentions products. It is forbidden to eat or own chametz or anything containing chametz in our possession This is the message of Passover and the liberation our liberation from Egypt is recited daily each during Passover. Because of this commandment morning and evening. that we can internalise and carry with us for the many Jews engage in the annual process of bidikat journey through the rest of the year. It is not In addition, the redemption from Egypt is one of chametz, where they search for and rid their homes simply a holiday that celebrates an historical event, the six remembrances that we are commanded of any sign of leaven. but an occasion that is given to us to relate our life to recall each and every day. In the Hagadah of Passover we are instructed “In every generation the Whether you are fastidious or lackluster Passover to and as a guide for self improvement.

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B’YACHAD SERVICE Family Service for Primary School aged students Pre and post B’nai Mitzvah students, TBI Tamid Students (and young at heart). Led by Julie Howard with songs and stories. All are welcome from great grandparents to grandchildren.


We invite you to the next community pot luck dinner after the service in Slome Hall. This is an event for the whole family and you are welcome to bring your friends. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share.


Please see WHAT’S ON for related listings below

Sunday 20 April - 6th day Pesach 6pm Erev 7th day Pesach service

Monday 21 April - 7th day Pesach OFFICE CLOSED Easter Monday 10am 7th Day Pesach Service and Yizkor

Presented by Nadav Shachmon PJV Shaliach

YOM HAZIKARON SUNDAY 4 MAY THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE IDF AND THE ISRAELI IDENTITY From the moment Israel was established in 1948 until today the IDF have always been a significant part of the Israeli identity. We will explore the way the demographic and geographic changes in Israel influence the IDF and the Israeli identity. YOM HA’ATZMAUT SUNDAY 11 MAY FROM A SHELTER TO A SECOND HOME When Israel was established in 1948 the need for a Jewish state was undeniable. Jews around the world needed a physical shelter and the bond between Israel and the diaspora was strong. Throughout the years this bond has changed: Is Israel still representing the Jews around the world? What makes Israel a Jewish state? How can Jews around the world identify with Israel today? How can you love a country that you disagree with?


Join as to celebrate the Friendship Clubs 15th Birthday. Join us for a catch up, lunch and our musical entertainment featuring Tim Lynk.

Tuesday 22 April - 8th day Pesach 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua Wednesday 23 April 10.30am Drop in and Chat

Thursday 24 April 10am Holocaust Survivors Russian Speaking - Jewish Care 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough

7.30pm Aleph isn’t Tough 8pm TBI choir rehearsal Friday 25 April NEXT SHABBAT 26 Nissan 5774 OFFICE CLOSED ANZAC DAY

6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat with Koleynu and Shannyn Gelbart Guest Speaker Carol Bentata Saturday 26 April 10am Shabbat Shacharit with TBI Choir Guest Speaker Miriam Feldheim


REMEMBRANCE SHLOSHIM • Jill Cantor • John Cohen • Betty Drillich • Henry Gordon • Zara Halprin • Barbara Jacobs • Dora Kayman • Lisl Kindler • Glen Morley • Steffan Weiss • Ben Zaks



SHABBAT SHIRA Join us in the Magid Resource Centre for an informal, lay led service, with guitar and lots of singing. The service includes all the regular features of the Kabbalat Shabbat service, including the kaddish prayer for those observing yarzheit, in an intimate and participatory atmosphere.

YAHRZEITS OBSERVED THIS SHABBAT Mother of David and Peter Husband of Shirley, father of Roslyn, Keith and Rhonda Hale Wife of Henry, mother of Rita Hyams Father of Anne and Olga Mother of David, Hannah, Michael and Susan Wife of Bob, mother of Gavin and Gina Wife of Norm, mother of Adrian, and Selina Joseph Mother of Howard Kindler, Theresa Epshtein, sister of Sylvia Simon Son of Geoff and Marilyn, father of Damon and Kurt Partner of Jo, father of David and Lauren Husband of Sue, father of Adam

• Ralph Barnett • Freda Beville • Cenci Bihary • Robi Bihary • Benjamin Einhorn • Ruth Erlichman • Julie Frey • Lilly Friedlaender • Jessie Gild • Mrs Jenny Harris • Ilse Hartmann • Louis Hoffman • Guenter Jacob • Alwynne Jona OAM • Stephen Bram Joske • Danielle Lenore Joske • Beatrice Kaufman • Don Lawrence • Hilda Leder • George Marquis • Hyman May • Lovis Moss • Leon Rebaisen • Dorothy Rosebery • David Rosenberg • Carol Rubin • Jacob (Kuba) Schulberg • Pola Silberscher • Victor Simkin • Joe Zusman Solomon • Herta Tarry • Mayer Yahia

In the event of a bereavement please do not hesitate to contact Rhonda Nirens on 9883 6237 or 0438 464 909 This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. MISSION: Temple Beth Israel is a kehilla kedosha (spiritual community) bringing innovation and creativity to Jewish traditions. We provide multiple pathways for our members and friends to enjoy an engagement with Progressive Judaism that enhances their lives through spiritual enrichment, learning and community. We are guided by principles of egalitarianism and respect for others. We are inspired to continually develop and grow and to provide a spiritual home for all who wish to embrace our values. Temple Beth Israel acknowledges that we are assembled on land whose traditional custodians are the people of the Kulin Nation.

Contact TBI Ph: 613 9510 1488 Fax: 613 9521 1229 PO Box 128 / 76-82 Alma Rd, St Kilda Vic 3182


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