Sep 18, 2014 - Adrian Rosenwax â Naso. Adrian's hobbies include soccer, basketball and dancing. He began dancing when
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Table of contents President’s report
Rabbi Gersh Lazarow’s reflections
Temple Beth Israel (No. A0040666N) 76-82 Alma Road St Kilda / PO Box 128 St Kilda, Vic 3182, Australia T +613 9510 1488 F +613 9521 1229
[email protected]
Rabbi Kim Ettlinger’s feature
High Holy Days Family Activities
A Safe and Secure New Year
Cantor Michel Laloum’s composition
Chris Bradburn (Building Coordinator): Sarah Edelstein (TBI Fellow) ext 815: Rabbi Kim Ettlinger: Aliza Factor (Administrative Assistant) ext 802: Chris Gounis (Finance Coordinator) ext 807: Cantor Michel Laloum: Rabbi Gersh Lazarow: Josh Nezon (TBI Fellow) ext 814: Rhonda Nirens (Lifecycle Coordinator) ext 811: Jenny Schulman (Executive Assistant) ext 803: Sue Silver (Events Coordinator) ext 810: Rachel Wundheiler (Community Relations Manager) ext 808: Fiona Zlotnik (Administrative Assistant) ext 801:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
The Fragile Home – Kathy Kaplan OAM
Mazon Bag
TBI Board of Governance 2014 Robert Hershan (President) Dorothy Graff (Vice President) Robert Sward (Vice President) Rebecca Silk (Secretary) Jeffrey Leigh (Board Chair) Sam Sharman (Immediate Past President)
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Board Members Ron Aarons Jonathan Barnett Judi Cohen Alain Grossbard Joanne Loewy Irons Roger Mendelson Rhys Roberts Rysia Rozen
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Mitzvah Weekend
Community Events
B’nei Mitzvah
Happy Snaps
Publication of any/all material is at the discretion of the editor. Articles express the views of the author, not the Temple Beth Israel Board of Governance. Articles in Kol Yisrael may be reprinted but please acknowledge your source. TBI acknowledges that we are assembled on land whose traditional custodians are the people of the Kulin Nation. TBI is proud to be affiliated with the Union for Progressive Judaism. Editor Designer
Rachel Wundheiler artklass
[email protected] [email protected]
2014 / 5775 High Holy Days Program Selichot
Cover Art: Why apples at this time of year?
On Rosh Hashanah it is traditional to eat apples dipped in honey, to symbolise our hopes for a “sweet” new year.
Saturday 20 September
Selichot Service and Program
Sunday 21 September
PJV Memorial Service Springvale Jewish Memorial Gardens
Wednesday 24 September
Thursday 25 September
Mishpachah Service (toddlers - 6yrs) Shacharit - 1st Day B’Yachad Family Service Maariv
8.30am 10.00am 10.30am 6.00pm
Friday 26 September
Shacharit - 2nd Day Binah Service Tashlich (Elwood Life Saving Club) Kabbalat Shabbat Shuvah
10.00am 11.00am 1.30pm 6.15pm
Saturday 27 September
Shacharit Shabbat Shuvah
Rosh Hashana
Yom Kippur
High Holy Day Tickets Reminder: Tickets are posted following membership renewal. If you haven’t received your ticket please contact the TBI office urgently.
Friday 3 October
Fast begins Kol Nidrei
6.08pm 7.00pm
Saturday 4 October
Mishpachah Service (toddlers - 6yrs) Shacharit B’Yachad Family Service Minchah Youth Service (12-17yrs) Healing Service Yizkor N’ilah Fast concludes
8.30am 10.00am 10.30am 2.00pm 2.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.06pm
Thursday 9 October
Sukkot Family Activities Maariv Shacharit
4.00pm 6.00pm 10.00am
Friday 10 October
Kabbalat Shabbat Sukkot
Saturday 11 October
Shacharit Shabbat Sukkot Sukkah Sleepout
10.00am 6.00pm
Sukkot Wednesday 8 October
Simchat Torah
Wednesday 15 October
Simchat Torah Family Activities Maariv
Thursday 16 October
Shacharit Atzeret
May you and your family have a good and sweet year!
4.00pm 6.00pm 10.00am
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President’s report
We Have Laid the Foundations It is now over twelve months since I introduced you to the new Senior Rabbi Gersh Lazarow. What a remarkable year it has been. Last High Holy Days I spoke about the need to refresh, refurbish and rebuild our home at Alma Road. Thanks to the generosity of so many of you we have come a long way towards achieving our goal. We couldn’t have made these capital improvements without your generous financial support. I am extremely grateful to Sandy Benjamin OAM for her role as patron of our 2014 Pesach Appeal and to all the volunteers who assisted us with our campaign. I often ask myself where TBI would be without our wonderful team of volunteers. So many of you give so much to enrich our community life, we wouldn’t be the vibrant community we are without you. This will be the first year we celebrate our High Holy Days in the renovated spaces with our new sound system. We believe that you’ll find a greater sense of engagement with services this year, as you find your place in our one of our prayer services, and regardless of where you are seated, you will be able to hear clearly. We are well on the way to delivering the generational change I have spoken about time and again over the past twelve months. I am pleased to see our membership numbers have increased as our positive momentum is being recognised by attracting new members. With improvements to TBI spaces, and increases in membership and attendance, it is now time to shift our focus. While we have improved and initiated new programs, such as Binah, TBI Film Club and our new
format TBI Tamid, that are of great interest to our members, we need to ensure that all our programs are relevant and meaningful. We are in the process of examining what activities, events and experiences our community wants. Are we providing the experiences and building the relationships that our members hope for? We can and we will evolve. This is the next challenge for TBI. To listen to our members and retain and develop meaningful programs for all of you. I am now coming to the end of my second year as president and I feel much of our energy has been focused on being a more welcoming community. We have come a long way with respect to the special services we held for the GLBTI community, our interfaith concert, and ongoing support for other community organisations. The job we started two years ago is not complete, however, I am confident plans are in place to achieve the goals our Board of Governance have set for our future. We are extremely fortunate to have a dedicated and hardworking Board of Governance and I would like to thank them for their support and all they do for our community. Looking ahead our AGM is on Sunday 26 October at 10am. Please join us for this most important community event. We hope you will attend to celebrate the past year and to be actively involved with our plans for the future. Please note: For your own security entrance to TBI over the High Holy Days will only be possible with a ticket for this year’s services. I look forward to seeing you over the High Holy Days. May I take this opportunity of wishing you and all your loved ones a Shana Tova and well over the fast. Robert Hershan
Invitation to Reflect and Celebrate
TBI Annual General Meeting Date:
Sunday 26 October, 2014
10am Welcome morning tea
10.30am Annual General Meeting
Main Sanctuary, 76-82 Alma Road St Kilda 3182
Community participation is encouraged. Board papers will be placed on by 26 September. Please forward any questions you’d like raised to Jenny Shulman by 19 October on 03 9510 1803 or
[email protected]
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Rabbi Gersh Lazarow’s reflections
The Core Matters
Although the High Holy Day season includes elements of joy and celebration, the Jewish New Year is at its core a deeply religious occasion. The customs and symbols of Rosh Hashanah reflect the ’s dual emphasis on both happiness and humility. There can be no better example of this than the apple which adorns the cover of this magazine simultaneously reminding us of the cycle of life and the hope that the coming year will be fruitful. While the apple’s beauty is appreciated from the outside, its flesh consumed as part of our celebration - it is really its seedfilled core which contains its true promise. Similarly, we often accept the High Holy Day liturgy on face value without taking the time to consider its deeper significance. When we read “who will live, and who shall die” in 2
Un’taneh Tokef, how many of us envisage God reviewing the year of every living being, counting and measuring? How few of us take the time to realise the deeper truth communicated through this sublime metaphor? Our lives are not a collection of independent actions. The Days of Awe remind us that we are more than just the sum of our deeds. While measuring may come easily to God, for us human beings, quantifying some things is a lot harder than others. While we may be able to count up how many true friends we have, it is far more challenging to estimate the value of those relationships and interactions. We can count the number of hours we spend helping the ones we care about, but it is far more challenging to calculate the impact those gifts have on us and on others. And while sweet times we have shared with family and loved ones are catalogued and treasured, there are no numbers we could assign that would capture their worth.
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Ultimately, it is not just what we do, or how we do it that matters, but rather, why we do it. Like the seeds at the core of the apple, our “whys” are at the core of our being and they matter. Our core matters! Each morning, the words of the siddur remind us that what truly matters is irreducible to minutes, numbers or dollars. Elu d’varim she’ein la’hem shi’ur; “these are the things that are without measure”: Making peace, deeds of loving kindness, visiting the sick, comforting those who are grieving a loss, celebrating with the bride and groom, honouring one’s parents. All of these actions and interactions bring us profound connection with other human beings, and reflect the most precious moments – moments of love and compassion – that punctuate our lives and fill them with purpose.
are wonderful opportunities for community members to gather, to celebrate, to learn... But if the program designers have given no thought to how the experience will offer participants a deeper connection to each other, with the community and with Judaism itself, then it will likely be [just] another lovely… [event]…with little or no lasting impact.”
As Robert wrote in his article, over the past 12 months we have completed an incredible program of works designed to Refresh, Refurbish and Rebuild our Synagogue. Together with Rabbi Ettlinger and Cantor Laloum and our team of volunteers we have continued to fill these renewed spaces with exciting programs, activities and experiences. While there is much for us to be proud of, much that can be measured and counted we also know that welcoming space and engaging programs can only matter to an extent. We know that to be the congregation and The building is important. community we want to be, So is the apple. What is equally, we need to be a place of meaning and belonging.
Often we find the most meaning in life’s immeasurable mysteries: love, faith, devotion, the soul. We sometimes discover that what is if not more important, is what is invisible to the eye is perfectly clear to our The building is important. at the core of the spaces we have heart and spirit. The So is the apple. What rich fabric of our lives is built. What is essential is exploring is equally, if not more not woven together by important, is what is at the the seeds at the core of the apple. core of the spaces we have things, but rather by our relationships and shared built. What is essential is For it is the seeds that hold the experiences. Each thread is exploring the seeds at the secret to our lives. tied by our joys, sorrows, core of the apple. For it hopes, dreams, and most is the seeds that hold the importantly, love for one secret to our lives. another. These are all things we cannot see and yet, we Life is not just for measuring. Life is for living – fully, know they exist, because they are our reason for existing. deeply, with gratitude and joy. Together, let’s aim to make Driven by this understanding, and a sincere desire to be 5775 a meaningful year in which we measure our days a place of meaning for all of our members, the Rabbis in love, in new relationships formed, new connections and Board of Temple Beth Israel have committed to created and in an ever-widening circle of holiness. embarking on a congregation-wide conversation. We Our hope and our prayer is that you, your family and want to explore our relationships, connections and your friends will join us on this journey as we dedicate commitments to one another. Our hope, is that together, ourselves to deepening our relationships and sustaining a we will learn more about what it means to be a part of a meaningful communal life that really matters! ‘relational community’. On behalf of Rabbi Kim Ettlinger and In his most recent book, Relational Cantor Michel Laloum I wish you and Judaism, my friend and teacher Dr Ron your family a Shana Tova. Wolfson posits that what keeps people connected to their Jewish community, and ultimately engaged with their Judaism, are the relationships that are forged there. “People will come to synagogues... for programs, but they will stay for relationships... Programs
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Rabbi Kim Ettlinger
The Essence of High Holy Day Services
and rituals.
The High Holy Days are replete with different meanings for every individual. We gather together to share in a purposeful experience. Each of our needs are different, yet we gather as community, to see each other, to catch-up and to find meaning in these ancient services
We strive to find points of connection for everybody who visits Temple Beth Israel. We look to create meaningful prayer experiences that resonate with all members of our community. I believe that we try to help our members find integration and meaning, whatever their background or age group. On both Rosh Hashanah morning and Yom Kippur morning, bright and early, we have services geared towards very small children, from birth to 6 years old. These short and lively services bring together a beautiful combination of children’s songs, traditional melodies, story and action. In years gone by, the rabbis have dressed up, and put on plays, while maintaining the essence of Rosh Hashanah with shofar blasts, and Yom Kippur with the idea of being ‘sorry’ for our past actions and striving to be better. We encourage grandparents, parents and extended relatives to join in and be part of the High Holy Day Mishpachah services. For families who are looking for a somewhat different experience from the main services, we offer B’Yachad services. Included are a mix of contemporary readings, songs and all the main elements of the High Holy Day liturgy. These services are led by our TBI Tamid Fellows, Joshua Nezon and Sarah Edelstein as well as our dedicated TBI member, Tammy Cohen. Beautiful music is created by guitar and voice and one leaves feeling uplifted. These services are also shorter than the main service since we recognise that families with primary aged children may not sit comfortably for as long as is 4
traditional in the main sanctuary. Three years ago I introduced a new service for Yom Kippur, the Healing Service. I first experienced a healing service that was held when the senior rabbi I worked with, Gerry Raiskin z”l, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I found that this service was far more than a healing service designed for those with medical ailments. The liturgy is finely balanced between asking for healing of body, of mind and of spirit or soul. The prayers in this service help us to recognise that we are in a different space. We can ask God for strength when we are ill, we can ask for thanks for those who take care of us, and we can be specific about things from which we need healing. Sensitive, emotional and often taboo experiences are acknowledged. We recognise that there are many who need healing from the experience of family violence, or addiction or, (a new inclusion this year), from sexual abuse. The prayers and songs chosen are taken directly from Jewish texts and writings with a focus on healing. Healing prayers are not new to Jewish tradition, they are part of our Shabbat morning service during the Torah reading, and are recited three times a day in the Amidah, the central part of any service. Throughout the centuries, women too have written piyuttim on healing and so we are in fact really bringing to life a very old tradition. There will be no miracles at this short 45 minute service, but there will be gentle songs and readings led informally from the bimah. This service has grown tremendously over the three years as it’s about comfort, family, community and warmth. Yom Kippur is the perfect opportunity for it since it is a time for reflection and allows us to continue the cheshbon hanefesh, the accounting of our souls and to begin anew after a day of fasting. The Healing Service immediately follows the afternoon service and is prior to Yizkor and N’ilah. Please join us and you will be pleasantly surprised.
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High Holy Day Family Activities
u v s d c
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to celebrate, recognise and engage with the High Holy Days. Together with our TBI Tamid religious school program, we bring you a variety of programs and prayer experiences for young people and their families. From Rosh Hashanah to Simchat Torah, there are countless opportunities for involvement. Join us and TBI Tamid for a sweet, meaningful start to this new year.
We have three main prayer opportunities for young people: Mishpachah, meaning “family,” is our experience for our youngest community members: age 18 months to 4 years, and of course their grown-ups too. B’Yachad, or “together,” is designed for young people from Prep to Year 7 and their families. Both Mishpachah and B’Yachad are great opportunities for whole families to engage with prayer together. Our third opportunity this High Holy Day season is for Youth-Only, a service designed for ages 12-17 years at 2pm on Yom Kippur. The service led by and for young people, will focus on providing a prayer experience that is accessible and applicable to Jewish young adults.
25 September Rosh Hashanah Mishpachah B’Yachad Creche for pre-schoolers after the Mishpachah Service 4 October Yom Kippur Mishpachah B’Yachad Creche for pre-schoolers after the Mishpachah Service Youth Service (12-17yrs)
8.30am 10.30am
8 October
Sukkot Family Activities
11 October
Sukkah Sleep Out (11-13yrs)
15 October
Simchat Torah Family Activities 4pm
8.30am 10.30am
For more information visit
Sukkot Family Activities
A family fun afternoon with a difference Wednesday 8 October, 4-6pm • Sukkah decorating and mural making • Exciting and innovative age-appropriate craft activities (0-13 years) • Delicious food, sausage sizzle and edible Sukkot
11 october
friends • dinner and snacks • bring your own sleeping bag and pillow
Sukkah Sleep Out
[email protected] 5
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A Safe and Secure New Year This year we are working with CSG and Executive Security Service (ESS) to take every precaution necessary to protect you and your family
• High Holy Day tickets are required to gain entry • Tickets must be pre-booked by contacting 03 9510 1488 or
[email protected] • Your tickets will be posted to you • Tickets must be presented to enter the Shul and prevent delays at the gate • Your bags may be checked prior to entry • Uniformed ESS security guards will check tickets • Visitors and guests are welcome, and required to contact the office in advance. Their admission also requires photo identification.
We ask for your patience while tickets are checked as we regretfully tighten our security procedures. As services begin on time, please leave early enough to find parking in the surrounding area if you are not taking public transport or walking. We look forward to sharing the chagim with you and hope you feel reassured that we are taking your safety seriously. You should feel confident that everyone attending services is known to our community.
Join our Shammashim TBI has a wonderful team of volunteers who act as shammashim for all our services. This involves greeting congregants and assisting our Rabbis prior to the services. Being a shamash is a great way of meeting other members, and getting to know our community. The level of commitment is dependent on your availability. Enquiries: Rhonda Nirens 03 9510 1488 or
[email protected]
KEEPING YOU SAFE CSG provides security services to Jewish schools, synagogues and communal organisations.
1300 000 CSG 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 74 Visit our new website: CSG WISHES YOU AND YOUR FAMILY A HAPPY AND SAFE JEWISH NEW YEAR
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Cantor Michel Laloum
Inspirational Israel, Musical Conference and Hundreds of Cantors Jerusalem is a magical city: the intersection of religious and secular, of ancient history and modernity, of sacred Jewish, Christian and Muslim sites. Jerusalem is also a city of contradictions, compromises and beauty. In my opinion, it is also the crucible in which the Middle East conflict will be decided. Yet this article is not about resolving conflict, but rather an opportunity to share the musical magic of the American Conference of Cantors (ACC) and Guild of Temple Musicians (GTM) Annual Conference. Once every seven years this conference is held in Israel where we can reconnect with the land, the people and the latest in musical trends. The ACC and GTM conference brings our musical leaders together to study, learn and grow. We visit and explore recent archeological finds, learning old and new musical repertoire including contemporary composition and newly rediscovered historical gems. This year we had the opportunity to study with the president of the Union of Reform Judaism, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, and with the president of the Hebrew Union College, Rabbi Aaron Panken PhD, as well as with some of the pre-eminent scholars in textual historical and political realms. We also had the privilege of sitting at the feet of one of this generation’s great masters, Dr Eliyahu Schleiffer, who visited Melbourne some 25 years ago and continues to be a dominant influence on Jewish ethnomusicology throughout the world. We visited archeological sites with local guides including recent excavations, spoke with politicians and journalists such as Gil Hoffman, provided briefings and discussed
some of the politics which have brought us to where we stand today. We prayed with the Women of the Wall and Anat Hofmann who also champions the Israel Religious Action Centre. Services in a room with over 150 cantors and musicians are full of magical moments. Each and every service shared is an experience in discovering new styles, repertoire, arrangements, and the sublime voices of colleagues. Some enjoyed the grand classical reform experience with the 50 plus voice choir, while others experienced musical meditations with guitars. We listened to song leaders, met paytanim (Sephardic cantors), learn baqashot (Syrian prayers of supplication) and shared niggunim. We learned from avant garde groups such as Nava Tehila who are innovative in the field of meditative niggunim and new compositions using modern instrumentation. The very next day we sat at the feet of Yair Dalal playing his oud. It was Yair Dalal who in 1994 wrote and performed the song “Zaman el Salaam” during the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony for Rabin, Peres, and Arafat and the conference participants had the incredible experience of learning from him in a workshop setting. This conference allowed each of us to be stimulated, nurtured and enriched, and to bring back this enthusiasm to our communities and congregations. Over the coming weeks and months I look forward to sharing some of the recordings, the repertoire, the personal inspiration and the enthusiasm with our own TBI family and friends. 7
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The Fragile Home Having carved out time for family meals, other get-togethers and extensive, and hopefully inspiring shul services over the upcoming High Holy Days, and having heard the final blast of the shofar to conclude Yom Kippur, we all go home not just to break our fasts but to also return to ‘normal’ life. And then comes Sukkot.
Each year, following days of serious thought and introspection, I find myself under a frail canopy, rejoicing for seven days and then dancing in circles on Simchat Torah. Sounds a bit like a wedding, doesn’t it? Both the chuppah and sukkah are ‘homes’: homes constructed of ideals rather than of bricks and mortar. The chuppah, delicate and flimsy, has ‘walls’ formed by close family and friends, representing love, support and the expectation of a happy and safe future. The sukkah, on the other hand, also delicate and flimsy, exposes us to the elements and represents the fragility of life. The winds blow, the rains inevitably fall and we’re left feeling vulnerable. Both temporary structures remind us that our community’s fabric comes not from unshakable buildings but from strong principles and ethics. Both offer the opportunity to scrutinise our ‘homes’, homes with no hidden areas, homes which leave all their beauty and flaws exposed to anyone who cares to see. At a wedding, the themes of joy, celebration and the ongoing power of love are expressed through the Sheva B’rachot. On Sukkot, Kohelet [Ecclesiastes] tells us that there’s a time for everything: birth, death, embracing, Message from Impact for Women: Family Violence is a national tragedy and an equal opportunity destroyer. It doesn’t care from which religion or culture you belong, from what socioeconomic strata you occupy, whether you’re educated or employed or not. Our local and recent statistics are vile: one in three Australian women will experience physical, emotional, financial, social or other abuse from her partner or former partner in her lifetime; more than one Australian woman dies at the hands of her partner or previous partner every week; one Australian woman is hospitalised every three hours due to injuries sustained
refraining from embracing, war and peace. Good things happen and bad things happen. When I hear that passage, I want to scream, ‘But there’s no appropriate time for family violence or rape or murder - ever!’ And then I remember that Kohelet isn’t condoning everything, its simply acknowledging the realities of life and is challenging us to think about what we can do about those bad things or how we should best deal with them if we cannot prevent them. Sukkot is a ‘Jewishly’ appropriate time to think more consciously about the reality of family violence and other social ills in our community. The sukkah, a powerful symbol of a fragile home, and the lulav and etrog, powerful symbols representing four aspects of ourselves, help us consolidate and act on the commitments we took upon ourselves during the Days of Awe: 1. The eye-shaped myrtle [hadasim] leaves remind us to look deeply into the dark places of our lives and of those around us which require attention; 2. The heart-shaped etrog which should beat with justice to improve the plight of others which we should feel with empathy;
by her current or previous partner; and, last night, like every night, more than 600 Victorian women and their children, including women and children known to our community, were in crisis accommodation fleeing extreme violence at home. Last year alone, the Victorian Domestic Violence Crisis Service received 50,000 calls to its 24/7 crisis line number and expect the demand on their services to increase over the next few years as women accept that Family Violence is not something with which they have to put up.
Message from Ardoch Youth Foundation: Ardoch Youth Foundation is a children’s charity that provides education support for vulnerable children and young people, including those experiencing long-term socio-economic disadvantage. Ardoch understands that education provides the means for creating options and choices in life. 8
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3. The mouth-shaped willow [aravot] leaves should remind us to speak out about injustice and cruelty with courage; 4. And the spine-shaped palm branch [lulav] should remind us to stand strong as we act to bring repair to their lives and to the world. Most of us are lucky. We only have to ‘live’ in a sukkah for seven days a year. Abuse victims live in a metaphorical sukkah every single day, never knowing when a gust of abuse will sweep away the sparse protection over their heads. Jews have always been at the forefront of the human and civil rights movements. Tzedek, tzedek, tirdof [justice, justice you shall pursue] is one of our most potent mandates with pikuach nefesh [to save a life] being of primary importance. And so I ask you, what can you do to eradicate or reduce this scourge?
1. Call 000 if you or someone you know is in imminent danger; 2. Open your eyes, heart and mouth to speak out against Family Violence; 3. Use your spine to stand up against this issue; 4. Support the Jewish Taskforce Against Family Violence, IMPACT and White Ribbon. As Jews, it is our responsibility to bring about a better world through tikkun olam. In this coming new year, let each of us become change agents to ensure that our neighbours and families are safe in their homes. Please become better educated, please speak out and please take whatever action you can to make it so. As part of our Mazon bag program, TBI is supporting Impact for Women and Ardoch Youth Foundation. Kathy Kaplan OAM
Fill a Mazon Bag for Someone in Need Jews share a sacred duty to accept responsibility for the vulnerable people living among us. Every year at this time we ask our community to play a part in supporting the needy by providing the very basics of life we often take for granted. This year we are collecting food to provide breakfasts for disadvantaged children supported by Ardoch Youth Foundation’s Learning Essential Program. Once again we are seeking donations of toiletries to support Impact for Women. Impact makes a difference to women and children in crisis - specifically to women and children in crisis accommodation as they flee extreme violence at home. Shopping List: • Cereal bowls (nut free and • Plastic spoons individual portion size) • Shampoo and conditioner • Long life milk (250ml cartons) • Hair brushes • Breakfast liquid drinks (not juices) • Combs Please place the items above in your Mazon bags and return to TBI by Shabbat Sukkot on Saturday 11 October. 9
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OUR COMMUNITY BY: • Promoting a TBI event by allowing a billboard to be placed outside your property if you live on a main road • Sponsoring a kiddush or an edition of Kol Yisrael to celebrate a loved one • Volunteering your time
Please contact
[email protected]
Thank you May - August 2014
Thank you to the following families who have sponsored a kiddush: Lisa Klepfisz & Jeremy Freeman Zivin Family Leah Kaye & Mark Spatz Rosenwax Family Urbinder Family Rochman Family Komesaroff Family Klempfner Family Tsyrlin Family Midler Family
TBI thanks the following sponsors for their support: THE P.S.N. FAMILY CHARITABLE TRUST 76-82 Alma Rd, St Kilda
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Engage and give back on Mitzvah Weekend 14 - 16 November 2014 “Greater than one who does a mitzvah, is one who causes others to do a mitzvah.” Talmud (Baba Batra 9a) On 16 November, the Jewish community will hold Melbourne’s 4th annual Mitzvah Day. Mitzvah Day is one Sunday when many groups within the Jewish community give back to others, help out, perform good deeds and volunteer their time. We should aspire to do mitzvot, or good deeds, every day of the year. Mitzvah Day is an opportunity for TBI members to do mitzvot as a community. Ellen Frajman and Joanne Loewy Irons have created an exciting, enriching and meaningful program that will appeal to the diverse range of TBI members’ ages and interests. Indeed this year Mitzvah Day has morphed into Mitzvah Weekend as inspiring presentations will be delivered during Shabbat services. Members from across Melbourne’s PJV congregations, including Netzer, will volunteer together in the synagogues and out in the community. TBI members will be able to join the other PJV congregations in their activities and they will be joining ours. TBI has organised the following range of activities: • A choir led by Cantor Michel Laloum will perform at aged care homes. • A group of 18 will work at Clayton’s Ronald McDonald House, under the expertise of Yirmi Mitchell - caterer and head of all food services at TKDS, cooking meals for residents and doing general chores in the
house and garden. (Children must be at least 10 years old to volunteer at RMH.) Ronald McDonald House is an affordable “home away from home” for the families of seriously ill children being treated at Monash Children’s Hospital. • Planting of a community chaggim (festivals) garden in the TBI courtyard, coordinated by Tamara Mote. • Baking session at TBI organised by Margaret Kay, with baked goods to be delivered to Auntie Jacko’s Indigenous Friendship Group by Dani Mahemoff. • Gift wrapping of donated shampoo, conditioner, hair brushes and combs. Galia Rose will oversee the wrapping of these items on Mitzvah Day with distribution by Kathy Kaplan through Impact for Women. Impact makes a difference to women and children in crisis - specifically to women and children in crisis accommodation as they flee extreme violence at home. To ensure we have enough volunteers and supplies, we ask you to sign up online through now. Michelle Lazarow will set up and monitor this userfriendly online registration. Mitzvah weekend promises to be a fulfilling experience for those involved and it is hoped that it will lead to a commitment to volunteering and the launch of a renewed TBI social justice committee. You will hear more about the other activities soon. Sign up and let’s embrace Mitzvah Weekend together. Ellen Frajman and Joanne Loewy Irons
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30 November, 7 and 14 December 10.30am – 12pm Rabbi Fred Morgan
This three-part series follows on from our extremely successful sessions on Jewish theology which took place earlier this year. The existence of evil resulting in human suffering has probably been the biggest stumbling block to religious faith in every age, not least for the post-Holocaust Jewish community. In this series we shall look at how Jewish understandings of “theodicy,” the problem of evil, have changed over time in response to changing historical experiences and thoughts. What do we mean when we speak of evil? How can a God of goodness be reconciled with an apparently uncaring creation? Where was God in Auschwitz? Where is God in human sufferings today?
On Tuesdays INTRODUCTION TO JUDAISM 7.30PM Introduction to Judaism is run by Progressive Judaism Victoria, and is a two-semester course covering Jewish literature, history, customs and Jewish life. The course is aimed at students with little or no formal learning in Jewish tradition. Some students are interested in becoming Jewish by choice, and others are there to learn more about Judaism. Introduction to Judaism is hosted by TBI most Tuesday evenings through the year. There are two intake points for the course each year – late Jan/early Feb and late July. PARASHAT HASHAVUA 7.30PM Exploring the Parashah of the week. Meetings take place in the Friedlander Synagogue. All welcome.
TBI Film Club Ginny Klooger 76-82 Alma Road St Kilda
Monthly 12
Friedlander Synagogue
6.30pm for 7pm start
ALEPH ISN’T TOUGH Ten-week beginner’s Hebrew course. The aim is to learn and recognise all letters, and have a basic understanding of Hebrew word structures and an elementary vocabulary of key prayer terms. This course is run twice a year. For the next intake please contact: Aliza Factor 03 9510 1488. Cost $180.00 ALEPH ISN’T ENOUGH - INTERMEDIATE HEBREW Nine-week course with the focus on building solid translation skills and acquiring key vocabulary and roots, while continuing to work towards reading proficiency. This course is run twice a year, starting Thursday 23 October, 7.30 - 9.30pm. For the next intake please contact: Aliza Factor 03 9510 1488. Cost $180.00
A Message from the JCCV Our community has enormous expectations of its roof body.The Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) is expected to advocate for and represent the community to government, to police, to the wide Victorian multicultural and multi-faith community and at the same time, to deal with the multiplicity of issues which arise within our own community. Whether it is Yom Hashoah Commemoration or Community Awards for volunteers, dealing with child abuse and giving evidence to the Victorian Inquiry, providing programs on youth alcohol abuse or on professional networking and training to community leaders, the JCCV is expected to take a leading role. We appreciate the community’s faith in us and seek to meet expectations. But the reality is that we cannot do so without funding. The Kol Nidrei appeal is a major source of our funding and we depend on it to continue our work. By donating to the JCCV Kol Nidrei Appeal you not only empower us to represent you, you also show in a very tangible way that our work is relevant to you and that you support what we do. Nina Bassat AM, President JCCV TBI is proud of its affiliation with the JCCV
Love films?
Join like-minded TBI souls for monthly Sunday screenings After the movie, share your thoughts on the film over coffee and cake. For screening details contact Ginny Klooger
[email protected] 2014 Movie nights: 12 October
9 November
21 December
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Community Events O
Main Synagogue
Friedlander Synagogue
Slome Hall
For more information on events, please contact the TBI office 03 9510 1488
Wednesdays 22 October, 19 November, 26 November, 10 December and 17 December 10.30am-12.30pm Join seniors for knitting, games and discussion. For over sixties who enjoy meeting new friends. $2 to cover costs, includes tea, coffee, biscuits. Newcomers always welcome. O MEN’S GROUP
Sundays 21 September, 19 October, 16 November and 12 December 8pm On the 3rd Sunday of the month in private homes. Contact Albert Bentata on 03 9528 4242. F LIVING WITH DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP
Mondays 6 October and 24 November 7.30-9pm A Jewish support group for family and carers of people with dementia. Please bring any questions or topics you would like to discuss. F STAN’S SHMOOZE - MAKING NEWS WITH THE
LATEST VIEWS Tuesdays 11 November and 2 December 12.30-2pm Well-known journalist, author and humorist, Stan Marks, runs monthly News and Views sessions. These cover all recent local, national and international news on a range of topics and the reasons for being optimistic or sceptical of current events. All laced with Stan Marks’ engaging humour and a touch of gossip. All senior members, especially the young at heart are welcome! M RUACH COMMUNITY CHOIR
Tuesdays 6-8pm Everyone is welcome regardless of singing ability. M TBI CHOIR
4th Shabbat of every month We are always looking for new choristers. If you’d like to express yourself vocally contact Cantor Michel Laloum on 03 9510 1488. F TBI BOOK CLUB
5 November 7.30pm Join us with new host Ginny Klooger. S TBI COMMUNITY DINNER
7 November and 5 December 7.30pm First Friday of every month following the service. As it is a community dinner we ask you to bring a vegetarian dish to share, and hope you will join us with your friends and family.
Saturdays 13 September, 11 October, 8 November and 13 December 9am Occurs 2nd Saturday of every month. Geared to pre-schoolers to 8-year-olds and their families. Come celebrate Shabbat with your children through songs, stories and fun. Join other young families in a warm and relaxed atmosphere. F GESHER
Saturdays 13 September, 11 October, 8 November, 13 December 9.45am Occurs 2nd Saturday of every month. Intimate service led by lay members. M SHABBAT B’YACHAD FAMILY SERVICE
Fridays 7 November and 5 December 6.15pm Join us for a Shabbat Service specifically for primary school aged children and pre- and post-B’nei Mitzvah students. The service include songs, stories and regular Shabbat Service elements with children’s participation. F SHABBAT SHIRA
7 November 6.15pm Run in conjunction with Shabbat B’Yachad, Shabbat Shira is an alternative minyan - intimate, musical, interactive service. O ROSH CHODESH WOMEN’S GROUP
Sundays 26 October and 23 November 7.30pm Led by Rabbi Kim Ettlinger. We would like to extend a warm invitation to all women to come along and join a lovely group to meet, chat, learn and celebrate the new moon as so many women in our tradition have done before us. Call the office for location. S TBI FRIENDSHIP CLUB
5 November and 3 December 11am For the 70’s and over, sit, chat and listen to music - lunch is served at 12.00pm. $10 entry includes lunch. M KABBALAH MEDITATION
12 October, 9 November and 7 December 7.30pm Spiritual development and soul nourishment through meditation. Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators, with or without knowledge of Kabbalah. $25 per session. Contact: Sue Beecher 0405 241 710 or
[email protected] 13
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11 APRIL - 20 AUGUST 2014
On behalf of the Rabbis, Cantor and the Board of Governance we thank our generous donors for their thoughtfulness and kindness in supporting all that we do at TBI. Thank you also to our donors who wish to remain anonymous and to those who donated past the Kol Yisrael deadline. GENERAL FUND Aliyot, Yahrzeit and self assessed General Fund B • Dr Michael Balint & Mrs Susie Balint OAM • Mr Maurice & Mrs Caroline Bando • Mrs Steffi Bando • Mrs Adrienne Basser • Mr Barry & Mrs Cheryl Batagol • Mrs Norma Benjamin • Mrs Bina Best • Norman and Vicki Black • Mrs Sue Blashki • Dr Philip & Mrs Andrea Bliss • Mrs Mary Burger C • Mr George Cass D • Ms Ruth Davidson • Dr Ron & Mrs Andrea Dorey • Mr Frank Durra Mrs Pamela Durra E • Dr Ian & Mrs Dianne Eilenberg • Ms Roslyn Eldar • A/Prof Joseph Epstein AM FIFEM & Mrs Janice Epstein F • Mr Tom Firestone • Mr Simon Fisher • Mrs Sue Freadman • Ms Susan Friedman G • Jeffrey Goldman • Ms Jenny Goldsmith • Mr Yossi & Mrs Fran Goodman • Ms Sandra Gordon • Dr Garry & Mrs Julie Grossbard • Mr Alain & Mrs Judi Grossbard • Mrs Felicity Guthrie H • Mrs Maxine Haeata • Dr Paul Hall • Mrs Mary Harber • Mr Jeffrey Harrison & Ms Heike Schwarz • Mr Rodney & Mrs Jessie Hartman • Mrs Sharon & Mr Daryl Herbert • Mrs Bella Hiler • Mrs Ruth Holan • Ms Jadwiga Holcdorf • Mr Ronald Hurwitz I • Mrs Ruth Inwald J • Dr Andrew & Mrs Penny Jakobovits • Mr Graham Joel • Mrs Barbara Joffe • Mrs Dina & Mr Michael Jones • Mrs Emelie Josephs K • Mr Lionel & Mrs Karen Katz • Ms Leah Kaye • Ms Regina Kaye • Mr Brad & Mrs Carolyn King • Mr David & Mrs Pauline Kingston L • Mr Allen & Mrs Barbara Lang • Mrs Marian Lawrence • Mr Charles & Mrs Jan Levi • Mr Hal & Mrs Roslyn Levy • Mr Marcus & Mrs Helen Levy • Mrs Maria Lewit OAM • Dr Peter & Mrs Carole Loewy • Mr Danny & Mrs Vicki Lustig • Dr Lewis & Mrs Eve Lustig M • Mr Arnold & Mrs Dani Mahemoff • Dr Victor Majzner & Mrs Marion Majzner • Mrs Eve Markov • Mr Stan Marks OAM & Mrs Eva Marks • Professor Andrew Markus & Ms Simone Markus • Mrs Stella Mitchell • Ms Miriam Morris N • Mr Roman & Mrs Klara Nakhamkes • Mrs Evi Nelson • Mrs Naomi Nicholson • Mrs Fay Nussbaum O • Dr Klaus Oppenheimer P • Mr Maurice Pereira • Mr Boris Petukhov • Mr Peter & Mrs Bette Pulver R • Prof Bernard & Dr Loris Rechter • Mrs Deborah Reed • Dr Michael Rich & Dr Nicole Phillips • Mrs Ruth Riess • Dr John & Mrs Margot Rogers • Mr Ken & Mrs Ruth Rossdale • Mrs Rysia Rozen OAM • Mr Adam & Mrs Yoko Ryan S • Dr Ron & Mrs Kay Schweitzer • Mrs Marion Segal • Mr Jerry Sender • Mrs Judy Sher • Mr Jonathan Shiff • Mr Gert & Mrs Rifka Silver • Miss Monique Silverman & Gidon Silverman • Dr Norman & Dr Sue Sonenberg • Mr Daniel Star & Ms Karen Salter W • Mrs Ingeborg Warden • Mr Russell Wiese and Ms Rachel Same Z • Mrs Lore Zent CJES The Council for Jewish Education in Schools (CJES) is a tax deductible fund which supports TBI Tamid • Mr Ron Aarons & Ms Sandra Farber • Mr Michael Adler • Mr Charles & Mrs Karyn Akkerman • Mrs Ellen Bando • Mrs Steffi Bando • Dr Victor & Mrs Sally Barnes • Mr Howard & Mrs Barbara Bellin • Mr Phillip & Mrs Sandy Benjamin OAM • Mr Albert & Mrs Carol Bentata • Mr Jack & Mrs Fay Bock • Mrs Sara Bock • Mr Yakov & Mrs Raissa Borovik • Miss Elaine Bourne • Mr Arnold & Mrs Mary Bram • Mrs Mary Burger • Mr Steven-Meyer & Mrs Camilla Cohen • Mr Raymond & Mrs Mary Cohen • Mr Peter & Assoc Prof Marian Dobos • Ms Phyllis Dorey • Mrs Marlene Dryen • Ms Judi Dubiner • Dr Nick Dyrenfurth • Mr John & Mrs Jenny Fast • Dr Helen Fisher • Alena Forster • Mrs Vera Freidin • Mrs Ethel Goldin • Miss Dorothy Graff & Mr Felix Wyss • Mr Leslie Gross & Ms Di Erlichman • Dr Dennis & Mrs Suzanne Hain • Mrs Fella Harbig • Mr Rodney & Mrs Jessie Hartman • Mr Gary & Mrs Susan Hearst • Mr Robert and Mrs Yvonne Hershan • Dr Ian Heyman • Mr John Hillel • Mrs Marilyn Hyams • Dr Barbara Kamler • Ms Leah Kaye 14
• Dr George Klempfner & Mrs Yolanda Klempfner AO • Mr Eddie & Mrs Rena Komesaroff • Dr Henryk & Mrs Emily Kranz • Mr Samuel & Mrs Gertie Langer • Mr Len & Mrs Deanna Levin • Mr Hal & Mrs Roslyn Levy • Mr Ross Liebmann • Mrs Helen Light • Ms Eva Light • Dr Lewis & Mrs Eve Lustig • Mr David Maddison • Mr Anthony & Mrs Ruth Marks • Mrs Sandra Masel • Mr Lindsay & Mrs Rosie Matthews • Mr Robin & Mrs Margaret McKenzie • Mr Richard & Mrs Margot Melzak • Ms Rosemary Michael • Mrs Inge Mohrer • Rabbi Fred Morgan AM & Mrs Sue Morgan • Prof Alexander & Dr Helen Morley • Dr Carl & Mrs Madeleine Muller • Mrs Elaine Nassau • Mr Brian & Mrs Marylin Parkin • Mr Gerald Pearce • Mrs Edith Peer • Mr Peter & Mrs Bette Pulver • Mrs Rodika Reich • Mr Emile & Mrs Kathy Rochman • Mr Alan & Mrs Lilliane Rotman • Mrs Edith Sadlon • Mr Alan & Mrs Dianne Samuel • Mrs Martha Sanders • Mr Geoff Sandler & Dr Natalie Taft • Ms Jennifer Schulman • Dr Ron & Mrs Kay Schweitzer • Mrs Fredzia Schweitzer • Dr Jose Segal & Dr Lisa Farber • Mr David Sanjek • Mr John & Mrs Monica Shalit • Mr Ron & Mrs Evelyn Sharp • Mrs Gerda Shelton • Mr Leonard & Mrs Marie Shenker • Mrs Judy Sher • Ms Rebecca Silk • Ms Caren Silver • Mr Jeff & Mrs Marion Simmelmann • Dr Ross & Mrs Karen Snow • Mr Robert & Mrs Susan Steinhardt • Mrs Magdee Taryan • Dr John & Mrs Tanya Tescher • Mr Reuben & Mrs Pat Urban • Dr Renata Valentine • Mrs Loryn Einstein van den Berg & Mr Mark van den Berg • Mr Luke & Mrs Joanna Wajsbrem • Mr George & Mrs Ruth Wengier • Mr Lewis & Mrs Deborah Woolf • Mrs Ruth Zimmerman MUSIC FOUNDATION • Dr Andrew & Mrs Penny Jakobovits PJCF The Progressive Jewish Cultural Fund (PJCF) is a tax deductible fund for the promotion of Jewish cultural events • Mr Jack & Mrs Fay Bock • Ms Dorothy Bresner & Ms Evelyn Bresner • Mr Max & Mrs Pat Fink • Mr Frank & Mrs Fliss Goldstein • Gringlas Family Charitable Trust • Mr Ronald Hurwitz • Mr Peter Isaacson AM,DFC,AFC,DFM & Mrs Anne Isaacson • Mr Peter Kolliner OAM & Mrs Barbie Kolliner • Mr Ben & Mrs Julia Krug • Mrs Marian Lawrence • Mr Peter Newman • Mr Daniel Reuben • Dr Harry & Mrs Deanna Ross • Ms Rebecca Silk • Mr Luke & Mrs Joanna Wajsbrem • Dr Jeremy Freeman & Ms Lisa Klepfisz • Ms Leah Kaye • Mr Eddie & Mrs Rena Komesaroff • Mr Marcus & Mrs Helen Levy • Mr Saul & Mrs Lauren Ryan • Mr Maurice & Mrs Caroline Bando • Mr Phillip & Mrs Sandy Benjamin OAM • Mr Albert & Mrs Carol Bentata • Mr Mervyn & Mrs Leila Cohen • Mr Peter & Mrs Mirri Curtis • Annelise Falkenstein • Mr Tom Firestone • Mr David & Mrs Katarina Freedman • Mrs Brenda Kahan • Mr David & Mrs Daniela Klempfner • Mr Peter Kohn • Mr Robin & Mrs Margaret McKenzie • Dr Nathan & Mrs Marian Orbach • Mr Shane & Mrs Galia Rose • Mr Adam & Mrs Yoko Ryan • Mr Efim & Mrs Manya Shmukler • Mr Gary & Mrs Golda Shulkes • Ms Natasha Silberberg & Mr Charles Prejean • Ms Susan Silberberg • Mrs Manya Van Aken • Mrs Agnes Ziltzer • Mr Efim & Mrs Manya Shmukler • Mr Gary & Mrs Golda Shulkes • Ms Natasha Silberberg & Mr Charles Prejean • Ms Susan Silberberg • Mrs Manya Van Aken • Mrs Agnes Ziltzer PROJECT JOSIAH • Mr Gary Brill • Mr Ron & Mrs Judy Dodge • Mr Robert and Mrs Yvonne Hershan • Dr Mark & Mrs Alla Medownick • Dr Robert & Mrs Jennifer Sward TBI TAMID FELLOWSHIP • The Benjamin Slome Charitable Foundation • The P.S.N. Family Charitable Trust
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PESACH APPEAL • Mr Ron Aarons & Ms Sandra Farber • Mr Simon & Mrs Skye Abraham • Mr Alwyn & Mrs Kaye Abraham • Mr Damian & Mrs Sandra Abrahams • Mr Michael Adler • Mr George and Mrs Kathy Altman • Mr Philip Appelboom • Mr Victor & Mrs Caroline Appelboom • Mr Martin and Mrs Julie Artenstein • Mr Richard Asznowicz • Mr Roger Bancroft JP • Mr. Simon Bancroft • Mrs Gerda Bandman • Mr Phillip & Mrs Grace Bando • Mrs Ellen Bando • Mr Gregory & Mrs Elena Barger • Ms Amy Barnard • Dr Victor & Mrs Sally Barnes • Prof Jonathan Barnett Ph.D. • Mrs Sarah Barzel & Mr David Zerman • Dr Russell & Dr Deborah Basser • Mrs Adrienne Basser • Mr Mark Been & Mrs Daniela Calabro • Mr Kevin Bell & Ms Tricia Byrnes • Professor Andrew Benjamin and Ms Jennifer Bowen • Mr Phillip & Mrs Sandy Benjamin OAM • Mr Albert & Mrs Carol Bentata • Mr Peter & Mrs Anna Berkovits • Mrs Bina Best • Mrs Jacqualine Birkett • Mr Henry & Mrs Raquella Birner • Mr Adam & Mrs Vanessa Black • Mrs Sue Blashki • Dr Philip & Mrs Andrea Bliss • Mr Michael Boltman & Ms Pia Abrahams • Dr Jacob Boon & Mrs Jude Bade-Boon JP • Mr Arnold & Mrs Mary Bram • Mr Neil Brand • Mrs Susi Breit-Learmont • Assoc Prof Libby Brooke • Dr David & Mrs Nicole Brown • Mr Jon & Ms Judith Buckeridge • Ms Liv Cameron • Mrs Naomi Carrick • Mr James & Mrs Carla Carroll • Mr George Cass • Mr Joseph Cavin & Ms Pascale Clearihan • Mr Brian & Mrs Annette Chaitman • Mr Joe Chakman AM & Mrs Helen Chakman • Mr Trevor & Mrs Claire Cohen • Mr Peter & Mrs Judi Cohen • Lady Anna Cowen • Mrs Susie Cymbalist • Mr Peter & Assoc Prof Marian Dobos • Mr Henry Drillich • Mrs Marlene Dryen • Ms Judi Dubiner • Mr Edward & Mrs Lilian Ekselman • Ms Roslyn Eldar • Mr Maurice & Mrs Astrid Elijah • Mr Howard & Mrs Yvonne Elton • A/Prof Joseph Epstein AM FIFEM & Mrs Janice Epstein • Dr Max Esser • Rabbi Kim Ettlinger • Mr Alan & Mrs Anne Faiman • Mr John & Mrs Jenny Fast • Mr Steven & Mrs Zoe Fein • Mr Darren & Mrs Suzi Finkelstein • Mr Tom Firestone • Mr Ben Fisher • Dr Helen Fisher • Mrs Jan Flash • Mr Malcolm & Mrs Rina Fox • Mrs Margot Freedman • Mr David & Mrs Katarina Freedman • Dr Howard Freeman OAM & Mrs Lorraine Freeman • Dr Joseph & Mrs Sonia Freidin • Mr Max Fremder • Mr Daniel Fromm & Ms Fiona Carnes • Ms Carmen Gartenmann • Mr Henry & Mrs Annette Gladwin • Mrs Katherine Glat • Mrs Ursula Goldstein • Mr Benjamin & Mrs Stella Goodman • Mr Tom & Mrs Jenny Gorog • Mr Eric & Mrs Beverley Gorr • Mr Alex Gouzenfiter & Mrs Irene Ginzbourg • Miss Dorothy Graff & Mr Felix Wyss • Mr Geoffrey Green OAM & Mrs Pauline Green • Mr Michael Greiner • Mr Leslie Gross & Ms Di Erlichman • Mr Max Gross • Mr Simon Gross & Ms Natalia Blecher • Dr Garry & Mrs Julie Grossbard • Mr Alain & Mrs Judi Grossbard • Mr Sam & Mrs Joanne Gubieski • Mrs Kathee Gunn • Mrs Felicity Guthrie • Mr Adam & Mrs Mellisah Haber • Dr Charles & Dr Janice Hackman • Mrs Mary Harber • Mrs Fella Harbig • Mr Rodney & Mrs Jessie Hartman • Mrs Caroline Heard • Mr Gary & Mrs Susan Hearst • Mr Andrew & Mrs Joan Hegedus • Mrs Sharon & Mr Daryl Herbert • Mr Robert and Mrs Yvonne Hershan • Mr Tony Heselev & Dr Sian Hughes • Dr Ian Heyman • Mr Norman & Mrs Sabine Heymann • Mr John Hillel • Mrs Marilyn Hyams • Mrs Ruth Inwald • Dr Andrew & Mrs Penny Jakobovits • Dr Simon & Mrs Suzanne Jakobovits • Mr Ivan & Mrs Julie Jarny • Ms Nita Jawary • Mr Graham Joel • Mr Craig & Mrs Tonina Joel • Mr David & Mrs Glenda Jones • Mr Daniel Jones • Mrs Brenda Kahan • Mr Joshua & Mrs Minnie Kahan • Mrs Cathy Kaiserman • Mr Albert & Mrs Gail Kaminsky • Mr John Kaufman • Mr Victor & Mrs Margaret Kay • Ms Leah Kaye • Mrs Patricia Keith • Mrs Debbie Kiffer • Rabbi Aviva Kipen & Mr Philip Kreveld • Mrs Doris Klein • Mr Ken & Mrs Carol
Klooger • Mr Peter Kohn • Miss Nicki Kolb • Mrs Frieda Kolieb • Mr Peter Kolliner OAM & Mrs Barbie Kolliner • Dr Margit Korn • Dr Andrew Smith & Dr Sheree Krass • Mr Mark & Mrs Sharon Kuperholz • Mrs Eve Landman • Ms Rena Langberg • Mr Simon & Mrs Debbie Langer • Rabbi Gersh & Mrs Michelle Lazarow • Mr Jeffrey & Mrs Danielle Leigh • Mr Eliezer Lesman & Ms Oonagh Thomas • Mr Peter & Mrs Jenny Levi • Mr Marcus & Mrs Helen Levy • Mr Joe Lewit & Dr Ruja Varon • Dr Natalie Lewit & Mr Jason Rose • Mrs Maria Lewit OAM • Mrs Helen Light • Dr Alison Lilley • Dr Peter & Mrs Carole Loewy • Ms Ada Lubin • Mr Stephen Lucas • Mr David & Mrs Anita Lurie • Dr Lewis & Mrs Eve Lustig • Dr Victor Majzner & Mrs Marion Majzner • Mr Ernie Malinek & Mrs Malvina Malinek OAM M.Sc. • Mr Richard Margolis • Mr Bernard Marin AM & Mrs Wendy Marin • Mr David Mark & Ms Anna Lozynski • Mrs Eve Markov • Mr Anthony & Mrs Ruth Marks • Mr Simon & Mrs Leonie Marks • Mr Gerald Marks • Mr Lindsay & Mrs Rosie Matthews • Ms Emily McAvan • Mr Mike & Mrs Rosalind McCarthy • Mr Robin & Mrs Margaret McKenzie • Mr Richard & Mrs Margot Melzak • Mr Roger & Mrs Sue Mendelson • Dr George & Prof Danuta Mendelson • Mr Kieren & Samantha Mihaly • Dr George & Mrs Ruth Mihaly • Mrs Susan & Dr Richard Minc • Mr Julian Mitchell • Mrs Inge Mohrer • Mr Ian Moore • Mr Simon & Mrs Bracha Morawetz • Rabbi Fred Morgan AM & Mrs Sue Morgan • Prof Alexander & Dr Helen Morley • Mr Sam Moshinsky OAM & Mrs Ada Moshinsky QC • Dr Carl & Mrs Madeleine Muller • The Hon Mr Howard Nathan • Mr Adam & Dr Adele Needleman • Mr Robert & Mrs Eva Neeter • Mr Peter Newman • Mrs Naomi Nicholson • Mr Barry Novy OAM • Ms Win O’Hoy • Dr Klaus Oppenheimer • Mrs Ilona Oppenheimer • Mr James Orloff • Mr Gerald Pearce • Prof Leon Piterman AM & Dr Hannah Piterman • Mr Mark and Mrs Clare Pomeroy • Mrs Hanna Popiolek • Mr Joshua Prior • Mrs Rena Rabin • Mr Tom Rado • Mr Lior & Mrs Kate Rauchberger • Mrs Ruth Riess • Mr Howard Rogers • Mrs Rose Rosta • Mrs Rose Roth • Mrs Judith Rothfield • Mrs Rysia Rozen OAM • Mrs Sandra & Mr Stan Saks • Mr Leo Sambor & Ms Irene Shrayer • Mr David & Mrs Anthea Same • Ms Reva Same • Mr Brian and Mrs Jenny Samuel • Mr Neil Samuel & Mrs Marion Samuel • Mr Alan & Mrs Dianne Samuel • Mrs Martha Sanders • Mr Geoff Sandler & Dr Natalie Taft • Mr Peter & Mrs Maria Saunders • Mrs Marion Segal • Mr Jerry Sender • Mr Matthew Setton • Ms Helen Shardey • Mrs Sam Sharman • Mr Ron & Mrs Evelyn Sharp • Mr Laurence & Mrs Anne Sharpe • Mrs Judy Sher • Mr Jonathan Shiff • Mr Efim & Mrs Manya Shmukler • Mr Jack & Mrs Lesley Silberscher • Ms Rebecca Silk • Ms Helen Silver • Mr Colin & Mrs Sue Silver • Mr Jeff & Mrs Marion Simmelmann • Mr Alan & Mrs Sharon Simon • Ms Monika Skladowski • Dr Maurice Slonim • Dr Ross & Mrs Karen Snow • Mr Mark Sobey & Timothy Clayton • Mr Rael & Mrs Michelle Solomon • Dr Norman & Dr Sue Sonenberg • Mr Michael & Mrs Cheryl Spivakovsky • Mr Jay and Mrs Johannah Stein • Mr Leon & Mrs Lilo Steinkoler • Mr Joe Stupel & Mrs Eve Stupel • Mr Andrew & Mrs Tanya Sward • Mr Michael & Mrs Ruth Taft • Dr Rodney & Mrs Aviva Taft • Dr Suzanna Taryan • Mr Tevita & Mrs Barbara Tauelangi • Mr Stephen & Mrs Ros Teleki • Mr Eric Trainor • Mr Gary Tramer & Miss Evie Baron • Mr Reuben & Mrs Pat Urban • Mrs Joy Waller • Mrs Ingeborg Warden • Dr Fairlie Wayne • Mr Lionel & Mrs Dianne Werbeloff • Mr Russell Wiese and Ms Rachel Same • Mr David & Mrs Tamara Wolff • Mr Lewis & Mrs Deborah Woolf • Ms Barbara Zoland
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Mazal Tov
Smachot On behalf of the Rabbis, Cantor and the Board of Governance we offer a hearty mazal tov to the following members on the occasion of their simchah: ENGAGEMENTS: MAY – SEPT 2014 • Braham Cohen and Hannah Merkrebs (parents Judi and Peter Cohen) • Nyree Jacobs and Ken Morita (parents Rhonda and Steven Jacobs) • Joe Dreyfus and Tara Kornhauser (parents Mark Dreyfus and Deborah Chemke) • Jade Moore and Mark Rosenberg (granddaughter Albert and Carol Bentata) • Ben Pilcer and Kirsty Cremor (mother Lesley Pilcer) • Jessica Palti and Israel Mor Haim (daughter of Aviv and Michelle Palti) WEDDINGS: 10 MAY – 18 SEPT 2014 • Zoe Sherr and Stephen Fein • Evgeny Vizelman and Masha Lezaic
• Samuel Levy •
• • • •
• BIRTHS: MAY – SEPT 2014 • Woolf Rogers
• Celeste Dobbs
• Ari Landau • Ayden Seligman
baby boy to Elise and Rico Rogers and grandson to Gary and Susan Hearst baby girl to Carly and Chad Dobbs and granddaughter to Rob and Jenny Sward baby boy to Shanaz and Mark Landau grandson to Fred and Ann Seligman
B’RIT MILAH: MAY – SEPT 2014 • Emile Wolfgang Stransky (son of Anyez and Raoul) • Noah Sandlers (son of David and Sarah)
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov
Adam Ryan
Joanne Loewy Irons
Chatan Torah
Join us as we honour this wonderful community member on Simchat Torah 16
grandson to Helen and Marcus Levy Ada Samuel baby girl to Michael and Dee Samuel and granddaughter to Shayndel and Ian Samuel Maverick Blode great grandson to Beryl Blode Max Dixon grandson to Eve and Paul Bartrop Morgan Birkett granddaughter to Jackie and Tony Birkett Padma Coco baby girl to Toby and Ruth Mendelson and granddaughter to Roger and Sue Mendelson Harry Hanspaul baby boy to Tessa and Sandy and grandson to Roger and Sue Mendelson Esther Samuel granddaughter to Brian and Jenny Samuel Heidi Eva Irene Erskine granddaughter to Ron and Madeleine Popper
Kallah B’reishit
Join us as we honour this wonderful community member on Simchat Torah
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B’nei Mitzvah
Jeremy Zivin – B’chukotai Jeremy attends McKinnon Secondary College. His hobbies include basketball, volleyball and athletics. He enjoys drama and acting and going to theatre productions. Since Grade 2 Jeremy has been involved in the school’s choir and musical/theatre productions every year and has been cast in lead roles. Jeremy’s favourite subjects at school are Sport, PE and ICT. Outside of school Jeremy participates in Scouts where he recently won an outdoor Scout award. Jeremy likes computer games and anything technical. He enjoys talking to his friends on skype, listening to music and playing sport. Adrian Rosenwax – Naso Adrian’s hobbies include soccer, basketball and dancing. He began dancing when he was six when he went to his sister Kira’s rhythmic gymnastics class. He dances different styles including ballet, jazz, hip hop, tap and breakdance. He loves travelling with his family and his dance troupe and has been to many countries. Adrian also volunteers at Posh Opp Shoppe for his school.
Mia Komesaroff – D’Varim Mia is the youngest of six children. She is an excellent student and her favourite subjects are Maths and English. Mia also loves participating in extra-curricular activities like the Maths Olympiad, inter-school sports and the school musical. Mia’s passions including soccer, basketball, reading, singing, cooking and shopping. As a friend, Mia is true and loyal. She looks for and sees only the best in people. Carl Klempfner – Va-et’chanan Carl is in year 7 at Melbourne Grammar School. He learns percussion, plays rugby and swims. In his free time he enjoy playing with his dog, Nero, watching and making movies and hanging out with his friends, playing video games. Carl enjoys travelling overseas with his family, he hopes to go skiing one day.
Jacob Tsyrlin – R’eih Jacob’s hobbies include playing tennis, video games and soccer. He has volunteered at Posh Oppe Shoppe. He enjoys baking cookies, spending time with friends, rollerblading, travelling, playing table tennis, making paper aeroplanes, snow and skiing. He dislikes spiders and spicy food. Jacob learns Russian and plays in local tennis competitions and tournaments. He would like to become a lawyer and live in Italy. He is quick-witted, caring and good company.
BJ Midler – Ki Teitzei BJ attends The Ashwood School. His hobbies include music, sport and building Lego. The highlight of his week is Friday night Shabbat with his family, especially the chicken soup. When he grows up he wants to work with his Dad and Zaide. 17
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Bereavements 2 May - 22 August 2014 Myer Brott
Father of Karen, Katarina and Trevor
Sylvia Finch
Mother and mother in law of Max and Pat Fink, John and Sue Fink
Bettine Eilenberg
Mother of Judy, Mandy and David
David Khmelnitsky
Husband of Mila and father of Eleanor
Gertrud Langham
Mother of Peter Langham
Jack Langham
Father of Peter Langham
Roman Rosenbaum
Husband of Sonia (z”l) and father of Helen and Marsha
Zara Shagam
Baby daughter of Justin and Debbie
Grete Pearce
Mother of Gerald
Paul Baxter
Husband of Norma, father of Marian Steele
Magda Kluger
Aunt of Vera Kluger
Taisa Hornowicz
Mother of Dana
Victor Boyarsky
Husband of Tatayna, father of Natalya
Judith Arnheim
Mother of Peter, Richard and Steven
Ibolya Levin
Mother of Jennifer and Stephen
Susanna Geiro
Keith Levin
Father of Jennifer and Stephen
Mother and mother in law of Alla and Mark Medownick
Dola Silberberg
Mother of Adela Kohn and Suzanne Adler
Judith Arnheim
Mother of Peter, Richard and Steven
Lorraine Topol
Daughter of Joy Waller, mother and mother in law of Sheryl and Paul Rosen
Henry Drillich
Father of Rita Hyams
Karol Cukierman
Partner of Adela, father of Roza and Anna
Edith Vasserman
Mother of Anne Segal
Rosa Perlman
Bridget Holsman
Wife of Cyril, mother of Roslind, Emily, Peter and Natalie
Mother of Carol, Sharon, Joanne and Barbara
Mary Levin
Mother of Adam and Mark
Ivan Nagy
Father of Katy
Helene Boon
Mother of Harry and Jacob
Graham Sawyer
Brother of Jocelyn Robuck
Stephen Brook
Husband of Meni
Neomy Reuben
Wife of Daniel, mother of Derrick and Colin
Ilana Chemke
Wife of Stephen, mother of Deborah, Rafael and David
Lili Gelbart
Mother of Andrew and Joe
Michael Sacerdoti
Marianne Perl
Friend of Yvonne Sion
Husband of Marie, brother of Ronnie
Irene Popper
Mother of Ronnie and David
Simon Scharf
Husband of Jo, father of Michael
Alain Sarfati
Father of Adam and Ace
Bet Olam Jewish Funerals is seeking a part-time funeral director For more information please contact Rhonda Nirens
[email protected]
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Eulogy 19 April 1929 – 13 July 2014
Dr Susanna Geiro
Susanna was born 19 April 1929 in Zhytomyr – just outside of Kiev in the Ukraine, the youngest of Rose and Simon’s two children. Her mother, Rose, is remembered as a woman who was remarkable for her time as a trained dentist. Her father, Simon, was a scientist and microbiologist who was tragically arrested and murdered as enemy of the state when Susanna was only eight. While such tragedies may have crippled some children, it was the making of Susanna who became known, loved and respected for her incredible resilience. When the Germans invaded in 1941, Susanna’s older brother Victor was in the Red Army and, in fear of Nazi persecution, she and her mother fled to Kazakhstan and survived the war years in the most difficult of conditions. When they returned home in 1944, Susanna completed her high school studies and despite anti-Semitism and remarkable obstacles, successfully graduated as a physicist from Leningrad University. Alla was born in 1952, and after a number of years in Leningrad, she and Susanna moved north to Uhkta in northern Russia where they settled. In Uhkta, Susanna met Nechemia, a graduate of the Technion in Haifa, who was recently released from a forced labour camp, and although 20 years her senior, they fell in love and married. A wonderful cook and incredible homemaker, Susanna continued to work and study. In 1970 she completed a PhD in the geology of oil and gas and quickly became the head of a department at the University of Uhkta. With grace and poise Susanna balanced home and work and forged a remarkable relationship with her daughter Alla who she inspired with all that she did. Family was at the core of Susanna’s being. When her brother Victor passed away from war related injuries, without question, she took over responsibility for supporting and nurturing his family. Susanna encouraged Alla to explore a life outside of the Soviet Union. She understood how difficult this would be but she was not afraid of challenge. Alla arrived in Melbourne in 1991 with Susanna following shortly after in 1992. Almost immediately she enrolled in University to learn English so that she could add value and integrate into her new home.
Learning a new language and assimilating into a new culture was challenging and frustrating in the early years. However Susanna could do anything she put her mind to. At 65 years of age she briefly joined BHP as a translator and researcher, helping them explore the possibility of gas and oil exploration in the FSU. Alla and her husband Mark had a remarkable relationship with Susanna. After a month of marriage Mark suggested that Susanna move in with them. Truly a remarkable relationship of a mother and son-in-law, Susanna would rise from bed at 2am to make her son-inlaw dinner upon his return from work. Susanna loved art, culture and literature. Always an explorer, even as her mobility slowed, she liked nothing more that throwing her old rucksack over her walker and wondering down to the local shops. She loved to travel and appreciated nights out at the theatre and holidays with Alla and Mark. While her decline was gradual over the last eight years, Susanna never gave up her passion for life and her desire to keep learning. The family and community she had built in Australia brought her so much satisfaction and pride. Susanna’s family continue to honour the incredible life she lived and TBI as a community will remember her as a loving mother, gracious, noble, wise, lovely lady and member. May her memory be for blessing.
This issue of Kol Yisrael Magazine was sponsored by the Medownick family in honour of Susanna Geiro.
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2014 Calendar September Monday 8 September 10am Holocaust Survivors Group - Jewish Care Tuesday 9 September 4pm TBI Tamid 6pm Ruach Choir rehearsal 6.15pm Aleph isn’t Tough 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua Thursday 11 September 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Russian) - Jewish Care 7pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 12 September 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday 13 September 9am Shabbat Mishpachah Service 9.45am Gesher Service 10am Shabbat Ki Tavo Service Sunday 14 September 10.30am Sunday Limmud 11am Binah Israel Program 4.30pm Kol Simchah rehearsal (offsite) Tuesday 16 September 10am Archive Group 4pm TBI Tamid 6pm Ruach Choir rehearsal 6.15pm Aleph isn’t Tough 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua Thursday 18 September 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Russian) - Jewish Care 7pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 19 September 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday 20 September 10am Shabbat Nitzavim Vayeilech Service 9pm Selichot Service and Program Sunday 21 September 3pm PJV Memorial Service (Springvale Jewish Memorial Gardens) 4.30pm Kol Simchah rehearsal (offsite) 8pm Men’s Group (private home) Wednesday 24 September 6pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Service Thursday 25 September 8.30am Mishpachah Service 10am Shacharit Service 10.30am B’Yachad Service 6pm Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Service
Friday 26 September 10am Shacharit Service 11am Binah Service 1.30pm Tashlich Service (Elwood) 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday 27 September 10am Shabbat Haazinu Tuesday 30 September 6.15pm Aleph isn’t Tough 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua
October Thursday 2 October 7pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 3 October Erev Yom Kippur 7pm Kol Nidrei Service Saturday 4 October Yom Kippur 8.30am Mishpachah Service 10am Shacharit Service 10.30am B’Yachad Service 2pm Minchah Service 2pm High School Service 4pm Healing Service 5pm Yizkor Service 6pm N’ilah Service Monday 6 October 7.30pm Living With Dementia Tuesday 7 October 10am Archive Group 12.30pm Stan’s Schmooze 4pm TBI Tamid 6pm Ruach Choir rehearsal 6.15pm Aleph isn’t Tough 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua Wednesday 8 October 4pm Sukkot Family Activities 6pm Maariv Service Thursday, 9 October 10am Sukkot Shacharit Service 7pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 10 October 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday 11 October Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot 9am Shabbat Mishpachah Service 9.45am Gesher Service 10am Shabbat Hamoed Sukkot Service Bar mitzvah Natan Sharp
Sunday 12 October 7.30pm Kabbalah Meditation Tuesday 14 October 4pm TBI Tamid 6pm Ruach Choir rehearsal 6.15pm Aleph isn’t Tough 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua Wednesday 15 October Erev Simchat Torah 4pm Simchat Torah Family Activities 6pm Maariv Service Thursday 16 October 10am Shacharit Atzeret Service (Yizkor) Friday 17 October 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday 18 October 10am Shabbat B’reishit Service Bar mitzvah Daniel Genis Sunday 19 October 4.30pm Kol Simchah rehearsal (offsite) 7pm Film Club 8pm Men’s Group (private home) Monday 20 October 10am Holocaust Survivors Group - Jewish Care Tuesday 21 October 10am TBI Archive Group 4pm TBI Tamid 6.15pm Aleph isn’t Tough 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua Wednesday 22 October 10.30am Drop in and Chat Thursday 23 October 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Russian) - Jewish Care 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 24 October 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday, 25 October 2014 10am Shabbat Noach Service Sunday, 26 October 2014 4.30pm Kol Simchah rehearsal (offsite) 7.30pm Rosh Chodesh (offsite) Monday 27 October 10am Holocaust Survivors Group - Jewish Care
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2014 Calendar Tuesday 28 October 4pm TBI Tamid 6.15pm Aleph isn’t Tough 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua Thursday 30 October 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Russian)- Jewish Care 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 31 October 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
November Saturday 1 November 10am Shabbat Lech L’cha Service Bar mitzvah Aaron Greenwell Sunday 2 November 4.30pm Kol Simchah rehearsal (offsite) Tuesday 4 November Melbourne Cup Day (office closed) Wednesday 5 November 11am TBI Friendship Club Thursday 6 November 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Russian) - Jewish Care 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 7 November 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat B’Yachad Service 6.15pm Shabbat Shira Service 7.30pm TBI Community Dinner Saturday 8 November 9am Mishpachah Service 9.45am Gesher Service 10am Shabbat Vayeira Service Sunday 9 November 4.30pm Kol Simchah rehearsal (offsite) 7pm Film Club 7.30pm Kabbalah Meditation Monday 10 November 10am Holocaust Survivors Group - Jewish Care Tuesday 11 November 12.30pm Stan’s Schmooze 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua Thursday 13 November 10am Holocaust SurvivorGroup (Russian) - Jewish Care 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal
Friday 14 November 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday 15 November 10am Shabbat Chayei Sarah Service
Monday 1 December 10am Holocaust Survivors Group - Jewish Care
Sunday 16 November Mitzvah Day 8pm Men’s Group (private home) Monday 17 November 10am Holocaust Survivors Group - Jewish Care Tuesday 18 November 10am TBI Archive Group 4pm TBI Tamid 6pm Ruach Choir rehearsal 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua
Tuesday 2 December 10am TBI Archive Group 12.30pm Stan’s Schmooze 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua Wednesday 3 December 11am Friendship Club
Wednesday 19 November 10.30am Drop in and Chat
Thursday 4 December 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Russian) - Jewish Care 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal
Thursday 20 November 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Russian) - Jewish Care 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal
Friday 5 December 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat B’Yachad Service 6.15pm Shabbat Shira Service 7.30pm TBI Community Dinner
Friday 21 November 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday 6 December 10am Shabbat Vayishlach Service
Saturday 22 November 10am Shabbat Toldot Service Bar mitzvah Ashley Roth
Sunday 7 December 10.30am Sunday Limmud 4.30pm Kol Simchah rehearsal (offsite) 7.30pm Kabbalah Meditation
Sunday 23 November 4.30pm Kol Simchah rehearsal (offsite) 7.30pm Rosh Chodesh (offsite) Monday 24 November 10am Holocaust Survivors Group - Jewish Care 7.30pm Living With Dementia Tuesday 25 November 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua Wednesday 26 November 10.30am Drop in and Chat Thursday 27 November 10am Holocaust Survivors Group (Russian) - Jewish Care 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 28 November 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday 29 November 9.45am Gesher Service 10am Shabbat Vayeitzei Service Sunday 30 November 10.30am Sunday Limmud 4.30pm Kol Simchah rehearsal (offsite)
Monday 8 December 2014 10am Holocaust Survivors Group - Jewish Care Tuesday 9 December 4pm TBI Tamid 6pm Ruach Choir rehearsal 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua Thursday 11 December 7.30pm Aleph isn’t Enough 8pm TBI Choir rehearsal Friday 12 December 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday 13 December 9am Mishpachah Service 9.45am Gesher Service 10am Shabbat Vayeishev Service Bat mitzvah Ashleigh Harris Sunday 14 December 10.30am Sunday Limmud 4.30pm Kol Simchah rehearsal (offsite) Monday 15 December 10am Holocaust Survivors Group - Jewish Care
Happy Snaps
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Visit from Minister for Multicultural Affairs Hon Matthew Guy, David Southwick MP, Clem Newton-Brown MP and Helen Shardey.
Carol Klooger, Yvonne Hershan, Dani Mahemoff
Mirri Curtis, Deborah Sandler, Vicki Kaplan
Rabbi Kim Ettlinger, Sue Silver, Lady Marogold Southey AC, Robert Hershan Photos: Joe Lewit
Irene Benjamin’s 99th Birthday
Film Night: Sheryl and Paul Rosen, Philip & Andrea Bliss and Penny Jakobovits
Ari Landau
Celeste Dobbs
Jack Stephen Hearst
Zoe and Steve Fein
Sacred Music Concert
Alain and Judi Grossbard
Woolf Hearst-Rogers
Engaged: Mark Rosenberg and Jade Moore
When celebrating a simcha please forward your high resolution photos as jpegs to
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