(KRA) App Troubleshooting Guide for iPads

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Sep 12, 2017 - Double click the round Home button at the bottom of the iPad to display the recently-used apps. Then ...
Updated 9/12/17

Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) App Troubleshooting Guide for iPads Issue: Screen Freezes When Student Names Load In the case of a freeze, wait a moment to see if the app un-freezes. If the app is using WiFi and the signal becomes weak for a moment, it might pause for a minute, appearing to freeze, but actually still working. This may happen, particularly in cases where you have many students on your roster. Please be patient and allow time for the screen and data to load. After waiting a few minutes, if the screen appears to still be loading, please check these items.

Items to Check: (1) Restart the App – A quick first step to a screen freezing is to try closing and restarting the app.  Double click the round Home button at the bottom of the iPad to display the recently-used apps. Then, drag the frozen app to the top of the screen. This clears the app from the iPad’s memory. If you press the Home button again to return to the home screen, you can relaunch the app. (2) Reboot the iPad – This is a great way to flush the memory and shut down any apps running in the background that might be causing a problem.  To reboot the iPad, hold down the Sleep/Wake button at the top of the iPad and the round Home button at the bottom for at least 10 seconds. You’ll see the iPad will turn off and the screen will go dark. Then, after a few seconds, power it back up by holding down the Sleep/Wake button. The Apple logo will appear on the screen. (3) Delete the App and Reinstall – This might be a good option if the KRA app is the only app that typically freezes on your iPad.  To delete and reinstall the app, press your finger on the KRA app icon and hold until a small X appears in the top corner of the app. Then, touch the X to delete the app. Once it is deleted, you can go into the app store, navigate to the tab called “purchased”, and reinstall the app. (4) Update the Operating System – You may need to update to the most current iOS if you are currently using an older version.

Please note: Information may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.

Updated 9/12/17

 Plug your iPad into power and be sure you are connected to Wi-Fi. Touch Settings > General > Software Update. Tap Download and Install. If you do not have enough space for an update, you will not be able to install without deleting existing apps (at least temporarily).

Issue: Audio isn’t Working Ways to Fix:

(1) Make sure it’s unmuted – Even if it sometimes seems your iPad is working fine, it could still be muted.  Open the Control Panel by sliding your finger from the very bottom edge of the screen up to the top without lifting your finger. This reveals the Control Panel. The mute button looks like a bell with a slash in front of it. If that icon is highlighted, the iPad is muted. You can unmute by touching that button. (2) Check the slide switch (for older iPads) – Older iPad models have a slide switch that can control mute. It is located right next to the volume controls on the side of the iPad.  Check the switch and flip if needed to unmute.

If these steps still do not help with the sound, and the sound works for other apps, follow the steps above for restarting your device and reinstalling the app.

Please note: Information may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.