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efficiency benefits by promoting adoption of cost effective efficiency ..... held periodically, with tests conducted ...... from agencies such as the NCCBM, CII,.
Knowledge Exchange Platform Promoting Energy Efficiency through Best Practices in Industries covered under the Perform Achieve & Trade (PAT) Scheme NEWSLETTER ISSUE-6, SPECIAL EDITION-ENMS 2016


 Message of Economic Adviser, Ministry of Power, Government of India  Municipal Solid Waste Co-processing in Cement Industry: Innovative models for scale up  Best Practice Case Studies • Vedanta Limited, Jharsuguda • Raymond Limited, Chhindwara • Shree Cement Limited • JK Lakshmi Cement Limited • Raymond Limited, Jalgaon  BEE’s financing initiatives  Technology gap assessment of the Pulp and Paper Sector and the scope for UK technology suppliers in this industry  Interventions of ESCO-based Steam Supply Services in a Process Industry - the Success Story of Kaleesuwari Refinery (KRPL)  KEP Journey in last one year Supported by

Mr. Raj Pal Economic Adviser, Ministry of Power

Message Warm greeting to industry friends and colleagues! India formally joined the Paris climate change agreement on Gandhi Jayanti, taking the global pact a step closer to its enactment. As India reaffirms its global leadership on tackling climate change, I would like to congratulate the efforts made by our Industry friends and colleagues in making Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) scheme a success, which has made a huge contribution in propelling India on a low carbon growth trajectory. While the PAT scheme sets a powerful example on how individual industry level efforts and commitment to energy conservation and efficiency can contribute to making India energy secure, the targets achieved by the industry have set international benchmark on achieving energy efficiency in many sectors. The industry has already set to overachieve first PAT cycle specific energy consumption targets by 30% and I am happy to note that through the ‘Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEP)’ we were able to support the industry in realizing these targets by building a knowledge economy and inspiring industries to focus on strategies and solutions that can enhance their energy productivity. This role of KEP will become particularly important for new industries and sectors that have been covered under the second PAT cycle, where the challenge will be to replicate the success achieved so far and to create a smart economy reinforced by green manufacturing and production. As Industry braces itself to achieve the targets under the second cycle of PAT, there will be a need to bring in knowledge and enhance access to new and innovative technologies and services that help them to improve their energy performance on a continuous basis. To realise this potential, KEP has initiated sector wise technology gap assessment and mapping of best available international technologies to bridge the information gap. To compliment this process, we have also created a searchable database on energy efficiency technologies, service providers and technology supplier’s among host of other resources that can help industry choose from a range of options and guide the users on best technologies suited for their industry. Recently, we brought the industry, technology suppliers and other important stakeholders on a common platform to exchange knowledge on technology options and approaches through a National Seminar cum Technology Exhibition organized on 7th to 8th November, 2016 and I would like to thank my industry partners for their wholehearted participation in this event. I would also like to commend the pro activeness and support extended by the industry in joining hands with KEP in promoting peer to peer learning and exchange of best practices through sector level workshops and technology exhibitions. So far, we have organized sector level workshops for all the existing PAT sectors. I hope that we will be able to continue with this effort to cover all sectors and deliver significant energy efficiency benefits by promoting adoption of cost effective efficiency measures. Cross sectoral knowledge transfer and active learning has also been high on our agenda and we have facilitated this effort through friendly energy efficiency exchange visits in thermal power and cement sectors.

The award winning paintings of children who participated in National Level Painting Competition -2016 organised by Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India, are presented here. Paintings of Suswagata Sutra Dhar (Tripura), Arighna Saha (Tripura), Pukhram Rojiya Devi (Manipur), Christina Biswas (West Bengal), C Vaishnavi (Andhra Pradesh), Devashish Dabral (Uttarakhand), G Amora Mercy (Tamilnadu), Telen Khaidem (Manipur) and Laiphrakpam Rohit (Manipur) appear below in the same order..

We aim to evolve KEP as an Industry led forum for knowledge transfer on energy efficiency and I will encourage you to write to us and provide feedback on how we can make KEP more effective and responsive to this effect.

Raj Pal



For circulation within the KEP network only


Municipal Solid Waste Co-processing in Cement Industry: Innovative models for Scale up – By Mr. Somnath Bhattacharjee & Ms. Ritu Bharadwaj Effective management and disposal of Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) has already reached a stage of major concern in India, as in many other countries around the world. Rapid urbanisation, uncontrolled population growth and rising per capita income is only going to add to this problem. The significance of the issue can be understood from the high priority accorded by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan (Clean India Campaign). This campaign is India’s biggest ever cleanliness drive where eminent people from different walks of life are being encouraged to promote it. But the challenge is huge. The total estimated generation of MSW in India is about 68 million tonnes (2011-12) from urban sources alone. MSW generation from major Indian states is illustrated in Figure 1. The generation of MSW is estimated to reach 221MT in 2030, with a per capita increase of 1 to 1.33% annually. Landfill/ Waste dumps or open burning (60%- 90%) continue to be the principal method of waste disposal causing severe health hazard, continuous emission of harmful gases and environmental degradation. Despite adverse impacts, land filling is expected to continue as most widely adopted practice in coming years, even though the major cities are already facing problem of land availability Figure 1: Share of major Indian States in MSW generation

for waste disposal. Local Municipal Authorities responsible for handling wastes face severe challenges, significant among them being scarcity of funds, inherent institutional weaknesses, lack of capacity and knowledge on choice of method/ technology for waste disposal.

MSW Co-processing in Cement Plants: an effective solution In a situationas grim as this, it becomes imperative to look at customized nonconventional solutions involving all stakeholders responsible for solid waste management. Making Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) from MSW and using it gainfully as a fuel in cement plants is one such sustainable long-term solution. RDF is the dry organic fraction of MSW which can be recovered by treating MSW using Mechanical Biological treatment. RDF comprises of plastics, paper, cardboard, cloth, wood, rubber, leather, etc. This option represents a win-win situation by way of reducing coal usage in cement manufacture on one hand and in finding a long-term sustainable solution for managing urban waste effectively on the other. As illustrated in Figure 1, states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu, which produces large quantities of MSW also have number of cement plants which can absorb the RDF in these states. However, despite many potential benefits, RDF usage is not getting scaled upin India. Typically, RDF can replace up to 15-20% of primary fossil fuels used in cement plants. However, the current thermal substitution rate (TSR) or the rate of co-processing wastes in India ranges between 0.5-1%, while in some developed countries, this figure is as high as around 60%. There are some cement plants in Europe where more

Potential benefits of Co-processing RDF Co-processing of MSW in cement plants has the potential to effectively address many waste disposal challenges facing the country. • Addressing local environment issues by reduction of MSW going for landfills. • Addressing health and social issues by breaking cycle of diseases resulting from unhygienic conditions. • Creating sustainable livelihood option for the informal sector involved in waste picking, sorting and recycling by making these operations organized. • GHG reduction potential by replacing coal in cement kilns. Additional GHG reduction through methane avoidance from landfill. • Huge Coal saving potential by using waste in place of coal for cement manufacture than 80% of the conventional fuel is being replaced with RDF.

Models of MSW co-processing Institute for Industrial Productivity(IIP) commissioned a project to analyse the issues and challenges facing RDF projects in India. Three different models processing MSW to RDF for usage in cement plants, were studied. These models were carefully selected to cover projects that are being managed by different types of stakeholders viz. (i) Municipal Corporation (Panjim Model); (ii) an NGO (Sarthak Model); (iii) Cement manufacturer (Jaypee Model), to get a range of perspective, understand their implementation challenges and review their comparative advantages/

NEWSLETTER disadvantages. Each of these models involve different actors in its operations, handle different nature of waste and have varying degrees of mechanization in production process.

Panjim Model The city of Panjimin Goa generates around 60 tonnes of waste every day, and this figure is rising at a rate of 5% every year. To handle this waste effectively, primary segregation is done at the household level by providing separate bins for collecting and storing bio-degradable and nonbiodegradable wastes. The organic biodegradable waste is composted in pits to produce manure. The non-biodegradable wastethat constitutes about 12% of the total waste, is further segregated into recyclable and non-recyclable waste, by Municipal Corporation employees. About 0.8 tonne per day of non-recyclable wastes can be processed as RDF, however, the facility generates an average of 0.36-0.40 tonnes of RDF per day.Bales of RDF weighing about 100-110 kg are transported from processing facility to cement companies for use as fuel. Although the project has greatly enhanced the effectiveness of the waste management system in the city, the model is not sustainable. While the total cost incurred by Municipality is INR 1100 (USD 18)per tonne, it derives no revenues from this activity as the RDF is supplied to the cement companies free of cost. The revenues obtained through “sanitation fees” levied by the Municipality is able to cover only 12-15% of the total cost of this project.

Sarthak Model The city of Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh generates around 420-460 tonnes of MSW every day. About 5,000 rag pickers were involved in this city to segregate the waste in an unhygienic manner that was also hazardous to their health. The plastic waste constituting around 14% of the garbage, was dumped either at a centre near Bhopal-the state capital or burnt. Both these practices were

ISSUE-6, SPECIAL EDITION-ENMS 2016 highly harmful for the environment and overall health of the inhabitants in the city. So, in order to improve the waste management system and the working conditions of rag-pickers a local NGO, Sarthak, initiated a project on MSW processing, which was supported by Bhopal Municipal Corporation (BMC). BMC allocated land to Sarthak for solid waste management and collection of plastic waste. This initiative was started in five of the 70 management wards of BMC, and is now being implemented in 21 wards, employing 1465 “SarthakKarmis” (rag-pickers). The NGO has carried out capacity building of Sarthak Karmison waste management processes and has also linked them with social security schemes. The Sarthak Karmiscarry out the collection and segregating of wastes, which is transported to the processing facility, where the waste is aggregated into bundles of 100 kg. This process generates 5-6 tonnes of RDF every day. RDF is sold to cement plants at a rate of INR 5.50 (USD 0.09)per Kg,for use as fuel. Till now, nearly 2000 metric tons of plastic bags have been used as fuel in cement plants, saving nearly 5,000 tonnes of GHG emission from burning of plastic waste. Furthermore, rag-pickers have been employed, in a job that pays them an income higher than what they were earning earlier. Discussions with local cement companies reveal that they are generally happy with this, but in order to be sustainable, cost effective and scalable this model needs to promote primary segregation of wastes at the household level.

Jaypee Model Chandigarh city generates about 400 tonnes of solid waste every day and to deal with the issue of its safe disposal, Jaypee Cement Industries has setup a highly mechanized system, for the waste collection and processing in Chandigarh that caters to 70 % of the waste generated in the city. The segregated waste comprises of a mixture of plastic and textile wastes, which is processed and converted into RDF without any primary


segregation. While this model is based on an efficient technology, however, it is not financially viable for Jaypee. It incurs INR 2500 (USD 41)per tonne on processing of wastes and recovers only INR 1750 (USD 28.7)per tonne by way of selling the product. Inadequate supply of waste is another significant obstacle faced by Jaypee in this project.

Comparison between the three Waste Management Models A typical waste management process is depicted in Figure 2, where the major stages are demarcated as A, B, C & D. For an efficient waste management model, primary segregation (A) is an important Figure 2: Typical waste management process




Table 1: Management responsibility in different models Process

Panjim (Municipal Corporation) Model

Sarthak (NGO) Model

Jaypee (Private Company) Model


Household- Source Segregation

Trained rag pickers

Not done


Municipal Corporation


Municipal Corporation


Municipal Corporation




State Government

State Pollution Control Board Jaypee

step. The management arrangement and responsibility for each stage of waste management in different models is presented in Table 1. One of the major issues identified for impeding the rapid scale up in all the three model is the poor financial viability of these projects.The salient feature of these models on key financial parameter is depicted in Table 2.

Way forward The Indian cement industry has made significant improvements in its energy efficiency and productivity in the recent years. However, the Thermal Substitution Rate (TSR) or the use of Alternate Fuels and Raw Materials (AFRs) for cement manufacture, remains extremely low. India which is the second largest producer of cement in the world after China, is likely to see its cement capacity of 350 Million Tonnes per annum (Mta) double over the next decade, resulting in a huge surge in coal demand. This demand for coal is projected to increase in the range of 63 –to 96 Million Tonnes (MT) during 2012 – 2017 as per the Planning Commission’s 12th Plan Report on cement industry. The role of AFRs to replace coal therefore assumes great significance against this backdrop.

Increasing TSR in cement industry offers not only huge opportunity for reducing fossil fuel usage but also in addressing the issue of local as well as global emissions. The time is right to launch a structured campaign for AFR, keeping in mind the following recent developments. i. Government of India has pledged to higher targets for emission intensity reduction in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), which would translate in to greater push for manufacturing sectors like cement to reduce their emission intensity ii. More challenging targets to cement industry under second cycle of Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) scheme implies that the industry will have to look at opportunities like AFR to achieve these targets. The GHG mitigation cost through AFR use is reasonable, and there is a significant replication potential across the entire cement industry in India. The other associated co-benefits include an effective and efficient means of managing urban and industrial waste, which is increasingly becoming a cause for major concern. The relatively low use of AFR is diagnosed to be due to a number of technical and financial issues coupled

Table 2: Financial performance of different models Parameters

Panjim(Municipal Corporation) Model

Sarthak (NGO) Model

Jaypee (Private Company) Model

Cost/ tonne RDF (INR/ USD)

1100/ 18.33

5000 / 83.33

2500 / 41.67

Selling Price/ tonne RDF (INR/ USD)

Not estimated

5500 / 91.67

1750 / 29.17

Major Costs

Wages for municipal workers, Transportation of RDF

Wages for Sarthak Karmis, Waste collection and segregation

Processing of waste using capital intensive machinery

with policy and regulatory barriers, many of which are interlinked. IIP India has launched a multi-stakeholder initiative to draw up a stakeholderdesigned ‘Implementable Action Plan’ (can be downloaded from www.iipinetwork. org) for increasing the TSR in Indian cement industry. In order to identify and resolve the regulatory and policy issues, IIP had created a Forum of Regulators with high level representation from State Pollution Control Boards of major cement producing states in India. The Forum of Regulators (FoR) reviewed the provisions of existing policy and regulatory guidelines and came out with a series of five White Paper Compendium (can be downloaded from, based on which the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has now set up a ‘National Task Force (NTF) on Coprocessing’, to take the recommendations of the Forum forward, which provides the much needed framework to deal with some of the pressing regulatory and policy barriers. While NTF reviews the policy and regulatory provision to enhance the use of AFR, it is important to draw policy learnings from other countries, which have been successful in enhancing the TSR rate. The UK Landfill Tax is seen as one such key mechanism for increasing TSR in cement industry by making it financially more viable compared to the cost of landfill. Consultations with Cement industry show that they are willing to invest in technologies that can help them increase the TSR (while helping them meet their PAT targets). In a recently (Sept., 2016) conducted UK study tour under Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEP) initiative, the Indian cement industry representatives were exposed to such technologies for waste co-processing, their economics and benefits. KEP will continue to provide information on similar technological options available for enhancing TSR. The cement industry will however need to capitalize on these opportunities for not just achieving scale of energy efficiency, GHG mitigation and coal savings,but in also contributing to the society by gainfully utilising MSW/Solid waste.




Energy Management System Implementation Vedanta Limited, Smelter Plant1 – Mr. Bijneswar Mohanty(AVP, Head Cast house & Energy Management) , Mr. Ramesh Chandra Patro(Associate Manager, Coordinator Energy Cell)

Introducing the Plant Vedanta Ltd. (VL), Jharsuguda, is an associate company of the FTSE 100 diversified resources group Vedanta Resources Plc, listed on the London Stock Exchange. Originally incorporated in 2001, Vedanta is a leading producer of metallurgical grade alumina and other aluminium products, catering to a wide spectrum of industries. The aluminium smelting unit at Jharsuguda has carved out a niche for itself in the aluminium industry with its superior product quality based on energy efficient state-of-theart technology. The firm operates a 0.5 MTPA aluminium smelter and a 1215 MW captive power plant supported by highly modern infrastructure at this location in Odisha. In the quest to meet high quality standards and the best of Health, Safety and Environment systems, the company hasput into place an integrated management system (IMS) and is certified for: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 and ISO 50001.

Development strategies adopted for implementing ISO 50001, Energy Management System Development Strategies: At Vedanta, we believe that teams are always better than individuals and systematic tools are more fruitful than solitary ideas. Cross-functional team involvement in Focused Improvement Projects to improve energy performance by optimizing processes, innovating, implementing new ideas, and also using the latest technology, have all helped

achieve significant reductions in energy consumed. The top management’s role in implementing and maintaining such a system is vital and incudes,  Formation of an Energy Cell (Fig 1.) comprising a three-layer structure: an apex committee, core committee, coordinating committee and Small Group Activities (SGA) team. (refer to attached Annexures 1 and 2, for details of the Energy Cell and Energy Management Team’s roles and responsibilities).  Defining an energy policy taking into account all organizational and legal requirements.  Appointing a management representative (MR) and Energy Manager to drive the system.  Defining the roles and responsibilities of the MR and Energy Manager.

performance of the plant periodically. Our team is actively involved in spreading awareness about energy conservation in the community and in industry: we also conduct workshops at national level. Vedanta organized the first aluminum sector KEP (Knowledge Exchange Platform) workshop involving all players in the aluminium industry, research institutes, and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India. Energy review and planning The energy review is the heart of this management system. All aspects of the EnMS depend on it so proper energy plans and reviews are a must for successful implementation of EnMS. An energy review exercise is conducted every year. The energy planning process includes: a. Identification of different streams used in our plant.


b. Analysis of energy use and  Establishing energy objectives and consumption. targets according to energy policy c. Determination of areas of significant and providing necessary resources for achieving them. (necessary resources include approvals for Figure 1: Formation of Energy Cell CAPEX (capital expenditure) and OPEX (operational expenditure) proposals aimed at implementing energy saving projects, computerization of all energy reports, energy-efficient procurement, design, etc., and training human resources).  Training all plant personnel in energy conservation awareness.  Reviewing





ISSUE-6, SPECIAL EDITION-ENMS 2016 Use of Professional Expertise During the implementation stage an energy consultant guided our team in developing energy review formats, trained the internal auditor, provided information about best practices in other industries, all of which helped us develop a robust system not only for complying with all the requirements of an EnMS but also for achieving national benchmarking figures of energy consumption.

energy use and consumption (by Pareto method). d. Analysis of past and present energy consumption, so as to determine the baseline for each area. e. Analysis of relevant variables impacting significant energy use. f. Identifying improvement.



g. Setting out objectives and targets. The energy review exercise involved the Energy Cell team: the energy consumption of motors, lights, different parts of the process, furnaces, etc.,were measured using a power analyzer and recorded for analysis. This procedure was followed for all types of energy streams. To monitor energy performance, energy performance indicators (EnPI) were defined for each area, and,based on past and present energy consumption, baselines were set for each EnPItaking the average energy consumption over a year. A list of opportunities was drawn up using audits, brainstorming sessions, sharing best practices, etc., and then priorities set, based on conditions such as payback, feasibility, process impact.

Human resources are the key to success in any organization, hence it is of utmost importance to train them and develop skills. To enable focusing on this, our policy mandates every department to conduct training sessions on energy conservation. The HR department conducts training programmes and monitors their effectiveness. 1. Training by external agencies Agencies from outside the organization were called in to train the Energy Cell team in techniques of energy auditing, energy management and energy saving in different kinds of equipment. Training on the following topics was carried out by external agencies mentioned alongside:  Energy auditing techniques: CII  Energy saving in utilities: FICCI  Energy management training: CII  Internal auditor enterprises


 Lead auditor training program: SGS


We are also encouraging our engineers to go through the BEE-certified Energy Auditor’s course and we now have eight government-certified energy auditors and managers. 2. Training by faculty within the organization As per the internal training calendar, in-house specialists provide refresher training for internal auditors, and EnMS, as also in areas such as:  Energy savings in pump and motors  Energy efficiency in pot cells.  Energy efficient lighting, etc. 3. Tool Box talks cover energy conservation awareness for shop floor personnel Tool box talks are organized each fortnight for shop floor technicians and operators, on energy savings, deviation reporting and control, to communicate of the energy policy, objectives and targets, etc. Online e-testsare being organized to evaluate the competence of all employees who are significantly impacting energy. We also invite vendors to participate in workshops and demonstrate energy efficient products and educate our Energy Cell team members by exposing them to national international symposiums.

Tools and resources The Jharsuguda plant of Vedanta has a value-driven culture with strong business drivers such as Six Sigma, Quality Circles,



Figure 2: SCADA based energy monitoring system

Annual energy cost savings

1634.66 lakhs INR

Cost to implement

224 lakhs INR

Payback period

2 months


Lessons Learned • Team work at all levels of Energy Cell needed for successful implementation. • Software tools such as Minitab, Ampla, etc., used for energy monitoring and data analysis. • Robust auditing techniques of EnMS necessary. • Best practices sharing between business unit and sub-business unit level. Kaizen, asset optimization, sustainability, IMS, and 5S in place. It is also equipped with advanced IT-based applications such as MES online report generation, SAP-based energy efficient product procurement, and e-based document management systems.

before and after the training. To increase awareness, posters and dashboards are displayed on the shop floor.

A SCADA-based energy monitoring system in which all energy meters are connected to one server, generates reports. Portable flow meters and power meters are used to analyze deviations at a particular load.

Before implementing the energy saving projects, the SGA team of our Energy Cell measured energy consumption and other process parameters such as pressure, flow, temperature, and recorded them in a specified format. All these parameters, including energy, current, voltage, etc., were again measured (after implementation) to enable a comparison. The results were verified by an internal auditor/central EnMS coordinator.

Steps taken to maintain operational controland sustain energy performance improvement. While the EnMSwas being implemented, we reviewed all work instructions (WI) and modified them so as to meet the requirements of ISO 50001. The impact of energy performance of each item of equipment in the process was analyzed. The operating / control limits of each process were redefined so as to optimize energy consumption. A list of significantly impacting activities was made by analyzing the WI and communicated to workers on the shop floor to ensure control. All WIs are communicated to shop floor technician in training programmes held periodically, with tests conducted

Approach to determine energy performance improvement and validate results

Details of the modifications along with photographs and other data are recorded in a specified format for reference and the final result verified by the Energy Manager.

Cost-benefit analysis Cost-benefit is calculated on the basis of costs of the project, maintenance, operations, and finally comparing this with savings due to reduced energy consumption.

• Internal and external benchmarking to set high standards. • Error-free data management and documentation system development. • Effective use of resources. Improvements after EnMS (ISO 50001) implementation • Cohesive Energy Management team and Energy Cell developed. • Small Group Activities (SGA) given more importance. Employees from all levels are involved and suggestions received from all levels for listing of opportunities (LOOP) to improve energy performance. • Top management involvement and increased.

awareness, commitment

• Policy developed and acted upon. • Objectives established for all departments and targets assigned. Around 15 objectives and 25 management programs finalized and communicated to all to achieve the energy targets. • Energy saving opportunities identified and prioritized. • Energy Baseline study conducted in scientific manner. • Performance monitoring through EnPIs (Energy Performance Indicators).



• Energy efficient procurement analysis for all products by commercial team. • Measurement and monitoring system strengthened. • Management review for performance improvement. • EnMS Tool Box talk being conducted. • Inclusion of EnMS topics in induction training of new employees.

ISSUE-6, SPECIAL EDITION-ENMS 2016 • Energy linkage to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Standard Maintenance Procedures(SMP) of Integrated Management System(IMS) and accordingly field operation followed. • Energy Dashboards maintained in all sections and departments.

Team of Innovators The team behind the successful implementation of the project wereMr. Bijneswar Mohanty(AVP, Head Cast house & Energy Management), Mr. Mangu Srinivas (AGM, Rectifier), Mr. A Krishna Perumal ( Associate Manager, Bake Oven), Mr. Harish Yadu (Manager, Cast House), Mr. Sridhar Nayak (Associate Manager, Utility) and Ms Rashmiprabha Maharana (Associate, Rectifier).

Mr. Dayanidhi Behera Sr. Vice President & Head Aluminium Operation, Vedanta Ltd., Jharsuguda, Odisha, Aluminium & Power Business Vedanta Limited, Aluminium & Power Business at Jharsuguda, is an early adopter of ISO 50001 system and has been an ardent practitioner of Energy Management System (EnMS) over the years. We drive EnMS as a culture and we inculcate the same in all our employees and associate partners as well. ISO 50001 has helped us to have a structured approach to formulate policy, set objectives & targets and to improve our energy performance continually involving people at all level. I believe our team is motivated and inspired enough to see enormous drives towards energy efficiency and energy conservation measures to have a sustainable growth with low carbon footprint.





Energy Management System Implementation Raymond Limited, Chhindwara Unit – Mr. Jayant Joshi, General Manager (Engineering), Raymond Ltd, Chhindwara Division

Introducing the Plant Incorporated in 1925, Raymond Limited has five manufacturing divisions at present, which make products such as textiles, denim, engineering files and tools, aviation, designer wear, prophylactics and toiletries. With a capacity of 45.28 million meters in wool and wool-blended fabrics, Raymond commands over 60% of the market share of worsted suiting in India, and ranks amongst the first three fully integrated manufacturers of worsted suiting in the world. The Chhindwara Unit is one of the three production units of the Textile Division; its installed capacity is 128 looms and 33528 spindles as against the licensed capacity of 1500 looms and 50000 spindles. The unit, which became operational in 1991, has a work force of more than 2600. The plant is well equipped with the most modern machinery, ensuring high efficiency and productivity. The work force is skilled, well- trained and competent. An in-house laboratory carries out quality tests on incoming material, in-process material and the final product. Figure 1: Share of different types/sources of energy used in the plant

Development strategies adopted for implementing ISO 50001, Energy Management System Development phase: • In order to have a well-defined and functional energy management system, the members of the organization should become conscious of energy consumption, conservation and wastage. • With a well-organized system for collecting and measuring data in place, consumption figures for different departments were readily available, allowing a systematic approach to understanding energy use. With this data we were able to study our past consumption and finally, a baseline was arrived at: the financial year, 2014-2015. Analysis of the data suggested that electricity was the form in which most energy was consumed. Hence, monthly electricity consumption for all departments was recorded separately and the annual total was determined. This allowed determination of areas of significant energy use (SEU): if the area consumed more than 5% of the Figure 2: Apportionment of electricity consumption in the plant

% Electricity Consumption

Steam 67334 MT 37.01%

Electricity 54575271kWh 38.90%

Lighting 4%

Others 2%

Coal 9848 MT 23.68% LPG 0.41

Utility 39%

Production 55%

total electrical energy consumed it was considered an area of significant energy use. For each department, Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs) were based upon the energy consumed per unit of production. Use of Professional Experience: The plant identified the level of training for different personnel according to their job profile. The top management’s commitment to EnMS implementation was high and hence a management representative (MR) was appointed with immediate effect. The MR was given powers to make decisions with respect to the EnMS and he was also responsible for assigning roles and responsibilities to other members of the organization. The major resource was a team which comprised 15 experienced and dedicated members from all over the plant, specialists in their respective roles: this team was hence called the Energy Management Team (EMT) with the MR as their leader. The MR and EMT played key roles in implementing the EnMS and hence specialized training by certified external experts from the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) on EnMS implementation and internal auditor training was arranged. These members were, in turn, responsible for training the other staff members in their departments. In particular, a number of training sessions were arranged for ground level workers working in the SEU area, because they were the first in line to work on the machines and had a significant role to play in energy conservation and preservation. A clear communication system was set up with details and updates on EnMS were



circulated to all concerned personnel via e-mail; all the latest documents, records and data were placed on the intranet so as to be accessible to all staff members. Notice boards were also used to intimate workers of progress; control was maintained throughout by using passwords to protect all relevant documents on the intranet. Workers were trained on the process flows of the machines. They were also given proper instructions about how to operate the machine efficiently. For this purpose the instructions were noted down on a paper and placed near the machine to ensure good operational control.

Implementation roadmap of ISO 50001 and approach adopted A number of activities were undertaken to improve the energy performance of the plant, and included replacement of old inefficient motors by IE2 class highefficiency motors, as also VFD and LED light installation, all of which resulted in significant improvements in energy consumption. The energy efficiency improvement projects were first documented and a detailed action plan consisting of responsibilities and time frames was drawn up, with steps taken to implement it. Performance was measured using regression since it considered all variables affecting energy use. The energy team prepared a template for determining energy consumption and validation in Excel format. This template used the baseline data, regression, and some mathematical calculations to compute the energy consumption for the current period. A report was generated showing the difference between the actual and computed values of energy consumed with values deviating from preset limits, being colour-coded. Reasons for these deviations were given by the department’s energy team member. Since the system was fully integrated and scattered bits brought together, preparing for audits was no trouble. Only minor things such as placing the instructions at proper places near the machines, checking

ISSUE-6, SPECIAL EDITION-ENMS 2016 the availability of documents, needed to be checked.

ISO 50001- EnMS Flow Chart Raymond Limited – Textile Division-Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh

ISO 50001 and the PAT scheme


March 2015

Energy Policy

September 2015

Training Stakeholder

September 2015

MR - Appointment

September 2015

EnMS Team - Formation

September 2015

EnMS Manual

September 2015

Baseline Data, Objectives & Targets

September 2015

After implementing ISO 50001, the plant was able to reduce its energy consumption by 9.81% during the 1st PAT cycle.

Cost-benefit analysis

Replacing conventional lights September 2015 Action Plan & Implementation by LEDs and installing VFDs in September 2015 place of conventional starters Training - Internal Auditor saved Rs. 2.55 million, with a November 2015 Internal Audit total investment of Rs. 2.44 December 2015 MRM million. Other contributions January 2016 Documentation Audit to savings came from the February 2016 Certification Audit installation of solar light pipes, interlocking for ETP aerator motor, and replacement of obsolete motors by highISO Certification – 7th March 2016 efficiency motors. It was the hard work of our team that led to a timely completion of the projects of machines was considered to be taken aimed at saving energy, giving a payback as the base value for further analysis. period of one year. It was indeed a big task to implement Challenges the energy management system, but • As a composite textile mill, the largest the willingness and dedication of the hurdle that came our way was a gap organization brought success. Many in competence and training. Since the lessons were learned as the projects number of processes is large, the training were implemented: team work, sharing and competence of workers working of responsibilities, accountability, and in each process was different and the time management played a key role in gap had to be made up. After a long implementing EnMS. brain-storming session with the Human Resources personnel, it was decided to make a department-wise competency matrix which would also cover the training needs in a single context. • Because of the presence of different kinds of machinery with differing loads, varying from 0.375 kW to 135 kW, the number of motors was correspondingly very large, approximately 3000. This made it difficult to identify and set the criteria for SEU equipment; however, after studying all the aspects and possibilities a value of 100 kW for connected load of individual or group

Keys to Success • A suitable system / method for timely data collection and measurements of energy consumption within the plant’s boundary. • Awareness amongst the people working in the plant is essential because no system/process/method can be brought into practice without knowing its significance. • Good computer operating skills, especially for working with MS Excel, came in handy in EnPI measurement and analysis.



• ISO implementation guides, ISO 50002, 50003, 50004 and 50006 provided a clear idea about the interpretation and meaning of the EnMS standard and its

requirements. • A well-documented EnMS manual with all necessary procedures and action plans made it a lot easier to

Team of Innovators The team behind the successful implementation of the project was: Name of Department

Name of the Employee


Responsibility in the Organization


Mr. Jayant Joshi

Electrical Engineering

Mr. Chandrakant Choudhary

General Manager

Electrical Engineering

Mr. U.R. Deshmukh

Manager Electrical

Mechanical Engineering

Mr. Akhil Jain

Manager Mechanical

General Store

Mr. Dhirendra Mishra

Energy Management Team member

Deputy Manager


Mr. Nishikant Shastri

Energy Management Team member


Mechanical Engineering

Mr. Rakesh Upadhyay

Energy Management Team member

Assistant Manager

Instrumentation Mr. Ashish Sharma Engineering

Energy Management Team member



Mr. Abhijit Pattanayak

Energy Management Team member

Assistant Manager

P.V Spinning

Mr. Ambanna Kore

Energy Management Team member

Deputy Manager

Worsted Spinning

Mr. Ratanlal Verma

Energy Management Team member

Deputy Manager

Re combing

Mr. Sanjay Ekhar

Energy Management Team member


Grey. Combing

Mr. Himojyoti Nandi

Energy Management Team member



Mr. Manish Tiwari

Energy Management Team member



Mr. Pinaki Hazra

Energy Management Team member

Deputy Manager


Mr. Asit Adak

Energy Management Team member



Mr. Vinod Mokashi

Energy Management Team member


Management Representative


manage and implement the energy management system and share responsibilities.

Mr. Vinod Padmanabhan Director (Works) Raymond Limited, Chhindwara

Assistant Manager

“The implementation of ISO 50001 has resulted in overall awareness among all stakeholders and departmental heads. It has also given us a systematic and practical approach for analyzing the gaps and improvement areas which has resulted in energy efficiency improvement. This resulted in significant improvement of the energy performance level from an initial energy baseline. Individual process has now energy efficiency targets and objectives are being reviewed regularly.” “Saving energy not only saves money but also saves our limited and valuable natural resources”.





Energy Management System Implementation Shree Cement Limited – Mr. P. N. Chhangani,President (Works); Mr. R. Bhargava, Joint Vice President; Mr. Sanjay Singh, Manager (Energy Management Cell); Mr. Umang Gupta, Senior Engineering (Energy Management Cell)

• Based on the analysis of energy use and consumption, areas of significant energy use are identified as are also facilities, equipment, systems, processes and personnel working for, or on behalf of, the organization that significantly affect energy use and consumption. Other relevant variables affecting significant energy uses are identified. Current energy performance of facilities, equipment, systems and processes related to significant energy uses are identified and future energy use estimated.

Note: Give 1 mark bonus if Efficiency of equipment is 90 % or more Give 2 marks bonus if Efficiency of equipment is between 89-75 % Give 3 marks bonus if Efficiency of equipment is between 74-60 %

Criteria for rating energy aspect

Less than Rs 10,000/ annum


Easy to implement well established technology/ method, very simple changes are required

Less than Rs 1,00,000/ annum


Minor changes 7 are required

Efficiency Rating C Efficiency between 50%

Technological Rating B

Efficiency between 59.99-50%

Saving Potential Rating A

Identification of Energy Aspects and Prioritization • All members of the core team, comprising personnel from concerned departments such as Process, Mechanical, Electrical, the power plant,together with a Management Representative,conduct an energy review (aspect identification and evaluation) initially. While identifying and evaluating energy aspects, the


Once the energy aspects are identified, their significance is reviewed; the two significance criteria include, “Potential Savings” and “Feasibility”. Both these, Savings Potential and Feasibility, are added to determine which energy aspects are significant: aspects totaling to more than 10 are considered significant. The table below illustrates how the significant criteria are determined.

Efficiency between 74.99-60%

Development strategies adopted for implementing ISO 50001, Energy Management System

• Analysis of energy use and consumption based on measurements and identification of current energy sources. Past and present energy use and consumption are also evaluated.

Determining Criteria for Savings and Feasibility

Efficiency between 89.99-75%

Shree Cement Limited (SCL) is a leading Indian cement company and its approach in transforming risks into opportunities has given it a notable presence in the national cement industry. It is India’s third largest cement company with a cement production capacity of 25.6 million tonnes per annum. SCL commenced operations in 1986 with a production capacity of just 0.6 million tonnes per annum. With changing times and needs, SCL diversified its business portfolio and entered the power sector with a commercial power plant, Shree Mega Power,whose generating capacity was 300 MW. If 201 MW of captive power is included, the total power generation capacity becomes 501 MW. The capacity of this plant is augmented by 111 MW from the waste heat recovery plants (WHR),making a total of 612 MW. The capacity of SCL’sWHR power plant is, worldwide, second only to similar plants in China. WHR-based power plants are located in Beawar, Rasand Raipur.

following are considered.

Efficiency 90% or more

Introducing the Plant






Possibility Possibility for for Usage of Usage of alternative/ Renewable waste Energy Energy Rating D Rating E


Less 7 than Rs 10,00,000/ per annum

Major interventions/ changes are required


10 More than Rs 10,00,000/ per annum

Technology not available or not a proven technology




NEWSLETTER Give 4 marks bonus if Efficiency of equipment is between 59-50 % Give 5 marks bonus if Efficiency of equipment is below 50 % Give 2 marks bonus if there is Possibility for usage of renewable energy Give 1 mark bonus if there is Possibility for usage of alternative / waste energy The significant aspects are further examined to determine energy factors, opportunities for savings and required investment. Details are recorded in the register of opportunities (ROP).The above criteria are used to prioritize among the opportunities available based on payback period and use of renewable energy. An action plan for tackling the significant aspects based on priority is drawn up and recorded in the register of opportunities (ROP). The action plan could be in terms of an EnMP or check sheet or work instructions, or a combination of all these. The delegation of responsibilities for the action plan is also mentioned in the ROP. All members of the core team, comprising personnel from the concerned departments shall establish an energy baseline using the information in the initial energy review, considering a data period suitable to the organization’s energy use and consumption. Changes in energy performance shall be measured against the energy baseline. Adjustments to the baseline shall be made in the case of one or more of the following: 1. The Energy Performance Indicators (EnPI) no longer reflect organizational energy use and consumption, 2. There have been major changes to the process, operational patterns, or energy systems, or, 3. According to a predetermined method.

Use of Professional Expertise The plant regularly provides three kinds of training to their personnel: organizational needs, functional needs and individual needs. In FY 2014-15, 1,153 internal and external training programs were conducted across all SCL units, totaling



77,179.56 training man hours –a key highlight of our People Development Agenda. We are attempting to customize the training programs based on the individual learning style of employees in the coming year. In addition to classroom training, we also incorporate innovative and interactive modes of training such as role plays, theatre, workshops, movies and case studies to ensure that the sessions have a higher recall value.

• Work instructions for CCR operators from CCR control

Cross-functional training is an important aspect of our training sessions wherein employees are encouraged to work across departments, learn new skills and aspire for all-round development. This is aimed at building a team of people that comprehends the views of other teams and is able to address cross-sectorial challenges.

• To control dust generation while pressurizing raw mill circuit

Steps taken to improve energy performance and optimize operational control • Operational control procedures for general electrical maintenance • Operational control procedures for conservation of energy by optimizing the use of office lights and air conditioners • Operational control procedures for safe operation of lifts • Operational control procedures for energy conservation • Work instructions for shift in charge • Work instructions for section in charge • Work instructions for predictive maintenance of load center • Work instructions for preventive maintenance work instruction of motor, LRS, GRR • Work instructions for safe and efficient operation of lifts. • Conservation of energy associated with office lighting and air conditioning • Conservation of energy associated with control panel • Work instructions for CCR operators during changeover of shift

• To control dust during operation of ESP • To control hot material from kiln I/L and O/L during pressurization and normal operation • To minimize dust generation while cleaning during shutdown. • To minimize dust generation while cleaning cyclone.

• To control dust generation while operating bag filter. • To minimize power consumption of various drives during operation. • To control heat losses during kiln operation. • Optimum utilization of resources when overhauling hydraulic system. • Optimum use of power and ensuring safety during operation. • To reduce consumption of energy associated with office/site lighting and air conditioning. • To conserve energy while operating the compressor.

Cost-benefit analysis Implementation of ISO 50001 has benefitted Shree Cement - cost benefits for the FY 14-15 are as follows: • Annual energy cost savings: Rs 40.84 crores • Cost to implement: Rs 128 crores • Payback period: 3 years

Keys to Success Objective of implementing ISO 50001 was to achieve higher levels of energy efficiency ultimately leading to operational efficiencies. To align the efforts with NAPCC under the umbrella of PAT, the plant implemented the following projects: • Installation of waste heat recovery boiler for generation of electricity by utilizing waste heat from kilns: highest in India.



ISSUE-6, SPECIAL EDITION-ENMS 2016 Table 1: Journey towards implementing ISO 50001 Activity

PLANNING Prepare Annual Audit Plan covering Shree Management System as a whole.

Responsibility System Coordinator / MR

Auditors independent of their activities shall be nominated at the time of preparing Annual Audit Plan. The audit program / schedule for a specific period shall be prepared and circulated to all concerned, in advance.

System Coordinator / MR System Coordinator/ MR

Unscheduled (extra) audits may also be planned and carried out in case of:  Increased customer complaints  A change of personnel at the level of departmenthead and above.  Increased departmental non-conformance  No progress in Continual Improvement Projects / Objectives  Specific reports from regulatory bodies  Reduced customer satisfaction  External audit reports

System Coordinator/ MR

AUDIT TEAM Audit Team Individual auditor or a team of auditors, as found necessary and sufficient will audit each of the functional areas covered by quality/ environment / energy / OHS system elements. Normally the auditor will be a person from a sister department who has a general knowledge of the functions in that area. In case a team of auditors is assigned for any functional areas, one of them shall be nominated Team Leader with the responsibility for overall management of the audit. QUALIFICATION AND TRAINING OF AUDITORS Executives / engineers / officers who are given auditing assignments should be diploma engineersor graduatesat the minimum. They should also be given requisite training which is an internal auditor course conducted in-house, or the lead assessor’s course conducted internally or externally to facilitate quick and efficient auditing. PERFORMING AUDITS The auditors carry out audit of departments/activities to check for compliance and effectiveness of the quality system and prepare a report of non-compliance, if any

Mgt. Rep. / System Coordinator

The auditors also verify deficienciesin previous audits and review the effectiveness of the corrective action taken. The auditor prepares the audit report in 16:01:00:02.based on his findings recorded in the non-conformance report 16:01:00:01. This report is submitted to the system coordinator /concerned department and the auditee compiles the non-conformities observed during the audit.

Concerned Internal Auditor Concerned Internal Auditor & Auditee

Auditor shall also obtain acceptance on the observations, proposed corrective action and time required to resolve the non-conformities from the head of the auditee department on each non-conformity report.

Concerned Internal Auditor & Auditee

The auditee department shall take the necessary corrective action and inform the auditors for verification of action taken. The auditor shall keep system coordinator / MR informed in respect of the audit by sending a copy of the audit report at following stages: a) Immediately upon completion of audit b) After verification of corrective action taken by auditee. Review the progress of completion of audits once in three months. Prepare audit summary report and send the same to chairman (IMS-SMS) and MRs for review.

Concerned Auditee

Consolidation of NCRs is prepared and put up to MRs andchairman (IMS-SMS) for review. Consolidated list of corrective and preventive measures to avoid potentialnon-conformance is prepared with the consent of concerned officials and put up for review in MRG meeting.

System Coordinator System Coordinator

• Installation and commissioning of secondary crusher to enhance raw mill’s output • Enlargement of kiln inlet riser duct orifice cross section • Removal of fan inlet dampers at raw mill and coal mill fans

• Replacement of fuel feeding double screw conveyor by direct chute with a rotary air lock in coal mill circuit 
• Replacement of conventional fuel firing blowers by high efficiency Delta blowers • Installation of coalmill rejects recirculation system

Concerned Internal Auditor & Auditee

Concerned Internal Auditor

System Coordinator System Coordinator

• Tipping of raw mill fan impeller to increase fan flow • Replacement of existing conventional kiln tire cooling fans with high efficiency fans • Replacement of conventional fuel firing system by rotor scale



• Installation of high efficiency K-turbo blower for jet air in kiln burner

• Installation of VFDs and MVDs for various applications

• Installation of high efficiency IE-3 type motors.

• Elevator load current versus bag filter fan speed control system at clinker unloading circuit

• Replacement of conventional lights by LED lights • Replacement of higher rating less loaded LT motors by low rating high efficiency motors • Installation of Star-Delta starter


Mr. P. N. Chhangani President (Works Shree Cement Limited

• Louver damper removed from process fan inlet duct • Plant compressor operation taken into DCS and interlocked developed in DCs with cement and packing plant operations.

Team of Innovators The team behind the successful implementation of the project were (left to right) - Mr. Umang Gupta (Sr.Engg. (Energy Management Cell)), Mr Sanjay Singh (Manager (Energy Management Cell)), Mr. Sanjay Gupta (Additional General Manager (Quality Control)), Mr. Anil Sharma (General Manager (E & I)), Mr. Santosh Kumar Kumawat (Additional General Manager (Electrical)), Mr. Sanjay Chaturvedi (Senior Manager (Secretarial)), Mr. Vishal Singh (Assistant Manager (Secretarial)), Mr. Vimal Kumar Jain (Assistant General Manager (Electrical)), Mr. Ankit Nagar (Deputy Manager (Energy Management Cell)), Mr. Jayant Jain (Sr.Engg. (Energy Management Cell), Mr. Mohan Singh Rathore (Assistant General Manager (Mechanical)), Mr. Jagdish Prasad Ameta (General Manager (Process)), Mr. Satish Chandra Maheshwari (Vice President Operations (Management)), Mr. Arvindkumar Patil (General Manager (Development)), Mr. Ramesh Kumar Sharma (Deputy General Manager (Process)), Mr. Abhay Prakash Sharma (Assistant General Manager (Electrical)), Mr. Pawan Kumar Sharma (Senior Manager (Civil)) and Mr. Piyush Singh Brijvasi (Assistant Officer (Environment))

Frequent climate change events and rising GHG emissions levels have made it obligatory to take appropriate and pre-emptive actions. Sensing the future prospects of energy mix and supply scenarios, efficient energy management is quintessential. SCL is the First Indian Cement Company to adopt BS EN 16001:2009 Energy Management System proactively and revised it to ISO 50001 in the year 2011. Energy efficiency is an ultimate measure to combat climate change as it leads to improved process efficiency, costeconomics and energy conservation which ultimately reduce the GHGs emissions, and this is what SCL has been doing since its inception.





Energy Management System Implementation JK Lakshmi Cement Ltd. – Sirohi (Rajasthan) Plant – Mr. P. L. Mehta, Sr. Vice President (Works)& Unit Head, JK Lakshmi Cement Ltd. – Sirohi (Rajasthan)

Introducing the Plant JK Lakshmi Cement Limited, located in district Sirohi (Rajasthan) and established in 1982, is a member of JK Organization, which is one of the largest industrial groups in India. JK Lakshmi Cement was one of the first Indian cement companies to acquire ISO 9000 in June, 1994 for its quality assurance system. At present, JK Lakshmi Cement is ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and OHSAS 18001 certified, and its testing laboratory is also accredited by NABL. JK Lakshmi Cement is one of the most modern dry process cement plants in India, and adheres to all applicable statutory regulations.

Development strategies adopted for implementing ISO 50001, Energy Management System Development phase: • JKLC established, documented, implemented and maintained an EnMS and is committed to improving its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of ISO 50001:2011. It aims to lead reductions in greenhouse gases emissions, and also reduce other environmental impacts and energy costs through a systematic management of energy. • Top Management: Senior Vice President (Works),the Unit-Head is the Top Management in the organization and committed to the EnMS and improving its effectiveness. The Unit Head enunciated an energy policy which is required to be followed by everyone in the organization. • EnMS Team Leader/Management Representative: The Unit Head

had appointed a Management Representative, the EnMS team leader for the energy management systems; he is responsible for and has the authority to ensure that the EnMS is established, implemented, maintained and continually improved in accordance with ISO 50001:2011. • Energy Planning – general: An energy plan consistent with the energy policy had been drawn up and documented. This emphasized activities that continually improve energy performance and therefore involved a review of all activities within the organization with the potential to affect energy performance. • Energy Review: A procedure to record and maintain an energy review via periodic audits was established: the procedure defined the methodology and criteria for the review. • Review, Analysis and Planning – Energy Baseline: Based on the output of the initial energy review, and taking into account data for the last two years, an energy baseline was arrived at. Changes in energy performance were to be measured against this baseline. • Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs): Appropriate energy performance indicators (EnPIs) were identified and were linked to operational performance parameters such as energy used/ton of finished product. These are reviewed regularly compared and updated,each month, to the energy baseline. • Energy Objectives, Energy Targets and Energy Management Action Plans: Documented energy objectives and targets were established for

relevant functions, levels, processes and facilities. While establishing and reviewing objectives and targets, legal and other requirements were taken into account as were significant energy uses and opportunities to improve energy performance. • Financing: Consideration was also given to other factors such as financial, operational and business conditions, technological options and the views of stakeholders. Documented Energy Management Action Plans (EnMPs) were established, implemented and maintained with updates at defined intervals. The plans included designation of responsibility, stating how and when individual targets were to be achieved, a statement of the methods by which improvements in energy performance would be verified, and a statement of the methods to be used for verifying the results. • Duration: It was estimated that establishing the EnMS would take 18 months while the actual time taken was 17 months. Use of Professional Expertise • Competence, training and Awareness: All personnel working in areas that were part of the EnMS were trained for the purpose – needs were identified and training on operation of the EnMS was provided. Associated records, such as those evaluating the effectiveness of actions, are maintained. • Communication: The senior management established processes for communicating information about energy performance and the EnMS. Internal communications were carried




Internal Audit of the EnMS: Internal audits are conducted once in six months to ensure conformance to the ISO 50001:2011 requirements, and that the EnMS is effectively implemented, maintained and is improving energy performance. Operational Control: It was ensured that operations and maintenance activities related to significant energy use and consistent with the energy policy, objectives, targets and action plans, are identified. Conformance with specified conditions was ensured by:

out through formal meetings, internal circulars, letters, notice/display boards, the internal mail system, training programs (including those for Energy Policy), the internal magazine (Lakshmi Darpan), open forum meetings, daily, weekly meetings, safety committee meetings, cross functional teams, and quality circles. Any person working for, or on JKLC’s behalf could comment upon or suggest improvements to the EnMS. Suggestions/comments received from internal personnel were documented, reviewed and action taken.

firms to engage the personnel in EnMS activities.

Steps taken to improve energy performance and optimize operational control Approach used to determine the energy performance improvement and verify the results: Monitoring, Measurement and Analysis: A system for monitoring, measuring, recording and analyzing the key characteristics determining energy performance at specified intervals was established.

• Employee Engagement: Employees at different levels and from different functions were encouraged to participate in the EnMS activities through a suggestion scheme, a forum of quality circles, and cross-functional teams belonging to different sections of the plant. Such employees were nominated for internal and external training programs, and were deputed to visit other cement plants to see best practices implemented there.

These key characteristics included:

• Professional Expertise: Energy professionals and experts were called in from agencies such as the NCCBM, CII, and also from BEE-accredited energy auditors/BEE empanelled energy audit

An energy measurement plan was defined and implemented, which included utility meters, monitoring and measurement systems connected to the energy measurement software system.

• Significant energy use and other outputs of energy review; • Relevant variables related to significant energy use; • Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs); • Effectiveness of the action plans in achieving objectives and targets; • Evaluation of actual versus expected energy consumption.

• Establishing and setting criteria for effective operation and maintenance of areas of significant energy use, where deviations could affect energy performance significantly; • Operating and maintaining facilities, processes, systems and equipment, in accordance with operational criteria; • Appropriate communication of the operational controls to personnel working for, or on behalf of, the organization. • Making available/displaying written work-instructions for a specific process or procedure. Energy performance shall be included in determining how JKLC will procure equipment and also react to contingencies, emergencies or disasters.

Cost Benefit Analysis The implementation of various energy saving measures achieved a total energy cost saving of Rs 903 million, with an investment of Rs 2832 million and an average payback period of 38 months.

Challenges As all the employees were well versed with the other management systems already in place (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001) the implementation of ISO 50001 was smooth. However, the involvement and education of bottom



ISSUE-6, SPECIAL EDITION-ENMS 2016 consumption patterns. • Improvements in operational efficiencies possible; different approach developed towards maintenance and procurement procedures. • Improvement in the awareness of issues related to energy consumption and conservation among employees as well as other associates. • Helped to minimize wastage of energy. Significant Achievements at the end of PAT (Perform, Achieve and Trade) Cycle-1: • Overall energy performance improved from 877 kCal/kg of major product to 747 kCal/kg of major product in PAT Cycle1.

line workmen was a challenge which was met by regular and effective training by internal and external resource persons.

Overall benefits achieved • A structured platform for energy consumption,



and energy management activities was made available.

• An easy approach to identify and prioritize major energy consuming activities and equipment was put into place • Close monitoring of high energy consuming processes made possible and also the development of a mechanism for providing information about any change in energy

• Thermal energy intensity reduced from 759 kCal/kg of clinker to 704 kCal/kg of clinker. • Overall electrical energy intensity reduced from 81 units/tonne of cement to 74 units/tonne of cement. • Up to clinkerization, electrical energy intensity reduced from 55 units/tonne of clinker to 49 units/tonne of clinker.

Chinese VRM

Kiln-1 upgradation

Hot-Air Recirculation Duct

IKN Cooler

NEWSLETTER • Achieved total energy cost saving of Rs 903 million, with an investment of Rs 2832 million and an average payback period of 38 months. • Achieved CO2 reduction, from 915 kg CO2/tonne of clinker to 891 kg CO2/ tonne of clinker. • Increased generation of green energy, through WHRS (Waste Heat Recovery

ISSUE-6, SPECIAL EDITION-ENMS 2016 System), 7.56 to 90.62 Million units/ annum. • Reduction in CO2 increased, from 2.6 kg CO2/ton of clinker to 24.56 kg CO2/tonne of clinker, on account of increased generation of green energy, through WHRS.


Mr. P. L. Mehta Sr. Vice President (Works) & Unit Head JK Lakshmi Cement Limited, Sirohi (Rajasthan)

• Pictures of the projects implemented

Team of Innovators The team behind the successful implementation of the project were (Front row; Left to right): Mr. Alok Kumar Gupta (Dy. Gen. Manager (Geology)), Mr. Nikesh Mittal (Sr. Manager (Elect)), Mr. Shobha Ram (Sr. Manager (Elect)), Mr. Vivekanand B K (Dy. Gen. Manager (DG-PH)), Mr. N K J Panchal (Dy. Gen. Manager (Elect)), Mr. B B Wadhawan (Vice President (Engg)), Mr. Ajay Sharma -Dy. M. R. (Gen Manager (Process – CM)), Mr. S. K. Gupta (Dy. Gen. Manager (Mech)), Mr. Rajpal Singh Shekhawat (Gen Manager (Process)); (Second Row-Left to Right):Mr.P K Kabra (Sr. Manager (Mech)), Mr. Hemant Shrimali (Manager (DG-PH)), Mr. Umesh Gupta (Manager (Instrumentation)), Mr. R K Mishra (Manager (QC)), Mr. C. P. Taparia (Sr. Manager (Mech)) and Mr. Pankaj Tiwari (Dy. Manager (Process)).

EnMS-50001 has helped us a lot to achieve PAT (Perform Achieve & Trade) Targets by implementing best practices, involving our team members at all levels, ensuring periodic reviews, identifying opportunities for improvement & executing our action plans as per set timelines.





Energy Management System Implementation Raymond Limited, Jalgaon Unit – Mr. Sanjay Bokare(Dy.GM Engg.), Raymond Limited, Jalgaon Unit

Introducing the Plant The Jalgaon Division of Raymond Ltd. was established in 1979 with a manufacturing capacity of 79 lakh meters per annum, of worsted suiting. The worsted division manufactures worsted suiting fabric with polyester-wool and polyester-viscose blends.

Strategies adopted for implementing ISO 50001, Energy Management System Development phase • The top management is committed to establishing the EnMS system because of its direct effect on operation costs. This is encouraged by providing separate funds, and involving the heads of each department, who decide issues related to EnMS implementation and use available resources. • An energy team was formed comprising young and energetic members together with experienced members. Each team member’s responsibility was clearly defined, as were timelines.

• The team identified current energy sources, evaluated past and present energy use and consumption. Based on this, analysis areas of significant energy use were identified. Also identified were the facilities, equipment, systems, processes and personnel working for, or on behalf of, the organization that significantly affect energy use and consumption. Other relevant variables affecting energy use significantly were also identified. • Estimates of future energy use and consumption were also drawn up; opportunities for improving energy performance were identified, priorities listed and recorded. Based upon the energy review, an energy baseline for each SEU was set as was also a target for each department. Use of Professional Experience: A professional was hired to guide personnel and implement EnMS 50001. He provided training customized to the level of the employee and made them aware of the EnMS system and how to implement

Figure 1: Electricity and Production in the plant

it. An Idea Box has been set up in every department to collect suggestions from shop floor workers, with the best suggestion of the month being awarded, so as to encourage the workmen. At middle level, there is a monthly meeting to assess whether the EnMS system has been implemented effectively. Tools and resources The plant was guided by a BEE-certified energy auditor. Help was sought from external experts to implement ISO 50002:2014, ISO 50003:2014, and ISO 50004:2014. ISO 14001:2008 was a very handy tool in the implementation of the EnMS system.

Steps taken to maintain operational control and sustain energy performance improvement The plant listed some Critical Operating Parameters (COPs) for each department and monitor these parameters continuously; the COPs are prominently displayed in each department. Specific consumption in the plant was monitored each day. Approach used to: 1) determine whether energy performance improved, and, 2) to validate results 1. Monitoring of specific energy consumption of each department. 2. Monitoring of plant’s monthly power consumption. 3. Monitoring of efficiency and machine utilization. 4. Measurement of power consumption using energy meters installed in each area. 5. Recording of daily production.




Table 1: Analysis of Actual v/s Expected and Target Saving Month







































Var 1













Var 2













Var 3













Expected consumption































-156359 -217491 -195512 -160639 -118443 -87061






























savings CUSUM




-160619 -223249 -202697 -169138 -128400 -98160




% Variance















Cost-benefit analysis: Project

Annual Annual energy savings savings (kWh) (lacs)


Converting chiller plant into normal humidification plant



Replacing 10 TPH boiler into 6 TPH boiler


Installing VFDs in treated water pump



Payback in months



  208 tonnes of 52 coal







8592 Replacing fluid coupling motor with energy-efficient motor along with drive




Replacing conventional tubelights with LEDs






Initial cost (lacs)

Lessons Learned 1. Energy cost is playing very vital role in manufacturing we need to use energy efficiently. 2. Use of Energy efficient equipment should be our focus.

Team of Innovators The team behind the successful implementation of the project were Mr. Bhupender Rajput (Dy. Manager), Mr. Milan Rana (Executive), Mr. Inder Pal Singh Kohli (Executive) and Narendra singh Rathore (Executive).

Mr. Sanjay Sharan Sr. Director (Works) Raymond Limited, Jalgaon Unit

ISO 50001 is a very handy tool to reduce production cost by implementing various energy measures.





BEE’s Financing Initiatives – Ms. Vineeta Kanwal, Assistant Energy Economist, Bureau of Energy Efficiency India’s objective of attaining sustainable economic growth is directly related to the efficient management of its energy resources. The Government of India is implementing a large number of programmes addressing the country’s economic challenges: closely linked to these is bridging the gap between the demand and supply of energy: energy efficiency has a vital role in this role to bridge the gap between the demand and supply of energy. In June 2008, the Government of India released the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) with the objective of achieving a sustainable path of development advancing both, economic and environmental objectives. The National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) is a key component of the NAPCC, under which the Ministry of Power and BEE have launched the Framework for Energy Efficient Economic Development (FEEED), and Energy Efficiency Financing Platform (EEFP). The BEE has constituted two funds under the FEEED, the Partial Risk Guarantee Fund for Energy Efficiency (PRGFEE)and Venture Capital Fund for Energy Efficiency (VCFEE) to bridge the gap between demand and supply of capital investment in energy efficiency projects. The PRGFEE is a risk-sharing mechanism to provide financial institutions (banks and NBFCs) with a partial coverage of risk in extending loans for energy efficiency projects. The guarantee will not exceed Rs. 10 crore per project or 50% of the loan amount, whichever is less. The Government of India has approved Rs. 312 crore for the PRGFEE covering the following sectors: government buildings, private buildings with commercial or multi-storey residential accommodation,

municipalities, SMEs and industry. The Ministry of Power has a constituted a supervisory committee to monitor the implementation of the PRGFEE. The BEE appointed an Implementing Agency (IA),a consortium comprising RECPDCL-RECEESL,toope rationalize the PRGFEE, in July 2015. Many public and private sector banks have shown an interest in this programme with Yes Bank signing a charter with BEE in 2015 to this effect. IDFC Bank, Tata Clean tech Capital Ltd., and Andhra Bank have, so far, been empanelled by BEE. BEE and Implementing Agency have prepared the Operations Manual for the PRGFEE and created a pipeline of few projects to be covered under this guarantee mechanism. PRGFEE rules were notified by the Ministry of Power (MoP)in May 2016. The Venture Capital Fund for Energy Efficiency (VCFEE) is a fund to provide equity capital for energy efficiency projects. A single investment by the fund is not to exceed Rs. 2 crore. The Fund provides last mile equity support to specific energy efficiency projects, limited to a maximum of 15% of the total equity required, through Special Purpose Vehicles, or Rs. 2 crore, whichever is less. Sectors covered under VCFEE are government buildings, private buildings and municipalities. The Government of India has approved Rs. 210 crore for this Fund. The MoP has constituted a Board of Trustees for VCFEE and the trust was registered on 7th July 2015. The BEE has already identified SIDBI as the Fund Manager for VCFEE; the notification of VCFEE rules bythe MoPis underway. In a recent market survey of ESCOs being carried out by USAID-PACE-D team for energy efficiency projects in 2014-16,it

has been estimated that there is a debt requirement of Rs. 450 crore and an equity requirement of Rs.185 crore for energy efficiency projects. The Energy Efficiency Financing Platform (EEFP) is an important initiative under NMEEE whose objective is to provide a platform for interaction with financial institutions and project developers to implement energy efficiency projects. As part of this programme, MoUs have been signed with financial institutions to work together for developing energy efficiency market side ntifying issues related to this market development. The BEE is signing MoUs with M/s. PTC India Ltd, M/s. SIDBI, Tata Capital, and IFCI Ltd to promote financing for energy efficiency projects. In 2015, BEE signed an MoU with the Indian Banks’ Association for training programs on energy efficiency financing for scheduled commercial banks. This training program was launched in June 2015 and two training-of-trainers workshops were held in June 2015. During the launch of this training programme the BEE released a booklet entitled, “Success Stories for EE Projects Financed in India” and a “Training Manual for Energy Efficiency Financing in India”. This booklet containsan account of 50 success stories related to energy efficiency projects financed by SDBI and covers 20 industrial sectors across the country. In National Energy Conservation Awards 2015, two new categories for FIs and best business models were also introduced to encourage financing in the energy efficiency sector. These financing tools for promoting energy efficiency projects under NMEEE will assist India in its commitment to the Paris Climate Change Agreement signed in December 2015.




Technology gap assessment of the Pulp and Paper Sector and the scope for UK technology suppliers in this industry – Dr. B. P. Thapliyal, Scientist F and Head, Central Pulp & Paper research Institute In India, six hundred pulp and paper manufacturing plants produce 14.99 million tons of paper against an installed capacity of 19.27 million tons. This accounts for 3.7% of the global paper production. The Indian paper industry has a highly fragmented structure consisting of small, medium and large paper mills with capacities ranging from 10 to 1500 tpd, and using mostly wood, agro residues and recycled waste paper for raw material. The industry is growing at a rate of 8% per annum, due to a demand for paper and paper board. The Indian paper industry mostly produces writing/printing, newsprint, as well as industrial grade paper. Of the total production of 14.99 million tons of paper/ paper board and newsprint, 35% is writing

and printing paper; 55% is packaging paper, and 10% is newsprint. Certain special kinds of papers such as security and cheque paper are imported. The writing and printing grades of paper,mostly the uncoated varieties, cream wove, maplitho and branded copier, are made mostly from woodbased raw materials, with agro and recycled waste paper being used as raw material for a small portion. Industrial paper, classified into kraft paper, white board, machine glazed (MG) poster, duplex board and grey board, is largely produced by the small- and mediumsized recycled waste paper and agro-based mills. Newsprint grade paper is made by mills which use mostly recycled waste paper as raw material. The level of technology used in the three segments of industry (in terms of the raw

material used: wood, agro and recycled fibre-based) varies. The agro and recycled paper mills still use conventional processes which are obsolete by international standards, and have not attempted to improve their methods. However, the wood-based mills have upgraded the technology used to improve paper quality and reduce pollution load. In order to solve many problems the industry faces, it is necessary to modernize the processes involved in paper manufacture; the technology currently in use lags behind that used in the rest of the world by about 30 years. Steps aimed at filling the gaps in technology should be taken up in wood, agro- and recycled fibre-based paper mills through a structured technology support

Table 1: Comparison between India and the world in terms of basic inputs to paper production Industry Group

Wood-based mills

Agro-based mills

Recycle Fiber (RCF)-based mills producing unbleached grades RCF-based mills producing bleached grades


Raw material, t/t paper**

Global Consumption

1.8 - 2.0

Current Indian Industry Consumption 2.2 - 2.4

Industry Benchmark (best practice) Upto 2.0

Power, kWh/t paper

1000 - 1100



Steam, t/t paper


12 – 13


Water, m3/t paper

below 50

Upto 100


Raw material, t/t paper


2.6 – 2.8


Power, kWh/t paper


1200 – 1400


Steam*, t/t paper


12- 14 (CR) 8-10 (NCR)

10 (CR) 7 (NCR)

Water, m3/t paper


Upto 120

Upto 100

Raw material, t/t paper


1.1- 1.2

Upto 1.1

Power, kWh/t paper


450 – 550


Steam, t/t paper




Water, m3/t paper

5.0 – 7.5

Upto 30

Upto 20

Raw material, t/t paper

1.2 - 1.25

1.2 - 1.4

Upto 1.2

Power, kWh/t paper

600 - 650

680 – 800


Steam, t/t paper

4.0 - 4.5

6.0 – 7.0


Water, m3/t paper

10 -15

Upto 50

Upto 35

Source: Industry Associations data NA – industry data not available * Agro-based mills are classified on the basis of the method of chemical recovery used: conventional (CR); and, non-conventional (NCR). **Raw material is measured in terms of bone dry weight



ISSUE-6, SPECIAL EDITION-ENMS 2016 Table 2: Practices in Indian mills compared with practices in developed countries

Practices used in India

Modern technological practices in developed countries

Raw Material Preparation • Chipping of wood & bamboo: Disc/drum chippers used • Cutting of agro residues: Straw cutters • De-pithing of bagasse: Conventional methods

• De-barking of raw material • Mechanized harvesting and baling • Efficient de-pithing of bagasse

Pulping • Pulping of agro residues: Spherical Rotary Digesters and Continuous Pandia Digesters used employing soda pulping process. • Pulping of wood & bamboo: Pulping is by sulfate process. Stationary Batch Digesters largely being used. Only two mills have continuous Kamyr digesters; and one mill has RDH pulping process. • Higher kappa number

• • • • •

Continuous Digesters used Energy-efficient super batch process RDH pulping using sulphate process andsulphite process Efficient blow-heat recovery Oxygen de-lignification

Brown Stock Washing • Poacher washers used in small mills based on agricultural residue • Ultra filterssuch as double wire belt washers, twin roll washers and waste paper. and diffuser washers used. • Countercurrent washing is employed in other mills using rotary drum vacuum filters. • Chemi washers have been installed in only two mills. Bleaching • Hypochlorite bleaching in small mills. • Bleaching in medium and large mills is conventional: CEH, CEHH, CEoHH (C-Chlorine, E-Extraction, H-Hypochlorite, Eo- Oxidative Extraction). • Chlorine dioxide bleaching practiced only in 5 mills. • Ozone bleaching practiced only in one mill

• Total Chlorine Free (TCF) process incorporating bleach enzymes O-Z-Q-P O-Z-Q-P-X O-X-Z-Q-P O-A-EoP-P/ O-Q-EoP-P O-A-Z-P • Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) process incorporating enzymes ODED OC/ DEoDED (C-Chlorine, E-Extraction, H-Hypochlorite, O-Oxygen, Z-Ozone, Q-Chelation, P-Peroxide, D-Chlorine dioxide, A-Acidification)

Chemical Recovery • In evaporation streammost large mills have Long Tube Vertical (LTV) type evaporators; two mills still have Short Tube Vertical (STV) evaporators, followed by Direct Contact Evaporator (DCE) which are environmentally incompatible as it is difficult to achieve high solids concentration with DCEs. • Some of the mills have incorporated Falling Film (FF) type finisher effects. • In the area of recovery boiler, the mills are equipped with Tomlinson boilers with double drum technology. The problem of silica in black liquor is a major problem in chemical recovery. No mill uses black liquor desilication. • Use of furnace oil in the lime kiln

In the area of chemical recovery the state-of-the-art technology involves: • Inclusion of 7 effect plate-type falling film evaporators and Vapour Compression Evaporation for higher steam economy and low steam consumption. • Inclusion of thermal treatment in the evaporator street to achieve higher solids concentration. • Adoption of large capacity single drum boiler with continuous blow down. • Rotary lime kilns with pre coat filter for mud filtration. • Desilication of silica-rich black liquor • Incorporation of non-process elements (NPE) removal system • Efficient lime re-burning • Use of producer gas and biogas from waste biomass in the Lime Kiln • Incineration of non- condensable gases(NCG’s) in the Lime Kiln for reduced emission of sulfur compounds

Stock preparation • Poor fibrerecovery • White water recycling • No/little automatic control in stock preparation section.

• Efficient fibre recovery through sedimentation and floatation technology • Fully closed loop with minimum fresh water use • Improved automation


ISSUE-6, SPECIAL EDITION-ENMS 2016 Practices used in India


Modern technological practices in developed countries

Paper Machine • Slow machines with small deckles hence low production rate. • Open head box without CD profile control system. • Fourdrinier wire section with low retention resulting in poor paper formation. • Single nip presses • Open hoods without heat recovery system. • Large steam consumption and low condensate recovery from dryers. • No auto control system. • Hardnip calendars.

• High speed (averagespeed of the best paper machine in world) is twice that of India’s best. • Wider paper machine deckle • Eco-friendly biocides • Efficient filler andfibre recovery • Efficient condensate recovery • Modification of Head Boxes, modification of Forming section and high speed print formers, • Improved press configuration using nip presses and closed draw system

Environmental Management • Effluent treatment employing conventional ASP Process: Difficult • Efficient recycling and reuse of water using Kidney technologies to achieve desired pollution norms • Bio-remediation of color, COD and Adsorbable organic halogens • Gaseous pollution (NCGs) (AOX) from paper mill effluent employing developed microbial consortia- pilot testing. • Incineration of NCGs Recycled Fibre – Biodeinking • Large quantities of deinking and bleach chemicals used • Low toner ink removal • Drainage rate • Brightness • Stickies • Dirt Count • High ERIC values • High BOD and COD

• Savings in deinking and bleach chemicals • Improved drainage rate, thereby productivity • Improved product quality through: Gain in brightness Reduction in stickies Reduction in Dirt Count Low ERIC values • Reduced pollution load in terms of BOD and COD

Enzymatic Refining of Pulp • Refining energy • Drainability

• Reduction in refining energy • Improved drainability

programme. The programme should aim to improve the competitiveness of industry by acquiring state-of-art technologies. This can be achieved by: • Identifying and marketing appropriate technologies • Acquiring proven technology of UK origin/design and drawing. • Contractual R&D activities leading to technology upgradation of the units. The aspects that such a scheme should cover are: • Raw material upgradation • Resource conservation • Product quality • Process improvement • Energy conservation • Environmental compliance • Research and development for adoption of technologies in Indian mills. The projections for growth upto 2025-26 are very encouraging and prospects for introducing appropriate UK technology via suppliers into the Indian paper industry are bright.




Interventions of ESCO-based Steam Supply Services in a Process Industry - the Success Story of Kaleesuwari Refinery (KRPL) – Mr. Pprakash Vankani, Director, GSH Energy Services Private Limited Kaleesuwari Refinery Private Limited (KRPL), popularly referred to as Kaleesuwari is one among India’s largest FMCG brands and has also managed to makea mark in a few international markets such as America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The refinery produces edibleoils as also oils for home care, personalcare and for use in baking confectionery. There are four major manufacturing facilities across the southern states backed by state-of-the-art refining technology and processes from Desmet Ballestra, Belgium.

Intervention of GSH GROUP in Thermal Energy Supply

This is a case study of the KRPL unit located at Medavakkam, Chennai, and looks at their unique and innovative Energy Saving Company (ESCO)contract approach for effectively and efficiently meeting the need for thermal energy.

The GSH Group, with their domain expertise in the operation of thermal utilities was a natural choice for this work, for KRPL.

Nature of Energy Use – KRPL Chennai The Chennai unit of KRPL is considered the mother unit and is highly energy in tensive. Electrical energy is sourced from the State Electricity Board while thermal energy is generated in-house using a coal-fired boiler. Coal-fired thermic fluid heaters are also used to meet any high temperature heating process requirements.

Considering the challenges involved in fulfilling their thermal energy needs, KRPL decided to outsource the operations and maintenance of their thermal utilities so as to enable a sharper focus on their core activities such as innovations in processing, launching a wider variety of products, and, maintaining an uncompromised quality standard.

GSH Group PLC,a renowned US- and UK-based multinational company in the field of facility and energy management evolved the concept of steam supply service through ESCO contracting.

• Cost of steam indexed with price of coal based on prevailing market situation. • Guaranteed supply of steam @ 14 ± 0.5 kg/cm² and 180 °C, and mass flow rate as desired. • Uninterrupted steam supply throughout the day and year (excluding annual maintenance hours). • Replacement guarantee for boiler and associated equipment throughout the period of the contract. Onsite maintenance of all the equipment. Duration of the contract 7 years from the signature of the contract and extendable by 5 years. • All assets of the thermal utility leased to GSH Group for the term of contract.

Unique Strategies Adopted by GSH

GSH has articulated a unique ESCO model in the Indian context. The model is a blend To fulfil the contract responsibilities and of GSH’s international experience and commitments, GSH adopted innovative exposure as well as the specific requirement engineering and managerial techniques. of Indian industries. In essence, the end- These are described below. to-end responsibility of steam generation i. Fuel Procurement would be taken care of solely by the GSH GSH set up an exclusive Procurement Group with payment being made on a Division to look after the economic and pre-agreed unit cost of steam. Figure 1: ESCO Steam Supply Model at KRPL, Chennai

Challenges Encountered with respect to in-house Thermal Energy Generation Salient The current set up for supplying thermal energy involves the deployment of technically qualified manpower as also top management for day-to-day activities such as procuring coal of the right quality,its storage, handling, utilization, operation and maintenance of the boiler and it sauxiliaries. Stringent statutory and environmental compliance by the company call for close monitoring and prompt action.

such as coal procurement, operations and maintenance of boiler and related auxiliaries, water treatment and waste disposal.

Features of Steam Supply Services via ESCO Route The salient features of the steam supply model are listed below. • GSH to take entire responsibility of steam generation including aspects


Steam Pressure @ 14 kg/cm2 & temperature 180 oC

KRPL, Chennai Unit

Steam Flow Meter

Charged based on pre agreed Rs / kg against actual consumption consumption

Water Treatment Plant

Coal Fired Boiler Stack With Monitoring System

Ash Handling System

GSH Scope:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Coal Handling

KR PL Bo un da ry Coal Procurement

Coal Storage Figure 1 ESCO Steam Supply Model at KRPL, Chennai

GSH Boundary

NEWSLETTER technical aspects of the procurement process. The Division ensured the availability of coal as well as its adherence to predefined fuel characteristics such as moisture content, size, calorific value, caking index. ii. O & M Methodologies GSH, as a domain expert in utility operations and maintenance,has adopted a systematic and meticulous approach to the execution of this service with a team of qualified engineers and technicians. Improvements continue in areas such as fuel storage and handling, fuel and water monitoring tests with well-established laboratory facilities, improved water quality through effective treatment, and,by methodical operations in the thermal, mechanical and electrical utilities. The technical team is supported by skilled technical staff and often trained by a team of technical experts and specialists. iii. Advanced Automations and Instrumentation Controls GSH has invested a considerable amount of capital in upgrading the metering and monitoring methodologies and are thus able to identify bottlenecks in dayto-day operations and eliminate the wastage of resources such as coal, water, electricity, etc. Some notable changes were the installation of online combustion monitoring software, EffiMax 3000 (a product of Forbes Marshall), and remote energy monitoring software, GSH EMS (a product of GSH), (shown in Figures 2 and 3) to monitor energy use and facilitate maintenance of desired efficiency levels.

ISSUE-6, SPECIAL EDITION-ENMS 2016 iv. Energy Efficiency The main goal of this ESCO model is to fulfill the thermal energy demand of KRPL, Chennai, by enhancing the efficiency of energy use without compromising on environmental norms. The energy efficiency of steam generation is enhanced through the necessary audits and periodical reviews by the team of energy experts led by a specialized arm of the GSH Group. Different ways in which energy efficiency was increased and some areas of the utility where these improvements took place are listed below.  Efficient coal stacking and conveying.  Control of coal fines by monitoring quality and characteristics before feed.  Oxygen trim control (maintained at 4 to 5%).  Reducing radiation losses by costeffective insulation.  Minimizing air ingress.  Recovering condensate to maximum possible extent thereby increasing feed water temperature and conserving resources.

Benefits of ESCO Model on Energy, Economy and Environment This ESCO contract commenced in April 2015 and continues to operate successfully. Benefits of the venture are detailed below.  Reduction in coal consumption maintaining a steam-to-coal ratio not

Figure 2: EffiMax 3000 Online Combustion Monitoring Tool


less than 5 kg of steam/kg of fuel.  Increased profitability, since energy efficiency is the only profit margin factor for the GSH Group.  Uninterrupted supply of steam with the desired parameters, hence increased productivity and nil downtime.  Sharper focus by KRPL team on their core activities such as production and quality enhancement to increase competitiveness in the market.  Reduction in operating costs because of improved energy efficiency and enhanced maintenance.  Watch by GSH on subsidies, environmental standards, CO2 quota management, hygiene and safety, etc.

Summary The scheme to supply steam through the ESCO route proved to be a success allowing the reaping of substantial financial, organizational and environmental benefits. The success of this ESCO model can be attributed to the unique work culture of the GSH Group and the extraordinary organizational support provided by the Kaleesuwari Group. The success of the ESCO model is also evident from the fact that a similar contract(ESCObaseds team supply service at the KRPL, Palani Unit) was offered to the GSH Group by the Kaleesuwari management,an acknowledgement of the excellent service delivered.

Figure 3: GSH EMS Online Energy Monitoring Tool




KEP JOURNEY IN LAST ONE YEAR Sector-Specific Best Practices Workshops to Promote Energy Efficiency KEP has so far organized sector level workshops for all PAT sectors of the first cycle and has now initiated the sectoral best practice workshops for the second PAT cycle. So far cement, textile and aluminium best practice workshops have been organized for the second PAT cycle. The distinctive feature about these workshops is that they are able to secure diverse stakeholder participation and promote peer to peer learning through exchange of best practices and technology exhibition.

Fertilizer workshop - 16th February, Iron & Steel workshop - 4th March, 2016 at Jagdishpur 2016 at Raipur

2nd Textile workshop-28th June, 2016 at Ahmedabad

2nd Cement workshop-7th July 2016 at Telangana

2nd Aluminium workshop-16th December, 2016 at Hirakud

Cross Sectoral- Best Practice Workshops to Promote Energy Efficiency The two day ‘National Workshop cum Technology Exhibition for Promoting Industrial Energy Efficiency’ was organized under the Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEP) initiative from 7th to 8th November, 2016 at New Delhi, which was attended by more than 270 participants from aluminium, cement, chlor-alkali, fertilizer, pulp & paper, textile, iron & steel, thermal power, hospital, sugar, chemical, glass, automobile sectors. The event also provided an excellent opportunity to facilitate exchange of knowledge and transfer of technologies by bringing together the industry, technology suppliers and other important stakeholders on a common platform at the technology & poster exhibition. KEP also recognized the contribution of the participating speakers, technology suppliers and poster presenters through an award ceremony at the end of the workshop.

Participants at the workshop

Industry delegates at the Technology Exhibition

Industry delegates at the Poster Exhibition

Award distribution at the workshop

Sector Learning Group (SLG) Meetings

KEP has so far organized the first SLG meetings for all PAT sectors of the first cycle and has now initiated the series of 2nd SLG meetings with a focus on mapping the present technology gap in the sector in-order to identify / understand what technological advancements are needed to help industry achieve the higher targets said under the second PAT cycle.

Fertiliser SLG meeting on 15th February, 2016 at Jagdishpur

Iron&Steel SLG meeting on 3rd March, 2016 at Raipur

2nd Textile SLG meeting on 27th June,2016 at Ahmedabad

2nd Cement SLG meeting on 7th July,2016 at Telangana

2nd Pulp & Paper SLG meeting on 11th August 2016 at New Delhi

Friendly Energy Efficiency Exchange Visits KEP organized three friendly energy efficiency exchange visits for the fertilizer, cement and aluminium sectors, where the delegates were taken around the plant areas and control room. These industrial visits also facilitated interaction with the plant personnel on energy efficiency improvement initiatives, maintenance practices, efficient operation, and monitoring Visit to Indo Gulf Fertiliser plant practices.

Visit to My Home Industries Limited Visit to Hindalco industries Limited, Hirakud

Subscribe to KEP Newsletter KEP Newsletter is a quarterly publication that highlights the best practice case studies on energy efficiency, small group activities, updates on PAT, ESCerts, financing models and innovative national and international technologies to help industry in continuously improving their energy productivity. To enable us to sustain this effort, we plan to make this Newsletter a priced publication from next issue onwards. We strongly encourage you to subscribe to the Newsletter, which will keep you updated and informed about the latest developments in the field of energy efficiency. Subscription type: • Single Subscription: INR 1000 per issue • Annual Subscription: INR 3000 [4 issues]

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Comments and feedback welcome: Knowledge Exchange Platform Secretariat Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Sewa Bhawan, R.K.Puram, Sector-1 New Delhi-110066 | E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] For more information, please visit us at: