KSB Australia - Pumps, Valves and Service

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KSB - Australia is one of the world's leading manufacturers of pumps and valves and also offers a comprehensive range of service activities. The company's ...
In-Line Centrifugal Motor Pumps


AJ A X E - L I N E — Fi rs t C h o i c e Fo r Bu i l d i n g S e rv i c e s

Australia’s Leading Pump Manufacturer since 1939

Pump Designation


80 x 65 / 32





EL Inline Pump Suction diameter mm Discharge diameter mm Nominal impeller diameter cm Arrangement Motor nominal kW Material Code High temperature seal (optional)

Use of standard motor allows for easy replacement.

Entire range is covered by only six stub shaft. Back pull out feature enables the removal of the motor, support frame and impeller without disturbing the suction and delivery pipe work or the casing.

Mechanical seal is fitted as standard.

Double shrouded hydraulically balanced impeller with rear balancing vanes on smaller sizes, and balance holes with rear wear ring on larger size.

Stainless steel shaft sleeve is fitted under the mechanical seal. Flanged In-Line Casing.

Each unit has a base mounting capability.

Every casing is fitted with replaceable wear ring.

General Operating Parameters Pump Sizes


40mm to 300 mm



Up to 300 l/s



Up to 155 m

Maximum Operating Pressure


1600 kPa

Maximum Hydrostatic Test Pressure


2100 kPa

Maximum Suction Pressure 2900rpm


700 kPa

Standard. Temp. Mech. Seal


-10˚C to 80˚C

Note: EL(M2) high temperature mechanical seal option, suitable for 130˚C available on request.

E-LINE Single stage, in line centrifugal pump fitted with standard motor and mechanical seal. Nominal flow rate of this range complies with DIN 24255 (EN733) standard.

E a s y To I n s t a l l Ajax E-Line pumps are ready to be installed with a minimum of preparation. The pump is mounted in a straight run of pipe which simplifies pipe work and saves space.

Back Pull-Out Design Easy to service. The Ajax Inline Pump has the Back Pull-Out “B.P.O.” feature which allows for removal of the motor and pump without disturbing the pipe work.

Motor Options Electric Motors are standard TEFC, 3 phase squirrel cage design in accordance with I.E.C./DIN output and dimensional standards with class F insulation and IP55 protection. Special motors are available for different voltages and according to clients requirements.

Material Specifications Material Component

Nearest Equivalent Standard Australian




Cast Iron

Casing Motor Stool

AS 1830T220

BS 1452 GR 220

ASTM A48-30

1691 GG20



AS 1565C83600

BS 1400-LG2

ASTM B584 -C83600

1705 G-CuSn 5ZnPb

AISI Type 420

17440 X 20Cr 13

Stainless Shaft Steel Shaft Sleeve

AS 2837/420 BS 970-420S16

Note: Available in all Bronze or 316 stainless steel construction on Request.

Ajax E-Line Selection Charts



KSB Ajax Pumps Pty Ltd Australian Factory / Head Office 27 Indwe St, Tottenham, 3012, Victoria Australia

ABN: 29 006 414 642

Tel: +61 (03) 9314 0611 Fax: +61 (03) 9314 7435

WEBSITE: w w w . k s b a j a x . c o m . a u

E-mail: [email protected]

Due to our police of constant research and development, product may change without notice

Publication 3101 08/05 1K AGP