Jul 25, 2015 - Hosted by Indian Radiological & Imaging Association in association with ... KSR â IRIA Friendship S
Hosted by Indian Radiological & Imaging Association in association with Korean Society of Radiology
Date: 25th July, 2015 (Saturday) Venue: Silver Oak, India Habitat Center, Lodhi Road, New Delhi Theme: GIT Imaging
Secretariat: Dr. O.P. Bansal President Elect and Chief Coordinator KSR – IRIA Friendship Symposium 2015 IRIA House, C-5, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016 Tel. +91-11-26965598, +91-11-41688846 E-mail:
[email protected], Website: www.iria.in
Invitation Dear Members, It is our proud privilege to inform that ‘Indian Radiological & Imaging Association’ in association with ‘Korean Society of Radiology’ (KSR) is organizing ‘KSR - IRIA Friendship Symposium on Oncology’ on Saturday, 25 th July, 2015 at Silver Oak, India Habitat Center, New Delhi. KSR has proposed the second such symposium and the theme of Symposium is on GIT Imaging. This academic programme is sure to further strengthen the bond between KSR and IRIA. There shall be six eminent speakers each from KSR and IRIA to provide excellent academic feast to the delegates. There shall be panel discussion and eminent speakers from KSR and IRIA shall take part in it. We invite all the members to attend this symposium. Also the July Central Council Meeting of IRIA has been fixed on Sunday, 26th July, 2015 so that all the Central Council M embers can attend this Symposium. We hope all members including Central Council Members shall attend this symposium in large number and take advantage of the symposium and make it a grand success. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, Dr. Jignesh Thakker President, IRIA Organizing Chairman
Dr. Seung Hyup Kim President, KSR Organizing Chairman
Dr. Pramod Lonikar Secretary General, IRIA & Organizing Secretary
Dr. O.P. Bansal President Elect, IRIA Chief Coordinator
Greetings from Korean Society of Radiology On behalf of the Korean Society of Radiology, it is a great pleasure for us to hold our ‘Friendship Symposium’ in India once again. ‘Friendship Symposium’ has been held nine times during the past four years in Asia with much success and I am sure this symposium will be another successful one.
Prof. Seung Hyup Kim, M.D., Ph.D. President, Korean Society of Radiology
The theme of this symposium is Abdominal Imaging. I would like to express my special thanks to our subspecialty society, the Korean Society of Abdominal Radiology (KSAR). With their help, we have made a great program with our colleagues of IRIA. I hope this symposium will be a great opportunity to update the latest knowledge for all participants and believe this symposium will be the starting point for a good relationship between the two societies. I especially thank the IRIA for their warm hosting of this symposium and their generous and considerate hospitality. I wish both societies much progress in the future. Sincerely yours, Seung Hyup Kim M.D., Ph.D.
Greetings from Association
It is my proud privilege to announce that Korean Society of Radiology and Indian Radiological & Imaging Association are organizing KSR-IRIA Friendship Symposium 2015 on 25 th July, 2015 at India Habitat Center, New Delhi. The theme of the Symposium is GIT Imaging. The lectures by the galaxy of experts in the field of GIT from KSR and IRIA will enrich and update the knowledge of delegates. This academic programme would further strengthen the bond between KSR and IRIA. I wish KSR-IRIA Friendship Symposium a great success. Dr. Jignesh Thakker President, Indian Radiological & Imaging Association
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Jignesh Thakker President Indian Radiological & Imaging Association
Scientic Programme 8:30 AM-09.00 AM
09.00 AM-09.30 AM
Welcome address by President IRIA and President KSR
Session 1 : Chairpersons : Dr. Jignesh Thakker, Dr. Pramod Lonikar 09.30 -09.55 AM
LIRAD Nomenclature
Dr. Karthik Ganesan
09.55-10:20 AM
Prediction of biologic behavior of HCC
Dr. Jin-Young Choi
10.20-10.30 AM
Interactive session
Session 2: Chairpersons : Dr. Deepak Patkar, Dr. M. P. Goyal 10:30-10:55 AM
Diffusion Weighted imaging in the diagnosis of HCC
Dr. Mi-Suk Park
10:55-11:20 AM
The Differentiation of HCC from various its Mimickers in Liver MRI: What is the Tip using Hepatocyte Specific Agent?
Dr Chang Hee Lee
11.20-11.30 AM
Interactive session
Session 3 : Chairpersons Dr. Rajesh Kapur, Dr. R.K. Mathur 11:30-11:55 AM
Treatment Options for HCC
Dr. Shivanand Gamanagatti
11.55 – 12:20 PM
PET-CT in GI Malignancies
Dr. Harsh Mahajan
12.20-12.30 PM
Interactive session
Session 4: Chairpersons : Dr. K. Prabhakar Reddy , Dr. U.C. Garga 12.30 PM-12.55 PM
State of Art Small Bowel Imaging
Dr. Raju Sharma
12.55 -01.20 PM
Imaging of small bowel neoplasms
Dr. L. Upreti
01.20-01.30 PM
Interactive session
1:30-2:15 PM
Session 5: Chairpersons : Dr. Harshad Shah, Dr. B. B. Thukral 2.15- 2.40 PM
Imaging of rectal submucosal tumors
Dr. Eun Sun Lee
2:40 – 3:05 PM
Imaging of bile duct tumors: focus on early diagnosis
Dr. Ijin Joo
3.05-3.15 PM
Interactive session
Session 6: 3:15- 4:15 PM
Panel Discussion: Acute Pancreatitis- Changing Imaging & Management
Participants: Paradigms
Dr. Pramod Garg Dr. Karthik Ganesan Dr. Brig. Chander Mohan
Moderator : Dr. Raju Sharma
Dr. Chang Hee Lee Dr. Ijin Joo
Session 7: Chairpersons : Dr. O. P. Bansal, Dr. Sanjay Jain 4:15 – 4:45 PM
Multimodality imaging of solid pancreatic tumors
Dr. Sung Eun Rha
4:45 – 5:15 PM
Imaging in cystic pancreatic tumors
Dr. Sunil Puri
Speakers KSR Speakers Chang HeeLee, MD, Ph.D. Chair & Professor Department of Radiology, Korea University Guro Hospital Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
[email protected]
Eun Sun LEE, MD, MS, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology Chung-Aug University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
[email protected]
Ijin Joo, MD Assistant Professor, Dept. of Radiology, Seol National University Hospital
[email protected]
Jin-Young Choi, MD Associate Professor of Radiology Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea gafi
[email protected]
Mi-Suk Park, MD, MS, Ph.D. Member & Team Manager, IRB, Clinical Trials Center for Medical Devices Brain Korea 21 Project for Medical Science, Yonsei University Dept. of Radiology, Research Institute of Radiological Science, Severance Hospital Yonsei University College of Medicine
[email protected]
Rha Sung Eun, MD Professor, Department of Radiology Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
[email protected]
IRIA Speakers Brig. Chander Mohan, MD Head, Department of Interventional Radiology BLK Memorial Hospital, New Delhi
[email protected]
Harsh Mahajan, MD Past President, IRIA Founder & Chief Radiologist- Mahajan Imaging Honorary Radiologist to President of India and Padma Shri Awardee
[email protected]
Karthik Ganesan, MD Consultant and Division Chief – Body Imaging Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre
[email protected]
Lalendra Upreti, MD Professor and Head of Department of Radiology UCMS & GTB Hospital, Delhi
[email protected]
Pramod Garg, MD Professor, Gastroenterology All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Raju Sharma, MD Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
[email protected]
Shivanand Gamanagatti, MD Additional Professor, Department of Radiology, Trauma Center, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
[email protected]
Sunil Puri, MD Director Professor and Head of Department of Radiology GB Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, Delhi
[email protected]
REGISTRATION FORM Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ IRIA Folio No.: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tel. : ________________________________________ Mobile: _____________________________________________ Email id: _____________________________________________
REGISTRATION FEE For Central Council Members of IRIA, registration fee has been waived off, but registration is compulsory. Delegate Category
Registration Fee
IRIA Members
Rs 1,000/-
PAYMENT DETAILS Multicity Cheques/Demand Drafts should be drawn in favour of ‘Indian Radiological & Imaging Association’ payable at New Delhi. Cheque/Demand Draft No. _____________________ Dated: ________________ Drawn on Bank: ________________________________ Amount: Rs __________ Kindly ill this form and send it along with payment to the following address. Dr. O.P. Bansal President Elect, IRIA & Chief Coordinator KSR – IRIA Friendship Symposium 2015 IRIA House, C-5, Qutab Institutional Area NEW DELHI-110 016 Tel. +91 11 26965598, +91 11 41688846 E-mail:
[email protected], Website: www.iria.in
Dr. Jignesh Thakker President IRIA & Organizing Chairman
Dr. Seung Hyup Kim President, KSR & Organizing Chairman
Dr. Pramod Lonikar Secretary General, IRIA & Organizing Secretary
Dr. Jin-Young Choi Coordinator, KSR Organizing Secretary
Dr. Raju Sharma Chairman, Scientific Committee
Dr. Lalendra Upreti Co-Chairman, Scientific Committee
Dr. O.P. Bansal President Elect, IRIA & Chief Coordinator
Dr. R.K. Sodani Hon Treasurer, IRIA
COORDINATORS: Dr. Raghav Aggarwal, Dr. Atin Kumar &
Dr. Pankaj Sharma
Ofce Bearers of Indian Radiological & Imaging Association
Vice Presidents:
Dr. Jignesh Thakker Thakker Diagnostic Center 05, Ground Floor, Madhu Building Mumbai Pune Road, Near Amrut Nagar Opp. Sonaji Nagar, Mumbra DIST. THANE-400 612 Tel. (M) 9820075056 E-Mail-:
[email protected]
Dr. Suresh Chandak Chandak Radiological Lab. Chandak Mansion, Near Gandhi Putla Central Avenue NAGPUR- 440 002 Tel. 0712-2766977, (M) 9822226675 Email:-
[email protected]
President Elect: Dr. O.P. Bansal Millennium Diagnostics E-319, Lower Ground Floor Greater Kailash-II NEW DELHI-110 048 Tel. 011-29222827, (M) 9810113095 E-Mail-:
[email protected] Immediate Past President: Dr. Bhavin Jankharia 383, Bhaveshwar Vihar Sardar V. P. Road MUMBAI 400 004 Tel: (022) 6617-3333, (M) 9833424411 E-mail-:
[email protected]
Dr. Ravuri Power # 305, Reliance Enclave Venkata Ramana Colony Khairatabad HYDERABAD- 500 004 Tel. 040-23328356, (M) 9848125017 Email:-
[email protected]
Hon Treasurer: Dr. R.K. Sodani Sodani Diagnostic Clinic L G - 1, Morya Centre, Opp. Basket Ball Club 16/1, Race Course Road INDORE-452 001 Tel. 0731-2430607, (M) 94250 63403 Email:-
[email protected] Joint Secretaries:
Secretary General: Dr. Pramod Lonikar Dept. of Radiology, Room No. -107 Manik Hospital, Shivneri Nagar Near Jawahar Nagar Police Station Garkheda Parisar AURANGABAD- 431 005 Tel. 0240-2335079, (M) 9422206375 E-Mail-:
[email protected]
Dr. Subhash Balyan Yash Diagnostic Centre Sadar Bazar, Near Main Kutchary MUZAFFAR NAGAR- 251 002 Tel. (M) 9412110007 E-mail:
[email protected] Dr. Dipu Bhuyan Associate Professor, Dept. of Radiology Guwahati Medical College, Bhangagarh GUWAHATI- 781 032 Tel. (M) 9435109584 E-mail:
[email protected]
The Korean Society of Radiology 71, Yangjaecheon-ro, Seocho-gu Seoul 137-130, KOREA Tel: +82-2-578-8003 Fax: +82-2-529-7113 E-mail: offi
[email protected] Web: www.radiology.kr
Indian Radiological & Imaging Association IRIA House, C-5, Qutab Institutional Area New Delhi 110-016, India Tel: +91-11-26965598, +91-11-41688846 Fax: +91-11-26565391 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.iria.in