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[1] Xu Hao1, 2, Liu Duo-lin1, LU Zhi-jie1. The Research on E-commerce website Success Model. [J]. Asia-Pacific Conference on Wearable Computing Systems.
International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (ICSIE 2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


RASHAD YAZDANIFARD 1 Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Limkokwing University of Creative T echnology Cyberjaya, Malaysia [email protected]

MO HAMMAD RABIUL ISLAM 2 Faculty of Information and Communication T echnology Limkokwing University of Creative Technology Cyberjaya, Malaysia [email protected]


Online hybrid marketing channels was built based on e-commerce model. World economics spared with business intelligence model in multiple channels and each channel plays an important role to complete task over internet in emerging economics. Futurism e- commerce model enlarges the economics path through internet with the combination of interdisciplinary channels whether information and transaction are occurred million in a second. KEY WORDS

Ecommerce Models, Hybrid Marketing Channel, Emerging economics 1 INTRO DUCTIO N

Being ICT explored around the world, computational phenomenal captivate dynamic ecommerce to discover a new economic model. Since inception by last several decades, marketing strategies were implemented on giant companies with hybrid marketing channels to boost up the current economic model dramatically. But within recent years, it has become one of the competitive advantages models which enlarge our global ecommerce and gained attention from academic researchers. The combination of advantages different marketing strategies able to built the prototype hybrid marketing channels. In such case, at the same time computer application facilities implement on marketing strategies separately for various operations. This prototype hybrid marketing channel recognized as HYMC (HYbrid Marketing Channel) which solves problem and make decision alike classical integrity. ESs and DSSs are two growing areas in computer applications. Both of these share the same target of supporting users in decision making with problem solving [17, p 5]. So the expected result comes with secure decision to generate the system and its information channel, in such case human knowledge represent as an audience to accept. Hybrid marketing channels show some extraordinary with decision planning for emerging economics, even when users become friendlier with system to produce sequential farther decision. The main objective of this paper is hybrid marketing channels, which is manipulated by emerging ecommerce model in a new first-growing area online shopping, where online customers play a vital role to run such applications. 2 HYBRID MARKETING CHANNELS

Hybrid marketing is the correlated online marketing multi-dimensional channels that support transactions among B2B, C2B or B2B in different ways whether each channel communicated to each other. Such channel conducted by hybrid website which is encounter a great numerical number of heterogeneous links that cannot be easily represented in terms of class/entities and their relations. Because, in hybrid website deployed by all these heterogeneous elements ( i.e. text, videos, images etc. ) is not suitable for being describe in terms of attributes of class/entities [6, p 207 ]. So, this type of web site is represented all goods with 3D model which make more convenient for online customers. Certain multiple companies providing single store channel to customers for purchasing products. But recently, multiple channels comprise virtual and physical channels to customer with

International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (ICSIE 2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia seamless services to create more customer value including choice and convenience. Statistical graph chart shows top four recommendation methods to determine the hybrid weights of multiple channels. [10, p-8 ]

Chart-1, Evaluation of single, multiple channels and k-NN CF Methods [ 10, p-8 ]

These above evaluation methods have recommended by four classes products based on the product preferences. These methods have shown that the category preference-based method is more than the product preference-based method because the user-product category rating matrix is not as sparse as the user-product rating matrix. But hybrid marketing channels positioned at the top level of graph preferences and typical method kNN-CF is bottom in this figure. [10, Chart-1] Because, the hybrid multiple channel recommendation method is generated by the multiple channels including television, mobile, web channels and catalog with hybrid weighting ratio based on product category preferences. All evaluation method is categorized based on FL-metric unit. This statistical data is based on survey form. Report shows that hybrid multiple channels method outperforms the single channel preference and outperforms the k-NN CF method over all top N [10, p-8]. This evaluation method also proved that the multiple marketing channels overcome by its best performance with others categories performance.


We propose some points of ecommerce models supposition that help to make sense and catch some integrated variables observation to generalize some information. Indeed, e-business success more dependent on customer acceptance of innovative shopping partners [8, p-2491 ]. So it is revolutionized invention of distribution process by e-commerce model with computing phenomenon among consumers. This distribution application provided conveniences automatic trading online and bring the revolutionary change to the e-commerce [9, p-2534].

A. SECURE AND SUCCESSFUL ECOMMERCE DIMENDIONS MODEL In this evaluation model, security might be an issue for new generation, therefore security technology in e-commerce model confirm of its incorruptibility and hole the customers’ credibility. Because the transaction agents carry out every secure transaction from user database and improved security reason by notifying customer identity number. Varieties activities are open to all customers for convenience, like customer address changing, lone and secure credit card check etc. All kinds of communication occurred between firms and customers by internet. Moreover, a successful e- commerce model is configured by three dimensions of e-commerce websites. The details variables in every dimension are listed in table. [1, p-300]

International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (ICSIE 2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Table – 1 E-commerce website success model [1, p-300] This successful model evaluates these variables integration that contribute significance dimensions on different marketing channels. For example, if customer purchases or order some books from websites or publishers, (S)he must need three accurate dimensions like information, system and service. Base on these three comprehensive dimensions, users complete their online transaction and all proposes of ecommerce system. B.


In virtual platform, ecommerce dimensional model exhibits the different products in 3D animation. Every product will be selected from online and purchased completed by logistics manner, which makes the transaction from the virtual into reality. Moreover, Web3D Consortium released X3D new generation internat ional standards based of 3D model that is very reliable to used by cyber citizen [15, p-140]. The shape of products is also an important factor to measures quality and size. So the proliferation of 3D model become popular among online customers for its imagining 3D model instead of the traditional text based operation. For this reason, 3D models have been used from last decade in e-commerce [p-140]. C.


The management guru, Peter F.Drunker said that, “The competition of modern enterprises is not the products competition, but the business models competitions” [13, p-122]. The new emerging economics world continues exploring new e-commerce model to gain revenue sources, more participations and investment with business talents. The entire ecommerce system completed with logistics operation management in a large-scale which involves multi-fields, multi-objectives, multifactor and multi-level features[3,p-432]. These multiple operation objects very reliable with multiple channels. For example, if at a same time many customers’ order books from different publications then transaction and delivery process could be completed with different organizational channels. In internet era, enterprise system followed new innovative process to gain highly operational model with low product cost and focus on diversity high demand. For example, Crowdsourcing was a term invented by the Wired magazine in 2006[13,p-122]. Crowdsourcing is the area in online, where users and business talented are willing to fulfill their tasks in the absence of professional personnel and using the professional innovation team to deal with the techniques and products problems [p-122]. Additional, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) establish a design of a development economy [16, p-3]. Chain operation of business also perform cooperates with B2C ecommerce model that bring a huge number of high quality customers and enhance brand visibility. Especially updated information technology standards and optimize the internal logistics chain which

International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (ICSIE 2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia help to enhanced distribution efficiency [14, p-5]. So, using crowdsourcing in operational model, global economic could be stimulate with multiple channels used by cyber citizen as a precipitator. 4.


In this era, e-commerce system has multifunctional and complex technology characteristics. In third world countries e-commerce model designed based on emerging economics through economic growth, financial stability trade, investment, technology growth, innovation entrepreneurship and development co -operation. However, enormous potential business opportunities in e-commerce model spread the emerging marketing channels. Although irreversible emerging market in developed countries will remain in the long run because multiple channel always extend to build up online business by promoting cyber citizen. Researcher found that world total economic output share, compared to developed countries proportion of emerging economics market will be a steady increase and future emerging markets will still provide the important contribution of world economic growth [7,p -2997]. At the same time current world market rapidly spreads by internet and social networking which is the most robust path to deliver huge amount of information every moment. Online hybrid marketing channel opens its door on this path and spread opportunities geographically over its networking path. But huge amount of population untouched by revolution internet technology still below in developing countries. This is particularly because; cheap computers prove to be an expensive proposition for people to use. But the good news is that growth rate in developing countries is faster than developed countries. Since, [4,p-2] the information grid has main three categories dealing with economics: electronic ecommerce, market and internet based economics schemes for global resource management. Being discovered that, information resource management globally nascent with the development of advanced electronic commerce. Ecommerce also involved using the information grid for market transactions and these transactions globally performed as well. Indeed emerging economics varied by different count ries like United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Great Britain, and Germany. These countries have high level of economic development. Economists classify these as developed and rapid economic growth has some countries, such South Korea and Chile much closer to developed economics [2, p461]. All those countries are struggling with different situations and working hard for improving standard of living for their citizens. Gross domestic product per capita that are experiencing rapid growth consider as emerging economics for countries. A.


In our information age, ICT development industry is the first growing online trends that create the need to focus on new solutions and products bus iness target by the ICT for emerging market. For example, VOISERV presents new opportunities in business for the telecom operators [11, p -3.4]. Different software and online business marketing stimulated website also part of this infrastructural model. Online transactions ecommerce would be completed through online banking transaction or plastic money. E-commerce knowledge based chain management model also help to meet the needs of e-commerce by development [12, p-188].



By taking evolutionary step in the ever changing landscape of entrepreneurship and small business development, emerging ecommerce boost up in economics model. But small e-business firms are basically vulnerable to Internet fraud and must need safeguard their secure transaction [5, p -413]. These small numbers of basic trading contribute the primary step of success. It’s also support micro and macro -economic perspectives that able to establish e-entrepreneurship and small e-business. 5.


Multidisciplinary programs of hybrid marketing channel conducted some remarkable analysis to complete interdisciplinary sustainable research. In such area, Hybrid marketing channels suppo rt the law of principle and extendable computational programs to build the modern economy. Statistical analysis [Table-1 & Chart-1] proved that hybrid marketing channels get the high preference of current online marketing competitive position where the next two single channels with product and category based are not gain the popularity in online market. Additional 3D graphic model show the design and view of product dimensional graphical interface whether customer make their perfect choice in online. This pattern of economics model also performs transaction through internet all over

International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (ICSIE 2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia the world. This kind of economic model propagate online business out of geographical range with secure transaction. Software simulation and development bring additional features to increase scalability of online software. Many marketing strategies engaged to developed hybrid marketing plane. Because in this current competitive world market spread by distribution application and online activities. Such as online marketing, e-transaction, e-medicine, multi leveling marketing and so on. All these creativity is usually done by cyber citizen those who are participated in competitive manner to emerging global economics.



A hybrid channel online marketing strategy could be one of the recommended methods in emerging economics model. Global era that we are in is being explored every moment with hybrid channel online marketing system which emerged successful economics. Additional 3D virtual e-commerce in this model comes with new features to make different and reliable choice for customers. Moreover, Multichannel function in this features successfully operate different functions for online customers. Emerging economics expectable by every nation to changed with current world economics. But in this information age, economics never grow up without the help of information and communication technology. For this reason, global economics model emerged based on information and communication technology whether cybercitizens participate by their intellect and skilled. REFERENCES [1]

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