L11. Weak Forms / Reduced Vowels

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the weak form is used in most situations prepositions. @t. &t at ... tu; to weak form strong form word ... Many New Varieties of English do not have reduced vowels ...
weak forms of monosyllabic function words AAE103

L11 : Weak Forms / Reduced Vowels

• many monosyllabic function words have a weak form • the weak form is used in most situations

David Deterding

prepositions word to of at as for

strong form tu; Qv &t &z fO;

a few have no weak form weak form t@ @v @t @z f@

word off on up

articles word a an the

strong form eI &n Di;

weak form of the: • /D@/ before consonants • /DI/ before vowels

pronunciation Qf Qn Vp

auxiliary verbs weak form @ @n D@/DI

word can could be is are am was were have

strong form k&n kUd bi; Iz A; &m wQz w3; h&v

weak form k@n k@d bI s/z @ @m/m w@z w@ h@v/@v


weak form of have

have/of • weak form of both is /@v/ • many people confuse them:

• only when have is perfective • /@v/ after consonants • /h@v/ elsewhere

?? I could of finished.

pronouns word he she his her

strong form hi; Si; hIz h3;

some have no weak form weak form hI/I SI hIz/Iz h@/@

initial /h/ in he, him, his, her • can be omitted after consonants: Could he [I] go? He [hI] could go.

word I my they

pronunciation aI maI DeI

omission of initial /h/ • /h/ can always be omitted in unstressed syllables an historical novel

Let her [@] go. Her [h@] back hurts.


reduced vowels in polysyllabic words • the citation form of many polysyllabic words has a reduced vowel (schwa) in unstressed syllables • this is NOT a weak form control collapse abroad advantage about

/k@n"tr@Ul/ /k@"l&ps/ /@"brO;d/ /@d"vA;ntIdZ/ /@baUt/

NVEs and reduced vowels • Many New Varieties of English do not have reduced vowels in all these words • Yorkshire English also does not have reduced vowels in all of them

'o' : which have reduced vowel?

'a' : which have reduced vowel?

official oppose original forget collect donation

advantage abroad adore around absorb accuse according admire approximate

control consider compete commission commercial connection

reduced vowels and rhythm • reduced vowels enhance stress-based rhythm • full vowels lead to syllable-based rhythm

apply appropriate adventure arouse against about absurd abuse abrupt

Reading • SoE 130-131 (note: then does not have a weak form) • ESPROC ch 7 • Deterding, D (2005) 'Emergent patterns in the vowels of Singapore English'. English World-Wide, 26:2, 179-198