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Page 1 of 1. 1. DAT10303 INTRODUCTION TO OS. LAB 1: INTRODUCTION TO UNIX OS. INSTRUCTION. • Individual report. • Sub
DAT10303 INTRODUCTION TO OS LAB 1: INTRODUCTION TO UNIX OS INSTRUCTION • Individual report • Submit in printed copy • Submission Date : 2 weeks from the laboratory date

1.1 Objectives • •

Downloading and Installing Ubuntu OS Exploring Unix operating system.

1.2 Downlaoding and Installing Procedure of downloading and installing the system will be shown to you in the laboratory. The procedure includes downloading and installing of both Virtual Box and Ubuntu.

1.3 Exercise and Reports Write a comprehensive report of the showned procedures demonstrated to you and attached appropriate diagrams, images or photos related to the lab exercise objectives.

Prepared by: Hannes Masandig DEC 2012