Ivan Štefanić Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek / TERA TEHNOPOLIS d.o.o., Gajev trg 6, 31000 Osijek,
[email protected]
Deklariranje nutritivnih karakteristika, mogućih alergena sadržanih u proizvodu ili mogućnosti eventualne kontaminacije alergenima u procesu proizvodnje te informacije o rokovima i načinu sigurne pripreme i konzumiranja može biti od životne važnosti za kupce i konzumente. Zakonski okvir određuje minimalne obveze proizvođača i trgovaca na nekoliko razina. Pored međunarodnih, regionalnih i nacionalnih propisa, proizvođači i trgovci mogu dobrovoljno usvojiti i primjenjivati standarde koji su stroži od zakonski propisanih. Na taj način oni kupcima komuniciraju svoju brigu o njihovoj dobrobiti te moguće ostvaruju konkurentsku prednost nad proizvođačima koji ne iskazuju toliki stupanj društvene odgovornosti u poslovanju.
Declaring nutritional characteristics, potential allergens contained in the product or possible food contamination by the allergen during the production process and information on the expiration dates and instructions for safe preparation and consumption of the food may be of vital importance to buyers and consumers. The legal framework sets minimum obligations for the producers and traders on several levels. In addition to international, regional and national regulations, manufacturers and traders can voluntarily adopt and apply standards that are more stringent than minimally prescribed ones. In this way, they communicate to their customers their concern for their well-being and achieve a competitive advantage over producers who do not demonstrate such degree of social responsibility in their business.
Ključne riječi: deklariranje hrane, zakonodavni okvir za deklariranje hrane, marketing
Keywords: food labelling, legal framework for food labelling, food marketing
OPTIONAL Declaring geographical indication and origin
EU or national designations for geographical indication and origin
Declaring quality • Proof of uniform quality with
1. The name of the food; 2. A list of ingredients; 3. The quantity of ingredients or categories of ingredients; 4. Net quantity or amount of filling; 5. Best before date; 6. Storage and use conditions, 7. The name and address of the manufacturer and distributor; 8. Details of the place of origin if the lack of such a reference could be misleading; 9. Instructions for use; 10. Alcohol content if >1,2 %; 11. Lot or batch number.
ISO, EMAS, GAP, GMP and HACCAP certificates • Proof of niche market requirements like various ECO / ORGANIC seals
Declaring nutritional characteristics and share of daily allowance Declaring allergens or possible contamination with allergens Allergies represent possible life threatening situations for some consumers. However, only gluten, nuts and lactose as an allergens are usually declared
NN 63/2011
MARKETING COMMUNICATION Aimed toward brand development, differentiation and development of consumer loyalty Branding can be an important component of business for several reasons: A) As an effective signpost for repeated purchases; B) As an entry barrier into the sector, C) As a source of additional revenue. Brands can be effective as unregistered ones (™) or registered ones (©). Proof of environmental consciousness
Good ™ or © are easy to read, spell, pronounce and remember in all relevant languages, are without adverse meaning in slang or undesirable connotations (in original and relevant foreign languages),
are adaptable to all advertising media.
Proof of social responsibility
Proof of fulfillment of religious standards
Proof of special nutritional requirements
Sign designed to allow easier and faster purchase
Conclusion Legal obligations regarding mandatory food labelling are limited in terms of information. Optional food labelling can offer a large array of additional information, but it is still regulated in a very precise manner. Marketing communication regarding own brands is important component of business for several reasons: A) As an effective signpost for repeated purchases; B) As an entry barrier into the sector, C) As a source of additional revenue. Information provided on the food packaging usually exceeds legally required amount of information and could lead to customer confusion and misinformation.
Who can help me? Tera Tehnopolis is a regional partner of Enterprise Europe Network and taking part in European IPR Helpdesk's Ambassador Scheme. The European IPR Helpdesk provides free-of-charge, first-line information on IP-related issues targeting the beneficiaries of EUfunded projects and EU SMEs in managing their IP assets. Check or write to
[email protected] for more information.
Literatura: Alli, B., Baker, G., Brown, B., Warner, J. (2002) The Indaba Declaration on food, nutrition, health and sustainable development. Public Health Nutrition Anonymous Relevant EU and Croatian legal documents de Rondinone, M.A.L. (2011) Aspects of legislation regarding foods with a functional ability. Felin, E., Jukola, E., Raulo, S., Fredriksson-Ahomaa, M. (2016) Current food chain information provides insufficient information for modern meat inspection of pigs. Preventive Veterinary Medicine Gendel S.M. (2012) Comparison of international food allergen labeling regulations. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology Helfer, L.R. (2004) Regime Shifting: The TRIPs Agreement and New Dynamics of International Intellectual Property Lawmaking. Kaur, A., Scarborough, P., Hieke, S., Rayner, M. (2016) The nutritional quality of foods carrying health-related claims in Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Slovenia and the United Kingdom. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Revák, O., Golian, J. (2012) Nutrition labelling of food and allergen in food. Potravinarstvo Štefanić, I. (2015) Inovativno3 poduzetništvo. Sveučilišni udžbenik, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, TERA TEHNOPOLIS d.o.o., Osijek, 412. str.