Labour Market Policy Coordinator - Google Groups

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Secretary. • To advise and represent COSATU at Statutory bodies, particularly NEDLAC, to advance the federation's. Lab

Labour Market Policy Coordinator Based at the COSATU Head Office, Braamfontein. The Labour Market Policy Coordinator, coordinates the implementation of COSATU labour market policy and also ensures the implementation of the policy by Affiliates.

Functions include: • To Coordinate COSATU Labour Market Policy work, support NOBs, other departments and all other appropriate structures of the Federation, as determined by the Policies of COSATU and the General Secretary • To advise and represent COSATU at Statutory bodies, particularly NEDLAC, to advance the federation’s Labour Market policies and defend workers interests in line with the broader mandate of the federation, as well as liaise with relevant national and international organisations and bodies involved on labour market and relevant policy matters • To promote Decent work, social dialogue and collective bargaining capacity in COSATU and its affiliates, so as to defend and advance workers interests in accordance with COSATU resolutions and policies • To build and support processes towards the effective development, promotion and simplification of COSATU labour market policies for consideration and adoption by Constitutional structures, in accordance with the mandate and directives of the General Secretary and the Policy department • To harness all relevant information, facts and details relevant for Labour Market Policy implementation and assist decision-making in COSATU structures, as well as support the federation’s education and organising work in that regard • To popularise COSATU Labour market Policies and expose any and all forms of discrimination in the workplace and society as a whole, using all possible avenues and media, under the directives of the General Secretary and in close liaison with the Communications and Policy departments • To monitor labour market statistics, trends, working conditions and employment figures and facts in the country, so as to help the federation position itself properly on important strategic and macroeconomic policy issues affecting workers, particularly the most vulnerable in our society • To liaise with Organising and Campaigns in the active organisation of support for workers struggles, affiliates and other progressive labour market and policy-related mobilisations to effect change that favours workers and social justice

Requirements: • • • • • • • • • •

Political skills and sensitivity including the ability to represent the Federation effectively Tertiary qualification a requirement particularly in Economics, Law or Social sciences Good writing and analytical skills, especially in respect of policy and legislative commentary Experience in policy and legislative analysis will be an added advantage; Trade Union or other progressive civil society formations background; Ability to work effectively under pressure A commitment to the aims and perspectives of COSATU Be prepared to work flexible hours and travel Be computer literate Be in possession of a valid drivers licence

All applications should be sent on or before the 31st May 2018 with detailed CV and contactable references to: The COSATU General Secretary Email to: [email protected]